The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, June 25, 1897, Image 2

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* ‘» c Ao I«L J itu Published every Friday. H. 1). SMITH, Editor The Salvation Army ltu (struck hitr-gernld. Muchta.ll; is nr,* . a indication of much hi-:.hi. Vienna \\ ill 1. eve, a soldiers ro- union on the Red <-f July, Kitzgarubl ' ill ", 1 rut • the glorious 4th on Ihe ,'lri. The better (h ■ road arc ilrainc i the belter they are to he p up. They hung Tom Dell, in /. -bn Ion hi?!. Friday. There are oth Florida 1'tnon are going north to get "/‘-il. Yankee girls are coming soi^th. Policemen ml be rilf* ur<‘ mounted on win,-! in Mime j art- of the country. Fast men an 1 eatr-y women - ■Te, oil |," goill :> health and rtation i The Rome Gi‘ 0 "pia ii wtu pub- .lished it, j ink lust week, !f editor i;; a wo-euin. A. in v, Kioridu I» u jirevcnts the sale ol mullet fi-h between the 15th of 1 . • end the 15th of A Hf! u sf, Jack j,owell Inn dii covi-t, d 11m 1, many won. n (Infancy work who do tint fancy work an 1 he fancy won; -n. If .the conviels had boon pill 0,1 tbe public load hen years ngo, would nov. h living in a ;ood country. Ahorse cuuuot talk, but condition p-enci.-Jly .-peaks public opinion of hi owiier. Five j,ri. mo : '-aped from Vienna jail 8ntu‘.a r ) ight by means cl .. a wh„1>-ii ■ i ..•>■ made , by , , one <>f the jn-ir,oners. The Way cross Journal eaiuo out this Week in pamphlet, form. If. makes an editor .Sweat to do things like that. The Noi iujvn woo! crop in < quilt count)' whs 100 bales, and was sold in Moullrio the oilier day for HI cent:, j r pound. t Editor Tison, of the D. nglusu Loader, hm invented a prims ‘ 1lt tho young folks are informed that it i- for publishers only. A postanstress in Illinois rob¬ bed 'be made to g>*l money to buy wedding finery. She has lost, her position, honor und pros- peetivo husband. Silicc tl. - 2d pi r cent duty wa>. passed »n < d,|i n, tin- V'a hing- ton Post Iu-.-- , il iscovered that Georgia has -’cotton fail” orals. They are it new kind at least Irwin county promises to cole brate the coming of fall with u roiuoval campaign, it l-’ilzgcr- aid will give us a pair f horses and a ynnkee girl. v. o wili go over and lake a band, (lake j!)(. Girl’s hand.) 'I i nmnvi At mil n r. Ii !.- a t• i. ble cccideiii to t« humidor but ihe pain and a jon) end Un- ft iv lu. di-(ignii im-i ;, cun l e ijui< k!\ Otvri-OIWe without s vim- a -ear le. using D.-Wit * S Witch tiuzhl Sail-- s. Belt & * . The Unadilla Advertiser (uk* unurUelo from IhoCordele Herald and credits it to the Ashburn Advance. We r.-iiher 1he\ would lake it from tho Advance and credit it lo th f raid. In speaking of t o divine healer who starved to death iu Mexico, Jack Powell wauls to know why be didn't do tin- bn ad act with the stone. 1‘robably pome dear friends did the . tone act with - ie cold bonrdin,.- hous* biscuits. A petition I:.:- b* en lu to the council of A Uunta by women to establish curfew law. It may be neccmsury now to a bell at 9 o'clock and arrest nl! children found ni Ibe Mn-et- thereafter, but let i- ed'u the children of the j-u -ent ^ei. ratii u to the exL-iit that the chil¬ dren of the next . »t< r..t. m will not have lo be .- oyenied by u municipal law. Some of tin tn * f to-day certomly need a guar- tion. Don't nezkt-t a et uc ! - 1 use * lie V.eatlici is ph ns.nji; in l . f P. V ri VX1 storm roils ar-uii'd t mu\ r. v ( into a serious iblfie- lu * . > ,»»„} r pair One Minute * ou-ah Cur> i- «> take and M i J Jo wbut its i . me 1 w- ulio?.—J. S. Re* - A ('< The lurg-'st farm in this conn- try, and probably in the world is situated in the southwestern part «f Louisiana. It 100 miles north and son lb, and twenty-five miles cast and west. It was purchased in 1SSH by u syndicate of northern capitalist, by il ,M !I5 o j •: ratf'fl. At ' ' , f if ' <" 1 ,ffG0* lll'IVr a |,,->.-iui<- for !,< in that i- v. .y. Vow 11. i« vided into * at ions or ran ci) , OX J in lx mi--'.- The fei.cin a i tiusl abont h-r, The - id 1- l ost. adapted "i- j’.r , t: urn and cotton. V tract .a ,, ril ',|,. wid-. 1 ’i;’i11o if* placed e-n - . Tl. **i gin. nr it Me a to 1 <,ppr,ito a cab! ut i to C. nr plows. Rv this »rr.i- I !>', tty iif'res aro - . ‘a if It »))*» lnhor C Oil I V 1 )i ' ' ' Jiff'. U. 'TC! ).« 1 a single ,1 Ml III) till) - tire pine - if s except those uued t,y ; i, • Iseidets of (-(.tile, which th liMul on the phie •• f* f i Pacific ra i 1 w t, y i; hirl i x 111 i leti through t a; i n. he company has tin i- r f, ,mboati operating on the cstul * f v. It tcli 300 mi Jen uavigt. I,ie. It has also an iec- house, hi n k, shipyard and rice mills. - Cot : 1 itulimi. cal ■ : r >. Si- k lu <*,Lll ) v and tempi, :,-i) • < ; o' IdliRlU 1 lilt |l j , own Little H.irlv Ki- • .i Boi-f (i, rk ; • .Vi'-.lkoi’s. lie! yo-r V -e drink- lit alki-i’s. Eli 1 :, i ,1 . i I,,.!-.-: i 1 1 o l<> (d!.f “Tic.' . , f." cl ;< s’’ j a,d T-.ot ji,,y,,.f ip * r xcf. T.- x >, Enf, r pri-e, wnih v , i 1 1 " about 1«-Hitt’* 1 a'lth l. inv i• . ll," mm u- c ( |j ( , 4 ,,, , d cl," ii, >i i! ■: is ol’ihe >-t.-iM«< un i-ye-v.- J A ma'am iu Florida taken uongb chewing gum from tho children to last her three vimiu. -•Ar-hbiivu vanre. That 1., pi --tty bud fur a woman but we line v ). m hi that ‘-l.-iyn her in , IL- f,mid -nine ,,)•),hen I , Jiicking Muck mi Ll. In ml mm <f but week’s hull- -t days, and after thov had lilted tlu-ii- buckets he took Ibe 1 »o n i - * : way from them etui run them oil * f'lii- laud. Moulti'i Ob i-t". ,-r 'h'-n did ■ - t the beri-ic.**? If the poor fellow lould turn to a bull of ) Ml v ;U i: i '.could tat vug:- and old sfme-. Vv’hy shimld the - of a sclmol le veiled i commencement;— I Imniasvilb- limes. Because it is the d' cniulshij with the girls :: hunting a j - > v. ith the boys. Jr s!.. 1, \ - R \ 1*8. , reps ate i ,i v., !i >Ci. nt ut cr i in- ( - pious show: ) *i t huyo visiii'd t:-.'Cl the l ast |\ v, . ;.S OU Winn • i J y."i' I -** * be oV< v l-ftliTLi are u - i - " in xt Satunhi- , i un ov.-r Mr. i' i itor ttiul It n Nlu’r ir St r end -I I v t»* ' a i of h .a turn * rz ih- tnorou;;ht: tin- -pi ed of h - l> v -. n I t 1 o tu paint and te;- ‘I ! i. o' ', 1'U\ - - ' r VDr STlUc ? print it or br o a tri-.v , rs lights li tv : ;> ■ P< |}*4 tho coitim - t mourn tin* r e ,1 urele .!<• * ij'- m iji>-it • V ■it one of his r .Vi' phlu.-s 1 u ’ * . ...... } <-n-v i-"- jt-eiuro The bn : (' i i l\t t Li - \vi-<!; jt j ui: on tin* a«.k.> Mb - Alim . i-.M h» in ■ full- vt- a visit on 1 s.-t ll li V il Sw.tJ-.l Alt.-s B»“i 00 i < ni :. i'i K U-'.i , ,. v • >*-'d Lu l- l.- .b i i'u> - i-iy tiuorge L ail u M i(linin'* vi- i. J fti.-i J r • . f ia Tifton M-ilteher j. >i ’ I i ll f • :>:t> --s* week Th - Railroad?" this vicinity i Wl .1 , ;l 1- for r. U'-Coue ;i--'i ■: ,.. s» in rz rs:ami f Ml i q.-n-'i ei - v ill ii l e r ; V, 1:0 s-v. u : t s pivs-ioa-of r fv tr. vymimgfa > - * r x > 8tvi v in x nr*‘ u r -. < n ln-t Weilneulay Judge J. J. Dowell presiding with hi' u-uul dig- n'.fi' rt grace. i. iiii) h number fr -m thi*.place tended the commencement exercises hi the McPhaul academy Pi it w< ok Mr. Editor come to the pi nh- we will have the editors dish rn-mti>s (Bi id. berrv pie ) Rev. Mr B it'h fi I d Ids npnoiid- »•« ut ’ u S iu- diy slid .•undiy. A j nil f -ad, is.- «a- cunt over lw < in <• eon mum y voder !«v by ll e (il - , n , m»ii of < f i^o denlli ' ! ■5 <ii ! 'uni ■' hi- In me ,0 Hyl- <" ' I*, 'i •» he i.«■ f r -*v< (1 , I,.- v.c e.\- iiiltu h it I* ’I -ym;ntlM In their si vt r>- t tr. V m 'cl, ove in ilie e itor nnd a solid V i ■ * Li- -' cccm : f 11. is pa- p we ell,- e Jo n. Tin i 8 & i' railroad will sell roni-d nip i- • l-> Na-bv,'lie and return a* , ; .*],'• , ,) |jJJ ,Jli|y pth, Feme r< r - noma f r Iv.tiiIv fti4 .'-in ■ t! r- i yea.- liaye srffured i Dili ii,I s ai il iho,i I ave W*n <l ii’ k- f’e r ; mam title cored by ..mi g ■ itiV Hazel SrIv,-, tl, v- ' ' an d> f, r ),ihm and all fo: in of ;’.•(« :-. J. S- 15; ft» Ac Co. RANDOM TALK. »y nooous tiov } -.ireful yon,,..' limn, don’t <ret liiintrn inOed, Hr your mind, and let it star fixed. The lestive lil'le ily is now iu * he zenith of his alm-y. The (rank of niter ext remit v is u « u ‘ ’’ " <d with die oil i I I 'em, ri adv to make the perilous jun fr-in A hburn to “Port Ridiculous” a! tho r, aiful rate of one mile per ‘, eh i'lil- lion o( the heart. ‘ All ab< tu*l” ! ;i. )/■ cn the cry <luriu“ t!u- “wee vma” oo r- of n ght for r o p".s( we. k H.ive you thought about that race 'ruck ? Tin tl a i rop has trade a hit il - , a so; , “ai,d <l<>n’t you f. rget it,” tin- eng! .. ; id that the cum - i'ct ii. ' - liburn on the Sab bu ■ C 11 afeh under.” * na - ,i* : , y pi pillar in Ashburn. ■ d "Vc i l,c strained »♦. lb r ' ui', o .,at many call, made n t< <• Ba* bit h day that die u >t ap- ircci d d. ere flu re any canmG in Asbburn V, e Would i d cd be s U'fy (or them, 'iTm Add-urn Tel, phone System will mm wm mi t ' abba-h worth a— * IbLo ,-nti ", uive u-the best look - iu ' n ; il in town pie sc. “ l ing-ling.” i rmn H ■ . ,->■ o n !i ,d 1,,-ofi com- m> :<diu tin- stale of Florid:), ho -'.i.nM I, a i.viug free mill today. One o- n'l-.l rtation kc, p -r tears tr-ubh- w'nh the mot tiers m tl.o city. ns lus fnqmid *‘hi-Po’»” tend to dis- !, trb iln- vv d n p so of tho “kid-',” A* Ihi- m-'is u i ft !u- vcitr, u t-en the -ys'eu* is a'l fnn dotrn. and you have “Tired Feeling" is an jndica- O-ui./ im; *e hiood; and a tflood Purifier h n*d le taken. W-- would • v mm- ml • - quire me;; I at ibo “Dew Droj Inn” th in mid disinter g ncralh tol- 1 ws ill the wiikc of th 1 - first. I'm, 'J. ' I s he tlil-eati ind 1,% ip,» • u ieiumnioi in-., hat y.mi t y ; H ,ti tVo m i i inks s ill we b-lieve that they aid v < • r the storm all riglu • nougb. This in v-ment of (In- ' OUU” people • I Am'-. burn -peak- wi ll for th ii at hotu<- at'd abroad, and we feel .'mub'- a--ui-.ll that (here will he tt nv blight and shjoieg characters ft. m th* i: ( kso! i! e It. y, p, ft, ■ -ns"* 'll ream I I.i.r!” when the no-ul t- ii .s cd'rd nvr yonder, (.olid j-i.u fil'd -P'l-d. ' 1! - on v, ur • > • j ii ingto*, und "ear a we w th Je, us.” ! - -r M -• k > u inib. d have our - .51!-.{ a' Ii V. .-I- we ) i ;l t ton have ' f.-tfr-n t. ci n t sk. A;, e\e -nge -ays h it the s’,» leton ’ he <1- \ i'( s 1»-1 g i xhibi'vd in .New 3 ?, rk. It must be n back number t K-y | tmin of the venerable - h- cm bo st-en in Ashburn every day. tier,;* •;** s i» niih' ‘ DiuErfr'’ tvho cspic-1 a n- vtonnchDi, rmwn In 1 io l>:\oU yartUemv, ' »l»l» tin;.- - -n , mvi . .Maf ' vmvU-n r o ,','f,i»im- tlfteon ri-nis, ! i - s same littte nin-'-r'' got tlmt water- - 1 '. It *1 Ills own t \|vnst-. - !iU<-(lio old lo-und was liotvlinir, and the v did was irrowlunr. And no on - hits s,, u (his little "'tthrsor” since. U . B .1 l.»>sn«. Newark, O, ‘ * bn- M ; :i u : - ough ('ill,I -.iveil ' «in'll ft liyiu- b> «-r«np,” It '• • - ' e 1 t c- 4-• f I'tbois m fro: - tump, piientu-ujiii. bri>iuTii ■ i , i <- h«-i m i u. .. il u'at amt lung *1 les.—J. S. Be-ts iv t <>. A i e« ., , «<v has been pla-ed on '•nomvk,.' the cure of esiln. ,v ,-t: 't: *“■" ...... ... ; ' ■ mpanv, given by pr* V) i-i* ■* < f V»Un»a ami < s w n *1 o Gi it a sart' v a.'"* f * «l i v . t'ompmy > n : ‘It vpr . Vi UlU'i ■v»:Dxr:^A Thkasmku. A FR 1 CANA will eiire Kczema and Ca *» n Si to Slav Cured. EMI* IIK HARDEN MID SI MMER FAIR. TIFTON, • GEORGIA. JTI.Y. 7, 8, and It Men’s cotton Pants at .30 ets. rey & Roobits. - «*t». Not only piles of the very worst oiler pn'us, Viiuisep, boils, ulcers anil skin troubles can be relieved by the same remedy.—J. & tl> - F*'i- keg pickles, go to Walker's. THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. Pure Il o id is es-<-ntial to good health, fhou-ands ufler with im- pure bio <]. TTidusauds who arc atlbctcd could be cured by takulg At- riean i. the only positiv- remedy. Af'rieana cures Rl>., umati-m of •"«- standing. Africans euros Scrofula A fried tm cures Old Bores. Afticaua cures Constipation. Syphilis. African,a cures Af-icautt cures ICxzeu-a. Ali'icana < ares Catarrh. Africans! cures all Blood ai d Skin disciisi-.s. Atriitl will oof viucc y u of i's m rits. Solil bv G a nor m b & Tub asher July 15th. DEW DROP INN THE FINNIX HOUSE. MBS SAIJ.1K CHAPMAN, Proprietress. Rates $1 a Day. “DEW DROP INN. > » GEORGIA STATE GaZETTER, BUSINESS and PLANTERS------ ---DIRECTORY. To be. Kcaily for Delivery in November 1897, Six'iii Edition. MK' X A volume of more than 1200 pages c’n;tuning full ertaining data cuncerning oven ihii g | lo Georg a ahi'-h the busbies- or professional man c ul ! wish *o know all iu form iiinu arranged alphab -I- ica 11 v b-, counties and by busine-s e a-siflealuins. Names mid addres-es taxable pr pt tty, and average of ail re-ponsib'c fa; uicm in the State. For advert Ring r.ib s and siF-s rip- (ton p' ioe, addr.-s Georgia Directory Company, A. E. Sin i.k.s, Manager, A'laitta, Ga. P. O. Box, 293. ! "®I 0 l il/ m s 1 ft ill w r ;'«ft \ in / l WE BUY or;i JEWELRY OF tt. A. WHIDBY. HE HAS A LOT CLOCKS AND MANDOLINS ON THE ROAD. — mm PlfiUTE COUGH CURE That is what it was f or . Prompt, safe, sure, quick relief, quick cure. Pleasant to take. W B. .lahnson, N> wsrk. O , say-*. 4 ib-0 Miuut- t'oug.T tare -aved un iv;tt ci\>UV k ' UtnotilHa other sir,uus throat & To. and luo^. I s —J s. Betts OFFICIAL ADVERTISING. PETITION FOR CHARTER- The Hon Allen D. Candler, See’y of State, State of Ga. The petition of the undersigned, whose names and residences are hereinafter fully set forth, re* shows: FIRST. That they desire to be incorpo¬ rated, as provided in the acts of 1802, and the acts of 18115, amen¬ datory thereof, pages 00 & 01. SECOND. They desire for 1hen.selves, their successors and associates to be incorporated under the name and style of the THOMASVILLE & GULF WAY, Co. THIRD. The railway contemplated un¬ der this petition for charter to be abont, fifty ftve (55) miles in length, beginning at Tifton, in the County o4 Berrien on the north, and running iu a southerly direction, through the counties of Berrien, Worth, Colquitt, pass¬ ing through or near the town of Moultrie, in said County, and in¬ to the Conntyof Thomas, to the city of Thomaaville, said railroad having as its Northern terminus the city of Tiftonjand as its South¬ ern terminus the city of Thomas- ville. FOURTH. The capital stock of said Rail¬ way Company eliall“ibe not less than one hundred thousand ($100, 000) dollars, nor more than five hundred thousand ($500,000) dol¬ lars, the same to consist of com¬ mon stock. FIFTH. That they desire the charter of said railway company to continue for and during the term of one hundred and one (101) years, as allowed by law. SIXTH. That the principal office of said Company shall be located in the city of Thomasville, County of Thomas. SEVENTH. Your petitioners declare that they do intend in good faith to go forward without delay to se¬ cure subscriptions to the capital stock construct, equip, maintain audjoperate said railroad. EIGHTH. Your petitioners further show that they have given four weeks notice of their intention to apply for charter, by the publication following of this petition in the newspapers, Viz: ‘‘Thomasville Times Enterprise,” Thomasville, Tifton, Ga., ‘‘Tifton Gazette,” Ga., “Ashburn Advance” Ash- bum, Ga., “Moultrie Observer” Moultrie, Ga., said newspapers being the ones in which the Sher¬ iff’s advertisements are published in their respective Counties, through which the railroad con¬ templated in this petition is pro¬ posed to be run. NINTH. A'our petitioners attach hereto their names and residences re¬ spectively, as follows; W. W. Ashbucn, Eastman, Ga. W. N. Leitch, Eastman, Ga., Matter M. Clements, Eastman, Ga., F. B. Stubbs, Cox, Ga., S. J. Stubbs, Cox, Ga., George W. Parrott, Sr. Atlanta, Ga., George W. Parrott, Jr. Atlanta, Ga. S L. Hays,Thomasville, Ga., K. M. Smith, Thomaaville, Ga., Joseph II. Merrill, Thomasville, Ga. Z. H. Clark. Moultrie, Ga. M, J. Parrott, New A’ork, N. Y. Jacob Haas, Atlanta; Ga. John E. Cay, Atlanta, Ga. C. B. Parker, McRae, Ga. J. W. Reid, Thomasville, Ga. Wherefore your petitioners pray that they may be ted under the provisions of the laws and Constitution of the State, with all the powers privileges common and to such corporations. And your petitioners will ever pray, etc. Smith & Clements. Attorney? for Petitioners. Worth Sheriff’s Sales. Will bo sold> on tho first Tuesday in July, 1897, at the court house door in said within the* lefral hours of sale, to the highest bidder f»»r cash, the following property to wit: Lots of land numbers twelve (12) and x 13) in the second t-nd) district of Worth coun¬ ty. Ga., each of said lots containing four hun¬ dred and ninety \4fto) acres, more or less. Said l«nd levied on a the property ol Jehu Branch, to satisfy of Irwin an execution Issued from the county court county, Ga., in favor of Albany l eitUiacT & barm Improvement Company, against the said Jehu Branch This June. 10 th 1897. Sheriff H, S, StohY, Worth County Ga, ^ w otIce ti oi f Desolation. ni.. n t„.,- Vh’SSSS Get your meals a! the Few Drop len j^CTS ten weeks and then stopped. The old %rr triai to \ ankvo Blade, Brv*oks. Me. 1 1 HI dealers is YELLOW PIKE LOPE ASHBORH. GA. All orders for Laths Shingles,-Stav s Car Sill?, Bridge Stuff Flooring, Moulding, Brackets Coiling, Etc., will receive prompt attention CAN DRESS ANYTHING TO 18X30, I Wr o cary a well selected and assorted stock of D.-v Goods, niimlwure Groceries, Etc. If in need of anything in Clothing, SUCH AS MEN’S AND BOYS’ SUITS, We can fit you We Have a Nice Stock of LAD IES f DRESS AND TBIMMINGS. we would be pleased to slit*/, the ladies of Ashburn and snr founding country. Tanks, Valises, ami ' Satchel Our'CANDIES are FRE8II AND FINE W FLOUR, cr meat, GRITS, er rice, cr SUGAR, mr COFFEE, «r meal, And in fact any and everything tnat is kept. in. a first-class grocery house can he had at our Large, Brick Store as cheap as the cheap¬ est. We carry a full line of Furniture. UP STAIRS Cor stock of Shoes is Complete, with a specialty of Ladies’ and Children’s Fine Sunday Wear. Wc al-o handle the lic-t brands of (Jjrf ° arS TobdCCO, * Sdllff, J EtC lv * Full lino of the best makes OF STOVES NOW ON HAND. AH kinds of Stock Food at Reasonable Prices. The citizens of Ashburn and surrounding country are cordially invited to call and inspect our slock. have a Wagon Yard and »«•, r~ «, «, „ pecially. Respectfully, a ^ betts ^ & Cn ^U Dr. J. F. GARDNER. AND SURGEON Calls answered promptly and night. Special attention given to dis eases of women and children. Residerce at the Hicks place. Ashburn, - - Georgia. Dr. J. F. GREGORY, &00., —(Specialists.)-- . t’un'ure. Cularrb, Recta' Diseases Hemorrhoids, (Piles) 1-istulas Cured NO KNIFE, NO PAIN. Room No 1. Heard Building CoRDELE, G/ , 1(57, Cotton Ave . Macon, G a. WARREN L. STORY, Physician and Surgeon, Sycamore, Ga. Diseases of Nose and Throat. DR. W. J. TURNER, Physician and Surgeon, Ashburn, Georgia. Special Attention Given to Dis eases of Women and Children. OlHce in Room No. 2, Betts Buildini?, Residence; W, A. Shingler’g. Calls Answered Day or. Night. DR. T. H. THRASHER, Physician and Surgeon, Ashburn, Georgia. General Practice Solie ted. Office in the Christian Building, C. E. WALKER, Physician and Surgeon, Sycamore, Georgia. GEO. W. COOPER, DENTIST, Ashburn, Georgia. Office, Room No, 4, Betts Building-, W. B. CONE, D. D. S. I Make a Specialty of Crowns Bridges and RepTaatatfons-. Teeth Extrac ted With oat Pabm Ashburn, . * . Georgia,. W. T. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law. Land and Collections Sycamore Georgia Z. Bass, J- DaviS BASS & DAVIS. Attorneys at Law Ashburn, :-: G&orgia Real Estate and Col-teetions, Prompt attjontioa i all business placed in our hands. B. B. WHITE, Attorney and Ceuncellor at Law. Ashburn, Georgia. Will practice in all the Courts, State and Federal. J. G POLHILL, Attorney at Law. Sylvester, - Georgia. Practice in all the courts. Patronage Solicited. HAWKINS & MeKENZIE, Attorneys at La\Y c Building-, Rooms 4 and ii. Cordele, - Georgia* Prompt attention given to all businyw intrusted to my care. JNO. F. POWELL, J. W. POWELL. V'lenna, Oa, AsLlmrn. Ua JNO. F. POWELL & SON Attorneys-at-Lavv. We practice in all the courts. Immediate and careful attention given to business placed in OUF- hands. Employing one secures services of both. Business solie-* ited and inquiries promptly ans» wered. THE CITY BARBER SHOP. Hair- DRESSING— a specialty. SHAVING— quick and easy. RAZORS—put in good fix on shot- notice. You will always receive a cordial welcome. R. D. LAW, Proprietor. ASHBUUN - OKpgeja. Long Cotton Gin. Patent adpM ior Ho- Xi T g ' rUnSsmo ° 1 ^^ns four bales a day without injuring the staple nor wanted with Parv- money to manufacture. H. D. Smith. AsliDurn