The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, August 06, 1897, Image 2

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THE ASHBURN ADVANCE Published every Friday. H. D. SMITH Editor The Sam depot in Cordele was burned Sunday night. A man who is bad pay may ex¬ pect, to have a bad time getting credit. Some of the saddest disappoint¬ ments in love are with the ladies who married. Nay nothing to a loved one that you will ever regret. ' Death will sometime rob your home. Lightning struck a North Geor- gir negro the other day. His heel was considerably addled. Whisky drinking in America dropped off six million gallons last, year, according to revenue statistics. The now tariff law puts a duty on soap. Some of them have long uiffn wanting an excuse Tee not using it. The supreme court has decided in favor of the removal of fhe courthouse of Dekalb county from Decatur to Stone Mountain. It is much more becoming in a girl to swing her arms alone than swing the arms of a cigarette dude, or a man with cloves on his breath. The sun got behind the moon last week, and the Atlanta Con¬ stitution publishod an interview with a sound money democrat. What next? Is Editor Rittenliour, who is now on the point, of wrecking the Cordele Herald, the same editori¬ al monstrosity who so efficient¬ ly (?) managed the defunct A Hal¬ lo (Ala.) Beacon? Speaking of the smallpox in Montgomery, Ala., we admit that, the Georgia editors passed through there about three weeks ago, but don’t believe they scat¬ tered the smallpox. Flanagan, flip Decatur murder¬ er, was sentenced Saturday to hang on the 25tli of August; but. there is many a slip between a sentence and a hanging if there is any money in pocket. Fourteen hundred laborers in the Fulton bag and cotton millH in Atlanta, went, on a strike Wednesday morning" because 20 nogro women were put to work among them. The mill was shut down, and there came near being a riot. J. C. Biirntun is the proud papa of a new boy which weighs 16 pounds, is nine inches across the shoulders, 18 inches around the bust, 23 inches tall, and 8 1-2 aroundJtne arm next to tlie shoul¬ der. That's another record break¬ er for Cordele.—Cordele Times. A negro in Valdosta got drunk and murdered his daughter. He told a Times reporter that he was cleaning up his pistol fora church festival, and that the shooting w. s accidental. Witnesses testi¬ fied otherwise. Cleaning up tols for church festivals would be a new thing outside of a whisky town. \ mi vigor and victory : these the cliaiHCtsristiO'* of Do Wilt’s i.tttlc Early Kisers, the famous little pills for constipuion. tulliou-ms. aod all stomach »< d liv* r iroubles — J. 8. Betts a Co. x \otir . r l , note , Johnny , , Gordon says ho will not be a candidate for governor, but will spend the ro- mainder of his days teaching the noif.i and south to love each oth- v^r. If he succeeds, the north and to 1 U 1 will be so closely related by marriage in a few years that we will all belong to one family. It , is not good for man to bo alone, P. T. Barnnm once said "If you have ten dollars to put to good use, put one for tne and the other for advertising. I can out-talk any man but a print* er. The man that, can stick 11MtltIkt0 „ thw and people while 1 am talking to one, is the man I am afraid of, and 1 want him for my friend.” The Daily Times tells us that Mr. W. II. Johnson, of Vienna, and Mrs. J. C. Brown,of Rochelle, met in Cordele the other day, and were married in a blacksmith shop. If the blacksmith welded the knot they needn’t go into the courts to get it untied. ‘■They don’t make much fuss about it,” We arc speaking of Be Witt’s Little Early Kisers, tho famous little and pills all for conalipaation, stomaelind billiousncsa. troub'es. liver They never gripe.—J. 8. lictfs & co. The Herald failed to pay its printers for two months and they struck. The editor and others connected with the management have not, struck, and it is pre¬ sumed they paid themselves out of collectable funds and now they whine and kick because the printers refused to wait for dead¬ heads to settle to get their pay. The editor’s assurance that the striking printers will be paid in frill would hardly be classed as bankable collateral in Cordele, and is just, about As valuable as bis previous promise to pay. We sympathize with the strikers and the imported men who are to he duped into taking their places. Burning itching ."kin <<'souses in- slanfly relieve*! by DeWitt’s witch Buz I Ntlve, lititiQuelled It for cuts, b'ui-e 1 , burn-* heuls without leaving a goai—J S Bells & co The Cordele Herald printeis saw the folly of working for nothing and went, out on a strike Monday morning for two months wages. We made some reference a few weeks ago to the man who was blowing in the Herald, and he will blow it, in as sure as the proprietors let him keep the job. In one column the ground- rattle editor gives a glowing ac¬ count, of a trip to Atlanta and North Alabama cities, where he had a high old time, and in the next column he places a stinging rebuke to the printers for quitting work for want of pay. Printers are not apt to go on with their work without pay while the ed¬ itor is spreeing about on a high horse. Referring to his trip, he said: “Our return there was in many iexpects like unto the home¬ coming of the prodigal son. > t That parable may present itself more forcibly before he finally gets out of the editing business. The Herald will go to the wmll or change management. T lore i- ;i tiuv' for everj thing • ami the time to attend to ii cold is w 1 >en it sturtK. Don’t wait till you have oi-nsuniption bn* prevent it by using Due Minute cough cure, the great remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat and lung t roubles.—J. S. Betts & co. T ennessee entennial VIA A m 4 ii I mm m ^ Af WfIC.hvf 1Sp Mav Ssl to Oct. Ttst. Rio GuiicBngs of t:iu Toim«A:«csa beauty, f ■'frtcmr.ia! numbers end u rtiitectrr. l sjr Ailonta-s and naerty equal Chitago’s. : lhe exhibits 4;ro ready, arta are inter- : esiiiuj and ii»$tructi\v\ it*o li>e sukK dis ' ,ld Y excels any exhibitaui of the kiml fbe Western & Atlantic lioilrr.od, and the Noshviik-, Chattanooga A St. 10 ' jis N‘hiway fun solid vestibule trains w, * ,h , ’“ ,,<n f n ** ^ cars, f troni Atlanta 4 l to Nashville. , or steepinq Cor Berti.s, or any information about rates. Hotel nr Poardiau ttmiso p< connnod. ti >r.s i . Nashville, cell upon or write to i . r. is vrmw, (n'tK.Cul I'a .... \»fv *.t, viUSU. ».y. Spei uii Notice: She fvOMiivi Irip Kaf-'* I a* NvtsHv ille nr*-1 htv-jx-t 15v» H stu>iu<j at tumte. EXCURSION TO ' ST. AUGUSTINE, MONDAY, AUG. 2.3. ROUND TRIP $3.50. 71AM ONI MINUTE COUCH CURE cares quickly. That Is what It wss made for. Prompt, safe, cure, quick relief, quick cure. Pleasant to take. Children like It and adults like It. Mothers buy !t for their children. Prepared by E. O. DeWItt & Co.. maker* I of D* Wltt'a Llttio Earl; Ulnar*, te u f..IUOU» -tiepin*. v. 1 v V a * >~v’ \ * •ft W < .j k m - . mma. mm JIpj , IK’- ^ : Wm lljji Mm Vj \■ zm a i K 7 A Sv w% /%m@i ri w « i. BET' r 1 Millinery Goods and Dress-making.—MRS. G. K. WILCOX OUR SODA BUSINESS Is a great aid to all other kinds of business, because it keeps the business man, the lawyer, the doctor, or clergyman, who finds himself tired out and depressed by*worries of HOT WEATHER- Tiny all tint refreshment and in 25 vigoration in our delicious drinks. COCOA-COLA, TICKETS FOR ®0RANGE P1IOSP1I AT E. cpl- LEMON PHOSPHATE. Ices or Glaces. GARDNER, THRASHER & CO. Ashburn, Ga. A % X \ ft / A *«- X / Vi / / •L // y . Bicycles at $85, $40 Baby Carriages and | \- $50, $00,$75, $85, $100 ^/ Boys’ Wagons in Lar¬ the Least Money tw gest Varieties. Zm II 'k ■ - neSSR. & - Honest Values Back of Every Price we Make. o?:l j am wMmmB. Z -J 1 DD I AG jr\l THE BEST STYLES AND MAKES \T LOWEST PRICES. c 1 ■p ;> L V) j \ j - r ‘ 1/ Macon. Ga. 9 V. rite for Prices. = Eczema and Ca rv tarr h to Sta >> Cured. Meals, fruits anil vegetables at Wal¬ ker’s. FRANK PARK, Attorney : at : Law, Poulan, Georgia. B. W. ADKINS, Attorney : at : Law. Collection* a Specialty, P0DLAN, Ga. THE CITY BARBER SHOP. HAIR-DRESfcING- a specialty. SHAVING—quick and easy. RAZORS—put in good fix on shoe notice. You will always receive a cordial welcome. R. D. LAW, Proprietor. AsniiiTifN - Georgia. 1 S, 80 M iiealeks is YELLOW PiNE LUMBE ASHBURN, GA. All orders for Laths Shingles, Stav- s Car Sills, Bridge Stuff Flooring, Moulding, Brackets Ceiling, Etc., will receive prompt attention CAN DRESS ANYTHING TO 18X30, Wre cary a well selected and assorted stock of D.y Goods, £1 lard ware Groceries, Etc. ii' in need of anything in Clothing, SUCH AS MEN’S AND BOYS’ SUITS, We can fit you Wic Have a Nice Stock op LAD IBS’ DRESS AND TRIMMINGS. we would be pleased to slu n the ladies of Ashburn and snr rounding country. Tanks, Valises, and Satchel Our* CANDIES are FRESH AND FINE FLOUR, 8* MEAT, mr grits, 6T RICE, &T SUGAR, ®rr COFFEE, ^ MEAL, And in fact any and everything tnat is kept in a first-class grocery house can he had, at our Large, Brick Store as cheap as the cheap- est.. We carry a full line of Furniture. UP STAIRS Oor stock of Shoes is Complete, with a specialty of Ladies’ and Children’s Fine Sunday Wear. We als > handle the host brands of ■Cigars, Maces, Snaff, Etc, Full liuo ot the best makes OF STOVES NOW ON HAND. All kinds of Stock Food at Reasonable Prices. The citizens of Ashburn and urrounding country are cordially invited to call and inspect our stock. We have a M agon Vard and Stalls, Feed Troughs, Etc., for the convenience of our customers es pecially. Respectfully, T -nnmm~ ; S Co Dr. J. F. GARDNER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Calls answered promptly day and night. Special attention given to dis eases of women and children. Residerce at the Hicks place. Ashburn, Georgia. Dr. J. F. GREGORY, &C0., —(Specialists.)— Rupture. Catarrh, Rectal Disuses Hemorrhoids, (Piles) Fistulas Cured NO KNIFE, NO PAIN. Room No 1. Heard Building Cordele, Ga., 1C7, Cotton Ave., M ACON, G A. WARREN L. STORY, Physician and Surgeon, Sycamore, Ga. Diseases of Nose and Throat. DR. W. J. TURNER, Physician and Surgeon, Ashburn, Georgia. Special Attention Given to Dis eases of Women and Children. Office in Room No. 3, Betts Building. Residence; W, A, Shingler’s. t ails Answered Day or! Night. Telephone No, 18. DR. T. II. THRASHER, Physician and Surgeon, Ashburn, Georgia. General Practice Soiic ted. Office in the Christian Building:, C. E. WALKER, Physician and Surgeon, Sycamore, Georgia. GEO. W. COOPER, DENTIST, Ashburn, Georgia. Office, Uoo i No, 1, Bolts Building. W. B. CONE, D. I). S. I Make a Specialty of On .v u Bridges and Replantations. Teeth Extracted Without Pain. Ashburn, . • . Georgia. W. T. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law. Land and Collections Sycamore -:- Georgia Z. Bass. A, J - Dans BASS & DAVIS. Attorneys at Law Ashburn, Georgia R' al Estate and Collections. Prompt attention i all business placed in our hands. B. B. WHITE, Attorney and Ceuncellor at Law. Ashburn, Georgia. Will practice in all the Courts, State and Federal. J. G POLHILL, Attorney at Law. Sylvester, - Georgia. Practice in all the courts. Patronage Solicited. HAWKINS & MoKENZIE, Attorneys at Law f Bull Jine, Rooms 4 and 5. Cordele, - Georgia." Prompt attention given to all business intrusted to my care. J.\o. f. powell, J. W. POWELL. Vienna. Ga, Asiib rn. i>a JNO. F. POWELL & SON Attornevs-at-Lawl Wo practice in all the courts. Immediate and careful attention gi'.en To business placed in our hands. Employing- one sef ;n ' ?# services of both. Business soke- ^ e< l a ’'"^ inquiries promotly wered.