The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, October 01, 1897, Image 4

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A Pointer From Part*. PaH* ha* jllNt established a scheme prhich is such ft boon and meant of •SS-SShS £ nf tho laboratory whmh undertake. the punishment of the o < n.h r »i h- ehL? 7 lliwaC Iieavv fine at well as imprisonment * * I. | , , j 1 lo dTsplay conapLioUHly , Md wipUcardtmib.g"^"^!!!* lulultetution ” \*-w “Con* York ' ’ __ Tribune. Candy for Klondyke. In Portland, Oiegon, a publiceehool teacher has caught the Klondyke 7 lever, lint by the advice of an 0 1<1 “forty-niner" she i« taking rather an unuanal supply. He advises her to take np a load of candies, cigars and nuts, rather than to try any other way of making money or a living there He recalls the vi.i of a woman with ■nch a cargo to a ( allf-'ima camp, and says that she cleared *1,000 between Saturday and Monday. Ylm< Tprrlblfl f*pourjffi. by MAtarinl fUslurlmiH dipwiMi »if i* tin* invariably liver* tho Htipplomented doyvfIh, the 0 removal of ntnront'h ftml tho niTvi-H. To tho both tho t'inJHO it ml iit olTovt-t Iio#t«'tt«‘T*s t*t4imfi(’h Hittoro i > fully »uh'«jtmt<u It tho Iqk hill" work no thoroughly. <»thor ruinotiy InffruiuentH dong, jH*rform- itn adiuTralily nro I- rr ntifl \vIinh*Koiu<\ and ft serves build m>n syst-'-n i-rokcn t-y 111 initltli -in-l kidney shorn , f Vin-hatJi. < ..i,sti|»-lion, llv.-r and «.unplaintmi l m-rveusnes* are eon- .......... . Ton toriH of fli/unomlM have been mined In fcouth Afrioa tho laat filxUwn years. A I’todc Poflui.| EE-M. Mcfliofited Hinokln# Tobaoco And CijfurotU^ Art* fthwolulo romodiow Cdtarrh, Hay Fovor, Asthma and Holds; Hoxidos ii delightful Rfiioko. Fndlep hh well as men, ijho Uiomo /foods. No opium or other harmful drug Frtod in their manufa- ture. EE-M. is lined and recommended. By some of the best citizens i>f this country. If your dealer does not keep KfvM. Send l.'kt. for package of tobacco And <V. for vaokngo o! ci/^arotten, Direct to the EE-M. Company* Atlanta, (ift.. And you will reeelve good d by nmU. • too I:,.,.-,Hioo. learn*that able to In nil enwe that rti'Sem-t* has 1 h'(’u run* StSSSS? imlly, directly hloo<l im linn upon tin* and mu- ttOUH lna t.t,i*'foundnUnn'itf'1 l-Vi-V.'.'jni.'i' th,. patient MirvT-tftii hy imit-iinK up tin- ■ m- p ?' v< ‘ rH Ull,t >*'»«- 8cmi forltst a, w,-."'’*'””*■ F. J. ('lit sky A Co., Toledo, O. Sold by PniiftriNtN. 75c. Hail’s Family IMHs are the bust. lrufTHctod with sore ey.<« use l>r. Isarti'Ttminp- eou’s Kye-wator. l)iuiral*tsscll«l,ai( .(K-rlniUle. A pun of water stood In a hot oven will ro¬ ll line the bent. USE YOUR REASON And Profit by the I'xperieno* of Other j. People. There ore thousands of people who have boon enreil of nervous trouble, scrofula eon's, rheumatism, dyspepsia, catarrh and ether dlaenses by purifying their blood With Hood’s Sarsaparilla, This great medicine will do tho same good work for you If you will give It the opportunity. It wttt tone up your system, create an ap- ]>etttn and give sweet, refreshing sleep. Hood’s Pills are I he er XCXMfc , w Illi Hood r ., 0 .. . c ' w lfrurc *’ 1 Charli CharUe Chan, ri a Chinese euno i“S».tWarwhMriffi^to^oh‘ xnain, miiin inn, w nose aoitity to son, aSSwr, £ ££%?« 5 as •ware he was counting edited he had the correct result. This the pur -chasers to ask questions about the mode of calculation and to vivo Chan sum* to do. The party found that the merchant from the Orient had marvel- ous talent in handling figures Col- lege professors were told of the prod igr. and to satisfy themselves w ent to his shop to put him to n test l’rob- lems, poluteroiia and intricate, were given to him, but he proved equal to them all and diajdayed n dexterity in handling his beads and an accuracy iu computation that caused the proles- Bora to pronounce him a wonder. Chang is regarded as the wealthiest Chinaman in Colorado, aud is a suc¬ cessful business man of thirty five years of age. He proudly traces his ancestry back for 2,000 years. His musical talent i* also remarkable. Bt. Louis Globe-Democrat. hallT Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER doc* for the hair just what its name *#y» <* does—it rrnrws it. Fading, falling, thin locks wo arv stimulated te look fresh and new by in use t nature ™ K, a docs the rest. SEND 10 CENTS FOR ONE OF GARDNER'S \ Lamp Guaranteed ChimoeT Proteclors. I tieing broli-ii to prevent hy the cliiiuuey* from flames. ’ Agent* wanted. Addles* (iARIlNKK I \>l I CUMIN FT I’KOTKCTOK CO., Atlanta. Ga. CHRONIC DISEASES ol all Joi nts SCCCESSFUH.Y TREATED, W^um».l«»^ r, .rai«^ im.m- h nn. i’a),.iu u CATARRH Of lbs Tirnuu «ud lamp, pi»i!*Kk**’itn’ l-euonrrUa* to wiiMKv. IVrilc I lorruthms. cW. for lanni.hlct. toeumonlsl, and guesuon blank |)K. S. T. HHITAKKK.NiHs’ldltl. N'oreroa* Building, Allanta. (it. MENTION THIS PAPER towrluueb<«»lv>>r User*. Asi'Ur-39 I (* iHlIllLfl HKMI’K ItILLU Ml I Hlli IHU Hi I flllllL Kill I I smmi the joe nr an* - Hu»#r First ir*ed * ahot«<m and Wound - VP »‘s ................ • Revolver. . Particulars have been received of lhe Hl “" gbtor of fl mother ,u " 1 )ier " ix children which occurred at the home j of John Boeck*r, a farmer living eight miles northwest of Carroll. Iowa, Hun- day night. -Iced, After accomplishing the awful : the fiendish or demented huaband .tied, and father, at whose bands they by sending completed his bloody ow/head, work a bullet into bis inflicting a fatal wound. The family was prosperous, and as sr as known lived happily. No mo- tivc for he tragedy has been disclosed Roecker’s victims are bis wife and these children: Caroline, aged four- teen; Christine, aged nine; Henry, age,l eight; Lizzm, aged six; John, nged three, ami nil infant. All are dead but Henry, and he can not recover from bis wounds. | Boecker had an engagement to help a neighbor • , , thresh , wheat . , Monday - r , _ morn,ng ’ n,u OD L, " riot f’l 1 * 1 »« « ““ appearance, Ins . brother, Henry, who |i V 0H about twentv rods away, went ' ftb0Ut , 9 ° , ’ lo, ‘ k " ee ' Vhy . ,1C , ,,,,, ,• , m,t , come. -p, The n doors I _■ of tl.e H10 Boecker Hoeckcr bouse house of"life ll about aU< Henry 6 tTie-1 response^ to' gefi'n the house Im’kieked hilt in.-f no ,hJ ’came and tin ally in the and upou 'a horrible scene Boecker with his wife artel batty, ulept in a buck room, and tlio three corpnea lay on a bod. The wife had been shot in the neck with a shotgun which be^shot stood in aid the comer Thehabvlmd its l,, ,,,! crushed « itb th„ butt of a re- volver. The man, ntill breathing, hail a bul¬ let hole in the forehead* and by bin nide wan a Smith & Weneon Hix-ahooter with two chambers empty. Boecker home is „ story-and-a- half frame hoiiRft, and iii>RlnirH Henry sL'st to. | In flto Caroline, Christine and John were dead, each with a bullet hole ill the forehead. The was undoubtedly a ease of murder and suicide. The indicn- timm are that Boecker first, dispatch- ed his wife with a shotgun, then used the revolver then on the baby, first brains shoot- mg " am knocking out its "'l. Boecker 1 ‘f "!,** ben went . upstairs , . where , he five children were sleeping and lulled them. He must bare used a light, for Ills aim was effective, each victim being shot in the forehead. i uni reloaded the weapon n u e iipstaus ami evidently sent the - on- ”* into the oldest girls irani jns or *' leaving the room.. Going downstairs he stretched him- ST His right , hand ** vns , . ,mw r r ’ 8h0WU,g the * rapnl •no use of the , revolver. _ FOUGHT THREE UROTHERS. ........... ...... . .. • W “ A s fow f days i ago James , M. Summers and James W. Murdock, substantial farmers of Union county, S. U. t had a verely J? beaten. 7 Whi0h 8u,umtfr8 " nB B °- a --- ass* ...... s ALISHl’RY IHH NOT WITHDRAW -- : - Am . , * Kw*'* w 11 '' win Take r»r* in Behrins «ea Oonferenee. The announcement was made at London Monday afternoon confirming ,bo ‘Hapatehen of the Associated Press t,f Saturday last, that the Marquis of Salisbury has not withdrawn from the Behring Hea conference. PENNANT MELTING AWAY •.■«><« the Krai while liuUunKnlilv Cham- pt««» of the Diamond. There was no joy in Baltimore Monday night. Boston took the rnb- her iu tho oruoial hiisohiill sorios, put- tmg her ahead in the fight for the pennant, and there seems to be but little probability that the Champion* can save it. Baltimore's prize pitcher* all went down like ripe grain in a hurricane Aos- baton the terrific .onslaught of ton's batter*, until what seemed at first a victory for the home team W«s turned into a rout, the like of which lias been seldom witnessed on tbe ball field, and more than 25,000 people saw it done. GOV. ELLER HE TAKES ACTION. ■ *•*.• t*roolam«(lou Whirl, WI|.o« Out lhe Conatatiulary. A Columbia, S. C., special says: Home rule has been restored to the cities and towns of South Carolina, the alien police haw been removed from Charleston ami the head of every & ‘ n Proclamations were issued announc¬ ing that the edict waste take effect on Oct. 1. * HENRY GEORGE NOMINAT1D Bjr rnlttHl I»«<m«H*r»cy For Minor of C*rc»t«*r New York. The most important development in the Greater New York political situa- tion Monday was the unanimous nom- iu ., iou of Henry George for mayor by the United Democracy, composed of numerous free silver and Bryan clubs which were active iu the campaign of i , * 11 ' Ml George polled .. . oulr f.8,000 votes n* a labor candidate for mayor of New t < rk. His strength, if he should ar oept. would be drawn principally from the democratic vote. BliOODY RIOT AMONG POLES. - TWrty . s |, Men Were Wounded, Nine of ... - Thirty-six men are known to have i„, en funded and about fifty more are being secreted by their friends, who fear they will be sent to jail. Twenty-two of the rinffleaderH were ?,7‘ tcnt^^kilhToUebr^kTng 8<1 ’cfT ?"!*£" "« T VhZ and r.ot- mg and were held in heavy bail for court. Many more warrants have One i™*, physician . attended . . to twenty- , of the wounded, nine of whom he says will dm. Two other doctors at- ^‘ded to fourteen others and there 1 supposed to be other wound-d ra «n not yet accounted for Heveral hundred Polanders board at * 1 ‘ • l . ™ hote te at at the f « east « end «-» of * ” 'J' . , , . J ^ « Vfme and SbSSla the recent stS them still more. Sunday night matters came charged, to a crises. Culai abbagc, it is , and his ‘ followers, to tbo number of wilhlnna,?OToivei?ln" vo! “SI t .mselves clubs, marched . , , to Cavendish’s r , hotel, where several celebJaling hundred of their ene- inies were pay day. The Cavendish men ascertained that , heir foM were raftrohi ,,, U)0I „ (1 « r '" i »K themselves awaited their ar- I After a demonstrative march .Culaeabbage contingent arrived an-l immediately stormed the saloon, Then a bloody battle ensiled. Tho men fought like demons, the shooting j was fast and furious—axes, knives, 1 ftml otllw ' " capons being used with deadly effect. ! The battle lasted almost an hour, i "hen the Cnlacabbage gang was rout- ed, leaving their wounded behind. Everything in the house was smash- o.l and the floors were strewn with wounded men. The walls were bo- spattored with blood ami shreds of ! human flesh. After the routed rioters had rc- S 2 j hmth and mare)led to their enemies W'!fi4V 1 PM..ffUftro«batt.lesUllblo0d- Tho police force and the constables of the surrounding region were called , i *° Hie scene, but were unable to cope with the rioting horde, who continued I ho ^ lit j« R "" til morning The toinnpeople watched the pro- j 0 the «« ht f u >' n ^ ‘'j e 1,n ‘ '‘iade no attempt to interfere. A . DIY l, iy it,vi, IJ)EI> YERDKT. vii(i,u«r ; ) »heott nB of Minors - liociaro.i Murder By Majority of Coroner’* .lury. ■ The coroner’s jury which investiga- ted the death of the striking miners at Lattimer met again Monday evening in Deputy Coroner Cowan’s office, and j after an hour’s deliberation rendered the / 0 H 0wiuK verdict: “That from the circumstances of the C nso and the evidence offered, the said IMatook and others came to their deaths by gunshot wounds on i Heptember K), 1807, at the hands of j Sheriff James Marti,, and his deputies, “"“im we7hi u’ ,V J J B ^ ;vb ^ ’n lh° ! 1 ,naH ,TT mi Thomft», Burton Freaa aud Peter Me- Kiorman, of this jury, do further sav that the said ........... Plato,-k. with othm ' '"arching peaceably and unarmed on the public highway; ste that saw ing was wanton aud unjustifiable> but- we George Mane and F. J. „‘T And we, the , jury, . ur - v * do further ^"‘’"r. say, that there w as such strong suspicion of unlawful violence at the hands of person or persons unknow n to the jury as *° IIlak »* this iuquest necessary. ’’ The residences of many citizens " ere damaged and several outsiders were wounded. INDIANS HAVE GOLD MINE. CUtckrtMkw* CU\m To llfivo Veins Tlint Unit KloiitHke. The ChiekftvMaw legislature, now in session at Tishomingo, l.T .has passed sn act placing a royalty on all cold that is hereafter mined in the Chicka- This act was brought about by In¬ dian citizens who live near Purcell, in the Chickasaw nation, taking out Mllll- pies of are. Some of the Chicka¬ saw s who have investigated the mat¬ ter are under the belief that Klondike is a small, insignificant gold field ooni- pared with the one just discovered near Purcell. SPANISH S(Jl ADHON MOVES. Ooe» to Cub* In Onler to He Veer Amer- Iffin Hont«, ix-iss that fearful Spanish squadron a Ssssjs will ix a —- '”' uu - LABOR MEN CONFER. \ftriouc Organlsatlom lU'im'AcnttHl In Chicago Meeting. Alvout *2iH) representatives of the various labor organizations of the country were present in Chicago Mou- day to attend the national lalwr con- ferenct' called bv the St. Louis labor convention. President K. V. lVl>s u a* called to the platform and explained the objects of the conference. He appealed to the epreseutatires of at! labor orgumzu- ions to work together toward* the . amelioration of the present condition DENOUNCED LATTIMEB SHOOTING. Executive Council of Federation of Eaber Pass Resolution*. - -£» a-ssL.... of Sheriff Martin and his deputies marching at Lattimer in shooting on the miners then on strike, was a brutal and unprovoked massacre, inspired by tho coal operator*? of that section to better* findiS" 1 " °* ^ ““ ^ “Resolved, That ever ready use in late years in court injunctions, armed force and state militia in timesof labor l^an program ' to entirely snbiuiatf oibjugatc the the of America for the most de- has ng degradat on. Bo*o ed ! I hat Vnive - Xst T attimer thoTgh and ' 1g ^ lir * r : “ ^ help the , ft | of Labor to realize moneys for of the Sheriff legal prosecution I and conviction Mftptin an( , his murd<!roup minions, 1 even-handed lUt ,,f onr i and justice may be -lone to atone for these revolting murders.” Frank J. Walser, one of the federa- tion national organizers, was directed to proceed immediately to the Luzerne -listrict, Pennsylvania, toe the purpose ’ of helping in moro thoroughly organ- 1 izing miners and to endeavor to effect 1 an adjustment of the miners strike in that legion. determined that . It was measures in the interest of labor should be forma- luted and presented to President Me- Kjn ] ey with the view of his incorpor- ating them in his next message to con- gress. It was resolved that with the revival of industry, every effort.would be made to organize the workers in their tra-les unions and the organizers directed to work along this line. The members of the council were appointed to investigate certain differ- ences existing between their orgamza- lions and some of the employers of members of their unions with a view of making report and adjustment, Tho council adjourned in the after- noon subject to tho call of President | Oompers, having completed the busi- ness for which it was convened. NO WAR IMMINENT. Uncle Sum Has Not Threatened Hostilities Ajrainst Spain. • A special to tho New York Herald from London says: grams from Madrid alleged ultimatum and inevitability of war be¬ tween the United States and Spain, the witlT^di^tinguiSed American'.liph!- uiat who tho ,, not p e r80na Uyeon- erne, 1 in the American-Spanwh ne- gotiations, is in a position to know the exact state of affairs, but who for ob- vious reasons would not allow his name to bo mentioned. He said; “I cannot, of course, pledge in ad- vauec tlio government of tho United States, but so far as the present is concerned, such a step is not in con- templation. The United States has probably intimated through Minister Woodford triat the j-resent stato of affairs is most deplorable and that if we could be of any assistance in bring- mg such a condition of things to an end we should be glad to offer our -ntoes. But you may state absolutely that >'<> ultimatum has been sent to .Spain " _ hk; BREWERY r i IN 11 4SIIES Over »;too,ooo Lost by Fire in LaCroMo, wueon.m. The brew lionse of the John Ound Brewing Company’s *£.°k plant ter at LaCrosse, - destroyed. The total loss will exceed §,400,000, about half of which is cov- ered by insurance in various old-line companies. The plant will be rebuilt as soon as the debris can bo cleared away. The output of the brewery was 100,000 bar- rels a year, and it employed about 150 men. It was founded in 1858 and has been one of the leading institutions of the city since that time. GREEKS STILL BELLIGERENT. Hold a Mass MoCng aud Call Kor a . A 1 arge*imee*inwms ^ V i hehl *in -vinens. Athens "as adopted v u,u calling a " upon lu 1 King A' les(> George J ntlon *"‘l. the rnlber tb » an **»«* accept the the war terms wffh air 6 ei1 7 the Pt ‘ a ° e e0nfer ' Most of the addresses were bellicose one speaker making a violent attack upon the king aud Crown Prince Con- stantine. The police endeavored to arrest him, but he escaped with the as- sistance of the crowd. The most influential section of the press continues peaceful in tone. ••ORIGINAL PACKAGE*’ FATAL. AlloKdl BoDniied VVlilsk.-y Kill* Two Sonlli Corolinlan*. ?.“E; Friday. 55 SSs- nSss A'Zu simultaneously Saturday. The liquor is believed to have peen P poisoned a nd will be analyze d. VFSTR1A AS PEACEMAKER. *•*«■ W *U Mesllate In the Trouble Between >pa ‘" l n ' t * d A . .. to tlie London Standard {ro . Madrid ’Y 0 , ™ says: "the rumor of Austrian mediation Spain and the United States ia 'he eveut of hostilities has created a srr, ’* t s » r P r «*. m»ugled with much in- ° ." ?' ‘ 1 f' , ' x : ?- > . con’d do unless failed seconded to sec u * v “‘ ,H ." ver * or " le * M Ly the com- t more yellow FEVER NEWS. anrl Sunday’s nrcord in Three Saturday Platue-Strlcken mWMs sE£= 3 S ESyMJaSs cases had proved fatal danngjh^ Several cases we 1 critical condition. recorded on the Frf een ® d f health Sunday, books , 0 o '• ,* ^AlShThere were'six new cases h ‘ in the without any , „: t _ xho l” be infected mosS, e In it8el f in the dutru H rict * the houses where jheroU J . Jj • , been rnsel . It is a J)crsoa has yet died of the yellow ^ fever who would not in have been carried off bv nularia The sick have recovered wdthremarkablo rapidity, attacks most that of it them has havingsuch light the symptoms | been with difficulty that of yellow have been recognized health The returns at the board of ..cj,.,. Sunday for the twenty-four hours ending at noon, showed five new cases and one death, with two patients discharged. board of health 1 eported , The Biloxi 1 Saturday as follows; ‘ Tota cases o yellow fever to -late, 60, now unde treatment, 46; new cases, 10, tota deaths to date, 4.” . The condition of affairs at Biloxi a, Sunday 1H .i„ v was was enniifceu changed very »liv little. Ten new cases were reported, and tho sick, with few exceptions were doing well There were two deaths a '' a V‘, from yellow fever Saturday. Total cases for the day, 10; total to date. 140; deaths to date 6. Edwards’ sick a rapid growth. LwentytLiee day. cases and one death was the 1 record. A few more strides and the fever will have stricken the entne town. received from | Information has been Stonewall, Miss., that the Morgan family at that place are down with a suspicious fever, pronounced dengue by the local physicians, but generally believed to be genuine yellou lever. GERMANY IS FOR SPAIN. ffor Support Assured in Case of War With the United States. Advices from Berlin, Germany, state that the reported American ultimatum to Spain has been received with pro- nounc ed displeasure by the entire Ger- ----- rri.» „ck„ v j.„;„i t ___ Washington is generally disbelieved, aud the denunciation of jingoism, yan- kee insolence and the ridiculing of the Monroe doctrine have filled the news- papers. The conservative press, as usual, is the most violent in denoun¬ cing American aspirations. The Htaats Zeitung, a leading or¬ gan, says: “A coalition of all tho European coun¬ tries is absolutely necessary to repulse the schemes of American patriotism and jingo- ism, as Doth are becoming moro and more insolent." The same newspaper claims that Spain has been assured of Germany’s support in event of the United States taking hostile steps. AILK ' F,> lv " H,TKrA „ ITCriI)I)rDe I Pf.RS I REE. Aft „ ^ ,. (>tnc ^ A Columbia, S C special savs- The jury on the case of the citizens of charged F »^ with »•*•« white-capping Kershaw counties, Mormon p }.i prH flftpr } - ntr . hours, i^nld sent for the a5ee judge and said that they not Judge Benet onlered them back in : SH their room to "trv »™in ” D - , fSira The elders sav they wilf continue their work. lice Coinage Not Wanted, The Journal des Debats (Paris) con- tains an article from the pen of Nr. Pierre Paul Leroy-Beaulieu protesting against the proposal of the free coinage in theFreneh mints, which,he declares, would credit and “compromise political the commerce,’ France.’’’ power of RAILROAD SUPERINTENDENTS. ° W ~” ^XasT^', 0 "” The ^ m « ric “ f ociet v of T-ailroad Superintendents s . - elected the following officers at their meeting S in Nashville >aSbviSle Thursday: > Preside3t> c . B Priee of Dunn’ P a .; first vice ly.; president, second Seely rtS ^esb Russellville, B ^mug, N. t.; dT^’t V*' V faSUrer Hamn .^ L R ond * M Asbu! Snlly, T * ’ ’ I u S|,i'.executive f committee, A H- s.nnh, Y^ngstown, O. Various topics were discussed and the associa- tion adjourned until the next annual meeting. REPUBLICANS NAME TRACY To Make the Bare for Mayor of Greater ^y ouuty held a secret conference ‘ ,c "P qW 2E“ P"J? ,» the coming ^ <fc,, wn ’ The re soh,tlon . " ^en intro- daced. , wa s passed , unanimou sly. TWO LOST IN FIRE Village of Bainbrld ge, O., Almost XTI a Out of Existence. pe A special dispatch 1 from ° tt Cbni; Chl!hc c-tHe, « 0., savs: “Jku entire son«r» *h noJt T? Bainbridge. containing -L ° f the business houses , t , residences aud the Metho Ug was entirely destroyed dav afternoon, and two lires'in buS i„ men lost their ‘ * e s S The Lloyds Lo “ d °" thority fortius. p la E,, dev iee has hung by machinery. ^^//eservoir paper is a rod upon " M ith a placed, and a ra ^ engag6 the feeder placed of the • l ,a P .rh e eru l of wrong side ’ bottom of the paper » started up the •—'-.^sssfy® wall, reached, the operator pulls a the - ron. which cuts the paper oS from neglect is suicide. TX7nv^a ’F’roni Mr Mr « PinlLham^^Cor^o^or^ Ought to Bring Suffering 6 ^ by Mrs. Chart* . ft Duwnoiro^Ttot^ to Thoir Senses. if were drowning . and and fri ^Ty hands icido j shoved a plank to you, and * you would be . they about their refused it, you S“Wr-P^f are doing if go hots* almost Yet that dead to.^1 wtlkmisery, ye ^ tQ gQ day after d f“ndWo„tt„t, day with that duil, ( stant pain in the region of the womb and th* 'bloating heat and tenderness of the abdomen \J\ ■ which make the weight ofyour clothe, „ 1 M almost intolerable burden to you. Itisiw //i natural to suffer so in merely emptying tk T't bladder. tell Does you not that ■that there special is mflammaho. form of« somewhere? ^at ■ »t inflammation I tell you of the is^ wombl 11 is tumor will seti, Kit on, polypus, or or cancer goes the of Lydia E. Pmkhams Vegetati, ^ Commence use - Compound. Thousands of women in bowels open with Mrs. Pmkhams Liver Pilh bc ° n ® u ^ .. ‘ Keep your write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., st at and if y v nt further advice, stands ready and w dhuff to gno ing *r y vour symptoms-she has given the helping hand to tliousani the very ghe % i ived miles away from a physi just likeyorirseN.mj^ oi hom suffering Compound has curcd , cian. Her mane n It can DC found iouna at at any any yt niany thousands of women. | rentable !4 ^' !I " dn,^^ , store ^ in pain ^ day winter and $j£ . i Hill ' Somerville, Mass. >r nss savs sajs. - ‘‘I 1 was was p^ ^ ^ , j oul(1 , n ight; my doctor no^^^ j took Lydia Pink . not seem - d I had inflammation of S^womb 1 bearing-^own oun whites pain, and the very the worn , intense that I could not sleep at badly. y h°P 1 *'p pi i-ham's Vegetable Compound for eight montlil night. I loo J'. _ 1 - J - n morphine pills for pain; tin rig 1 that I took my and am now a. ^ relief was only momentary and the effect vile, was a m so a grea thankful mis to a ^ - re ii e vea of my sufferings, the for good the pains Mrs. I Pinkham's had were som, thing terrible. lam, indeed, very Yery grateful gra for remi dies have done me. Gr>T THE GENUINE ARTICLE! Walter Baker & Co.’s a^iTw Breakfast COCOA Pure, Delicious, Nutritious. . ill costs Less than ONH CENT a cup. ii Be sure that the package bears our Trade-Mark. m Waller Baker & Co. Limited, (Esiablished 1780.) Dorchester, Mass# Trade-Mark. SOUTH CAROLINA LADIES DON’T LIE. 7&s4. Oh 'Sztrtvtiw/' Inman, used hr. S. M. C., says: I have mA A. Simmons -&S& I.ivor Medicine for years, with tho best of re¬ m ^ st suits for Sleepiessuess, t Nervousness, Indigcs- P/ t ‘ on a! ‘d Swollen boot. C 1 It cured complication Miss S. Hammett . ol a of dls- eases-ske'saysit lifc^’llhink 5 'VtWceU savert her * FalliM 9 uteie oTth^Utemh dWcment T hc cascs ot are - “tense alfu wm^spread cause Ba symptoms of ye bcaTiDg-down fnKriag? dragging eensatious, weakness or pam cr in tbo back. tb?stomach. l4a{m“ S< Tt mEv E g re6ult 8 S tromtoo P thai tre t qnentchi ld weariag general debility. ««n fc , a u« “ssg « a ofU Walballa, S. C„ writes-. I have used Dr. M. A. Sim. mons Diver Medicine laL more than 39 years, for Tor- W/ Phi I take Diver dose and Dizziness. I a every two weeks and feci all right I Ik know it is far Superior to a»“Zeilin’s Regulator," ia my fcjcase. depend* Womanhood. 1 upon &? jCSufM. Squaw^ViSS J^takc, froe^from s *mmo ^^ n « entirety harmless 01 7 asS th^rerusnnrt Simpossib ‘« ,or wcak —^ Liy " b^^ii i ‘Success ^ Uotton...... Seed Hiiiiar and Separator. Newly ew ^v. tkrir p “Sfe' 1 ' r *' DRUNK^ « ■■ M ** »% 3 ^ ^^ ™iw. reeuid fr« DfSSEDT KvOcR | C fc. I LEE, t-f- n»e soldier, citizen ami Christian hero. A raw Ft BU-HING CO., 11 »ad Maia Sts., Richmond,Y« THE GEORGIA ^ (RU- 5S* scr-ice Only exclusive Te’er-aDi *'Sd Scclh - Est r p^da«^ a c; h, a d d , red 1 St!c - tm-j TaeoRAPH D D. & 0 O S Busin..- r n n'ulr K ^ l »'«111 on ad * r A Red Handed Murderer. Tetterine kills the germs and of Totter, other skin 1W Salt-Hheum, Most of Ringworm these aro caused by the 0 ea«es. anamalculae, Tetteii ea enco of infinitesimal and stops the aaonial liuirdors them at. once heals the skin, ? itch, then stores, it soothes by mail and for BO cents in staaj drug or Ua. j, T. Shuptriue, Savannah, The New York woman who killed ft burn in Kngland ive her was not properly tested for coj age. ti a mouse. Fits permanently cured. No (Its or nerv™, ness after ttret day’s use of Ur. Kline’s (is, Norve Restorer. $3 trial bottle and treatiset,j Uh. K. II- Kline, Ltd., 831 Arch St., Phlla, ft ff ttm8p0 ^ Pa., Nov. 3 * W 93. m OVES 5|P n ' V i-. N ^ ...j V TASTELESS CHILL TONIC IS JUST ASCOOSN FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts, Paris Medicine Co.,st .’^ K ' M bou Bought three Eross already ftiis rear, in all oarer perience perience of Of 14 Ii years, VPnra in in "the tVm drug df.i.rr business. Knai nnoa b»Td hsTll never soid nn article that gave such universal saus* Jaction aa your Tonic. Yours truly, ABNEY. CARR &C0> 10.17 G. WISHING.. ..MACHINE MW GREATEST IMPROVEMENT YEARS. rA in WASHERS in 20 %, PENDULUM 8 #re« SO per rent, of m L ^ Can hf operated stan'J* >° @V %. in K °r sitting. more -vrork thW ’WWk. * rocking a cradle* m NO BAGS- AC5I with thl* A ; r fsl C* !■ If in deilf" yff® r WS |wl rlart •i * dan* m gg£B (hr*) •"Bj ® TFT nn*i writ* 1* u n» WV nnr *' ». H holeMl* _ H.. F. BRIMMER MFG. CO., Davenport, Iowa. ^SISP " „ ==^=^ OSBORNE'8 udtneddHSiMeat " ' Suite j*, Svus-s BuiMine. JY y | m GUHED AT HOKE; send surer ryt ____ Si' SttUiUng, B ' ciuclnawi habbis ’July. A 00, ;.'2'5"cw [e. «r all else fails:"” ^ i*3Vr--- WPTJON *25‘Jcfi‘s.