The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, October 15, 1897, Image 2

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    {1 few 90 Dentis-
El Oovo.noi Northern on the Inviu
Cotuitv Site. QttcBtii'u.
Kuitok- Fitzikka It Lkadeu:—
Whilst l have not been in position
to keep myself fully posted on
the details of the campaign now
in progress in your county for and
against the removal of the court-
bouse, 1 must confess to some stir
prise that there should be any
special opposition to the proposed
removal to Fitzgerald.
Tho publicbusiness of any com-
muuity should be discharged til
ways at. the convenience of the
greatest number of citizens. Toe
center of population, and not tho
geographical center of the county
therefore should determine the
location of county public build
ings. It this proposition is not
true, the people of any given
county would be subjected to
great inc. w«i hout ih
ieafit. possible public benefit thero-
from. ’ he view 1 am presenting
is especially true, when the con-
venicnco of travel from the more
sparsely settled sections are de
The contest, as i understand it,
is between lrwinville. the
county town, and Fitzgerald the
proposed business. location FitzgefaUl for the and county
country immediately contiguous,
and easily accessible, would be
far more 'convenient, for a large
majority of the people of the
county. lrw>it county is now on
tiwly traversed bv railroads lead
trausportat'ion ing directly to Fitzgerald while
to Irwinviilc would
involve the necessity for hack
lines i hat could not be expected
tone sufficient for the demands,
on public occasion , because the
bo-css occurring during the in-
tcrvi. 1 of r'T^ula v\v HpjtointoU
public days would not authorize
a proper outfit and regular eti-
gagetuents with the trains. Of
equal importance with the fact
jttst presented, it is no rejection
on the good people bf lrwinville
to say. that hotel aceoinmodat ions
for the entertainment of the peo-
pie attending' upon Fitzgerald public days,
are far better a* than
they can ever be made at Irwin-
ville. The people of the county
canuot afford to neglect this con-
fiideratjon as their a prime element in
determining choice between
kicatious. 1 am sure the citizens
of Irwin county Lave already
awakened to the fact that, there
is a great and unusual develop-
ment awaiting them in the near
future. The prime, if not the
sole factor in this remarkable op-
portunity has come interests through the
large and desirable built
iu aud about'. ne city of jt/ucr-
aid. Li my candi
toe publi-'-spint - l p.-n]ue of Ir
win cannot afford to deny to this
opening prosperity any condition
S i for :)0 .-oio.
Dress Goods. i Wm- M ly - n Dress Goods.
Double tic. Width Wooh n Dro. Ii •oih G'mnine Kentucky Jean-, all woo ' d
at yet. Xi' yd.
Double Width Woolen Dri s- G.xnt- P, autil'ul New J 'ji' t« rn - in Calicoes.
at 10c. yd. 0
I) o',' Width Woolen .>:«■ (; ,od«
at 12c. yd. i 'ashmen s. Bnllittntine Towels.
h &A / 77
25 yds. yard-wide Hioctin” foe tf 1 r? / II indketcliicfs. Collars. Cull's. Ties
tr. y ' . s— C> ots, Ladh's’ Ve-ts.
12 “ OiKid Bleachitia fhr ',<) r
Ctfll'B /
Lndtes* Seamless Bl»«k IIos„. K. ,7 m >1 eii’s Uitder.veaf.
k ..t ' ■\
CoJors.Oc. pr. t C:> Ha's, t.'ap:-' Children's Caps.
Men's Seamless Ilo:ivy Sox. .V pr. X' g'igro Shifts.
Ci! )' < ’!');
Package .So l... 5 cents. • w iiri >.iif , He. ,1).
Best Coffee, 74 lbs, $1.00. Sulphur 5c. lb.
White Wine Vinegar, 25c. gallon. Siniinon’s Liver Regulator. 15c.
Sterling Ball Potash l:t for $1.00. Meat.
Sugar, Sjiiee, Pepper, Hire, Grits. Lard.
2-lb Salmons. 10 cents hojt. FI our.
Best Oysters, !k\ box. 400 Bushels Tflxas i ’ust Proof Oats
Snuff. Tobaccos. just received.
Li’oekery and (gjlussware.
No Tariff on Tlais.
Plain and Decorated Plates, Cups and Saucers. Dinner Sols.
000 gallons Lard Jars, Churns, and Jugs just recci.-al.
Chamber sots. Bowls and Pitchers.
Large Size Lam}) Chimneys, 5 renls.
Small “ i k
Lamp Burners and Wicks.
Liunpf, Glass and Brass.
Tumblers and Goblets,
Kitchen Lamps.
Glass Oil Cans.
Of A. .< rrW :rr4 J&JO'D J Ki j.+ !' r •• •v» \ or:!
«***- J Swiiw TE*wfi -i e. : — a-J I j, J
Bit), i tippers, Cedar Buckets,
StlWW, Hatchel a I lea' iu-• Siovt
Files, Ilaminei-, Iron King Stove, ,
Tubs, Hisll pail):. Bed (thief!. in Axes,
Bol t s, Mill; pan-, Clark' Ka it! ulc \xe
locks. Stove pipe, : ;
Braces, Stove puns, Bradley !)r,awing Knives,
Screw!*, Sauce puns, Blackhawk Sausage Mills,
Hinges, Ax Handles, ()pen and Corn Slielicrs,
Augur-, Wash Basins, Table <’overed Buckets,
Brooms, ( Stoves, • • • ><] Pocket ('utlery,
•^3 CD ^9 - - FOR 90 CENTS. 10 Per Cent off.
H- r
that would advance the common
good. Wha; Imlps Fitzgerald
helps Inviu county, ami, indeed,
helps the Mute. I’lie people who
llHV<> l, nilt Fitzgerald Imve al
ready put into the c > mty more
Bmn one million dollars worth of
taxable property. II properly
encouraged and given f heir Hiaro
»IT ,H rtnnities. this huge sum
" 111 ute benefit. I cannot
believe the intelligent, of
tho county will vote away these
chances. W hi 1st the dev<‘|o)>ments
* !l '''win, brought about by tbo
V°’*d people at Fitzgerald, are tin-
" s "al in 1 lie history ot the Mate
*tnd, cortainly in the history of
*'onnty, they have, by no
means, reached their ultimatum,
Irw in county, the State of (Jour
f- !! ' n "d the South are now iuvit
in K desirable settlers upon our
la,, ‘ ,B - 1
u n >T f on »y ‘hui run
"hid, they can : qua,, but we
recognize ev«ry elemont of
good citizenship they bring with
them, and open up to Gient, with
«"t qualillcatiort or restriction,
conditions ,.f growth
ttU ‘ proper settlement that we
1 i,::ui &n l es ourselves.
^ ho question, stripped of all
""due consideration, is simply
^ Irwin n ' : county Shall the be public transacted, business of
!ift,, r at lrwinville, a small com-
, U‘ u ’ t v ' t^'Jif»•«!!>* located, with
limited Inde, accommodation-) and
!lW:, V from the line of rat.way, or
located at Fitzgerald,
11 !ai 'ge and thrifty city with
abundant hotel facilities, oasiiv
•Mwzible from all part* of the
county by rain and the center of
l r ' tlatiou:'
,'iun, • '•'* : t tuple '.usiness prop
^ mi tnuii f i o*.J t > i
business people, who should look
t<* the common good, and no: to
: '»V per.-on .. ;.t. term -nt or U t!
honors. If this is done. ! do not
see how a good citizen can host-
tale a moment in determining
his choice, 1 trust that. 1 will be
pardoned for thi- interference,
when it may be said 1 have no
local i:ito I do not believe
the p. c : • in Irwin county who
ku - .v m.* ami my purposes will
tank ■ auy such undue criticism,
My ideutiti.Mtiou with them in
t;« past, I fed quite sure lias ob-
tamed for me Heir confidence,
"tid 1 cannot but believe that they
will accept tuy srat, menr : s made
Horn the standpoint of 0,. .public
good. V*\ J. Nortukun.
Atlanta. Sept 2:.*.
- ——
No nan lr- to - ■ .e an
prentice*!.ip to kuov, Low to vote,
but we don t a . kno v J o-.v • ) vote
dUT t-':! v:c«- . . ' of
importance, takin j. <>}•}•■; ite des
when only one side is right, lr
U { ■ J i i 7 f Hj ' L L-'v. "i a ft Ti \
t i J t / \ V. f 4 : t J
sJ J W«i2.«wil J
Special p)isnatch.
oriv, l ), . 12, 1897.
* -■ otton is rut off* 19 in yield, 2-3 in price,
total, o-d; ycl the market is firm on cotton
hihrics. W ool is up 40 per cent., and all
woolen goods have advanced sharply.
or is going up rapidly, and wo may expect
higher prices in leather goods
Illcst is 1 tiiat man who bought ids stock
before the tariff* went, into effect. My entire
orders were plaeed in due time, and I am
glad l giv<* my eir-lomers cod friends the
henri;i of old prices. r, I will do better
.. m / ' n / • I wilU after Oct., m reduce the
price 10 per car! on everything that will bear it,
and divide A refit e with those who J favor me with
. j
till It TRADK C ome and I will
J o assure yon
tl:a! yen v, H he pleased. W. A. MURK AY.
winville has the right of title by
ago, but a mnv era is upon us; a
new day Las dawned, and we
must be up and going. People
of 1he different States have left
their native homes to better them
selves in our sunny dime. They
have settled on a lovelv spot in
Irwin county and built tip a city.
The new city is a few mile, away
from the old court house, and tho
old courthouse stands at the cross
reads, where there is not a shad
ow of a prospect, for even a village
town. To keep the courthouse
there would bo equivalent to say-
ing we on’t want the new peo-
pi,- will us. Let. t he voters of
Irvvit. show a brut her! v spirit bv
laying down all prejudice and
helping our northern f trUMH.s ■ ,
build up the tie \ city. No matt
should fail to help make Fitzger-
‘•■H'ltal of tho coun ty.
_ Dou rnrow Away 1 Vote. v ,
t our
>otno of the tartnors, it. is
ported, favor the removal of tho
courthouse from lrwinville, but
eay move it. to Ociila <-v Mystic,
’I'o such we won tl say:
throwaway your vote. Ir takes
'"•' thirds of all the votes cast to
move tho courthouse. It is well
known that i 'Gg !a ‘'| district
over one-,bird of tbo regie
’'’red voters of the county. ilmt
fact alone would keep any other
place front winning. It is also
equally well known that. Dormi-
,u, '’ s Mill and Minnie precincts
" ill give almost n solid vote for
Fitzgerald. These three precincts
control over one-half the votes of
Fitzgerald than give
Ociila rooro will fifty ma
joritv, roll up a ma
jority for Ft'/go raid, so where
wouul tit** t ,? h ■ ■ ht>po ^ o
their vote-.' Wo hope no one
"Ml be misled vote for any
place other tint.! Fitzgc aid or lr-
‘ V1UV a vote thrown away.
If the courthouse is moved. Fit-/..
gotaal alone votes to win if
’’ uo ’ moved, it course,
remain at, lrwinville Htose who
d*m t want it moved should vote
fur lrwinville, these who do want
iT l!! vo ^ should not divide. \
vote for a«y place than Fitzgerald
amounts to a vote lor lrwinville.
IXm’t throw away your vote. Vote
for Fitzgerald and help build up
your county aud your own inter-
ests. When a }»»litician comes
a5oi! .-' « ! »d asks yon to vote for
some [dace other than Irwinvttic
< r Fitzgerald ask him it, on his
honor as a man, be believes Ociila
;’ r v you- can "'»• lben watch
I|IU1 " tggle and sqitmi and cvaite
the qaest.on.-lM>/.gera.d Leader.
. , ,
. . j p j (V j One
Miaut.-Cou^t ckrewoud biing ;m-
medium relit' J S. Betts & C*-.
Slices. Slices.
0 that delights me, it i ■ to haye my cus-
Seven!' ltcnplo have stvd: “If you 1 B fS pleased. 1 do this on
Gotd Shoes, goto Murray.” tenters well can
utini ypa
hut LVl
Now 1 dou’t particiil ii ly boast, SHOES
1 cut tonscieulioiish say that no Iiv-
tug man can glvo better values m :
hi ‘
a. Jfrn’s Croetlmoro Calf Skio.
Shoes M \ Ladies’ aud Children’s Oil Grams
Glove Grain Calf skin and Kids.
than lean: and if there’s anything I have the best and prices are right.
Mattresses, ig- .
A look will convince you.
Baby Chairs. GY VK
Twenty per cent cheaper than
Wire Springs. anybody.
Hoi king Chairs.
i* Beautiful Oak Suites at $22 on
Oak and.Poplar Beds. short notice.
pf C/2 ft ji ?. VQ
- Vi) F
UDlHSU liA'i »i»
{\ J , r J)01i n Do CO DO
i . U i
' 1 >Lii\li> ;; "p——........ A. I) IIS PBOi'LK.
■ '•
S av ;; Tlid / Al«e ?r0gP6S8iYe, M-tOHeb and
' ' ''
la'.t'.ffgClll lllheilS, That m They Work.
v •.<a.It, » u, 1n j <u.(i „ n j o oOui ,,i i Hi. „ p Hit
IIl)-blliI(iiT |r ol Irwin
(lOlinty. ,
:-:ximcts from iiis report to the irntnd Jurj’.
‘Iitiiiiia tho last twolyu months our
(uiuntv lifts undergone many ihuntin-.
Ui . ^ N.E.,- d!road has been hui it
,. t . U .' T^i: v i*. r <>utrli .^ild «*ur (’<> eonneereg
w| ! , „ Fit> . divtstm, of the G.
1;*^;1 . . T. .• f .. , ‘-.p .. y;, Ha , , ... tw I
m quit -
>s .in ..ujum n.a, r ..mi win
bt- •- tvt.t b n«4», to our e-nnt
■ -pcct.dlv th-t s eti -u tlirougn which
i: is located.
\\ ttH tin* e union <>i tire Soldtcr
r.>,.-uy. ou>- wt.itc populattoa, which
wss. up to a thort imo ag<>,one eon-
tii.u >u- luik of r«jlatiou>bip, is u<»w
p.;, rncxtul vitli n large i-untl er of
iv,v :nnubitanls. am ntr "hem are
i.;ti y i 1 the best jut pic from all sec-
,imi, of th Uui -o. and of < wry avo-
’»•)') in hie tr iu ho batikev io she
link. r. Tlicse pn ■,• 1 • ■ have, in the
f"’," M’ : " •’ • it' out- year, founded and
m,. ff.,, istun. cm o Htzg.-ra . d, ,
" ICl1 '•* "J mi " vl ' n '
ch t« - - wh-ole, ««•*, *'
18 5 ;
in - \wv i n oMr.o’.c, with a pop-
ukd 1,000 or ,'.000 inhabitants,
ih y uouio. Ano wimt is so
!;{,makk\h!.k i" niK 1 * 1 : a. k and qt t.--
li; , .•» vt u c ct;t;v wlko a mo no
. ,,, Mvs< w. o, up ,*> this
nmi } i;iy . j l:l j power t-> etifurce
' . , i wt*, t t.’ie common laws of our
C , -ii .». . j hit- FCLt.V iil'MONSTR.'v i! s
■I in ■ .or o.i a r i>CH n i " x k’.uhboks
auk ot. is. or t.Mutr.ANrs that
\i \ n r. and uy thksk condcot
. v 11 \ v■ iv s niK oonki:»ksck oi
• ii k v rtv k mi Via:. Many Of these
t •pi ■ are t .\ I’m i-n -oi.ln-rs. In w
numtH' s ■ f hem arc peu-iom r- ml
b* < ur tmd-t vat amounts of
n)llU , y tint hi b<- to never found i s
v\oiy Sou* ti TlIKs PKliPl.K. AS A mass
A l<‘ M tsriM.ii.rxr, pk oi.-kssiak. i n
Hirn r am* niGuTONAK cm;:sxs-Aia-
^ ( -iKniKvi oBttKR-rlffor us l.v :h; t nkok‘ 4 i mi nt
v , jvw ih.Vck
an;i n . ,. N ., RVKK kvinct:> a
Avt (i .. vv ii,i isu\r-' L to ms vt ;
v s mano. t skt and rrusk. .x
. „, .... .. x ..., ,
. ,
■ • w iioMi s in o: k -cxnv so: nt.’’
County Commi s-joncr.
a£L i0tL (•) LN@e
QUALITY CONSIDRED, I will guarantee to knock era all
out when it comes to Nice Dress All Wool Suits, either in
Men’s, Boys’ or Childs’. It is given up that I sell the Best
Clothing for the price that can be bought. I don’t make a
hobby of cheap, shoddy stuff. See them before you buy.
V offm-s and 8 , all Sizes.
Kept on Hand.
I hate to sell you these goods, but if you need them
let me know.
xi/Amtl?! ^‘.''mkThikhNfbiddcr fSfwwh. head
the following property f<> wit: Three of
SourtEitoguitd'in"^® o?corn,’mowsorffl-sL'’iI"'J the U prois
or w^n1l^ unty
H. S. Stobv, Sheriff,
Notice of Adjourned Term,
OCT., 12. JS97.
OHIiKRSD Ttiat Worth Superior Court bo
inljournci] over from ttie fourth >?onday in
ttiis mouth till tho (tftti Monday in November,
tdd; and the frraml and traverse jurors sum¬
moned to appear at the regular term on the
fourtti Monday in tl)is month will appear at
courthouse at 9 o’clock, a, m.. on tho fifth
Monday in November, be held ts»7, to servo at tho ad-
Durued term to then.
J. S. O., A.C.
worth *•«’.. SoM isfl^
m>t copy Of tlie .lulyo’s order adjourning
VS?"'* n on , Tw'iU^, cvVtff"
lTalj -vj -J-VJ lj A "■ -r
a _t O
rDollStT* 3.
Can Giti a Bale in 80 Minutes.
Cotton Delivered to
Warehouses Free.
A -S , « »
w ~ { . ' - 1 -l . !a U
— 1L — :
1 , T 01 , *1 ,. ON AI vt s A BALL, ^
gjivator Tabes Cotton From
Wagon. No Lifting in Unloading.
Drive to our door and we do the
j. t. McLendon a sons.
I 1 •’ ’•' -’N - N BiTil-KASTERN
‘•' 0 tats' C.*j,ii\ v U vru. ’
H. H. TIFT. 1 Gcnornl Oi Y* ■ )V TI ST,
President. I lit TON. ' too t*r - t’u
tu«7jno.'vno;f Kff votive no 2 n»4 QOvS
tH*c. 38. IS..* 1 a jy, p r . p;u
4 ^ H R ... !U.«;7 l.vT r,
* * YU teu 2! MiT : At 44 f Briphtoa Hawtins. ittoii tl 4 >:7*stjT*c> d.Tlitt jt
4 1 4 42 .$ U‘i f I'iDctla . 16|S at.rt :l.
4 ; ‘ 4> s ;G ; Mystic )I1 RtPAjtt tu
5 4 ,>»•;*» KY i i:. n s -tij f ritaj). V':etcher UQ 1 13> 13
u Vx« )-R,M . iO 45 « tXlio 08
su'.-'L'K TMtns Nos ‘ . , ’ * 8 8na4 - run • diuiv • except -" t
Ail t.»i n-v q-a-.-, -
miLTcUTTUAiiRAffaYtU f, q, uuATUiUUT.trmffic Giaf : u,u ' n
H i for 90 ('Riits.
^ ^ I'jGip yUu. 1 i-javG ii-\Q
^Lar^(uU) W 'Bupjulv
Sou tTi of Macon.
Ba-o Mantels OILS BLINDS
Lath Lit tidier LIME CEMEXr
Nails Siiingles SASH MOULDINGS
Looks ’a atnscott ing BRICK VALLEY TIN
Newels Hinges Fire Clay Brick DOORS TERRRACOTTA
LXj Kol) F A 9 , - ^a r . t L <M~i Can Oet E)veUy-
' 0 YUFi Need
I--- d dp i
. O. de-i s V/ 7 ... (Receive firompt -Attention^
Cor dele, Go. u. M. Kll
A a \ y | A -S
/ \ / j V
/S v '
j. i X 45^ 58
j >:■ %
i D
't, ANY n
\ X / A 7\
\ / VA x ly y
c- r
'ii 'T 9 f~.l * H -V, ! r-'l ' ffr 1 \ ryi tSv\n\**r
Bicycles HRIAGEs
at. $35, $40, JSISA ^ Biaby Carriages and
$50, $00, $75. $85. $100. fr Bo
The Best for the Least y >'V WagorisdtTlar-’
r gest
Money varecies.
l it ‘-.h
-v :C 'fjT M
- y •' J
the best styles VND MAKES
; •“' MW
^ Yj r * .1
Macon, Ga. 9
M rite for Prices
$1 fésr QC) cams.