The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, September 24, 1897, Image 2

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THE ASHBURN ADVANCE Published every Friday. H. 1). SMITH, Editor J.A. Peacock has retired from the Telfair Yeoman, and is suc¬ ceeded by Wright A’ Camp. Moments are u*e!e*s if trilled <nva»; ami lliev mo dangerously Was'eil il cornu med by d> lay in eases where One Miaul. Cough Cure would bring mi - medium relief J S. Beits & Co. Editor Tison leaves the Doug¬ las Leader Oct. 1st to take charge of a populist, paper in Baxley. For low rates west, Texas, Mexico. California, Alaska,or any oilier point, with free maps, write to F ed I) Bush, District Passenger Agent Louisville A Nashville UR, Atlanta, La. ly It was a wicked friend who suggested that Methodist preach¬ ers should be made the poultry judges at Waycross’ fair.—Doug¬ las Breeze. The Boston Journal, published at Boston, Gu., by N. R. Blanton, Is before us. Tho Journal is an up-to-date county paper, and we welcome it to our exchange table. Dr TiehenoiN Anli-opm; is .inaran- tni'd not in 1 uio everything and any¬ thing. Ah a dressing for wi uuds and its a l ine lor colic for man or beast il is 0 K, and ‘ don’t von form 1 11 .” /'’or sale by J. S. Motts A* < o. If, as some papers say, it is un¬ just to take the misdemeanor con¬ victs away from the lessees be¬ cause they luid paid their money for them, did the purchase money preclude the governor from par¬ doning them? ^funning sores indolent ulcers and similar troubles. 1 veil though of many vrar- si muling ,111 iy be cured bv 11 iog lie Witt's Witch 11 a/.' 1 Naive. It southern, Gi't ngihons mid heals. It is t ie gicat pile cure . 8 l! It-& ( o. We gladly place the Macon list, County Citizen on our is exchange us requested. It a wide¬ awake sheet, and the editor is out¬ spoken in everything lie writes. That’s right. Bro. Greer. No man or woman can i-njo'. life or accomplish much in thi- world while suffering Irom .1 torpid liver De- Witt’-Little Marly Itis'-rs, the pi 1 <h that clmin-e that orgeii, quickly. ./ K Betts k < D. One of the issues in the next compaign should t.hc present, pending leg¬ islature nut pass the bill before it, will unquestionably be the election of judges and solicit¬ ors by the people. Lake City, Fla , will hold a Tobacco Fair October 27lh and HHtli. It is proposed to make it a representative exhibit, of the tobacco growing intere-t of South Georgia and Northern Florida. Railroads will give reduced rates. Wanted livery body and and his Cam ily to ip' lo.I >S Brils A Co, got 11 bottle ol’ i r Tie.lit'ii 1 ’- Antis |>tif, the most wonderful heeling iv.inp .uiiil of th lilheoidurv Money iifmuled if lc lulls In give - 1111 -1 aid i 'll. Ilia s out- in d bum- like magic Only otto. It was a Dakota editor who wrote: “The price of this paper is not increased by the McKinley bill, but we wish to corregt the misapprehension of some sub¬ scribers who seem lo think that it has been placed 011 the free list.” T'-e “ 1 '• ie-> eiisi’s Bc.-t Friend” i -11 familiar name fur l»e\Vi t’s Witch Ilazcl N.ilvi', alway- vi'iub tor cm v gi lieie- Whid) a-pi 1 ilie for pfics, il also ]i slantJi rulii'Vi s anti ei.i'i s ill's bini-e-, >ab rheum. 1 cZ'igh and nil tiff, die sot Hie skiu II . oV. r lulls.— J. S B. tl-A Go. Frank Reynolds, of the North Georgia Citizen, lots said many good tilings, bin lie struck the climax when ho remarked that “Nero I id died while Rome was burning, anil the tune he played was, ‘There Will be a Hot Time in tliis Old Town To-Night.’ ” 1: you 1 bicycle becomes frig.itemd mid re ■ v, sil elf of y U'' awilnooi , a) ply lb. iniieiioi’s Aui'sepiie im- med ale y —1101 m 1 Ins tdevele, lull 10 that pa 1 «'t viuc ivi au my most feel- ingly Nlleeii '1 ti\ the mu ot grayita lion. Voiihi he i.ei'uli 1 '<1 with ile result ol ihespp uuiimi. ri p 1 l» 1 tie in v u. ' lie" |oi personal oq a is. A>k .Delis >\ I o. for 11 J. W. 11 HU lou, tef a long time coMiceted with I he Tifton Gazette, now has the. mHuagemeut of the Irwin Couuly N i‘ \\ t'. Mi. 11. is an 1 M'-.dh ut primer and editorial writ 1 and will force 1 be News ahead to \l.e tiout rank of county jouinaiisiu in short order. A f'.imilla ladv found a negro under her bed the oilier night. Did she sereatn and raise a racket for him to run oil' b; . Oh, no; she jii.-f quiefly ste.iped over to the nearest, neighbor's for help, and in ion mituiles the br .to w i¬ sh ugly in jait. Right.—Tilton Gazette. African '. die Word' rful bUxul . nr fitr.-nt « d t lo .isleu ’ ai , r -. Just listen to the Gazette man: ‘ Full many a drunk was born to die unseen, and waste its fullness on th® ambient air, but. many more e’en darkness cannot screen near where exists the ‘tiger's’ well-hid lair” Well, gee whizz! If three fifty per would be any inducement, Bro. Herring, uome over and lake charge of the prose-poetry department of the Advance. Coi taluly you don’t want to Kufi'm wi'li dyspepsia, con»ilpftt'on, >iek headache, sallow skin and lo-s of ap- po lie. ^'ou have n'-ver tried D •- u in’s Little Early Riser- fur these complaints or you would have been cured. They are small pills but great regulators — I. >S. Betts & Cm Let everybody try to make the world better by thought, word deed. Cultivate the habit of thinking about things that are good,’noble and elevating. Speak kindly to everything, to every¬ keep body, and at all times, or your mouth shut if you have to put a sticking plaster Live over in it the to prevent, talking. thought and life of others by the good deeds of your own life. Our lives will he duplicated by some hoy or girl, so live to help some¬ one to a happier and better life in thi« world. Don’t be worm'd with chills and feyt when you can get a bottle o£ Johnson’s chill and fever ton e ; t Gardner & Thrasher’s for f’Oc Contrary to general opinion, there must be a moonshine somewhere . ... Berrien Monday, mi Ben Langley, from Col. Fulwood s place a few miles out of the city, brought to town a dead rattler that had evidently been mixing his drinks, lie was a rattler only by virtue of his rattles, boing a dark color, with diamond shaped pides and striped body, But the rattles were there, twelve in number, and whatever his col- or, they gave his snakeship the right to lie called a rattling good curiosity.—Ti ft on Gazette. Stnall preeiiutions ofieti pi event groat mischief-. De a itt’-Little Early Ri-orsftre very small pills in -izo, titil are inosc elioi', ive in preventiiip the most redous torius of fiver and dotu.'U'h hies. The' oure ooii-ti I'u ion ami lioailuche, a d leguhni' tue iioweis. J. S. Beits & C- The Meigs correspondent sends of tlie South Georgia Home thus item: Perhaps it’s the fault of the man sometimes in these hard times. Jim Williams, colored, a cropper on one of J. N. Carter’s places for three years, will make this year eight bales of long cot¬ ton, six bales of short, 200 bushels of corn, fifteen barrels of sirup, with peas, potatoes uinl in abundance. He will kill hogs and will have moro lard and produce to sell tliun Imps twelve other negroes will mak e. Three cows losl, Old bluec 'w, ugly i-tin elephant, and young red cow, i rot y ns a pink, with unmarked year¬ ling. Cows are tnarke 1 und' r rqu ite in one ear and swallow f rk Die other. Repo11 to J. W, ( linpm n The D.ilton L’itizen says: The following marriage notice ap¬ peared in n northern exchange: “Married at Flintsfone by Rev. Wmdstone, Mr. Nemiah White- stone to Miss Wilfielmina Band- stone, both of Limestone, 5 V If there is anything in a name, there is too much ‘grit.’ in family, and there is bound to trouble around their hearthstone. They will have u stony road to navel, and before they pass many milestones somebody is apt need a tombstone. In that event Georgia can furnish the either for a tombstone or a maus¬ oleum. It heals everything b't ;t broke heart, may be said of Tettcrine. Pile and rectal di-ea-es, cuts, bums, brubes, tett r, eczems, and all skin "iibles may l e cured by it quickly ml | enna lien ly. For-do be Hind lid A Thrasher. Gov Atk i it son’s suggestion that i pardoning committee he pointed for Georgia by the Ih- is- inline, w ' hope will be adopted by that body. As the Governor t\ s, it is a grave, r 'sponsibilitv o rest on one man's shoulders, 'i.« i"""'.".' i" uiiiKiiig tin l .lit road i oinmissioii- •rs act as the pardoning commit- eo is a very plausible one. honld one. on whose decision ,e-ted either tho life or death of i man. err. and should ever t»* wakened to tho rcnlizatuiii that ic had depi '.\ ed an innocent man • i his life, it won 1 * 1 be a- some 'irii! nii.h:mare w.uch would ■ in: him to his grave. -1 enoy do--. 1 f y u ii vc ever ce •( File onihi ti p r xi in <4 w! opi d isi c-'i-.g . nr i >t>U IisVd b f ana y 1“ u c< u- >.«n; t c .1 ng tfie till' >ftl. lOi . :ill ip; i ci.xt ill value of V' c M iii lc u :a t n o which giyes -j:i vk r .t I. S. Bviis ( <». The Crop Bulletin of the 20th Inis this to sayofSonth Georgia: Throughout most of the western eonnties in this division there hits been more or less rain during ho week, which was beneficial to fall crops, but was injurious to open cotton. The major portion and of the cotton is now open, picking is progressing rapidly. In the middle and eastern por- tions of this division dry and hot weather has characterized the week, and all growing of crops good are suffering. Cotton is quality, but the yield is short. In some sections it, is difficult to se- cure pickers. Rice is being bar- vested in fine condition. bugar cane and potatoes, where not suf¬ fering from dseiifh. are looking well and are about tlie average. Some farmers are saving a large cropofhay, while in a few loeah- lics worms have destroyed most of this crop.. Turnips are not do- ing well, and the yield will be smaller than usual. In many lo» calities the dry W weather has ui- .....- ™in«i are generally poor, but pastures are fair, and in some sections ex- cellent. ISABELLA SCRAPS. County blight was a honey the third Wednesday; cufiiug the-toiuaeliteeth, eh? Mr- .! J Hall ol’Ruu'k visited rela- . ' IV ? U1 " ^ 1 " , »>atr. , . tn-mul . . 18 Htr:in "' n ,:t tje wavesnbsid <1 before U struch paradise ' ^ 1Wmb] ||]( , rif ia 0 Dew woman lor ihoo.d man. A few more o( 1 lios • fancy dudelet dips -ii;l 01 . baud. Mr. Idun I.) • u i-o ail ended the M. court Sunday. Come again, idus if is not good for man to be alone, Mi-s Ma 1 1i • ( o! "us, who ha 1 . bv«n visiting her ‘Mci.MisM 1! West > )'i'- Mined home t<> L int last week, Rev H K ;> i f h Ii• ..d his regu'ar i) idtment at the Bap'ist church here Saturday aud Suoday. Mrn P H B Ford, .vlio ha- hcuu vis- iting relaiivrs lo ro, re iunnt to her | JOHJC G.iffiu hist week, A o ioI wave slm’k this sei-tioii bro iil-siil' ■ 'I'u. - ’.tv uhi h r minds n f. How quite i m.lly that wiutt r is nigh It also reminds us that the cool wave of death will s l ike us some day i<> our sorrow if we are not prepared to die. Rev. Sanders will fill his regular appoint nr nt here, at the M. F, church ui th 4’h Sunday in September. Prut J W Warren spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks; and ho was missed by the Mis-es. There are several piiv-s of red eves in this vicinity since the departure of ' i ci rtii io young lady. Our M ju - Ige = is flou'deritig iu lh< ' oll P ul matrnuonica. He hi! VVh it ha- become of the pio^iiedive railr ad? A not burn -i uhboru reality, 0 ? there , was a maniaio in lie Baptist church here Snnda' . Mr. Keen ;uid Mi-s 1‘eriuelia Ellis of Sylvester were the e ’iitn'ctiug port As. Mr- J T V ’dirau returued Monday !V"in mi extended vi it to Bacontru. M gO i sio McGill returned home Sunday, iv eempanied hy hey si-ter , VLa \! ti West. The harvest time la coming. The days are growing cold. Man (oils forth© ration. And Satin) for the sou'. • Shoo-Fi.y. T ennessee Centennial VIA 1 n\ / - «, t m 1 m V s . . , , 10011 «. ISt VO UCt. OlSt. pass Atlanta s end nearly equal Chicago's. the exhibits ore oil ready, und are inter- esting e :d instructive. The live stock fspDy excels any exhibition of the kind Jhc Western & Atlantic Railroad, Die Nash\iile, Chattanooga & St. | 0 „; s Hallway run solid yestibule t rts i ns with Pullman's finest sleeping furs, from Atldnta to Nashville. | or Sleeping Car Berths, or any information about rates, Hotel or Boarding House accommodations in Ndshviiie, cal! upon or write to C. t. H4RMAN, Generel Pass. Agent, ATLANTA GA. Special Mot ice: .std«in«j ‘...... ihcitt at bum^- fi\ <T —LJ t*V J f* £)" ^ f flS uJ t __i £u ,air T .C) K */ 1 J u _j. A A -rO , g r11 e*,'” 1 ur ,, uus Dressers Mattresses Boll Dm-k- ‘.’?, rl °r hots j>,] tv-^h springs .Stands tL'Ufl&Ei Q Centre Tables bedroom Set 1 , BitchenSMcs Diumg iub es ^YiDdYYi- Picture Frames Kxira Fine S r* fn\j ' J ^ rj‘«' ^ i J * f 1 * N f j J ' | r ( c MEN S AND oOlS hUliO, Y' ^ ( ; apJ r ! p Vd T~j ( liallii* ■' J r i*i f - Oming Brocade (©t©@#js5 /HJ »C\vy ML Heutiettu Inverness Cashmere Ginghams Trimmings J.ap Robes Bnlliantene Table Linen Crepoii Prints Dress Flannel a .Shoes and flats Saline Silk Luster Ready made skirts All Sorts of Linings Quilts and Blankets Plaids in Woohn and Co I ion Heavy and Rough lire-’ Goods Ladies’and Children’s Mncmto hs L'die-’ and Ohildren’s plush cloaks \Ve have a lage stock, and offering great inducements in the way of bargains. Call and get pl'ices. JKFFREY & ROOBIN. .CTt-- - 5^6 / J !\\/ i i ¥\ I x \ / ’ZZLe&issijgl Mill L / r A >• JKM \ n ' S /T- > I I //! w \ V/N V ' L y \ ■ ! .___— - —— ~ — - ------ --- Bicycles at $40 Baby Carnages an $50, $00, $75, $8 5, $100 .1 *-.... - - Boys’ Wagon.- in I A- the Least Money ''Trl-T v a- : , ^ gest V'aiiGizs. T [ ‘ l s. IX IW ' i - Honest Values Back of Every Brice we Make. ,L : j r-1 -8': , V < j » Pt J J „ } L, '-c5 - CARRIAGES r\ THK BEST STYLES AND MAKES AT LOWES RICES “ n • ' -« : 7 ; —■ — v.), s- \. r-T \ ' x ! 1 ! m i! • 'SBOxmxui '>• vauu si??rrf L Macon, Ga. Write f Price: DEW DROP INN MU' S A Mil E (TI.W’MaN, Proprietress. Rates $1 a I)oy. “DEW DROP INN.” N J j\ A t \ x \ 7 T i—i j t i r\, J A V 7 \ 1 , A 1 . \l V \ 1 i J I J. LJ j LJ 1) 1 Y * v THE JEWELER. A ' ■ arts at' -c rf Pins. Ini'hik Se', and Pfiuu Itings. "id lint > i I v- r Du (tens. 1 :c>ti<• -’ Sldr' Wa'st Sets Bar Pi Go'd tided W Idles', .a r n * rj J.~* ' rs, 7 j..\V' - i- Kg j;, , r p '; j ni w mw -. f I c. 8-da' i e i ks. uak <'v wa cut fr in . .f2 AO. A I -ur >, e - l mn-.t —(i min r ,nis H ' .i '-. Maiule'ili-. > CC e- e F ted "i F.v ; \ ! o,!. v Ren d'i:.e a Specialty. p J - . V g J- r - rd < - . -rtit'f ; j - u-m’d c,.'*-. NS ' U t.NYKNlENT TO w- or • 0:4 U (iill it “ 'o i" ! ;u Oottuil l'icliv. v t.> V\ arehonses Free. DURHAM A CO bruises and cuts, and epet vfuliy rec omuiend it as the be-tretn<dy When o in I have ever tried. I Mississippi, where it is ♦ell known. kept hot lie m my office all the a of needm beo. time to use in ca*e Builer. Look and See. Why' ruin your eyes with a cheap . of glass' s when you eau got me pair KelJam & Moore » Grnund verv be t & Thrasher? Len a e- at Gardner yourselves ami let come and see for Ixellatn ng fit your eyes with a pair ol gold, & Moore’s Ground Lcn-es in We a nickle or alltmiinnm frame, are us equally as well equipped for now Reliant & Moore le 'A ing your eyes as 01 .. my one else. THRASHER. ' GARDNER & DRUGGISTS. rure B)ood is essential to good ita¬ i'housands :offer with pu ,. e hioid. Thousands who are afflicted could be cured by takidg Af- ricana the only positive remedy, ot Airicaua c ures Rheumatism long KSZ'SSZSffg^ standing. Africana cures Constipation, Hyphilis. Afrieana cures AL ieana cures Exzema. All ieana < uros Catarrh. Skin Afiiean i cur>- all Blood and ilifiras-.s. convince _ ot its . A trial will you merits. Sold by Ga iip!: - Kit A Thrasher- July 15th. ®4 ' - gAMS WE GIN CO TTON A r I $1 A BALE . '■ lip to 300 lbs., and ;:5c, per hundred ■ Elivator Takes Cotton From Wagon. No Lifting in Unloading. Drive to our door and we do rest. j. t. McLendon & sons. 1 S ^IIlkL^ 4 QVICKIiY SECUBEB d paters hnsiness Ti-iitlc-raarlta of and description Copyrights fw C ' ■* !, every 1^ rr . : y conducted at lowest rate?, P* ns introduced, emnpantes formed, and PAT- LB ON COMMISSION. 2d years’ experience, ~ . ^ iSrFl vL Solid us model, sketch or Photo. ^w\Anw T,aiK •: rAf-ire r 'n4n,'t n its Au.omu>. sale for you ivi»k list^l with-C ^ •A mplete little patent book sT* I Shetland ^tkLsoN _ "T: BodH u Keeping, --- Business, ®dueata PHONOGRAPHY, FOR A Situation. '£?£. V: — Type-Writing Teiegraphy s- ; I-.. X. 'C. : u 1 COPYRIGHT ED. Address WILBUR R. SMITH For circular LEXINCTON, i lainoos KY., c ms ar<1 responsible COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KY. UNIVERSITY Awarded at World', Exposition. WaiY,?'*/ of fpawtrs in position. ovnr.l" . • led d i r fL a L free if s WILBUR R SMITH LEXINGTON.Kv' the city barber shop. HAItt-DRESI;ING—a specialty. ^HAVING—quick and easy. fix shor RAZORS—put ni good on notice. cordial You will always receive a R. I). LAW, Proprietor. ashburn - Georgia. OFFICIAL ADVERTISING. -0-- SHERIFF’S SALE. Georgia - Worth County. W ill bo sohl before tho Court House iloor in the town of Isabella, Ga., on tho first legal Tuesday hours in October next. IKK. between the „f sale, to the highest b ilder for cash, the fol¬ lowing property to wit; Two hundred and ninct v-throo (Sft'ii acres of lot of land No, sixty- nine (8!)) iii the 7th district of Worth County, levied on as the property of John Stewart, to satisfy a tax ft fa for the year 1800, Sheriff. H. S. Story, Sept, 8, 1897, Notice of Application For Extension. To AIX WHOM Jfl MAY CONCERN: HaWKINSVILLE & FLORIDA SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPA¬ NY EXTENSION. KESOIA ED.- By the Board of Directors of iiawkinsville and Florida Southern Hail¬ way Company, in regular session lino convened, this Company will extend its of road anil railroad from the town of Pitta, its present inirthorn terminus, in the county of Wilcox, to the city of HawkinsviUc, in the county of Pulaski, a distance of about twenty-five miles from said town of Pitts, and tho line of road on such extension to run in a northerly direc¬ tion in an air lino as nearly as practicable Pitts to said city and convenient from said town of of Hawkinsviilo. Railroad and line of road ALSO to extend its from the town of W orth in the county of W orth to the town of Moultrie in the county ofCol- quitt, said extension being in a southerly direc¬ tum and along a route as nearly in an a'r line as practicable and convenient. The distance fromsaidtownof Worth tosaid townof Moul¬ trie being estimated at forty miles. Resolved Further,—T hat the President of this Company is hereby authorized and direc¬ ted to have these resolutions entered on the records of this Company; that he shall adver¬ tise the same inail the counties through which the said extensions will run, as required bv statute in such ease made and provided; of these and that he shall tile a certified copy reso¬ lutions and or the advertisements made toereof in the office of the Secretary of State, pay the lee required by law, and do whatever is nec¬ essary and proper in this behalf to carry into eifece the purpose und object of thesetosolu- tions. .Idoptcd this August 18th, 1897. i. George H. Purvis, Secretary of the Haw- insville tho and Florida of its Southern books, reeo'ds Railway and Compa¬ min¬ ny, keeper hereby that the utes. ip) certify complete copies res¬ of olutions are true, exact and Board the original resolutions adopted by the of Directors, and as they appear on the Min¬ utes and Records of said Company. of the Given under my hand and sea! corpo¬ ration, this ifitli day of August. 1 ; 97. GEORGE fl. IT RVIS, o-v-.u.) Secretary. COTTON WAREHOUSE. WAREHOUSE. .•.. Bars. W. 1.. Bass, THE OLD RELIABLE. Cotton Warehouse in Ashbnrn is Open for the Trade, and We Solicit Your Patronage. We Guarantee Prompt, and Honest Service. Nu Charges for Dr Bring us your Cotton, BAS.S BROS. TIFTON & NORTII-KASTERN RAILROAD. 'l-BDI ! S’ C LOW RolirE.” LO 'AL TIME TABLE NO 4. tr. M Trt'T, | General Office, I W. O- TITT, Pivsidont, ! II' 'i'O.V, III, | i ice Presid’V. nr,7 uo3 no!| Effective no Jinof no8 pmlpmjaro, 1899 a m pm 15,7 pm. 1> V (HI 100:7 rn. -. • 1*00 7 4 K 4 18:7 « . .Brighton .... il 45 7 00 7 00 . 51 480 423 7 r>4: ...,f Hariling.....11315 fi51 6 4 4oq 43 s It;., f Pinetta...... 1116 IS 31 0 31 1 45 4 48 8 81 ........Mystic .... U W 685 634 4 o8(.i 10 s 43: ... .f Fiefelier...... 10MK613 013 5 10 515 9 'Ol ..Fitzgerald . ..'10 45.8 00 15 00 . . . Tratns vos. i, 2, 3 and 4 run daily, except Sunday. Nos. 7 and 8 Sundays only. Tains run cn signal (IT Flag station, Trains stop only on All Trains maka connection with Plant Sys¬ tem and Georgia Southern & Florida at Tifton and Georgia & A labama at Fitzgerald. F. G, BOATRIGHT, Traffic Manager, LIVERYfeed AND SALu H STABLS ) n ?>. s l T.v.r .VH - ::x m .v ■ -a- m \ AT •: T % - ■ ■ : v NEW VEHICLES, FAST ^ r >n-:-s, CAREFUL DRIVERS ' XL ATTENTION GIVEN - DRUMMEHS. " ' ! " ! -I^ON,lr '• s '’ rr - f ! K °" GIA - f v •9 sraa U3 5s® :■} Liza V- u - 7. eWJflE '•■•res n ; t io vr’aat it was . , s-A':, sure, quiets take, xh ganS to IL c i r.aults like r '-heir children. ' Truitt & CO >., maker* of • ... Li..'.-: Iviu&rSa * Uiu Jaa.vM