The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, August 13, 1897, Image 4

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A ill n ill ii ge of Sleep. ill ;r*|>ly 1 <? tin fj/jff lion, I i 4 'xim It > i. wan t- deny I,in,self pel ah'lig wilh a few lit,ill 1 « <lay, to i un i' « oil ' 1 'esla, tin- great flee ti ieian, ia ftftitl 1 o have eeplicil: “That in ji ^rrut im. ink<s am convi eetl. A inn ti lius j tint ho many hours to lit? awake, atu! t lie of llieHe lie lihps < n< h day « o mor<! days he will last; that, in, Die loiif-erjiewill live. 1 believe that a man might live two hundred years . be would sleep most of the time. I hat ls W hy negroes often live to advanced obi ii u-p, IncttiiM* , tin y Hleep ho .Miirli mm Ji. ft is mid lhat (iladstone sleeps (seven- term hours eveiy duy. Vi-*/ fo an A(ipniviit|; ('onm;lrii<*«» A vJ /* ii i iih h’ 1 infii h Ih tiii* l'i c/ifDHf of mundnno 1»1« Hril/UfM hoiilid dljO H’h-n in rt gmtrnnty »d <|iil< f norv MUHx'Uhir DpiMtiidlf. /i hfiiily ap I i 1 1!»• mid n n-f/uinr h/ihjt of hcxJy. 'I'houKhtito nlwuvH a natural endowment.. It may t»a ffc <ji*iI ’d l Uuotivh tli** atft ncy «•( lloHiD*tor’n Hpiiu n»*h i'iltn/M. *>n*» *>f tin- moMt I’fTtetiv*» InvU’o/niitH find Olood f«’i tl)|/(TH Id **xI hI<’ fn‘('. Thl» thin Oiiic hIho fori I IP m IIioh* 1 >vho iihc It fitffiJrmt inn Ptfla. and roinVdP*» idllouwit'HM, nonstJpatlrm and rhoiufifttNin Thn Hfnmy Ride of n rjty Ih wh^ro tho rcnl- driitN iffi nloiis only hdw h'-w. Miipl. Syrup. \it«tniloii Ih I’alP'il to tin * MapP? Syrup advor IlMi'ffiMit In JIiIh p/iipor. whPdi Ii/ih tin* oimJoih<‘- no’iii of « iovminr Tayl«*r of MVimoHRot*. Uov. ’-■uni •fotii'H and otliDfR TjiIr sy» up wftli tlio hii- //itr iimoP- ft w/ii It Ii hh to rn iiiaDUfAM‘tiii <‘<I and sold hy n «-oiiipnuv rxloindvidy if, tlitaai/rfi tho wholoRalf? and rotull tnido. /nit r/m t<n» lil/rfi for tho uooplo hy pHRHintf throu 4 )i mo many oplo li/UidH. fl 1 r now pro[»(,H< d Jo P t thn p h/ivtt tho fonmifa and mnko If at fl/Ht com/, and ih ry wf J J inako n iiilstako If thoy do not t/iko hold ol fi It Ii/ih horn pronounced oiju/il to tho “on y pviro old Vonnont” wUh'li »«11 h at $1.8^) jut ^afjon. Tho avorugo soltool l>oy proforna tanned shoo to a lannoit t»it« k I hell rfr 1‘Iso‘h ('im* for t Hmnuriptlon saved my boy's life last summer, Mrs. AM.ik liouo i.Art.H, l.cHoy, Mtch , Oct. ’04. ELIZABETH L COLLEGE. FOR WOMEN. CHAUL 0 TTK, N. C. K<iUAIi TO TIIH with MUST feature f.'ollogvH for mvn wer.y of a htkh Kt tulc (gollogofor women added. A KA< t’l/l Y OK 15 SPECIALISTS From Kchools < f International reputa- tlon, IJnlveriiity as YhU* of John* VlrtKluia,nerliii,Nt»w Hopklnn, Amheret, Eng¬ land OouRttrvatory, Parlf, Ac. I ll UKK rOUHSK.H 1 ,diu 1 Ui 4 to dey;recH. OltOUl* SYSTEM With elwetlven. MUSIC n)N<KRVATOKY M’ltli emirMO Piano, Violin, leadintc Guitar, to di^ .»». Man¬ Pip® Oriran, Vocal. Han Jo, dolin, ART CONSERVATORY Full course to diploma.-all varieties. FULL rOMMKltriAL (.?«urse Teaeher from ICuhLuiau. A RKKINKI) IIOMK M ith every tnodern convenience. ILIMATK Mmllar to that of < OLIji:(iK IH ILDINO, built 172 ft. of fiontaK‘*,14d pressed brick, ft, deep, flro 4 Htorles proof, hl£h, with every modern appliance. Catalogue Address, sent free on application. KttV'C. Ii. KIN<i, President, (Tiarlotte. N. C. ri s : I ‘I I * l ull and Half Circle i PRESS m HAY "* x I Best Made. 'r for C ^'SdidI cimtlars II IlNIt V nil’ll AN l>. (luillnn ooga, Ten n MAPLE SYRUP M :“le (ni y,>ur i.lteheii S(.ivc 111 a few Iiiluutos at “Av PYIWI-HS. ’ will'll sells HI turn ,,,'r gallon ' ... m inn svni'i rtHhic v\ lii.-ii I tin,l is .■•v.vlh'iit. I n-.siin iiifiul It btciiiy i.. any and every one." itm • s>s l‘. -Uinks. <'artersviilii, Ga. NeiiUW amU-ei re.-lpr or stamp ami investl gate. Jienaiim for agents .1 . n. i (I I M l K M. .MorrUiown. Trim. FREE entiom LUNoUL TtTinu I fl I luN I !!.- IMseiiHeRof all forms in men. iv, 'men an,I eiiii 'ii-isi, Ou.'. essfuUy hliis. treated. Uiiemnailsm, Neiimigm, llr.’ii, 1 Gil|,lunPut, Indigestion. Constipation. Ac Catarrh nf Nose. Tl,r.«.t and I.unrs li seases i;eeuii«r u> .»*»n>*'■.- 1 .«**«*’ oi’ii.L *,■ Writ'efm• pnrtu-uiars Twnvetfto may nnnii I.Uf and ll:ipidimn.i Nv'i'vrvws s. Btd'g,, t. wiiiink.t. M. ii., specialist, -ex Atlanta. Ga — CLAREMONT C 0 LLEGE.H 1 CK 0 RY.N C. Girls ami youiiK W,.men. 1.0.00 1 health reaort ■«l IV,i s.-luKiis in : one tMi'uKii invent.) the best I mush- grade ii "M Mountain air and water For cutiU'g iidiirves a. t.'i-i-- 50 CTS. FOR 10 CTS. A complete novel, good p*j ter and lark* type. aud it 140 pagt* illustrated book, trllii ijj hoW to in* be t ter lookiiiK. ►**10 free for \U rents, wo Hub volume*. A Oil isl vain c. tH oems. II. K. 1.0 , I OS I’urk Ktm, New \ ork. >. Y. fiANCER- _ _ Mn -• n oORBDATH 1 0 MK;»«0'i.umpfor 400 * DlL B. HARRIS ., B»iwi»g. OGiunMi vis... ' In writing tondvor ilAt*re AnuVT 32 57 m / - " 1 iDSt f my wifi' ftnd two \ I / chUUroii from the t*f-\ treu ot hereditary i I I scrofula. tiovd \ cliii t w.»s tiangeiously af -1 / fv cb vt w;th s* i ofula. lie \ I j fo w.iv i'otug u inn bio covered ti> walk, with his run left -1 \ J I ll!:i 4 soi'*"i. r'.'Y■»'.clans luiY-V in;; tailed to r« 'ievethe others! / of inv family, \ dvoUlevl to try / Av’ i's Sarsapftri’.ln. 1 am ’ pleas 'd t.' say tho trial was sue-\ « cessfnl, and my hoy wfts restored \ t*> Iicnlili. I am confident hud that he my not \ {■ 'l child would have died used Ayer's Sarsaparilla " -d *9. M. i>yj v MinUiDviilc, Ky.. Aug. 5 , 1 ^ * WEIGHTY WORDS FOR Sarsaparilla. tlllll IIITH Kt 1 N UlliJI ATHl.V, The first in.,of natmal b.etoiy svns in liOiidon in iuhi. It is eslimateil that American trav elera annually sjiei <1 4120 , 0 ( 50,000 in Europe, Tito greatest length of Kiiglnitd ami north and south, i. about f >80 in lie*. The deepest Engliah coal shaft is at , )ie Mims colliery, near Ashton—depth , 8 , ( , ^ « »*«»>«'• { «>minals . . . . allowed .. . . to <> is (/row for three months before they * are K Philadelphia has a gr. nter mileage of electric railways than the whole of (JeruittDT Of 1,000 persona only one reaches •f* ■«”,™ r........ . - — than six that of (m years. Fires are much more frequent, in proportion lo N™ Y- than tn either London or I aria. Handel used, when traveling, to order dinner for three or if hungry, for five, in either London or Parts. France, with a population of 39 ,- 000 , 000 , lias a fighting force of 2 , 000 ,- 000 , able, to appear in the held at very short notice. During the past . year 1,820 , Q t »/. acres of ( land were planted to ennaigre in Arizona, and the acreage will be much larger the coming year. Nearly every man, woman and child in iiin.i Egypt is a smoker of cigarettes, and n is liarillv y ever seen in the mouth ,r » fve • lift ii da near Watsonville. Cal that formerly went tenantless at «.L 60 per acre, now lease for $i per acre for cultivation of the sugar beet. Tlie fastest trains on Die continent are the expresses of the Northern Rail- way Company of France. Their speed is thirty-six miles an hour. There are 48,000 artists in Paris, more than half of them painters. The number of paintings sent in to the ex- last year was about 10 , 000 . a .................. iimt .ii <>f ii,»i,..„™. in London and New York could he built of the lava thrown out by Vesu- vms since he hrst recorded eruption *“ A - !>■ 'i’ar coal, when used for <lye«, yield?* sixteen shades of blue, the same lium- her of yellow tints, twelve of orange, nine of violet and numerous other col- Ill 01. s an ami I similes hale. Tariff 1 aim nuns I aws Com i ompuuu. 11 a red The comparison of the present tariff .................*»» u r “« i * eougi ess lius lieen completed. It was made by Charles II. Evans, who lias been engaged in the prepani- D,,1, lion ,if ot all all the the tariff tui lit bills lulls with with which hit congress has dealt since tMik. the comparison is made in rates expressly term's named expressed \ in ad valorem between the piesent. . , law and ,.1.1. tlie i,-: 'Ml- 1 soil law. The statement places the average duty rate under the law at ,' r. 4 1 .Mi ip; ,1,1 ao \ valorem aloit in as us against amiinst an an average a\ a_( of 40.10 under the Wilson law, the averages being figured upon the basis ,.f v T’Y ,iin.'s in I sob The schedule J ' shows / ' the , following • peioeutii lucroftsea in ,P.. . r ChoiuiealH fioiu 28.53 to«H)J> 7 » wools and woolens 47.(12 ’ to 8 ti. 54 ; silks from 4 b. Jb to ,»d. 41 ,jeaithenw ...(l,,,,,,, aic and nn.l {,lass- „ins« ware «h> to •>!*.*» < J metals,»>S. 11 to - ; Hn 40 .!l-i to 74 .Id; tobacco, 109 . 0(5 to 121 . 90 ; agricultural products, 22.44 . *° dH. 4 ... _, spillts, ■ eti., .. bl ..>4 rl to . .... (iS.H.l, o.>. cotton manufactures, 42 . 7 n to 52 .T 5 . Some of the increases expected in rev- tuut me ns lolloMs. lilt rbeinienls mi an fmm ii m 19,289 to $ 8 , 423 , 084 ; earthenware and glassware from $ 8 , 006,889 to ■til", l ji)• ,’ metals from Sli! 19(5 41(5 5 " # 1 i. 48 i, 4 0 H .i 2 ; woods i t trom $(il),), 70 .) to $ 2 , 4159 , 6156 ; sugivr from $ 29 , 910,703 , 5 <>- '' , lY” ,.|,|. nonVnlturnl ,g 'Y 1 ovoilncts from $,, i . 2 ,614 to $ 14 87 09 , 1 < ,o , . . These estimates are based upon the suiuiosit ion that the value and volume impoit ,., a u "in „.;ii rema in .i,„ ine saint. Moats ami nn.l Plinrnnli’a I llill units uniigmt D.iiiirlili r. r . y Friirlaud Y,i divine \v once, preach- U . ' K ° ,* ( 1 , . u * Uiol, m.vvtmt.d lr ! youth, illustrated . , his . subject , . . . by tie- scribing tho dangers to which tho in- ' '‘in . .Moms * asi ls ..tivosed expos, in in liis n. little n.uo wicker boat oil the banks ol the», SAyillg. euiUi, out he “Most'H was ft gooalv " tts pltxvetl by Uis parents where he was suirouinled hv innumerable «lan- geis— tlie fang of the serpent, the jaw of the alligator, the tooth of the hip¬ popotamus ami the elaw of the vnlt- lil t*. It is a little surprising hat the .Laughter of Pharaoh should have t , lu)M , u suoU a dangerous beach for -Church Economist. REV. DR. THE NOTED DIVINE'S SUN¬ DAY DISCOURSE. He Preached on the Wonderful ivi'snnal Muft’ietlum of tlia Kuviour-Tii.. g 0 r- t „„, „, g M lr». i.-, »„,t m, A„ Text: “His name shall be called wonder- ful.”—Isaiah 1 *., 6 . The prophet lived la a dark time. For iTr^K^^V^ worse. Kingdoms had arisen and T perished, *? t f 1 "f r A M .n .ln oa vessel in distress sees prophet, coming across tho water, so the amid the stormy times In which he lived, put the telescope of prophecy to his eye and suw 750 years ahead, one Jesus ad- ^, n c n t0 t ! '® 5 f | ,,C Ue /u I i r a , ! tt 0 8 r' 10 T ll ! a t , hlZ,[n u e ,l „ ., m . , . # . ,ed i i 1,16 . Wonderful i. h0 "* es .iii there is a picture of ,,, , „ despotK I have seen West's grand sketch W±£,S„' J 1 have seen the Lt T l n , " <, Sit„' a .ii wSh‘tha I .1 ? aver 12 ? . k ?7 hath morning I shall sDep rom my.In the cool river of heaven. ‘ f photographs, Xud'^d , t Joh^^ket^^fnd i “u ^ul's sketch, and I say, with Isaiah, "Wonder- u ' ; . onlv^onn H tory <?f Christ r*ti»» You 1 lt . , , s f »'■ wh wh u h^in help you v- \, )U have nn- , . . . ^mmander himself perished, but have you°no admira- “avedul? h °™ W ‘ He had Christ was wonderful in the magnetism of His person. - After the battle of Antletam, when a gen- oral rode along the Hues, although the : ^Xn t»re ly^ng k.mrned down ?rmn wbM»ted. they Ag N , 0 ids captWlty his first step on the wharf shook all the kingdoms, and ajo.ooi) men joined Ids standard inVls cxil./ If t„„L- VhereYiave 'loon Veen Ym 1 . ") « 0 Wt wonderful magnetism of person hear ” U P r “ u Nazareth to produce a . , ^round^im any other? Napoleon 6 had the ' tafamaV^of '|.|,.u'i? u81 Il{) 1 ' p at t ] es ...i. „ ,i,u, , dished no sword. Ho Is no titled man ofthe hands ^,nrj with person a nobleman, know of '/heonly extraor” ; we ‘t ^^HoaieamUoi^m ns being in His KO m ”lo hour that ever comes to a woman’s soul she was obliged to lie down amid camel drivers g T?mam t e'('hrist tl “m 0 ,!l“v‘'»“* U A^nan „ Snded ■ ,, streets of Jerusalem. from high lineage is standing beside Him aI1<1 sa >' s: "-Hy father was a merchant prince. He had a castle on the beach at Galilee. Who was your father?" Christ from answers, Athens "Joseph, the carpenter.” A man is standing there unrolling his !s^isssS "I graduated.” 5 K!r 8 K» wers, never Alia! The idea of such an unheralded young man uttempt- 1**8 to command the attention of the world! ^ Island '"i 11 shore f *" 10 attempt !ittl ° ,lBt| to i D 8 arraign village New on York, bong Yet no sooner does lie set His foot in the towns or cities of Judaea than everything is ulc m “° i f taking ““T,,' only i T food e!!V e enough °J' >e <?° ? for ut ?, the n a day, \* v ' yetare so fascinated with Christ that, ut the risk of starving, they follow Him out into the wilderness. A nobleman falls down dead. i* . b f, ,or A . e , beggar Hlm and tries says, to "My rub the daughter dimness is from his eyes and says, "Lord, that my eyes may bo opened." A poor, sick, panting woman "4 pressing through the crowd says, must touch the hem of His garment.” Children, who love theiv mother better than any one else, struggle to get Into His arll ‘s. and to kiss Hts cheek, and to run their ,lu K ers through His hair, and for ail time putting Jesus so in love with the little ones that there is hardly a nursery in Christen- ' 4 ° m from which He does not lake one, sav- ^ii with these^F^eV.r*'” these, lor every cedarthat 1 ' 1 1 'h'VY I 1 plant 1 eav t" in hcaveni will have llfty white lilies. In the hour when I was a poor man in Judam they wert) uot ashamed of Me, and now that I have ooinii to ft throne I do not despise them. Hold it not book, oh, weeping ls mother; tbo kingdom lay It on my warm heart! Of such of heaven." , WUat tlli3 coming down the road? A triumphal . chariot, , procession. He is seated, not in ft but on an ass, and yet tbe.peo- pie take off their coats and throw them in tbe wa v - Dh, what ft time Jesus made . children, among the beggars, among the fishermen, among the philoso- You may boast of self control, but if you had seen Him you would have put your arms around His neck and said, "Thou altogether lovely." Jesus was wonderful in the opposites and things antagonisms of His nature. You "'ant logical and consistent, and you 8 a .v. “How could Christ bo God and mfti at the same time?" John says Christ was the Creator. "All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made.” Mi'Hbowssays "Where tlmt Ho was omnipresent, two or throe are met together in My name there am I in the midst of them." Christ declares His own eternity, "I am Al- pha and Omega." How can He be u lion. undor His foot'crushing kingdoms, r id vet a lamb licking the hand that Slavs IrimV At what point do tho throne and the manger If Christ was God, why lice into Egypt? Why not stand His ground? Why, His instead of bearing the cross, not lift up right hand and crush His assassins? Why stand and he spat upon? Why sleep on the mountain, when Ho owned the palaces of eternity? Why catch tish for His breakfast on the beach in the chill morning, when all the pomegranates nrc His and all the vineyards His and all the cuttle His and all the partridges His? Why walk when weary and His feet stone bruised, when He might have taken’ the splendors of the sunset for His equipage and moved with liorsesaud chariots of fire? Why beg a drink from the wayside, when out of the crystal chalices of eternity He poured the Euphrates, the Mississippi and Amazon, ami dipping His hands iu the fountains of heaven and slinking that hand over the world, from the tips of His lingers dripping Why the the great lakes and the let Roman regiment put Him to death, when He might have ridden down the sky followed by all the cavalry of heaven, mounted on white horses of eternal You cannot understand. Who can? You try to confound me. I am confounded before you speak. Paul said it was un- searchable. He went climbing up from argument to argument and from antithesis antithesis and from glory to glory and sank down in exhaustion as he saw fur above him other heights of divinity un- sealed and exclaimed "that in all things He might have the pre-etftineuee." wonderful Hts Again, Christ was in teachings. The people had been used to formalities and technicalities. Christ upset ali their notions as to how preaching ought to be done. There was this peculiarity about His preaching—the people knew what He meant. His illustra- tions were taken from the hen calling her chickens together, from salt, from cauviles. from fishing tackle, from a hard creditor collaring a debtor. How allowed few pulpits of this day would have Him en- trance?" He would have been called un- dignified and familiar iu His style of preaching. Aud yet the people ratAL went t. hear Him. Those obi Jewish might !mve j»reH'*h'*d «>*• tlio side of OHv^t Hf* v year-* and never pot an audience. The philosophers sne^re l nt His ministrations and said. “This will never do.” The ’aw* vers caricatured, but the common people heard Him gladly. Suppose you that there were any sleepy people in His audiences? Suppose yon that any woman who eve* mixed hreruj was ignorant of what Ho meant wh-n Ho t;otmparod tlio khig.Jom of hoaven with or ktr^rfltS yoa*t? Hupposoyou when He spoke of the kingdom of heaven as a net? We spend three year* in college S v «»«”ow «Lrk hf tCth“oloKUml Xrmon“IS*than 0 smnintt?y learn* to ™ke we £ „ 0 out to nWording s „ ve the world, and If vva cau¬ ot d0 lt to Claude's "Sermon- j *TritV>ism z j n „ *» or Blair's “Rhetoric,” or Kamos’ “ we will lot the world so to nerditlon 1 ' Will If we save nothing e , ge wo save Claude and Blair. We see n wreck in sight. We must go out and save the crew and pas- seugers. Wo wait until we get on our duo Pa d ,, oat and flnd our lining oars, and in ro ‘bh fishing smack and and the with broken and oftr )oek K0M ou t gets crew and sav: "What Ld°taMtltag.^ a ridiculous thing to save !l Vthe si^erers 4 h“ v shoresman "if those had wa(ted Untu you go t out your (lno boa' Je ‘‘^.rwork^JX^rJuglous thougl^very 0 teach^”is ofgnim- men end law mar should he snapped in tho undertaking, biunderinjc tltere he nothing but awkwardness and in the mode, all hall to the mftn who gaveg a sou l. Christ, in wonderfully His preaching, sympathetic. was plain, We earnest and oYS catechism. We waste our time in trying t0 , a } < 'u ,, * ea wltl1 ai ; itls sweet honeycomb of the gospel. ^ Wo try 1 ^ ° raua ^ J :es erab Rp! ' lc9 do the work ° { 5 ’ ome ' - j rowf'VhrsunXmole 1 Him^md . , . „. the cold chlll ? (1 ] «*“■ tho P elted Him thirst Paroked H Him and ( hunger exhausted Him. Khali I compare His sorrow to the sea? No, for tliat is something hushed into a calm. 8ha11 1 compare it with the night? Orion No, for V 1 " 1 S len 2 T ,s ^ith or kin- , f rt | nt ]j ut is a vgiiole crown made ^omHie rhamnus or spina Christ-small, «oS' T^p^tdm'tto lonTbeam.'aud on it they fasten a shorter beam. Got Him Those hands that have been doing ^^“0 t ? em f 4 hose 1 ?oss'. feet Then that have “S/llfMt"S?. been going Hook, look, look! Who will help Him now? ,°T' Jerusalem-ye whose dead who°w?lJ l he?n liim’ W Vho t£e \Vho will scizo weapons of soldiers? None to help, ShftUW ° elu8t t0 take our cross for 1 a. Shall Jesus bear the cross alone And all the world go free? No; there’s a cross for every one, And there’s a cross for me. You know the process of Ingrafting. You Jsajft 5 K,*«rsteft z cross was hard and rough, but into the holes where the nails went there had been grafted branches of the treeoflife that now bear fruit for all nations, The original tree was bitter, but the branches ingrafted were sweet, and now all the nations pluck the fruit and live forever. A saln ’ Christ ' vns wonderful in His vic- tories. . , First, over tho forces of nature. The sea Is a crystal sepulcher. It swallowed the Central America, the President ami the Spanish Armada as easily as any fiy that ever floated on it. The inland lakes are fully ns terrible in their wrath. Galilee, when aroused in a storm, is overwhelming, and yet that sea crouched In His presence and licked His feet. He knew all the waves and winds. When He beckoned, they came. When He frowned, they fled. The heel of His foot made no indentation on the solidi- fled water. .Medical science has wrought great changes blood, in rheumatic limbs and dis- eased but when muscles ure entirely withered no human power cau restore V' dead. 0I |' “p'y But here hei1 , is allralj a paralytic—his 59 once dead, hand it is lifeless. Christ says to him, “Stretch forth thy hand,” and lie stretches it forth. In the eye Infirmary how many disease of that delicate organ have been cured? But Jesus says to one born blind, "Bo open," and the light of heaven rushes through gates that have never before been opened. Tho frost or an ax may kill a tree, but Jesus smites one dead with a word, Chemistry cau do many wonderful things, but what chemist, at a wedding, when the refreshment gave, out, count change a pail of water into a cask of wine? Behold His victory over the grave! The hinges ot the family vault become very rusty because they are never opened except to take another in. There is a knob on tho outside of the sepulcher, but none on the inside. Here comes the conqueror of death. He enters that realm and says, "Daughter of Jairus, sit vqi,” and she sat up. To Laz- aims, "Como forth," and he came forth, To the widow’s son He said, "Get up from that bier,” and he goes home with his mother. Then Jesus snatched up the kevs of death and hung them to Hts girdle and cried until all the graveyards of the earth heard Him; "Oh, death, I will be thy plaguel Oh, grave, i will be thy destruction!" But Christ's victories have only just be- gun. This world is His, and Ho must have it. What is the matter in this country? Why ail will these bo financial troubles? There never permanent prosperity iu this land until Christ rules lt. This land was discovered for Christ, and until our cities simii ho evangelized and north, south, oaM and west shall acknowledge Christ as King and lWeemer we cannot have permanent prosperity. What is the matter with Spain \li with France, with all of the nations? the congresses of the nations cannot bring quiet. When governments not only theoretically bat practically acknowledge the Saviour of the world, there will be peace will everywhere. In that now,‘but day the sea have more ships than there will not bo one "man-of-war." The foun- dries of tho world will jar with mightier industries, but there will be no molding of bullets. ITintiag presses will fl v their cylinders with greater speed, bu'i there shall go forth ao iniquitous trash. Inlaw in laboratory, constitutions, earth on exchange, in scientific on as in heaven, Christ shall be called wonderful. Let that work of the world’s regeneration begin iu vour heart, oh, hearer! A Jesus so kind, a Jesus so good, a Jesus so loving—how can you help but love Him? It is a beautiful moment when two per- sons who have pledged each other heart and hand stand in church and have the banns of marriage proclaimed. Father and mother brothers and sisters stand around the altar. The minister of Jvsus gives the counsel, the ring is set, earth and heaven witness it. the organ sounds aud amid, many congratulations they start out oo the path cl life together. Oh, that this might e your marriage dav! Stand un Immortal soul. Thy beloved oomes to get His betrothed. Jesus stretehes forth His hand and says, "I will love thee with an everlasting love," and you respond "My beloved is mine, and I am His." I put you ’ r baud in His; henceforth be one. No trouble s!m!l i-art you. no time cool vour love site ly -hie on earth, side bv side in heaven. Now let the blossoms nf'h^.,,. rn | gardens till the houi.> with their redolence and ait the organs of God peal forth the wedding voice of march beloved. of eternity. Hark' '••Tho leaping my the Behold He eometh tae hills." upon moamains, skipping n h upon “* on Tanning Hides. Tanning is an nit best .bme b> ..nt easy. Bemove a. -ome ; " .1 pulvefiawl a am salt‘ Smoke parts UWeas you W ?uW j mu! rub and woik it welt t““ak» 1 mm Vh it ilries it ««ft. It -* >'« nailing it on a smooth suiface. n£ i y ore many tilt. i» long tlm »»«1 .horte.t ‘«f°“ and method., Imt Excnange. simplest that we know.— Clinniiiig Hie Credit. “It is really remarkable,'’ said Mi. Meekton, “io note how many eniiueu - lv successful men were regarded as stupid when they were in school. “Yes,” replied his wife, m a sinnin cant tone, “and the most interesting point is that most of them did not be¬ gin to acquire a reputation for being smart until after they were married. —Washington Star. Comfort Costs 50 Cents. Irritating, aggravating, agonizing Tetter F'-- ,ema, are Klngworm quickly cured and all by other the u»e imhln.^,skb of 'l etteilno. ■ '■uses healing. Costs oD terns a lt is soothing, cooling, tort atonce. AdJies box. post paid—brings Savannah, com l.a. .). 'J'. Shuptrino, The road to fame is full of quicksands, ra- vines .and mountains. Ifow’8 Thin ? We offer One Hundred Dollar, Rew-ard for .ii. ii ea e of Catarrh that cannot h_- cured h) Ha ‘ 4 I'EjMi'hK'NKV it Co., Props., Toledo, O , fectly hontir ible in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga¬ tion m vie by their Wholesale firm. Druggists, . Toledo, , . Wes, & Tkl-ax, 'Valuing. Kin'nan * Marvin, Wholesale HalFs Cutarrh'cnre^istaken blood and inlernully, sur- act¬ ing dlr.-ctly upon the mucous bottle, bold uac us of tht* system. Price, 75c. per bv all IJi uggists. Testimonials free. ‘Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces Inflamma¬ tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. -Go. a Dottle. Fits permanently cured. Mflls or ae FT° as : ness after first day’s use of Dr. lvllne s Great Nerve Restorer. *3 trial bottle and treatise free. I)R. If, H. Kline, 931 Arch St., Phila., 1 a. MONEY GIVEN AWAY IVB IS NOT APPRECIATED. HUT..... and rapidly it Is a When vou can earn it easy address good thing. For MOW TO UO XT, Tin: II. G. I.I N DUKHAN CO., 404 Gould Building, Atlanta, Ga. DRUNK'HiS mailed free. Full information (in plain wrapper) MS** T V =2 m IS Ate ;«7 M :t °o° T OPE*. ti s’ ft. O A° ° SMI i jj m m £ m il 1 m Wft m ‘V u ^ fiBJ n ?T ? I § I % » 'i lv \ ‘Vfe. Si c. 0 11 o . * O * n o, •'■v P ° c> o *{ Ir i. • >, i NATURE’S MODERATION. their .The health human conihtutfon be compared If very the much like careless a fire, kitchen and the way many people try to take care oh minute it is may raging red-hot, and to then way suddenly, a first thing girl looks know, after the cooking-stove. Oat’ arc* sometimes led to believe that medicine which you the fire is out. People forget that a has a sudden, tremendous effect must be truly wood J Iff •y u may be merely a tremendous 44 draught 99 which imparts a temporary (sdu , k bl Jg^ tnes J and ^ rc ihe system, but suddenly drops it lower than before. There is no sudden overwhelming effect about Ripans Tabulcs. Some people think the prescribed I C ? U !vM r ac f ot ? 1 P ijsil v * 0U 0 S M her e lt u° best gct work. a , l l ul S The itcx Tabules But relieve nature acute herself headaches, is slow, indigestion moderate anij and| wmpktViS furl.nrl « TabUkS . But thei * cffccl w> ‘he bowels is more gradual; yet it ill ^min«i“* ““ their results like nature’. ^"^-ora^ii'.Ihe'^rton'fTeifTLLVvxi'f yfilThil.^tVor flv^ Cotton...... SeedKuifsr and Separator, V Nearly jgafeg-ajtp dorWe* ,, „ . 7 U ® «(feed , to the * All up-to-date Ginnem x Tanner, ore give tkeirAiaticiiaA* rmms° r« SDC ° £ IBB ^ Hnller 0rw is * PRtmmi irfitT- E Md GUARANTEED, ' For fell J,l s.i dresl! komp --===!-? 4 AjA H TEED WO Rta, ICwidWJiiM —*——!■ § advertbnd tlio weal! Men 1 * jfpXX and Fully restorpdln r<i lifcillT) short t i T\f a time. One rpiiiGificii hox tablets *1 Hit “a YU I J doctor*. Three ho x e s T f Si j alt “to Ry r Partl maiL used •Specific trloxl °‘ y'A Wa j'J. HAGGARD’S SPKCIFICCO. Atlanta, I <2jiw I Ga. (^ « 0 MPI ___ • ‘-till FTP COTTON, Oil S 4 W ST| MILL »i U p Fmm, , OTTmT-w__- *”■*--*-* AtJCSS. Also Gin ,**’ Lane Mill s !,bl, ‘Sle aud t a-/- Outfit*, ** ' asl ««try day; work iso hand. ^DMUARD IKON' WORIiS ' ‘ a *’ l\li srrmiv J ''- “LY COMPANY * ---AliOlSlA, Gtoitnu ' 1 ^vOSUnDu r c —-- A/ vLy/J • C //' a * / f (A !/;/} s a K -Qy ' bw*. ‘"f"”'"- short Gb. t"w«. Acta.i hn bi^ ,n. N . 0 telt Y cw SenJ s , f ' V w otvlogus JYIELZA S ( talltv. troiiMrH ures Makes all and Lost Xei old von n A ei VIG0R II jpoQ strong ami vigorous build* up y.-*miU nut down inn n hood )»ofh oM and p/uti* BEANS NViiio for and liovv to yet treat i/iout. MELZ A REMEDY 00., NOT l OB. }j 581 % q „ mi .-s-n 1 m (| m l-ifi'&VJ tl n .1 A ( 0 m 0 I H R ii H £ * , .i. ... ... .......... ■ — - - ......- H I T^®Cg£ S L d "A IT Settles the STOHACit — H t> jfeSSSssteSiH |UP TH EpVaU 5 Dr 5 IENS which MAKES LIFE A | I I -t Shrinking Motners^I g^F^-MoTiiEfisJ l> & MM H R fiM r^j 4 m isEj O ffHlNIHIZE TllT^|Tl DELiEI^J 0 5 5 (1 n i A&mntS LIABILITY titftAGAlHSu TOl^VEGETABLE,^- F P lift ELY ^! CS r — 1 e IQItS.flOODlNG i' *'ONlllll 3 prQ EV 0 UCE 5 ’ ,a 5 AiiT AN 3 ^|Wii 35 rHFT°H 5 «0 fl OtMR0WI«Un n litlltDIATEir^W. TUjjkj. AFTER 4 RE 5 ULTS % (WHICH CORRECTSSHOUCDTHtYArrOiR)- IT ,.Ba i«. pt H o Corpus PWJP^RAPtD RECOVERY a ITiiI WLCHjElRfUHVvrtJRMrSli R^a®W*W»Li®»lllXftir^j«) lOKmil/CW&WIHl-UUJ 5 ,W«l« H WflOH 0UK f> SSB® i PROPRIETORS. 0 QU_____—- ♦PRICE^QHE DOLLAR t vl -------- ■ - $ 75.00 For $ 37,50 To be WHITE’S BUSINESS 15 K. Cain St., ATLANTA, GA. CoM Complete Business aria Shorthand Course lined, *7.50 Per Month. M Average time *37.50. required This five months. Average cost course ■ Would cost $75.00 at any other reputable scho Business practice from the start. Train Teachers. Course of study unexcelled. cation. Address F. J». WHITE, FRICK COMPANY ECLIPSE ENGINE i. Hi Mi h'iaN'iiiit, IJollers, Saw Mills, Cotton Gins, Cot in Ghisel Presses, Grain Separators. Tooth and Solid Saws. Saw ar4M splraiors. Injectors, Engine Repairs ^*S a full line of Brass Oood8. Pnd for Catalogue and Trices. Avery J SOUTHERN &McMilla MANAGER^ 8°i. 51 Si S3 S. Foray til St., ATLANTA,S w vv E LIFE MAKE INSURANCE LOANS POLICif t If you have a policy in the NVw York U Equitable like Fife or Mutual Life and nu®j ^ j to secure a Loan, write ns giving of your policy, and we will bo pleased to - rates. Address Tae Eugiisli-Aittericaii LOoii 2113 Tii!'- B - No - l - Uq uitable Buildiiig, Atlanta,G» 2.5m 13$? Beet Cough VJhtRE All E LsiFAILSr Use til(j0 syrup. Tastes Good. III Raja k* Hri’rtftjflt^ CQNSU M P 7 T.ION ‘25 01's