The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, August 20, 1897, Image 2

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THF jrjt ronuunn AQHRIIRISi nuvnivui. AfWANPF Published every Friday. $. dTsmitii,~ F-ditor If there is an old-fashioned yater mill near Cordele, Riden- hour ought to go there and have ^ais wits ground. A. Georgia legislator is prepar¬ ing a dog law bill Will it apply to the two-legged ones? They ought to be taxed for what they think they are worth. “1 crave but One Minute,’’ said the then public he speaker took In dose a husky of One voice; Minule and a Cough Cure, and proceeded with his oratory One Minule Cough Cure is les.—J. unequalled for throat and lung troub¬ 8. Belts & Go. R. L. Moye, mayor ofOuthbert, and W. E. Morris have leased the Liberal-Enterprise and are mak¬ ing a good display of their wis¬ dom. Moye is our man for the next president of the Georgia Weekly Press Association. Editor Smith of the Ashburn Advance is full of fun and witty sayings. We have learned to search his columns every week, and he ne *er disappoints ns.— Arahi Journal. ft is goot to be full of 601110- tbing; hay mil oats are scarce. If Kid Ridenbour and Mr. Cunningham really did purchase the Herald plant, isn’t, it a case of experience (!) vs. capital, with usual result to follow? We extend our sympathies to Mr. Cunning- jhatn. the .ftipre time i* n attend fi^e for even cold thing and to to « is when itstart*. Don’t wail ti)l you have ‘One ocnsiiniptioii Minute but prevent it by using remedy cough cure, the great bronchitis for nn»l coughs, colds, croup nil throat and lung troubles.—J. S. Bolt* & * o. The appointment of a negro to the office of internal revenue col¬ lector of Georgia is probobly a tribute to decency. No respecta¬ ble white man ought to have any* filing to do with the whisky traf¬ fic of this or any other State. .Cordele is blessed with two as good comity papers as can be found anywhere in tlio South— The l>aily Times and the Weekly Sentinel, Cordelo should bo proud of these papers, for they are newsy, and there is nothing in the order of slum journalism to be found iu their columns. **I John Griffin, of Zanesville, O., says never lived a day for thirty years without snlleiing agony, until a box of 1), Will’s Wicli H.izol Salvo cured my pile*,” For piles and recta! troubles out*, bruises, sprain» eczomit and all »kin troubles Do Witt’s Wi eh Hazel Salvo i* unequalled. J. S. pelts & Co. Your attention is directed to the advertisement of the Ameri¬ can Business College, Omaha, Neb., which appears iu this issue. IJow is your chance to secure a practical husiuess education at nome without charge for tuition. It is a rare chance. Tlio A. 1>. C. is ono of the most successful business colleges in the United States, and to take a course with them means success. The Arizona Kicker man should bring forth mure of his effusions. “Kid, the Terrible," otherwise known as Editor Ridenbour, lias about exhausted the Kicker's al¬ ready published vituperative slang, and has no other source to draw upon. The Kicker should have compassion on the Kid and help him out in his diletua. The poor little thing- has failed as yet to frighten anybody, and if the Kicker don’t help him out soon, no telling what may happen. He might possibly go to the extreme ; of quitting the newspaper hnsi- j j ness, and that would he a fearful calamity, as a number of newspa¬ pers are having a deal of fun with him just now. lie’s a better show I than "a box of monkeys.’’ j From Deep Creek. | i The fields uro white with the fleecy staple, and these people will soon have the dollars jing¬ ling in their pockets, as many of them are gathering this crop which always brings tne south. Corn is pretty fair, and most of the fodder has beau saved iu pretty good condition This means that these people will have hog ftM(J | )0m j n y in plenty another year. The rains of recent date have revived the melon vines, and they have taken on another crop; still have plenty of melons. The pear crop is better than for many years, and one of our neigh- hors carried a few bushels of this juicy fruit to your town the other day only to tiud that Ashburn was indeed a pear orchard, dotted here and there with manv a pret¬ ty cottage Beef and ‘‘taters are ripe, and you can just suppose that your Sras/sr want, to get, up to ho a hundred pounder, at least. Mr. Brock has a very sick child, and Luke’s young and very sue- cessful physician is attending it, and hopes of its early recovery are looked for by the many friends of the family. Joe Hainan and Homer Williams, two of our best and brightest Jsr , i.rn, , " M y z^,x:i U,,-to,, yom,, 11 ,.an,1 Bro. Smith, come out; I think you are in need of a sweet little wife, and I will give you one of these maidens sweet and fair with lovely golden hair. I spent a few hours quite recent¬ ly with Thomas Shingler and family. These are truly sociable and cultivated people, whom God will always bless, as these Chris¬ tians never forget to entertain strangers. Mr. Walker closed his school this week, and will leave in afew days for Cordele. He will begin a school near that, place ou the first Monday in September. Ai.riu. Attention Please! We are filling a good many gfns-ts of Kula tv.itei at our Soda Kouniam. Wlint will you havef Hero is a poy tiou of our flftyors ; Orange Soda, ; Phosphate, r G laces. Pineapple cream. Vanilla cream, Raspberry, ►Strawberry, Banana, cocoa cola Pho^plia'e for that tired feeling every morning. Plenty of coolness in evtny glass, ami then we have polite and attentive salesmen who endeavor to make you cool and comfortable. GARDNER & THRASHER, mtllGGls i s. Notice to School Boys and Girls 1 hope you will ail be ready to begin school on tlio first Monday in September. We will be down eight or ten days bofore our fall term opens and help you talK up this session. Most of you already know 1 depend on your help about as much as your parents. I trust I will find you all bright and froslu and ready and anxious to work after this long summer's rest, we all have enjoyed. Mrs. Passmoro and myself have been whispering low (because wo were afraid her mamma might not like it) that we would he glad when the morning came when we would meet you all again to resume our work. I anticipate a most pleasant time this fall, because we are pretty well begun in some of our work, and then wo will also take some studies that will be entirely new. 1 want each one of you to regard this as a personal letter. Indeed it is, because as 1 write I utu thinking about every one of you. If l had the time, I would like so much to say something to each one of you and call you by name. We often speak together about you. What you reckon we say? When we move back I’ll let. you guess this, and I can tell you if yon guess right. Begin now to talk for this ses¬ sion and let us have the liveliest and best term we have over yet ' er v kindly. . (, lir j^ u Valiev, ’ Ga., Aug. 17, ’ ’07. ’ ‘ " ______ — 1 ISABELLA SCRAPS. - 0 --- Ool Hawkins of Cordele was in the city a short wltile Friday. Miss Jessie Hall returned home Sunday hist, to the regret of many friends here. A rare collection of 7-8 loafer dudes, exhibition free, when out on parade. Mis> lna Williams, after a pleasant visit in A’t. returned home last week, Linked together through toil and pain - the convict L> the ball ,tn 'l v'hain. ; Clerk Warren is with folks for a few days, enjoying a brief respite from his official du- i ties. Rous Miss Effie and Master Johnny Suu- were among our visitors day last. Rev. S. K. Bliteh preached an interesting Sunday sermon to a large con- gregation at the Baptist church. Miss Flora Law, a charming young been spending lady of Tropic, while Ga., has a with her brother Walter in Isabella. Rev. Mr, Banders will begin a scries of meetings at the M. E. church Saturday, the 21st. Be to ?o,,r imr ' Judge Warren, Sheriff Story kate^ McDoweU ° aUendeT The meetings at. Hickory Springs Sunday last The courthouse continues to grow, and spreadeth like the old woman’s turkey. The S0Uf|(1 of Llltldy / . B % ill(nie) ' wi|| H00 „ reverber te 0 r th •"*•••,«"?: for’all il.vjlmi Kev. W. E. Butch administered the ordinance of baptism to live converts Sunday at 9 a. m. at the beautiful pool. Deariso brothers of Att were in attendance at the M, court Bun- flay, Gome again, and many more. Transgressors’ the Rest is now open to public, Sheriff Story is making furnished an ideal Dost. Board free to those showing official credentials. Jews Whispers of tlie Wandering are distinctly heard in the near future in connection with a vvholesale brick store house. Sav, now, Mi. Editor, ain’t . that' a hatch? Whoopee! Spec ! don't know what, dem stubborn realities gwine ter manufacture ’f<> dey stop hatching. Ta-TaV This is Worth Reading, To advertise our College we give a thorough course of iiist.rh'ction in double and single entry Book¬ keeping and Commercial Arith¬ metic by mail free of charge to a limited number of persons. This course will he completed in forty lessons. No cliarge for Diplomas. Text books furnished at less than one-half the price charged by oth¬ er schools. Apply at once, and name this paner when yon write. The American Business College » Omaha. Nebraska. The Epworth League-R. S, Woodard Resigns. The social and literary lueetiug of ’lie Epworth League last Friday night at L. O, Butch's is said to .h ive been the best the league has ever enjoyed The Willing Hands’ banner with the program attached, written in a beautiful hand and interlined with wavy rod dashes, sent out by tlio see- rotary was a new thing to the people, and it ereattd criticism lavoralde and adverse. R. S. Woodard has been secretary of the 1 ,enj»o(, about four month?, and has sn-tnimd hi- reputation for being vigilant in all he undertakes. He ha¬ spent time tied money in the discharge of ikat i.fliejjil (hey with on t a lmpo of toward except sp’ri'tvtl. Hi- prepara tiou of tlio batiner and pr gram !;\-t week wa- -out th'ng unique and \v r tltv of the prttiso and approval of till the members and fiiotitls of the L’ ag« I he Willing Hand-’ banm r. with fringed program, on hand-ome -itiff, whs uiifuried .mil di-played by u oolord with a bell to ring and e,.i-h to rattle for his wot k I!ito ull the stor- >, -h"ps and offices, and to residences he went with the message that lucre wuu'd be a -nei il and crarv m eiing of the League night at D O Finch's a, d that all the.loagui r- were requeued io attend. Tint hour tvm- -ot tm s >.h loch, .m 1 the member- amted iu time to open u,,, meeting at !) (exouse late hours), persons were jire-ent— iiboui Uircc liuios tho iiumb* v {jcneral- •> pivst'iii ai iho V\*«(Iuo>t]av night pravet mooting. The meeting wa- opentd with prayer and scr jtture rearing by Pre-ideut F. E. of f!| '' 'ver»* meely tendered, atm we would like to speak of each -ep u-.-.t, ly, l:u- pee forbid-. H>w- ever, t;two in >s? deserving of speert; meutiou .re George Re”s rv'«din«- Labor and I’atienee. and M -- Auivna Hue s reeidng M ick Swat’ Swear-off. n. s wo..i).u:i> BUS i:v-. R. S. Wotaftnl has tendered ljv res-. ijuitioii. Why he d u t- not ex¬ plained. It may be becau-e la> f illed to noi the co- ’,>er;i on of ib• * niemiti'r- in hi- utetup u» jeu ,w ti e and vigor .‘ti’(« t I,- society. There i- no nviog nt m m •!»• liber and wii'i’ g -.el... _ id r> y»ry cau-e . t> 'V . >d,trd. With time paid a e in Ltmp.'ight he pf««p:uvl the handsomest invitation banner that ever went before the people for a local cause in Ashburn. Even this noble work was spurned by parlies promt- sent in the League, and that may have prompted the resignation. No man in town will do the work of R. 8. Woodard. His resignation Is bv no means beneficial to the League, and there will be more “Willing Hands” from the members, or the society will no! flourish, Look and See. whv ruin your eves with a cheap palro J f glasses * when you can get the erv be t K(jllam & Moore’s Ground ««»>»« - come and see for yourselves and lot lla fit y 0Ur eyes with a pair of Kellam & Moore’s Ground Lenses m a gold, nickle or alluminum .frame, We are as now equally as well equipped for lost ins' your eyes as Kellam & Moore or any ’ one else, GARDNER & THRASHER. Druggists. He Took Down His Sign. n.L«.rfii .***»*»>*, jq,'lVuo'i""o'.V^ 'comikon "fmiTVf come as a ram alter a dry spell, Squash Grove’s general store laid i” a supply of straw hats. An attractive “line” of them was l >, “? edi " t, ‘ e w j! ,do *’ a .V <1 thc l ’ etter to cat cb . tbo b " cohc e ^ e they were adorned , with a , large sign; TriEss H ats CIoino rou a So no. Lon Jones, arch wag of Squash Grove, happened to pass He that way the shortly afterward. saw sign and his pace quickened. Five minutes later no returned with half a dozen followers. With- out an explanatory word they rushed up in front of the desk where the proprietor was musing his accounts. Without >"g for greetings they began, al- gro ami fortissimo, that venera- i relic of the primitive vande- ville stage: He never came bactf. He nuver came back. His tlcar form they s be av nevermore; But how his happy they’ll they When dear form see, when they meet on that boaiitilul shore, No dialogue followed the com¬ pletion of the chorus. The ma¬ rauders rushed to the window, seized a hat apiece, and rushed into the street. The cause of the atrocity was removed from the window at once, but when Squash Grove ceases to talk about that simple joke tbo present generation will have passed away from the earth. lt heals everything except a broken heart, may be said of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salye. Piles and rectal dis¬ eases, cuts burns, bruises, tetter, ec¬ zema and alll sniu troubles may be cured bv it quickly and permanently, —J S. Betts & Go. \ FRICANA will cure Rczems and Ca c* tarrh to Stay Cured- I acts ten weeks and then stopped. The old 1 reliable Yankee Blake, 1« pa vert weekly, tilled with stones of ran, love and thrilling tales of adventure. Send stamps for wcefes Die trial to Yankee Blade, Brooks, Me. Bony Cotton Gin. Patent applied for. Ko tary stripper, no zigzag, runs smooth, gins four I'ntes a day without injuring ihestaple. Part¬ ner wanted with money to manufacture. It. L>. smith, Ashburn, Ga, GEORGIA SOUTHERN AND FLORIDA RAILROAD. lilVKK RoUI'K TO FlORIPA. Son’ll M itt, trains S’. Till Da' | Night V, 1! 55,11 35 4 00: rr- ) e i 30) 1 45 l 15 — 15 Of) 2 L I 4 = i LL 58 t ol Tifton 1*2 10 2 t , 10 o-ir.v' ! 40 V dih stT 10-15 o .TS[ 5 10 Jasper !) 43 CC 11 55 (i 15 BnkeCitv S 35 (X i t) 1 j j’.tlaika (i 00 SHOO-FLY* Mon i g Eyoning 11 05 M AO< > ’ I 4 30 8 30 Cordele 7 15 7 22 A M!B;' c v 7 57 (i 35 Ti: lull 5 10 5 00 Valdosta 10 25 Operates Pullman Buffi t Ste* per- die \ cir round belwcou -Vishyilte. Venn , and Jacksonville, F'a. via Ma¬ con and Tifton. Ojior ites J’ulltnan Sleep r- between Macon Atlanta and Brunswick, v a and l ilt m, making direct connee’ions with boats to and front Cumber I ant and St. Simons. Operates its own sleepers between Mtuoii and I’alaUsti vi.i G S Jc Fdirect. Direct line to Fitzgerald Sokliei- Colony via Tifton, Sh"i>-!’i> train runs every day and will make evey local slop p. G. HA! 1..Y. 1*. A.- A'lauta Ga. W. II. l.UGAS, F. P. A.—.Liekso ville F. H. RIIODKS S 'ie'.ting Fas-et gir Agent. Macon, Ga. •t. LANE.—General DONALD Manager (i A. M At Genera Pas¬ senger .\giva’. DEW DROP INN j MK- SALUIK ' tUi’MAX, l'M» . •. ’>8, Rate- $1 a Day. ••DEW DROP INN ' THE city BARBER BHUP. HAIR'DII®S£IXO-V p0cia!ty ’ SHAVING-qaiok and easy. RAZORS -pul in good hs 01 notice. receive a cordial You will always welcome. tT’-n Proprietor. R. D. LAW, l AW ir pi ashbckx - G eorgia. _ _ ------- OFFICIAL ADVERTISING. --0 —- SALE. SHERIFF'S . _ . E SS'X g& T.ft one i Co vs A J Alford August >, ISJ H. S. Story, Sheriff NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. si-nt, A 11 business heretofore ws. “ entrusted tHvt. to will be looked after by each of us. Respectfully, £ j. Davis, COTTON WAREHOUSE. WAREHOUSE. z. Bass. W. L. Bass. THE OLD RELIABLE. Cotton Warehouse in Ashburn is Open for the Trade, and Solicit Your Patronage. We Guarantee Prompt and Honest Service. No Charges fob Dray ing. Bring us your Cotton. BASS BROS. PI fM nw 9B ini a UTS COUCiH ©URi cures quickly. That is what it Qtjikinm quickS’iSant and adults like ifc. liko it Mothers buy it, for their children, -u# intis. TIT i Z D: t \ if m \ --Y. \ - f Vi X h OS X \ / \ / Bicycles at $35, $40 Baby Carriages and ’CTrnt Boys’ Wagons in Lar¬ .$50, $00, $75, $85, $100 ilk ^ Least Ny- gest Varieties. the Money k: 1 i PV m m iMir' I ' yr s \ wmm&M / Honest, Values Back of Every Price we Make. X\ iGES THE BEST styles and MAKES AT LOWEST PRICES. “ p |\ .....s r If pl •”| J “ p % Tp ^ Macon, Ga. Write for Prices. LIVERY AND SALE STALL'S . »* > mM &! NEW VEHICLES, FAST, HORSES. ('AREEFL DRIVERS SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN DRUMMERS. J- K. K! ~ AS} FPU V, t E Pure B!o"d is essential to gooff heattli- Thousands nutter with im¬ pure Wood. Thousands who are attbcted could he cured by takidg At- ricana the only positive remedy. Alrioana cures Rheumatism of lnnir standing, Afrieana cures Scrofula. A/ricima cures Old Sores. Afrieana cures Constipation. Syphilis. ^feicana cures Af'icana cures Exzoma. Afrieana cures Catarrh. Africans cures all Blood and Skin diseases. will convince of Atrial you its “ mts * Thrasher & - ANNUAL FEnsM4L V CONDUCTED xcursion TO ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA. August 23rtl to 28tli, 1897. We take pleasure in advising Annual yen Personally that we have arranged for our Fifth Con- dneted Kxrur.-ion to St. Augustine, August train 23rd, 18B7 and’lnclnding Tickets good to ibih. return or. any up to August furnish advertis¬ It will afford us pleasure detailed to ing matter, including itinerary, upon request. principal Following are rates from points: Georgia Southern A Florida Railway. Macon.. U 00 Valdosta..........I ggs Cordele. 9 50 Jasper............ Lako City........ Tifton 3 00 Macon A Birmingham Railway. LaGrange........ u so Thomaston..... M oo Macon, Dublin A Savannah Railroad. DnWi “~'' Jekerson" D8n 6b' ■ ■ ■ ...woo ie.. M Georgia Railroad. Augusta .......00 Camah ....... 00 MlliedgevUle.........-H 00 Georgia & Alabama Railway. Montgomery . ..S5 00 Columbus........$5 00 Americus........ 4 00 Abbeville........ I Sparks, Moultrie A Gulf Railroad. Moultrie.............$3 60 Tifton & Northeastern Railroad. Fitzgerald....... »a so Correspondingly low rates from intermediate points. _____________ _______ . - Q. A. MACDONALD, & F. R’y, Macon, Gu, G. I*. A., G. S. R. G STOKE. & B. R’y, Macon, Ga G. P A , M. JAMES T. WRIGHT, M., D. & S., Macon, Go. Gen’) Mgr., M. F. AM ^Gon U fupt., & G„Sparks, Ga. S.. M. f. a. BOATltl gut N" B. Tiiton, Ga. T M T. & E. A. G. JACK. Gcorglt4 R Augusta, GA , A. POPE, G P A.. G. & A. R’y, Americus,Ga, f ALL KINDS LIGHT .. “P‘Iv «“5"; . -' :- {3’4 2+1. ,4” ~ We will kkg‘wgz : . _ ?s;'%‘ sell you anything We make _‘ fl‘kfi‘s-nv nun . 15:5 at the very best wholesale price. Our 594‘. "J‘- WV terms are made are accordingly. net cash to all, There and is our no prices fur- No. 212. that use in your paying fancy prices for vehicles. Come direct to the factory and get them without paying addi»- tional profits. All our goods are warranted in every particular. Shipped 0.“.0. D., and if not as ordered or represented it costs you nothing. . NEW ‘ HIBKDRY BUGfiY 00., Indianapolis, Ind“