The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, July 02, 1897, Image 2

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fHE ASHBURN ADVJ\ ** NO! J • _ Publinhed every Friday. _ _ 11. 1>. SMITH, - . - Editor The man who is blowing m the Cordclo Herald is young ; bo may yet become an editor. Two boy a aged 12 and 11 years a son of young Greonberry Wudo and a son of Misa Kuril h Wade were drowned Monday while bath¬ tub* in a lime sink on the Him on Royal old place ueur Pafcvillo, M eesrs. J. S. and A. J. Gong- .......- 'Jr"?*;** - day. lliey moved to lallaboaaee ast, f,i I spent, the winter and spring there nud have returned to their farms four miles east, of town. Lightning struck Greer's 0011 - vict camp a( Dakota Sunday evening about 4 o’clock, and in two minutes afterward the wind blew it down and killed two no- groee and wounded thirl con. Five escaped. Ouo is yet at large. Judging from what tbo editor of tiio Cordedc Herald has to any about Gaining children ho must bo the mother of u boy who killed somebody and got hung for it The same to 2-W-IIiU-ou-thu- whang. They seem to think a woman is not at all responsible for tbo way sho raises n boy. The Advance is now running a telephone directory, with instue- 1 ion book attached—Tifton Ga¬ zette. Smith, of Ahhbmn, i.- havi ng « rocky , tu,,,- getting lii.-t prvticlim to adopt, t ho early closing niovo- motif. Tilton Gazette. Not the early dosing pnrticu- htrly. but a closing that will not bo eternally too late for those who have to work. Advati -e Smith is after the di- . ol his yii"-, ate hours. t, They n vn for keeping Jlenry time don’t give to court going home. — i j< ton Uazofte. We do our courting before nor- vices you don’t have to get, to church till about 8 DO. I ‘ere t- a tint fin ven ihinif • nod the time to nt'end n, u <*«*i«I in when it Mari Don’t wait till mu h ;:\v ' oiimi nipt ion but pr, vent ii l,y i ,io Om- Aliniito cough cure, itm . lt i reimdi L>r coughs, colds, croup bron did is ami all throe l ( u d Ur.ip trouble J. H. Lett* & ' o. A special from Gordele Mon- day says: “A hurrieatio struck this city today al 1 :.’{() o’clock, ruining crops and destroying property. If, was accompanied by a heavy bailstorm. Two negro Methodist churches were completely destroyed, and the burro) factory of the Gor- dtdo Goeperage Gompany was also destroyed. A portion of the live y stables belonging to Fain & Dougherty was blown down demolishing fifteen buggies. Ouo dwelling waa struck by lightning, which tore out one cud of the building. Signs and iiwn- ui£S were scattersd over the btroots ami woveriil jilalo ^Ihsh windows were smashed by the falling rubbish. The tolopone system was aho badly injured by the storm. No loss of life lias been reported. “1 era vo but One Minnie,” Mini iln- pubbe speabiv in a btn-kY v*-i e; and (In n i• o took a d" e "t One Minim Cough Cun', and i ioei eilt t! with hi oratnry. One Minnie Cough ('«*■ v. mit 'jii ilit .1 for 'ln « :H and lung trouli- li s J. S bell* A Co- A IU. lis- 1.1 Defense. Edit< r Advance. Dear Mr, » ilii your jv rmisMon 1 woufil like b.Mty a tvwutill"U. u yourpapir. ... >«v> to an »Dn-l" whh'l.'nPimaiviHo'iLt weeks iblli- nes**« Ativ <M d'e. with tho iBptiou M whu mi' v niueii." 1 am surprised beyond imasne '-o'U vd Cn s gi'u- turc and the coiHon's of It"' article. That he sfiou'd have >t« p|K'l out of the way to make an uncalled for ami unreasonable attack upon m ■ i- asui- j„ isc U> me. and ;u-> u*mg me of wind uji men oho know uic know Hint I have not be>u guilty of. As t-> my appoint men! lo *iie Syeam re c tv ait. 1 |u.d nothing to do with it. 1 prayed earnestly u» y arluoe i was It I d d WOIXI. 1 am told Gait at Live Oak *u«'V prayed that the coiffciem might send ti-orn li e very man thei needed, 1 know nothing of th- w prayers, they knew nothing of mine, I was appointed «■* Ghs cir- nit, Imye been inlMriaed tlia'b’lote I tw r went lo Live Oak. :hat certain b;dh- ren called HBRciin S iodecide whc'be: tuoy should receive mo a* tncir pai** t *r, because I did mu pr-dc-s U«o necoml iblc-tsiog as ibey did 1 ask, is Hus iMu-istaat wdh ih> ir pravcitt This circuit i* not near Mich a cir cuit :i ' 1 b't but I .uu . e.rfu y, believing (ho appo'ntraent to be : of God, I believe it yet, or oixo how ! could 1 have any faith hi ray prayer* 1 But tf you lak ' 1 br-tber Aw o ‘s con- 1 dwot and l ornpa 1 it with his prayer* ’ there U no consistency. Lust year I : prayed the sunn'prayer, und was le- i tui i " J, I i ,4 ne >-'•). • • i f.i iy, bihriMg tiio Appointment to be ol God, I bo j lieve it Th ro was a like praym • tnedu at h vo O ik. but how did u g mil ' lev nine >1 Bv bo'ting ina.i> re my md qmttn the lunch 'I hi* may Ite'thi: true spirit of relipi n. but it ilom n’l x i in -o lo ui". I give it In I. ion Iroc the uric o r forced t": Ml i.i jn-.i u/*n<u*rltil h »w is**] 1 w«m kii*^ \vi'U ii;c iiolittt; a < vann- iM. »"d bib-.-ing darfcnm*-t ties. \V !iO w ,, r ,j, 1( , . „ „,i ......ting a» ) j,; V( . o ft j<j, ,,, u «tt* r it h n| run ilirce <l« ■; mill no m c r, and the bnebmu fi m' a >t w.»h «•<; ^ <> Ik .* imiure, ugg<rt< d to the p :!o th' propr'i'ty of ironing hr- ibt i t'nm ,'iu lo »•-t, out ho ihjoet - I Df lh 0 h i •• uid nut work ith *— i ru B, o. r* u in I i n lohl I lie brclhr u lo pray I r tin ir pastor tlmt he mi;;hl im on ir< |. ainictdb it, uiul then tu; w oihl prciica with power, m il if In did not come a ii woiihl no' go well with him i eia pivuc'.i g. Tlii- ct-t tainly catuc to piif-s (or about th ' fourth or fifth day lit- go! into iho bru-h. II" got up and Kai'l, I ivd ruriou- t - night a ml I i Aiumt preach, and om ui' i tit.g i Hiue t" an end. In six yeai ■ f n< v r < such af «i u e. In ilit. t place Br.. Ayery ac- mu' :• mo of I'pjiii.diig holin''s', ho knou h I Li*; is uol -o. unless no i too stupid i . n> d d who! 1 do J’l c 'i'U 1C Humu oilier- ihiuk tlmt you i'pl oho Ii li'K m if you do n"t profi Kai'C ifi .itli'li ju t a- they do Tie wou d bind other men’s c>n ■•h-nci t anil eiuilav" die r wids Then- n t'o ■* ■<; a i to ‘‘I am right and all oUn r men aro IVio'h.” Ir ad the bi til'- a elf. It dots* in 7. say that I bn Vi , ifi I to ii mover _ i Brother Aviry for h av I prolcss luuii-tilliu- tioo, but ii docs say: ‘’iwr. man -litt'l .'Ve an account lo God.” ! have a* much scrip'urn for my yieWs o! s tnclificrdion ns b" Im* and l kuo. «inidi about ihii book us h" d'ii ■ Some n on "ill not believe this le - cancilioy nro “wise hi ih ir 'fell contieilr , 1 I preaidi livlitn-s*, 1 dont know wluiV else to put toll if ai.toui pro. r'i b ii o go pel I am ipd'o s-ur. that he proi'-ehe- holieets. 1 »"o no i'i upon why .1 m.ui inns' pi'taeh a t Mcrnion on s uufiilic eioii n oiib r to l>r. neb iioline-H, " hull any minlBtm hold.; i hri.-t up to hi.-i eun.gic; Ii u, ho is pi'i-ai lnng holmi S i ilii t iiiil it impli -, mu" vou van find -nine de¬ lect in his yum character, 1 do preach I ob'.ivs*. l-ut the king shot I pn ac i. nfi far iilinud of wh ' h" tlmr AVer* Jives a iltt» |i*b-l igahnvo daijc- i ires. lie roll I'H I" the iailure ill llie tlYeet- inj*, Ini' take lire. A vein'sown wmd tu d do thei not point to the eaur • of the inilnrc? lie s:i IS ‘I bn hi i-thri u foil liny i' "as g-i-i -. to be a failin'.” Deni th" le ok condemn tiin•. il *at - licit the doubter i* collie mm d already btr perbet love easieili >■ nt fear, ii -ay - .-iti.i. when ye pray b'-lh-ve ye liiivt 1 i!»if u- wliich vo j •-■!' . and ye letv tin m. liu* i'er ' a brother pva.) ing for a thing th.ii r fear- he tu n ' f,'"iu.'r 'o yet, in tl then bhtuie- tfit* p mor I. r hit failure. Ii i my pitiyer lieit the i'ootl Cold nor open "tint- '.elks o-t» o them-tlv,', otlu vs *t e them, end a* die hook Si VS them. The lack says, that if wo are riitti' I', il iuyt-tlier 'n iinuie and agree ns tou'Ling any ouo thing tIi:i’ lie ivifi be in "W m tl-fi and we tmvi our p-utiim*. h’mvtli - hi •' 1 i v ;) J 1 four i-i bers) wry-' met m tbo mriw of some on" el40, and net in t jo name of ("nri-t. Koviv fi'; ro !;oi m m-n. ihey are in God, some of the tu st v vtve!a that I rentember to I.aye been in, h d no preach''!' to Dot ut alb \V" ni" ami pi !•' < k'd’s pres»-ne« ill i wv mid ' ami n r greed, a "it tu c.iine. but !ai - in;, fee t:",' t ctiri- on*” and '. o'ting in the ''brush” is r no.'i'm d I fi iv, in rvo’lri ' 1 i*»n «‘f i». is -aid tlu.l ib k' U iiv 1 ’ ’’ '1' £ , V I" III , "1 «t"U' K m-r • w. 1 •« : nud tin i the ■ s v • th.- orfi . nh. ours. This limy be trin ii Biv Aim v‘ oiu-A b« m*\ have ' on in j I nmcb av.d . :oi -: 'fiat it w • - : . t •” r J. u- "" h • ihe m'l.t .i " 'al* 'lie a. ufit L ave th * Impression that 1 did not p> m ; at u'b but pn»ci* de l r-t i u-v to c o »» tlm m < ii:,g '1 ir s p sU voly ii'diue. 1 . fi- .trailgo i-oo i pi" l.le can'i tel! things a* tl.o really liappeneo, l \v i> si k with on' fe . 1 , , v\ U ;t me , .. Sill " had la- pod ,. . -• f . ; . ^ v ’n *i; ’ "• .y i -. 54 ! U in. an : ) • II • t I V u .il :k ) 1 nr. ^ V •; i>: . 111 ii vA »> '•nl = t el< Brother s ;n, i uvU! 1 iu ut to- e.a-ou* i .• ■ t g .vc VJ. t » " i* w ; U. - ' r ' . .- •• e oly t«g< t < • .* n t dim t- * - ii ; " "r o ; ** ut ' < ■ - * *■ preach u sem »l i g* W-M- s - - Then 1 k«‘*w »h»t if ail me «u«! power of Live Dan clime . v .-,* iu Ifrothcr Mumfiu, ibe ckun li was m ,t b;,d conditio", 1 wan ml t;.i-ui u> dc- pend upon God not Br tlier : • f«r a r .'iva!, I have boon in tint ministry Im -own years, last year was tnv lir-t experience with any amount of ihose , who profe**ed the second blessing. ; hrougli those seven year* God liar, given lo tu» seyon hundred iVotn my nrctilli*. The year before I , ni" hero God bn's-ed us with one hundred and forty-seven aeei s.sioiis. I ji.i nched it good many of the *amc sermon* on this c'rcuif. with the same i .mriio-t iich. mud desire to save *ou!s and !i-d test year only about forty* ft. o ; c 'n-vioiiH. I am,cjuito sure ih u change is not In me, I am i ho M’4 filO t Imt I have !>c*eu, l>ut f brhevo I can fin'l ho’hq «*f uftus'*s. Homo *>f 11 .< < jr <M vVo will v. for !l<». j V, &U<1 do Cot. thing about man’s a*k'ng n.iother if fie knew a certain m'yrot He n-R«r<d that h<' did, I am go ••i.<;*.> 1 »-nl bo.i on lir-i Tfbt, what for the other a-ked? B M'S 1 be owen me 2 ~> co'iis, for fi-h and h • has no’ paid It. Tina man - dd to m ', I not professed wbnt ho has. but I wouldn’t do 'hat, and 1 huv • no v< -| < et I' r hi- re'iifion. Another ri*Ht;on Is, tieenuso 'hi* hrothci luis knifed the past* r in the mir!i. Ifo has had a good many niea j tilings l>kc tii- following to •«}’ for j his pastor which should ho'v how | much he loved him. lb* -aid io a man ,‘ 4 1 don't like brother Tiulet, I navy no confidence in him at all, 1 u"n' Imlievfl that be has a bit of re. lijfiou.” Now d'I did not preach a higher tvpe <»f religion than *h t i would unit the bu*incss. My idea of *anctdh:alion is that a man moves live; into the ITli chapter id 1 st (.-ov- inihiatH and <1 i>'s thorc, but to roj VO- gret I dud that all who profess it do not get thero, i find people at Live Oak who profess, and I believe arc trying to live all dial ehapD i, but lio ii men do no' <*'■■.b th> ir pastor in the bn k. Wed fear, il is true, in our dean of ■ me;ideation, bn' they ac- cord ;it- C 'omiD right that they es)> 11 I r io ni". anil lin y do not L mk ifui'in d (l.'i icg from tl'e tn is (i-fii- iitg lbent. They have mo: o w-n-e than b.diryo this. Th .i bibb-"God is lov t ” and man dvr dm,' i'i love dwells in U d and God in him, I Iook for tlii- bind r Jigb n. but t<. my surprise I fill ! ii n t ;i very few, I fled i: gloat many pr fossions with n nfiig- I' u - c.t'dg d in l and striking like a b'ii!" ideal r Vi ry no’ao they hear. In (hm artic'c J have untbimt to say ay iti i : -'.t (■' ifi -ill ion, bll' I Mil rpli 0 lire that •!.' 1 e arc diosewtio will ;>e- ci. f ill' <* <! hi-; :«*, kill ! do e aim ‘lc ri 5 ;S.. ■ v. in n a iimn so nmhh- t ii-tis’y uilacK* me a* brother A yen did, to defend my-e i and show the i-hariu t--i of lus professi oi, L -i !uoi siiow in his life wh-t be proteges with his bp-. I have nothing to say in this »r- 1 K 1 - iigtuils! brodicr S imlio, i have noiliiuK to say abuti tbo man wit" wr do i tu, art fide lor brother Amy. until ho >tgn h '\tn -innatuic I- what lie wti'es. Ii bio. A Very al- b'W- soincouo tons" him as the tiu,"- did tDo e ttft paw, he HUtA ixper' o ;,:et bu' iit. But enough for thi* lio-c. I In,vn m o'e that I .'tin and wifi *hould it become neoessar- . J. W. Tinu v WHO'S FIBBED? Edjtuu A dv a sen : In last week’s issue of the Holi- nes- Advoiuite Rev..!. .1. Williams denies having loft our communion under charges. (Mease give your readers tbo following facts: In 181)5, at the Third Quarterly Con- I ore nro c»l the ^'iinnor mid 1 v rt 1 , v 1 Circuit, his brethren complai’ita against him. A com- mitteo was appointed, ami Brother Williams refused to snt- isfy the conference through its committee ut the next session with promise of amendment, in- stead of pr.weodiug- ** as iu case of im:uoralityOil motion the Coimnitfoo was contiuned, with instructions to prosont at the next -ession a definite report as to his intentions. During tint interval he applied to the preacher in charge for a c „ rtuU , lto niu i jo Uied the Wes !ovnu cl " wh - Thp P reaebei ’ iu ’’harge gave him the certificate witbemt thinking that it could not be done legally. When I met liim 1 spoke of the illegality uf tW , lt v. co diire, and he, having dis - covered , , lus . mistake, ... admitted it. w„„,d have forced lus brethren to try iiilU “as ill t'aso ct inUUOrulitv,* had In- m-r •rone from us as be did. Brother 0. G. Dell of Ty Tv w.. - >. tarv of the Quarterly Conference above referred to, ami •• "ir U.ig Steward. He vo. rd,. which can be ex- . ■ ■ t : y - nb-f it ones. I think . Ad\ .ce knew Hu* fac’s, if i : :-t;e;ilars; but, of course, i ; Jfoid to " comment” ,. n the note or denial, lost it have ;} l0 ambiance cf endorsing a pre- ' a ‘ elder “ 1 V nr* fraternally, 11, Stdrus. w whim auax M 5D SUMMER FAIR. TIFTON, - GEORGIA. JTUY, 7, 8 , and 9. A FAIR SHOWING. ONE Of THE GRANDEST EXHIBI TIONS ON TAP. Convenient Schedule?, Low Rate#, Amas ing Amusements, and the Finest Fruit Show in the South. - 0 - from The Tifton Gazette. the Every indication phint.a to coming fair as the largest, display of fruits, vegetables and farm products ever shown in south Georgia. The peace will be in its glory and triumphant beauty; the grape at the acme of luscious ne.-H, and thoir -mailer but not. m- significant brothers will be there in endless variety. The melon will be there in rounded ripeuess, and fair Cere will open her cornu- ■ the waiting i"""'’»* eye. ‘“I feast If you waut. to see south Geor- gia in her triumph of agricultural beauty, A you cannot see if, better „ than at , the T 111 -, t to. ,. .. . if V0I1 \ contemplate at any time cas.i.ig your lot in the fairest upon which God’s sun smiles, yen should visit this display and see what its boundless riches are. If you wish to fully realize what your country and climate can do, you should see this exhibit ami thus learn to the fullest extent its / irtuMt t t’AHnnrf’PR lesourtLb. If yon have capitol to invest and want, t he incontest«ble proof of tbo value Of bind ill a region where the sun ever smiles and the snows never come, you should view with your own eyes trio proofs, written with the Almighty’s pow- erf til hand, of Nature’s bounteous response to * o til 6 . *• tout „ .k il ,d' 01 bubutri* liHliL.l J) i . If yon want to see the south, the j ], 0 country on earth, at, its p es f, ( com o to see us—look, learn, a ,id go forth to enligten. 1 AMUSKM.KNTS, J ; Next to the display of fruit' ami general products in point, of inter -! will be the amusement tea-; tures. These have never been. better. Experience of D r years conies to aid your con f and pcease oour fancy in this. T: e base ball grounds arc 1 off directly in trout of the gn stand, and a continuous series match games between , the iinon ,, visiting nities has peen ar ranged. No effort will be spared j in this or the other amusements to make it one of the highly ontev- taining features. The Tifton Gun Club is prepared to make the day pigeon shoot a warm contest. Borne of the crack dubs. of‘t>bo state will bo here, wnil local club will have no child s play. Ho * kea-Et. a aw t; u ih • ...... A hivyclo parade, with a hand- -onio pn */.6 tor t ho !IU*f r aftlst UT* H} decratwheel, will add much the spectacular feature*. Kud then the rac.-C Beside* German, Irish, Saxon, African and Mong-iian, w, will have ox rftv ..,4, foot races, sack races. •*-> ! Si : »nd 2 - leg raoes, eg: rm es “ i\ 1 * v fll 1 ■' /. >Y i ,C*. ' * » 'C r I wr J > t i * , ... - : . - t - ; i • tl-.t • M»;l ", a :•» •> . tt’-til a A l» '. vVicii H . • ••*.- cat mv p i TT s and ivtl;,! sroabks cot*, Vui'-v*. -p sin* t’cz-* m V • ' a. - I'C >' ,; '* M 1 |f ;i , S.fiM i "EC* > b. bolt* ,v wheelbarrow racea, with other ra- ces aud traces to be aranged later. The grounds are being put, in fine shape, and work is going on day. One Jorge building has been set apart for the department of ladies, work anddemestir industries, and it, proposes to have it better than over this year. If you have anything to exhibit that will be of value to your sec¬ tion, secure space for it now. Communicate with: Dr. .1. F. Wilson, Poulan, Hhp’t of Entries and Awards. W. II. Love, Tifton, Sup’t Gates and Admission. N. K. Perry, Tifton, Sup’t Space in Main Building. Mr 3 . F. G. Boatright, Tifton, .Sup’t Space sn Woman’s Buihlind. A merchant missed a large or- der this week by not having a telephone. The sheriff of Worth county bn- arrested enough of black¬ berries to make 51 trallons of wine. ----- - —*tb- - - - — It heal? everything except a broken heart, may bo said of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salyc. i’ile* and* rectal dis- o*i-os, cuts bariis> b’ nl-o.«, tetter, oc z"ma and alll sKiu troubles may be co nd bv it quickly and permanently, —J S. Betts A Co. F- i f kcu pickles, go to Walker’s. ashmero doable-wiilth, brocaded all colors lP. 4 e. -Jeffrey & Roobin. Dried apples; apple vinegar.—D a- ViS ite Bakcre. W.’.-MX .ij^v Q ,;*w’ /-fv^,']j£L,r riai/ , ^ v.-yG. ' « s^u; <• ,i ii fife ^4^! |i 'WZJ^Wi ^ — f iWlf/Wi *Wn llttl I \ VsJ wlJA ,-Ui( / / / ' / / / ■’ * WE BUY OUR JEWELRY OF A- WIIIDBY. HE HAS A LOT CLOCK 8 AND MANDOLINS \D- OFFICIAL ADVERTISING. Worth Sheriff’s Sales. Will lie sot.l, on tiio first Tuesday in July, I-'iir, at the court house door in said county, within tlieletfal hour,-, of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the followinir properly to wit: Iiotaof land numbors twelve (12)and 'thirteen (,;{l in the s ? C()na (2nd)district of Worth coun- t V , («a , each of said lots eontainirur four liun- K^WehiMi? A. yarni^ven.ent Company, Tins June, 10 m lsiD^^y Sheriff Worth County Ga, - *-*c- *-- Notice of Dissolution. this d:iy didsoivod by mutual ^ is consent.* w j, iM-ishburn rtdiivinft': The now firnu)f Gard- lu r Tl:rashv v & Co, assuming all Imhilities: May 3bUi I81IT: w H mar!) burn, T H Thrasher Get you'' m a 1 :Ue Dew Drop lun | * ()C1S dbo fen weeks vunutr an l niak<, iben stopped. hi The wekiy, old c ■■■>■ oa^-es ^ ^ u> aw 23 Sfe; Sb {Employ j V* // «■ : to dlsttibuto i. advertiso- I * ' tSio bicycle al. I f-rrivcb aau proves i ; Young Ladies ACME CYCLE CGHPANY Li 1 U**K*<-*-*-« ELKHART, IND. i GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. plies $150.00 through every month given mcritoriouj away to any one who during ap¬ us for the most patent the month preceding. We secure the bent patents for our clients, and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time we v tsh to impress upon the public the fact that IT’S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INTENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, ftsch as the “car-window” which can be easily slid t*p *auSg2»,“ 1 '''- B ^ IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. We •cription t' thisijoumA. of free of cost, invention to ail each our client*. a^sc- advertise, free cost, the month cf «^ch.yrius copies cf our the $150 “National prise, and Recorder," hundreds of containing thousands a sketch of the winner, and a desciiptjcm of his invention, wffi bo* scattered throughout the United States among caprt; lasts th« And merits raanr/acturers., cf invention. thus triaging to tbtu attention the AS conuausucstkoos regarded strictly confidential. Address JOHN WEDDERBCRN & CO., Solicitors ol Amerlcsa and Foreign Patents, 6sS F Street, N.W., 00 x 385 . We-hington. D. C. J, 1 Q u. If" lJu DEALERS II yELLOW PINE LUMBE ASRBURN, BA. All orders for Laths Shingles, Staves Car Sills, Bridge Stuff Flooring, Moulding, Brackets Ceiling, Etc., will receive prompt GAN DRESS ANYTHING TO 18X30. Wre cary a well selected and assorted stock of D.-y Goods, ^Hardware Groceries, Etc. If in need of anything in Clothing, SUCH AS MEN’S AND BOYS’ SUITS, We can fit you. Wk Have a Nice Stock op LAD IES' dress AND TRIMMINGS. we would be pleased to si II", the ladies ol Ashbnrn and st.r rounding conn try. Tunics, Valises, au k ‘Satchel Our‘CANDIES are ere, sir and fine &r FLOUR, &V MEAT, m- GRITS, RICE, *ifi SUGAR, COFFEE, « 5 T MEAL, And in fact any and everything tnat is kept in a first-class grocery house can bo had at our Large, Brick Store as cheap as the cheap- ost. We carry a full line of Furniture. UP STAIRS Oor stock of Shoes is Complete, with a specialty of Ladies’ and Children’s Fine Sunday 'Wear. Ye also handle the !>c*t brands ( ,f Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff. Etc Euli lino of the best, makes OF STOVES ROW ON HAND. Ali kimls of Stock Food at Reasonable Prices. The citizens of Ashbnrn and 3 o are cordiall itniie A- to S- CS e- Pa inspect our s,otk * We have a Wagon Yard and L Geu 1 rp 1 TOU^hs, , Etc., , for the "j c convenience, of our customers es . bCCiatlY. Respectfully, J IS ___ BETTS & C O Dr. J. F. GARDNER. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Calls answered promptly lay and night. Special attention given to die oases of women and children. Residence at the Hicks place. Ashbnrn, Georgia. Da. J. F. GREGORY, & CO., —(.Specialists.)— Rupture. Catarrh, Rectal Dis a»e» Hemorrhoids, (Piles) Fistulas Cured NO KNIFE, NO PAIN. Room No 1. fluMtii Bru.niNG CORIIKLK, G> , 107 , Gottov Avr.., Macon, Ga. WARREN L. STORY, Physician <»nd Surgeon, Sycamore, Ga. Diseases of Nose and Throat. DR. W. J. TURNER, Physician and Surgeon, Ashbdrn, Georoia. Special Attention Given to Die eases of Women and Children. Office in Room No. S, Betts Building-. Residence; IV, A, Shingler’s. rails Answered Day or; Night. Telephone No, 18. DR. T. H. THRASHER,. Physician and Surgeon^ Ashbdrn, Georgia. General Practice Solic ted, Office in the Christian Building 1 , C. E. WALKER, Physician and Surgeon, Sycamore, Georgia. GEO. W. COOPER, DENTIST, Ashbnrn Georgia. Office, Room No, 4, Belts Building. W. B. GONE, D. D. S. I Make a Specialty of Crowns Bridges and Replantations. Teeth Extracted AVitbout, Pain. Asiibdrn, . • . Georgia. W. T. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law. Land and Collections Sycamore -:- Georgia Z. Bass, A. J - Da via BASS & DAVIS. Attorneys at Law Ashbdrn, Georgia Real Esiaio and Collections. Pro u >l itte ihioa 1 all business placed iu our hands. B. B. WHITE, Attorney and Ceuncellor at Law. Ashbdrn, Georgia. Will practice in all the Courts, State and Federal. ------- ------- 3.- ------- J. G POLHILL, Attorney at Law. Sylvestfr, - Georgia. Practice in all the courts. Patronage Solicited. hawkins & McKenzie, Attorneys at Law O Building, Rooms 4 and 5 . Cordele, - Georgia" Prompf attention given to all Business intrusted to my care. JWO, P. POWELL, J, W. POWELL. Vienna, Ga, Ashbnrn. Ga JNO. F. POWELL & SON Attorneys-at-L AW. We practice in all tho courts, Immediate and careful attention given to business placed in our hands. Employing one secures services of both, Business solic- ited and inquiries promptly a wered. icS" THE CITY BARBER Kll()p. IlAIii-DRESilNG— a spceialti- SHA\ IMG—quick and u.-i-a i RAZORS—put in L'"« d fii- gii {*Ii(»r j/i not ice. R. D. LAW, Frnprietor. Asum.-jf - Georgia, Long Cotton Gin. „ , ^! . . '•ary *«ripjx-r. nozigzap, l for ' Ro- twles day riln sm ,^ L h 'L ns four a without injuring manu^un- »er want", money H. I>. s«,th, Ashburn, Q*. .