The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, September 03, 1897, Image 2

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rH m ASHBURN >obli-b-d cvi'i'i Friday. ... ........... H. I). HMITH, * A movement is on foot to es- tablish a large sawmill plant Adel. ^©l. J. C. Bass of Atlanta, prominent educator of this State, will teach the Adel school, the News. To heal (be broken and diseased ti-- sues, to soothe iiii.‘ irritated su 1 faces, to Instantly relieve and to DeWitt’s perma¬ nently cure is the mission of Witch Hazel Salve — J 8. B dis & Go. An effort is being made move the courthouse of Berrien from Nashville to Sparks. against the wind. Momea's ars useless if trifled <nva>; and they sre dangerously was'ed coiisumod b> delay io eases where Minute Cough Cure would bring im¬ mediate relief.—J. 8. Betts & Co. ». • . .1 /Tbo Tifton Gazette Las discov- •r<ld that the turning point in a woman’s life is when she wants to trade her bicycle for a baby carriage. No man or woman can enjov life or accomplish much in t'ui- world while suffeVinflr trotet a torpid liver. De- Witt’* Little Early 'Kisers,' ihe that cleam-e rhat organ, quickly. J 8 Betts & Co. The Atlanta Journal says they are making an effort to move the Wilcox county courthouse to Firz- gerald. Fitzgerald will do well to get the courthouse of its own county. /tunning sores indolent ulcers and similar troubles, even though of many year* standing,may Le cured bv u ing DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Halve. Ii soothes, strengthens and heals. It is the great pile cure.- - J. 8. Betts At Co. We have received several copies of tho Ashburn (Ga.) Advance, Maj. Geo. Butler, formerly of this place, local editor. Tbo Major is a hustler, and we welcome his pa¬ per to our exchange list.—High Springs (Fla.) Nows. If you bavoevrf seen a linle cLi'.d in a xi-m of whonpiug cough, or i> you have beeu anmiy ed by a con¬ stant tickling in the Ihroat, you cm appreciate ('•■ugh l ure, the which value giyes of One quick Minute relit f. VI. 8. ltctts A Go. A copy of the Adel News, re¬ cently revived by Joel E. Smith and J. B. Horne, has reached our table. The paper has a good ad¬ vertising patronage,is well edited and made up, and should receive the hearty support of tho people of that town and surrounding country. The “Biowdisi’s Best Friend" 1- u familiar name for DcWiu’a Witch Hazel 8«lv, always read)’ for emer¬ gencies. While a specific for piles, it “so instantly relieves and cures mis, b(ube*, salt rheum, eczema and all affcotio s of the skin It never fails,— J. 8 Betts & t o. • The High Springs (Fla.) Nows is valued in this office for its firm stand on temperance, Such Od¬ itors as 1). E. Godwin are needed ill all wine-cursed regions, but fhe poor fellow lias an elephant on his hands in trying to leform they High Springs. It is said that actually take it without, su¬ gar there. Dr. TichcnoiN Anli-ep ic id outran— t*ed not io ( ure everything and any¬ thing. As a dressing for wi and- and )|s a cure tor colic for man <>r lieast it is O K, »nd “don’t u fore t it." For sale by J. 8. Hett.- A < o. Tbe Cords-e T iu i- s has btaui sold lo Tbe Smtincl ©"inpany. and the Souti¬ ne! ha* been leased io T. J. Brooks and A. A. Pose, who have lien coii- nectcd wi'li the piper- named, and they will publi-h the Daily and Wc k Iv Hentlnol. The Daily h it reached our saneiuni. and it is a needy got leu up 5-eoluuiii folio, well tided with ably prepared editorial ami local mat¬ ter, telegraphic and miscellaneous news. The i»eop e nl {'< rdele sre ap¬ preciative. and wiil eerta ule give Hie Seniincl a reusing support, for it rich¬ ly de-e> ys it. Editor Smith of the Ashburn Advance has a proposition before him now that ought to call him off of the attention lie lias been E aving to Oordele’s populist pa- r. In an article written by a .'or- spoiid 'nt of his paper at Deep Creek we Hud the following: '••Bro. Smith, come out; 1 think you are in need of a sweet little Wife, and 1 will give you one of these maidens sweet and fair with he lovely golden hair." Let’s see it is going to accept tbe proposi¬ tion.—Arab) School Journal. The correspondent happened not to be one of the golden Imire 1 girls, and the golden haired girls on Deep Creek have a way of having their own way about things. They will not accept u Common editor when they can go further and do worse. ~ £*£*£ I gin, undone* did service in the office of the Smithville News. Lee county, this State, writes F. L. Staunton in the Constitution. The date of its birth is lost in antiqui- ty, but there has never been any doubt in the minds of the editors ; who have manipulated it, that, it was old enough to know better. It is a cross between the hand I press invented by Washington and a neglected cornsheller, and and is curiously inscribed with tne desperate and hieroglyphics edit- of ancient, long creaked, suffering with ers. Its joints as the rheumatism, and when the paper went to press it had a way of falling down and so mixing up the railroad schedules that the trains never knew what time to leave. Every blacksmith in the county has exhausted his skill upon it, and it has been patched and prayed over until it is a mere remnant of its former self. When Sherman passed through Georgia to the sea, his men used of it for battering rams; but when be started to print a few official orders on it., it proved its loyalty to a lost cause by falling down and distributing the type all the room, It has been burned out six times, and in the earth¬ quake of 188t)it was dismembered and thrown on the railroad where it wrecked the cannon-ball train five minutes afterwards, Tlie sheriff lias levied on it twen- ty times, only to pay tbe editor to take it back, and from the perch it used to occupy in lowlands of Lee it overlooked the graves of fourteen editors, and old and ailing as it is, it is (lea- tined to go rumbling down the corridors of time as long as an ed itor needs groceries. ' The Country Newspaper. Below we give a few of the pithy sayings of Montgomery Folsom in the Atlanta Journal on Country Nmvspapers and Editors: The life of the flesh is in the blood. Tbe life of tbe land is in the country newspaper. It is al- ways well edited because man, woman and child in the town takes a baud in the editing. It is the champion of all sorts reforms, and is privileged to jurnp on anything it pleases out- side the town limits where it is published. The country newspaper is u great power because it points out the iniquities and shortcomings of rival towns, and keeps people from the habit of believing theirs is tbe most desirable place of existence in the universe. Tbe country newspaper is like a watchman on tbe wall, and nothing escapes its keen and crit¬ ical vision. It is a compendium of fact fun and philosophy. Whom it would destroy it first makes mad. It is a dangerous thing t „ get mad with tbe editor. He has claws in ins bind feet and call get a “fellow coming and get him agwine” Some editors are gifted wonderful versatillity. I know of one who not only edits his pa¬ per, but is postmaster, is a preacher , having , . charge , of , , country churches, is mayor of the to-wn, a temperance orator of tho most terrible sort, and is conteu- .dating a race for the. ‘egts ature to utilize his spare turn, lie is also a farmer and agent for tlie ates odi ion of a patent, churn. The country editor contributes more to the building ot cliurclies and school bouses than any other individual in town. Whereas the S- the .. editor columns , _ 1Z ives many or space that is worth ten cents a line, home politicians are born great, some achieve greatness and otlrors go through the world thinking they are a darned sight greater than they really are. but the greatest of all is the editor. It has been demonstrated by ac¬ tual and incontrovertible evidence that the sanctum of a country ed¬ itor will produce more beats than ten acres of tbe nest beet land in Germany. But the editor is a generous heart cuss, aiql never lias the to turn any away who ap- peal to him with their specious schemes. When 1 ran a country uewspa- per I taught, my family to do the vegetarian act during the »IIU1 . uior mouths, and iu winter when hog killing time came around 1 encouraged carniverousness. in early spring i bad a turnip sallel patch iu the rear of theotfice, and the result was that we waxed tat and were always on the crest of the wave. During that period nearly f forgot _ .* \ how , money looked. ill but i u 1 i bad umt HD u) many man,. other ,„w Tuili^ .»,,, that cash would have been really a luxurious fi>uri>]u>, * * Thev onlv 11 nail me up . before - the tfruud jurv twice, and in both instances 1 pleaded professional ethics to get out of telling where tbe corn li- quor came from on which my fore- man and I were wont to make the welkin rine. 1 paid my poll tax the with a year’s subscription working to the paper, and got out of road by publishing the overseer’s notices free. I have never en¬ joyed life quite so much as dur¬ ing these halcyon days, and I have a tender spot ih my heart for the country editor. Wanted—Everybody and hi* lam ily to go to J 8 Beds tc Co. and get a b dtle of Dr- Tiobenor’s Anlis ptic, ■he most wonderful he.ding compound rifunded if the' 19 li century Money if u fails to give satMaction. Heals cut- and burns like magic Only 50c. A Sanctification Band. A correspondent from Raleigh, N. (J., to the Wilmington Mes- setiger says: received Governor Russell has a stirring appeal to come tolhc res¬ cue and drive from the State the vile “sanctification nd” which has afflicted the eastwn counties. The letter says: “We beg you to stop violators of the laws of God and man,which are disturbing tbe good people of our section. There is a band among us known as the’Lynch- ites' going about, in wliat they call ‘arks,’ or floats; and who are teaching the people that, no mat¬ ter what they do so long as they | are ‘sanctified’ it is no sin. The result is they are parting man and wife. Tbe women claim to become sanctified, and then what- ever they do is no sin. These | people are telling people that er sanctification they can be any man’s spiritual wife. They are | demoralizing the whole country, ruining young wojweu and bring- lug strife among the people. They g 0 80 far as to say that ministers who have been preach- ing God’s Word for twenty and forty years should be killed. Young women are drowning their > offspring iu numbers. Many are going crazy. The leaders are tbe | meanest and lowest people in the world and were driven from Vir- j ginia on account of their behavior j in that State. We ask you to is- sue a proclamation that all arks un d all that have these Lynchitcs leave our State, < If you desire to know more, write tbe sheriffs of Beaufort, Cartaret, Paiulico, Onslow and Pitt coun- | ties. It is alleged by some that j jdrtig. these people We used a horse to give tamers’ pray you us relief. If you do not do some- j thing, Governor, the people will, j lief.” Gut they ask yon to give us re- j Private Secretary Alexander says tbe matter will be at once laid before the solicitors so prose- cutions can be made. Tlie matter will be pressed, 1 ,ie M'^nopy ... (F a . , Hustler r .. is P , eased to remark: “The Ashburn <<**■) Ad vance proposes to give }’ l «nty of reading news, What s the matter with Ashburn tuerc ’ iun s ‘ Mrs. Win-low’s soothing syrup fer crying babies at Gardner & Thra«h- er’s. A wagon passed through ther „ Klllisa8 late i y bearing this ill8Cr i I)tiofi; Colorado and irriga- tion> KanBtt3 anfl stagnation, p„p ^ U n 8 t,ic administration and al) inatiol , p ni going to my wife .„ re | ft tioii and make no dem- onstru.tiou.” The prompts tbe Talladega Home to , na |i e the following answer: They ou * .,^| come Alabama, where tl 110e(i , lo irrigation, and umn w jth education can engage in speculation, brinsr alo IK bis wi f e ' s relation, have good - aiul free ealvati-u, with u O dan- f BUrvatlioI1 . This in wor- ( , of con 8 iJ e ration. Ashburn. Ga.. Aug 17, 1897 —l have used Dr Tuli*‘U"r’s Auti-( pt’<s for bru : 8(‘a and cuts, and ' hcirfully rec¬ ommend ii as the be-t rt-m dy "1 I lie tind 1 have ever tried, When in Mississippi, where it is well known. I kept a Itotile in mv office all the U:JU " f itCL,d n'—Geo. Bu:l, ' r - GEORGIA STATE GaZETTER, BUSINESS and PLANTERS-- ---DIRECTORY To be KoaJy for Delivery In November 1897 Si \ i n Edition. Mb- x 7oIuul e of more than 1200 page. 0 , mllim i o g full d.ta concerning verviliing |»er( i ming to (icorg » whi. b die busines- <>'• proiessional mau e uM wish 'u ku-uv 'D inform oi*»n ai augoJ a j'-i.ib t- K'Hli\ hv VOUnt HlUl u\ e a-ain. ai">n>. .xamesami Names ami ..ldn-s 'uan si c- s mx thle pr* p rtv. and aoer«jre :il r -p .iiaib’e la.mer- in .he Ma'e. K r .-«dver : - 1 1 »if rat s and su^s ! ‘iin- * ■ v. . *^ *** p d ui* “-i* . Georgia Directory Company, A. K. 811 i,ks. Manager, \dniti " Ga ' p. o. Box, 293. I want lo buy or lease a weekly paper in Southern Georgia or Florida. Porties answering this will enclose a sam tie copy of pa¬ per, give circulation, price and terms. All correspondence confi¬ dential. I refer to the editor of the Gazette. Address “Journal¬ ist,” care of Gazette, Tifton, Ga. Look and See. Why min your eves with a cheap pair of ulass* s when you can get l lie very be. t Kellam A Moore’s Ground Len-es at Gardner & Thrasher? e. me and see for yourselves and let us til your eyes with a pair of Kelluni & Mo re’s Ground L n-es in a gold, uickle or H.'luudnim fiatne. We are as now equally as well equipped Moore for testing your eyes a- Kellam & or any one else. GARDNER & TURASIIKR. Gkigghsts. Pure Blond is essential to good heal ill. I’hou-unds suffer with im- pure blood, Tl'onsand.s who arc ullbcted could be cured by takal” Al- i ican i the only positive remedy. Africana cures Ithcumati-m of InaJ standing- Africann cures Scrofula. Alrlcana cure* Old Sores. Africana cures Constipation. Syphilis. Africana curi s Af'ieana cures Exzeina. Africana cures Catarrh. Africana cures alJ Blood and .Skin diseases. Atrial will convince you of iis ni* rits. Sold by Gakuk.vkr & Tiiuashkk. July 15th. P) [\ f [ )f^ A J7 D O', k) I 1 i i \ _ RACKET I ( AA Ji UV J T~\ JO') (’’'t j COME TO THE RACKET STORE FOR Notions- I am turning out goods at very very low preces, as you will -see from the following quotations: Ladies’ Fancy Trimmed Hats, 50 cents to &1.25. Feather Pillows, 18c. per lb. Nice Line Men’s Pereai Shirts, i 25c. to 90c. Men’s Work Shirts, 25c. to. 48c. Drill Drawers, 18c. Suspenders, 8c. to 40c. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS Laces and Embroideries, 3 to 10c. Full Line of Lubies and Gentq NECK WEAR. JLy Goods, llaidtytire 1 Groceries, Etc. | j Make a Specialty of COUNTRY PRODUCE. G. K. ROGERS. rnmwmwt* WE GIN COTTON. Elivator Takes Cotton From tlie Wagon. No Lifting in Unloading, Drive to our door anil we do tbe rest. J. T. McLENDON & SONS. CONVENIENT TO WAREHOUSES. Can Gin a Bale iu 30 Minutes, Cotton Delivered to Warehouses Free, DURHAM & CO DEW DROP INN MUS. SALLIE > Rates a* 1 a Day. i i DEW DROP INN.” THE JEWELER. AH -orts of Scarf Pins, labial, 8 e», and Plain b’ings, Gold and Silver Buttons. I.adio.-’ Sliir’ Wa si Sets. Bar Pin-. Gold-filled Watches, guaran:ecd 15 7-jewels, 50, Elgin 8-dav or Waltham movements. $12 mantle clocks, oak or walnut frame. $3.50. Ail sorts of siring musie—Guitars, Vinlius. Banjo-. Mandolins. Spectacles Fitted to Everybody. Repairing a Specialty. ‘TO ' K3 $ fSiJ -- _ sLosaza. TrtJ.-m«r!u »n 4 - - ' It! J : stout busim.-j of ererr aW do.-cripti .....c.r **.mwi* ,v«fc.«ei>«i. «a cn ccmxission. sa PAYABLE WHEN ^ -r n.t. tree<.rcharfe. ALLOWED PATENT IS *su. t > - * 0 v,c:« r.;- ; -t i.-r v-u ^ b amllson 4 co, THE CITY BARBER SHOP. HAlIt-DllESfclNG—a specialty. SHAVING—quick andtm-T. RAZORS -put m f i>"d fix on ahoi = nolico- ceire , cordial . You will always rt a welcome. R. D. LAW, Proprietor. Ashbukn - Georgia. OFFICIAL ADVERTISING. -0- SHERIFF’S SALE. Georgia - Worth County. will bo soil boforo the Court House door iu the town of Isabella, Ga.. on tbe first Tuesday in September next 1897. between the lejfal hours of sale, to tho highest bidder for cash the following property, to wit/ hots (if land Nos 15 and 158, one half of lot No <£., and one half of lot No. 107, all in the 7th district of said county, levied on as the property of A .1 Alford to satisfv a Mortgage FIfa Issued from Worth Superior Court in favorof II C Ilaeon & Co vs A J Alford August 2, 1897. H. S. Stoky, Sheriff. COTTON WAREHOUSE. WAREHOUSE. z. Bass. w. L. Bass. THE OLD RELIABLE. Cotton Warehouse in Ashburn is Open for the Trade, and We Solicit Your Patronage. We Guarantee Prompt and Honest Service. No Charges fob Draying. Bring us your Cotton. BASS BROS. TIFTON & NORTH-EASTERN RAILROAD. “Soldiisrs’ Colony Route.” LOCAL TIME TABLE NO. 4. H. II. TIFT, | General Office. I W. O. Presid’t. TIFT, President, I Hr TON, Ga, ! Vice Effective .... no pm pm nee. 20,1899 12 a m'pralp 00 7 157 l 00,Tifton,ar.... 11 45 7 i13 4 ii: ...f Harding..... Brighton .... 1138 0 00,7 5116 . 4 40 4 43 f Pinetta...... II 10 0 4 45 4 48 . .....Mystic......— Fletcher...... 10 59(6 — 13 4 5(1:3 loir, (« ij . ...f 45’.600'5 0 5 15 ......Fitzgerald .... 10 Trains Nos. 1 , 3, 3 and 4 run daily, except ," tl ^SsNos. 7 and ocH run cn Sundays only, Fiasstation, nmkaconnection * . with Plant 1 All Trains Sys- and Georgia & Alabama at Fitzgeral l. F. G. BOATUIGHT, Tn me Mannger. A 17/1* \ Bicycles at $35, $40 Baby Carnages and $50, $00 $75, $85, $100 Boys’ Wagons in Lar¬ ; Ji gest Varieties. the Least Money T, A v. it m t^^ 1 zlmm u L V E -ft m Honest Values Back of Every Price we Make. © Carriages THE BEST STYLES AND MAKES AT LOWEST PRICES. rlj a iiEimaa Macon, Ga. Write for Prices. FEED AND a - v *■ L -' ■ v : -'-."‘' D ';..sY r -.s \'; M c ---------'sc % • V.'. . a S~- *' • f £ • .“l/ NEW VEHICLES, FAST HORSES, CAREFUL DRIVERS SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN drummers. J L. LI MOXDi OX, Piupjieiur ASHBURN. GEOR( fA. 'Tennessee ^entennial VIA ft HI I ![ slIMD sir At NasfwiSSe, Tenn. May 1st to Oct. 31st. The Buildings of tho Tennessee Centennial, in numbers and architectural beauty, sur¬ pass Atlanta's and nearly equal Chicago s. The exhibits are aft ready, and are inter¬ esting and instructive. Ihe live stock display excels any exhibition of the kind ever made. The Midway is great. The Western & Atlantic Railroad, and the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway run solid vestibule trains with Pullman’s finest sleeping cars, from Atlanta to Nashville. For Sleeping Car Berths, or any information about rates, Hotel or Boarding House accommodations in Nashville, call upon or write to C. E. HARMAN, General Pass. Agent, ATLANTA, GA. Special Notice: T fo to staying than at ill I T£ : cuies quickly. Thai is vrbat it 57*3 made for. Prompt, Pleasant safe, fcure, quick relief; quick cure. to take. Children lika it and adults like It. ; Mothers buy it for HeWIt their ft children. of I Pr'inirc'd by E. O. t. Co., niaicsr* j X)l » «ui.'a lii-lla Sarly Early Kisers, Bliixis, tbo Iau.oa» ‘ 3" "x-V , " ALL KINDS LIGHT" \ \‘l"’{ ' ~ -, = 4“: 9.1.3., Irv: fl, ""4" We mu . sell >Lv44§2wptag_yms ., A you anyflung . we make (IR? §,-l ‘ {W‘W 33% v at the very best wholesale price. Our 9!“: W L94 L terms are net cash to all, and our prices are made accordingly. There is no fur- - No. 212. ther use in your paying fancy prices: for vehicles. Come direct to the factory and get them without paying addi- tional profits. All our goods are warranted in every particular. Shipped C. 0. D., and if not as ordered or represented it costs you nothing. Waw HICKORY BUGGY 60., Indianapolis, Ind.