The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, July 09, 1897, Image 3

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THE ASHB Entered at t ho Ashbum uostnffiec as second-class mail matter. Official Organ of Worth County. Aslibuni, Ga., July, IL jS P7. Subscription fit a year iiinilvuiicn Other houses are needed. Newman in drug slore. Now for th" electrlo lights. The goat law is n< t fnforced. The town is ttotk<d with melons. A little mere sociability would hurt the town. Mr. D. C. Pierce has moved to his farm near Eastman. Some of tne street lax defaulters been in trouble this week. Mr. Ad. Reals presented 11 s with a watermelon, bless his heart. Miss. May Jenkins has returned to Slate Normal sc!n ol at Athens. Davis and Barbrc’s telephone is giv¬ ing them an advantage over tlie other market houses. Communications not signed are cheerfully reeieved at this office for the waste basket. Mr. J. II. Dinsen, a former drug clerk of Milledgeyille, i« permanently with Gardner & Thra-her. Real estate Dan Clements, of Sum¬ ner, passed through here Tuesday going to Macon aud Atlanta. A cow bell would suit some of the subscribers better; others knock the ’phone. Don’t forget to ring off. A mischievous hog lias been im¬ prisoned for invading the Dew Drop Inn garden. Owner can get him on application, but is requested to Keep him away. Henry Smitli will leave Monday morning for the Georgia Weekly Press Association, wlneh meet* at Cutlibert Tuesday. The editors will go from Cutlibert to tbebig show at Nasltvillle. They will return home abont the 20. Capt. C. F. Hill is the most gener¬ ous man of the season so far as grapes and the cdi'or are concerned. lie brought in a large sack of the finest fruit from his Tom Watson vine of the.middle-ol-the road variety. All of his Tom Watson grapes are fine. „We enjoyed them very mueti. Success to Capt. Ilill and the grapes. R. S. Woodward is the brst news¬ paper subscriber in ail of this part of the country. He is now running five names on our subscription list, and they are all paid up May, 1808; at one time recently he bad paid his subscription to the Atlanta Constitu¬ tion 14 years in advance. Long live Bob Woodard. The Indiana Fruit Company. The editor, having heard and seen so remarkably much of this wonder¬ ful progress, feels it his duly to call the attention of it to these few of Worth county people that have not seen it, and i; will put vim and push in those of us who are inclined to liaug back, in order to keep in tho procession, as we are just as good farmers, and everyone knows there is no better farm lands in Ga, than lies m Worth county, but to my subject well, to begin with we all kno v lot 425 which join* the court house sight as it has been eoncecded to be about the best lot of land in this section ot the state. This lot and another one which wc think corners it was bought by a company called the Indiania Fruit Company, for the purpose of raising fruit las! Oc'ober, Mr. J. K. Williams came on tho grounds from bis native state (Indiania) and as¬ sumed the managemen', and to say that be possesses that rare abilny but mildly expresses it and some our old settlers ar wondering yet how it, was done, our good friend and citizen Mr. Stoiy has titled him as tho c' clone yankee, coming in to a pine woods in Oct, and clearing and practically stumping and puiting it all under a good 10 rail fence, then planting nearly 25010 fruit trees and all livii g ana to-day lias growing on Hus s'me land between the trees 50 acres of as a m the county, About 15 acres of sweet potatoes, same of ground peas to fatten some thoroughbred hog*, and several acres of cow peas. And everything glow¬ ing as if on land that lias been In cul¬ tivation for tears, of curse to ac- complisli all this it requires pu-n. and work, and from what vve can see, and hear, there neycr is a day lost, as Mr. Williams says a farmer can always find somteing io do, if its raining, clean up your barn fix your tools etc, Mr. Williams stales they are going to continue right on clearing up and planting until three thousand acres are out, which will certainly be a drawing card lor this section as their success in their vent¬ ure is assured for it has long since past the expeiimvntal stage on the fruit quesiion, it is now an as*uied fact prac'ically demonstrated G'* 1 tb' ! s beyond any doubt the best section for fruit culture in south west Ga. Here is l.oping an ania farmer will Joca’c bore tv<ry month. and Walker - A Voics From Deep Greek, Wo are still on (op Bide of this re¬ volving planet—despite th* s'orn*, which have been bowline; of late. Crops are looking well, though rain is needed now, the weather is so warm 'bat a rain don’t la«t long. . hero are plenty of ripe melons now. and some of iho faimirs aie hanl ng them to market. The beeves are ripe, and wo are having plenty of tender, fat steak these .'omoof our p-op'o attended Abbeville Chautauqua this week, t hear suolegostcr Ham. and for other interest. Well pleaded Abe, think a great of the Advance out here, and are always glad to got a copy. Mo-t of those me reading people, and know a good paper when they see it. Yours us never anybodies before. (Except the madam-.) A .1 ,\x. INAHA INKLINGS. Prof. M. Howell returned from Ab bcville and re-ports a very pleasant time. W. A. Monk shipped a car cf fine melon* on the 5ib that averaged thirty pounds apiece. Dr, W, V. Ellis, and wife, were in town gundav. Mr*. B. 11. Cockrell, of Ruby. was in town Saturday and Sunday visit¬ ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. L Royal. Miss Janie Fmith visited Miss Neva Daniels, of Syeamo.e, Sunday. Mr. G. M. Daniels of Ashbum, was in town Sunday. Look out, ed¬ itor, for a wedding bee. Mrs. J. A. Smith lias been quite sick for a few days. J A. Warren made a business trip to Irwinville Tuesday. Mr. J. F. Cobb, of C> cloneta, is off to New York to dispose of his peach Biilie. Lemons at Luke’s. Lot of Cheap Soap at Walker’s. Meat*, fruits and vegetables at Wal¬ ker’s. isabe:lla scraps. Plenty of rain is now falling, ere this is in print your humble scribe will liaye seen the sights in Tifton. A tidal wave ot darkey cussodni's* struck this community the latter pait i f last week. Work on the court house will soon be begun. Th* writer understands that the court house will be ready for the October term of court. The j iil will >oou be completed. Why d n' .Joiui part i.i* lull’ in the middle w is the -ubject cm the carpel between a girl and her second besi fellow >omo days ago. What cans', s the broad Emile* that “M” judge wear*. Suece-s in court (ing) I wou'd sujip -so. Miss Ada Kinar 1 enf rtained quite a number of her numerous friends on Tuesday night at her hospitable home a short way from town. Mi s Ada is a chaimiug hostess to say the least. A certain Col. of ibis town lakes the rag < ff ilie bush by the following fish story. He says that when lie was a y img man good diver and swimmer lie was in a certain lilue Spring and uhi'e making a deep dive he spied a couple of three pound (rout at d says i himself you are aiv fi-h no sot ner said than done lie captures them one in each hand at a depth of fifteen feet. We won’t ask the incredulous to believe this how- Miss Mary Rholcs one of Syiycs- ler’s most charmin. young ladies is visiting at ihe home of Judge Kinard Ibis week. Ordinaries court has been in ses¬ sion for several days this week, it being tin: limo for annual return* &. The board of educators met yester¬ day but a quorum not being present no busine*s was transacted, I wou'd like to luar from Jerome again. bhe lias been silent so long. Crop* in this viicnily ate impiov- ing considerably from I lie (ffccls of the recent copious showers. Mrs. Doty H'damait lias the brae patch < f cotton and probably the best corn the writer has seen in this sec- (ion. Mr. Oat Holamati has tlio work nearly completed on hi* house on Nwlth Center s', As soon a* the painter’s bra-h is applied it will be the handsomest dwelling ic town. Quite a number of Isabel Hans tended Io busines in Albany we ,. k For fear ibat the editor ao i i.s much patience a* J I will Jen. Walker give* a gia-s of s da wan with ever dollars worth of ^ood-. Best steak and roast at Luke Get yovr " • e d dri'... at On u feneo is a poor place to se good*. Mr. .1. P. Corley spent this week with hometolks at Johnston S. C. Hr. T. II. Thrasher says a girl kissed him for a watermelon. What, through mistake! It looks llao any- body could tell the difforouco bo- tween Dr, Thrasher aud a water- melon. • RANDOM TALK. [By IKHKHM HOY ] Be honest young man, lione t with your fellow beings, hourD with yourself, Inmost with God. Dcn’ibm the devil around the bush, speaic your sentiments right out in “in' elin” V'e are glad to note that irsibad ol a decrease in ibo lady ntleiidnuts it the B Y. P. lb there i* a marked in- crease. Three loud hurrahs for the ladies of A-ltburn. Where is that young “feller” that was going to break up the Union by removing lit* best girl! Ho has uudoubtediv re- ooii-ider. d, This is a grand and noble work, and should be encour¬ aged by all. The male aUendauco was rather small lust Sabbath. Come, boy* wako up amt get a move on, what’s the matter with you! li heals every thieg except a broken heart, may be sa'd of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Sal ye. Piles and, rental dis¬ eases, outs burns, bi ui-os, tetter, ec¬ be zema and alll siiin troubles may cured bv it quickly and [ ormaiientlv, S. Betts & Co. Jake didn’t B Jack la woo k. Wonder why.! “They don’t make much fuss about it.” We arc speaking of DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers, the famous little and pill.- all for eonslipantion, stoniaclmd biHiousness. irouble*. liver They never gripe.—J. S. Eett- & co. Dm't get nbirmed if you *ee a kite flying in the air having a '‘raotiv< ” for its tail. Burning itching skin diseases in¬ stantly relieved by DoWiti’.* witch Hazel Salve, uneq'iailed fo" cuts, bruise*, burn* It heals without leaving a scar-—J S Bet;s & co Force of habit. Guard it well young man. See that it h-ads in fhe right direction. Don’t nanseati'. jour stomach with leas and bitter herbs, but regulate your liv> r and sick headache by using those famous little pills known as J. Pe- Witt's Utile Early Risers.• S. Betts & Co. Curses, like thicken*, always come home to r >ost. Vim. vig-.r and victory: these are the characteri-tic* of Do Will’* I title Early Risers, the famous little pills stomach foi-enstip ui'.ui. liver billiou-D troubles—J. 1 s aid a!! S. and Betts & Co. Malice and money will move mouuta’ns. John Gtiffip, of Zanesville, (>, says “I neverjivod ad,ay for thii ty years without 1 { ">-| — -- . *• «il .| Iki ,Y of D Wilt’s Widi Ll'ze! b*tiv<i enrt.'u my pile-,” For piles and rectal troubles cut , bruises, - prain* Witt’s 1 czema Wi cb audall skm troubles lie Hazel Salve i- unequalled.- -J. s. Betts & Co. “Cast your bread upon the water*.” but it would be best to take care of your rucai. T ere i- a time for ever) ihing • and the time to at'eud to a cold is when ii starl*. Don’I wail ti!l_ you have ronsumptioii bid prevent it by Dina One Miiiu.e c->ugh cure, ilm great remedy for coughs, colds, croup bronchitis and ad throat ai d luoy troubles.—J. S. Ilett- & r o. Aflrroatbitf “nlgrgcr” stole a pumpkin one day. walking down in town, come Hallman got after him, made And Marshal right down. him lay that Lawrence pumpkin did find him guilty one M «yor day. Secretary wrote down tho same. The Dakota one day, io They Rent him ' p to wear the bail and chain, “1 crave but One Minute,” said the public speaker In a hu*kv voire; and then lie took a do*o of One Minute Cough Cu-r, and proceeded with hi- Ics.—J. S. !>(*?ts cC l’o Wei dev who will be l! o faire-t of Iho f iv at tlie Fail - . That worthy g n'leman, Mr, J, W. l.liapinan. is a Im-ti r whi'ii il come to farming, he will -"on be ready for picking cotton. But it jet n tnain- unsMt'edas to wh'cli will get tin mo-t peaches, the worms, rogues oi him*elf. When the cby I’atluns get theii nap out, just won’t they make hing* hum? Thai festive midnight serenading “hogicite” continues to visit the Dev Drop Jaa, nipping eh ek<n bit's through the cracks, and can-ing the gen i a i Puullovd to iay . verytLing bat | lis Sabbath ‘chool lesson, Put a l' CK on ihe gout house. oh do not from your with girl horcaoh depart Hunday ni^dit, But remain Jato harden not tier tuari Porhajw sho wi'l it i-.fsht. “pop" the question,-nd pop AR 0EDINANCE. Be i' ord 'iced by 'he t wn muru-i i 0 f Ash barn, (in., imd it is m re by duined b> llie nuiii iity of ri" I sun 1 that all ait vaoi’uin tax -be!) c pay¬ able b tween the firs: da' of Oc:o- tiev and th- first Cav < f Den-ml er in each \ i ar. Ba it ndaiu' d by the aiitln ii y of the same Unit ea'hpe.son doing a warebou-e b"siii' >- w bin the r.wn of Ash' urn si all | ay sp eia Isx . . Lav, i i:\t k. itayor, pro l< m A. J. D I*, i iei k /■ pprov d. Ju! ,5. !'!i7 GEORGIA SOUTHERN AND FLORIDA RAILROAD. StJWANKE RlVEK RoPTH TO South M.Mt, TIJAINS North n, vv I Night Day - 1155 II 25 Macon 4 *’ •]*? 1 45 Cordele 2 24 Ash tut kn’ 3 10 Tilton li _ 4 40 Vaid* sta c. 5 40 Jasper ^ 1 t (i 15 LakeCity x 15 0 15 Palaika c: SI I DO-FLY. M >«*iii g F.yoning Macon 4 20 X Cordele 7 Id -*1 A si tun ttx 7 57 TT- Tilton 8 10 Valdosta 10 25 Operator Pullman Buffet tdc per- 'ho year round between Aashyil o. Tetm am’ JftoksoitV'Ue, Ha,, via Ma¬ . con and Tifton. Operates Pullman Sleep v* between Atlanta and Brunswick, via Macon and Tilton, making direct cornice' ions with boats to and from Cumberland and St. Simmis. Operates its own sleepers between Macon and i’ahitka vt t G S it F direct. Direct line to Fitzgerald Soldier* (,'olony via Tifton, Shoo-fly train runs every day and will make evey local stop D. G. HALL, P. A.—Atlanta, Ga. VV. II. LUCAS, F. P. A.—Jacksonville tl. II. RHODES- Sohc.ting Passenger Agent. Macon, Ga. J. LANE.—General Manager G. A. MACDONALD,—General Pas¬ senger Agree*. TIFTON & NORTII-EASTEHN RAILROAD. “Soldiers’ C« lonv Route.” LOCAL TIME TABLE NO 4. H. II. TIFT, | | Oonoral Oiltoe, I Pi-osiilCTit, Til-TON, (I A, I V lee I. Ijnoil ml JfffectJve m pin la Dec. 1H5HI Ill |HH J 00 1 0017 130 .. 1 v,Tifton,ar... mi 7 cob 15 7 130 1:3 4 \ a-J!7 10|7 44 54 . f Hi*nliiiR..... HiM/diton It II 45 :ir, H5I 7 i . ii;!h::ih 40 4 42,8 14 ... f IMnotHi it 45;4 48,8 SI . Mystic . . ii 5015(0 8 40 . f Ficiciior ..... IQtft 15 0 uoi Fitz^eruld Tratns Nos. t, :J, 3 and \ run-daily* except Sunday. Tains Nos- 7 and 8 run on Sundays only. (O F)a^ r station, Trains stop only on signal All Trains makaconnection with Plant Sys¬ tem and (Jeorgia Foil thorn & Florida at Tifton and Georgia & Alabama at Fitzgerald. F. G, IK) AT IMG I i'I\ Trr flic Manager, A new renirdy has been placed Rheuma on tun market for the cure of tism and all bloc d dis> ns<‘*, called A FRICANA. I' is compound'd entire’;y rf ri ot* and heii's—no miiu ra’s or |m'ii8h be¬ ing used in its composition tes'im uis.1* in From the numerous possession of tho ('"lnpanv, given l>\ prominent citizci s <-f Atlanta ai d elsewhere, we wuM will it a sure euro for a! '‘Blood I)'.• w.kck.” The Afticau'i Company saj : •It cures to stay cure'.” See their adyo'I'scinint in anoiber •column. Thi:aS|U'.i:. Gaudsku & ^'TTdiTo ‘uY'jy Y'lft^iwzenia and Ca 17 sacs vT 0WS-;; m & i'i & rroDipliy socurad. Trmlo-MnrkM, Copyrights and Labels legintered. Twoni.y-live yours ox* porloneo. We report wiicL'i.n patent can bo eceiired or Lot, tree of churgu. Our fee not duo until put out in allowed. Hook Free. L, 8. R. WILLSON to. OO,, Alton ..>h «f, , LUO. U.b. i'ttt. Ofiico. VJ ASj-SSNGT V- SilNUTE COUCH CURE cure»quickly. T! t Jr, vrhat It ws* mad-3 for. prompt, Pleasant safe, sure, to relief, Children quick like cure. it and adults Hire it. Mothers buy it for their children. Preptrod I.y tt O. llcWtit.ft Co .. niakcru ot DoWIu'm Litlio Eaiiy i-lueis, Uju i iiiuvti f: Uttle pills. AjMSB, / l—— \b,vsL -y p T to 6 I)at 2 S l f-m £.0.1). ’JmrK iS l vm "Mr IK '// wMft j>r«vikge 'XI n H cf mm\M- iffip H lion, Ivjt from factory, m A savicc the * Ti i (2i4c;;r$ > U vlit if ft 2; - -: -c*”, .1 fifalcr+pw?- ! m at :• k ‘ n i;t*r c* : '“P A, ci / \ w ‘y'S'.VVt ’‘P A. ft Money returned, Lesu. Lxpreosage, (J if not accepted. Equal nr any Wheel Manufactured DEW DROP r I IIK PINNIX HOUSE. MHS 8AJ.UK CHAPMAN, Proprietress. Rates $1 tv Day. $ ( DEW DROP INN.” THE BLOOD is TIIE LIFE. Pure B'o"d is es-rnliiil to giv d I I health, l'hou-nnds . uffer witii im- I'U'-o l»!o<«d. Thousands who IIP 1 atll.icted could be cured liy tnk.dg At l ionn•« the only positive retii' dy. A'rtcana > tires Rhi umiti-in <f | loug a'uuding. : Al'ricami cures Serofulii Africanu cures Old Soros, Africamt cures Sjpliilis Africana our s Constipation. Af'ieana 1 ur«'« Fxzen a Airioma miv* ( ntarrh. Afrienn.i cure* alt Blued and Skin diseases. A trial will convince y u of its in fits. Sold bv 11 AltilKN'KU it .nils’ 13th. LIVERY FEED SALE STABLES. NEW VEHICLES, PAST SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN J E. EDM ON' 1)S( >X- Ptop.tic'or TIIE HOUSTON High school ARABI, GA AN EXCELLENT HIGH SCHOOL. » » vpwmh Tuition, jior mo. in advance. Music, a u i t 1 1 :u>o Art, < ( i( il i ( .•{.(it) Board, “ “ in dormitory abont 5.00 Board per month in private families about, $5,00 Fall Term will begin Aug. 31. Spring Term will begin Jan. 4. it , I V I I *7 for I'.lilo * I i i ISHD i Caveats, Trade marks; Doaign Patents, Copyr'ghts, And ull Patent 1 ;uh1dcho cu’-duetod lor MODfcT.’ATE FKES. Information rr.'I udvlco jlvca to luv > *iJtorflxviti]G*A charge). AddreM PR”'?S CLAIMS CO., JOHill Wf. ODER BURN, MflB«Sing Attorney, P. O. HOX 3H5. WA■ *IIINOTON, T).C. KTTIiIb Company In maoaf:n<I liy a combination of tho largest and most influential ncwopaporti in tlio United StfttOH, for the oxproHA purpose of pro I nr tlielr dubacriberfl agaluat un«orupulou# and Incompetent Patent Agents, and each paper printing this advertisement vouches for the responai. bilityundhighstanding''fthei'roasCJHluuiCompany GEORGIA STATE BUSINESS and ----DIRECTORY To bo lioioly for Delivery In November 181 17 Six ru Mm t Ml—* A yo 11 in 0 or more than 1200 pages containing full dun concerning everything wUHi the pertaining to Georg a hus'nes o pt'otesaioiial man e 'ill 1 wish 'o Uti w All Inform uion ur ingot nlphnb't- ioallv ti eonntie* nnd by buslne** u , a*8illi*!klmn*. .Varans m<l audios ■ nxable pr 'p. rty, and acoragti f all re-p in-silt i' f.innor* in tin* St.i'r. For a Iv irti- 10 f it '-tv and subs vii tion p' ii' ', a ldtv-it G'ot’gia Dirjotoi'y Ooaipwy, A. E. 8tl 1 ,no, Manager, A'l'inla, Ga. P. O B iv, 21)3. ,r if p A'iXuWi A Uf t y.-f’ OUR SODA business Is a great aid to all other kinds r. of bmi ioj*, bicausa it keeps the I bus I no is in i- Hi3 lawyer, the I d mtor, or elorgymait, who finds himself ■ tiro I o it. and doprossod by montill worries of HOT WEATHER* They all Und. refreshment and in 25 vigoruti'.in in our delicious drinks. COCOA-COLA, TICKETS FOR ORANGE PHOSPHATE. LEM lN PII'YS MI \T S. Ices or Glares. GARDNER, THRASHER .V CO. X -'"Ashbum, Ga.r^fig ' V. ”3 w W © V, Xfi T' I , 'A i m ■ - s L L . * \ 1 Ar'-' -■ ^ ■ , Bicyclesjil $:;5. $40 tt * Baby CarriagcB and .‘.rfi 'i*n C^r dir i *G t/\ ^ '5 y.,’ Wagon , *»' ,J ' V s in I<ar- Il e Lcas-t gest Varieties. zm j Money. t : ssst -Qi V IWM ii Honest Values Back of Every Price we Make. * r) - i ,- f'J r'J - • rl r'l > Carriages THE htvlfr and MAKER AT LOWEST PRICKS. (-J T-’J f .!.. J A MMsi • -• , I — *- — --------»-------»;-r_f ________ 9 'Macon, Ga. Write for Prices. ! ALL KIND8 LIGHT i We will sell you anything we make at the very beet wholesale price. Our terms are net cash to all, and onr prices I are mado accordingly. There is no fur¬ No. ill2. ther use in your paying fancy prices for vehicles. Come direct to the factory and get them without paying addi¬ tional profits. All our goods are warranted in every particular. Shipped C. O. D., and if not as ordered or represented it costs you nothing. spite for catalogue and PRICES • HiCKOBY BOGGY CO., fodiafiapoHs, Inti. $1800.00 GIVEN AW AY TO I NVENTORS. $ 150.00 every month given away to any onewho an. pliei tlirougli uajur the moat meritorioua patent during We aoctire tlio beat patenta for onr clients, and the object of (hit offer is to encourage inventors to keep track df their bright idea*. At the same time we wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT’S THE SIMPLE,TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, luch ns the “ car- window " which can be easily tlid i»p jid down without breaking the passenger’s back, stopper. 'sauce-pan," and "collar-button/' thousand other little “nut-lock/' things that "b^ttle- a most any one can find a way of improving; aficl these simple inventions are the ones that brinjg largest returns to the author. Try to think of something to invent. • IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patent, taken rut through ui receive (pecut notice in the " National Recorder, published at Washington, I >. C., which is the best newspaper published in America in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year’s »ub- We ‘criptinn also advertise, to this journal, free of free of cost, to all our clients. (vhich wins $150 cost, the invention each month ,.f espies of our the “National prize, and hundredsof thousands sketch of the winner, and description Recorder,” containing a a of his invention, will be scattered throughuut the United States anion? capitalists the nnd manufacturers, thus bringing to tbcu attention merits of the invention. All communications regarded strictly confidential. Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors ol American and l oreign Patents, 618 E Street, N. W., Box 385. Washington, D. C. IJ- /’ -Jtrtmt—tdiicr q/Ihij paper. WriltJtrimf fo-pa^e pamphlet, rJtEE . HOUSES, CAREFUL DRIVERS. DRUMMERS. ASimUllN. GEOIiGIA