The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, July 23, 1897, Image 3

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THE ASHBURN ADVANCt Entered at the Ashburn postofliec as seeond*elass mail matter. Official Organ of Worth County . Ashburn, Ga., July, 23, 1807. Subscription fl tt year in advance Our depot is to be re-modeled. M ediiesday was count> court day. Mam druminers visit our town now. i Our Isabella corn sporn is tak¬ ing a rest. j Wedncsda''. Col. 7,. Bars attemhy nnly Court Editor Giubbs of Sycamore, was liero yesterday. Editor John L. Herring was up here Wednesday. Don’t wait till morniug lo tell your girl good-night. Tho framing of ilte new Raney building ts up. Mr. E. I). Pat to. son returned Offermau Sunday. Girl No. 7 was born to Mr. Bass Friday evening. An important railroad m eting i- soon to bo held In re. Mrs. Daniel McMillan left :■ ester- •day for a visit to Tifton. The prq-pect f r the railroad to Sylvester grows brighter. Mr. L. Jl. Jenkins has resigned his position with the Advocate. Miss May Jenkins is in tho State Normal School, at. Athens. Plenty of rain nearly always eomtes about fodder-pulling time. Don’t go back to bed whin the sun g< es into eclipse Thursday umrutug. . Mrs. Austin, of Waycross, is hero to holp in ike morning ai Liberty chinch. Mrs. Stanley Williams, iteo Miss Tillic Wood, is visiting her parents here. The cotton warehouse will be run this season by Col Z. and Mr Wesley Bass. Mr. Willie Fountain, of Vienna, is vi-itlug bis cousin. Mr. V. esley Bar- field. Mr?. Barnhill, of Worth, came yes- today lo visit Mrs- Berry Thomp¬ son. Rev. J. C. Flanders has just return¬ ed f:*( m a campmeeting near Val dosia. Watermelons weighing 20 lo 25 pounds are pb-iuifnl on the market at Aye cents each. Mr B F Uane> camci in yesterday and sain be wanh d atelepk>no line to Ins neighborhood. Mrs. Cowan ai d Mr , l’eacock, of \\ are, here ibis evening at (ho Missionary meeting. Next Tbun.dav. 'h« iD-'h of July, the sun will go into < clips' 1 at 7.‘35 in he iimrnir'g, and last thioe hours. There has born quite a vack'-t in towh today. Th-’.v aro blowing up stumps wit.i dynamim to open a streo’. Mr. D. TI Dav’s will join us with a telephone from hi? country home three miles away. His number will lie 32. We missed Editor Allen on the ex¬ cursion lust week, and regret to learn that bis absence -,vas due to sickness • in his family. The article on A-hburn last week credit' d to ’Ex.” was taken from The Southern Immigrant, published ir- Memphis, Ten ■ Misses Maggie and Ka'ic Burke and Master Johnnie Burke, of Jefferson¬ ville, Tnd., are hero with their rela¬ tive, Mr. Welch. Mr. E. B. Judge is at home after a stay at Jnsp^v Fla. lie lias a posi¬ tion at Daisy, on the Sam road, where lie expects to go in a few weeks. Mr. D. II. Davis is fencing a large farm near Ross lake, in which there will he fully 500 acres. Part of the lake will be under the fence, and there will m t be so much fi-hing as heretofore. One of the parrots at the Dew Drop Inn got in a mudholo under a hog’s nose tho oilier evening and -couldn’t say it last euough. Lan- cu-igeifailed lo'xpressher desire for help. She had a light squeeze. One excuse for having no paper -this week is a sick print 1 r. “Bo -gus got lamp in health, and went to Florida for repairs- Clifford Bay, a very bright young man. is doing tho worn, but he got at it too late to fiil up tho c flumns aud get out in dime. LOOKING THIS WAY! ! Editor Advance—Please send ■me sample copy of your paper, as I want to learn somthing in re¬ gard to Southern Georgia, with a view of locating somewhere in the south. Respectfully, iSaii’l W. Vautkh Tipton,Ind. Peaty of lemons to s^ueizn at •wa kc-r’s Get your ice cold drinks at Wal 4r"s. Mrs. Thrasher has a new piano. j Joe Hliiugler says lie is not going off to school, but will stay at home and keep ns boys single if he can. Miss Flora Raid win left last for her home in Wliite&ville, |N. O., after spending a pleasant. sojourn in ottr midst. Tho republicans in Washington agreed on J.M. Scovdl for post- mtl-tor at Worth. Tho central boy is liaving trouble with those who will not ring off. It heals every thing except a broken heart, may be sa’dof l)eWilt’s Witch Hazel Salye. Piles and; rectal dis¬ eases, cuts burns, bruises, tetter, ec¬ zema and all! sitin troubles may bo cured bv it quickly and | crmanentlv, —J. S. Betts & Co. Walker at Work. Mr. J. W. Walker has been shut iu with fever six long week-, and a tough time he has had. It is indeed fortu¬ nate that he is again able lo bo at his post, for Ids customer; have missed him very much, and many of them have drifted away. Lot tlura now return with their trade and receive the same courtesies a. of yore. Mr. Walker do si res us lo thank those of his customers win remained with him, and to invite all others lo call on him at Ids ole stand. Ashbu''u has never had a better groeeryman 'ban Walker. Burning itching skin diseases in¬ stantly relieved by DoWiti’s witch Haz '1 Salvo, unequalled heals for without cuts. bruire;, burns It leaving a scar—J S Bctls & co DEATHS. Mrs, Barfield. Hying between here and Isabel la.dicd on Friday evening, July 9lh, leaving a husband undsev- eu children. She was buried Satur- day at the Free Will church, hear t ho homo she left. Mr. Enos Newlou died ot typhoid fever on Friday, tho 0th inst. Ho leaves a wife and one or two small children. Mr-, Ed Whidby, living a few miles north-east of town, died Monday eve¬ ning, leaying a husband and seyeral children, one only a few hours old- Mrs. Whidby was carried to burying ground near her old borne in Dooly county. beautiful daughter Miss Eila. the of Mr Charlie Davis, living in die 10 h district, died Monday of typhoid fever. Tim-' -pares not tho young and the beautiful. The lit He 3 year old daughter of Mr. J. T. Pelham drank potash ' eslerday and died this morning. John (iiiffiu, of Zanesville, <)., says “I never lived a clay for thirty years without sutleiing agony, until a b"X of DeWiit’s Wieb Hazel Salve cured my piles,’ For piles and rectal troubles cut-, brui-es, sprains Witt’s eczema Wi tch and all skin troubles De Hazel Salve is unequalled.--J. S. Belts & Co. INAHA INKLINGS. Dr. (J. E. Walker passed through the city Tuesday entente lo Oyelo- neta. Miss Lula Clement-, of Middletown, has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Dan Sutton. Rev. B. E. Gordy filled his regular appointment at Inalia Sunday. T>e Missionary Baptists will start a protrated meeting at Iuaha the third Sunday m Augn-t and continue for ton days, Mr. Will Fountain, of Vienna, was in town fnr a short while Sunday evening. Mr. L'-tt \V arion has hern quite sick, hut is better at this writing. Mr. J. F. Cobb has returned Loin Now York, where he has been dispos¬ ing of his fruito, c tc. Little Billie Harvey had tho mis- furtunc of tt'ng hi>* arm broken by pimping from a moving wagon, bn' ho is improving under the skilllul management of Dr. B. W. E'lis of Ruby. Mrs, Jane Sumner has been visit¬ ing her mother in Ty Tv 'his week. Mr. G M Daniels and sister, Miss Eva, of Ashburn, visited Inalia Sun¬ day, (Look out Editor.) Mr. C.IV.Smith spent a few hours in the city Sunday, Miss Cora Ii >ya! has just returned from Sumner, where she ha.- been sp- ndmg a while with her grandmoth¬ er, Mr- Z Bass. Bii.lh-;. Vim. vigor and victory : these ate ihe characteii-tic- of DoVVitt’s I.ttth Early Risers, the famous little pills all for eonstiptiiun. billiou-ii' s ■ aud stomach and liver troubles—J. >S. Beit- & Co. News From Oakfield. Ekitok Advan' f. : 1 have been promising you a bit o! news for -<m .iinio, and now I wid scad it iu. The farmers of this part i.f the • •• utny are about done pioughing for this season. There ha-- been reasonable plenty of rain in thi- settlement up to date, ano 'lie fanner = have worked very ! well, and all crop* are fairly good. Jl is ovuleui that tJio farmers will have another hard year next ) oar; for we will have to begin on our new corn so soon until wo fear it will give out before the next harvest. Mr. J. J. La vendor is teaching a a flourishing singing Rehoot at New I Hopo church hi Reynold’s Town. Success to him and ltts scholars. Singing i- a good thing, and every settlement ought to have one school taught every year. Tito writer visited the elos'ng e er- ciios of a singing school, taught by Poll'. John L. Royal at Acorn l’otul church, on the liltr» in*t. The c : tl* zous of that vicinity had made the a success; and J bn had made tho singing a Mtco-s, the singing that was done thero that day was evidence enough to prove the lact. Joun is an all-round good fellow, any way, and when you gel him ringlead¬ er in a singing school, he is the right man in the right place. By 111 1 ' way. ho gaye it out publicly that he was going to give an all day singing, free gratis, at Thumb ring Spring church, in L e County, on the 5lli Sunday, tlio 29 h day of August, lie invited all that would to go with him; so I am invited and I am going. There was at 11 o’clock about 200 people assembled thero to witness tho scene, ond at 12:30 rcoo s for one and a bail hours; during which time dinner and watermelon wie served by the good citizens, whirh was very fine. This is in the lion. »V. L. Siorv settlement. Much improvement lmv : been made there in the lust low years. A few years back it was only a barren waste place of pine wood-; now a large school h"ii-e and a good framed 40x50 3qffi-t Chuscli, with a good m mber-hip. Good order prevails in time of services, showing the people are cultured ; t hoy will be rewarded for iheir good works. Well, Ouklield needs a good doctor and blacksmith who will not gut drunk nor go Ashing, and who knows their business, and wiii attend h> il, too. A scries of meetings lows been he'd in Warwick, with twenty-seven accesHions to their churdi. Tim Bap- ti-t people of this place aro trying to begin tbo work of bin d ug a L'pUst C’Ijui cIu A cotmmtii.e has be**u wp- pointed to -elect land to build on. Some men refuse to lot him have il ou any terms; another man promises a small place, but it doe-u’s seem to bo saJi-factory to tlio commit(e^ Th 1 ' men who refuse to furni-h land to build a eliurch on. may some day want salvation for their souls, and the ,. (.real , king tt- close , ,, the door , ot may ,, „ „ „ bcayon against ilimn iu the resume- lion morn. Sitn Klowku Don’t n uiseatii your stomacli with leas and hitter horhs. but regular, your livi-r and -ick headache by using ’rinse famous little pills known as J. De- Witt’-* Little Early Biers. S. B Ks & Co. Walker gives a glass of soda water with over dollars worth of goods. Best steak ami roast at Luke’s. Get your ice-cold drinks at Walker’s. STOP, BEAD TniS!! DM you know that Tuesday of each week was bargain day at, tho reliable firm of Jeffrey & Roo- Lin’s? They have the host and most complete stock of Dry Goods Notions, Etc., in tho city, and are offering greatly reduced pri¬ ces on Tuesday of each week. Read some of their offers for bar¬ gain day below: You can get 10 yards of <! ot, Ginghams for 35 cts. 6 yard? of 5 ct light calico for 20 cts, 10 yards of 6 cts Dress calico 42, 10 yards , of .. a t> ct , , Lawn lor , 47 cts, 1 > yards of 5 ct Bhallie for 32 cts. Wo have decided to add i UUttnUA ii j, .j i . v- x . To Our Bargain Day Also. all goods at low prices EVERY DAY. D URMhMHhK; U IVf TJ M Dl7 D fji 1 ucHdayB 1 ami 1 Tlmi'sd'iuct liiuiaudya milr uni). JEFFREY & ROOJJIN. OmClIAL ADVERTISING, -o--- Notice to Debtors and Creditor:;, All persons having tlernantl i a;rainsf th** < - f.atc of .Volsn t ffowar-I, Jato of wofMi eounty, (loeeaRod. tlieir flemands are to hereby notified to r raJt r in the ijii'lerritnied aeeor' IrD’- to Jaw, uidJ all perseriB bidebb-'J to saM < tab: art: ret jui red t o mu Re leu /IOwa n e-1 la ft!) f •? > - rnciit d. w, HI 'i A'lm’r Nelson T Ho waro, i. • •: . I, 1 V: r;: OHed with stones of fun, Jovo ami thrUliny tales of ntiventure, RoiM Jo cts,in stamp ! Tor weeks Ole trial to yankeo HJa'le, flreoks, Me. Meats, fruits and vegetable-, at Wal ker’s. how is the. time to subscribe. | For all kiwd‘ of smoking tnbaeco go to Wulkers.’ A W<mil<'i-fut nit Undo 8am—WJiy, (lector, that loolts like the pill MeRl'nliy gave mo to re¬ duce my revenue. Dr. Dingley—Y>;, Its in(:Vt tlientn perhaps are practically tlio same, though they arc somewhat, ettongi r. U. S.—But you Hay thin in to increase my ro venue. How’ cun it work both ways? IV—it's Dr. a protection and prosper¬ ity pill and will produce any effect do- sired. It’s an Infallible on to for any and all fiscal uml industrial ills. If tali* '3R» T; 1 ATv'i'r.Ts t /A A > wm gt.t’Vj MET ' • : t en in sufficiently large quantities, it will keep all foreign germs -ut of your system and leave yon happy, nrosp'rous and— U. 9.—Hold on there, do or! You've said enough to convince ? > that, like all advertised panaceas, i '. a icb remedy. Besides, I’ve tried b- and found it about tlio nastii'st dose I over took. It’s effects were also bad—very bad, It deranged my wholo system aud filled it so full of trust germs that I'vo been laid up ever since. I don’t want any more of your “protection” pills mid don’t bco why they called a protection doctor again. It must have boon by mistake. Women’s Dress Goods Will Como High, Tbo extremely high duties which Dingley proposes to collect, from wom¬ en’s dross goods should bo more gener¬ ally understood by the women of this country. It is they who must suffer most because of these duties. Hero are a fow samples of the increased duties taken from a list prepared by Mr. P. 11. Worrall of tho dress goods importing firm of Fred Butterfield Co. of New York: "A wool nnd cotton cloth costing in England Is. per yard, equal to 84 cents in our money, weighing Id on fires to tho running yard, coats tr.a! c the pres¬ ent tariff 83.0 cents per yard, while un- dor tho prop .: 1 fuFE i: .Min'd , e ;t 07 8-10 ecu' in ;• yar :l. Erjg j. 1I1(1 2a ,. (1 . v ,, : y;u , !( , 0 r,o centH in our liioary, wrigh'i»i;< x;h <iimcc.s to tho running yard, and < in- • under tlm present tasiff' 7 ! t i j., r y rd, would under the propose I tariff ^^oreted cloth, costing in England 2a. Id. per yard equal to 60 cents in our money, weighing 10 ounces to tho running yard, uml e ating under <b° present tariff 70 cents per yard, would cost under tho ] I tariff ^ 39g ^ y y "inch , (r(1 “A 83 black enyo (cotton warp), costing in Kuyland 7 5-8(1. per yard, equal in our me- -y to Ifi rr> cents, weighing less than 4 ounc< s lo tbo squfiro yard, costa nnd< r tbo pivnoat tar¬ iff 23.87 cento per yard. Under the pro¬ posed tariff it will cost 80.07 cento per yard. “A 27 inch black sieijiouno (cotton warp), costing iu England 7 7-Hd. per yard, equal to 15.75 cents iu ear mon¬ ey, weighing 3 7 ounces to the miming yard, costs under tho present tariff 23.02 cents per yard. U’ r ilio pro¬ posed tariff it viil cc;. 88.02 edits per yard. Iniquitous SEuirJ.'cr 'IV. iff. “Tho proposed t:.ri'v on lumber,” tho Boston Tmnscrip: t ) says, ‘‘is sim¬ ply a measure to pi. k tlio pockets and crush tho ludusti.y ■ f ■ ! * f y usi fill and influential class of 2 1 ;,u eitizous. It is uneconomic, 1 .itilie, suicidal The Btateiu'aitsupon v.cieh tin.) icheclulci was mado up arc shown to have been insidious aud misleadiug. Tl. > result will ho to strip the country not of un annually rr.ourriug income, but of its whito j;ine principal, which at present rates is "within ten years of exhaustion, and a lso to ruin a large class of business men in this . ountry v;ho dtrervo hotter things. It does not k< oi possible that men claiming to represent the people will permit such n i;.- --.urn to Jiavo the force of law. If tin y do, it will ceaso to bo folly aud Ixcomo iniquity.” i »om <ar tm, t Sample taxes from tho Dingley hill, compr? irons shoving tlio whelming !■ ■ i’ i to the Hirin' r ; ni.j ■ U :i 111.(1 I::, 1 pro- , „ (: KJ . . ... .nutivo regards a.-i in .... to i:- :rf>rt» from U,lit0<!: ’ • lc4 ' ^'htedstate*. vm 1890. r 1 ; , 1 ,,; 4 bu Im ( . 1 , l l,u Ct ba 4i,X.O I a Xa.Ott.WK) bn VA bu bu Vrboitt, r. ]A: i bn.,3,110,0 >> 1)U tO Lu, t j : r> ;wt 1 umw'A Ubia Eufior, *V-. ] 1 r lb.. l)»;i 10, m,m lbs ivtaW .s^Sop, im.. 175,240 ba fW,049 ou T ^a^KJ' , iZ!' x,K>, ''‘' .....0,682 Total value im;,.,, ..... 1,801.868 Admits Price. Will P.« metier. With regard to Chuirinan Dingloy’n admission that tho duty ou wool will increase tho prico of wool, the Kansas City Tine a says: “Tho ct urumiii and not tbo foreigner, tln.-refoiv, buys tbo tariff tax. It concedes also that tho home produce? puts up his prices arbi¬ trarily. Mr. Dingley’s own words aro u confCKfrion that-tho Dingley bill is a fraud and a robbery of tim people for the benefit of tho few individuals and .» Tho meet retreactivc feature of tlio Dingley bill is tho provision for paying buck to the big ta&uafaclarere their cam¬ paign contributions. For k'-r : .-''lee. >.-> to Wal cr’--. COTTON WABLII0D3B. WAREH.GUf/fl, V.. v/. l, !; • THE OLD Hi LIABLE. Cotton Warebou-si iu A.sbbu: u is Open for the T, id We Solicit Your Pafr>> Wo Guarantee Prompt n:.d Service. No Charo 2 ; von Bring tts your Cottdu. BASS BROS. Twruw‘s at .‘Lnke‘s. Lo: of Cheap Soap at Walker’s. DEW DROP INN T 1 IK PTNN 1 X i 10 b.IK. Mas 8Ai,!.n; c:i \, <.vn, v • , tth. Rate- ,V| a Day. “DEW DROP INN.” __ LIVERY nr- H i 1 * . Ljl., PIN 11 | ) i jSAI.E AND ST S N . « *?■ 1 : '-*-*V* r--; ' %r 141 . fF M ■''i'Y;- i ■; '■ >v .---S" ¥ V- « ~ NEW VEHICLE;-', I’A I’ HORSES, KAMI’ V! Din VERS SPECIAL \ TTENTION GIVEN DRUM M ERF. .!• F l-;i :•:(»?;DEON, Fk 1 pen r I * si: ;:i . N. < j GEORGIA ■ . AND FLORIDA 1! A i LROA D. Rmv am a-; R<» k i llur.Ti-; to FroairiA. Hmcli v .in. Tit a i ,\ V- 1-1 II I 'a | Nr:Id Dev | Nigld il r-r.;ii V\ r n I '.'1)1 4 0 ' 2 30 I ! i ( 'ft Ft lt> I o I 1.7 1 1A 3 00 2 2! I be 12 .’0 i mu i) n i.-v 13 11 12 :o 140 V 4a nt; tn - . !(' !.. (l 5 III .1 a?-per ! I 14 0 I I Gin i.-i - il s;s l:. Hi il i !' - v i.a (HI 4 .5 30 B.itB FLY. Mo.'i.i g Fy -not:.'.' ' 4 ' •> 11 05 8 30 I ■ ■ I f) ) < I r ralpi- i 1 i Huff I Sic- he u: r re uml ' A t A To mi -'lie Jack-OIIV iie a., via 51 , e. "Il :rud 'l it' ’ II. Ope; at*;;. I’uom 9 " p r hotc: n A'laula ami Bruu-wit-k. va Mac'" and Tiff n, maki tg.lin-H cenuee i m- with I,oats to U-l li e:n ! nil'c I 'll' 1 and Si. ‘ im - Optra!' It own -i be! we-1 May-oil a "d v i. < l |'(''red Divert li:- ' fo i’ 7. - i ■ ‘4 Soklie (.'oh>n- vja FI Simo-fl'i train r;r.- d iy an ! u p; i ! , (, < ; y I * jj > t - j-, r A I i : o v J ' t. :. i * I! / • . "• ) 11 }X • P • ' :■«' r . ! .if'tip i. t * ! d 11: .'.< v ■ 5 .\ : 4 !,l) • 4 ‘ 11 < al Pirn- T11 . I ,'.\l N ■ i * |> LDF.M m !•; i: fo. i. 1 i'l ri.v ],,, i : • ■' ! - ■ :dv. • a At) ti‘i11 M.'l i <!*■ •1 p ; !njc, j*, ».;i . j \ • j n:n‘3 T > !>. ,' [ K i • ' ., .' i lto , n-'-t ' .* . ;*i i ! 1 1 ' '-'€lS iZ&nCZJ 3EKI SgjyjMM r . v f r; fvit * 'Ur! * j- fit) V \ 'u.Y> J ■/> . w ’’. ij/hi.J rl« 7’ ft. i can ho : o •*.o 0 t.niu. .> Kr* ». V* V'U.L m j'1 & OO., /•'•» - ' "» *»• t'i-v. vWi w .. O-. - V.'A iHtNUTMt. n.ti. VrK 1 WP-ir '->v in BSKJTE COWGH CURE mado cures quickly. for. Prompt, That tmfe, In what It quick wan relief, quick Pleasant sure, euro. to Children ltko it. and adults like Mother.-* buy It for their children. fj, v f.;, a. iifWIOi* Oo., rmihcroof TltU.i Early JUlwiMi, tho famuli* . 4 , mu*. A * PIJICANA will cure Eczema and Ca- ‘ Urvh to Slav Cored. ) W a i Rl’SINKSS f-s it gnut, aid to all other kinds ofhnimn, It ia:nu if, keeps the basiue s min, tho lawyer, tlio doctor, or elergyman, who finds hi ms el I tired out aiul depressed by m 'ut il worries of T i JOT iu i ' WEATHER’ •' • ’ 1 ' d ' I r.d'r j -a mH; anti in 25 V \ r.iu hi : i oili- d -|i.-inns ilriuk.s. GO DO V-OOLA, Tlf’KETM FOR >'11 E l*fI • -:>:i \te. dI- 1FM ) I Pil > ;.>:[ VF ir.-.M or Gl-icefi, <■'ASD.Ni 111 RASH ERA-. CO. Ashburn, Ga. fi < I \ A ■n 4 : '• A. ■ , .mi— ■ 1 1 i / - i vx s. / * y i Bieye * <>! 4 Baby Carriages and .050, El-0 >575, i?S5, ..Id iF m y B ys’ Wagons in Uio Iju. m Mono y gest Varieties. & m m mi£; . •i t m (IMS Ilf (Mi TivTrti .V .. sam lioiif f. \ ,i ! H'.’N ; >f *'- c; y Price we Make. ^ ,•:> f- \ - V r c.f - fi* vl €t ■; H 3 •* V; i . 'J , u* f'AERi A C; T C J . _ i..; T!1E BEST iHiv AND MAKES at lowest prices. (."5 "Jj ) A ~ • . r r - j I .itr* -\ \ >. ■ VMr 1 i/m, *T .J \ . J * jfifjll ’. • ->* Jl wvwwmJ MMmJ yj ■ Jl:; I < r (ill. ii Write for Prices. c: NiCS- IS s n.. • • 4 ^n good, ckj*&« ble wheel mtiy-icYs i ■■ \ at an^tse • A ■r QW.r,"ur / f m, honest v ,y til® Vi. I pmee. ■ vLi »>e,a >.±% 9 7 ) ,:r' rf < 7M' i & . . ill i V v; in f You save 49 ^ Ml j fr l\ hsgher cofiifFJsstons, A grade tiian rents and ^ // oar “Longren salaries bv '\ Special”- 365 buying dirctcl \ i j ! ?? m j ii is impo33ible . from tiic ma!.j / / ' / to produce, • V ■y . V.dt'l privdb nr receipt of $5. If ,‘/t don’t ;u • ,c ic-s-j ear.ressago I'Y st-duSHK *1 tlMtltiMATI " ALL KINDS LIGHT ^ i : ; We will soli you anything we make ^$WP : FI mz terms at are the made are very accordingly. net best cash wholesale to all, There and price. is our np prices fur¬ Our No. 212. ther use in your paying fancy prices r V' ieV-s. Come direct to tho factory and get them without paying addi- profits. All our goods are warranted in every particular. Shipped O. f,:.d if not as ordered or represented it costs you nothing. WHITE ton CATALOGUE AND PRICES ° HICKORY DUG 67 CO., Indianapolis, lid. THE BLOOD IS I’HE LIFE. Pure. Wood is essential In g*vv\ In abb. thousands with im- pure hlinsb ThimsniKjs who are a libeled eotlld be. cured by talndg At- rican-i tho only punitive remedy. A L'icaim euros Airmans cores Old Sor**s. tfricai.u cures >.yihitla. .Africa na cures (/<>n«tipatioii. -Af'icina euros Exzema. Ad icana < m-e* Catarrh. A fries na cures;d| Blood a nd Skin Alriai will convince you if its ni'rils. Hold Ik Gakoknku .Il Tiihahiikk. inly Hlh.