The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, June 11, 1897, Image 4

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His Business. Judge—Whet in your occupation? Prisoner (wlut watt caught in n gam¬ bling house raid)—I’s a locksmith. Judge—Whftt were yon doing in there, when the officers entered? Prisoner—T wits making a bolt for the door.—New York Journal. A Veil of Mini Hi King at morning or evening from norm* low land, often carries in ftn folds the seeds of ma¬ laria. \Vh«*re malarial fever j>revallH no mu* In wife, tuxleee i»rov»*ote<l v>y some efflcieni medM- nal safeguard. Hostetler's Swimin'li Hlttofft is both a protection and a remedy No parson wlio lnhaMte, or «**y»\imH in 11 miasmatic region forilfylnir <«r QMmtry, which should omit to procure thin remedy fy •front, 1* also the fluent known dyapeimin. constipation. kidney trouhio and rheumatism. When a woman refuses to talk It Is but rea¬ sonable vo »v»ppoae> that she is eh k. If afflicted with Druggist* e*>rc eycsuftc Dr. Isaac Thomp¬ bottle. son's Kye-water. eel! at si-V:. per CAWAurre etir.iulnte nrer. kidneys and bowel* Never sicken. weaken or gripe; 10c. Scrofula Cured •‘Whom throe months old my boy was troubled with 0cro?ulA. Thorn w« rt soro places on bin hands and body an largo ns a man’s baud, nud sometime* tho blood would run. Wo began giving him Hood’s Sarsaparilla and it soon took effect. When he had taken three bottles he wai cured.” W. H. Gabs eh, West Karl, Pennsylvania. Hood’s Sarsa- Blood parilla Purifier. (ithnbail in fact 1 ho Ore* True Hood’* Pill* mro All Liver Ills and Kick HeaAftohe. 2&c, HINTS Kilt lllll M III I l-l HS. Painted woodwork is more desirable than natural finish for bedrooms, or wherever especially dainty effects lire desired. Cornmeal poltieos are too heavy in rases where there is great tenderness. Flaxseed and slippery elm should he ustfd instead. Meat should not. ho used oftener than once a day in warm weather, but when used it should hoof the best and most nourishing kind. Cloth and felt bats ran be cleaned with a short hard brush dipped in ammonia. They should be brushed until the grease spots have disap¬ peared. An improved kitchen cabinet has nt one end u compartment for coffee, anil beneath this a coffee mill which lias a removable cover. A drawer with a slotted opening in the top to receive the spoilt of the mill is arranged at the bottom to receive the coffee. KIDNEY TimUHLES Cured by Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vogotulffo Compound, Also Hatkiich*. I ennnot speak too highly of Mrs. Pinkham's Medicine, for it lias done so much for me. I have been a grout suf¬ ferer from Kidney trouble, pains In muscles, joints, hack and shoulders; feet would swell. I also hud womb troubles and leiicorrho-n. After using Lydia IS. 1’inkhnm's Vegetable Com- pounfi and Blood Purifier nud Liver l dls, 1 felt like n new woman. My kidneys are now in perfect condition, and all my other troubles are cured.— Mrs. MT.o«ik Dorrs, 334 Kauffman Ht., Philadelphia, I'a. Jl**rk aches •My system was entirely run down, kntl t suffered with terrible backache li the small of my back and could Wrdly stand upright. 1 was more red in the morning than on retiring I night. 1 had no appetite. Since Ling Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Impound. II 1 buvegninedfifteen pounds, I look better than 1 ever looked /fore. 1 shall recommend it to all hy friends, us It certainly is ti wonder¬ ful medicine.—Mas. E. F. Moinon, 1043 Hopkins St., Clpclnnati, Ohio. Kidney Trouble. Before taking Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, 1 hud suffered many years with kidney trouble. Tho pains in my back and shoulders were terrible. My menstruation became ir¬ regular, and I was troubled with leu- corrhoea. I was growing very weak. 1 had been to many physicians but re¬ ceived no benefit. 1 began tho use of Mrs. Pinkham's medicine, and the first ‘Hg relieved tho pain in my back and regulated the menses. It is the best kind of medicine that 1 have ever taken-, for it relieved the pain so quickly and cured the disease. Mn*. Lillian ( iBircKN. Box St. Andrews Bay. Fin. ERDVE 5 i- M' ■I v ' ;;-v ( ^'(■drenK ^at 4 \ a P| G5', teuik v 5* i ikisr 5t* TASTELESS CHILL TONIC IS JUST AS COOO FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE OGcts. Farls Medicine Co,, V* Ht. A \ AT! A, IIL. ll l--*., NOV. 1CL M|. ^ IDIOVK Qenti^ •men:*—Wo sold last year. 009 bodies o S S TA8TKLKSS FIllU* TONF’ aim! huro t three gms ulre&d} tUG year. In all x *v ex t** ol 14 y«>;!r.“. m tho draw InjhfDtoc, have !d an article ihnl|?nvo such imlvcif ai niUi? (k» your Tunic. Tours truly, AUM.V, CAUK AOO. ARDS ‘saved? »r drink ts iliwwwwl » disease, Cfijliffl a marvalloqp ' AltfJ- imw !ITIl for m (he I sa all kliotit kuotriag why, ** it ran be I tea, coffee, kouj> and tb»> Mte. L not k«q>t by your drttgjjwf send ! KtflUAs. ClttsMilt’At Co,. <>'• br ad- , with a{id f«R i( will direcflctufi he pent JtoW fKtfipiriU, to give In mniion mulled #r*«. * (O *3 k.TRACY. rgPT day. OuiftlfltLF.. J,. W. Kvmt;. Hy. CRISIS PRECIPITATED IN SPAN- 1SII LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS. ATTRIBUTED TO TETURN INCIDENT. ijiirtin It*-if cut Accept** Ion of all Did Cabinet Minister* A Pro* found Kninnllon. A special dispatch received from Madrid states that the premier, Henor Genovas del Castillo, tendered to the queen regent the resignation of the cabinet, owing to ilm difficulty the ministers experience in carrying on the government in view of the parlia¬ mentary situation caused by the refu¬ sal of the liberals to take part in the deliberations of tho eortos. This attitude of the liberals is due to the personal . encounter . * between . the d.tke of I el nun, the minister for for- ctgn affairs and Professor Comas a liberal senator on May 21. wb'n the d !<e slapped the face of the senator after a heated debate on the Morgan Imlllgoreney resolution, adopted by the United States senate. IU'.IuumIIoii ^ee*-|»t«*«l. Tho Madrid cnrreapondciit of The London Tirnca aaya: "The queen regent luia accepted tho renignation of the cabinet of Henor (■unovaa del GaNtillo. It has caused a profound sensation. “Before finally taking this step, her majesty begged Henor Gauovas to remain in office twenty-four hours in order that she might have another opportunity to consider the matter in council, but this only meant that the resignation would he accepted. "Henor (Tanovas tendered his resig¬ nation because he could not again un¬ dertake to re establish relations with the liberals. He preferred to leave to the crown full liberty to decide as to tho best solution. Both houses of the eortes voted without debate the finan¬ cial supplies necessary to enable the eortes to adjourn sine - and grant, authority for the 1 ^ treasury bonds and the contrac¬ tion of loans guaranteed by the Spanish treasury to cover the expense,; of the wars in Cuba and the l’hillippine islands with a special lien on the revenues of Spain of the Gillian war loan. "The queen regent then signed the decree suspending the sittings, where¬ upon Henor Panovas immediately ten¬ dered his resignation.” KENTUCKY DEMOCRATS MEET. Mat* (.'(inventIon Atlojtfs a Number of Miami IteHolutlonH. The silver democratic state conven¬ tion of Kentucky convened at Frank¬ fort Wednesday. unequivo¬ The Chicago platform was dissenting cally indorsed without a voice, and with great enthusiasm. Though there was a lively contest for the appellate clerkship nomination,the only state office to be filled at the next election, the proceedings were harmo¬ nious throughout. The platform adopted, in part, was as follows: "HeSoJved, Tlmt we hereby reaffirm our faith in the principles set forth mol enumer¬ ated In the platform adopted Ly the demo cratio parly in iintionul convention, held at Chh-ngo in July, lHiMl, and wo adopt said platform us that of tlm democracy in Ken¬ tucky. "Second. That the principles adopted and set forth in that plat form are the principles of democratic faith and we urge upon nil true democrats to stand hy them at n!i times and under all circumstances and on- ditions. "That \\c Imlorno the enuvuss marie l»y W. J. Jinan, the nominee «»f Urn riemoeririle party for the presidency, In Urn lute election. We commend Mb wisdom and approve it ns just and fair to nil parties and nil Interests of our common country. AYe reeofjniu.o him him ils tho fcurlo-s orator aud statusmaii and tho tfivat champion of t!vt‘ poojdtds against iho moitt'votl j»owor, tbo mo- liojiolists, 1 ho • ytuljcat<"> and I li«‘ t rusts. W o tdodt'o him tho support of a unitod democ¬ racy |n our state.” Tbo remaining half of tbo fiUtform is devoted to a deiiuiioiatioii of (lie re- publican state administration, to a do nnneiatiou of allowing oonviot made goods to compete with free labor and to a felicitation of Senator Hhiokbnrn and those who led in his two sonato rial tights. MILLION AIRE AT SI YENTY-ONE. John Vance Fulls Heir to Over Thrt'r Mil¬ lion Ihtltiivs. John Yauee, who has lived in a sod shanty near Great Falls, Mont., for the past five years, has just received §20,000 as the returns from an endow¬ ment policy investment of years ago. He has further received notice of the settlement of a lawsuit, pending thirty-three years, iu favor of his mother, who recently died, leaving him her sole heir. The property consists of a North Carolina estate, stocks and bonds to the amount of $3,000,000. Though aged seventy one, he will marry Alice Grossman, a sixteon-year-old girl, who nursed him through a severe illness. DAUNTLESS MEN ON TRIAL. They l’l«»atlt*(l Not Guilty and tho Cano ls:»h»M t hem \\ urn uoucm!. At Key West, AYednesduy,the thirty- five men found on the Dauntless were tried before Tinted States Commis¬ sioner Otto charged with unlawfully aud feloneously beginning to set on foot, provide or prepare the means for a military expo>litiou against Spain. Colonel Nunez, their spokesman, pleaded not guilty, aud the case was postponed until the SHb. FAUUSl.V OFF.NS OVFIVFS. jAi-^rm'Inn’ of Treasnrv Will Pradltr \ -H NY In N i‘AA VnvL. John li. Carlisle, secretary of tho treasury under Grover Cleveland, has opened a law office in New York city. 3-cS!?Sr.t . ... "”;, 1 . . (■ T 30 Broad street. Mr. Carlisle «ill not be a member of tlio linn, but will act as eonusek , He will also have law offices a: Washington, 1). C . ami Louisville, Kv. Ho states that he has net decided - residence as ret whether to take up his iu Now York or not. TILl.MAN ASKS ADVICE. irania Smutr to Help Him Settle DIkj ca- nary Question, Thn senate made greater progres- on the tariff bill Wednesday than any day since the del ate opened, complet¬ ing more t urn half of the important metal schedules. The speaking was done by the democratic senators, the the d'elmte e"eept’aV ra^in’t’er'^als lo answer questions which would expe¬ dite I lie advance of the bill, Etvrly in tbo. day Mr. Tillman He- cured tlie adoption of the following resolution: “Whfrffm, tho 8ii|»romn court of tho Unltf*! SlfttoH fb«*lftr*ul, in thn ciinn of J/nJssy vithuh IfurtJin, that no utafn ii«<l tin* ri^ht to prohihlt th»* naif of Jhjuor within its own borrlorn in original jxHGku^i-Ei, upon tin* ground that it was an lnU'.r\or* , n ,, o with in- tcnttntf and, "Whereas, In ord-r to give relief to the people Of Iowa eongress passed what is known as Wilson law. (Wilson law is " " ( , ' Whereas, I nder thn authority Herein granted, Hie state of Homii < itrolina in ........mber. lHiW, passed the dispensary law, under whl-h provision Is mod- for ihe sale of liquor by state officers under strict rules, and Whereas, Under this system experience hs« shown that the cause of tempera, has been advnn I andtlie good order and quiet of thn state have been promoted, there Mng now \(wn than 100 tllMpftiwiftrluH In jiJaco of upward of 800 Imrroomn in 1802; and, “ WIjGff/iH, A uit jiiof Mm 1 lift'd HtatfM ftoiirt, )>y JtidO'lal in a ro- uttiif. (IttufHlon, 1 1 iih ri'i'Cii iufl tho w t of KP*hh al*ovf rwltutl i»h far us KoiiUi FuroJiua Is roiii-crncti, thus requiring that state to reupen the Imrrooms or allow the free W..I imllmltc.1 sale Of Uquor in original pick- ug'-H; therefore, he it ’ ll.-solv.Ml, That the JudIWary committee of the s male he Instrueted to eonshler what leglslatlon, If any, Is in.....ssnry to restore to Houth (■itrollntithi* right tfrnntnl bythnwl <tf Avij/iifit, to control thn nuln of aleo- lictli** lifjuors within Hh own border in its own way in common with other states of this union.” Mr. Tillman spoko briefly in support of the resolution saying the public inqiression that tho dispensary law was a money making device was erro- neons and thnt it had accomplished milch good in regulating the liquor traffic. ...... Mr. Faulkner of West Virginia, felt that tho senate should not lie commit- ted to the lengthy preamble, reciting the effect of the law, etc. Mr. Tillman modified the preamble so as to avoid the term "judicial leg- islatiou” in characterizing the recent decision nml substituting "judicial in- terpvetation. Mr. lloar, of Massachusetts, chair- man of the judiciary committee, pro- posed a substitute omitting all the preamble and simply directing the ju- dieiary committee to consider and re- port, by bill or otherwise, whatlegis- lation, if any is necessary, to curry out the statute of 1811(1 relating to com- meroe between the states. Mr. Tillman accepted the substitute and it was agreed to. K1LLS BIS LITTLE ONES. Horrible I>(M*<1 of a Crazy IbilHmoro Lat¬ ter Carrier. Wednesday Edgar Harris, a Haiti- more letter carrier, thirty-two years of age, shot and killed his txvelve-yenr- old son, George, and his dnugh .er, aged fourteen, and then turned the pistol on himself. He is now lying at tho point of death in the Johns Hop- kins hospital, He w ill die. Little Kdgiu Harris, Jr., aged nine years, was the only member of the family who escaped uninjured. He was lying in bed beside his hroiltor George. His father tired at him, hut tho bullet missed his head hy half an inch and 1 1 uried itself in tin pillow, Tho insane father then rushed into the room to kill the girls, and the little follow ran down stairs and escaped. Harris is thought to have boon men¬ tally unbalanced by the recent death of his wife, to whom he was deeply devoted. Ho lias always been a do- voted husband and father. WHARF PKOFF.ItTY DESTROY FW. 1‘ivc nt Alcxnnrivin, V;t., U imn;o !• k 1 flit of Si*; 5,000. Fire broke out at an early hour Wednesday monuiig in tbo wharf property along tbo river front at Alex andria, Ya , and did damage to tho ex tout of about 7o,00t'. T'ho tdiiof MitVor-'r is C’nptani Hur- bolt Bryant, fertilizing stores, whore the damage amounts to (*30,000, fully insured. HITLER StYS NAY. Would Nol linn For Senate, I'vni If Offered All \> liltdty Uctmtcx. General M. C. Butler, of South Carolina, has quieted gossip hy an- nounoing that he will not bo a can- didato for the sonatorship or entei polities if asked by everv living thin- in the state and offered »U tho liquor rebates. NO EXTRA LEGISLATIVE SESSION Governor F.Uerbe, «»f South Carolina, Miikefttlic Amioiiueement Fori!ively. Governor KllovBo, of South Carolina, announces possHively that there will be no extra session of the legislature. He has not yet decided whether to dis- baud the state constabulary. ENGLISH HI METALLISTS. T o Iavn^no lb’liU Annual Mt*tillng In Mnntht'jitA'Y. The annual meeting of the English BiiwetnUic Teague opened nt Manches¬ ter Nt'ednesday morning. There w as a large atteudanee. including over tifty delogates from labor nssooiations. The lor.l mayor of Manchester pre¬ sided and welcomed the delegates, Letters of regret were rend from many prominent men. ti CORGI AN FIRST AT VNNWOUS. Everything is in readiness for the graduating exercises at the naval acad¬ emy at Annapolis, Md. AYilliam G. Dnboise, of Georgia, will graduate at the head of his class. «»>*Go r the pres, nt x. ar tlllie „ Buried ... ... I tan. III _ 1 he icmains of , ., Hon. , . t ,ne . , «1,„ suicided at M. trcorgc. I tah, tie *“ ,ll:l ' P 1 *" " ^nesd»y. His reman,a were followed hy a largo cortege. \ IMMENSE SHEET IKON TUBS ( BASH THROUGH FIVE STORIES. TWO MEN BURIED IN THE RUINS. Th* Hntldlng, Which Wan a New One, Wun Almost Heady For Occupancy. Thirteen Workmen Escape. Five enormous tanks, each contnin- ing 13,000 gallons of water, fell five stories through the now building of David 8. Brown k Co., soap 1 manufac- i™’,* * * ? “ (1 *t*J-**™** 1 ork v - 1 h ’. ,m ' nf ’ r «”>K. buryuig two men under tbonsamls of tons of debn*. The body of William Frazer, forty y cars 0 ),] > a surveyor in the employ of the Otis Elevator Company, was taken from the ruing sometime afterwards. j ao()b Jacobson, a carpenter in mis- ^ for The place was nearly ready occu- The tanks were to have con- tttino(] sou ,, f at . They were put in by the Cotes Iron Works, of Cotesville, i. , nn Alexander Brown, the brick con- tractor; Henry F. Kilburn, the arelii- tect, and Hamilton, inspector for the iron works contractors, were arrested charged with homicide. The five tanks'shot through the five (] or ,rs like a stone dropping through RO nm( . h space. There were fifteen me n in tlie building at the time of the accident. They were scattered around tlll . factory. There was not a second’s warning of the fall of the tanks. r I hey ] W 1 been filling with water for testing (LTj( ] were nearly full. 13x13 feet riio tanks were encli square by 20 feet in height. ’I hey were made of sheet iron and were a quarter of an inch thick. To prevent tho water from bulging their sides, stout iron hands had been placed in- side of each tank. _ carrying with The fall of the tanks them five floors of iron and woodwork was hoard for several blocks around, At the full of the tanks they carried down iron girders and beams a foot in width and four inches in thickness, snapping them ns if they were pipe stems. There was no succession, stopping, us they struck the floors in so enormous was tho w eight of the tanks, All the men v.ho hud been inside the building were got together and count- oil. It was found that two wi re miss- ing. They were Jacobson and Frazer. A wrecking firm undertook the re- moval of the debris. At 4 o’clock Fra- z ( r’s body w as partially uncovered and three hours later it xvas taken out. Coroner Fitzpatrick said that it was probably the bulging of the tanks which hud caused tiio dislodgement of the walls aud caused tho fall of tho tanks and floors, ------- A SENSATIONAL PRAYER Offered Tip Ily Chaplain In the Illinois Siai« Lt'ijlKlatiire, ’I ho chaplain of tho Illinois house of representatives, Lev. David G. Brad- ley, opened tho session of the state legislature Thursday with the follow- ing prayer: hy "Almighty God, we seek 1 pres- once and blessing at tho beginning of another day’s diligent labor. Help us, pray Thee, in tho discharge of this day s duties, Help these men to re- member the poor, tax-burdenedpeople of this great state. Contract, we pray Thee, tho enpa- oious maw of penal reformatory, char- itable and educational institutions o£ Illinois. May they learn to he con- tent with less money and may we re¬ fuse to worship n golden calf, refuse also to w orship gold in any other form. Forbid that any foreigner visiting our shores shall over again have occasion to write: “Money, money, Js all thoir cry; Money’s tho total sum. Give us money or else wo die; Oli, lot tho money 001110.” "And wo will givo Thee prnise. and Tho prnvor oroatod a sensation was gi octod with enthusiastic applause, 5 Missouri Congressieual Election. The election in the first Missouri district for a sudoossor to Congress¬ man Giles, deceased, resulted in favor of J. T. Lloyd, demoerrt, hy a plural¬ ity of 5,51(5 over Clark, republican. OFFICERS MERE GA MULING. An Alderman nml Two Folicemen "Were Cnug hi In I he Laid. A sensation in the police department ^ hattanooga has leaked out. Several days ago a gambling house on ^'irkot street was raided hy the 1'n'h’o. Hie only inmates caught wore Cd Spencer, alderman from the Second w ard, aud OtUeera Robert Baird and 1. C. Morgan, of the police force, in full uniform. Tho three, together with a well known gambler, were play- ing poker and drinking. ' TELLER ADMITS SHORTAGE. •faRB- Write* ltire.tor* it,- i.s.-ta,- <, ‘ M, nchimt in .tnwimt*. AVhile the directors of the First Xa- tional bank at Denver, Col., were in session examining accounts of AYilliam L. Boggs, paving teller, w ho had been in their employ fifteen years, they re- >’*'>ved a letter from him saying that he was §88,00(1 short and had left ( ^ ( He gave details iff his irregularities, which ha 1 extended over ten years. The loss will not affect the bank s de- poistois uor tile solvency of the bank. I’ROTEST MATE BY DURR ANT. A Format Itemand For Release, Claiming Vujunt Imprisonment. A San Franniseo hundred dispatch says: There will be tvo invita¬ tions issued for Ihe execution of Dur- rant and Warden Hale has fixed 10:30 *V n ns u 10,1 1 ..V* 1 .’'' 1 Ir ,,,* ,______... ” ' : 'LSSXZZSl ,. . ' p urrant has made a formal demand for release, claiming to be unjustly imprisoned. , This will , ,, be , part , of the .,,,,,,,,1 to the supreme court and is to WV(n . <he in; which might be made that by foiling to protest ami ’ lost the (lora#IU , uis Rm.riy he had right to complaiL ' . FAl’RF. IS RESERVED. French President Withhold! HU View* On Monetary Question. A Paris special soys: It is learned from an authorized source that the let¬ ters of credence presented to Presi¬ dent Faure by Senator Edward O. Wolcott, of Colorado, and his col¬ leagues of the United States monetary commission, designate them as minis- ters plenipotentiary to France, Great Britirin and Germany, with the mis- sion in concert with the United States ambassadors to those countries to dis- cuss monetary questions and come to some agreement on bimetallism. President Faure carefully avoided making a statement to them at the audience which he accorded to the commissioners at the Elysee palace ?“ Wednesday last, which might be interpreted as a promise to take any *“ the ™" er ' * efor ? th e ™ m ; mrt*lonew . left the palace ho invited . them to share Ins box at the race for the grnnd prix de Paris. France No doubt the government of is friendly to the American nation,but nothing tangilde will be done beyond the expressions of sympathy and the assurance that the matter will be se- riouriy studied. --------- IX MEMORY OF AMERICANS. --- Cuban Sympathizers Hold » Housing Meeting In Washington. A large crowd gathered at the Na- tional theater at Washington, D. C., Friday night to attend the Cuban meeting in memory of Americans who have sacrificed their lives for Cuba. Speeches were made by represents- tives Swanson, of Virginia, aud Green, of Nebraska, and others. Mr. Green declared that not only should the belligerency resolution be passed by congress, but Spain should |„, given so many days to take her sol- dier.s from the island. He made light of the probability of war with Spain, and said that if she declared war against the United States 3,000,000 swords would spring from their scabbards ready to tight and the blue and gray would march together to the music of “Dixie.” Resolutions were adopted calling bellig- for a prompt recognition of Cuban ereuey and arraigning all who make the “honor and glory of tho nation and the demands of the people sub- servient to tho interests of tho Spanish bondholders and the sugar trust.” WHITE FACED DEATH COOLY. Ascended the Scaffold Nonchalantly Smok¬ ing a Cigarette. With a cigarette in his month, Hen¬ ry White, the murderer of Police Offi- C er William Jackson, cooly descended into the yard of the Muscogee jail at Columbus, Ga., Friday to pay the Heath penalty for his - deed, The young man was more composed than any member of the party which escorted him to the gallows, Not once did he show the white feather during the long hours of the last day of liis confinement and nt his death the culmination of his wonder- fill display of nerve was reached. Ho made no speech—simply hade those about him “goodby.” ppd The trap was sprung at 1:32 at i pj White was pronounced dead, {j j s neck was not broken, BURRANT HANGING POSTPONED. Judge Hives Attorneys Permission to Ap¬ peal From III* Decision. A Sn:i Francisco special says: Theo¬ dore Durrnnt will not be hanged on next Friday. Bis attorneys have gained for him a new lease of life for four months at least, and the condemned man mado merry in his cell when lie heard tho cheerful news. He had become resigned to his fate, when information was received at the prison that Judge Gilbert, of the Tinted States circuit court, had grant¬ ed his attorneys permission to appeal to the United States supreme court from his order previously made deny¬ ing tho application fora writ of habeas corpus. UNLOADED THE (WS, ISut Ih Doing; So a Young; Boy Kills His Two Slaters. . . ~ . 111., tlie a lo-yoar-old i i At < ireene, son of L. Schwartz, while attempting to unload a gun, ’ discharged the xvenuon. 1 , , • . . rn lliO . . bullet lvlliiUg Ills two sisters. pas,ed through the neck of one Mater and struck the other sister just J above ,, UK' , lK’iWt. , IRISH HORSE IVON DERBY. Gall«M» More Secure* For SI is Owner Iho Sum of $ 30 , 01 ) 0 . The derby t)f 1S97, (^.'J0,00nj derby stakes of d,()()() sovereigns, was won 1,1 L])sotn, ... Lngiaiid, by Mr.J.Gubbtns’ colt, Maltee More, Thousands of people watched tho nice and interest was more intense, perhaps, than on former occasions. This time the favorite won. Belting on the Irish-owned horse,Galtee More, " us ll * odds three to one. -- A DAY OF SPEECHES. A Desolation Passed For Ihe Benefit of South Carolina. Tho senate had a period of speeeh- '"“king b iiday and as a result little progress was made on the tariff bill. r, ' M 'lut»ou tunmig at a solution of the . South l arolina dispensary muddle, ftUl '' u ' 1 ^ r ’ Tillman has eon- contended for, , was passed. It reads •'Resolved, That the committee ontheju- dleiary he directed to consider and report, hv bill or otherwise, what legislation, it any. Is necessary to give full effect to the purpose of the act approv- d August S. ls;H). entitled 'An r : to limit the effect of the regulations of commerce between the several states and with foreign countries In certain eases.’” TAR 1 EE REFORM CLUB. Committee Has Kstablishcd Headquarters at ashinsrton and is at Work. The tariff reform committee of the Reform J Club at Washington Sw. has es- Corcoran building and intend to maintain an, organization till the close of t • the tue uendinc i >v ~~ <u K '«-*.*• legislation. “'““• James ti. latsons is in charge of the undertaking, l-nlnn llwmpkine, chairman of the committee, has been »> Washington for the naat «- and ste— Crmt’* Equanimity. General Horace Porter, In his "Cam¬ paigning with Grant,” In the Century, Bays: Throughout this memorable year, the most Important as well as the most harassing of his entire military career, General Grant never in any in¬ stance failed to manifest those traits which were the true elements of his greatness. He was always calm amidst excitement, and patient under trials, He looked neither to the past with re- gre t n0 r to the future with appre- i hension. When he could not control he endured, and in every great crisis he could "convince when others could not advise." His calmness of demeanor and unruffled temper were often a mar- ve i eve n to those most familiar with him. In the midst of the most exciting scenes he rarely raised his voice above It8 ordinary pitch, or manifested the least Irritability. Whether encountered “ noonday or awakened from sleep at midnight, his manner was always the Bamo; wheth er receiving the report of an army commander or of a private soldier serving as a courier or a scout, he listened with equal deference and gave It the same strict attention. He coul(J not on | y discipline others, hut he could discipline himself. If he had lived in ancient days he might, In his wrath, have broken the twelve tables of stone; he never would have broken the law8 which wore written on them. His Mistake. The ’Squire—By the way, Giles, I haven’t seen you at church for some time; anything the matter?” Giles—Wull, sir, it be like this, Last time as I went I ’ad a penny an’ a 2-shilling niece in my pocket; by mistake I put the 2-shilling piece in the plate, an’, wull, I shouldn’t like it to again, sir.—The Sketch. ANDY CATHARTIC *i i CURECGiiSTiPATION 10 * 0, ALL 25*50* DRUGGISTS; ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED i£E pic and booklet free. Ad. STERLING P.RItFOV CO., CtiieasO. Montreal. Can.. orKenkork. Site I : Agents Everywhere Lovel! Diamond ” For the “ A stake Business Cycles, and we our Reputation of over 55 years that the most perfect wheel yet made is the Lovell Diamond 97 Model. INSIST ON SEEING THEM. fTGEXTS in nearly every City and Town. Examination will prove H their superiority. If* no agent in your place, send to us. CPECIAL—A large line of Low Priced and Second- ^ hand wheels at unheard of figures. * SEND FOR SECOND HAND LIST. Ji ICY CL /; CA T A L () (i VE Eli EE. Ig m YYo have the and largest Athletic line Goods of Bicycle of all kinds. Sundries, Write Bicycle us what and you Gymna- want sinm Suits If dealer, mention it. 9 and we’ll send you full information. a JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS C0„ 131 Broad St„ Boston Headquarters for Guns. Hi He ft and Jlcvolvcrs, i ishinff Tackle, Skates and Snorting Goods of Kvery Dcacriptfon. SEND FOR OUR LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. m ■ :r - $100 in Gold Given Away Who can form the greatest n umber of words from the letters in / the word “INDEPENDENT?” - — lowed. Use meanings nouns, bo well You no verbs, repaid. Anything language can can make adverbs, be Do used that except not ten is use bu or prefixes legitimate tonce. ■ more Enrttah. any letter words, and Uf»o will Wc m suffixes, anv or iore be wo da allowed. times fool standard wyel odjectiv su * led than ro. ha Work ives and dictionary. it appears if Hi- but it you rs w Vi « ith in do Pronouns, the yon different word, will m i acaiu. OYYt. yyy tYds manner: in, deep, dent, net, nino, etc.; u.te the se words in your list. The publishers of The Sunny South w iil 1// % pay |20.00 from in gold to the person who IN makes DEPENDENTS the- largest list of It words the letters in the word $10.00 for for the the second, fifth, and $10.00 $">.00 for each tho third, for thft $lu .00 next for eight ihe fourth, largest £ lists. 10.00 111, .5 The above rewards are given free and without consideration V >5 for the purpose of attract ing attention to the South's groat h ! illustrated family and literary weekly. It is twelve largo __ lp\W IIMlIi pages,seventy-two columns each issue; all original matter .*7® | "Biuo oray l'ac-" a pase dovoti-a W\ UV Is and ami to "Southern Industries,” etc. To enter this contest it is necessary for vou to send 50 cents for a three months’sub- # [U y s { on extra present by return mail fin addition to Ti ik Sunny south) of ft 1P2 page book, “The Other Man’s Wife,” a very "Reside- fascinating book by John Strange Winter: or, wo will send you “The Story of an African Farm,” or the Bonnie IJriar Bush.” Let us know which book desire. Satisfaction guaranteed in every case or money refunded. The lists should bo cent at once. THIS CONTEST WlLb CLOSE ,11'LV ) 5TIT. The names and addresses of suc¬ cessful contestants will oe printed in the July 24th issue of Tiif. Sunny South. NOTE For 75 cents we will send you The Sunny South for three months, allow you to enter nbov© word contest, send you your choice of the books offered in tho contest, and also send’ you free and post - paid, our beautiful portfolio, Pn!r«tine Photographed, size llx 13« Largest List....... inches, sixty-iour selected views of picturesque and historic spot s in Second ............S10 the Holy portfolio Land, beautifully designed and handsomely bound in heavy ... .. paper covers, illustrated with a map of Palestine and fac- Third............ $10 a .............. simile of Hoffman's famous painting, "A Portrait of Christ.” Tho 64 Fourth....... ................S10 productions pictures contained in localities this volume are Actual Photographic Kc« Fifth.............. .................S3 0 of the in the Holy Land made immortal through Christ’s life on earth. Showing where Christ performed Tils Next 8 largest each.....§ ?> miracles, the place of His birth. Baptism. Transfiguration and Cruci- ~-----—-----ftxlon, and the places made sacred by the work of II is Ay os ties as they appear today; it should be in every household. Address T1IK SINN Y SOI’TH, Box , Atlanta, Ga. ACOPb Bottle Yfi I of Hires sweltering Root beer hot on a day is highly comfort essen¬ and tial to 25 health. It cools the blood, reduces your [i ill temperature, tones the stomach. 9g^srf w [I IBISES 95 £T- : 5 Fj^ hi | Rootbeer !« should be in every he c home, in every office Office, ; .niver, n every work- w rk i ■Wi shop. A temperance health- fICj drink, more I-« me-I- 9 HBH TH satisfying than any In H other beverage pro- Itc duccd. & ^93 Rir»“ MaiiPonlrhT Un.. Fhiia Wphia,. the Charhp* A F, msM a.sf Ttvakta » gailous. Sol-i ct- crjwhere. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, T ,.U..e Vntverstty of Lmhiaua. i !f . ail v*nti«go« for pru,ti.»l instruction. ‘.a ampin laboratories ami abundant laspital a»t«rtoh are uae.|uaU*.l Free access Is given toate great Charily Hospital with W) i--ts “****4^u..ite.fiinsO<rtoVer lith, lSSC. For TraTfr nnd Profanity an. all Tetter rlfht or In Eottuna. their or salt 'lheiim, or Rl^ o * have ymir tirenth nndhtiy T - , rm i.etter wire store*. or by mail ' tier al ilrmt m, ,vi rente ft Savannah, On. from J. T. Shuptrlne, novelists pad their talc-Ukean excited Seme feline. ______ , No-To-l»ac for Fifty Cents* Over <00.000 remove cured. your Why desire not •«* for N £{££S? tohacoor re dilate or makes health and manhood^ Saves money, 50 cents and »i «>. »« a ‘* C ure cuarnuteed. druggists. _____ Its A isilnt of orilor is sometimes noted for bluntuess. ____ flail's Catarrh Cure Is a liquid and!*taken and Internally, and acts directly on thohhvod mucous surfaces of the system. \N rit —“ 8 ’ ,r " P F.^c n i!JSK* cS:, Toledo, O. WnKM bilious or COBDYO. eat ft Cascaret, candy cathartic: euro g uaranteed; 1 0c., vou. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup | or °hM™“ toethlne. softens tho ru m». reducoa l n allays pain, cures w ind colic, -s-. a bottle. Fits permanently cured. No fl t* or li. 11. Ki.ike. Ltd.. 881 Arch St. , lhlla., la. Du. rise’s rurc for Consumption relieves the most obstinate couclis.—Itcv. 1>. BOCUMl’ELI.ka, Lex- ingtou, Mo., Feb. 24, ’94. Just try ft 10c. box of Cascarets, tho finest liver and bowel regulator evor aa do. HALL’S Vegetable Sicilian HAIR REHEWER Beautifies and restores Gray Hair to its ori^inhl color and vitality; prevents baldness | euros i itching and dandruff. A fine hair dressing. K. P. Hall & (••>.. Props . Nashua, N.IL Sulil l>y all lmiggists. WRITE V FOR ■UCHdeutde In Artnnl Business. I?aiIro;n] Fare Paid. Fosiiions (iiiarantecd. ‘Students of both 8C\<’8 admitted daily. No vacations. Average course three months. («( i oi‘ui:i Business College, MACON, GEORGIA. HiprJ’s Specie Telilels Cure HriKtat’s Ptsease, Dlalietes, Stricture, Ciloet and ail chronic or acute affections of the (temto. urinary system. Restore weak organs and i m . part vigor to Doth 1 •"<]y and mind. One box SI o': three boxes f-.'.’W. by mail. Prepared by II VM.-AItl) SPEfinc « <>., Atlanta, «», Wholesale by Lamar A Rankin Drug Co. w E F.TAKS LOANS on LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES. It you havs a policy in tb.c Now York I.ifp, Equitable Rife or Mutual i.ifo «im wuuM like to « -uro a Loan, write us giving number of your policy, and we win be pleased to quota r a ,r ' s A'Wress *” *nra,ua. HAY PRESSES! IMPROVED HUNTER FIT.I. f'lRCLF. "Ail Ste*- aq< 1 woctl**ii steel Ri.*-• Khipped on trial to veuablt* i rarties. I ULLY GVAI;ANTFFT) - piaclS; vr white or fA iiLMU-y and Jt» H, 1,FV\ IS, Lfsscfij SHops , I *• : ! :v~« a ; - 2 = - id m in tisers. w ruing AatU to adver¬ 7-23 1 la tune. Soid by dfnsEsl£tA n C O N SUM PTION d.