The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, July 09, 1897, Image 1

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THE ASHBURN ADVANCE. II. I>. SMITH, EDITOR. ADRICK BROS., I I J f --——-———————-———————————————————~——-—~—" M”,____._.~_., ' _“ ‘—"““— ‘—“““" , ' DON’T LET . THIS m OPPORTUN . TY E “A PE: YOU . Q"”1 ‘ 1 There is a reason, and a solid one, that our store louI is always crowded 1f o with Wlll customers. o pomt c out We the offer bad features--.sh0uld them reliable bargains. We cut prices ’ never quahty. o Our ambltmn o o o to a perfect store. T may help us you find r 18 run you any. Everything as Advertised. Every Promise Lived Up To. WE 111118 11181 1111111111 1111111118118 [11 1111111113 11111111 111 NEW 811111111} 11111111b 111 111311 11811311111111“. 1111311 111111 118 111111 11111 111111 Z1111 11111 1111 1111111 111 11111'1111111111111111111112121111121: 00000000000000000 I III . ‘I/ E» D . I ‘ I B ./@ I \__. {I ,/ I/._\ .._- I ASM WORTH 00 .. QA., FRIDAY, JULY 9 , 18 !rl. m 1 “Rate. cad we want This new 11113101118111! added 10 0111111151. Big Offer. 11:1.) each :11)stomer trading $20.00 or more,.rad-i:uml fare to Titian. 115.1: re- m T ‘ - ea, or railrmjl 1 p r cent. 2):: iscouu: exufed romre 11:11 u at c9212; wires 1tH1-aupun.1‘::1e ' nr 1- 'n r 11V111111e11-1 " :‘ x ‘ firm. The fare :0 10 ‘17};5'311 1% 1;; 1811‘” .1: 111.1111 .111- fat the the mercan same1t1ifne 1 war se1l1iug 1 hm gooisnbehw an 'rm man rjther (-2 s. umre :1Ven1e;>zt 1f 5:11:18 11:11:11 5111:111111111131: 9 111:1:11331122 :0;;:;:::1:0u ‘1' .‘~ 1;?u111i1h1n11 Uflcr 1-1. 111 gwd 11111111111111.1111 1m: days, “111.1111 1111111. Apnl 10 15: d“ ne LMVe 4w) from Hus, 11111 1102' UNDmWEAR. Shirt, including gflgfléf 1 = . at. 31528211111111111? v ‘ 111111 - to - date. OWL POLYkITlI A“) FIFTH’ tifgln $131K1g21§1111111g§1§1 FéglgSITEEglgéggm1Ga1¥11~f¢at' t e . - , '. 4 ‘, f ‘Y [0b, ' "" 1 , . HARNESS SADDLES‘ , .Szc, 1 P'cItge - FréTes Made to order' 1 SUITS}.5xene’LZ—a:61:11:11:1:531:115113‘0111‘22111111251111101111131111;0:3;0131icghaixd1oz1rtilz1ieceium3$J1 __________________~_,__________r_‘ I \Vhioh ALSO is in OUR charge of MILLINERY MISS MARY BIRKHEAD, DEPARTMENT of Baltimore. “11:0 has. ,: ample eprerieuce in this IiIne. Already the ladIies l‘ieeIping her veIry are 1311951: S1Y1e~ 31;)."11131‘163 named? 11 1 y 011 I I [THII'fihI'LfiO 1 Is G ENTS’ 01- we 0 an y FU RN ISH I N G GOODS { Here you win find anew stock of Fine and Medium Grhde ,‘IRST 11 n: “'e‘11:::“::1:;’ B C, , W11 GOODS of 311 M;\TEBI1AL, kinds GLASSWARE. (‘ANNE'L'P GOODS, \VAGOX HAY, CORN, OATS,1 BRY. ._ SE (OND, Main Floor. {Henifymx will find general line of Small Articles. Each line a stock 0 mm _ our [Jardwares 5]”)93, ‘ 5700671198, Dry GOOdS. Jewelry, Notions, Stationery Glassware. and Crockery. Fancy GOOdS; PADRICK BROTHERS DEPARTMENT ST O R E. —;—MWI;.::::::2:222:12:;:::::::::::::;-_:-_-_:2::1:::-_3;:-;_-;;;_::-:_::-;_-TIFTON. TI MON, GEORGIA , .................................................................... -....................,..... .0. , ° .1. a ,__ ', G 1.20 RGIA. _ ,, .uv. dr. talmage. rnw NOfist) biViNE’s sun- day Discourse. lift lllneunnen From it Moral nml Kell^lonn m.iinl|.oliii file Welfare of All llm TPownn nml Oltlen of Onv Country— I’olnln the Way to Milhleliinl Purity; entry; I'd, thou that art Rltuato lit tho of tho non.” Ezekiel xxvlt., 8. Is a port of mi Impussloiio.i tropho to tho city of Tyro. It was n bean tlfnl oily n ^pjostlo t-lly. At tho oust of tho Moilltorrunonn It sat, with olio beckoning other tho tho Inland trade unit with monstroiiR oommoroo boom ot fnntlgn ieroRs imtlons. swung n Its to shut out foreign enemies, ntnj swung lull'll that boom to lei In its Tho ntr ot the ilosort was Truifrsnt with ami RpleoH all brought l>v i-ntimkns t.o her heels soils woto cleft Into forint by of In i luitoii iiiorolmutiiloil, markots Wore rieh With horses mill dim (Illinois fr.nri Toffumtrtlt, With liptiol Jjfjtll, Stpfy bnlohtlds itliit bhony hint Ivoty fr.ini lle.htn, Syria, anil ilffufo anil coral from with wine ft-om Uolboa, with, finest ^oii.llowork about the splendid froin Ashur ami Ohilmad. Talk ('liiinnl staterooms of. ami Inman and White star linos of international steamers why, tho beaches of tho staterooms In those Tyrian ships wore all Ivory, and Instead ot our cnar.-..- canvas on tho masts of (lie shipping they had !jiv' tho, finest Ijnoq, tiuilWd ,together and reiii s -Ut With I Vnl.roiderl. s alni.-.l n.lnlo- ulous for beauty. Its columus overshadowed all nations. Distant empires felt, Its heart¬ beat. Majestic city, “situate at ttio entry of tho sea.” But whore now Is tho> gleam of hor towers, tho roar of her chariots, the masts of her shipping? Lot tho fishermen who dry their nets on the place whore she once stood; lot tho sea that rushes upon the bar¬ renness where sho once rhrillouged iho tho ad¬ miration of all nations-, lot barbarians who build tho!i' huts on the place where her palaces gltUofO'i, answer the iptostlen Blotted out. fore-vet! Sho forget Ood, mid tied forgot her. Atiil While clur niodo^i cities Admire hot Klory, tot ttjont tiiko warn Inc rtt Hot tiwfill doom. tjiliti >yns the founder of'tho first city, and I suppose It took after him In morals. It is a lone while before a oIf y can cot over tho character of those who founded It. Whore they are criminal exiles, the filth, and the prisons, and tho debauchery are tho shadows of such founders. New York will not for 200 or 800 years escape from tho good settlors influoncos of Its founders, tho pious whoso prayers wont tin discount from tho very streets whore now banks and brokers dends, and shave, and eofflpnniris declare house divi¬ lies, andaboVethe smugglers swear distent of roar of thd drilys Olid the crack too auctioneers’ milllots is hoard almighty the ascription, “Wo Worship tllnri, 0 thori .A dollar.” The chnrelt that once Stood Wall street still throws its bless¬ ing over illl the scene rif trallld drid Upon tile ships tilitt fel l their white wings lit the llitrbor. OriginiiUy mcii gathered ill cities ‘diiniliilry's rfdnd.ilooosslty. It was t<> ivwiiipe flto iu- torch or the assassin’s dagger, thoso jfmly the very poor lived In the country, Who had nothing that could bo or vagabonds who wanted to be Uearthoir ilisation place ol business, but since civ¬ and religion have ma le II safe for men te live almost anywhere men congre¬ gate for In cities Tiocanse of the opportunity rapid gain. Cities are not necessarily evils, as has sometimes been argued. They have been tile birthplace of civilisation, fn them popular liberty bus lifted up Its voice. Witness Genoa and Fisa ami Venice. The of the representatives of tlieeltles the legislatures of Europe was thedenl.h blew to feudal kingdoms. Cities aro tho | (( 7 ,or »' 7 id - 1 'Ll I.l. ... ... - I . I I . ltrt Hoyal Idlmit-y tn IHiHfq Its In Homo! GIHmm hold tlio \V«iHd’M Entflhnd AfHcit was (Jartiiatfa, Grooop Earls, was ltouiOj Itmi Is London, Kntu<*<* !.s Go<l liS tho nltloH In \irlil<di (‘list oilr lot will ynt docido tho dostiny tho American people. At niiglil; this Hoason of tin year I havo thought Ijo useful to talk a little while tho moral responsibility all resting theme upon offloo boaro^s in our cil.lo.s, a appropriate to those who aro governed to tho governors. The moral oharacter of who rule a city hns much to do with of thoeity itself. Mon, women children aro all interested In national When tho great Presidential elec- comes, every patriot wants to he found the ballot box*. We are all Interested In discussion of national finance, national ami we read the laws of Congress, we are wondering who will sit next in Presidential chair. Now, that may be very well Is very welt; but It, Is high that, we took some of tile attention affairs which we and have brought, been it devoting to the study to national of mu- nlcipal government. This, it seems to Make me now, Is the chief point to nation betaken. the cities right,and the will bn right, I have noticed that according lo tlielr op portunitieft there has already he*m more In cor this ruptlon In munleipal governments Htate and national country than in the there hope? With legislatures. NoW» is no the mlghtest agent In our land, the glori- wis gospel of Jesus Ghrist, shall not and all our deemed?' cities be reformed and purified re- I I believe the, day will eorrie* Urn in full sympathy with those who are opposed to carrying polities Into religion, but our cities will never be reformed and purified lies Until we carry religion into poll f look over onr eitlcs and f sec thuf tdl great Interests are. t,o be affected In th' 1 future, as they have been affected In the the past, by the character of those who In different departments rule over us, and I propose to classify some of these interests, In the first place,! remark commercial etfalcH are alwayw affecte«l by the moral or immoral character of Uiohc who have muni¬ cipal supremacy. Offh'InlH that wink at fraud, «nrt that have neither censure nor arraignment for glittering (IlHhoneBtlen, always weaken the pulH'* of commercial honor: Every nliop, hi every Htoro, fce.lw every the bazaar, every factory the clUen moral character of thqcUy 1ml). If In any city there, he a dlshom’Ht mayoralty or an BUHcwptlblc unprincipled common bribe#, council that city or there a court will to in be unlimited lleeime for all klndn of trickery and sin, while, on t,he other hand, If offl clflln arc faithful to tlielr oath of office, IT th© JftWH are promptly executed, Jf there Is vigilance in regard to the outbrnnchlng# of crime, there Ih the highest protection for A merch/mt may ntand In bl« store and Bay: ‘‘Now, I’ll have nothing to do with city politic#. I will not noil my hand# with the” NevertheleHH the most innig- niff cant trial in directly the police Indirectly. court will affect What that merchant or style of clerk Ibbuch the writ; what style of constable makes the arn-st; what ntyle of attorney Ikhiich the jury; plea; what ntyle of judge charge, k the what Ht.ylo of Hherlff execute# the Hontencc tUene iir<* queMtloiiB tfi/it .strike your counting rooms It to the center. You may not throw off. In the city of New York Christian merchants for a great while Bald, ‘‘We’ll have nothing to do with the management of public affairs,” and they allowed every- thing to go at loose ends until there rolled up in that city a debt of nearly $120,000,- 000 The munbdpal government became a hissing and ifby-word Christian in the whole earth, and then the merchants saw their folly and tlmy went and took nesslon of the ballot boxes. I wish ail com merelal men to understand that, they an- not Independent of the moral eharaeter of the men who rule over them, but must Iv tliorouqlily, mlqhtlly affsstwl by tfu-m. r-o ini try about ovi-rH/XW.lKK) 70JKKI .•oirm.on ssl.ools, nml that there «rs pupils, and tlm* tin-majority of tlioss w-IiooIh and tlie mu - jority Nowf of those pupils are In our cities? this great multitude of children will boiiffectoil by tho Intolligonfloor Ignorance, Iho virtue or tho vice, of boflrd# at educa¬ tion and boar Ah of control. There arc C-ttioH whore CdUcatlonAl affairs are settled In the low caucus 111 Ihb (tbriudonod parts of tho cities by men full of ignorandn and rum. It ought not to he ho, but In many cities generations. It is so. What I hear that the tramp of coming of youth shall be groat multitude for this world ami the next will bo affected very much by the character of your imblto schools. You had lutlueiieeH better multiply alxuif tuo moral and religious tlid Ortnttiton schools Instead rath¬ er than subtract from them. of driving the Bible out you Uiv\ better drive the Bible farther in. May God defend our glorious common school system and send Into rout and confusion nil Its sworn ene¬ mies! I have also to say that the character of officials In a city affects the domestic circle. In a city where grogshops have their own way, and gambling hells are not interfered with, and for fear of losing political InlhieitOO Officials close tlielr eyes to cities festering abominations lit rtll those ploffttidft. Hid lion,id Interests circles peed td make lm inevitably The family ittYeeted of the city must be by (he moral clutracter or Immoral character of those dlio niloover them. , ,1 will go further and say that the religi¬ ous interests of a city arc thus effctel. Tho church to-day has to contend with evils that the c| vf I law ought to smite, and while l would not have Hie civil govern meat In any wise relax Us unorgy In t he ar¬ rest and punishment of crime J would have a thousandfold more energy put forth In the drying rc of the fountains of Iniquity. The church of God asks no pecuniary aid fto’ui pdllthn*! power, but does ask that In addition to all the evils we Hi list itOdess!\vlly contend against we shall not have to' light also municipal negligence. Oh, that In all our citiest'hrlstlan people would rise up, and that they would put their hand on the helm before piratical demagogues have swamped much the ship! Instead <>f giving so time to national polities give some of your attention to municipal government. 1 demand that the (Christian people who have been standing aloof from nubile af fairs donid back, and In the might of God try td bad, sHvC our eltIrish If things arc di'liavo beCri If is hoCadse gridd people have let tlieni bd laid. T^lliit (HtrlsUtin uiau who nierely go<\s to’ the polls and ciistS liM vote does not do his duty. It is not the ballot box that decides the election: It Is the j political caucus, and If at primary meetings of the two political parties unlit and had men are nominated then the bal¬ lot box has nothing to do savo to take Its choice between two thieves, In our churches, by reformatory organization, in every way let us try to tone up the moral sentiment in these cities. The rulers arc those whom the people choose, and depend upon It that In all the cities, as long as pure hearted men stand aloof from be¬ cause long in many of hot cities partisanship, will just so our rum make the udmimtioiiM, and rum control the bal¬ lot hex. and mm Inaugurate the officials. 1 take a stop further Ift this subject, and ask Htl those wild hellovd hi the omnipo¬ tence of prayer, day offlelillH by day, and every day, present, yoUr city before (tod for a blessing. by dmayor, If you li ve in u city preside j over prdy for him. The chief ma¬ gistrate of a city Is In a position of groat responsibility. Many of the kings and queens and ouiperors of other days ha I no such dominion. With tho scratch of ii pen he may advance a beneficent institution or bulk /i railway confiscation, lly appoint¬ ments lie may bless or curse every hearth• stone In the city. If f 11 the Fplseopri! churches, by the authority of the litany, and in our nonoplseopatft churches, wo every Sabbath pray for tho President of the United States, why not, then, ho Just /is hearty in our supplications for the chb>f magistrates of cities, for their guidance, for tlielr health, fortholr present and their everlasting morality? (..riiri‘i-11, siilstiilf'l TVu-'y Miam' (food "(rr-AilWr tofrlhlri --mir.vv-. for I„i\v,*r Tiloy tilt or ovll. tliij haVri many torilptatloiift. In many of clth'H wliolri boilrdft of riom- mon (Maitirillinsil Inivo KOIli! down 1(1 tho maolstroin of political corruption. of Un hrlbo. X liny could not atand tho powor Corruption oarno In and nat. honido thorn and sat behind thom and sat. before thom. They recklessly voted nway the haijd-oarnod moneys of tho people. Jhov were bought out, body, mind and soul, ho that at tho end of tlielr term of offleo ( hey had not enough of moral remains loft to make a docent funeral. \ hey went, Into office with the huzza of the multitude. They came out with the a na¬ thema of all decent people. There Is not, one man out of a hundred that can endure the temptations of the common council- tn our great, cities. If a man In that position have the courage of a Cromwell, and the independence of an Andrew Jack- son, ami the public Hplrltodncss of a John Frederick Oberlln, and the piety of an 1 kl ward Payson, he will have no surplus to throwaway. Pray for these men. Kvery man likes to he prayed for. Do you know how Dr. Norman McLeod beeaino the queen’s hearted chaplain? In the D Hootch wan kirk by In a behalf warm royal prayer family rtabbath when the of the one queen and her son wore present Incognito, Ye.1, go further, my friends, and pray for yout police their perils »lnd temptations, best known to themselves. They hold the order and peace of your Htles In tlielr grasp. Put for tlielr Intervention / you would Wot he safe for an hour. They must face the storm. They must rush In when* |i seems to them almost lusts,nl death, They must put the hand of arrest on lie- armed maniac and corner the mUrdorer. They must refuse large rewards for with drawing complaints. I hey must labyrinths unravel Intricate plots and trace dark of crime and develop suspicions Into c< r talntles. They must bo cool while ol hers are frantic. They must be vigilant while others are somnolent, Impersonating the very villainy they want to seize. in the police forces of our great cities /ire to day men of as thorough character as that of the oW detective of New York adurewHeu to whom there came letters fron\ Itomlon a«k- ing for help ten years after he was ue/iu hitterH addresHed to ‘‘.Jacob If ayes, High (Jountahle of N«‘.w York,” Your police need your appreciation, your Hympathy, your gratlttluc, and, above all, further your prayers, Yea, I want you to go and pray for InHpectorrt and jail keopern Work awful and beneficent, Keogh men, cruel men, Impatient men, are not fit for thOHe placea. They have under their care men who were once as good an you, but tliey got tripped up. p>ad company, or Htrong drink, or strange conjunction of 'drcumHt/incoH Hung thorn headlong. Godown that prison corridor and /ink them how they got In, and about their familiew arid vvii/it their early prortpcctH In Bfo were, and you will lino that they are very much like yoursy f, ex cept in thlB, that God kept yon, while fie did not rent rain them. Just one f/uHO Htep madotho difference between thom and you. They want more than j>rlHon bar«, more than jail fan), more than handouffH and hopj»le«, more than a vermin covered couch, to' r©- form them. Pray God day by day that, the men who have t.heHeunfortunateH l/i charge maybe merciful, OhrlBtianly and Htrateglc, and the mean# of reformation rename, Some years ago a city pastor In New York wan called to the city prlnon to attend a funeral. A young woman had committed a 'Time and waa Incarcerated and her mother cat*)© to visit her, and died on tlm visit. The mother, having no home, was hurled from her daughter's prlHon cell \fter the nervlce was over the Imprlaoncsl daughter came up to the minister of ChrlMt and said, "Wouldn’t vou like to »o©i my ;,oor mother?" And while they stood at the -offlri the minister of Christ said to time imprlsonsd soul, "Don’t you ! b - Tor's God that life?” you will do (Hffsronlly „„d Ilvs a better Bhs stood for a L|,.wn f-w moments, and then the tear* rolled j her ebeeks, and sljp pul ed trum her right bund tho Worn out glovo that eho sue nan had put put on on In in honor nonoi of tho (dttmquhkt find, find, having having bared bared hor hor right hand, ifflt put it it upon unon the the oldll oldll brow brow of of hor hor dead dm* motile!*, and said: "By tho help © ? I mol” swear And I will do kopt differently! her And Got she vow. year* after, When "vVhori she was told of tho Inotdout; sho said: that mlnistor of tho to gospel Keep said, tho ‘God bless that you you and have help made,' you cried vow l out, and said: ‘You bless met Do you bless me? Why, that's the first kind word I’ve hoard In ten years,’ and it thrilled through my noul, and It was the moans of my reformation, and ever shied, by (Hnistian the grace ot God, I've tried to live a life.” Oh, yes, there are many amid the crhdlnal olassoi that may be reformed; pray for tho mon who have these unfortunates In. charge, and who knows that when yon are leaving thd world you may hear the voice of Ohrlsl dropping dropping to to your year dying dying pillow, pillow, Haying, Haying, I “I was sick ad la prison, and you vlslto Vic.” Yea, take tho suggestion of Who Apostle l’a - I an.I ask you to pray for all quiet lire and 111 authority, lives Unit godliness wo may load and poitcoful In My Word n nv is to nil xV’.io ni iv cams to hold Iioyiulbllo position of trust lit any thd city. Yoif an (bid’s rnurosoutatlven. flo.I, King and Itulor and .hi Igo, sots you In Ills place. Oh, in faithful lb the discharge of iill your duties, so that when dll oltr cities lire Iri adies ainl-the world Itself Is li rc I Hcroll of flame you may bo In tho mercy and grace of Uhrlst rewarded for your faithfulness. It was <iuaillloations that fcolltuC which gave such eminent for otltcrf le Neal Dow, Mayer of Portland, and to Judgv Mct.oan. of Ohio, and to Ilonjn- Now min K. Ilntlor, Atteriioy-tl.mofiil of York, and to (leorgo I’.rlggs, <1 iv.h'nor (it Msssachusotts, and to Theodore Fro- Ilnghifysott, Nonator of tho United States, and to William Wllborforoo, member of the llrltlSIfPdrllainnnt. You may make the rewards ot . tmifity this tJnlolil- meats of your olfloo. What dare yog for adverse political criticism If you have (bid throe on yoiirsldo? Tho one public or tho two will or thd years of your trust pass away, and all the years of your earthly sor- vice, and thou the trlbliual will bo lifted, before which you and I must appear. May Mod make you so faithful now that tho last scene shall lid td you exhilaration and rap- Dire. I wish now to exhort rtll good poo- pin, whether they are the governors or thd governed, to make .me grand ofTorf for tho salvation, Iho purllleatliui, the redemption' of our American cities. Do you not know that there arc multitudes going down to ruin, temporal words mi l eternal, dropping iiulokor than drop from my Hps? Grogshops swallow thorn up. Gambling bells devour them. Houses of shame are damning them. Oil, lei, us toll and pray nml preach and vote until all these wrong i are righted! What we do we must do quickly. With our rulers, and on the same platforms, we must at llrst eoirie beforo tho throneof G .,1 te answer for what, Wo Imvo done for the bettering of our great towns. Allis, If on that day II, b..found that your hand hns h mn Idle and my pulpit has been silent! Gb, yn who arc pure and holiest and Ghrlstlnii, go to Work find help tu make Iho cities pure III. I honest nu.l Christian! Lost It may have been thought that I a n n Idresslng only what arc e,ailed the hotter olnsseg my llniil word Is to some dissolute to whom these words may ooino: though yon maybe lie oovoro I with all crimes, you may smitten with all lepro- sins, whole though you may have gone through the catalogue of Iniquity, an I may not have boon In church for twenty years, you may have your nature entirely ree.on- strueto.1, an.l upon your brow, hot with Info- III.m i pr I -tl. "vs and besweat-l with exhaust- lug Indulgences, God will place tho Hashing coronet of a Saviour's forgiveness, "Oh, no," you nay. "If you knew who 1 and where I came from you wouldn’t that to mo. I don’t believe the gospel are When preaching speaks or my case." ronitmm"— I lieu, wlieq Hngle'i' nn-i tho y two pieces °df uionov"^ luw mild, nothing, "Ht. Teresa and two plooos money are lull Kt. Teresa and rile-os of money and God urn nil And T fell you new that while a Itnii (i Sinner urd nothing, ilild a sin and n and an alt forgiving all compas- God arc everything. coming? I know Ills Who In that. I boo I kaolv his rugs. Who In It? A prodigal. Gome, people of God, let us go out and meet Idm. Get the best robe you .-an Had In all the wardrobe, Let the an- gels of God HD their chalices (lyd drink to his eternal rescue. Come, people of Hod, us go out to meet Idm. The pro Hgal 1.1 coming home. found. The dea l Ii alive again and the lout Is l’loasod with tho nows, tho saints below In souqs tlielr tonquos employ; lleyond tho skies the tidings qo, And lieaven Is IHIoil with Joy. Nor anqels < tlielr Joy eontnln, Hut klndlo with now lire; sing, "Tim dinner lost Is found,” they And strike thesouinllnq lyre. HONEYMOON IN A BALLOON. Tin* lll'idc I li'I'lllllH I‘TIkM<’ii<-iI ami Jttmpi'd the TemicHSoC* In tile presence of several thousand paid guests William Uolie.rtson, export rifleshot lui I j,r,,m-o blister, of Mustang Chattanooga, Walter’s , I Wild West Hln.-.v, playing Henna at ’ Tea,i ami Miss Cynthia tlielr places were in mar- Hie I The couple took car ,',f a balloon, -formed and m soon balloon as tho cere- cut mony wart pej the was ' 'Co' Tenn- probably HMI foot and above the osseo Jtlvor tile bridebesmne friqlitenod and iumpod qrooui’stuoli out iiiirrowly os-aplnq drownlnq. lie The lo tlifl balloon until ; -iroso probably UK)’) foot, and then qradu- i allv ilosoomb-.d. resuscitated and After the bride had been 1 the brbleqrooui bad been plekod up from lie-tanqle of ropes the eeiiple were plaeed oil all improvised platform nt Itlvorvlow am! held II public reception. Miss henna I.l,,,I I,, Hill City, a surlmrb of Chatto- nooga and married aqalnst the wishes of her FEARS THE UNITED STATES. HUUunentH H»ld to IIhvia Mwlo bjr |f,„i„.,„, william »r tlerinany. The l’nrls eorrespondent of tlm , r Lon , Ion Tlim-s reports a eonversnUon affiialnq to | represent the views of Lmporor william >t (b ■rmiiny, In the eourse of wlileli, spenKltiq | of his anxiety in to tho future of Europe, | lm says that le. does not fear Chinese am- | bltion or the a»5ire,liUla. But h<> <1 *ch vr the expansion of one of the qreat I'// w ’ ,r ' 4 - iiml the Intervention of the United Ktutes In the affairs of the Old ’’’' r, d- This, a-eordlng to the Hines correspond- out. Is the reason why the Kaiser does not allow himself to bedriiwn IntotheainblMous e-meeptlon-i too readily Imputed to him the by those desiring to disturb Europe on pretext of wishing to prevent 1.1m trom ills- ,,r> Ut ' FLIES OVERRUN ARKANSAS. Sum! I IV»f* , Worse Than Grasshopper/), Drive <>'•( ♦ lie HhmIiIhdIh. Columbia County, iixvj,, Arkansas, Is now suf- f'-rlnq from a terrible 1 post of llloa. and many i-ltlz'-ns of tho county aro sabl to bo fleeing to other parts of tho Htate to eseapo tlie Inseets. The editor of the Magnolia llnnnor, bad tlio oldest paper la Southeast Arkansas, to siiBpend publication for a week, and has taken his family and gone to the Saline County. of the The ^rth’thev pests literally ar!»sc>obun«Vaiit!’ftU(l cover ^ faco hourly ^ earth, they In*^ouriibsrs. are so abundant, ' ami aro are hourly J iuureosing iuBroaslriq In nuinlmrs. J'""* y'A r \JtSr j louitf HU any ho unpciw P iirlnted Li the county» (1 ssu. l tuat w W ok, k as | uono of them has roaohod Little Hook. VOL. V. NO. 18 - THE SABBATH SCHOOL international lesson comments FOR JULY II. Lennon -i'SXD ” I’sir 7 nml (lie I * frl 11 Tuller,” Aolrt svl„ C3-!W—(.nltlcn Text; Aet. xvli, III — ..'cinllltentnry on Iho Len¬ non of flio 11 ivy li.v lli'V. it. AI. Steam*. P3. the mull Undo rose tip together against theft I, And the magistrates rent off their clothes mill cof/ftnainled (,.>l.<■ 11 f them.’' No' much for tlielr (llforferiilg with tho god of tills World, the prinm'pf Hr" power of tho air, for, who? the dcvff's property is touched, he soon b< :;b)M to roui*. Our Lord has taught ns that. 1 tlV' fellowship with llini will surely bring tin' ftfijne t rentmeet that that /lo (le #vec/vcil received (John (Jolin,\v., ay.. '8 *40». HO' The 'lln world, the (h Mi sad tho devil n,"o ltd de, oldo.lly against i.o Cod, :fnd if we nr" b ton wo must against tlimn at ail cstr. 23, "And wiien they had laid miii.v! rip-r upon them they east them lot., pn mi, charging tho jailer to keep theta safely,'' 'oft With no gentle hand had they t;:h-n tlielr ^nnljeness clothes, and there » eil.l be no b>v.» ju.r In this scourging. I! un .lit many had heavy si rip. upon their l.aro hacks. II tnertnt real pain and imi.’li <>r it, besldefi the luinilll.iUim of beiaIrenle.l ns Criminals when tlic.v wen pert- ellj iuuo- cent, Tim I, utter war-1 -peaking "f il. ■ av... (I "Wo Thess. wore II., sillti'iclrilly treated at Philippi” 2). 24 , "Who, having received such a ehnrg.y thrils' them Into the inner pels, a and mud.- their le.'t fa-1 In the sicks. Neitherls there any temle/ness In tills mmi iiaridling of them. Il isiiijiistlc'iinil crti.dlv thr..ugl, out, tho devil and Ills followers let b....... upon tile ehll.lrea of <|u.|, slrungo 5 \ D ry of lal.piify wlifep hns been eansln;; ie pe.. pie of (iod to sillier ever since sin entered * tin world, and the end . 'ao>. vet. If any on cm. tell why (Iod permitted the devil to loin/d Will stifl Fro, bollovo we will that gladly (bid lislen. If it..I, wo is love, trn i mm fat gnlen to eaduio meekly all fliftt. comes and wait for t he hereafter, when ivtf shall know. 25. "And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto (bid. and tin- prisoners heard them.'' Hero, surely, is the victory of faith an.l obedience to tie¬ word, for "Ilojoloo and bo eveei.illngly heaven'-'(Math.’ glad, groat Is reward la v., 12). Thu same <bid win. ......Id prevent tho fire from burning Daniel's friend ......Id sooth tho |,I..... ling bucks of Paul and Kilns and llll them and their dungeon with Ills glory, '('hey did not praise be.-mise of eir eumstanecs, Inlt In spite of circumstances. Consider that mighty “yet’- of Hub. ill. 17, is. 211 . "And suddenly there wits a grout earthquake, Ao that the foun.lallons of the prison were shaken, and Immediately all the doere were opened, and ev.-rv .'.ii.-'s bonds wore loossd.” One (ms said that. although they had not ludiiencu enough norcartldy frfen.lsenough to keep I lioitt out prison, there was power enough on their side to shako the whole earth If'imeessarV 27. “And tho keeper of the prison, awak- lug out of his sloop and seeing tin. prison doors open, he drew out Ills swer.l Htld would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled." It was some- thing iiotv in his experience to have prls.m- ers safe without bonds or bolts and bars. It. waft natural for him to suppose that open doors meant escaped prisoners and if this were no It ntount death In him, which he purposed uecoinpllsliliig by his own hand rather than that of others 2S. "l)ut l'uul cried with a loud voice saving, here." Here Do thyself m. harm, for we are all' jailer was good for evil surely The had not thought probably of easing their sufferings In the least degree but Paul would have no harm come to Iho Jailer if ho could p irnvsnt It. rill* is Jlko him wlm prayed. "Father, forgive them, for they know not ivluil they do ’’ Have wo this spirit of forgiveness and love? tiM' 1 '^,.!':’ aiiiiar.-ntfv"ff(J|faJUJ'- V'b'btand sprang I'eb. before the l . l t - l> re lie new saw In them representatives fl'TTIfb God who could dosiich n-onders ns.shake the earth and open prison doors, Wiw ft not worth while to suffer as they did thus to a£- ford an opportunity for God to show Him- self through them and ea tlielr behalf? Let God im accept all events (is opportunities through for to show Himself In and us HI). "And brought them out and said, Kirs, what must I do to be saved?” lie docs nut seem to have considered whether lids treatment of prisoners was right or wrong In the eyes of the law. He only seems to know that lie is a sinful mao having special dealings with n great. God whom he Is not prepared to meet, and that he had better consider tho mutter ut nil costs, and that, very believe quickly. Lord 31. "And they wild, on the •Iohiiu Christ and thou shall be saved, and thy house.” definite, What a simple message and how lie Is not told to stop doing wrong and try to do better; to follow Clirist and do somewhat as lie did; to give up hie Occupation and go preaching tol.l with tho apostles, lie 1 h not even just to pray or road the Hcrlptures, but to do the one only tiling that a helpless sinner can do, ami Hint is (o receive ns a gift the Lord Jesus Christ (John I., 12; Horn. III., 21; vl., 23; Iv.. 5; Titus III.. 5). 32. “And they spake unto Dim the word of the Lord and to all that were in hiu bouse.” They were I lie messengers of t he Lord of Hosts, and always ready to deliver their message, or rather lliu no ; .ago. They would speak of Him who was for'-or- dallied before the foundation of the world, bill, had been recently manifested in the flesh ss the Kou of God and only Saviour of sinners, 33. "-And be took thorn the fuimo hour of the nlqht and win-lind tlu-lr strip*■ nml was bapH/.od, he nml all his strulqlil.way.” llnllobiinb, xvbat a Saviour! lie stives iu- stnntly all who roeeive him. Ho saves them fully and freely by Ills own pn-elous blood wIGiout any works of tlu-irs, and then beqltis nt om-o to work In thom* t<u> qooil works which He has before prepared (|<i,li. II.. H, JO). We do not know that the jailer or any or hi household ever heard these tldlnq before, ami yet God tlmy believe as soon III. they bear. May all by Ills Spirit tho awaken Ills people to qi'o on earl Ii prlvlloqn of iienrlnq of Jlini who still re- ceJvctli HlunerH. .‘H. "Ami when he had brought them lute his house be set, meat before them, and rojoloed, believlnq In God with all his )l()11S( , \ V | 1Ht „ happy home, whnt a qlo- rloUH ( .J m „Kc, a „<l le so short a tine ’, A little while before they were a household ,,,, t „f Christ and therefore unsaved; but. (|ow (( |,,mi,-hold In Christ, and tlicr, fm o r . lv ,. (K lfU ,„ j„||,-r bad killed himself and ( jj f , ( | j„ j,j H H i nH> |i<t would have gone out | t ,to eternal torment, but now lie lots <-t*-r- , m j jfy„ Why lire not all believers joyful and ever ready to pass sueb on tile good nows of , Kavlour and n salvutiou'— Jj( Uel| „. r . j\ hmat.t, herd or twenty buffalo lit ow ,, e< | ], ' v |li« Islauil Iminovoint-nt an(1 Uul)t oil AnD-lo,,,, Irtland, in tlie midst of the Great Suit Lake, where the animala have been grazing )<>r three yeill'H in a seiiii-wild state. The island is thirty miles long and six miles wide,, fuvnishing th« am- main with tin i<leal home, where they are not interfered with by any one. The gruBBCB arc on the island are rich and ---- luxuriant, ---------- , the natural watering places numerous, and tho colinguru- ■■ . ,i surface rough and varied | ' enough , to wit •, the .. desires des of the ______ do I ( I buffaloes. buffaloes, Tho animals soem to well there, and during tho present year four calves were born. 1 Turkey lias thiiteen tiroes as many inhabitants as Greece.