The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, June 11, 1897, Image 3

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fHE ASHBURN _ ADVANGt Entered at the Ashburn postofllnc as second-class mail matter. Official Organ of Worth County. Asbburn, Ga., June, 11, 1897. t Subscription Jtl a > car in ........... They rode down tin- road. a bteyote pule Closely side tiy side lie stroke., tier hull', At the brunch they allKhtcd. Their effect'on they piyht*'d. A little hissing A little kissiny, i ndy in the window observing. Just n mile— How they smile! They return with their love pre. erviny. Mr. J. W. Walker i< • iil. Crop 5 were net or unV h-r and in belier condition at tl.i 5 reason. Mrs. J R. Taiion uas>o ill 1' ,“ml of theVcck that she was i ot ^xppeted to live, but she is improving now. Mias Ella Bacon departed for Ba- conton Monday to spend vacation. Black berries and ge< so arc having a hard time at keeping from h< iirg locked A detailed , , account of ihe c’osinp of the school here was n reived loo late for |.ub':cat.on. J. K. lVilPcms, the find man, say Ihe railroad trem Si lvester to Ash- burn i-hound to come. Prof. 1’as‘niove and family left on (lie “Shoo fly” this morning t > spend yacadon in -Mac n county. One of the brightest y, «ng men of Worth fonhty is John Fdlvaw. He is at home Ir in Mercer during vaea lion. Yt « can talk to a fallow over ft e icF- ephonc u itheut smebing his decavcd tepth. That rtminds us that iliercjs a d' ntist in town. The toioj hone wires are goiiig up, and i-ome counf ctio'sare made to-day at the swiicb-h'-aid Ailot Ihe lines will be up a d iu operation within three or four dai s. Tim v „n„ m .„, u,-n girl along, look 5 cross at the tram road conductor for leaving the nt-bi h»<r train across .It nkiiis street one last wei k. Sick head) cite cm he quickly Uirg aid eomn'etcly ovneome by tlio-c famous iit'lu pills known as* lie'* itt's Litilc Early Ris. r-.”-,f. S. Rett 5 & • XV"rth county had a 6U- penor court tins week. f 0ober , ’ vas . 1,1 char . S°’ u1ul , nn> the court in good style. We left too early to get a report, of the cases tried. The Ford esse was contin- •ietl E Ediiuu ihon is a liveryman sver hy ol tl e cunfiih uce and patrou- Tigo i f at.j t, wn. lie i> kind, c.urte- tcOU 5 nud atscommodating. It he lailf to treat you I'ighi, ieporl ii at tics ■ flic" i ud give u- one more sur- IMS". There is no bridge cci'o-s Deep creek s'.nce the freshet. The Luttor- loh bridge wa 5 wa-hctl tuvay, and t 1 "' ctmmssrnirs of It will and U ih-ox eountic 5 stem to be making no i ff >* I to replace it. It h ts been hinted.that some i f them envn d the trade Dial comes across it to Ashburn. We look fut ther int" ihe matter. The fowui weu’d bo better protected if a water pipe with several bvdrant 5 was laid from the Dew Diop luri to Gardner & Thrasher, 5 tbutr stor" and c-nrceifd with the mill pipes. J. S. Betts &Co. have the witter, hose and the nozzles, and ihej' wotj'd put ii in at a very small cost. Don’t thm your ,, blood , with fras or „oi-on ,i with blue mass, bur aid Na'ure b' using DcM itt’s Little Early Ri-ors . the famou 5 little pills for <on-tipation, bili ustte-8 h i'd stout- Crookc (ho p(' 0 'o: r i ,, aplier, is bo'keel to leave here next week for Uuadilla. fie njtiy-bc I eie several days, lv-w- t ycr, as lie is getting a ru-h of work. We cheerfully ricecmmend Mr. Crookc and h,s e-lirrabe family to the people of I mdillti. • H" i-a good photograph' r, and iicrtky ol a liberal put roc age. ^ To the public.—The supply of sura- ]>le copies of the issue r May 2Sth. containing the Slubbj a: tide, is long ago exhausted. We tire willing for two or three hundred other non-sub- K( ribovs to come aiouud and call for "Si cample copy with Stubbs sermon in it, and we are abo willing for i hem lo sub-crib; and ge< the in x tensatim without he trouble of beg- gtng. But -om" men are. so eo-e they will n' t« yen spend their opinion, IV. B. Johnson. Newark. O., say-. <>).e Minute (.ocgli Gere saved my only -hv>d*'fti'usMods child.{rqm dying by cr up’’ It has ol ' licrs suffer- ingfrotii croup. p-aAini-'" # i«- btoii' bins and other d ry us U :tt and u-g trt .ubtr—J. s. Letts A <Jo. Temperance Committee Report. Atb ptcd by Yahh sla District Con- f. rence. .M. E. < hit ch.-in||i ) at Tif- ton (!« M i : 9 . 185 ) 7 . ‘ U he'.'cas the Clilistien people of fieorgia art! workit.g for,and Imping to have the anti-bat rem bid enacted. a 5 a Georgia state jaw. "Resolved, ftv.-t, That we do heartily Ul ° suul ~sfr~ inii, ’ !iud respectfully ask our Senators and Hepre-e,natives (o support the same “Resolved, second, That we request Cur l’resulinS Elder and Pastors iu the Valdosta District, Jo have the several District, Quarerly (.'onferouee, in tho said ya -s resolution, cjidors- iiif* the anti-harroom Dill, and lug their Senator* and Rspresoola- tives to >nppor? the said bill. "Resolyeb. third,"Tim! this report be pnbli.hul m the Wesleyan < tian Advocate : and further,, that \ve request the Deal papers in th<* Va|. dost,a District to published the same.” The spring tenq cf Ashbnrn High School closetl Friday, with ail-day exercises, a. large crowd attended. We saw tlen from our window as they gathered around a table iu the grove, and suppose they had dinner, but. all we ^ 0 J it was “cold shoulder.” we had an invitation to the c/er. cises, however, highly ibg* Die awards of honor follows. First honor in Prof. Passmore’s room Was awarded to Clifford lr Hay. Second t, , honor , Mias ... Kla May Evan’s -A tie was the result of the contest for the $5 in gold for perfect, lessons, Glilford Hay and Miss Ida Judge making same. In Mrs Passmore’s room, lirst honor was won by little I’an- line Wliidden, second honor by Miss Josie Wood and one whose name we failed to get - In the smaller class Ida Hodge received first honor and Miller Hudson second. Walter Bolden was win- uer of the silver dollar, The Holiiiess Assciation. The htuiuess ■ ssocaat on will com ycnc here next Sunday arid last about 8 days. The intention of the is identically the same as (hat of similar previous m'-etirgs, but trill Le run’ on ti more conservative line, Rev- R P. Fain in president of the charge of the church, ru.y do-ire !t “''derstood that the association will be beU1 unJ er the auspices ol tl e Vai- dost a District 11. Press A-s< cation 'f ... ,, , 1 ... * ... ... . ‘ W1 ^ ‘ .... Dim ■ moans that the doc , t rmes , 1 h*- Molhoilisl hpiseopal ( uurc.i S, u h will he taught, and that. views P pcu ; i:!r t0 11)0 W aus wlU not ! < ".ii-tG b &t „ „ di „, . blll williecr lake . are lo a w reineoi's Mono. Neither will thev It dd d vine |. 0 .,|ingservi' -sin the church and lin¬ n ,and h ■ core of thii gs of the Lord to got one thing accomplished. They believe iiipruycr for the I itant. but r-alRe the fact that if yon l oop as’nn' r xt the aitnr t■ P l "' f 'l ;< ” rln u m hisj-unts he wdl curse YOU in his mind and not go there again. They realize that it take.- some sleep along through Tfc, and wdl di-mi - S the congregation in ihe early part of the night, Tncv be ieve in rhi'i-tianity a=t the lirst and uppermost thought < f human mind, bui are wiping for i her jui mbors to haye some <d their socit - lies in secret.. As we view the matter this will be the model holiness association of Ashbnrn and tlioss wh•> dObire s' night Methodist doctrine will d<> w 41 to at- tend. Mis 5 Pearl Green, i f Tifton, i- vis¬ iting Mi -i Willie McLendou Gone to The Wesleyan. When the pastor of the Methodist '' hurch , , ,xl< ' ,1,led tl,B . 1DVltatl . .. °" l0 m'nister-to gather around the on the sacramental Sunday, fj, |( Suinlin failed lo lespornt o"""™ «* a-iil was n«‘{ u membpr or :my church IV \ tluai tone. 11 is withdrawal re- vo!:ed his he and he not “ uhc was a nimislc.i - ’ f Hie gospel - I| (i ], f the Methodist church m d. i- peculiar circumstance 5 - Last week lie attend the dig'r'et conference a 1 'i'ifiou. -iooiI I he examina' ion of char- in ter and -ucceedrd in getting his i c n-'e renewed. Then lie applied (hr a recommendation, to the annual c n- ] ferencc lor deacon s < r iers and was examined on that line. In ihe < x nation the question of loyally to church law and discipline was cf course consider!d and satisfactory answers given lo all question 5 . ILs ij c .>nsc was r newed 'lliiirsday. r comm t datlou gr .n'ed Uriilay, he demanded hi-chur< h I iter Saurday. and j >incd the Wesleyan church at Liv - oik Sunday night. He failed to get his ehur h b tier, h .wevdc, a- he did not exp' cl to join another church of the same faith anil order. Mr-. D. I. IVderson lias , also , with- . . drawn from the Methodist church In j ' 0 ; n () lU WTsleyans. Others are expedc 1 -o go. A t a eon f. lx ti e Tucsda y night, the preacher invit.dall wh" intended t" t :i V..-it s church to do so at one. He d ies ii"t invi’e the r leaving, nor in* vite th' in t" st-f , if they want to go. TIiof- who expect t" g" are «-u fur <•' mch p -Uii.-al ;casonand ti e s , n«-r tfi-y go the belter it will i for the ebui' lt. Let u i have h.'trmi'.ny,an enemy in the ranks is wot'f.e than a hundred emoides aeros* the liu . ISAHKLI.A scraps. 81lPrifl( , t „ y VVfl , in A | ba „ v ollo div last week. Prof. Gardner’s school was out J'G ul ' c cluy- Our .. judge . , trained t n pounds and lost Ids h,a> t at the picnic, Mis. Mary Williams visited rela¬ live, in All Salti'dav la-t. .Mrs .* iillie Barl'er. ot Jonesboro, is p,„di„g R f( .„ (1 i V es j )pn>< * The p five is wlr.ctj be <n the of.liuicj wale , the change-iu the moon. Scviialof < nr Irdden lights di- viih d time with Dale’s picnic at the Whiddon In idee la-t week. sheriff Story and Jud.'o Erlce went fishing la-t week to the wayside well and 'iitieht three bucket . Dr. 2.. C. McDowell "ill leave in¬ day. Wednesday, lor Suwance Tenn . <0 ll "1’ '" s> 1’v f. l’attersou’s si bool w; s out 1 ' ''' -9 h-and It* \\ cek’s | h 111 " ,e ‘- lul ■' M l0l> ll, ‘" * (onrl-ism full , , boom this , . week , d , 1)(! lawye(S as Ul „ v lvll . k IlW ay , hp ]||(Te (li , t _ slIji | e ,i„. e -r- mu'-. Jake’s hoar 1 is divided in two st c ,j OI)s . ,]„, |j, st p art j„ ihe northern divi-ion, me other in the Southern hemisphere. .Vow sav lie’s noi imi- ph boons. T.-o darkey who was airested mi j; ^ "veteased T(|( . S( iv lhl> jurv hltV - Ml g fttU cd ;, j ngt | llin . !'!r. Oliver, of Pai k> inil'e, ha- en¬ tered suit against Jake-o Ihe jack, Wonder if . e retd’z s now that M. cou t i 5 not a lia'laemaUon. Jon. Don’t neglect a c< ugh lx cause the smimTot’s^airnlid' ft may'develop into a serious d ; fficu!ty bevoud r. pair. One Minute Cough Cum i- easy. -------- --- __ A Goo(1 Settlement. Editor Advance, -I have just re lurned trom a vi-it in the Raney n( , ij{llborllll( (1 win re T found "D'. e e kind and sociable, and ready !q |||j|ke a f( . e , a , h 1 found’thc crops of cotton about all chopped out, and the last few days of sun 5 hinc has put new life in'o (hat plun', an4 soon there can b‘ scon square 5 all along' the row- 5 : widi a. good crop of this (the staple wbich brings the moin-y -outli) and the good price which we exp 'p’nntcr c lo net for tIje Snurh Ge -rgia can bid fa „, woil to :l , (lld (Mj v. !iI)d |, ;lv , enough lift ;o buy the good madam d th ,. oUm , liat k , n ., semrig machine, at d i gan. Til" crons of the -biff of life, arc glowing last, aid on many ln'ius are yofy fine. Dan ltafey li'.i- the best corn that 1 saw. which would measure two and . a hal. . ,, fc 0 t . in . l.'ght, i • . and t the melon vines which 1 miw him plow i,.g, w .'-h that thiv y two year (J( j mue c i||fu „ j ust boginintc to rim. Mr. Raney hopes t<> luiye some ripe melons b> the 15th of July, and ama tirof (auir-e such f’.l Vl'l' I ul- lows as you and mi self, will get ll n invitation, lotiiefi s' cutting. J found Mr. P.nk Hay man, as as others, pu-h’ng fo ward with their work, and will be -are, to get there El'. I found those pe pie ihort-urhly ■ nisedlor good schools, and have just ciiitiple'ed a very cointiM - dious school building, ind luiye made “I* for I’ro. E. B. Walker, a school that will pay him about 40, 00 pci ,„a„h, man "'' I nope soon to repeat my vi-it to that part of the moral vinyu'd, and enjoy ”"T" ag in the, company of tho-e ’hi ray n turn, I wt nt by and went fishing with my old liiuud-. Mes-r.s litaneb and Walker. Yvtll >ou mav ,ju-t snppnge, tliai we had some fun pulling out the rid-eyes, and the wiimouths. We caught Oti well quite a long string, anti would h i' e i aught .-Iill more, but the fl tt- head- gain out Fi lend Walk' v had a slip iff the log, in the water, about three Let do> p, <ltd not rul.l ■ Iti- sir'-nitv in the least, therefor,' Broth r Brand deddej^that isliedil he was Indy thequetud- a It.dill' »s mail, not br-tik of that lov -ly morn with high sOUU' ing ' ti 5 - words. x> e at'.- going fishing again s«; n T l do " ,| '° :l want to g,> ? A I.UIlA. „ T Ty\ , ofiiic (vEEt , „ 2;!-, .. Erio'r' |:„ u w'hile prU , wilting about DeW tit's Little Early ltis"is. the famous It! If* >‘V 1 j f r s:c! ' 1 •'“dacb** and d s >'«h rs Ihe stomach an ! byer.—J S. Betts & (■,, Walker gives a gla-s of s .da watt i with ever d<. llal'S wort!. < f good-;. Yard-wide Percal all colors 7 -e Jeffrey & R. obio. Lot (.; ; r, S<-ftp at 'V.i ket Meal-, fru s and vegeta!.),.- i VV'- ke.’-. * I* etljy of lottirn- to lit walker’s. Get your ice eohl drinks at Walk- T <> EkVmt.I ms to 'TcV(.lcuT If those interested will just, he patient l will use all efforts to get “phones ’ placed at. the earliest possible mo meat.. Remember the omo , mt of wop| . , , iave almi(lv done, and am still doing for the snceess of the undertaking', and he assured that 1 will leave noth¬ ing undone to satisfy everyone. Again, he patient. Very truly S. B. Hudson, G. M. (i. 11, 1 St>7. t'nshincie lonble-wi th I roeaded all c. dors at 12 .e.-.bffrc' >V R« obin GEORGIA SOUTHERN AND FLORIDA RAILROAI). Sr\v anuk Rivkh lloin'K to Ki.otunA*. Boil’ll XI All, TIMfXS N rth Da> 1 Niirhl Day 00 | Nigh 4 I 11 55 11 :'5 Macon 4 0.) 2 IU) 1 45 ('ovdclc 1 15 I 15 .'{ Oil 2 24 Ashiut;n I lot .>« 4(0 H 10 i iltou 12 10 1 i- 10 5 II5 4 40 Valdosta 10 15 10 15 (i .'58 5 1(1 Jasper (148 9 I I 7 55 fi 15 I<ike('itv S l!5 S 15 10 '-0 !l 15 I’ahilka 0 05 5 IU) SlIOO-FLY. -' g Eyening A Mac . 4 20 /- 2 ('"I'diOc 7 15 t - H .5 sii m i; s 7 57 H, Tifton 5 It) 1 ' S Valih ,st;v 10 25 • Operate 5 Pill'imui l’u’V t SUr p -r- voir round between JVashyilie , Teim. am! Jack-onv'lli!, Fa. via Ma- con ami Tifmn. Operates Sleep i- hot wren Ailnnta and Bruu-wick. via Macon and 'i'ilf'n, makingdireci conni-e 1 ions with boats lo and I'roni Guinbei lam 1 and Si. r imoi.s. Operates its own sleepers be'.vvc* n Macon a'ul iki'atka vi i tl S A F din ln hzgerald Soldier- < 'olony via lifton, Sboo-tly train runs every day and ii ' VV. II. LUt.AS. i n i w 1.1. p hi A. Jacksonville -i, r. H. RHODES- Soliciting Passciig. r Agent. Maeon, Ga. j. DANE.—General Manager (} y M aGDONA LI), Gcnci'al Pas Agree TIFTON *& NORTH-EASTERN RA I LTD AD. '• -f.l,r>I 1 1 s’ ( '"I,ox V Rot' 1 K. ) 7 LOCAL TIME TABLE NO I. jf. u tiit. i 5 ,,,,,,i W. O. TII'T, !'c<nidem. I 'i . TON, Ha, : Vice t’resiU'l. IlnFnm n'm firc-tiv.- ‘ : no ,‘i noi noH ooc. ::n, iww iE 1-n TVATV' .v. rtrt.„,.n,- III gilt j |' j ] rn ii « "OlT ■>! r, "I .M LL1 £LT t.^hn; f ‘IfS ill li m in r, ii :il :;. r . ii i;: :n I 1 in (Mi Ul , it! “" lj " 11,1 H’wremtd 10 -15 IS 01) 5 01) Twit ns Noil. i. !!, '•> mill 1 1 'liniditl.v, except sunuiiy. Tains Nos. 7 unit x run cm Suiulny 5 "Hl> • i ti I'iiijy station. Trains stop mil v on s intiat Ml Tmius imikaoonuGcfit.ii with J'hml Sys ;irnl («<K>r#?»a PoHfhon* & Ht Tlflon A,atmiuaai |,'lt/,ccnil.t. I'. G. HOATHIHHT, Tn flic Manager, L*v y iM|4),SUMMER FAIR. 'IT ETON G EOBGIA. .ILLY, 7, 8 and toll, 1897. i ti m m Ml a mil W/y ml A A Straightforward r T t-/ y</Ucd. $ mm P.T, f.OOKS PROMfSB % . NOT!UNO FT DOGS -STS, ) nor FULFILL. wmm W. l 4 * ■ h* r V- .wi /d&Ci -sA mm ; V' '. - WM i! t I* e-'VI ■y.r-'t.-Mt *rW I ’A (P ft '5 B -‘ice; ii 11 r-s J A l * m n fv < k m \ TT'T:(?|:: \ i / :!! ' i. • i t'T %>' i [■‘Y i > c dr: ,o m II i r\ : tl-::.; ,S2;rT'/a/' \\ \W ii V. ! P v 5 ; ; 2, - ; nc.ii -II ■! : ■ ■ 1 ' exa/ninction on receipt c-f \ . Gs ^accepted mow / rot' i. :■ " ,/p' ^^ , ^ JriiElflURHlOCLt iiitiffillAll An •v ; l ■i FROM NOW On . , ij r ir j > P r _I y&tn of Asbburn will put things down at a VERY LOW price, have LARGE LINE of Clothing os we # of ALL KINDS. Wo want ddlsposo of them in ueir WK ARK READY to give ^ season. every body a chance, and if low pricy., will MOV K GOODS, ours are certain TO GO. Wo haye large a lot of suits for men, and hoysnnd children. A good selection of men’s fine pants at, prices TOO LOW for the goods. DON'T FAIL to see them. DRESS GOODS, such as Cash- mers, Worsted, Lawns Dimity, Organdy, will be sold at a very low price, FROM NOW ON cheaper than anybody lias ever heard ol in this country, OCR STOCK of shoes is complete and wo want to si'll them at low prices. HATS.!! Our line of hats is real nice, and they A R E ('HEAP. SHIRTS of all grades in negligee. ALL WK ASK is for everybody to come and examine our stock and get prices. We will SAVE YOU RIG .MONEY, When you come to our store we will lu' ready and anxious to show through you our line of goods whether you want, to buy or not. WHEN YOU SEE OlJR GOODS YOU WILL BUY some of them yourself or tell your friends where to get GOOD GOODS for little money. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE. It is to make hut hard easy money, to save it, and while you have a chance to sa ve money, it hy trading and save with us you will have money when you are old. Gome one, come all, «"d come in time. ^ GTd'V y ■ j ii .A JLl\ D \ FEED SALE STABLES. NEW VEUIGLES, I’AS'I’ A I’I’ENT’lt IN GIVEN J. 10. EDMONDSON'- Proprietor. THE HOUSTON IGH SCHC 0 L- A RA HI, GA. AN EXCELLENT HIGH SCHOOL.” LPWr.A rup, Tuition, per mo. inadviince. $1.25 Music, “ “ i i 4 4 Art, < 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 :!.(((» Board, “ “ in dormitory about, 5.00 Board per mouth in private families about, $5.(10 Fall Term will begin Aug. 21. Spring IVj in wiil Jim. I. A })f)Iy for (.’atiiloo in* 1 •> J. POWELL. Bicycle 5 ;i t D:;n, 840, Baby Carriages and 50, set) $75. >.85. Slbu. ( m ' V Boys’ Wagons in Lar¬ T ha Best, for the Least CrA^Si - ' v. gest, Varieties. Money. \mm vm \\ m // ■ ."v-N/, ‘r~ ( ¥1 Hone, t, Values Back of Every Price we Make. :Z 3 'D £ J EEl'lDfgo u Carriages nil'! BEST STYLES AND MAKES AT LOWEST PRICKS. ! *~Vl G-’J ■ :j 4 \ v- \ ’ .s- .y Mncon, (/,i. Write for Prices. / f ALL KINDS LIGHT 9 mi GA We will sell 7 nmp- at the you anything we -> very beet wholesale price. VG \\7 !A N £/ XV -v \V7| \ / terms are net cash to all, and our pri<- Vj v 7 are made accordingly. There is __ nr No. 212. ther use in your paying fancy for vehicles. Come ' direct to the factory and get them without payi- tional profits. All our goods are warranted in particular. C. O. D., and if not as ordered every or represented it costs you nothi&f WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES ' HICKORY BUGGY C0„ Indian ■ JB BUSIN ESS Is a great aid to all other kinds iil' Irniiinn, li.'caiiso it xkeops the liiisine is man,1|the lawyer,! t.he doctor, or chsrgymiin, who linds himsidf lired oat and idepressed liy mentiiI worries of HOT WEATHER- ’I'liny all fin-1 refreshment anti in 25 vigorat iou in our delicious drinks. GOGOA-UOLA, TICK ETS FOR ORANGE PilGSPIfATE. LEMON PHOSPHATE. ) ♦ Icos or Glacea. GARDNER, THRASHER .V CO. Ash burn, Oa. V R R I E s 1/ PHEATON - s \ .1 55 % X ej i V \ \ J / f S \ ' laJW L'RRi s ]■; I -\ ! / / - -r \ ■ ' ' M / 5 '-■J / \J 7/ V PHEATONS - idhises, garkful driverk. DRUMMERS. ASliBUItN. GEORGIA. !»'■ • *: