The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, October 29, 1897, Image 2

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liaréo Gents, W. A- M U R R A Y $1er QOcems ‘ ah! rah!! I'or lV‘a i (Store urr ut 1 • r n»( , r G IS IN THE RING AND CAN NOT M) KNOCKFJ) OFT. NO ONE IS ABLE TO KNOCK OUT THE I AIR STORK, . For if has always been Sleml<iuiirtcrs for Low Fri(*cs. You can get more goods for (lie least money tlicre Ilian anywhere else. We advertise and mine up K> it • Our juices arc a I wa \ - lower than elsewhere. We don't havi to jump in and give our eu (outers a catch and then go to high prices. I vory one knows we are the house for the trade. Our good- are carefully wit • R d and bought at very low prices. We knew we would have- great ,omp> ‘ilioti and we prepared for it. So r, our eompetei.n have not done us en\ harm because the' can not come up to us in pr:.-e . —CLOTH INC — We have the In Sc I- 1 sleek 111 ready nude eie. hill, ev, ■ brought to Ashburn, nnfi sell elie.nii r tbnn others can, because of the great advantage we take iu buying. We study style . •:::.i!iry and prices, and give our easterners tile benefit <1 lltm. IA i I ; I ton ire Ur A Nice Winter Suit. I f DIDvSS. (rOODS. & YVc carry a ,V,U mo f of dross tin ! can dross r a lady on! i • 0 ■ to h ihv from tho 1 a fS. w $ 11 n liighost to f!;o lowest. ....,->*,%* Y Do- nv inter goods *« - 5 bv nil lovc’rs oi nice goods. I Yali and see them VY r o Have a Nine of F v iro Capes, AIpo some wry j> (g'y, 0110 s. Wntpyeurselfup yHxr:. in one t>f them before m' m ;« winter breezes t tmie. jyN: Dry Goods. CM;;:;. A.:-;, ,.e Sol;:.. c ■ ^ jr.v; ^ro:iss<\s iH:u: -/«?- "C... * I V ctlierzvisi , un 'S AND Foo l ' MATS TO 1*1 EASE. ornAV! i V 7 Q n iu > V f Li k >;; . • V BEDS mid Sl’lllNO'S. Solid Oak Bedim Sei for Sf 4 , 9 S ! Weareyaar friends! We rut to save yen m.mey in buying your supplies. Como an 1 e.\ .ini; -. We wi,i b * jdca.-e-i to show toii our goad . whether you buy or not. JEFFREY & ROOBIN. \ -.Mmni. (i i. 4. SI for 5 M) cent. Lr~ h f I\ «» 1 'H- T , f-) » J #L pi **■ Jii r* i li L Li IT for 00 edits. L. o Dress Goods. Dress Goods. % Kentucky Double Width Woolen lire* Good Genuine Jeau», all woo 1 , at Hr. yd, 33';,c. yd. Double Width Woolen Pres- (iood- Wit Beautiful New Patterns iri Calicoes. Double at I Or. Width yd. Woolen Drew-, (I mh m Hussian Fleece, PerD/ib- Fbmnc'K 12c. yd. Cashmeres. Brilli mt’iie Towels, at 1 L <A ig .4$ Handkerchiefs. Collars, Call's. Tie 25 v (Is. yard-wide Sheeting for $1. df$i L~- 1” “ Good Blenching for f>0 corns VS;* :: fa Cor-ets, Ladies’Ve-ts. Ladies’ Seamless Blank Hose. |<V-i mt Men’s Underwear. Color*,9c. pr. f- Hats. Caps. Children’* Cap*. , ; / MnnV Seamless Heavy Sox. f»e. pr. X‘ g'igco Shirt-. ( Ti '( !(-< >1 !< > 1 Package Soda, 5 cents. i i -ion Salt: , 5c. II). J Best White Coflee, Wine 7.1 Vinegar, lbs, $1.H0. 2. r gallon. Sulphur Simmon’s 5c. Liver lb. Regulator. I5e. ic. Sterling Bull Potash lit for 81.00, Meat. Sugar, Spice, Pepper, Rice, Grits. Lard. 2-lb Salmons, 10 cents box. Flour. Best, Oysters, be. box. 400 bushels i’oxas Rust I’roof Oats Snuff, Tobaccos. just received. (^rockery and (glassware. No Tariff on This.. Plain and Decorated Plates, Cups and Saucers. Dinner Sets. (500 gallons Lard Jars, Churns, and Jugs just received. Chamber sets. Bowls and Pitchers. Large Size Lamp Chimneys, 5 cents. Small “ <* it 4 “ Lamp Burners and Wicks. Lampf, Glass and Brass, Tumblers and Goblets. Kitchen Lamps. Glass Oil <'an*. LCjiLLD WAliA j Tito _J _'_tJ J J -J—J ,~i.J ! Bits, I tippers, (ledar Buckets, Saws, Hatchets, Keating Stoves, Files, I Jammers, Iron King Stove, Tubs, Dish pans. Red (fit i eft a in Axes, Bolts, Milk pans, (’lark’s Razor Blade A \e pipe, , Locks, Stove Bradley Drawing Knives, Braces, Stove pans, Enterprise Sansago Mills, Screws, Sauce pans, Blaekhawk Corn SUellers, Hinges, A\ Handles, < lpci\ and < 'overed Bucket -, A ugurs. Wash Basins, fable and Pooket ('utler. , Brooms, Coni " in Stoves, ■ 10 Per Cent off. ONE DOLLAR FOR 90 CENTS 10 Per Cent off. LIVERY feed AMD SALE STABLS. i s. Ox 4 v ( Tl V> i hwf vSU ;4% . /J Teams are swift, and always in good condition. Now top butrgies find drivers who are not afraid to go. Ready any hour. Specie! jirovifions for traveling in bad weather. «l. Ik. IkdllH 1U T .S( r.U ASllBURN, - GEORGIA, Dure l*o d is * t * ,-d I’Oiith. Ihoui’uds o<T*» with m (m'i> l<lo, d. Thottcuti'd*. who i i. nil!’eled could be cure,, •< t.’’k '.m .\f iiosni. the only po-.fiv . m ijt* Air caim i ores K’.i umuti - m l,m . suuul hi:. Viricnnii carer Scrofula Alricuiii cures Old .Sir s. Afrie ti a cun-s Sj phii s A fricuih c r -s C ipati 'ip Af-ioana < ores Kxze . a Aft if..tia ■ are- < alarm Afii au., cure- Hhxnl and Skill 11 >• «>’ S. eniM ec y U i f its So ,| lo, (i .\ll"i:NI |{ ,V Tllll \SH. It Juh ! 1th. i THE CITY BARBi'H SHOP. 11 \ 1U INO- a sp a A 4 .ii\. ^ ) A \ 1 S ’ t -quh' n ml **a -\ . K X/oiiaS pm i x » d fix *»m s « *i mM ice. Y. a k\id a wijk r eei\e a urdi tl 'V ; <»iae. H. I). LAW, Proprietor* AsiAi-UuN UKtMum, COTTON WAREHOUSE. WAREHOUSE. , it.,*-. w t IU,--. the old reliable. CeUon Waiehou-c in Ashbn ti is Open for the i'jN and We Salic it Your P.,ir nagt\ We Gaaranrec Service. Pronip! ami lu>ne-f No Cu\in.v> wit Dvwiso. Bring us your Cotton. BASS BROS • • Sl“lO03. Slices. *. that tloliejlits me, it i to htiye tny cus- Seveut\ people have said: “If you 5 sf want (iootl Shoes, goto Murray.” to mors well pleased. i can ilo this on > Now I dou’t particularly boast, but l \ Shoes I cun ■ o .ciontiouslv say that no liv- - wp " ■L S< ui'i man can give better values m t ill Shoes Jinn’s Creedmorc Calf Skio. I,adies’ and Children’s Oil Grams d'lPyzii Glove Grain Catf skin and Kids. than I can : and if there’s anything . «-»Tr > I have Ihebost and prices are right. SPECIAL m\ EXT a> v: -0 o i‘c \ w 7. I / t Gi V 10 Pounds (‘off<»o, $ 51 . 00 . 10 Yards (‘alien, . 35 . 30 Yards Shooting, LOO. 200 Yds. v.nrd■'wide Pcrcals, at 0 1 - 2 . FUUMTUllE.. i /A FURNITURE. H r ! t » Mattresses, A look will convince you. Baby < 'hairs. - - v Twenty per cent cheaper than V Wire Springs. N. m anybody. Uockinj*: i 'hairs. UK * .I-A Beautiful Oak Suites at !f22 on ' hik and.Poplar Beds. bp> short notice. f. C.COHSETS MAKE Aurterican Beauties Slijjl i CORRECT SHAPES. ii m l \ ARTISTIC Of I IWEFFECTS • JBy Lengths. ‘V On Each Bax. NEWEST Ffc; I Ts 5 ■ MODELS. A a m r FANCY and A i; A p e " PLAIN. . 7 ^ KALAMAZOO CORSET CO SOLE MANU-ACT: SOgn BY- j.: ini, Ga |IHC AN A wn^CTirc -j 4 l-x.-tma and Ca / IA.- - ' to Stav Cured- —‘ 1 c 01 P. rCS Tl Z WHEN PATENT 08IAISE3. u • l v. e.A, ekvah or photo, with 5 ;" . ; : r . - :t . f pitcntitbilitv. 48-PAGE T'ANP-Sf'OX n< K. a : A H ivffrt sev* full 5* S vl, re?, cor? or ottr special crTV.*l.*At^: • m. ■ ■■■■ ■•' •n-m-'S ; «wovermsda br m S ^ • “ WEST INVENTOR SKOULD Wj v.rr ; ..15 > r p«u»ut. wlddrc$j: g n !|i? -. LhVu itfL^SN&CQi jJUv if F'ATf NT >Pr Y £ R S 0 ' WASi ^-TFIViUlON, . T Aiu O. r\ C. © I Is ' GA' )'.v-is 'vi n-fjg k.P'r. CG’ 3 URE cart" --- At it tr-nt it x;*? tBAua for. Prompt, Safe, sure, quick -N i: ■' - :o. i ; to take. tb;i.iiv-n_ M' '.he.> c.ko it i f,-i . sn.l adult-'- Ci.tidren. like It, i. . - . -:r ^Prepared UaWiTf l.r. fcjr 5.C. Er:ly !>eWt;t &Oo..taakmot ibc foSSOCjF g r XieDhd* agh@T+ll ^@6 QUALITY CONSIDP.ED, I will guarantee to knock’ eni all out when it comes to Nice Dress All Wool Suits, either in Men’s, Boys’ or Childs’. It is given up that I sell the Best Clothing for the price that can be bought. I don’t make a hobby of cheap, shoddy stuff. See them before you buy. FUNERAL SUPPLIES. Coffins and Gaskets, all Sizes. Kept on Hand.' ROBES AND TRIMMINGS CHEAPER THAN ANYWHERE ELSE I hate to sell you these goods, but if you need them let me know. OFFICIAL ADVERTISING. SHERIFF’S SALE. G?;orgia -Worth ConTSy. Will bo sold before the courthouses door in the town of Isabella, Worth county, t a,, with¬ in the ie^al hours of s T on the first Tuesday in November, tOdV, to the hinhe^t bidder for cash, the fol'owhig pr. perty To wit/ Three head or cattle, one oaie of cotton in seed. i'-t» bushels of corn, move or less. Levied on as the prop¬ erty of J. F. T. Williams to satisfy a county court ft fa issued in favor of W. D. Gillis, H. S. Stoky, SI eriff Notice of Adjourned Term. AT CHAMBEUS, A l, BA NY, G A, OCT.. 12. 1897. luljourncul oanKUKU That from Worth tho Superior fourth Monduy Court ho in over this montli till tho llftli Monday iti Novembto 1 , 1 97; and the grand ana traverse jurors sum¬ moned to appear at the regular term on tho fourth Monday in this month will appear at oourthousi at it o'clock, a, m.. on the iiftli Monday in November, be held IS then. 7. to serve at the ad¬ journed term to W. N\ SPENCK, .1. S. U„ vC. OICOHCiTA, [ Tliis is to certify that the WOKTH CO, f above and foregoing is a cor¬ rect copy of tlie JuHiro’s order adjourniriir court as it i>ppears on record. This Oct., !•:, IM.17. W, WARREN, Clerk. TYFNlTi'i't- J )*.■«*} -vucrf -M m r o -gw -J v*) YU LDol lar 0 . CONVENIENT TO SV A REHOUSES. Can Gin a Bale in .’>0 -Minutes. Cotton Delivered to Warehouses Free. DURHAM A CO S 3 I i .A, T] '\uATj-i . WE GIN OTTON AT fl A BALE. Elivaror Takes Cotton From the Wagon. No Lifting in Unloading. Drive to our door and we do the rest. J. T. MeLKNDON & SONS. T1FTON & NORTH -EASTERN RAILROAD. 'SoI.PI. :.s c Liix v R. re:.'’ LOCAL TIME TABLE NO 4 il.U.TIl'r. General Office. W.O. TIFT. President.: l it TON, Ga, ; Vice Preeid’t. Z UfAsol: Effective inoinotnoS pm am nec. t«r.» m p;u pm 4 Oil::» .. iv.Tiftcmar lint 7 17 7 17 O- U7 7 44 ih'hihton Hardin?. |1 4.7:7141710 l«.T54 t U -o* 4 > 14 f 1‘initt# 11 Ift'0 31 '«3I 4 4 k Ml' Mystic U led - •HO-t; f PkMvher ‘10 non 111 • - s i;» u o FltEycu'ihl ' it) 47 c 'V ' ,-i x - • u - ;; -•! "■" - ee • .'■:*» N T S’- ' •• , - >...< - i - .» :i Trains m.:ka e?.n- iv ; :e;i with ** m . w : n i' it orp'H'. M».Hlnt! n &• i .vurf 'ct a at:' i.iiiiYiiUi: AbiV'nms st I- ’ y Y a BO-i NiiGH f, 1 r. m Mun^er. * DEW DROP j T 1\T au \] Mils SA[.l.!i: <0 U’M.iN. 1'v pr , ;r, Rates $i a Day. “DEW DROP INN.'’ —— M»’i P i. T ‘ '1 AXP \ Y KK _ ; - , a,i- r - : t sht-uni :„v •- a. -. ,* • r . . i> ; J*t Um- stout • r • < : .-x.* N. MvKRTlti R . rkand ires 7 C 5 551 {M 9C)c:ems W. A. M U R R A Y .‘ $1f®r9© 019116. SEE WHAT I SELL! 0- T. R E YOU GO I MO TO BOLD Oil REMODEL YOUR HOME? H\s<b,I dl-cl i-|i ■[(•) yC'U, l lS I I li-|G 40 / ( : 1 FU( ) j Aif)j.)ly HCuhi^^ Sou ik of Macon. * Base Main Is OILS BUNDS Lath !.aii.lo r LIME ( IvME.YI’ Nads Sliitufles SASH MOULDINGS Tile- Fire Clay GLASS. hardware Lock* vcmnseotiing BRICK ' VALLEY TIN Grates Turned Work PUTTY BA CLUSTERS 11 iDges Fire (day Br'ck DOOI.’S terrracotta Newels i’lastering Hair PAINTS PLaSTKRPARI-S 1 j A l '\ \ \ )7 1 T | i T v } X t A (bu GaPi Gel ICvofy- /{ ) 1 v ( u , L ( ') >- Lg' ( } ' U-jiuio Y(bu NoeU 14 ■ 1 -)uuh- 1 mi fc-pc-uU ykrur IiUh |C kit lTjy y/iret. Hail Orders Will {'Receive 'Prompt Attention. Cor dele, Ga. if. M.Kiimk /y* / md \ / / V J . \ y i v \ \ ■/ Y V ly f \ • 0 - tf C;. c cj Carriages - ij—i. Hi, VIA&&M \ Bicycles at $35. $40, Baby Carriages and ' $50, $t 0. $75, $8d, $100. -; >S Boys' Wagons in*lar- The Best for tne Least N--v gest varecies. V wWl r —•: Money i. ! tjmm <* . :u- w i5gg & xm THE BEST STYLES AY.) .MAY54 vi’ Ll VEST PRLJES . r“J , , - ,. >\ mm ’ N ' t • rv ^ v t**" 4 T r\ Macon. Ga. *