The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, October 15, 1897, Image 3
THE ASHBURN_ADVAN_Ct gg OfflcUl Organ of Worth County. ->;^ 76a„ Oct- 15. 1897. .suli.-cripli" ii ^ a year in advance i.K.'aKu: jjirrLKH ,local eiutoh. Ten Cents. We have a st wing machine tor sale. For cheap tobacco go to Waik- er's- p 0 r ice and lemons go to Walk¬ er’s. Jeffrey & Roo- 8kirtfi lor hin’s- Highest price paid for pork.-— Walker. Fine plush capes at Jeffrey & Koobin’s. Beefsteak 8 cents a pound Walfce 1 '’ 8 - jjrs. J. Ik Belvin was quite ill this week. For fine clothing, go to Jeffrey ^ Roobin’s. American Business College, Omaha, Neb. Fine rocking chairs at Jeffrey & Roobin’s. Tobacco 20 cents per pound at Walker’s. Fine pants cheap at Jeffrey & Roobin’s. For all kinds of canned goods to Walker’s. 28 yards of white clotli for $1 at Jeffrey & Roobin’s. Vote for Fitzgerald Irwin. if you have registered in Silk and tine satin cheap at Jeffrey & Roobin’s. J.W. Evans went to Macon on business Monday. Sheriff Story was in Ashburn serving papers Monday. For meats, fruits, fish and veg¬ etables go to Walker’s. 1!) pounds of granulated sugar foi$l at Story Bros. & Go. Gol. Bass attended superior court at Albany this week. Gardner & Thrasher’s is the place to get pepper and sage. E. J. Story vent to Macon on a business trip Wednesday. 28 yards of white doth for $3 at Jeffrey A Roobin’s. W, A. Ryals brought a load of fine cane to town Tuesday. love is blind. Open your eyes and vote for Fitzgerald. Dress goods of all kinds very cheap at Jeffrey & Roobin’s. J. 8. Betts and wife returned from 11avkinsviUe Wednesday. Tax Collector Hall was in Ash¬ burn collecting taxes Monday. Risk potatoes, onions, apples and cabbage at Story Bros & Co. r forty-one tickets were sold here for the Macon Carnival excursion, Blentv of ground cloves, spices and cinnamon at Gardner & Thrasher’s. This section was blessed with a little rain Sunday, but we need more. The highest price paid for cot¬ ton in this market yesterday was cents. bo to Story Bros. & (Jo. and get 18 pounds of granulated sugar for $1,00. Don’t forget that Gardner & thrasher have the largest tablets for oaentf. Betts <fe .Co. have purchased an¬ other engine for use on the tram road. Clifford ITay is now tire Wort h bocal’s correspondent from this place, “•Mllpcr Wilbur’s Seed Meal, horse and cat- package, at Gardner ® thrasher’s. Go to Story Bros. & Oo. and get for ]»pounds $1.00. of granulated sugar W. J. and W. A. Hall of Oak- lfc,, ‘ have just completed a nice how residence. There was a very large attend- a,1 ce at the prayer meeting Wed¬ nesday night. Ml Jeffrey their & Roobin are offering goods at very low prices. *° and see them. . Mrs. M. A. Bunch of Leary is te >fere b -^Trs. on a visit to her step-daugli- C. C. Barbre. L. T. Davis of this place and • J ’L. Bunch, of Shellman made a tri I> to Poulan Wednesday. W. Little Janie Yarnedoe, Hon. L. Story’s granddaughter, age 1 years, died "on the 6 th. Albert Hogue of Garden Val- was here this week looking ° r a business location. ^kiii Budg es and Oscar of Smith '(• inan »«» night *«**- tin-' week. one If von want ff, bo pleased and get value lecpivea for your money.always call on Gardner & Tbra-lier. -n,! S r , imat( ‘, ( 1 it " ill t;du 1,50b , liales 1 of . cotton to ... » ,, county , taxes this pay s v, nr. When you want a good blood mm- fior or teme always call on Unfold suinu-bys, Gardner & Thrasher. Jim Bohannon gut a couple of ins lingers badly mashed at the mill Saturday while* coupling cars. Will Little pAb. Early wife iml, libers b St pill, De s curob'lioii- ncs«, Beds constipation, * ok koadaee i L ' — r s , L'o. A . ... tci tins .. . week , we will have space on this page for ly local matter, “(iimnic some news.” Don’t be annoyed with chilis ever when yon can gel Did 11 and Fever Tonic at (iardnor & 1 liras her’*. J. S. Betts A t Co. will pay *1,129 taxes this year, bnliv idual assessments <>1 mem¬ bers of the linn. Hello! Where did you get that pair of Kcllam & Moore’s crvstnl Fuse eye-glassed At Gardner & Thrasher’s drug store. It you get a sample copy of this paper it is an invitation to sub¬ scribe. Twelve weeks for 111 cents, and stopped. There will he no danger of this paper going on to your address after your time is out. It will not do it. Read the notice, “Free Course by Mail.” It was seat in by the American Business College of Omaha, Nebraska. That was a long train that went to Macon Tuesday morning, but few were on it. ’TNvas differ¬ ent coming back. Quite a number of our people attended the carnival at Macon, but it would be impossible to name them all. Capt, Belvin went to 'Fitzgerald Wednesday, and will remain there if there is a sufficenev of water to run the mill. Rev. W. E. Mumford failed to HI! his appointment here last Sunday,but writes that lie will be certain to be here next Sunday. Charles Renew of Irwin was in town Tuesday. He says all the farmers on this side of the river favor Fitzgerald for the county site. Don’t be tifublcd with that annoy ing cough and cold when you can get Bromo Qumia, that will cure a cold in one day, at Gardner & Thrash¬ er's. E, A. Whidby has gone to Oglethorpe on a visit to relatives and friends, and his son Lee Iras charge of the jewelry store in his absence. Ye peojile that sutler with eons'ipa¬ tio u, have you forgot that Gardner & Thrasher sells Dr. 11. M<‘zley’- Lem¬ on Elixir and Lamar’s Lemon Laxa lives'! Granite City News: Henry Smith and George Butler are making the Ashburn Advance one of the brightest weeklies in the State. For chapped hands and face one of Gardner & Thrasher’s pure Glycerine soap applied night and morning by bathing the hands and face well. A silver case-knife was recent¬ ly lost bv the waiter between the Dew Drop Inn and the depot. Finder will please deliver it at the Inn. There is something mysterious about everything but hash even why a man would not want the new colony town to be the capital of Irwin county. According to Gov. Atkinson s report, Worth county now has 22 convicts in the State penitentiary Irwin 15, at the various camps; and Wilcox 17. When yon waut a tooth pasts caff at Gardner & Thrasher's i'«d ask Enihvnol Tooth Pa-t<", which Eumes the breath and destroys all of¬ fensive odor. Only 25 cents. We understand Miss Smith entiaG will telephone have charge .ice ol an. 1st, ,U1U and'Hn't Porter will attend school. Africanna— The wonderful Durifier, cures chronic sores, scrofula, eczema, constipation, iiupuie bmod. and a I Ultras, Bold lq arising Irom Gardner & Thrasher. W. M. Dale of the firmot . btoiy , Bros. & Go. will move his from Arabi to Ashburn nex week, and will occupy rooms the rear part of the store. cais’r com-ump , inn i lU You cure r form Se of i hr oat oHunrr Care, -J H “ 0 of % One Mniute Gmtgn e “ C()< The further an Jrwiuco . t > y man can look into the V. surer he is to vote jor . ’ Let all the people sing the p - es of the new city. business.course . \s . < . j ... The tuition i~ 1!l tise free ot. at - way the same as our tegu course, and is thoroim-i ,m< heal in Business every Do rcsjr *"- i 1 . ’ 1 ■ ■ & ■ Sri, Do y,°n„" ant J h,! 1,es ' b! ° ffl and nerve ‘ a ”' fof nv compouml tr ■K . u , t »S f . 5 ox- Gardner & .“- Sold ............... only bv Thrasher, fortune no longer knocks at a man s door, lie must bo up and Anting „ lor .... the place that will be ie clncl city ol the county, and dzgeralu is that place in lrw in. There L no need of little children CT* ■ g oiturcd bv scald bend, eczema, — ad skin eruptions. PoWitt’s Witch ii del s;dvo gives instant relief and cures P'Tiuanetiily-J S ltetts & (’o’. For low rates w e r Te\a« e a M “ N vloo ' 01 run Cilifornui, • ' - Alaska,or ., any o.her pmnt, Wlln b’ee maps, write t« P-ed l) Husi>, ^‘sirict Passenger Ag. ut Louisville Nashville !!li, Atlanta Ca. ly Worth Superior Court has postponed to the fifth Monday in November, as will be seen by the legal this notice published in issue. I ho College News, a pamphlet issued , by the American Business contained College, Omaha, Neb., recently over 2,000 testimonials oi students and graduates of A. B. 0. Jehu (i, McRhaul of I’oulan i X the largest individual tax pa ye . in Worth county. Of the firms, J. S. Betts A Co. of this place stand lirst, and Alford A - -Sloan Willingham next. The beautifully engraved di¬ plomas issued by, the American Business College, of Omaha, Neb., for graduates are the. finest ever gravings, seen. They are steel en¬ 22x28 in size. Every Bostonian knows beans, and every Irwin county voter ought to know where to put, the courthouse. Fitzgerald will be the city, whether she gets the courthouse or not. If you wish to be enrolled as a free student in the Mail Depart¬ ment of the American Business College, Omaha, Neb., send in your applicatton at once. Their offer of free course by mail will be open for a limited time only. allowing You can’t afford to develop risk your into life by a cold to pneu¬ monia or consumption. Ins' aid re¬ lief imd a certain cure sire afforded by Ore Minute Cough Cure. I, 5 Uet is & Go. to An exciting runaway of a horse a wagon with Mrs. M. Powell and children was a scene in Syca¬ more Saturday evening. All were thrown out, but none seriously hurt. Disfigurement for lite .by burn* or se ilds :nav be ayoided by using Do Witt’s Witch Hazel Bulyc. the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin tr-uble*.—J, S. Betts & Co. Davis & Barbre are now bak¬ ing the bread they sell right here in Ashburn, and it is first-dass, too. Now if they would start a regular bakery here they would be in the swim. Judge Richard Johnson, com¬ missioner of pensions, has com¬ pleted his payroll for 1897, and the IState pension fund Worth county gets $4,755; Irwin, $1,145; Wilcox. $1,9(55. Miss Susie Cisckrell of Syeamore spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. G. K. Wilcox. Geo. K. and Mrs. Wilcox accompanied her home Sunday morning, and spent the day in the country. School Wanted.—J. O. iiiomp- son, of Cameron,_ Ga., a compe¬ will tent, experienced teacher, pay $10 for information leading to his employment, Languages and higher mathematics. Nn use losing sleep and walking the floor with bahy at night because it has colic. A dose of Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic (diluted and sweetened) will relieve ii in a few minutes. Very .pleasant taste and odor, free from opiate- at d perfectly harmless. Belts & Go. will Sell you a bottle for 50 ct-. This is the best season of the year for house building and re¬ pairing. You <aui save money by buying your building material <>f 0. M. Kiliain, Gordele, Ga. lie sells everything needed in build¬ ings. T he American . Bus,ness Col- , lege, Omaha, Neb., has a notice iatheloeal «,lu.nn» „f ilds |.«- per offering a coinplele business !,v mail IW at tuition Id, advertising purposes. Did you ’ read it ? Our method of instruction by mail is the best. , Our , patron say so. Send tor testimonial aitd list of names and addresses Ik students. .It I, College, freo. Oma- Tin American Bur.mes j m) Neb. . - j. Bl . i!|)))errv " of Alltanv, a u*a o-r J * of t |ii- , j u rfJ , JV „ P"''! : j:' 'Vf i,,; u-..,.tcd >o find ii pi recommend ^ P ,; l of Ashburn, teeth . 1| : ,. hen’s !!1 Vli Vcscl'o’ v the ‘ woods Tin' Ashworth Buggy, ^old by TlieA-hburn Buggy (’o., is one of ji,i (} t bnygic' in our country . (|f ]av: liuilt of the finest second r’.q !r wth ),j,.korv, but thoroughly up by the workmen end a tiem. A iiorse cannot i r . ,.,f o in shaft- or scarcely any '' j 1 ’ , ( . jrt ()1 - Ashworth f| l( . bugvy, When will j )UV HJ1 you j j , !L r L r V to be sold by your .,, j,, j J 11 i -trator. Wa it N i no:—IV isons who f, from conyli- and colds should One Minute roueh (-tiro. Ii i< an infallible remedy for coughs, croupamtall throat and lung troub U>s d 8 Holts \ Co. The tvW ouartovlv conference for the Ashburn circuit will on vene at the Methodist chord, in Ashhurn Saturday, Oct. Kith. ' Stubbs Presiding Elder will nveuch at 10:«0 and hold Hum on - ;■ . 11 -, 1 11 1 * ,. *' . 1 *’ ' „ ' ■ We make a specialty of instruc¬ tion by mail, and are in a posi¬ titan tion to give better service can be laid anywhere else. To prove this fact we otter a thor¬ ough business course by mail free of tuition for a limited time.— ’the American Business College, Omaha, Neb. lhe Ocilla, Irwin . County clews wit is pleased to class us along It thly. Northern in our judgement oi lrwin county prosperity. It says tliepeople know how toman age their own business without the advice of Gov. Northern and the Ashhurn Advance. J. M. Thirsweml of Cre-beck, Tex in- says i but when ho It a* a spell of digestion, and feel-bad and -lugeisli, be takes two of PoWiu’s Little K ivh Risers at nigh', and lie is all right the next inorung Mimv 'lumsan.L oi oiliersdo the same thing. Do you? j s. Betts A Co It has been twelve years since a man has been legally hung in Worth county, but from the looks of things now it won’t be twelve months before Sheriff Story will be called upon to break Lewis King’s neck. It is your own fault if you us« old- fashioned greasy .-aIves and liniments that soil >our clothing and offend your olfactories when you can get that very pleasant and stain',ess :i quid, Dr. Tichenor’s A liseptic. It heals ruts, bio ns, etc., quicker and with less suffering than anything. Only 50 cents by up to date druggist*. Some of our good farmer friends of Irwin comity will got their temper ruffled and brows knit, and refuse to vote for the court¬ house to go to Fitzgerald, thereby voting against progress in their county, The central telephone office build¬ wa moved from the Advance ing Wednesday to its new and cozy quarters near the residence of J. W. Walker, and Ye Local ejaculated vehemently, if not reverently, the first two words of the. doxology. “It’s no joke” when wo say Dial Dr. Tich nor’s Antiseptic is superior to any I lung offeied tho “dear pciple” tlsja dressing for wounds.barns, slums ,.f.insects, poison oak, etc. Its clean linoss, ph asanl odor, and its wondc r- fully quick cures mulies it a universal favorite wherever known. For iur- liter in forma’i n apply to J. 8 Betts A < .’o. The Yankees have come to us willing and anxious to blot out Mason and Dixon's line, and have one free and easy fraternal union. Let the voters of Irwin county meet, them with the courthouse, and make the greatest city to its age in the union, the capital of the county. Emanuel Armd, cob, was ar¬ rested Hat urda.v by Special Bailiff Bob Law for stealing $27.25 from (I. L. McRae at Worth. The ne¬ gro was kept in the calaboose here until Monday when Mr. Me Rae, who had recovered Ids mon¬ ey, declined to prosecute,!’lid tin prisoner was released. Some men would get along just as well without any courthouse, but no man in Irwin would get along as well without Fitzgerald. Every foot of land in Irwin coun¬ ty is worth more than it was be¬ fore the Colony City was would built, yet there are men who vote for the court house to st ay oil' in the woods in preference to put¬ ting it. in a, city. Wluitovtv your pursuit in life nuiv be, a thorough husiiie.-s ed- neat ion is what you need. Tie. American Business College, (linn- ha, Neb., now offers a complete business course bv mail free for advertising purposes, and we would advise our vouii'A t<? ' proli( i|1V( . stijr:tio tho m nt1t . r f , O. Berry, one nt tho Pest known a »t Sp. as .r Mo , nauilia. le-cured«.Jt of tf.e worn! kmd juloiby usmga tew box. s it I>e A lit s VVitob Ihizol Balv. Ho 'anf been troubh(1 wii b pdo. lor over Hiirtv £ y ars and bad used many dilforcni ll|(1 , 0 f so ca.Hr d cures; but i) Witt’s the oik* th'd Jhl Hio worn, and lie will verily ibis slat moot i« any ne wish'- n> wr t„ I..... J alM-.t':,. o„ r readers will be sure to me tice the mammoth advertisement of W. A. Murray's, <m tho oppo- site page. Mr. Murray lew an immense stock af goods on hand, purchased before the tariff went into effect, and he proposes to further than simply allowi, bis customers the benefit of shrewd purchases, and divide profits with them. No one could Ina ke a more liberal offer. Be 8 , irc an d ca n on him whenever y 0n „ ee d anything in his line. Him Aiken, col., live-- in . 1 be neuro (putrter at the mill, and in hi- house lives i step-daughter v ho -v r s confined D-i and a daughter ten yeai old, laitli ol "■ 1 >m o«-cnj>y th“ room, L Monday _ inorning all in the bniiily tho two ineotioii' o went elsewhere to work, when coll'ee-colorod nigger known the house UwiipHw! to .i.ssuult llu nlili i giirl luit was repulsed, when lie made ;i like attempt on the younger one, and ilie elder 11 1 ’ 0111 ol iUld <1n,v<> f, ie <>w ay with a V 11 ‘ lvul immv‘dtut«-ly xkip]uwl ns unknown, f and when the r< ' t ! mu> \ ' 1 h """ :i ’ "f’V* '“doro inquire .Ab’Arlhiir, charging Moore with att<'inpted rape, lie will he tried for that crime if he is ever caught. Mrs. ,1.0. Durham died at home hero Sunday night of nor- vmis prostration. Site had just moved here from Snow, (hi., the first of i he mont h, and her sad don death w as a shock to all who knew her, although she had been sull'erer for years. Her re- m-ijns were taken to Snow Mon¬ av |' ()V |„, r ial. Mr. Durham has (he sympathy of the entire COIll- umuitv in his ntllietiou. The residence of T. Z. Ennis, near Worth, burned last, saved night, and the inmates only the night ciot.hos they hud on. Mrs. Ennis was badly burned, Mr. Ennis is away from home. The f aiu ji y j s | e f t itl straitened cir- cunistillices a , ld contributions of , clothing, . shoes, , womens pvovi sions and money would bo wel¬ comed by them, Bert Wright. brought, the news here this morn¬ ing, and was circulating a sub¬ scription paper. Ii is sometimes dilliculi to tell whether we love our neighbors or not, but they will watch us vote and size us up. If we love our northern neighbors we will meet ■i hem at I lie gate and extend a welcome. Irwin county is due the new city the right of being thcrapiinl, and she would only bepaying a just tribute to vole tin'courthouse to Fitzgerald. It is not only to the advantage of our tuny neighbors, but to the count \ -at -large. John Miller, col., was working lor Janie- Fitzgerald of Wilcox, lip to week before last, when he stole J coin his employer a Win¬ chester ri fie, a lot of calico, pair of shoes, three pairs of pants and a piece of jeaus, ami Bum lit out for Irwin comity, where he got a job working for Charles Renew’. Last week Mr. Itenew had occa¬ sion to visit Mr. Fitzgerald of Wilcox, who informed him of his loss ami described the negro, who was none oi her than the one lie had employed a few days before. When lie returned home lie ar¬ rested 1 he iiegri who acknowl edged the crime, and the stolen goods were recovered. Mr. Re¬ new tlien chained (lit* thief and took him to Alibev i 1 It', when* i he authorities placed him in jail. J. A. ,M. Sin!)Ii of Luke came to Aslibiii’ii Saturday and had printed at thisollici some circu¬ lars for Henry Murphy, who of¬ fers a reward of $51) for tin* ar¬ rest of a certain negro named Ste e Hancock, described a ; fol¬ low : Six fe d six inches high, very black, one or more front tee! h out, t lie white of one ey< somewhat red. He is wanted for an assault with intent to murder. It see in.- that Hancock has proven himself to be a Imd negro, and in attempt to capt lire him one night la -a w • s k, a number of eil izens surrounded him and fired several rounds at him, but lie effected his escape. The people, seem de¬ termined 1 o ( upl ure him, ami are not caring much whether lie is taken dead or alive, J. S. Shingler is a hustler in ev¬ erything he does, and wants ev¬ erybody else to h list le that does anything for him. 'The other night In*entered the Imrlier -hop at 7:55 am! wanted Boh Law to shave him before the Slmolly ar- rived at 7 as lie was going to Valdosta. BoHdoelarel that le- eouldn 1 do it, hot, Mr. Shiiigler insisted f hat In 1 could il he got a hustle on himself, for the train U'ould probably be u little late so he went to work. Bob lathered his subject and took a ('oupk-o! quarter section swalie on the left cheek k„ il,,. but before Li,,- Im could Jill! (l,iO ^ hi ■ razor the train milled into f the , , s| j . , , j..... .... " i!: < m- haml, In : right was engaged m craping oil Jatiier, and hi- ' ..'f IkmIv was bnrniii"' the (i','ii .. \ .-.e i.’j i,q ,7. | (,. < ,| 'i t ',. t '">'>■ i » jr " • , fgjglg’g.' d,,,’ t ;g g ! |, ”„d j''V.Vt r'ii-c iJT whi-Vcr T” TTi J ' f lini ,■!; i or j, ,j m a sa fetv razor that ' ,lu.v-<,.» tic- run. K< • J. C. Flnnderr. jmaiclied a P«»\vi '.’in! -rmon -n 1,■m-perance ■’ "Ty, wliicli Jm - nw been ' ..... nl *<1 upon m-(eagre, . . a - m g> . fh- J>oint - in;!, dr- v,, note t lie follow be- 1 ex 1 la mg >r <m l cuah *"-2. ’’Wherefore d-. v ■ peiui 111 uicy ...r Hud 'me i nof br -ml: “1 ib.n’t kuo .•nyMtinv Hud he ■■■■> r<-*.irded tin- ad of llui .mil hiuiior I tin Hi T -1 i : :: im of Dr . < -ri.! . the v. biskev truflic. It i • directly opposed to every inter, of !iu- mu.,,' and flu hin Ir ; lorn of (iod. h i •• t u- ., - n.ffion. ii • orrupt- politic-, ft ,, 'f oi J.-tit . the end of justice in our courts. Ii is against our finan¬ cial interests,as we spend th 1,0S01‘- <M)(), 0()0 for drink (‘very year, and SO pei cent, of this comes out of the laboring class of people. for In Georgia we pay $1,600,(HID all church purposes, while we pay ‘tl-kOIIO ,000 for intoxicants. If is against educational our .physical erest development, and our m on, morals. Under the l.rst head Hu ‘ !a ," •'’ ls 7 nv ° >« considered, and the aul.d daie- nietit is recognized. In (lie place, whatever is detrim >c- til to tin* physical is defi'inn bird ntal to t In 1 mental. 1 a i lie t lie I place, physical and mental dissi- results in moral wreck and ruin. Lastly, it is against our spiritual ami otorual welfare, ll destroys t he will ttower, be- numbs the conscience, damns tj u , . ml. Every third home must n- irnish a subj.vt to keep the dramshops going. More than 12 ,- 000 drunkards die yearly. Look at the vast throng, men, women and children.” From Sheriff Story and the Albany Herald we glean tin; fol¬ lowing partieularsnf a shocking tragedy that occurred in this county Sunday afternoon: Hull < hi the plantation of Messrs. A Price, right on the line of Dougherty and Worth lived a ne¬ gro tenant minted Lewis King, lie and his wife occupied a cabin in the negro quarter, but the course oi their married life never did run very smoothly. reputation King did not bear the best in the world, and his temper was at times unduly violent. Sunday afternoon he and his wife became involved in a quarrel, and soon the husband’s wrath readied that point'where it was beyond bis control, and King seized a chair with wliicli liCxdealt his wile one or more blows, crushing her head and breaking' her neck, death Ik ing almost instantaneous. King w as caught by Mr. Price and car¬ ried to Isabella, where lie was lodged in jail. From what we can learn of the affair, King stands a very good chance for !>• ing hung. ’Tho Ashburn Advatit.e nils! have a bank account to run it'. The merchants of that (own don’t show tip their I nisi ness through its columns— 1 <> She loss oi Die efforts of its worthy editors. The paper is a good exponent for the public good, and they should show their handwriting on its pages.—Mieanopy (Ida.) Hustler. No, Bro. Fodder, we are not drawing on our hank account, for reasons we don’t euro to make public. YVe manage to get along by living oil faith,promises,cattle You tracks and wind pudding. in have published papers ( (■ >r- gin yinirsi'll, Bro. Kacklor, and you know how it works. We are glad you made mention ol our lack of advert ising pat foliage,be¬ cause il gives our mer he'd.' an opportunity of knowing that town’s thrift and enterpn: • i judged abroad by tlie lr ronage given its newspspi r. have several sn ibslantii'i "■MCi'ai merchants in Aslduii n, yet Oil'll one (inn runs an ii< 1 v< i I isement of any size the year .ii’oiuid. Dth or s patronize us liberally al I hues, bill no paper eat) depend upon an ‘xistonoe in a town like I liis wit bout id least eight col¬ umns of yearly . outracl ad , and a liberal'amount of ‘“spurt” ad- vert ising, and no town can dc- pend upon keeping experienced newspapermen in it that will not furni Ii t !ii' : nmonnl of advert i i ng. FcrluijiS our merehants will learn 1 Ids soitt'd in to. ‘ xi'Hioil of foiitdry lying' (* ‘ ’• li'lll ' F> tho line of !hiiia'ii ■ eri y a nil Wort Ii '’oil'd i • •id ■•.(•(. t led by some oi i h mu ! IciTing count t’V folk in 1 hi pari oi tin* State, has been infested with a hand of ii)' - oiidinrie■: Cor •"ver i! years, says the Albany Ib-rald, and it has been impossible liiwl to Li'ing them to just ice or even a (due t hat s(*eiii:- likely !o load to I he identy of any of the guilty mils. Within six or seven A*’’" 1 1 ’’ _ ’H.* been not ie; than i(»rty <n’h ty - i • md.a p y t <• , ^ ’’ ’’ M 1 * O-po armets bus be ;n . . j h heavy. Alter seveial ....... ... i ..i.-l J vlty I h.:-.- leads have r<-aimed operations again. ......I I oYloal. Sun,la, mora.a. about Tho-. A. Janes, who lives •,' rAlbany. ' . ( „| ‘,, | ( j t V( -l I injg in a, Maze. He billy , bad t Hiie to remove n b'o . pei-otml effects la Tore the heat ,nid ,,nok (Ivo r him from tin* Kmml. hiiihlnm which Tool wa r ........L. couiplotclv 1 ,-r v >' i! * in 1 be cotton house was mad; ' in ii,; ’ "' ck ” r ,n,,! • but l’>‘>inpt work . mull,: , -d tin- Haim- It was dmo.vereu tlnd . th im ctidiaries had ‘’limbed to tic top of the tmilding a".d ixmivi! !:m, :me down on the cotton and id ol ......; 'u Moub .dlv •, ■ - nrondi.-■ mr. ime m-o a :d,m.; !i df >■ ,.e - ■! ny ' . A bout s o', bek :Ti. d - e h !L il. NT bo.-.’ ' k .■ h . diiev.v- - 1 • ii. . Th.'- <• w- i bo v. tunhiinc > ■ ’.. • t. !, end ib- - e , Mop. i i : in an ici dildy !i t t • • n . I’hfieen hundred bushels <rf oafs were stored in the loft, and all the.--, tog Tin r with other grain, some L, nina inijdemeitV-, etc., were The stockade w.i->’ not in tired. Mr. Nelm has be n hit lum! by the incenditirh s. Two y< a)-,s ago his stockade was burned and he has lost two gin houses bi lire during recent years. It is needless to sav that if the |>le of East DougherD and West Worth ever yet their hands on the party or parties who have put the torch to thousands of dollars worth of property during the last 'Vw years, and no room for doubt of guilt is loft, there will be a rope stretching in those parts without a moment’s unnecessary delay. 28 yards of white clotli for $1 at Jeffrey A Roobin’s. SY<! A.MO ST SPECIALS. A. C. Lawton of our town is ... Morida . , tor short viiUiiig- tu a time. “Take a tittle wine for the stomach’s sake;” but for the sake of quiot and order we suggest a little pepsin. Sheriff Story of Worth county visited his brother. Dr. W. L. Story, of this place, last Tuesday. Quito a number of our people went to Macon Tuesday morning to see the railway collision. We are glad to note that little Ola McMurrian is abie to be out again after her recent illness. Mrs. Stephens of Arabi spent a low days last week with her brother, J. W. Smith. Col, Hawkins of Cordcle was in tlie Qity one day this week. Mrs. R. K. Hayes visited our little town one day last week. Mrs. A. C. Liwton is expected home next weotv after a long visit to Florida. Miss Alice Swearingen} is visit¬ ing at 11. W. Bussey’s this week. S, J. Clements visited Ocilla this week. Wo are glad to note that J. J. returned homo after a long visit in Social Circle. Dr. W. L. Story went, to Macon Tuesday to see the steam engines tight. Go it, doctor, with both heels np. MissC.trrio Jackson left here 'Tuesday for Isabella, where she will tcacli school for the rest of the year. Our school is growing very rapidly. We have twenty-nine pupils, and 1 must, say that wo are much pleased with our teach¬ er, and especially his assistant. iSlie is a very charming children young lady. All the little love her very much, and the larger ones, too—I mean as a teacher. < )f course we do not, think of any other kind of love in our school. Prof. Bates would have sent, the local editor that gopher, but it got away. »S( HOPAHTICUS. TAX NOTICE. I'Trst itotnsn. 1 will he at the following pla- 1 : fol'tlie purpose of collecting' l Tide and county taxes for the year 181)7, to-wit: T.inner'- Fond, iSaturdav, Oct iff. Warwick, Monday, Oct, 18. 1 )ole 'Tuesday, < )ct. It). \' im ’ ,\l ill, Wednesday,!let. 2D. W. A. 11 Al.p, Tax Col. Ooilla Not la It. Reports having- been circulated by politicians through Irwin county Unit the G. & A, railroad worn out fur (trill i tor r.he county seat, Hyman & Kennedy, tlio Fitzgerald attorneys for the G. & A., wrote Cecil Gabbett, vice- pro,iid mt, of the road, relative to i,he matter, and received the fol¬ lowing reply’. A ,\tmill i;s, Ga., Oct, (I, 1897. Myirmn <v itritLady, I.ogjuJ Counsel, t ji/R' iTtlib d ll. On .ti.umkn:—I am in receipt, of vour favor of the 1 st, and in reply beg to say.’ It is true that the O. A A. railway owns an interest in Ocilla town site; it, is not true that it, or any of its officers or agents desire that the county site of Irwin county bo located at Ocilla, nor bits "said railway or any of its officers us men of com¬ mon sense ever dreamed that cr ei ever ever will win have uave, any any »M ‘ c y ‘ As of r Ocilla real , as- mtethr G. A. A. railway wants »oo Ocilla grow ami prosper, hut, we know as does every think- mg • man, that, it the county site of Irwin county is ever moved it will bo to Fitzgerald. I most sin- ceroly hope ,!„osidorati<o,» that no prejudice Til or b'itzgorald from keep winning. Tho ownership of an interest in Ocilla town site does not prevent ns from seeing the tacts as they ex- ist. Fitzgerald is, and always will be, the principal town of lr- win county. As such it is to our interests and the interests ev» ery taxpayer of Irwin comity, Ocilla residents included, to lo- cate tliccourthouse at Fitzgerald, and that, right away. The ioca- t.ihn of the courthouse at Fitzger- aid will add to the value of every dollar’s worth of real estate in Ocilla, and as business men and owners of Ocilla real estate, the (i. & A. railway and its officers want to see the courthouse at Fitzgerald to help out our Ocilla investments. Yours truly, Cmi, Gabbktt, Vice Pres and Gen. Mgr.