The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, August 06, 1897, Image 3

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1 HE ASHBURN Entered at ihe Ashburn as second-class mail matter. Official Organ of Worth County. Ashburn, Ga., Ang. 6, 1897. Subscription $1 a year in advance Ice at Walker’s. Send us the news. Ice! Ice!! Ice!!! cheap at Walk- cr’s. Bass Bros, announce ready for cot- ten. Let us have the new railroad to the B. & W. Mrs. J-Y. Sutton, of Ty Ty, died Friday night. Whito Wine Vinegar, 30 cents per gallon, at Walker’s. Rodgers has one more ice cream freezer for sale cheap. Poulan and Sumner yvill be beard from in these columns occasionally. Mr, J. VV. Chapman and little Ag- nes Barrett visited Poulan Monday. A few more lynchings might be the cause of some good laws being passed. Go to D. C. Stricklin, agent, Sum¬ ner, Ga., and get your Fresh Grocer- ies. Key. Thos. Bullinglon, of Wilcox, was among his friends here yester¬ day. Miss Etta McDowell, of Isabella, is visiting Miss Esina Cox anil Mrs R- Huckabco. The moon shines out this week just like it didn’t get in the way of the sun Thursday - Mr. A. B. Wells informed us Mon¬ day that he would have a bale of new cotton out that day, but it lias not been marketed. Mi'. Daniel Reynolds and Miss Tina Williams were recently married in Utica settlement. A column advertisement will ap¬ pear in this paper n-ixt week for Me- Girt & MePbaul, of Poulan. Mr. W- S. Fowler and Miss Mo I lie Willis, of the 8th district, were trai¬ ned on Sunday, the 21ili u'.t, J. N. Wtlcli, of Sylvester, has add¬ ed new machinery to his gin, and now has one of the best in the Slate. Mr. A. B. Chapman aud lady went to Pouian S unday to vi it a brother, aud then returned home to Bronwood. The four darkies caught gambling here last week weie carried to Isa¬ bella Saturday, with three others, by ttker'ff Story. Best steak and roast at Luke’s. To my old Friends and Customers: Bang me your Produce, Beeswax, Hides and Tallow.—D. C. Stricklin, agent, Sumner, Ga. Three Sycamore boy—Marcus Tm- 1 y r , Willie Grubbs and Stanley Bus- tey—aro students in Marlin’s Busi¬ ness College, and are making fine records. Beef 5 to 8 cents a pound at Waf¬ er’s. A vi liite boy and a colored one grinned at each other at the mill, one with a stick ahd tho other with a knife, and paid $1.50 each, into the city funis. 1*1 7* Walker gives a gla>s of ' with ever dollars worth of goou If you want to see what O. tanooga plows aud Monarch guan - can do, go out and see the corn on J. Lawrence’s place two miles from Ashburn. Bass & Davis nave dissolved copart¬ nership. Col. Dayis remains at tbe old stand. Col Bass has an office at the cotton warehouse, where he c-an look after cotton as well as lew. The Poulan Herald says: “Our friend T. L Kitchings has been r.a r- rying his neck !n a sling” Friend Tom should have something sweeter around his neck, aud somewhere to lay his head. Pienty of lemons to squeeze at walker’s The Methodist church prayer meet¬ ing has been changed from Tuesday night to Wednesday night. The change is to get the meeting neanr the middle of ihe week. Probably the attendance will be b'-tter. Tho negro who committed suicide at Chula Tuesday, an account of which appears elsewhere, certainly possessed wonderful nerve. But tew men would haye made the second at¬ tempt, under the circumstances. Get your ice cold drinks at TYal ker’s. A little negro about the size of a piney woods rooter passing through here Tuesday got into a racket with some boys in Gabe quarter and struck one with a brick. He was arrested at by earn ore and brought back and turned loose. i s,i,-x to the dd method—quick sales an] small profits.-I). C. Strlek- n. ageut, Sumnor, f; a . Mrs. A. J, Gannon has been very low this week, even at the point of death. All of (ho doctors in to wn were with her. Her infant was born dead yesterday morning. She is bettor to¬ day, and the doctors are hopeful of her recovery. Now is the time to decide what brands of guano to use next year, Ask your neighbors wiio used Southern Phosphate Wonts’ goods this rear how they Beg the following brands: Monarch, Ocmnlgee, Tip Top, etc. Sold by J, Lawrence, Ashburn, Ga. Rev. J. C. Flanders leaves to-day for Johnson county to spend a week with relatives and assist bis father in a meeting. His pulpit will be vacant Sunday, blit there witl be a prayer service, and (lie Epworlh League will conduct the service Sunday right. The Poulan Herald complains that a northern speculator is buying pears at Ty ly for one dollar a barrel. When the aforesaid speculator gets rid of the pears he will doubtless go out of business or into the hands of a | receiver. A shirt of many colors has been found in a man’s washing at Poulan, marked “Willie Grubbs,” and the man is advertising it. Willio has not been! torn up by a w ld beast, nei¬ ther has he gone lo Egypt to be king and sell corn, but is in Martin’s Busi¬ ness College, at Macon, making a man of himself. Tho Advance force has been feast¬ ing on a basket of grapes and poaches presented by Editor Charlie Wilson, of tho Poulan Herald, llow J. W. Walker found out wo had the fruit we cannot tell, but he scut up a block of ice just at that time to keep the boys cool. Great and noble arc Charlie Wilson and J. W. Walker. We took a trip to Poulan Tuesday, aud found that hustling litile city hustling forward and growing like a pumpkin i ;i wet weather. She has two excellent lawyers -Park and Adkins— who are guarding careful y tie le ?al interests of tho town, and are looking out for their share of the general practice. See their cards. For keg pickles, go to Walker’s. As everyone knows, the “Shoo Fly” is an accommodation train that yvili stop anywhere on the road when waved down, to take on passengers, but some people abuse this privilege. Conductor Young left Tifton on time tho other morning, but reached Cy- clodeta twenty minutes late. When asked the cause of tho delay he said that a small boy clad in an abbreviat¬ ed shirt only*, and wildly waying a bandana hankerchief had stopped (he train enrouto, and told the conductor his ma wanted to go to Cyelonela, and that she would be ready just as soon as she got through churning. The train waited for her, but tho engineer now lias orders to the effect that when he sees a small boy on the track way- ing a red bandana, with an old wo- near by churning, to open wide the throttle and do his bed to rftn over aud kill the kid. For all kinds of smoking tobacco go to Walkers.’ The usual quietude of the little town Chula was somewhat ruffled Tues- by tbe scnsatisnal suicide of a 8 at that place. About noon a ro strange negro put in an appearance at the still aud stated that he had been without a bite to eat since Sun- day, and that if he did not get some¬ thing before long lie would kill him self. No partic ilar attention was paid to the threat, as the race is not prone to self-destruction, and the threat w;ts treated more as a blufi than anything else- Subsequent events, however, proyed that he was deeply in earnest- About 3 o’clock p. m , white standing on the road crossing below the wood rack he discovered (lie down passenger train approach¬ ing. and starting up tho track on a run exclaimed: “I’m going to kill myself! TM When near the train, which was then slowing up for its regular stop, he stepped from the the track and let the engine pas-, and then endeavor'd to throw hinised un¬ der the train. A brake b -am struck him an 1 he was hurled back into the ditch. He quickly arose, and wedging Ins b >dy between two tics waited until the front trucks of a pas- senger coach had passed, and then de iiberatelv laid his neck across the rail, an 1 the rear trucks severed its head from his body. No 0,10 knf " sv , U , cl, ere "e^vS^iat he came from, lm ° rfinai:i- wtweburicd^on^hc niq j right-of-way by ; the see'ion hands. [ f heah everything; except a broken heart; Hazel baly«. maysaid^ 1 ua? 1 d ( ]i H - ue s. cut , burns, bruiMM, tuter. p- e sKin m “ c 7 ,. 1!ia all , j alii >nG pciinanentiv, “-' cnittl bv it quickly J H. B dt- & Co. Ii. Jeffrey, of the lirm of Jeffrey & Hoobin, leaves for New York next Thursday to purchase a largo stock. To make room for the now goods tho linn proposes to sell their slock on hand at ridiculously low figures. Now is the time to got bargains at Jeffrey & Roobin's, and you should improve the opportunity. Henry Rhodes is a bad negro just out of the chain gang, and on his way back. He pocketed clinton Patter- son’s pistol the other day and is in jail waiting for a conveyance to Isabella. And that is not all. Jle hung around Howard Taylor’s Saturday night with a guu watching for his wife, and she swore he was trying to kill her. lie is the same negro who borrowed monoy to g> and soo his sister buried when slio was not dead, lie is a bad negro. For seyeral months The Advance lias been somewhat lagging for want of expert mechanical talent and finan- eial backing of business men to fur- nish grease to the spindles with pa- tronago payable in cash. In a rough- and-tumble way we have bridged over the dull summer months, and kept the business in good financial standing by the editor doing a lot of the office work himself. But We must not stop here. Tho time has come for us to move along with the times, and you need not be surprised to be called on at any moment for items of news for tiie paper, and if you cannot furnish it at tho time you will be requested to haye something ready for tho reporter on bis next round, The Editor will visit different parts of (bo county and solicit subscriptions all along during the fall season. Our man in the office will work the town for local news. Don’t fail to accommodate him. lie may not bo as pretty as some you have seen, hut if lie publishes all lie finds out ab ut you before he is here long, that might not be pretty. Give him (he good news: we are not, after scandals. After this week the paper may be expected out promptly on time. Maj. George BuUerof editorial and reportorial lame—a man of 37 years’ experience, and one with a head on, and therefore brains—is with the Advance for the season. Courtesies shown him will be appreciated by all concerned. A lot of new typo will soon be put in, and then wo can do justice to the patrons and the public. Every one can help us run tho busi¬ ness by reporting a news item or speaking a kind word for tho paper. All subscriptions must bo cash, be¬ cause credit subscribers become ene¬ mies t o the paper. Lookout for tho Advance. “1 crave but One Minute,” said the public speaker in a husky voice: and then he took a dose of Odo Minute Cough Cure, and proceeded with his oratory. One Minute Cough Cure is unequalled for throat and lung troub¬ les-—J- S. Betts & Co. Epworth League. Following is tho Epworth League program for Sunday, 8 p.m.: Topic—St. Paul as a Man of Prayer. Song—Walking in Fair Beulah Land. No. 200. Prayer. Consecration. No. Song—Entire 201 Talk—Thanbsgiymg for Mercies—J. Law rence. Song—Keep Close to Jems. No. 71. Bible References—Why we Should Pray—Leaguers. Song—Leave it to Him. No 34. Characterist ies of 1 'rayer—League rs Song—lie is Able to Deliver Thee. No. 222. Personal Resignation—R- P. Fain. Song—A Little Talk With Jesus. No. 41. POULAN PICKINGS. •-0-- Miss Katie Cox wont chopping Albany lo-day. Mr. J. R. Weed now of W aycross, recently of this place, is in the city. Tho Poulan Hotel is doing a nice business under tho management of Miss Lra.v. Mr. Guy E. Weeks and family went down lo Cumberland Island!) spend a few da's. Clever and handsome Dan was in town yesterday shaking b out - wiih his many friends. The mills of Hunton & C<*. are run- nmg regular, turning out large bills for northern markets Edward Bullard, tho popular ; „ uI affable clerk, has gone on a visit to l )is old heme in North Carolina. Thor*! , borbfccu'j , at . i aimers , was a Pond te-teiuay. Ever) body , , had a | Bu:e ,im0 and P'-n'y «*t«nd drink. ] MGrsiVLic ( :«^V of ra,r y» 8<(jtl.t ., and is stopping wDl J her mler, Mrs. Ann VJcL' od. He'd estate i-on a boon, and s ev¬ ..„ a , eha , I{f( ,, hav ,. »na<l« by our u t, T-ra Kctcbcts . n^.,1 a ( ) e;l | to-dsy witli tf)« ,, I „ oulan . i, up iovemcat ■•ompnuy foi <*.»• lo\ , fion ou , wo olb( ,, ISABELLA SCRAPS. Mr, Clarence Gleaton is stopping at the site. Transgressors’ Retreat will soon bo able to hold Us own. Miss Annie Cochran is visiting her sister. Mrs. J. O. Gregory. Miss JessioMav Hall, of Alt, is vis¬ iting her aunt, Mrs. J, J. Hall. Farewell vain world. A barbecue to-morrow—tho half will never be told. Mrs. W. T. Sikes and Mis. Alice Redmond visited relatives in Isabella Tuesday. If you wish to bo in a substantial town c'mo to the county sito while there is room. Sylvester base-ball team will take a licking Friday by tho Tiftonites. Such is the fate of the young, MissGussio Me,Gill, of Parrott, is visitihg in Isabella, tho guest of her sister. Mrs. Bon West. The quarterly conference will be held at the M. E. church Saturday and Sunday, the 7th and 8th. Be on hand to help in I ho good cause. Twenty-one accessions to the M. E. church in Sylvester was the fruits of the scries of meetings conducted by llcvs. Stubbs and Sanders during tho past week. , Suoo Fly ( don’t bother me.) John Griffin, of Zanesville, O., says “I never lived a day for thirty years without sutleiing agony, until a box of DoWitt’s Wich Hazel Salvo cured my piles,” For piles and rectal troubles cuts, bruises, sprains eczema and all skin troubles Do Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled.- -J. S. Bolts & Co. Where Will the Railroad Go? There is likely to bo a railroad from Ashburn to Sylvester or Poulan, but tbe question is, which placo will got it? A charter was recently granted to parties in Sylvester, Isabella «»<1 oth¬ er places, for tho Sylycster, Northern & Gulf railroad, to run from Worth hv Ashburn tuib Isabella to Sylvester. Poulan wants the road also, and claims to have a charter for tt railroad to run from Tkoniasville to Atlanta through Worth county. Beth places are pulling for the road. J. S. B :tts& Co, will run their road to within eight miles of Sylvester anti eleven of Poulan. Then which yvill get the road? Sylvester says- she is able, and will build tho road wkethor she gets any help or not Ashburn has very much tho s uuo to -my. Pou¬ lan says she is about to develop into a manufacturing citv, and must have the road. Tho road would save to J, S, Betts & Co. about $30 a day tho year round in freight on lumber alone Thou it is eyident that when Belts & Co. get within eight miles of the B. & W. they will go on,, and Sylvestir will be the objective point unless Pouian offers heavier inducements lhan Syl¬ vester, Isabella will be on the line otrier way. A direct lino from Ashburn to Syl¬ vester would bo 18 miles long. Tho way It is surveyed and is likely to to run, it goes in a norll.-westerly di¬ rection nearly to Doles, goes on lot of land furl tier west than Isabella, then turns south. This will open up a good country ami capture an abund- mo i f l>cl traffic. The distance that wav to Sylyc'ster will be 25 miles, 'Tho Indiana Fruit Company at Isa¬ bella. with Its thousand acres in fruit and vegetables, says it will have a railroad if it lias to build it itself. Poulan has surveyed a lino direct «> A ’ ,|,1 ’n | n, a distance of about 18 miles, and hays she means business. The road will be a continuance of the Hawkiusville and Florida Southern, which is now in operation from Worth lo Pitts, and will bo extended to Hawkiusville. , mailer of running to j Sylvester or Pou'an U not. a!l of the c „usi lerathm. It is to bo con. 1 inued to Moultrie and Thoma.-vi lo. A tncetin was held at Worth a few day* ago, buf no tmw-p’ipnr roporters wore present, therefore what Dr y did M ,r ’t Bki ly to g i into pr nt The AtlantaFlorida, which is now in operation fr-'in Atlanta to ' V-t'ley, and d'.Ht-tl .1 wn on the ,nu P * il "" 1,1 ; ; ll k' il c ’"’ n!v il '" 1 J ’.'-'aosv.i!«•, may cut som ? fii'tm* in ihe bu*i»:« s , awl this) tVk ma ., 1 , h tlio eUavi< , v ic rr , <1 , to . by , , . i «. j> oU j a|J TJieu . na , t|r ; fa hl , m Sylvester | Xylite ,,ad, bn’ wo aro abnor.t.sure lo have h ro?d f,om AMiburn 10 Isabella and to the il. <k W. i i D.-n’: »nm: af- • ott;' :!om.';Cl) with h"’--*; h-'-s »”•' regnla.e y u: !iv. r :i d stek bctiladie bv using , ..... t',a:ma-) tum- p''l!s i w-wi- a Do- \ ■< I :G Ic i. il ■ til Cl'5 .!. S. DAVIS AND BARBRE. -0- Pino Candy and Crackers, Lea and Perrins Sauces, French Table Mus¬ tard, Yankee Beans, Breakfast Ba¬ con, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Rico, and Tea. All styles Canned Moats, Fruits, and Veg¬ etables; Dried Apples, Apple Vinegar, Lemons, Irish Potatoes and Onions. Ice! Ice!! Ice!!! Western and Country Beof, finest, quality. Wo do not handle any Eight Cent Steak. ’Phone No. 19. Davis & Bar hue. OFFICIAL ADVERTISING. •0 SHERIFFS SALE. Georgia - Worth County. will be sold Isabella, hoforo^tho Court tho House first Tm door sday in tho town of Ga., on the barn) In September next 181)7, bet bidder ween for rush, hours of sale, to the highest ttie followlwt property, to wit.’ Lots of land Nos 15 and 1511, one half of lot No ;ti, land one half of lot No. 107, all In tho 7th dist rict of said county, levied on as tho property of A .1 iford to satisfy a Mortgage Flfa Issued from Worth Superior Court In fuvorof I) 0 llaeon & Co vs A,) Alford H. Alia list Sf, I WIT. Sheriff. S. Story, Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All persons having domanils against worth tlio es¬ tate of NoIko t Howard, late of county, deceased, aro hereby notified to r. uder in ttieir demands to tho undersigned according to law, and all persons Indebted to said os tato aro required to make immediate pay- metit 15, w, HOwaKD 81 i Adm’r Nelson T Howard, deceased. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is noroby givon that tho copartner¬ ship heretofore cxiHtina: bolwood Z, Hass and A J. Paris under tho lirm name of Hass & Davis, has tills day dissolved by mutual con sent. All business heretofore entrusted to us will lie looked after by each of us. llospoetfully, Z. Hass A, J. Davis, 1 nCTS ton weeks and then stopped. Tito weekly, old reliable Yankee ltlnke, love lti panes and thrlllirw filled with stonos of fun, in stamps for talcs of advonturo, Bowl 10 cts, weeks Ofo trial to Yanked Hladc, Rrooks,Mo. Lons' Cotton Gin. Patent applied for. Ho I ary stripper, no zltizaK, runs smooth. Kins four hales a day without injurinir thostaplo. Part¬ ner wanted will) money to manufacture. II. D. Smith, Ashburn, Ga, COTTON WAREHOUSE. WAREHOUSE. /.. Hass. W. L. Haas. THE OLD RELIABLE. Cotton Warehouse in Ashburn is Open for the Trade, and We Solicit Your Patronage. We Guarantee Prompt anti Honest Service. No Charges for Draying. Bring us your Cotton. BASS BROS. GEORGIA STATE GaZETTEU, BUSINESS and PLANTERS -DIRECTORY. To be Heady for Delivery in November 1897 StxTn Edition. MI A volume of more than 1200 pages containing full data concerning vorclliing pert,ami ng to Georg a which tho business or professional man could wish to know. All inform 1 1ion arranged alpha!) •!- Icully bv counties and by busine-s classifications. Names and addresses taxable propt rty, and acerago of all re-nonsiblc fanners in the State. For advertising address rat< s and subscrip¬ tion p"ice, Georgia Directory Company, A. E. SitoLios, Manager, Atlanta, Ga. P. O. Box, 293. _ Pare Blood is ossertfial to good health, thousands suffer with irn- pure blood. Tlionsaii'ls who are afflicted could be cured by takidg AI ricanatlio only positive remedy. Alricana cures Rheumatism of long standing. Africa tin cures Scrofula. Alricana cures Old Sores. Africana cures Syphilis. Afrieana cures Constipation. A Means ' tires Exzema. Africana 1 urcs Catarrh. Afiic«n:t cures all Blood ami Skin ifiseam's. Atrial will convince you of its nr fits. Sold bv G.Midi;NT*: it & Thrasher. July 1511). A 1 Lid“l.ub«l«’ < re'il«t«red."Twenty-TWO ’jSarn’lx- penence. W« report vrhethor patent ran duo 80 Bficured or not, free of charge. Our fee not until patent allowed. :t'Z i>nuo Book Free, H. B. WILLSON 6 l WASHINGTON. CO., Attorney* Ovl.. 1 , U.U. iuOllla. D.C. ALL KIND8 LIGHT i A M We will sell you anything we make at the very best wholesale price. Our terms are net cash to all, and our prices are made accordingly. There is no fur¬ No. Stiff. ther use in your paying fancy prices for vehicles. Come direct to the factory and get them without paying addi¬ tional profits. All our goods are warranted in every particular. Shipped C. O. D., and if not as ordered or represented it costs you nothing. WHITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES * HICKORY BUGGY CO., Indianapolis, lid, DEW DROP INN Mils sAl/l.lii CHAPMAN, Proprietress. Rates $1 a Day. “DEW DROP INN.” LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABL'S 'V. 1 ■ q , . NEW VEHICLES, FAST HORSES, CAREFUL DRIVERS SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN DRUMMERS. .)• E. EDMONDSON, 1’iopaiHor ASHBURN, GEORGIA. GEORGIA SOUTHERN AND F.LOR1DA RAILROAD. Hr; wan hi-: Rivku Route to Florida. Sou lb MAIL trains. North Day Night Day I Night 1155 11 25 Macon 4 91) 4 00 2 30 1 45 Cordele 1 45 1 45 3 09 2 24 Ahhhurn 1 15 12 58 4 (K) 3 10 Tifton 1210 12 10 5 35 *1 40 Valdosta 10 45 10 15 (1 38 5 40 Jasper 943 9 11 7 55 0 45 LukeCity 5 35 8 15 10 20 9 15 Palatka GO) 5 30 HUGO FLY. Morning Kyening 11 05 Maco.i 8 30 Cordele 7 22 Ahiibiiiin 0 35 Tifton 5 00 Valdosta Operates Pullman Buffet Sleepers the year round between ATashyillc, Toni)., mid Jacksonville, Fla., via Ma¬ con and Tifton. Operates Pullman Sleep rs between Atlanta and Brunswick, via Macon and Tifton, making direct connections with UviIh to and from Cumberland anti St. iiaovs. Opera!-s il- own hli-ep'r.s hot worn .Macon tied ?‘.tin.’Ic* vi < G S& Fdirect. Direct line to I i •/. era hi Soldiers Colony vri T’ffon. Slioo-lly train runs every <1 1 y and will make evey local stop 1). G. IIALL,T. P. A.-Atlanta. Ga. W. IL LUCAS. F. P. A.—Jacksonville O. II. RHODES Soliciting Passenger Agent, Macon, Ga. J. LANE.—General Manager. G. A. MACDONALD, General Pas¬ senger Agree*. TIFTON & NORT 1 I-KAKTEUN RAILROAD. ‘•.Soldi nits’ Colon v Routk.” LOCAL TIME TABLE NO. 4. h. il. tikt XI General <)f!leo, | W.O. TIFT, I’roBidPf •I 11 'TON, 11 A, 1 Vli.-c I’rt-ai'IT. no7 l Effective no :! no4 noil 4 \> 00 m pm 00 j a 7 rn DCC. 20, I HlC,I late a in 7 pin 15 pm 7 1) I :*) .. 4 12 * 10 7 4 l IUTkIHoii II 45 7 HD 7 ID 4 m 4 7 51 r lifti-.liriK II i»l 1151 <151 4 4H 4 42. 8 Ij f Plnetlu il id o.'ti sai 4 45 4 48 h 81 Mystic ii ins25s:n 4 5join 50 5 00,8 1)1)1 4 { f Fletcher III Mail la i, is 15 II I'it/.aeiald in I'.'oou 5W) Trains No«. /. 2, a /m l 4 run Ual ly. except Humlay. Tain* Nob. 7 ami a run cn KumlayB only. If) i-'liiK station. Trains atop only on sianal All Trains makaconnection witli Plant S’yn- torn ami (icoivla - oullicrn ,Y Florida at Tiftoa and Gooryiayi Alutmninat I'i'zyeruld J' - . G. HOATHIGHT, Tn file Manawor,