Newspaper Page Text
An Abominable I ega« r.
A tendenry torhr iimnfif jii is undoubtedly in
herlted. TJnllk© many other b■< < if ft i»
mains In the family The most eflf iuttl ms
of cheeking UifH t< nden< y <*r of removing in
<1 plant rheumatism*, wiieiiif i pi • yj-o nilii Mu'
blood "I* not, in to resort t<> Ho i otter u Mmom h
hitters as soon e the pi emonitory twinge# are
felt. Nullifying the Influences of rolil. ,'Xpn
sure and fatigue, lh© UlttejB not only lor lib
the system against HiHr hurtful eoimeijijenees,
but subjugab m maimia, Jlvei and kidney com¬
plaint, dyspepsia and nerve disquietude.
The man running for offlee often takes a mud
bath without tming to any of Um health resorts
of that description.
A Prom* Poi*m.
KK-M. Modl©ftt©4 Rmoking Tobacco
Aiui Plgftr©it©«
Aroabftffluio i DinoflJfiB for Cntarrh,
liny Fever, Asthma arid fold©;
BofiidoH a fl' lii'htful ^iri'»kf*.
Ladif'flfiH woJI.qh ff I '* II, II mo th ©a© good#.
No oidmn or other harmful drug
I'ged in their manufacture.
KK M. 1a uB< d and r<;<‘oiiiim‘Ude»I
ily some »*f tho best citizens
Of this country.
If your dealer does not keep EE M.
fiend in©, for pa< kaK«<>f tobacco
And 6c. for jiackatjoof c4:arotto»,
Direct to the JCH M Company,
Atlanta, Ga.,
And you will receive goods by mall.
%I 0 U Kewaril. * 100 .
The readers of I lids paper will dreinh-d he pleased disease to
learn Unit there - el. lea-1 one
that, si lence ha- been aide to t ore In all its
and that Is et urh. Hall » < atarrh
medical Ilona) Vratermtyl requires ^^atarri! roti-lltuflonnl liehig'n'cijnstltu- treat-
dlhcase. u istttkeulutcrnaUy,
meat. HallXiaUu-rM'ure
acting directly on tlie Mood and mucous sur-
fare- of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the niM-a-c, and giving the on-
and tlent Hsilstlng strength nature by building In doing up Urn its i-onstltirtlon work. The
proprietors nave so much fa th In Its curative
powers that they offer o Oue Hundred Hollars
for any cuse that it j fall# to cure. Bend for list
of testimonials. Addl-rs#
F. J. (JIIE.vav ,V ( o , Toledo, O.
Hold by Ilrugglsls, Tile.
Hall’s Family 1‘lUs are the beat.
W<rinert f.oofc Here.
If yon want to learn about, a Washing Ma¬
chine which even a child can operate easily
be sure Pi read advertisement, in this paper
of H. K. Brainnier M fg. ( o., Davenport, where lo wa.
To introduce tln-lr new Mio-lifnc e\cry whole¬
they will lor a short time only sell at
sale price where dealers ns yet do not keep
them in stock. The llcm guarantees give Hntisl’wl every i
Machine 11* ■ t-olaes and !-> Oi j .
Write tItem at once for circular ami price.
They will be pleased to hear from you.
Kit© r>©rinan©uily ©uml. No fits or norvoiiA-
tUHHrfttor flrnt duy’n imo ot Dr. Kllno’n Groat
Norv© liostoror. trial bottJoand tnvitJHofroe.
Dn. U. II. Kunk. Ltd.. Ml A roll fit., I'hlla., I*a.
I could not tftttuloiiK without 1'Iso’s Cur© for
CouAiirnpllou. it always cur©B. Mrs. K. C.
M0U1.T05, Noodbom, Mafia., Out. itt, \n.
Mi*. Wlnslow’H Soot-hUiK fiynip for children
frcthlritf, HoftoiiH the ffunifl, r**Iuc©H Jnflamnm*
UOUxiiliiiyB pain, cure* wind <:•< flic. ifOc. a bottle.
if afflicted with fioreeyoHUB© Dr. Inaac Thomp-
fcon’fi Kye-water. DruggiHl.H Boil at ‘Jf>r. per bottle.
For the Whiskers,
Mustache, and Eyebrows.
In one preparation. Easy to
apply at Lome. Colors brown
or black. Tlio Gentlemen's
favorite, because satisfactory.
Jt. V TIm.l fc <’*> PrtvpriHoYf, Nftftliut, N II.
by it 11 bruKKUttk
A perfect Coal
Oil Lantern.
That 1 a*ltd uauie.
ff*, Slyllah,
I'Tuo litfcht,
■ Withstand* a
Lr Karri© a no,
DvlhrhtH th©
Prh ©s to suit th©
timus- A«k vour
d«*alur. UeTl got
it for you.
JIRI-V 4 Oth© r lantorns
ar© NOT good.
Ohio Lantern Co,'
.hi- * and
m " Nearly
94 W- m. the Vain* JetiMes
ofBml to the
All up-to-date Gilmers use them because the Grow¬
ers give their putromire to such gins. Holler is
For full infermatieii Address
DRUNK Ali 1)8 H cun l>e wltli-
out their knowledge l»jr
Anti .lag the mar>eVnt»
cure for the drink habit.
Writ© Hfnov© Obeinio&I
Oo„ tit* Broad w»t. N V.
Fttii La/oiiufitlou (in plain >vrA)'jm5) mailed tr—.
(•> <•> RICHMOND. VA.
505 -matrleulnte., but eosaion.—B05
10—States Represented.—10
Ull llll ATKs AksIKTKI* T4* 1‘UMTIOMH.
W Elogant Catalogue Free.
H. A. DAVIS, ,Ir., - - - ©resident.
ih> '* H *' ni., N. \\ \s|||\(.TON. U. ( .
Th*’' ©uly XuttitMti<©v icsvx'hv’.'.t elevtrioiil
©uginuering ©x<‘©Ueut. Instruction ©jtclustv«. lv, tho ho*t tv t' equip men t
rourse oj*©n«
Octobw 1. Cfitalvjgues* ou Apphc*ik>n.
% in WASUKR8 in Sv VI \HS.
"an < I’KMH I.I M
J$opdr»UsJ KttungorKiiinfl
l ' . ftntf. h*r «)u$ri tmio, n< In
M \ ■V I t 'Hltli v’ llH'tn, \H> wll At
•s- W 1KU.1S w l; l-KIi l:
>s «4.3B
u. Cell,
I Ut onVr
t Rgvnt,
JL/f make
itu»nev. '
gsiarmi- to*d
H.F. BR&MMER MFG. CO., Davenport, Iowa.
The Many Terii|»t.llnii« Which Ite.ct
Young Men—Evil# Ite,tilling From
Getting Into Ili-lit—An Ii-rejlgloiia f.lfe
Alaa.vH I lent ray. Young Men'# Morwl#.
Tkxt: "A- an ox to the alatigliter.”
I’roverba Til., ‘l‘l.
Thera In nothing In the voice or manner
of the butcher to luilh-ule to the ox that
there In death ahead. The ox thlhka lie Is
going on to a rleh pasture field of clover
where all day long h>- will revel Iri the herb¬
aceous luxuriance, but aft<« awhile tho
men and the hoys close In upon him with
sticks mid stones ami shouting and drive
him through bars and Into a doorway, where
he Is fastened, uml with well aimed stroke
the ax fells him, aud so the anticipation of
the redolent pasture Held Is completely dis¬
appointed. Bo many a young man has been
driven on by temptation to what bethought
would be paradisiacal enjoyment, but after
awhile Influences with darker hue and
swarthier arm close In upon him, and he
finds Mint Instead of making ari excursion
Into a gnrdcn lie has been driven "ns an ox
to the slaughter.”
We<i#o apt to blame young men for be¬
ing destroyed when we ought to blamfi the
Influences that destroy them. Society by the
(laughters holiest: n great many keep young men
"You must up appearances,
| ! Whatever he your salary, you must dress
« -, 11 «“< <*«.«.». y«» give wine and
brandy to ns many friends, you must
smoke as costly cigars, you must givens
expensive entertainments and you must
i i| V( . |„ U s fashionable a boarding 7,t.. house. If
y°U ha h v n t the money, i„, borrow. rP If n you
"«n t borrow, make a false entry or Hub-
tract here and there a bill from a bundle of
bank Mils, You will only have to make
the deception a little while. In a few
months or In a year or two you can make
It all right. Nobody will be hurt by It, no¬
body will be the wiser. You yourself will
not be damaged.” By Mint awful process
100,000 men have been slaughtered for time
ami slaughtered for eternity. nothing
Suppose you borrow. There Is
wrong about borrowing money. There Is
liardlvft man who has not sometimes bor-
rowed money. Vast estates have been built
on a borrowed dollar. But there lire two
klnds ofdiorrowod money, money borrowed
for the purpose of stinting or keeping up
legitimate enterprise anil expense and
money borrowed to got that which you can
do without. Tim first Is right, the other Is
wrong. If you have money enough of your
own to buy a coat, however plain, and then
you borrow money for a dandy’s outfit, wheel you
have taken the first revolution of the
down grade. Borrow for necessities; that
may be well. Borrow fertile luxuries; that
tips your prospects over In the wrong di-
The Bible distinctly says the borrower Is
servant of the lender. H is n had statu of
tilings when you have to go down some
other street to escape meeting someone
Whom you owe. If young men knew wbnt
Is the despotism of being in debt, more of
them would keep out'of It. Wliat did debt
do for Lord Bacon, with n mind towering
above the centuries'/ It induced him to
take bribes and convict himself ns a crlm-
Inal before all ages. What did debt do for
Walter Scott, broken hearted at Abbots-
fordf Kept him writing until Ills hand
gave out la paralysis pictures to keep statuary, the sheriff Bet-
away from Ills and
ter for him If he had minded the maxim
which he had chiseled over the fireplace at
Abbotsford, "Waste not. want not.”
l lie trouble Is, my friends, that ......pie do
not understand the ethics of going in debt,
and that If you purchase goods with no ex-
pectatlou of paying fur them, or go Into
debts which you cannot meet, you steal
just so much money. If I go into a grocer’s
store and I buy sugars and coffees and
meats with no capacity to pay for them, 1
and no Intention of paying for them, am
more dishonest than If I go Into the store,
and when the grocer’s face is turned the
other way I Mil my pockets with the mil-
elos of merchandise and carry off a hum.
Ju tiro one case 1 take the merchant's time,
nml I th<*. tinui of mesBeiitfcr to
transfer the goods to my house, while of the hi
the other ease I take none of the Unie
merehant, the and goods 1 wait without upon myself, trouble am) I
transfer nuy to
him. In other words, a sneak thief is not
so bud ns a man who contracts debts lie
never expects to pay.
tel 111 all our cities there are families
who move every May day to get into pros-
unity to other grocers and uiuutshops and
apothecaries. They they ow« everybody live,and within
lialf a mile of where new m,M
May they will llnding move lute a lot distant of victims, part ot
the city, ft new
Meanwhile you, the honest faintly in the
new house, are bothered day by day by the
kuoaklng at the door of disappointed bakers
and butchers and dry goods dealers and
newspaper carriers, and you are asked
where your predecessor is. Vou do not
kiiow. it was arranged you should not
know. Meanwhile your predecessor lias
gone lo some distant part of the city, and
the people their who have anything stopped to there sell Have
sent wagons and to so-
licit the "valuable” custom of fin* new
neighbor, and he, Hie and new neighbor,
with great complacency steaks an air of aftlu-
cnee?orders the finest and the high-
est priced sugars anil t he beet of the canned
fruits ami perliaps all the newspapers. And
tlio debts will keep on accumulating until
begets Ids goods on t lie 30 th of iHtxt April
In the furniture curt.
No wonder that so many of our mer-
chants fall in business. They are swindled
these Into bankruptcy nomads of by these wandering They Arabs,
the city life. cheat the
grocer out of green apples which make
the"! sick, the physician who attends them
during their distress aud the undertaker
who lits them out for departure from the
neighborhood whore they of owe everybody
when they pay the debt nature, the only
debt t bey over do pay.
Now our young men are coming up in
this depraved state of commercial ethics,
ami 1 nin solicitous about them. 1 want to
warn them against being slaughtered on
the sharp edges of debt. You want many
things you have not. my young friends,
V ou shall have them If you have patience
ana honesty and Industry. Certain lines of
conduct always lead out to certain successes,
1 here Is a law which controls even those
thhigs that seem haphazard. I have been
told bv those who have observed that it is
possible to calculate just how many letters
will Pc sent to Mu* dead letter office every
war through misdirection; that It is posei-
Ido to calculate Just how many letters will
no net annul for lack of postage stamps
through the forgetfulness of the senders,
and that it is possible to tell just how many
people « ill fall In the streets by slipping ou
mi orange peel. In other words, there are
no accidents. I h" most insignificant event
y ou ever heard of Is the link between two
eternities -the eternity of the past and the
eternity of the future. Head the right way,
voung man, and you will come out at the
right goal
Bring me n young man and tell me wlmi
Ids physical health Is and what his mental
v'vilii'tT ami what habits, ntul I will toll
you what will he his destiny for this world
and his destiny for the world to come, and
I will not make five inaccurate prophecies
out of the 500. Alt this makes me solicitous
in regard to young men, and 1 want to
make them nervous in regard to the con-
1“ UB W» W * ,u>bu ;„,
w W hen # voting man willfully „ and , of
ill,-He. having the comforts of life, goo
L, ,vi U r* »“Y; f u, ‘ !,r
knows not into wtmt he g ( , ,> , i . l he creditor-
£01 ll! f Gx'Dti'r. the pack of hounds in
fulKrx and aias tor the reindeer. They
jingle his doorbell before he gets up In the
morning, hu> they itagta night. hi* doorbell They after him he
gone to bed at meet
he conics off his front steps. They send
mm a postal oar\l or a letter in curt est
style. teiUug him tv> pay up. They attach
nis e ooa ** ri *cy want cash or a note at
want himdiaclpllaod la th« ehureh. Tlwy
want him turnM out of the bank. They
eome at him from this aide and from that
Hide and from before and from behind and
from above and from beneath, ami ho In
Insulted and gibbeted and sued and
dunned and sworn at until he gets the
nervous plalnt. dyspepsia, heart gets m-uralgln, disease, gets ltv'-r
com Jve gets gets con-
villa disorder, gets consumption.
Now heU dead, and you soy, "Ofcourse
they will let him alone.” Oh, no! Now
they are watehful to nee whether there are
any unnecessary expenses at the obsequies,
to see whether there Is any useless handle
on the casket, to see whether there Is any
surplus plait on the shroud, to see whether
the whether hearse the Is flowers costly sent or cheap, to >tne to casket see
have been bought by the family or
donated, to see In whose name the deed to
the grave Is made out. Then they ransack
the bereft household, the the books, the
pictures, the carpets, chairs, the sofa,
the piano, the mattresses, the pillow on
whleh he died. Cursed be debt! For For tlio the
sake of your own happiness, for tho sako
mortal of good morals, God’s for <r sake, the trie silk" sake of of your vour lin- 1 m-
soul, for young man, ns
far as possible keep out of It!
Hut I think more young n\p n are
slaughtered man's through religion Irrellglon. and Tike away
a young you make
him the prey of evil, We all know that
the Bible is the only perfect system of
morals. Now, If you want to destroy a
young man’s fnorals, take his Bible awav.
Ifow will you do that? Well, you will cari¬
cature Ills reverence for the Scriptures,
you will take all those Incidents of the
Bible which can be made mirth of -Jonah’s
whale, Sampson's foxes, Adam’s rib. Then
you will caricature eccentric Christians or
Inconsistent Christians. Then you will
pass off hh your own all those hackneyed
arguments against Christianity old which are
as old as Tom Paine, as as Voltaire,
as old as sin. Now you have captured his
Bible, and you have taken his strongest
fortress, Tlie way is comparatively clear,
and all the gates of his soul are set open
In Invitation to the sins of earth anil the
sorrows of death, that they may come In
and drive the stake for their encampment.
A steamer 1500 miles from shore with
broken rudder and lost compass, and hulk
leaking llfty gallons the hour, have Is better off
than a young Lis man when you robbed
him of Bible. Have you ever noticed
how despicably Bible without mean It proposlngasubstl- Is to take away the
tute? It Is meaner than coming to a sick
man ami steal his medicine, meaner than
to come to a cripple and steal Ills crutch steal
meaner than to come to a pauper and
his crust, meaner than to come to it poor
man and burn Ids house down. It is the
worst of all larcenies to steal the Bible
which has been crutch and medicine and
food and elornal home to so many. What
a generous and magnanimous business in¬
fidelity has gone into -this splitting up of
lifeboats mid taking away of lire escapes
and extinguishing of lighthouses! people, I come
out and I sav to such “What are
you doing all this for?” ”OU,” they say
"just for fun.” Ills such fun to see Ohrjs-
Mans try to hold on to their Bibles' Many
of them have lost loved ones and have
been told that there is a resurrection and
It Is such fun to tell them there will lie no
resurrection! Many of them have believed
that Christ came to carry the burdons and
to heal the wounds of the world, and it Is
such fun to tell them they will have to be
their own savior! Think of the meanest
thing you ever heard of, then go down 1000
feet underneath it, and you will find your-
self at the top iff u stairs 100 miles long- go
to the bottom of the stairs, and vou will
ilnd a ladder 1000 miles long; then go to
the foot o'f the ladder and look off a preei-
pice half as far as from here to China, and
i„-ss you will ilnd the hcadi|uurters world of the mean-
Mint would rob tills of its only anil
comfort in life, Its only pence In death
Its only hope faith for immortality. God, and there Slaughters
young man's In is not
much more left to slaughter,
Now what has become of the slaugh-
te|-«d? Well, some of them are in their
father's or mother’s house, broken down
lu health, waiting to die; others pro in the
hospital, others bodies are In the cemetery their or
rather, tlieir are, for souls
have gone on to retribution. Not much
prospect for a voting man who started life
with good health and good education and
a Christian example set him, and oppor-
tunlty of usefulness, who gathered all his
treasures and put them the in one box and
thou dropped it Into sea
Now, bow Is this wholesale slaughter to
he stopped? There Is not a person who Is
not Interested in that question. The ob-
jed of my sermon hands Is to put a weapon in
each of your for your own defense
Wait not for Young Men’s Christian Asso-
eiptloijs to protect you or clmrehos to pro-
toot yog. Appealing to God for help take
care of vourseit.
First, have a room somewhere that you
can call your own. Whether it no the
hack parlor of a fashionable hoarding
house or a room in the fourth story of a
cheap lodging I care not. Let Only have the dissi- that
one room your fortress. not
pater or unclean stop over tho threshold ami
If they conic up the long flight of stairs
knock al tlie door, meet them face to face
and kindly yet llrmty refuse themndmit-
tiiuee. Have a few family portraits on the
wall, iff you brought them with you from
vour country home. Have a Bible on the
stand, ft' you cuu afford It nod can play
on one, have an Instrument of music- harp
or llate or cornet or melodcon or violin or
piano, livery morning before vou leave
that room pray. Every night after you
come homo In that room pray, Make that
room your Gibraltar, your Sevastopol
your Mount Zion, Let no bad book or
newspaper come into that room anymore
than vou would allow a cobra to coil on
vour table.
' Take of yourself. Nobody else
care will
take sure of you. Your help will not com©
up two help or will three or four through flights the of stairs-
vour come roof 'in down
from heaven, from that God who the
WHH) years of the world's history never bo-
trayed a young man who tried to bo good
and a Christian. Let mo say in regard to
vow ad verse worldly pass-
tug, that you are on a level now with those
who are finally and to think succeed, Murk thirty my words,
young limn, of it yours
from now. You will Ilnd that those who
thirty years from now are the millionaires
of this country, who are tho orators of the
country, who are the poets of the country,
who arc the strong merchants philanthropists of the coun-
try. who are fcfio -mightiest great church of
the country in t) nd
state are tills morning on alevcl with you
not an inch above, and tn straitened eir-
cumstanccs now.
There is no class of persons that so stir
my sympathies Not as young men In great
cities. quite enough salary to live on.
aud all the temptations that come from
that deilcit. Invited on all hands (o drink,
and their exhausted nervous system scenj-
ing to demand stimulus, Tlieir religion
caricatured by the most of tlie clerks in the
store and most of the operatives in the
factory. The rapids of temptation and
death rushing against that young man
forty miles the hour, and he in a frail boat
headed up stream, with nothing but a
broken oar to work with. Unless Almighty
God Uolp thorn thoy will £0 uiulor,
Ah, when I told you to take oaro of your-
self you misunderstood mo if you thought
1 meant you are to depend be upon human
resolution, which may dissolved in the
foam of the wine cup or may be blown out
with the tlrst gust of temptation. Here is
the helmet, the sword of tho Lord God
Almighty. Clothe yourself in that pauoplv.
and you shall not be put to coufusiou. Sin
}'*>•* neither m tills world nor the next,
but right thinking and right believing and
right acting will take you In safety through
this life and In transport through the next,
I never shall forget a prayer I heard a
young man make owe lKteen but* years ago.
it was a very short prayer, it was a
tremendous prayer: “O Lord, help us’. We
find It so very easy to do wrong and so
hard to I do right’. Lord, reached help us!” the That
prayer. warrant you, ear of
> men. perhaps, who haw found out- that
; very thlnjr. iti*f*ovry f»a<ijr to do wrong
I nwf no hard to do right.
; r #ofc a letter one road: day, only one para-
graph, which I shall .
‘‘Having moved around somewhat, I
have run across many young men of Intel-
ilgenee, tho-wlsp- ardent fortune strivers and of aftor'that of these wil!-o'- I
would speak. He was a youngEnglishman
of twenty-three or twenty-four years, who
: eatne to New York, where he had no aa-
j qualntanuea, him couple with of weeks. barely He sufficient had been to keep len¬
derly reared, perhaps I should say too ten¬
derly, and was not used to earning difficult his
: living and found It extremely capable flll- to
get any position that he was of
t mg. After many vaiu efforts In thisdlreetion
he found himself on n Bunday with evening in
Brooklyn, fils small near youreburch, capital. Providence about seemed
left of
to lead him to your door, and he determined
to go in and hoar you. He told me his
going to hear you that night was undoubt-
f-dly cdly the turning point In his life, for whgn __
j your-churoh _ _ he felt desper-
ho went into
nte. ate, but but while while Hstenfntr listening to to your v*»ur dlnnmirao discourse
Ills better nature got the mastery. I truly
believe from what this young man told me
that your sounding the depths of his heart
that'night alone brought him back to hi#
God whom he wus so near leaving.”
That Is the echo of multitudes, I am
not preaching an abstraction, but a great
reality. O friendless young man, O
prodigal young man, 0 broken hearted
young man, discouraged young man,
wounded young man, I commend to you
Christ this day, the best friend a man ever
had. He meets you this morning. De¬
spise not that emotion rising In your soul;
it is divinely lifted. Look into the face of
Christ. Jjlft one prayer to your father’s
God, to your mother’s God, arid this morn¬
ing get the pardoning blessing. tho forks Now, tho
while I speak, you are at of
road, and this is the right road, and that is
the wrong road, and I see you start on the
right road. the close of the
One Sabbath morning at
service I saw a gold lamented watch of the violinist, world
renowned and deeply
Ole Bull. You remember ho died In his
islaud home off tho coast of Norway. That
gold watch he had kept wound up day
after day through his last illness, and then
he said this to watch his companion, long "Now, I I and wont then to
wind ns as can,
when I am gone X want you to keep It
wound up until It goes to my friend, Dr.
Doremus, In New York, and then he will
keep It wound up until his life is done, and
then I want the watch to go to his young
son* my especial favorite.”
Tho great musician who more than any
other artist had made the violin speak, and
sing, and weep, and laugh, and triumph—
for it seemed when he drew the bow across
tho strings ns if all earth and heaven shiv¬
ered in delighted sympathy—the great
musician, in a room looking off upon the
sea, and surrounded by bis favorito Instru¬
ments of music, closed his eyes tn death.
While all the world was mourning at his
departure sixteen crowded steamers fell
into lino of funeral procession to carry his
body to tho mainland. There were 50,000 of
his countrymen gathered In an amphithea¬ hear
ter of the. hills waiting to tho
eulogium, and it was said when tho
great orator of the day with sten¬
torian voieo began hillsides to speak burst the 50,-
000 people on the into
.tears. Oh, that was the close of a life
that had done so much to make the world
happy! But I have to tell you, young man,
if you live right and dio right, that was a
tamescene compared with that which will
greet you when from the galleries of heaven
the 144,00Q shall accord with Christ in ory-
Ing, "Well done, thou good and faithful
servant!" And the influences that on earth
you put In motion will go down from gen¬
eration to generation, tho influences you
wound up handed to your children, and
their influences wound up and handed to
their children, until watch and clock are
no more needed to mark the progress, be¬
cause time itself shall be no longer.
They Are YVovth From S'lO to *40 on
the Klondike.
Cattlemen are buying horses for from $2
to -£5 east of the Cascade Mountains in
Washington and selling them packing"pur¬ readily for
from i?20 to $40 for Klondike
poses. The horses will bo uaad to pack
supplies over the mountain passes, and
when they oan be used no longer (or pack¬
ing purposes they will be driven to Dawson
City and sold for dog meat at ten cents per
pound. For several horses have been
years a
drug on tho market. Thousands of head
have been bought at from $1 to $2.50 apiece
and slaughtered and canned. This meat
has sold freely in Japan and Europe, but on
the Pfto|flo coast canned horse is not already sal¬
able. Several cattlemen have
cleared largo sums ou tlio sale of horses for
the Klondike country. Tho Indian tribes
of tho coast ranges have also realized
handsomely on the demand for good pack
Treasury Said to lie Seriously Embar¬
rassed For Keudy Money.
Tho Japanese Government is seriously
embarrassed financially owing to the rapid
pace at which tho nation has been going
since the war with China.
Civilization has necessitated increased
expenditures In every direction, particu¬
larly in building railroads, telegraph lines,
new Government buildings, improving
harbors and strengthening the army and
navy. * not directly benefited
The treasury was
by tho big war indemnity England paid by China,
because it has been kept in Owing to pay
for now war ships aud armament.
to tho increased expenditures Government’s during the
past year all tlie reserve
funds are exhausted.
There is great need of raiu in Korea, and
the Governor has sent priests to the moun¬
tains to petition the gods for showers. It
is certain large importations grain will
bo necessary.
Hardships Sur© and Starvation For Many
Almost Certain,
I,. M, Turner, who has spent eleven years
in Alaska andthe Arctic regions in the em*
ploy of the Government, savs In nu inter¬
view. "It Is about time tocall a halt on this
mad rush to the Klondike gold Helds,
Hundreds of men arc going as far us they
cun, relying ou others enough to help and them. That will
help will he meagre scores
certainly endure hardships that death
alone companies will relieve. The transportation
cannot possibly accommodate
the number going by wav of St. Michaels,
The small river steamers will not afford
room for one-third the number going by the
route. The provisions will have to be fur-
nished by the transportations companies,
and two-thirds of the passengers will board
at St, Michael# or along the Yukon, mid
they will not see Dawson City until next
spring*. Many of thoso who go by the wav
of Dyea will be compelled to winter at the
headwaters of tho Yukon."
Now ontelall.v "Klonclike.”
It was officially decided bv the Geo-
logical Survey. Washington, that in the
future the name of the river on which the
gold fields are located should be spelled
with an i instead vf v. as has been observed
heretofore. The spelling has been more
frequently Klondvko than Klondike but
the latter ______ll Is now the correct wav
Crush ,, . of ,_ Offloe Seekert. ,
It has been found necessary to raise the
floor of the White House lobby, which has
bean crushed down a distance of four inches
by the swarming office seekers,
'/ '/"V,|; r ,'X '
. •
I. , ■ . 1(|lM . ,.',i unsightly i*«f rimr.vMims
n • ,,ifl ,i <i>*' l^auty h
. * im.. They ''fro ••••lupletely ami quh'fciy 1
**y i -*itr»» tn stamps -enisa from t#>x at •' dtuy lM sr,,1 l ^ s '' ■ i
’ ' ” 1 ' T, t;3
-avanimh, Ga,
ft»poi'5 .1 ut Uusiin"** MfIVA.
.-iinnge Uml the 1-' Main
We • 11 am an lews,
iei Pi i.iidea c. I: I mid lews City,
Hie largest manufacturers ot
well known a*
Jewelers Show Cnees, Music Ilexes, (Ircliestrsl
l-i Jewelry, etc. In this country are con- 4
vs. ill Atlanta
tempiatlng "pcnuig a branch hots-;
They will shew th-tr full line of handsome goods
and bo at home lo all their file ads Ill tills
then*, convenience to
Bed ion. Till-, will he a groat
hints, ns they will thou have n'l the
imr ; OI-. they
facilities hr buying here at home, as
would h-ive on n trip l” Now Y'ork or Providence.
The iv. Y. Main Co. have built up a large trade
In ill !- u-hthrough Ih.-li- travellers, anil have
mail" mi envlablo repirnthni. Our mervlmnts
will bu gl i-lto h-iv.i an opportunity to beam*
more familiar with Itu-tr goods.
Crowing Spiders for Market.
Utilizing the good gifts of nature is
an excellent thing when properly will con¬
ducted, but very few people which ap¬
preciate that form of utilization
is described in a bulletin of the Divi¬
sion of Entomology. According to
this account there is carried on in a
small village in France and also in a
small place near Philadelphia the
unique industry of growing spiders for
market. These creatures are raised
with a view to stocking the cellars of
wine merchants, in order that they
may weave cobwebs over the wine
bottles. These spiders are sold at the
rate of ten dollars per hundred, and
the people engaged in this industry
are doing a flourishing business. The
value of a cobweb-covered bottle is
likely to be sadly diminished as soon
as the facts about this new branch of
trade becomes known.
How Many of Them Have Quietly
Obtained Advice That Made
Them Well.
My sister, if you find that in spite of
following- faithfully your family doc¬
tor’s advice, you are not getting well,
why do you not try another course ?
Many and many a woman has quietly
written to Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn,
Mass., stating her symptoms plainly
and clearly, and taken her advice, which
was promptly received. The follow¬
ing letter is a
pretty strong
confirmation of
\m?r our claims:
' “ I had been
'i sick for six
g months;
W^/ / TsaTJ one doctor
7| told me I
jl would have
'•ff; to go to a
“ I \ hospital
K \ before I
would get well. I had female troubles
in tlieir worst form, suffered untold
agonies every month ; my womb tipped
back to my backbone, had headache,
hysteria, fainting spells, itching, leu-
“My feet and hands were cold all
the time, my limbs were so weak that
I could hardly walk around the house;
was troubled with numb spells. I
have taken four bottles of Lydia E.
Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound, one
bottle of her Blood Purifier, one pack¬
age of her Sanative Wash, and am
entirely cured. I have not had one
of those numb spells since. Can you
wonder that I sing the praises of a
medicine that has cured me of all these
ills ?”—Mbs. Louisa Place, 650 Bel¬
mont St., Brockton, Mass.
CHRONIC “ Of All Forms Successfully DISEASES Treated.
Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Bronchitis Palrilta
tion, Indigestion, <$c. CATARRH; Of Nose
Wn«Av" 4 « U ?* 8 ’ B 5?, Llcerations, EASES PECULIAR TO
WOMEN; Prolapsus, Eeucorrhea
write giving history of your case, and it
Will receive immediate attention. \n Opinion
price of treatment, pamphlet and testimonials
will be sent you .free. nil. S.T. WHIIAKFK
203 Noreross llldg,, Atlanta, Ga. ’
When you can earn it ©aay nnd rapidly it is a
good thing. For HOW TO no IT, address
"It H. O. I.INUFRMANCO., 404 Goal ,1 1
Building, Atlanta, Ga.
and MffiSYRUPiil selling at $1.00 per gallon. Also Manic
Sugar made from game.
"I want to thank you for the Maple Svrun
recipe which I Ilnd la excellent. I can recom
mend It highly to any nnd every one ' ltur
Bam P. Jones, Cartei-svllle, Ga.
Semi $1 postal order and get tho recipe Bo¬
nanza for agents.
J. N. FOTSPEICH. Morristown, Teun.
Girls aud young
non-' n o'te'a
>v health resort,
ft 1 ■“Mountain
ii li air
cata S. 1*. Eg'address
A. M., Hatton,
S75.00 For $37.50 To be obtained at
15 K. Cain St.. ATLANTA. G \
Complete JJufinrfx and ahonhaua Course Com.
bineil. $7.50 Per Mouth.
Average time required live month*
Average cost $37.50. This course
Would cost $75.00 at any other reputable school
Business practice from the start. Trained
Teachers. Course of study unexcelled Nova
ca tion. Address I . B. WHITE. Principal
m; Ltj
X /HAY / Full and PRESS Half Circle
7C Best Made,
V Hr".-end for circulars g.
HENRY COPELAND, Chattanooga, Tc^'
The » ldier, citizen »nd Christian here . A great nev>
book Ju.t ready, giving hfe snd A mcnev
MELZA’S Cures all Nerrcu* Lost
troubles and Vi.
tality. Makes old men
VIGOR strong and weak vigorous,
builds up manhood run.
dovrn ttx
both old and young.
BEANS Writ© for particulars FltKB
and liow to get
MELZA REMEDY 00., Atlanta,Ga.
something NEJtf.
n/’EEPING abreast with
the inventions of this
age, we, by modern ma¬
chinery, compress A. Sim¬ our
powdered Dr. Medicine M. into
mons’ Liver
tablets and sugar coat
Consumers can either
swallow the tablets whole
or chew them up and swal¬
low with water. The
candy sugar coating ex¬
cludes the air, protects the
purified medicine from
microbic influences, pre¬
vents the possibility of
deterioration from atmos¬
pheric changes, insuring
perfect purity and full
strength when taken, and
makes it pleasant to
take as candy. Tablets
contain only the powdered
Liver Medicine, same as
sold in packages by Dr.
M. A. Simmons and we
his successors, since 1840.
frict 25 Cent, p;r Package.
C. F. Simmons Medicine Co.,
St. Louis, Mo.
KQCATj to the best
Colleges for men with every feature 01
high grade College for women added.
From schools of international repul
tton, as Yale. Johns Hopkins, Aniher
University of Virginia,Berlin,New Ei
land Conservatory, Parle, &c.
Leading to degrees.
With electives.
With Organ,Piano,Violin, course leading Guitar. to dip^-'h,*. Banjo,Ml Pi
dolin. Vocal.
Full course to diploma--all varieties.
Course—Teacher from Eastman.
With every modern convenience,
Similar to that of Ashbvillx.
172 ft, frontage,143 ft. deep. 4 stories hi
built of modern pressed appliance. brick, fire proof, w
Catalogue Address, sent free on application.
REV*C. B. KING, President,
Charlotte. N. C
p\ mm -i
fat 111
At * T v1
l 'SSv
v ]y
■dt... . j
ss iM
■Jh wki
«M >&H
p " Modlclne Co., sfkomt.Mo 1 ; 8 " N0T " 16 '“
I '^CIFfCTABI.KTS. , ... A $ by ■■ 1 . 00 HAGGAKD’S ; Are 3 boxes fully $2.50, restored SPK- lbox by i. I- , Q
mall. Address, 1
m Hajari’s Specific Co, J /
particulars sent by «sk-Ml
mall on application.
udmedd eu£i /
bo’’£' ,S SorV^ue A SpRi?d 8, S , nd No for text catalo
CANCER CURED i'uw Buiidlug, Dr, AT J. HOME: B. HARRI8 send sum Ot.i' A
MENTION THIS PAPER in Users. writing Amj9u toad
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