The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, October 08, 1897, Image 2

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The Irwin County Site Question, While at Fitzgerald last week Yc Editor-took particular pains to make inquiries among tat bus the'tru^situat ion as to the county site removal question. said by the Fit/.- Very little is 4 /erald people on the removal Section. They f«oI that they are iu the hands of the farmers, and that the farmers are their friends, and they live no fears as to their decidinHhis matter right. whose Like Commissoner Henderson, glowing h eulogy h of the city and v. , . - ** 4 y ; . l s peop e, i? icprm «. the ad- 1 'age, the farmers realize , vantages of having a good town in the couutv, and assurances react, then, ev’erv day that all is j/.t'.re'tue FiU^'raMiie. Sycamore ,1m, the farmers near arc friendly toward them. advocates of . ,, Mtzgeral.i The abuse no mau relri.A or place, and in this Aght are relying eolely soldo on on 1 ho be merits of their case and the efforts of their farmer friends. The cry of hnrh taxes is being effectuullv 8iienteu. silenceii The 1 tie farmers larm t. of it old itu Ir n win are a thinking lot of men, and thev know enough of their own laws to know that the colon- have absolutely nothing to say about the rate of tux levy. T„ a lew i. -ally ee.oo. mended by the grand jury, and Is fixed by the county com.nis- sioner The commissioner is e eaed by the grand jury, and %&£E3£.' *, m J*X ;“ns • • court, ,. I it te t s no, . a col- | .o on the grand jury 4-.tegtrild donate toward building a new court house; ,f more mom y ,s spent -than that sum for the building, the resjMinsibility will rt s’ entire¬ Commissioner Henderson. It nnist bo remembered that tlie majority of tlie business estabiisli ioeiits iu Fitzgerald than arc run throe bv Georgians. More fourths of the stores are own d aud run by natives. The North erners Lave a majority of the population of the city, it is true, but very few of them are iu the tuervaiitile business. We were very forcibly impressed with the Uiiauiiuous feeling umoiig r the business men ami citizens gen- erally as to the eonrtb tiou. It is a mistake to suppose that the "yankee-” are takiiiij 'the lead in this matter True, the (baintiaii of the committee^ Col. Ivynian. is a northern man. but nearly all the rest of the commit- tee, including the se retarjr and treasurer, are soukberiicrs. 'lbe fact is, there is no section*]- jsr^ in Fitzgerald. “Yankees" l 1 H i S SPACE IS RESERVED FOR f W A a PC O r\ A V Y* . • r\ i , and “Crackers" mix in business and politics and all pull together for the upbuilding of Irwin coun¬ ty. The law firm of Ryinan & Kennedy is composed of one northerner, Rymun and a south Kennedy. I hey have been in partnership since April h M, and have no idea of ever disa- S r ' e,M F- NS,l v * ’ a > > l ,u" i' - 1 owen, 1 mo, lurk, Cd.oney Bu.ce, Hams Goodman, M ' .f ; " hl '«>’ *,"<> l‘«* w * re *°' oe 0 ( »- ,r K mn ? Routing or Fitsger- 1 here is no north or south for these men, but they join hand, heart and purse ' with Hvman, W p , e|n| w e , c , Hayde, f ^ ltu|I<ler and otl er me .i of worther.i b.rtl. ,. ., . n. pulling ... for . any- •[''_'««*?' a “' 1 “ U - dice. » war closed , , thirty vcars ago," they say; “let ns for- re 8 uect each other’s rights, ,L but E et t“« !'««*• Bust .,7 fail «t the corn and cotton exposition, the ltl<Kvt sight witnessed was i 1 ' i’.... ' tt e ...... " cal J u , . . veterans of the mirth, while by their side marched ,| lt> ex-confederate \ soldier- " \t Z^t^! ,i,. „ . , etweenO. H euitallv v i 11 e 11 I A. veteran k.m, ........ h ,1 ....... , v • .. ’pj |0 r0 . ui ,. t of L’oiumis inter H , IUUile in the discharge 0 fhi- official duties ns an officer. a rejiorl pr-pared not as a cam- »> * — out loiis, truthful statement, tlie » M -i u f j „ ^ 0 f whioli was paid l lor , „ u ., t ol c0!intv fltl - how the Fitzgerald ^Aern .pi* are jJpl.. appreciated bv those wh.. know them (rK , Wo arivi-,> our Irwitt comity ruRtlers to Note for Fitzgortibl. Go ovor and -eo their people Don’t ami you will like them. let i few - you around by ili-.* iti -e. but -bx* ' the politi- ' a ' \ ,tr ‘ , tt \S' o t>f at- ltf « ting to yo ir ow n b t-ines.- and 1 Vl ,r ! ' ,i ’ - - * *' y • ir • * u'li*> i-,‘ in v,nir > n. and you will find tfi,* yankee voting ytuir tickets and helping-. ’ueoll residents io county and legislative offices. Iu : - - half of the *’ rri <>t ed i ,-ati.-n is compE-e I of s-n" em men, viz; 4’,*is. Way and Bui.b. Dm • i'■ ilk. and llev. Tnr- 5; ' r - F ev,ty treasurer is Fred Clark, a Sav.tnuah boy. Dr. Mil- ler. Justice Moore and Merchant Wudebat'd are aldermen :.nd all southerners. ittand by Fitzgerald; it will pnv every one of yon. Commissioner M. Hen- derson Praises FITZGEU.XTD AND ITS PEOI’LK. Says They Are Progressive, Kigfc-ioneb and Intelligent Citizens, That They Work Heartt, Ham! and Soul for the Up-building oi Irwin County. Extract* frx>m hia report to the grand Jury• “During the last twelye months ,ur »“»:> »•**.“ ...v •hanso.. I ho r. & N. L. railroad has been bui t ,l.r..u s h ,u, < co....,:,, with the * 11v 1 -1• >n <d .he (t. & A, rn lioad at the ci> ofFitzgera'd ™. ini' quite . . ..- d , will ... *s an acqmsrion, ai be of groat b uifb to our c 'un'v.and c-pccinUv th»t 8 cti-n through which it is located With the c-onios pTu or the Soldtei Cohmi out u white ‘ 1 I u at at on u, vims whub "as, up to a short ...... ag", oue con- tiitu-ms link of relation*!dp. is now 1 .... 1 ermiXc . ‘' " 11 1 :1 ' unmer of , t»cw iuliabitauts. am mr whom are '* »>*< <«*»*«** ,,0I|S ^ ul u au ^ * J <\<i\ im»* CH '« :l '» *‘te tr m the baiike: to the rw. ,,........ sl,OM Ml one »tar, founded aud c **> Flt ^ ll - '» w :ch :ir -‘ '» »**• tound w.-tl fi -d '• sob o!s, hole's, antnide •* 111 '* 'ei\ one -'f'T of ir.nle, unb 'T'" a (op ithitio , of 1.000 or .'.000 mhalnt.-uit-. :l ,d-.Pi : h v . Ax.......... >o t;KM tl.N All! K IS I :ik I’l Ul vvnytiK- TT UK 111 Vf li t- PM! t MI.Kll All X l. Tills »I ,SS OK PSOft.K W o. up ill s lim \ bttV" bn 1 ) mo poot*! t-i i‘tif too tmler, • \<Hq i tb.o e ,\itn,*t> U,w- •*' onr e »>ntrv. 1 Ht- v Li t UK MOx s . k t> - Tut r ac r riu . a vra s * nntnoKs * • rtt - i. *s- to tti it-itM . th - r »> i: *l XNT, xvi* nv hi lu O'xm'tT nit;y it xv- xx v thk rOxruiKNcit ''r ••fa * \ tin nt r: t;. M u\ ,*• lit, mi 1 t \ C on *ol,ti r*. lif-:,iN>'. - f In tu are pea-ioner- s .1 b !>” i . • ur loixl-t xa t am ’aio* of m >*t- y Hi *t 1 i ho l<- tsowr fout d I J* u ■t> S ,ii'h.. Tm> rv-ri *: xs .X Xl.xs< • I;s' in ti".; .? y r. ru «t 1.1 sstA . n* ^ ,,T AX »‘ “ Wu1 "'* K r,T, * ; " xt.T ’ 1 , ‘ l 4K - v:,> ’ 11 * r\i *xt J 4 x\ I >*::i»: t. * iu I. or pt.r* R x x-.i x Kt. v an. i XV * i; tvtvi ft x , l • ti-: inl *-> n» j in <i'q •' s n \m . n; akt in . itksk. i\ v t:\M- .-3tKx toat i , m s t,» the ! UUULliIN-. OK tie * .vu* NTT OP 111 Ft H * * xx w ixiks tv f*rn -c xnv — rTH.” M. 11KN DERSON t * >i f ' > « a t , • t . central cm carnival FIRST ANNUAL DISPLAY. Over Seventy-Five Magnifi¬ cent Floats in Line. Head End Collision Between Two Engines--Music by United States Marine Band From Wash¬ ington. D. C. The Central City Carnival Association of Macon, Ga., will hold its first annual Car¬ nival and Trades Display October 11th and 12th. Extensive preparations have been made, and no expense saved to make this occasion one of the grandest in the history of Macon. The merchants of Macon will <tve extra Iwncafns on both days. October lDth will l>e a half-holiday in order that ^^£-£5555,^ schools will close all day. Almost every Mayor and Council will hcari the proces- »ion, followed by a grand floral display. Marine The services of the United States Band of Washington, D. C., have been se- cured, and they will give a grand free concert the evening o!’October’ lUh. and lea.1 the procession October l3tb. which will wind up liauUful at Central City Park, one of the most n-rvellouL.HicUcle parks'in the of running South. where the two standard gauge engines together will be witnessed. There has never lieen an exhibition of this kind in this -ection be- fore, ami there is no likelihcssl of there being another. No man, woman or child can afford to mi-s it. It is confidently « start on a perfectly level track, and come together 850 yards from tlie spectators, 11th and 12th at one fare for the round fty (Ser wi^l! XF&lZ TvS trains rates. p.">d on date of tale only. For fur- »"™,'?,'yirss,T help city k !^rLS make this every one our sister grandest' to occasion one of the in the hi-torv ‘ ,f the 9ute The Aulvai-iGo A t I r :y MvuiU iE Ten (n ’fils. DROE INN MSI- SlLl X :l x PM AN. rrxpr-vtrxss. * R .res *1 a Day. • DEW DR >P INN. \ I KICANA will ct.-e Hen to* an l C-> un-th to Stay Cured. ©iwaaf. -A. OCL3.T* a. i 3 al 0 . CONVENIENT TO WAREHOUSES. Can Gin a Bale in SO Minutes. Cotton Delivered to Warehouses Free. DURHAM & CO lure Blood is o-scntial to g< od health. Ihou-ands suffer with ini- pure blood- Thousands who are afflicted could b^ cured 1 y taki' •• Al¬ " res 'fe Rhiumati-i ui on j, ' •&»»..... ^ Alricaiia cures Old .Sort'?. Africans cures Syphilis. Africans cor-'s Constipation Af’iesna < tires Exzeu.,i. Africans utres ( atarrli Af. i„u ■ cur ' ab Blood a.d Skin mVa-.-- A‘‘ : "> w „. ; -' ,1 ! C0,: Vmce y^u of its r,,s Soul in j m ’ ’ G.l nitEXKR A Tiirashek. toi'r,;u. 71 >ta■e Gazetter '-i DIWOT0H ' November l->. 7 1“ • h E1 ], I, V. — 0 — . A yo’utne f ” mon>->ran or ',, ;r '-*• l-w P'tges , ivi.oertuns' - ! er in; - to ( ' org a wfM he b s'" V. > •-*' pr-'Vgsioial t'ihh 0 U! 1 wi-lt i ,\P • >rtn ti :tr: ar. b t- c ji-sifioatH-Ds. Names ami mldns-t* taxable pr. pr rty, suttl am race <f al r-- s b'd facnier- in the •* , ta:*v F r o. iver r.t - ami sit’v ip- ti *tt p iev, aiRlr -s G. orgia Directory Oomparv, A. E. Fuel.-. Manager, Ati-.r.ta, G '. Idaou > Boo* Keeping, Business, FOR A fcn. PHONOGRAPHY, IfM-WritiiK T Situation. mm f k T-- «- _5° Pvg ' 3wy icr ^•WILBUR R. SMITH, I cvmr y wv WMWIt E 0 LL£ 6 E OF W. IMHBnT •Wet rV'V - ail fiulsnt rairw. tton. Boris sss r> t>r: !8 tsasUr. »N>at melding M, lot- > ‘ ' lWn« • K.-L-;i.--ylV- rtgl -.Sf-tvalt*. ~ i “ 1 *' Ltt-nrr < <-u-»efree, .... Rader if soil, Ssitmtiow : r --r j t lat.ifBr.-.Mfal. Srsired. i*» " ’ . • *. : U azi-c-s WILBUR R SVTH i:*. o%!» l rx'NCTON.Rv' SEE WHAT I SELL! 0- ARE YOTJ GOING TO BUILD OR REMODEL YOUR HOME? If 06,1 dan Reip y6ti,&01 fqfetYQ tfjG Largest Supply HM*i$e , w SouLth. of Macon. Ba ; e Mantels OILS BLINDS Lath Lumber LIME CEMENT Na ,1s Shinsles SASH MOULDINGS Tile- Fire Clay GLASS HARDWARE Lock- M ainse* tting BRICK VALLEY TIN Grates Turned Wm k ITiTY BALLUSTERS Binges Fire Olay Brick DOORS 1ERURA COTTA Newels Plastering Hair PAINTS PLASTER PARIS T x - v l -r—\, . gel , yY6ti Cafi GetE^Yefy- aG i\E)l> F 01 tiding Y6id Need t6 Luild 6r repair y6rir 'Receive ij6rqe Prompt at fryy yard. Orders Will Attention. Cordele , Ga. g. M. -K •AJ\ • Chairs Carpet* Rug- 04S Bureaus Dr Matting s-ers WWW? Mattresses Roll Desks Porlor Sets Side Boards Bed Springs tVa-h Stand- r. * Centre Tables Bedroom Sets Kitchen Safes Diuiii}- Tables Fi no H >t Racks Si jfY Bedstead- I > :r» 1 ii e Pictc —Srj yj- kill J " I p" "v t aal --1 \~r7T~lZr ' rv/T v * VUII i’lLiit C J itl'U f ,. fJ tn fi Ty BAV UU r C 0 U IHTC l Out 10, Caps - r ^______.. rj* rj „ . Cballio _-.l. J t*\ r-qv-jV,! C-J I luring W —»-!— 1 - 1 Bvoc-.tie fi Wv» Worsted V^T ^ , F:u Hf-i.riotta Silk X J ' V jL) It*.Vt mess L: skmere Gr eh-.ais J ' Y . tu : £$ :' p 1 1,1 •Tl'e.'.e Ti i. .u . *• i--,.u iots s-iotes a 1 ci Huts ■Sa'ii o Mtk L'.isier R ariv ui tde r-kirta ;V T : rt 8 ’’''*i 5n,, '* s ^ Bi-okrt- *•. ■> - *"»•■* CC'CC •* <x«,. a ! se ■ n ds o- Its t T - »,a Cl t .i •. , 1 \\ t 1 .* t* a kigdettVc. .1 ,.. _ — * ' wav of 1 irgd-tl.s. c.;i L-'t 1 t-l'i.Ce. JEFFREY ,v HO )B1N. OFFICIAL ADVERTISING. 0 SHERIFF’S SALE. Georgia -Worth County Will be sold before tue eourthonse door in the town of Isabella. Worth county, Oa,. w-itb- in the legal hoursof sale, on the :M Monday in October, is 1 .':, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property fo wit: Three head of cattle, one oale of cotton in seed. ISO bushels of corn, more or less. Levied on as the prop¬ erty of .1. K. D. Williams to satisfy a county court ti fa issued in favor of W. ]>. Gillis, H. ,S. StOiiV, Sheriff. Notico of Application For Extension. To ALL WHOM IT MAY C0H0EBNI UaWKINSVII 1.E vk FLORIDA SOUrilKKN RAILWAY COMPA- NY EXI'EaSIoN. KL>01A KD By the Boar.l of rin»ctors of the Kawkinsville an.l Florida Southern Haii- thatthist.oinpai,ywiil ^oinpany. in regular session convened. extend its lino of road am! railroad from the town of Pitts, its present D' rtbern terminus, in the county of Wilcox. to,he city ot HawkinsviUe. i„ ,he county »f P.iii-k. a distance of about twenty-five miles fr said town of Pitts, and the line of road ■ su h extension to run in a northerly dirtc- tion in an air line as nearly as practicable and mvt-nWnt .11 from aaid to* n of HtW toaaid eity s'u Ilex tend its Hai road and line of road from tie: town, f w erth In the county of Worth t., t*e ,own of Moultrie iu the county of Col- T.i iusai.extctis, n being inn southerly direc¬ tion :,n 1 along a route us nearly in au a>r line as p, i;ei!«,bic and convenient. The distance fr ■.-aid to .vi, i f Worth to said town of Moul* tr.o iv ne estimated at forty miles. tills lit -solved Kl'k rtiER.—Th ,t the President of telto Company is hereby authorlu-d and uiree- these iv-oluti.,n- entered oq the > r,n the r of this iua Company: 1 the th .t he shall a lver- >e saute , counties through which said extensions will tun, as required by the statute in >ueh .-use made and provided: anti that he -bail tiie a eertlfi -,1 copy of these i csso- luttonsand* f theadvertisemcntsiuadet ereof in the otfice of there it Tart of state pay the fee u-iu:re,l bylaw, and do whatever is ncc- e-sary and proper m this itehalf to carry it to effect th« purpose .,nd ebjeet of th sc,evolu¬ tions. adopted this August loth. PtC. I. George H. Purvi?. Sccrctaiy of the Haw- iusvilie an,! rlornla southern ttaitway x ompv- liy.ti.v do Knperul its btxths. reeo a- aud min* ait s, mis he,cbj certify i-at the forego-mg res" »h true, e> act and complete co|,i<( of t-i td n-o!utionsado tea t>y the Board <». Uliev , rs. an t t>-They appear on the Min* ■ !s - ,v t er said ■ v.mpany. . -. . * my h ,tid and seal of thccoipo" ui'.t-fi, ti,.- . hit -iay ■ f Angus,. 1 tihouiii; it. I'Uttvis .sE.xt.) fiirelary.