The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, October 15, 1897, Image 4

Below is the OCR text representation for this newspapers page. Taney Linen* Bow to To wash embroider 1 *' warn* tad" the color.. flU « "* ’ / Soar- towhlflh dd • „. orv water, » *„.l* rnro- ,4*ee thr- »*" * IIDj" Wash earh wM , h , rfn*.' m >’ lu ; "* tb* fully, , Unt! *M-, l'^“ thin star-!, f , vr „ nK Chanct’" Of 1‘lfc. ing tab's in Oita that is T h f , llon assurance com- the feiiidoa prospect of life at ”**'■ .shotting tho ■Crioas ages '< <* *»•« • e«ult of years «,/e»rafnl calculation, and is said to neldom prove niisleading or incorrect, Of course sudden and premature deaths as well us lives unusually extended, occasionally occur, but this is a table of average expectancy of life of the or¬ dinary man or woman: A person of one year old may expect to live 39 years longer; of 10 years, 51; of 20 years, 41; of 30 years, 34 longer; of 40 years, 28; of 50 years, 21; of (10 years, 14 more; of 70 years, 9; of MO years, 4. A Sheathing Propeller. At a recent, yachting exhibition In one novelty was a ''sheathing propeller” for yachts, merchant ves¬ fishing boats anil launches. Kn m a tube in the ship's stern the propeller works. It is supplied with blades which fall into a horizontal position come together at the tips or expand, as desired. The propeller, when not In use. may twi drawn Into its tube sheath. NVhen a ship is becalmed it can bo kept, on its course by the use of a small electric motor, which furnishes sufficient power to operate the auxil¬ iary propeller, which can also be used lor steeling purposes. In ease of u ia on fishing vessels It does not foil! the nets.—Boston Transcript. Alinont liiKido Out. Thu tftoftuu'h Uml is nut turiicfl IIiuk by n Fhakinn up on tho “briny vvhvo” must he a well fortified one. Tho KHHtrfu /ipjGirntiiH uan Im* roiHlorcil proof t < « hIuR ne*H with that Moinm hir m> popnbi* immnK IfivvoliM;*hy wh nn«l land HonD-tlor’* Sfoiwu h IUIDth. It dofrnd* tho hyM.uin niMlfiria and rhou- limiihm, and Hubduon livur comjdnini, const,i- l>«t ion mid dynpi p* ia. A kIghsoI hot milk and a few peanutsnmkn » good innuiuMUi iu-foru ivt,lniq<. fi(‘llfl>(MHI fiimiot Hi* Clued bv lotuil ftppllcfit Ions, iis f hoy « ;intjot ruuch <he rns(uiM**d portion of t ho car. Th«*ro Ik only one way t/» cure dcafncHH, and that is hy const itu ■ tionnl rcuii-dics. ihuifinv-H i • unused ity an in lininctl condition Tiijic. *<f t ho mucous lining of t he Kilts Die hi tin \\ lien this tu * m* Rct-H in- flamed you Iwtvii a rumhlin^ sound or 1 in jk* r- fect hcarintt. and when it is entirely closed Deafness is flit* result, and unless the inflani- ination full hi* taken out and this tuhe fc- htornd to Its noniml conditii'n, hi ni'in# w ill ho ♦ lestroved forever. Nhie ea-os out. of ten arc cum sod )»y c-iitarrh, which is nofbinbr lint, mi in¬ flamed condition of the mucous s(irf<ic»*H, Wi* will tflvo One Hundred |)olhii‘H for any case of IHuil'hnss (milsod hv cn I t rrb) that can Hot l»o cured hy Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for ciivulars, free. Hotq tty I' . ,1. ('in r.v A < 'o., Tuleilo, <». llall'n K.iiiiIL\ ltniKtil.t.*. ‘If. art, the A I’rttse I'ot-itt. KK M., atc'l Smnklng Tobacco Amt ('latin'tte* Are absolute remedies for (-iit’trrh. Bat Voter, \-Mitim Hint Uolti-: Ite*ble* ,t ilellsrbl ftU smokr. Lnrlfe* e tvell m- men, use these aooitn. No opium or other Intrmftd drtig t'sett in ttieir tttsttttfaetwre. KK-M. iwn*eq atul reeommeudcttl By some ot tie* Vest rltt/.eus <tf this eoont ry. If yanr denier does not keep Ki M. Send l:te. for jsieksue of totmeeo tml Ite. fo’- p.-n'kiiio of rL.iretles, IJirret fo the ICtv M, l ompvny. Atlanta. Ga,. Ami you wilt ......... goiMls te matt. Kits is 1 r mane nil y riireil. No (U- or nervous. tie«s arter first »ta\'* use of |y-_ K title'* tir,-at Nerve lies torer. t rtat tiott I,, a ml t rea t i*e f ree, I*tl. It. It.,, 1,1*1 , Ull A reli St., I'hiln., l*n. M rs. Win-loir’* Noolhltut s> rttp foreiq|i|ren teeth ins, soften* thegiuns, ixsliiee* intlamnnt- Uolt, nllaf * pain, euro* wind rolte. . a bottle. 1 sin entlndy eared of t'onsomptioo. hetaorrhsce of 1mm* la Ihso** t 'are tor l.nrtsA Ll NtiAMAS, llelhttliy, Mo., .Ian. S, ’in. IfrtfflicttHl with screes c■ uHt' Dr. IsftacThonip- wmV Kyc-wafer. I h'UKtfisl smcU n l .pur lmfcUt*. A GRAND WORK Helping Tired ChceUts Mot.Hern mxl Giving nosy lo ChlMi*rn. Thousands of norvouw, worried vromon Imve found Htren^th, IioaIMi and happiness In llootl’s Sarsaparilla, wliieti purlflc'S Iht'ir blood, siren^tliens their nerves and gives thoiu good appetites, l‘ale and puny children are given rosy I cheeks and Vigorous appoUlos by the grend blood enriching qualliies of Hood’s Sar- MiparbWi. It is Indeed the mother's friend aind it may woM have n plaeo in thousands of families. lb* sure to get Hood's, IlftAfUft VIOOII 9 Dilff rilI5 srr with tu* Hmsl-s imtv Narsnt.t»rilU_ nttl* to tvk, II Kit K AND THKItK. The now Cltinese mint at Canton turned out more than 14,000,000 teu- cent pieces Inst year. It is computed that 20,000 tons of canned salmon are consumed un- Dually in this country. The annual coal produet of Mon¬ tana has shown an uninterrupted in¬ crease each year since 1877. New Bedford is investigating with a view to the establishment of a textile school there, following Lowell’s ex ample. Earrings hare never been so fash¬ ionable in England ns in foreign coun¬ tries, but they are worn more now than at any other time in the history of England. Modern ( hivalrj. Awkward Miss (with an umbrella) Beg pardon! l’olite Gentleman Don't mention it. 1 have another eve left. New York Weekly, • ..... HALL'S > •V ' o ^ ■ ■J HAIR RENEWED 1 Drives off old age; restores lost color to the hair; gives it the richness and gloss of yb k youth; prevents bald- ff- A ness. No dandruff. ermr. __ I twtk- at thi:ci: DUvnt JIF u '7IVKS K - D. M.Watkins & Co. Cataloui b K«ke. l-^vtaxs, ., _ 25 CTS_ U. r#j C4IRIS WMiHt All List f AILS, Best tough Syrup. Tantt«, G.uxl. Use In Sold bv drutfutst*. CONSUMPTION ”'2; cfs *,1,1, FILL XACAXCY CAUSED nY HEATH OF SENATOR GEORGE. ALREADY ELECTED FOR LONGTERM A NbIIya Mla*l*ftl|>|»!Rn, tfifl New Senator lta* Served lnCoiiRrenR Hovernl Term*. Governor McLaurin, of Mississippi, has appointed Henator-elect Money as United States senator to fill the vacan¬ cy caused by the death of the late Sen¬ ator J. Z. George, whose term expires in 1899. Senator George before his death having declined to agnin become u candidate for tlie high office, nn elec¬ tion for the regular term was necessa¬ ry, and the last legislature, after a long deadlock, elected Mr. Money for the regular term, beginning in 1899. Mr. Money represented tho fourth district' of Mississippi in forty-fourth, tho lower house of congress in the forty-fifth, forty-sixth, forty-seventh, fifty-fourth forty-eighth, fifty-third and congresses. of In accordance with the practice the Mississippi legislature of electing a senatorial successor two years before the term begins, Mr. Money at the In«t meeting of the legislature was chosen to succeed Henator George for the term beginning March 4, 189!). Hineo the death of the latter, it has been gener¬ ally understood Mr. Money would be appointed to fill the unexpired term of Henator < teorge. Mr. Money has been in Washington during the greater part of the summer under treatment for an affection of the eyes. Me has greatly improved, and expects to leave for his Mississippi home in a few days. The new senator was horn in Mis¬ sissippi August 22, 18:i'.t, and is a grad¬ uate at law. He has taken consider¬ able interest, in the Unban question, and last spring made an extended visit to the island to make a thorough study of the conditions there. MM THKK.\ riMMMtKSH. New Industries I’.stuhllulled In the South UiirltiK the rust Week. Despite the depressing effect of yel¬ low fever and the long drouth, busi¬ ness conditions in the south show many encouraging features. Southern correspondents report a healthy in¬ crease in trade nnd enlargement as to productive capacity at many promi¬ nent manufacturing plants. In the iron mid steel trade Besse- mev },ig shows a slight decline in juice at Pittsburg on account, of the large increase in production, but. finished products are stronger arid grny forgo lias advanced. At. other points jiig iron continue* strong. The southern lumber industry is characterized by marked improve¬ ment. The mills are receiving large orders and prices are advancing. Yel¬ low pine is especially active and is rapidly increasing in value. Among the most, important new in¬ dustries reported for the week are the following: A $20,000 brass nianiifuet- nring plant at Lynchburg, Vn.; tho Lexington Brewing (to., capital $200,- 000, Lexington, Ky.; the Manningtou Kleetrie Light Co., capital $50,000, Manningtou, W. Va.; the Empire Flouring Mills, capital $20,000, Hous¬ ton, Tex.; the Mutual Ice Manufactur¬ ing nnd Cold Storage Co., capital $100,000, Charleston, S. (!., ami the Klondike Coal Co., capital $10,000, Cooper's NY. Va. The Builwnv and Street Car Indicator Co., capital $100,000, has been chartered at Edcn- ton, N. C.; tho Henry A- McDonald, Oil Co., capital $250,000, Sisterville, \V. Yti.; flic Prink Oil and Gas Co., capital $50,000, Weston, Va.; tho I’hncnix Cotton Oil Co., capital #50,- 000. Memphis, Tenn.; the Interstate Sugar Co., Aldcrsuu, W. Y«.; the Tennessee Cotton Mills Co., capital ^100,000, Elizabethton, Teun., uml iho .\nehor Cotton and Woolen Mills Co., ciqdtal $50,000, Huntsville, N. ( - A $50,000 tobacco factory will be erected at Winston, N. U., and wood¬ working plants at. Huntsville, Ala., and McMinnville, Tenn. Tradesman, (Chattanooga, Tenn.) FI HE LOSS WAS HEAVY. I’srrfnl l stlmsto* IMkc* llio Figure* III Detroit IMhip At *1140,000. A special dispatch from Detroit, Mich., says: Careful estimates of the losses caused by Thursday morning’s great tiro place tho total figures at #610,000, with #535,000 insurance. Most of tho burned structures will be rebuilt. Newspaper Man Honored. The president lias appointed NV. NV, Ashby, of Norfolk. Va., to be United States consul at Colon. Mr. Ashby is Washington correspondent of the Nor¬ folk Landmark. DENGUE FEVER EPIDEMIC, Pr. Ciultern* Continue* HU lit rent ignt Ion In tirthenton. Tom*. Dr. John Guitoras, of the marine hospital service, continued his inves¬ tigation Thursday the health con¬ ditions of Galveston. He put in his time visiting private patients in their homes. He has nothing further as yet to give to the jiress. He say* he finds an epidemic of dengue fever in th« efty. SHUNGE MALADY IN YV. VIRGINIA Stout’ rtri.trU»« Think ll it Mtl.l Tjih- of Vt'lltltv 'lack. An epidemic of fever six miles south of West Union, W. Va., is causing »<’'he kind of fever, some claiming it is typhoid, while two of the most (trominent physicians in the state as * l ‘it it is a mild type of yellow fever. 1 hirty-one deaths hare occurred in t e past eighteen days. * he citizens of West Union are de- ilia ndiug that the l>oard of healtl* lVANHINGTON GOSSIP. A Di-lip On Appointment*—Fall Klee- tlnn* Discussed. Major W, II. Smyth has been ap¬ pointed, by the president, postmaster at Atlanta, Ga. Thus was brought to an end the long and desperate local fight for this postoffiee that has almost torn the republican party of Georgia into fragments. The Hack dynasty has again triumphed and the mighty hand of the republican emperor of Georgia is felt though it is wielded from far Japan. The appointment was like a thunderbolt of surprise to the Wilson party. There will be little more business done as to federal appointments be- tween now and the meeting of con- gress. It is so stated about the corri- dors of the white house. There lire eeveral reasons for this, two being im- portant ones in the administration. In the first place it is not good politics to go on making appointments while congressmen are not present. Then, too the elections are but a month off, and the pres,dent thinks he had better let wel enough alone. In two states the fights wd determine the election of United States senators, while in the other states (here are important state officials to he chosen, including gov- ernors, judges of the supreme court and state officers. Elections will bo held next month in Ohio, Now- York, Virginia, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Maryland, Colorado, Nebraska and Massachu¬ setts. In Maryland and Ohio tho con¬ tests are for the legislatures which are to elect senators. There seems to ho little doubt here that Senator Harms in Ohio will win his re-election, but in Maryland the fight is nip and tuck with the chances favoring Gorman. In New York the contest for the con¬ trol of Greater New York overshadows everything else. In Massuehussotts, Ohio, Virginia and Iowa, governors are to bo elected, while in Kentucky the fight over the el o k of the court of appeals is attracting interest, as the gold democracy of the state is bent on measuring its strength with the free silver wing of the party. Pennsylva¬ nia elects a state auditor, Nebraska a judge of the supreme court and regent of the university, while Colorado elects a chief justice. “CUBA MUST BE WHIPPED,” Says Spanish Proinlnr Haifasta, 'M{ofor« I'nii’ii tan !»«• Mt'fiinifl.” The Spanish cabinet held a four hours’ session at Madrid previously Saturday, during which the decision arrived at regarding tho recall from Cuba of Captain General Weyler was con firmed, El Iteraldo makes the announcement that the captain general at Porto Itico will be appointed a-ting governor of Culm pending the arrival of Marshal Blanco. In replying to n number of Cuban senators who bad offered their support to the government Premier Sugusta said that the government would devote itself before all else to the pacification of Culm, and would then introduce in the island a model administration. Advices from Havana state that fol¬ lowing the appointment of Marshal Blanco to succeed Captain General Weyler, (hu Marquis l’almerola, civil governor of Havana, and the other provincial governors have tendered their resignations. MONEY NEEDED FOR NAVY. F.i«t limit cm Compiled Hy Secretary Long Aggregate i#.i 1,001,0*7. Tho oKtimates for the support of the navy for the next tinea! year have just been prepared by Secretary Long and submitted to tho secretary of treasury for transmission to congress. They aggregate Jjf.'ll ,!*!•!,027, made up as follows: Pay of the navy, $8,449,0(10. l’ay, miscellaneous, $1100,000. Contingent navy, $7,000. Bureau of navigation, $208,950. Bureau of ordnance, $11,179,554. Bureau of equipment, $1,51 1,178. Bureau of yards nnd docks, $409,435. Naval observatory, $34,*200. Bureau of medicine and surgery, $ 21 , 200 . Bureau of supplies and accounts, $1,525,4:13. Bureau of construction and repair, $3,157,007. Bureau of steam engineering, $t,- 1(17,000. Naval academy, $238,578. Marine corps, $1,123,574. Increase of the navy, $8,505,273. AKASTISES GALYEST0S. Several Places in Texas Enforce Hrgtiln* tlonn Against That City. Several places in Texas have quar¬ antined against Galveston because of the report that yellow fever exists there. Beaumont the county board of health qnarantined against both Galveston nnd Houston, and all communication is cut off between Beaumont nnd cities. Bigid quarantine has been re-estab¬ lished in Bryan and that county against the gulf city. The Marshal board of health has quarantined against Gal¬ veston; Houston, Beaumont and Sau Antonio. BIG STRIKE l\ LO\DO>. Itroiiuhr About by Mrmrule of Fn^lneers Atiiiln.t Entployers. Vdvices from London state that the secretary of the Federated trades, comprising thirty important industries, announces that the executive commit- tee lias definitely decided to call out all its members in sympathy with the struggle of the engineers against their employers. It is estimated that a total of 4(M),000 men will be out of work on account of the dispute. 1’RKSIDEYTI \1. VPPOIM MEATS. Two Imll.n Named ami OueltrR- islt'r of Lnutl OttliT. The president, Monday, made the following appointments; H. X. Med re w of Phoenix, Ari/.. to be register of the land office at Salt Lake Uitv. Utah. Fred B. Spriggs, of New York, to lie agent for the Indians at the Ne- vadn agency in Nevada. Kdwavd Goldberg, of Wichita. Has., to l e agent for the Indians ot Quapaw agency, Indian Territory. CAR BltEAKEHH PLEAD GUILTY. Dalton, G*., Has Hlggest Court Day In Her History. Monday was the ‘'highest court day” Dalton, Ga , has seen in years, The po< pie began arriving early in the morning from all parts of the connty. The gang of r.r pirates were pleaded pla.....I on trial and all except one Kuilty. Walter Bohannon, the leader, after eleven years of outlawry and re- peated defiances, threw up liis hands when justice called him. Up to less than a week ago the rob- her chief scarcely dreamed that he was on the threshold of the penitentiary. He did not believe that lie would ever be indicted. He intimated that lie had a pull which would save him. Bohannon underestimated the integ- rity of Whitfield county’s citizenry or was blind to the strength of the cases against him. But when the grand jury handed in eleven indictments against him he be- gan to weaken. He and Ins whole band became demoralized and they made no defense when they were arraigned. Those who thus acknowledged their guilt were: AA alter Bohannon, chief: Tom Kmnenmn, Bill Long, Ben Pearce. Ed Morris, Bam Painter, Jim Harris, who turned state’s evidence. Ralph Ellison, a drayman, who often handled the stolen goods for Bohan- non, pleaded not guilty and decided to take chance of a trial. Judge Fite did not sentence any of the prisoners. He will wait until all the eases are disposed of, those in¬ dicted for receiving the stolen goods as well as those who stole them. l>oli tin mm's Confession. Bohannon was called before the grand jury some days ago and lie made a clean breast of his crimes. Ho told how he began to steal; said that He had committed between 199 and 2(K> robberies, and lie told what he did wilti the goods which lie stole. On his testimony more indictments were found, or will be found. Tho sensa- tions have not all been sprung, and any hour may bring aomenmi# new. It is generally conceded that some who are accused of receiving stolen goods did not really know they were pur¬ chasing articles which had been stolen. It seems tho robbers had a fence, maybe more than one, engaged in merchandising in a small way. These small merchants acted as brokers, buy¬ ing from Bohannon and selling to tho larger merchants in Daliou and in other places. Ralph Ellison is a stove tinker ped¬ dler, a man who did any sort of an odd job. He had a horse and wagon, nnd was a town drayman when he was not mending and repairing stoves or tinware, or peddling. There is nothing striking about him, either in his favor or against him. It is presumed that he will deny all knowledge that the goods were stolen. “GOVERNMENT IIY INJUNCTION” Comes In For it Vigorous Attack l»y Colorado Judge. Judge Wilson, of the court of ap¬ peals, at Denver, Col., with Judges Thompson and Bissell concurring, handed down an opinion Monday in which lu> makes a vigorous attack on “government by injunction.” Judge Wilson said: “We cannot approve a practice ii or subscribe to a doctrine which permits the exercise by the courts of the extra¬ ordinary power of injunctive relief for every wrong or infringement upon the rights of another. Such a course of procedure, if carried to its ultimate natural conclusion, would tend to en¬ tirely subvert the fundamental princi¬ ples upon which our system of laws is founded.” FATHER’S FEARFUL MISTAKE. Thuuelit III* Son XVa* a Hnri;lar ami Shot Him Dead. John Brauynn, a well-to-do farmer living near Hoyle postoffiee, two and a half miles from Noreross, Ga., shot nnd killed his sixteen-year-old sou Sunday night about 9:30 o’clock. Brunyun lmd just retired. He oc¬ cupied the same room with his son. He was awakened by some one walk¬ ing on the veranda, and finding his room door a little open, suspected the presence of a burglar. Getting his gun, he sat on the foot of his bed. In n short while some one started in on the veranda. Bran- vim asked the person to halt. He failed to stop, and Branyan shot and killed liis own son. LI ETOEKT CASE CLOSING, Viiml Aruumriits Begun nnd the End Drawing Near. At Chicago, Monday, the final argu- ments commenced in the Luetgert trial and the case will be given to the jury ; by ‘j the end of the week. This, at i„ a t> s t he expectation of the attor- licys. expected Monday to The defense t!< i > ., ) , n „ st 0 f the session of the court in offering rebuttal evidence, but some of its witnesses were not present when their names were called and it was de¬ cided that the case might as well go on. Assistant State’s Attorney Me- Ewen then began the opening address for the state. MORE llOl’EFl'I. AT MOBILE. I Isht import or Five New Cases ami No Deaths Monday. A special from Mobile, Ala., says: The very light report of Monday at noon tins again raised the spirits of the people. The record showed but the new eases and no deaths, two of the new eases are in houses where fever has visited before. Board of health report: lota! ^ oases to date, 120; deaths, 20; recoveries, 07; under treatment, 39. VT POUT ROY AL Thr Ilia nalfle.blp Maine I* Ordered In Be Docked By Official*. The secretary of the navy has order¬ ed the first-class battleship Maine docked at the government dry dock at Port Royal. S. C. This is tlie first time the Port Royal dock lias been used since the Indiana was docked there about two years ago. L’he detailed estimates for the yards and docks for the naval establishments include the following: Norfolk. $467,- 845, Port Royal, S, C., $70,000. A NECKLACE OF PEARLS IV Is a beautiful possession. If a off woman string, owns one, and if a single pearl drops the 7F % she makes haste to find and restore it. 7 Good health is a more valuable possession ft V than a neckluce of the most beautiful pear s, yet one by one tlie jewels of health slip away and women seem indifferent until it is almost too late, and they cannot ) ® res J r <f * die before yo „ 1 o you nro rea . A A premature death, and that is a sin. It is a sin- became it is the result of repeated violations M of nature, s laws, r I'ain, lassitude and weariness, nubility to *^ C P< dreadful dreams, starting violent y from “ r <> “» symptoms of nerve trouble \ You cannot have nerve trou jle a < P t® your health. In ninety-nine cases o ’W hundred the womb, the ovaries an< e > at < e / V are they affected. out soonest. 1 hey are not vi a organs, e c J give ! ^ rs Lydia L. Pinkhams Vegetable Com- - . pound Ly building nerves am res r , up m Mzjk .’ " iV trouble . confirmation of this we. by permission refer to the following women, all of _ whom speak from experience : Miss Celia Van Hoim, m3 Sharswood St., Philadelphia, Pa.; Miss agFV - ^ 0 «ace Cou.oko, 1434 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati, 0.; & *]\ Mlfs Ne weix, 50 Kyerson Rt„ Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mrs. . W-yIM / j" ) Isabel Obkko, 330 Chestnut St„ Woburn, Mass., M A u . Cole, New Rochelle, N. Y„ and many ' \ "V others prepared wr For special symptoms Mrs. Pinkham has a Sanative Wash, which will cure local troubles. Give these medicines a trial. / / AVrite to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., if you are not quite \ satisfied; you cau address private questions to a woman. Football ami Matrimony. “There’s one thing,” said the expe¬ rienced one, "that I’ve been thinking about.” “What’s that?” “The influence football will have on „iatrimony in the future. What young f eI Iow will linve tho courage to ask a p„ pft w j 10 ovor played on a college eleven?”—Philadelphia North Ameri- can. Bis Real Mean Meaning. Harper-Isn’t 1 it wonderful 1 I don’t 800 how , R0,ne of - tlle80 ma * azme8 can be sold for ten cents. Brantwood—But look at the adver¬ tising they haye. That’s the way they make their money. Harper—You misunderstand me. What I can’t see is why people will pay the ten cents.—-Chicago News. Excusable Jealousy. “It fills me with envy,” remarked the man who wants an appointment, “to see that schoolboy trudging to his studies.” “You long for the pastimes of youth?” them. But “No. I don’t care for I’d like to ho able topass a civil-service examination as well as he could.” Out With It. Mrs. Ginger—How dare you talk to me in that way? I never saw such im- pudence. And you call yourself a lady’s maid, do you? f|'U„ I lie ltlaia Ar„;,| 1 T woa was a n tally lo.W’s S mnirl maul Ln DC fore I worked for you, ma’am.—Bos- ton Transcript. Kaby’s Sore Hoad and cliafed skin aro quickly cured by Tctter- ino. Don’t! ct the poor little tiling scream it- self into spasms when relief is so easy. Kvery skin trouble from a simple elmfe or chap to the worst ami case of Tetter or Ringworm is cured quickly mail surely by Tettori by no- J. T. At Shuptrine, druggists, or by stamps vSavail nab, Ga. When a man’s tongue is at a great rate his thought is generally out of sight. CHRONIC DISEASES ot all forms SUCCESSFULLY TREATED. liUeumatfsin. Neuralgia, Bronchitis, tiou, Indignation, etc. CATARRH of the Nose, Throat and Lungs. blSKASES I’lKTM.IAK TO IVOMK\, Prolapsus, lJleorntions, a Loucorrh(vi. etc. Write for pamphlet, testimonials and question blank. DIG 8. I . WIIITAKUK, SpecialUt. 205 Norcross Building, Atlanta, Ga. ■n gpi t ■ a m m N £ ARDS can lie paved with- ji B BgS B B B# out their knowledge !-y ITulI Information (in plain wrapper) mailed freo. In TIONAL k FREE TO THE Write EXCURSION TRIP for » pa ** 8IS ulars .,114 W.34th ~x the St., GET THE GEXUIXB ARTICLE! Walter Baker & Co.’s a Breakfast COCOA 174 m \ Pure, Delicious, Nutritious. Costs Less than ONE CENT a cup. 13e sure that the package bears our Trade-Mark. 111 ft Walter Baker Co. & Limited, Trade-Mark. (EstaMlshed 1780.) Dorchester, Mass. T°Thp IV r JZ,T"a M ° RE tllan ThC iS promised tW ° hemis has 1 always have been the practice ot auracuve P >«es been searched for :mr. include Statesmen* not twTvTT cnlv ee” i Tolume ior ° f ” l898 Cti011 > and iut the contributors for the year aresmen, Scientists, ’ 60 ™ e most eminent Educators, Explorers and Leaders of Industry. i *"■ :/• FOR THE ALL Tlie Youth’s 52 TIMES m v-" ■% !> FAMILY. Companion year. A y : 5 -■* n • 1 cj: ,-i t WHterS - bv V v Hon. Inc Duke Henry of Argyll Hon. Hon. George Tbomas F. B. Hoar Reed / Cabot Lodge klllian Nordica £ Hon. Justin McCarthy, M. P. Pfof. -* N. S. Sbaler ■ I* t; S Rndyard Kipling Story ^Tellers. Octave Thanet M’. D. Howells Mr. Gladstone has contributed an Important article for the L Zangwlil Frank R. Stockton .tear’s next Mary Mrs. Burton Harrison volume of The Companion, to he published E. Wilkins In the Sew Year's Number. and . Hayden Carruth more than one hundred others. ART CALENDAR j In Twelve Colors 2 srwSr? FREE TO NEW H s.wsis a .*$ • SUBSCRIBERS. Wustroted i thh ”OR NMLQN 5.5m S D’ LOOK E FOR ‘5‘ THERED SEAL MALSBY& COMPANY, 57 So. Forsyth St,., Atlanta, Ga. General Agents for Erie City Iron Works * Engines and Boilers Steam Wafer If eaters, Steam Pumps anrl Pciiberthy Injectors. ' -A, JfcS i - — ; - ,. r . Manufacturers and Dealers in SAW MILLS, Corn Mills, Feed Mills, Cotton Gin Macliin- SOLID mkIINSKRTED Saws, Saw Teeth anil bocks, KniRlit’s I'atcnt Dogs, Birdsall Haw Mill anil jlngino Kepaivs, Governors, Grato liars and a full line of Mill Supplies. Price and quality of goods guaranteed. Cat- alogue free by mentioning this paper. M ..WE.. NEW BICYCLES HAVE From # 19.00 ITp. SECOND-HAND ISI- CVGLKS from #r,.oo Up. Write for list nnd cut and best specifications bicycle of offered our “Alex for Special,” the ever the money. Agents wanted. W. I). ALEXANDER, 0‘i, <»!> and 71 North Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga. KLONDYKE !S ALL RIGHT. But why pay Jx.oa a sherv. ft>r ptocV. with nothing but “talk" to bock it, and 8,ooo mile* from home? I will sell you dividend Paying Colorado Gold Mint Stock for 15 cents a share, in certificates from 100 shares up. Other stocks in proportion, Address, Broker BEN A, BLOCK., Denver, Colo. Member Stock Exchange. Suite jt6-v Symis Building, ROBERT E. LEE. The soldier, citizen and Christian hero. A great new book just ready, giving life and ancestry. A money maker. Local and traveling agents wanted. ROYAL PUBLISHING CO., 11 and Main Sts., Richmond B.4S. Business Book-kkefing, sii'Kiiioii College, advantages; Shorthand Louisville, AND Kv 1 Ki.EaiUFHY. Beautiful Catalogue Pres. TEXAS LADIES SPEAK THE TRUTH. DeLeon,Tex., write*: IflJ . a widow, and can strongly I recommend Dr. M. A. Sim. mw I R mons Diver Medicine, lg having Saved my Llfo a ' years ago, when I was down A with Diver Complaint and ' 1 fll Kidney Disease. I think , It a farbetter medicine than Ithat made by "ZelUn" and * * : "Black Draught." _ Gestation! During the period of gestation the tension Dtion the muscles and ligaments of th« womb i» greatly taxed increased and the blood vessels arc to their utmost. If there recommend Is any tendency frequent to uneasiness warm Injections or pain.wa of our Mexican Female Remedy and two or three doses, every Wino. day, This of treatment Dr. Simmon* will Baunw Vino ligaments, will assist strengthen tho in holding tho nterns in place, lessen pain, mnko the nterns more pliable for tho and final elastic., effort. and procure the organs dangcrof death to child It also lessens the beragainstljabiiity and mother,and fortifies and other danger, to convulsions, flooding ordinary pruderies ons symptoms, and with guarantees a rapid recovery, 'ACm£Mi*v. y * Dr.' Celeste. Tex., says: M. A. Simmons Diver Medicine is tho best In the world for Biliousness, Indigestion and Torpid %, ,'XBk J. |f|jjs'B It Liver. years, and Have recommend used It it to 10 L my friends, and they all V£?M-w i hum. , )ra i s0 it. ij I difference think there be¬ is viii. -v muc V i tween it and “Beilin’s” and "Thedford's” as between day and night. Pslcnoss* aetcristic color. It arises from insufficiency materials of of assimilation of the blood, proper emorotio food to replenish tho as in who haya girls. fi It may occur in hemorrhoids, persons long Buffered repeated with discharges of or blood m women from The lips and tongue losa from the uterus* red color and become win to their natural like and the face looks remedy wax. for this condi¬ The most efficient Squaw Vino Wino. tion is I>r. Simmons produced by its The improvement use is frequently almost magical; an enfeebled heart becomes strong and equable the lips m apd ita action, digestion improves, and tho be* cheeks lose their pallor, elastic* eye comes bright and the step ESDVES w wA-jV sn ii|!i 0 1 ,i m vfBnSitk''- .if*;.. V SlMSis' TASTELESS CHILL TONIC IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. Galatia, Ills., Nov. 16, IS03. Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. COO Gentlemen:—Wo sold last year, bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL T0NJC and hnva bought three gross already this year. In all our ex¬ perience of 24 years, in the drug business, -have ne\'cr sold an nrticle that gave such universal satis¬ faction aa your Tonic. \ours truly, Abney. Carr & Co. SEND 10 CENTS FOR ONE OF GARDNER’S # Lamp CMimbj Prelectors. \ Guaranteed to prevent chimneys 1 from being broken by tlio flames. f 1 7 f Agents wanted. Address (iAKDNER LAMP CHIMNEY I’KOTECTOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. S25FULLC0URSES25 The complete Business Course or the complete Shorthand Course for $25, at WHITE’S IT. K. Cain BUSINESS St.. ATLANTA, COLLEGE, GA. Complete Business and Shorthand Courses Com¬ bined. $7.50 Per Month. Business practice from tlie start. Trained Teachers. Course of study unexcelled. No va¬ cation. Address If. B. W1UTK, Principal. gOMB-SHELL. m3 Every ono should buy this SURE-SHOT. beautiful picture, in 15 different colors, ltOGK OF AGES, at $ 1.00 Lack. Delivered free. Size 20 x 28 inches, painted by hand at Sl20jO{)0. and copied from the original painting, val¬ ued Every family should have one. Don’t miss it. Send money by mail, postoffice order, or factory. check, MANHATTAN at cur risk. Money returned if not satis¬ Ol Warren S Cor. W. iTBUSIHNtf CO., t., Bioiuhvay, N. Y. THE GEORGIA TELEGRAPH SCHOOL Teaches telegraphy thoroughly, and starts its graduates in ^he railway “ ‘ service. Only exclusive Telegraph School in the South. Established nine cessful years. Sixteen hundred suc¬ £L graduates. al S«nd foi illus- ' i ILLLGRAPH r » , ca J. 2?»e- SCHOOL, Address GliORfllA Seaola, Georgia. _ M OSBORNES udmedd