The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, June 25, 1897, Image 3

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HE ASHBUBITTOTywct as Ashburn, Ght.Tjuue, 25,li^.~ Subscription ft u year in advance . ” More tenant houses are herded. - Frmersare laying by their crops. im- 'ti p ' *" C0l ‘ ° VS 7 ‘* c *r<y*ttooon. r# . Ripe watermelons are coming to *™ n ' Ring up Central turd tell the editor the slews. Woisted at 8 ct-.—Jeffrey & R mbin . Mr Will Campbell died at Worth last night Mr. S. B. Hudson is suffering from rhenmatisin. Plain Cashtmer. Full width 12\,c Jeffrey A Roobin. Mr. Lee Betts and lady are vjsit- Vig in Cuthhei'l. Durham and Wilson’s gin house is aout completed. To nmlsunmier fair al Tifton is onl. two weeks off tffreea returned _ Tif- aliss Pearl to Wednesday evening. ™ Yard-wide fine Casi nacre 171... Jeff ^ (TO) & Roobin. Report it to ihe Advance, wo will not tell that you said so. Mr. Charlie Hickman is off to Loris 8 . C. to spend the summer. iNo air-ship has been seen over this pilaco. This is a dry town. Mr. Ben Horne is keeping G. Gtl'dav’s book while Mr A. C. For- ester is away. V The Fpwortli League held an in¬ teresting service at the Methodist pburch Tuesday night. VMr. A. C. Forrester has been off to the bedside of iiis father in Thomas > county who died a few days ago. There will be a picnic at Fords mill near Isabella tomorrow. Ring pp Ford’s mill if you want Smith. Mrs. Ella Woodard, of Perry, has been visiting the family of R. S. Woodard. : Every subscriber to the Ashburn Telephone System is a subscriber to tho Advance. They a rgjnen of en- f’ , PrU ' L llere d ess Wright says; business Afe|t with fl|s tele- ain’t got no farms, but you ought to have lec is L„L 1 q ■ 11 1 Another young man in Ashburn las become engaged since our last sue . The couple is coii-idermg 1 V'y fall marriage. : , putting _ • IA parly is figuring on in lectric lights. Then we will need alcr works and a protracted meet- * U w» *m « » o-elpok. jlwe I Mr. W. A. Ligou, of C irdele, was Tuesday complimenting us on f air telephone system. He is p ut man exchange at. Unadilla. Ilf / I In the list of yi-itors to the ans home in last week’s Appeal fshburn. ie name of Mrs. F, R. Stephens, Let othe.s visit the home. I Mr. W.T. Perry, from the Houston Jtigh school, has spent part of this lie Seek with his uncle, the Advance. may J teach a summer school near r (VC. f: Who will report the first open cot- tou? Mr, J. W, Chapman was first to report a square, and Mr. J- S- S)iii.* glcr the first to report a bloom. Prof Tboma* 1*. Ti-on was with father and sisters here Satuulay. He ordered his Advance sent to Wbitttmgon during his yacation from the dental college. Miss Birdie Baxter, of Decatur, will arrive this evening to visit her uucle Dr. Thrasher. She is a yery popular young lady, and is expected to re¬ main here about two weeks. Mrs R, Huckabee telephoned her husband yestorday evening at 4 o’clock that their boy had a tooth. . Huckabee is interested to-day in t..e prospects of the High school, Several of the streets have been pu in excellent conditioh. The \ alk from the Methodist church to the Baptist church has been nicely sloped up and covered with clay. i A young lady over the way told Jesae Ilickman she would send him gome ice-cream through the telephone SeDd it alohg apd we’ll set a bucgel under the lightning . . _ aw / 1D a ° u " era surveying corps has been sight- I ^ around through Worth County trying to locate a railroad. They -ccm io be making from Worth to a point on J. S- H etls & CVs road. I'oen they w B probably use the Betts road from A-ii-urn as tar as it goes then baild on to Bylvtstei^’by way ot skbella- This survey is for the Syl- esier Northern & Gnlf road. two or throe othls teeth at the same time, and they were not false ones either. Now that Rev..I. J. Williams has spoken atal laid a falsehood at the door of Presiding Elder Stubbs, it is ovi- dent that these columns will be visited a(fit jn by Bro. Stubbs. lie ‘ is (her- oughly aide to d' fetid himself, and these columns are at hrs disposal to do go. Don’t mbs «he issue Reva . Williams and Suralin are holding a tent meeting at Live Oak. Why are they not u-ing the house? Because Rev. Williams ouee abused the piiviiegos granted him by the church. Ho was allowed to hold a meeting there once with the under¬ standing that lie would nor organize a Wesleyan < hureh in the house. He drd omianiee. and the doors of that church have been elo“(d against him. It is a Wes'eyan meeting they are holdingsn a tent near by Don’t thin vour b’o'ul with sassst- fras or poi-on it with bine mass, but aid Na'ure bv using DeWitt’s Little Early Risers , the biliousness fatuous little pills for constipation, and stom¬ ach and liver troubles. They are purely veg> table.—J. 8 . Betts & Co. The street leading south to the Sycamore road came to an abrupt en q yesterday morning. That is the street had an end, and ju-t beyond, e ,- oa d ha.1 tm end, and" there was some private propeity between that prevented the connectioh when it was fonc<d up . A street had been open’d as far south as Mr. Bryant’s home. Thou the people drove around over a yac iht lot. Eventually this lot wa« improved and they drove oyer the ncXi vacant lot. Then a fence was run across the second lot and the road was shut out. That ea'led out the street comiiiit'ee a d a confor- enee of eounciimen and free holders was held down there in the woods and an order passed to open two streets. In opening the street facing the railroad tinee houses will haye to be moved. Those of Wm. Bryant If. II. Sumliu and Wcs ! ey Ba-s are built facing the right of way and have been ordered back about 50 feet. The street hands will get around to that part of town just as quick as they can. ASHBUSN TELEPHONE SYSTEM. (call hy j ’ c, ghi no .[ ^ er 1 g p 2 J. S. ohingler commissary . 8 „ s J. S. Betts 4 Shingler& Lawrence, 5 & Q ' 6 ^ 7 J. W. Evans, 8 R. lluckabee, 9 ^ ' ^ ' Betts ’ 10 Garbner & Thrasher ’ 11 J. B. Bozemon, 12 ^ ^ Stingier, 18 J-C Hickman & Co. 14 ] *** * 15 Edmonson s Stables, lfi R Woodard, 17 ^ j w Torne 18 Davls . * Barbre ’ 19 J. R. Patten, 20 H r< j. p. Gardner, 21 Bagg & Davig) 22 J- b • McLendon McLendon, 23 T. J. Shingler, 24 Dr w L s t 0 ry, (Sycomore,) 25 ^ yy 00( j 20 ’ Lawrence ’ 27 Dr. T. H. Thrasher, 28 L. O. Fntcli, 29 S. B. Hudson, 30 J. S. Shingler’s still, 81 Worth railroad office, call. To call, press the button and turn the crank. Then take the rece j ver 0 ff the hook and listen till you hear a “Hallo” then call out the number you- want, and listen till you-are answered. Hold the receiver to your ear and talk in the “phone” with your mouth about three inches from the transmitter. Talk in the same tone you would use to a friend in the same room, When' you are through talking, ring off. If you get no reply it may be because there is no one in where you are calling; The Central office will be open from 5 a. m. tc 9. p. m. From 9 ^. Q g a _ there will be a night bell to the office, and you may when matters of importance mand it. Parties calling up Central after 9 o’clock at except for important matters have their ... lines cut . off from ,__ board till 5 o’clock ing. If your “phone” get a out fix. report it to the Central Gingh un ‘>f all colors 5 cts. Jetlr, & Roobin. ~ -”'‘ r V pleasure George and John gave the party a starlight excursion over the now road, MrJ Betts and his good lady were in the party and added much to the pleasure of the ocoasion loo-cream was served after the party returned to Mr Betts Everything win p'casaut and the cream was excellent Good music was fumi-hed Kyen the moulting bird in the vine ooughi the >|>int and wrr- bled Ids best as tho pan.v gathered " , 0 i,,0 ' croou * ,!,ble lu llle . Gingbams of bII e lois 5 cts Jeffrey & Roobin. Tlic Meeting. The holtne-s meeting closed Suu- day night Revs Dodge and Matthews labored faithfully, did some yory deep preach¬ ing We would like to go on and write a column about it, but there is noth¬ ing to say, except that it was an ex¬ cellent meeting so fur ns fil ing the filled,clothing the clothe !, visiting lie we I, and ministering to those who are not in prison are concerned Will We never have a meeting for the laboring people of Ashboru? ^ c apologize to the public for say- t *‘ al l * le u ’gh' setyices would close on lime. There is not a set of preachers on eiir, h 'hatcan move this town by holding on till 10 30 at nigtil. Most 0111 peop.e have to ri*c at 4 o clock the morning.and they cannot hold * : P uuder five hours sleep. Will we have to import a mission* ary who will close at J o’clock? or will we let the laboring people go without the gospel? We are not fighting the church, wo are fighting for it, Lawi and Calicos very cheap at Jeffrey & Roobin’s. Miss Florrie Smith, of Sycamore, and Miss l’eur! Stulibs. of Ochloch- lice, are visiting Miss Vic Evans. Lawn and Calicos very cheap at Jeffrey & Roobin’s. Mrs. E. Hackott, Mrs. Hudson’s -mter, returned home ’'aturday. Dried apples; apple vinegar.—D.v- VIS & B.UillltK. “HAS BEEN." [From The Holiness Advocate.] On tho third page wo publi-h a let¬ ter fr ni Rev. J. J. Williams, whom ihe Lord has so wonderfully used in this section ol country, in spreading holiness: n-'twith-tanaing the many (fforls made to lessen his influence, and u-nall> by those whom we might expect belt’ r from. We make no comment on the letters Cmy speak for Uieni-clveS. Ty T/, Ga. June 21. 1897 Editor Holiness Advocate.—I see in the Ashbu' u Advance, uuder date of May 28. 1897, in a letter from H. Stubbs, P. E. of the Valdosta District of tne Methodist Episcepol church South, against voursell that lie accu¬ ses me of leaving that church under charge- - , which is absolutely fal-e as Ihe. following cttrtificatc will show. For the sake of justice please pub¬ lish, and oblige, Yours, rejoiug in full salvation. J. J. Williams Ty Ty Ga. Noy 28, 1897. The bearer hereof, Rev J J Will iams, htts been an acceptable mem¬ ber of the Methodist Episcopal church South, in the Ty Ty'and Sumner cir¬ cuit South Georgia conference W c Glenn P astor church Cashmere dmible-widtli, brocaded all colors 13Cic. -Jeffrey Sc Roobin. B. Y. P. U. Subject.—Cuban missions. Song 17,—Jesus saves. Scripture lesson,—John, 14-23 27. *• 15 20-27. •• 16-7-J5 32- Cuba—Mr. S. B. Hudson. Song.—208 Cuba a iniriaele of missions.—Miss Fi'zgcrald. 3’he apostle of Cuba.—W. A. Mur- ray. Cubans in the l r . P. mission.— Miss udge. Miss Cloliide Diaz:—Mi-s 8 ong. 193— Biinging in the Mr Du z aud his mother.—Mr. J. W. Evans. Will Cuba he freiT—Miss Horne. Effect of the war on o’tv work in Cuba__J. H. Allen. .lie presmt William 4 . Sunday school i:i Page. ,Soitg.2(i5— Thri.MV ont the A new creature.—Mts< Maxic marc, Lost and found,—Mr. C. C. bie. Iro, a Cuba girl.—Miss Esina Cox. Song. 290—WuohOaver wilh Walkor gives a gl.t-s of » da with ever dollars worth of good-. Yard wide IVreal all colors Jeffrey & Roobin. * ho; of Cheap Soap at Walker’s. Meats, fruits and vegetables at Wal¬ ker 1 *. Plenty of lentous to squeeze at walker’s Get your iee eold drinks tit ll er’s. Cashmere double-width brocaded „|| 0 ,| OM at 21' c e.—J(ffrcv & Hoobiu »( »*t**«*l GEORGIA SOUTHERN AND FLORIDA RAILROAD. SUWAKKK RlVKK ItoUTK TO Soil'll MAll. TUAINs Dae | Night 11 £5111 2 d Macon 4 00 -r 15 30 1 4-i l ’ordele 1 15 — W Ot) 3 24 Asmn nx 1 15 4- 00 3 10 Tifton ticc-cci; CA 35 4 40 Vald 1 sta Ci 38 5 40 Jasper I *■ 55 (i 15 Lake City 10 20 015 Palalka SMOO-FLY, X(, )r „j , g Eyening 1105 ' Mae 1 ', 4 30 8 30 ('ordele 7 15 7 22 Asiibi: \ 7 57 8 10 r ( pp Valdosta 10 25 Operates Pul’man Buff, t Sleepers the year round between Washy ilia, Tenm, and Jacksonville, Fa- via Ma- con and t'ifton. Operates Pullinau Sleep r- between Atlanta and Brunswick, via Mucmi and Til'tnn, making direct with boats to and Item Cumberland and St. Simons. Operates its own sleepers botwem Macon and Pahvtka via G S A F direct, Direct line to Fitzgerald Colony via Tifton, Shoo-llv train runs every day and will make evey local .-top D. G. HALL, T. P. A.—Atlanta. Ga. VV. It. LUtIAS, h’. P. A.—Jacksonville C. G. RHODES— Soliciting Passenger Agent. Macon, Ga. J. LANE.—General Manager. G. A. MACDONALD,-—General Pas¬ senger Agrent. TIFTON & NORTH EASTERN RAILROAD. “SoLDlEJis’ Colon v Route.” LOCAL TIME TABLE NO. 4. ft. H. TtKT, I GoncrM Office, I W. O. T1KT, Prostdont. I niff TON, La, I Vice. Fresld't. not noSinolj Bffeotive no Sino 4 n «8 pm 00 pm 00(7 am 30! neo. an, lwitt r m pin pm •i 4 .. .1 12 00 7 15 7 K> . 4 12 4 lo;7 44; Brighton .. 11 «• 7 W)7 » ft 4 20 4 S’!!7 r,4 f Harding... 11 0 51 i 40 4 42 X 11 f PinotfH ll in inn dm 4 50 45 1 4* x 4'ij 01 .. Mystic* . 11 |/»!«25«;m 4 5 fiO H . r I'Meiclutr lO.Mlfi i:i w 153 5 10(5 15 U(AW - rUxifei nWl 1 10 45 R *H) 5 00 Tratns Nos, j v 2 y :i and 4 run Jrlally, cxooj f Sunday. Tains Nos. * and run on Sundays only, (D Flag station. Trains stop onJv on signal. All Trains inaka connection with Plant- Sys¬ tem and Georgia Southorn & I’loridu at Tifton and Georgia «fe Alabaitia at Fity^opuld. V. O, BOzVntKiHT, Tri IJic Manairitv i MIDSUMMER FAIR. TJ ETON GEORGIA.. JULY, 7, 8 and 9th, 1897. * ft me. V r (i i ■9- . U fj (cfiit SBWh.,, - I a Amt A Ccm|E ■m v Mm iWS, __ Easy Running. Rigid Frame. Truest Bearings. iV Handsome Outlines. f £ The Lungren Special $65 'A fi fi »T» 1J5 sent C.O.D., privilege of examination on receipt of $3. If not ac¬ cepted $5 returned less expressage. MinUT ■i mm Tji ■ n 1 IilTilill! ■ 1 mm Jj__L Ml HAMILTON INVENTION COMPANY, ASHBtRN, OA. V A A .J* CT J* IS V \ > * 10 C. .■;> <■ 4 tA 7 * x'->' 4 mm 8 *_ !V-.- i i WJm O i 3/ * \ .mi? \ '•5,. i'. # m f? t SS ; ', II i' -k« LIVERY FEED SALE STABLES. NEW VEHICLKK, FAST SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN J K. EDMONDSON-Piop.tielor THE lit )USTON High school■ ARAB1, GA AN EXCELLENT HIGH SCHOOL.” EPWTE/A Tuition, per mo. in advance. 01.25 Music, “ ( ( i < < i 8 . 0(1 A rt, t f. i t i i * ( 3.00 Board, i l ll in dormitory about 5.00 Board per month in private families about, $5,00 Fall Term will begin A tig. 31. Spring Term will begin Jan. 4. Apply for Catalogue to J. E. POWELL. ’■'•VC h' H. Hi m m a m UUhbUiJA r\TTD CP\P\A BUSINESS f 1 Is a great aid to all other kinds of bmdties(, because it keeps the hiislnoss man, the lawyer, the doctor, or clergyman, who finds hitnself tired out and depressed hy mental worries of HOT WEATHER" They all find refreshment an 1 in 25 vigoration in our delicious drinks, COCOA-COLA, TICK BT.S FOR ORANGE PHOSPHATE. <dL LEMtfN PHOHPHATK. 1 cos or Glares. GARDNER, TIIll AG HE II & CO. Ashlmru, Ga, s R3772. 9 _.;:§ U’R'h {13-1 Bicycles at. $35, $40, ^ Baby Carriages and ■s $50, $(’0, $75, $85, $100. f ■v yS Boys’ Wagons in Lar¬ The Best for 1 he Lenet gest Varieties. U. Money. M wm fflL ms fais~ M .ni?:. . \1iVs _ Honest Values Back of Every 1'iicc wo Make. i -1 " r (f Lj.DW'lil J -71 Jj Carriages THE BEST tS'l'YLKH AND MAKES AT LO AMfST PRICES. ’ v c^J . Y-’J M, iiiijtL J_i .Tj-Ei Vx) >->} jt h Macon, Ga. Write for Prices. ALL KINDS LIGHT Wo will soil you anything we make nt the vory best wholesale price. Our \/Q ___ m.i X terms are net cash to all, and our prices are made accordingly. There io no fur- N«. aia. thor use in your paying fancy prices for vehicles. Come direct to tho factory and get them without paying addi¬ tional profits. All our goods are warranted in every particular. Shipped C.^O. D., and if not as ordered or represented HICKORY it costs you nothing. ffBITE fOB CMM.0GUE AND PRICES * BUGGY 00., Indianapolis, iud. HORSES, CAREFUL DRIVERS. DRUMMERS. ASliBUBN. GEORGIA. -v >** Vs V PHEATx").\"S——-:-—- PHEATDNS‘