The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, October 29, 1897, Image 3

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Entered """ advance -- at j' 1 '® Ashburn postoflkw J as( i a seco „ nd-class mail matter. Official 0 rgan of Worth County. Ashburn, &&., Oct. 20. 1897. ^Gcriptlon jit a y Cfl |. j,, ndvance Bl-TLKK, LOCAL ~ EDI Toil. We do job print ing. We ha ve a sewing machine for sale. er’s. , or cheap tobacco go to Walk¬ Per ice and lemon S go to Walk¬ er’s. Walker’s. Tobacco 20 cents per pound at Walker’s. Beefsteak 8 cents a pound at Walker. Highest, price paid for pork.— The News says Ocilla is soon to have a hank. For all kinds of canned goods go to Walker’s. Miss Mary Warren of Inaha was here yesterday. in Judge Ashburn Story of Warwick was J. S. Monday. with Betts and wife are down chills and fever. For fresh sausage and all kinds of meats go to Luke’s. Ed Smith of Sycamore was on our streets yesterday. C. F. Foster of Cordele was in Ashburn Monday. Miss Mattie Clark is visiting her sister, Mrs. Belvin. For meats, fruits, fish and veg- etables go to Walker’s. prices Jeffrey & Roobin have reduced on all their goods. W. A. Murray made a business trip to Cordele yesterday. Geo. Evans went to Eichwood Monday on a business trip. for Thirty-two $1 yards of white cloth at Jeffrey & Roobin’s. W. R. Paulk of Irwin county was in Ashburn Wednesday. Editor John Herring was a caller at our office Saturday. Davis & Barbre have a new sign hung in front of their store. Ladies’ Macintoshes of all kinds at Jeffrey & Roobin’s, cheap. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Posey of Cordele were here yesterday. Oak furniture is going at low prices at Jeffrey & Roobin’s. Col. Z. Bass has been tour¬ ing the county the past week. D. W. Ketchum of Cordele was registered at the Clyde Tuesday. Plenty of ground cloves, spices and liana men at Gaidner & Thrasher's. Two convicts escaped from one of the camps at Worth last week. (’apt. A. 0. Lawton of more was in town, trading Mon- day. MissLorena Ennis ot AVortli is the guest of Miss Willie McLen¬ don. J. P. Peacock of Irwin county was here selling cotton day. Lester Stewart and family spent Sunday herewith J. II. Gil¬ more. Don’t forget that Gardner & Thrasher have ihe largest tablets for 5 iionis. John Snji.tli of Sycamore was perambulating our streets Wed¬ nesday. A little sou of Mrs. Fannie Ev¬ erson of Oaklield is reported se¬ riously ill, Lester Stewart will move to Taylor county between now and Christmas. The up train Tuesday killed a couple of hogs for Messrs, Jeffrey and Walker. AAillur’s Seed Meal, tiorsnand tie food, $1 pi r [ ackage, at Thrasher’s. The Ocilla high with school Grubbs opened last Monday Prof. as principal. Short cotton brought 5.05 in this market, yesterday. Sea ‘ land, 11.50. - Paul Tinley of Invin Sycamore now one of the News force. AVill Sims of Leslie was on a visit to his cousin, Mrs. graves, Sunday. Miss Sue Pittman of is visiting her mother, who sick at Worth. Seventy-five cents will buy good ordinary cloth cape at Jef¬ frey & Roobin’s. Let’s get up a building complete bee help ’Squire McArthur his repair shop. Charley KeJly and his 1 of Arabi were in town Wednes¬ day on business. Jesse Hickman is putting in two fine show windows in the front of his store. Rev. ( . H. Hyde has resigned the pastorate of the Presbyterian church at Cordele, Alex Story will soon move back here from Cordele and take charge of liis farm. ’’-he finest silk plush capes cheap, ever at brought to Ashburn Jeffrey & Roobin’s. J. AV. Walker was on the sick list Monday, and unable to-be at his place of busineUfc. If Florida don’t, raise that quarantine soon,'. Georgia will he filled up with hoboes. Sn all pih. -ale pf 1, b'st phi, Do Witt’s Liitie Early Ki-ers cure b: iou- n*-gs, constipation, -'ck .head re.—) tt? i (>. McLendon's gin had to shut down again Monday on account of Jack of water. A colored excursion to Tifton Saturday night was largely pat¬ ronized from this place. Mrs. Murray went to Worth Tuesday to see her aunt, Mrs. Cowan, who is very sick. If yon want to be pleased and get value received Gardner for & your Thrasher. money, always call on Z. J. Cowan and wife, and Mrs. Pittman, who is visiting them at Worth, are all down sick. The bird law expires Monday, ,_v ami , you can go a . hunting. ,. Oh, where s ( barley 1 eagle ( Waller II..... „ ........ here seeking county tanner, was a location the past week. Geo. Daniels went out to Jus. Clements’ place in Irwin county Sunday to visit his sister. W. R. Paulk has completed a new residence on his place ten miles east of here in Invin. When you want a good blood puri¬ fier or Unit* always call on tin-, old sumd-bys, Gardner & Thrasher. Miss Annie Hall, daughter of Tax Collector AY. A. Hall of Oak- lield is reported seriously ill. M. A. Poffard of Pearson has a Georgia raised hog that tips the beam at upwards of 500 pounds. Jeffrey & Roobin are selling dress goods cheaper than anyone in Ashburn. Call and price their goods, Don’t bo annoyed with chills and fever when you can get Johnson’* Chill and Fever Tonic at Gardner & Thrasher’--. Mrs. Julia N. Rutland and two doughters, of Oaklield, are sick with fever, the former danger¬ ously so. Heinz’ olives, pickles, catsup and jelly, and fresh oat meal just arrived at Davis & Barbre’s. Phone 12. The second Wesleyan confer¬ ence will be held at. Tifton next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. AV. A. vShingler returned from a visit to Whiteville, N. 0., Tuesday, her where she lias been to see parents. Hello! Where did you get that pair of Keliam & Moore’- crystal lease eye-glasses? At Gardner & Thrasher’s drug store. The lecture at the Methodist church last Friday night by Miss Perry was well attended and highly spoken of. Mesdames Hardin and Cope¬ land of Conyers are at, the bed¬ side of their sick sister, Mrs. Z. J. Cowan, at Worth. A little dffVignter was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Word last, w eek Thursday, Mother and child are doing well, Jeffrey has put a street lamp in front'of his store, and one in the rear. His prices tell by day and his AV. A. Shingler complains that he is unable to procure lumber to finish his depot oil the ville A Isabella railroad. Gen. Allen Thomas of Florida passed through of here Saturday and with a carload chickens ducks, destined for Cuba. The T. G. Parker News Co. lias rented the Union Hotel and eat¬ ing house at, Cordele, and will soon have it in operation. Sheriff Story registered at the Clyde Tuesday night. He was on liis way to Macon, Atlanta and the Nashville exposition. Don’t be troubled with that annoy¬ ing cough and cold when you can get Bromo Qutnia, that will cure a cold in one day, at Garin' r & Thrash¬ er’s. While others complain of hard times we can truthfully say that our business has been better and more profitable this year than last. Ye people that suller whh 'onshpa- tion, have von forgot that Gardner & Tbra-her sells Dr. il. Mnzley’s Lem¬ on Elixir and Lamar’s L-irion Laxa¬ tives? The Holiness Baptist Associa¬ tion at Cordele closed last Sun¬ day. but Rev. AV. H. House is protracting the meeting for ten days. For chapped bands and fac - one i akc of Gardner <& Thrasher's pure Glycerine soap applied niyht an I 111 » ruing by bathing the hands aul fa'-e well. (J. AV. Cash well returned from Snow Wednesday, and will re¬ main here a few days. He was formerly employed at Durham’s ginnery. the Tv Ty needn’t think she’s only peach in the basket. Ash¬ burn, too, has received recogni¬ tion at the hands of the New York Sun. AVe understand that Gus A\ ell has ! mrchased from Beni. Fate the property on which stand the stores of ,J. VV. Walker and Da¬ vis A Barbre. Ocilla is one of the healthiest towns In the .State,and the water is too good to mix with anything stronger.—Irwin County New-. Been trying it? All of our merchants were noti¬ fied this week by the town au- thoi-ities that no sign must be put up less than seven feet above the ground or walk. Z. T. Ennis is not in such de- p lorable circumstances as the pub¬ lic Las been made to believe, liis household effects were insijr u for sOdd, all of which has been Miss Mattie Swearingen of Syc- ataore is visiting friends here, and is t,hc guest of Mrs. White. Miss Mattie Ferry, the mission¬ ary evangelist, was the guest Wed¬ Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Cautey nesday night, ami left for Macon yesterday morning. Do you want the best blond and nerve tonic? a-k for our compound printed for¬ ex¬ tract of celery, with the mula on the bottle. Sold only by Gardner A. Thra-dier. Mrs. Grover Cleveland present¬ ed her husband with a boy yes¬ terday, and the ex-president is as ^ puffed up with pride as ia Bro . Pi dors . KnUivnol Tooth Pn-t--. which, per fumes (he breath and destroys all of¬ fensive odor. Only 25 cents. The next session of the South Georgia Conference of the Meth¬ odist Hpiseopal Church South will convene in Savannah Dee. 1st. Bishop Key will preside. Africanmi—The wonderful blood purifier, cures chronic sores, scrofula, eczema, constipation, and all di-eases ar sine from impure Rood. Sold by Gardner A Thrasher. The Ashburn Advance contin¬ ues to prior oceans of matter ev¬ ery week, Tim Advance must have substantial interests in Klondike.—Telfair Yeoman. AYe want, you to come to see us when in Ashburn. We will try to save you money on groceries, vegetables, meat, meal, flour, to¬ bacco, etc.-—-Davis & Barbre. You can’t eft re consumption, but you can avoid it and cure every other form ofdiroat or lung trouble by (he u-e of One Minute Conga Cure.- -J 8 Betts & Co. There was a postal card famine in Ashburn Monday, and none could be obtained at the post-of¬ fice or stores until the up train arrived in the afternoon. There i* no need of little chi'drcn being tortured by scald head, eczema, and skin eruptions. Pa Witt’s Witch It tei Salve gives instant relief and cures permanently —I S Betts & Co. The local writer on the Blakely Observer is one of the best in the State, and the make-up of the local page of the paper is as good as can he found anywhere. Dr. Thrasher now drives a spanking good team purchased from J. E. Edmondson Tuesday. He needed two horses to haul him around, anyhow. You can’t afford to ri-k your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneu¬ monia or cou-umpiion. Instoni -- lief (Uid a certain cure are niforded by Oi.e M nute Ce.uah p i s Belts & Co. * A Mr. Oarrica of Springfield, Ky., ism this section for the pur¬ pose of buying 1,000 head of cat¬ tle to be shipped to the blue grass region and fattened for martlet. Disfigurement for lile by burns or sc.ilds :nav bo avoided by using De- Witt’- Witch Haze! H-ilvo. the greet remedy fur pib s and Trail kb ds of sores u,ed -kin ! r uble-—J, S. Dot s & Co. Dan Davis has swapped a place near A raid for George Shep¬ pard’s farm two miles west of Ashb.urn. Mr. Sheppard will move to his new place shortly. Cordele Sentinel: J. Leo E»- left last night for Jackson¬ ville, Florida, to get a convict who escaped from the convict camp at Worth two years ago. John Knight and Rosa Hill, colored, were married last night by ’Squire McArthur at Jeff Pope’s house. Several white peo¬ ple witnessed the ceremony. A small house belonging to T. A. Royal and occupied by Mrs. Hatcher was burned to the ground Sunday night at Arabi. But little of the furniture was saved. It is now said that the resi¬ dence of T. Z. Ennis, recently de¬ stroyed by lire, was insured for $000, This will not leave the family in such destitute circum¬ stances, after all. Rev, E. E. Hhellhammer of At¬ lanta wii! preach at the Methodist church here next Tuesday. He is reputed to he au excellent talker, possessed and of great spirit¬ ual power, all should hear him. A gentleman told us yesterday that the reason it, is so dry in this section is that vve don’t pay the preachers enough. If that’s really the cause, just pass around the hat and we’ 11 chip in. IIa.nip (Stevens of Khellman, Ga,, who is studying for the min¬ istry, is in Ashburn, and will re¬ main here until the annual confer¬ ence, when he will undergo an examination. The housewives appreciate that Jersey Cream Butter that is re¬ ceived twice a week from New York State, and sold by us. It is fine, fresh and sweet. ; —Davis A Barbie. 8. G. Long of Oak field was a welcome caller at our office Mon¬ day. He was collecting taxes for Tax Gollector AV. A, Hall, who was detained at. his home on ac¬ count of sickness in liis family. Four thousand dozen eggs have been -hipped to Klondike, and are expected to reach there by L'-hristmas. But why ship them to Klondike? Klonrtikfc prices prevail here in Ashburn. The AVidow Lawson of Oaklield died recently, after an illness husband of >nlv one week. Her died about two month- ago. Now an infant daughter is sick and not expected to live. K, D. Smith, a farmer, shot by a convict guard at Eicli- wood Sunday, but not seriously wounded. The difficulty Mr. oc- curred at a church where Smith was conducting a Sunday k uool. G. W. Nevvton, the carriage painter at Kdmondson’s livery stable, has been doing some tine work of late. He is an artist in his line, and his work will com¬ pare favorably with any done iti the State. While in Macon Tuesday we fell into the hands of T. S. Mc¬ Kinney, who left Ashburn a few weeks ago to try liis hand at rail¬ roading. Me is boarding at, 720 Plum street, and took us up for a square meal. J. S. Betts A Co.’s tram engine No. o hiew out a cylinder head Tuesday, and has gone into the “hospital” for treatment. The same engine got rantankeroiis Saturday morning and damaged live ears for the G. S. A F. Commodore WiPio B. Murray stepped on the scales Tuesday wearing his jaunty sailor suit, and tipped the beam at 39 3-4 pounds. Ho thinks admiral he is plenty big enough to be an now, and we think so, too. Some miscreant shot a horse be¬ longing to Lee Bet.t.s last week. An effort, was made to save the animal's life but. to no avail. If the party who did the shooting is ever caught, up with it, will be apt to go pretty hard with him. AVe are still headquarters for something nice for the table. Finest beef, pork and sausage in S own. On Tuesdays and Sat.ur- ays we luive trout and mullett, and fresh oysters on Saturdays. Place your.orders in time.—Davis & Barbre. Mrs. J. Lawrence went to Cly- attville near Valdosta Monday to assist in a Holiness meeting now in progress there. Mrs. Lawrence is an earnest and enthusiastic, religious worker, and is no doubt doing much good. The Invin County News is a newspaper right, now, since Bro. Hanlon has got it under control. The issue of last week, both from an editorial and mechanical standpoint would be a credit tq any Georgia town. The Molinosa^poople hel'J ;l |,in reefing at Liberty j a( q Sundays hich was largely attended by ri'.Vonirnites. Rev. Strozier was r::> have preached, hut the servic- y. were turned into a regular ex¬ perience meeting. J. M. Thii'.swend of tiro-beck, Tex says Giat when be ha- a spelt of in¬ digestion, and feels bad and -lugaish, lie lakes iwoof DeAVill’s Little Early Risers at nigh 1 , and lie is nil right the next morniag. Man* ihonsand- of oi hors do the same thing. Do j oaf —J. S. Bells & Co. Some of our citizens, when t lie v read Ashlnirn’s New York Sun write-up, republished in the Ad¬ vance lust week, made comments that would not be published in this paper for nineteen dollars and six bits, spot cash. No use losing s'ccp and walking the floor with baby at night bco-iase it has colic. A dost* of Gr. Ti* honor’s Anlis'-plic (diluted and sweetened) will relieve ii m a few minute-. Vi ry pleasant taste and odor, lice (rora opiates and pcrlectly hurml> ss. Belts & ( o. will sell von a bottle for 50 cts. Of all the National dailies then*, is no more pronounced a success than The Sun, New York, which is an example of what truthful¬ ness, news, brevity and anti-sen¬ sational methods can accomplish. —N. A’. Copy* Hook, Whoopee!! Ashbuniitesdon’t think that way. Dr. Thrasher recently ordered a pair of pants from Columbus through he J. S. Betts A Go., and when called l’or them a few days after found 0. E. Barrel completely hidden in one leg the unmentionables, peek-a-boo with the other clerks. Mrs. Slaughter and Mrs. Karoo of near Isabella were in town shopping Wednesday. They brought to this market a large number of chickens and turkeys, which they sold to our merchants and received good prices for. It is said that it don’t take long for 'Squire McArthur to marry a couple. They join hands and the following colloquy en¬ sues: “Have him?” “Yep. : » “Have her?” “You bet.” -‘All right. Spliced. Two dollars and a half, please.” Misses Lizzie Blood worth of Milner and Annie Green of The Rock, two charming and be¬ witching belles, were the guests of Miss Maggie JIndaway during the past week, and departed for their respective homes Monday. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week special trains will run from Tifton to Waycross on account of the fair at tiie latter place. Tickets will he sold for one fare for the round trip, plus 25 cents admission to the fair grounds. There was a splendid party at the residence of Charley Royal below (Sycamore last night, given in honor ot Miss Herrington of Sumner. A large number of guests were present, arid delight¬ fully entertained. ’Those who attended from here were Harry Jeffrey and Wilbur Bunch. When A. Roobin of Cordele vis- ite.d Mr. Jeffrey here last week, while at AVorth lie threw a bundle of papers from the train, and with the papers went a valuable gold ring,a gift frond his deceased him. wife, hence The highly initials “L. treasured 11.” by are engraved on the inside of the ring. Mr. Roobin will liberally reward anyone who will return tlio lost ring to him or to Mr. Jef¬ frey . Jim Baker, the colored porter of the Clyde House, hits got it tip his sleeve for the New York Sun’s correspondent. lie says lie wants it understood that the language he uses is patterned after cultured Boston, and that in* don’t resort to negro dialect. On Tuesday, little Ruby, aged two and one.*half years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' W. T. Bass, passed away. This is the second child they have lost within a week, and the community certain- ly sympathizes with them in their dire affliction. J. Ii. Jessup of Cordelo, repre¬ senting the Providence Savings Life, was in town yesterday, and favored our office with a call. Mr. Jessup won the diamond medal for writing more policies than any other man in last year, The medal is valued at $75, and lie wears it proudly. There was a watermelon cut¬ ting party til Darien Barfield's Sal unlay night which was a very enjoyable a Hair. Among those present we:o Messrs Glare and Claude McLendon, and Misses Mattie Horne,Laura Green,Gallic Ivillebrew, Maggie Burke and Willie McLendon. “It's no joke” whan we say llml I)r. Ticlu iioi’s Aiiiise|u(c is superior to anything offered the ••dear people” ns a dressing for wounds,barns, slings of insects, poison oak, etc. l(s clean liness, pb-asinl odor, and its wonder¬ fully quick cures makes il a universal favorite wherever known. For fur- llicr lnlovniad -n apply to J. S Betts & Go. Jeffrey & Hoobin ore selling stacks of goods in the way of clothing and furniture. They run two houses side by side, and keep three salesmen busy. Their double-column advertisement, will give you only a faint idea of what they are doing. The following from the Albany Penny Press leads ii 3 ( u ask if example Walter Dhorry is in danger: The of the ant as an admo¬ nition to the sluggard offers no snob resources of spectacular in¬ struction its the Intel HI noiseless celerity of a marriageable girl who is camping on some man’s trail. Houston High School Journal : W. M. Dale of this place has pur¬ chased an interest in the mercan¬ tile business of Story Bros, at Ashburn. and moved his family to that place Thursday last. lie will manage the business at that place be for the. (inn. Hope he will a good boy and keep his face and hards clean. There was another watermelon cutting party at Mr. Barfield’s Tuesday night.. Quito a number of Ashburn’s young people con¬ gregated at the residence of Mr. McLendon and wont over to Mr. Barfield’s house in a body, where they enjoyed themselves as only Ashburn young people can. Col. Tipton of Sylvester was here on legal business yesterday, lie reports substantial building improvements going on in that town. T. K. lieiiHohn is erecting a two-story brick storehouse 50 x 1(10 feet, anil the brick work on the same is completed. C. W. Ilillliouse is also erecting u two- story brick. “Spcakiii.'.-; nlxuit blind tigers,” remarked a good citizen the oth¬ er day, “one couldn’t live in Tel¬ fair long enough to wink the other eve.” And lie was right, people have said “No.” and tlie,y meant it.—-Telfair Yeoman. Here too, brother. A man can’t even sell cider iu this neck o’ the woods, J. ('. Bnrrv, <uic <-f the lu-.-t kti -wn cit /.-as of Spencer, Mo , les’ifi 1 - that Ii cured himself of tin; woist kind pile - by using a b-w box s-a I >e A jit’s Witeli Hazel Halve. He had b en troubl'd wiili p ie- for over thirty years and had used many d.ffcuviu liiml-i of so-called cut res; bill D -Will’s w h the one ihul lid the work, and he ui’l verify this slat meet it anyone wish*-- to write him. ■I. S I let's & < h Rev. Gulpeppor preached to a large cougregation at the 1 Iupti t church la-t Sunday morning, and the sermon was a very interest¬ ing one. The rumor that was cir¬ culated (o the clfcct that lie was b> preach his farewell sermon then was wholly unfounded, and probably arose from Gordoie’s ef¬ forts to secure .his exclusive serv¬ ices. lie will preach here the balance of the year, and perhaps next year. W. T. < )iristopher, editor of the Georgia Planter, and who lives in Montezuma, has rented tie* John Ward place, and will move Ids family here by J an. 1st. Bro. Christopher will make a good welcomed citizen, and wjjl Ik heartily unity. to our cot run We tru t that other of Macon county will follow in his foot¬ step:- and make Worth county their future home. Thu legislature is determined to preserve the succulent fruits of Georgia, and yesterday p.t.-sud a bill making it, unlawful to kill ’possums between the 1st of .March and the 1st of October Charley Tangle, Clare McLendon, Bob Law, Marshal Hallman and other ’possum hunter, want to cut rhis out and paste it in their hats. The vonorablc Win, Hogan, who lives 111 miles east of here in Irwin county, was in town otto day the past, week. Mr. Hogan is 8-1 years of ago, and has been married twice. His first wife had Iff children and liis second 10, and ho can trace 300 lineal descend¬ ants. We doubt, if there is tin- other man in Georgia who can do the wtimo thing. Mr. Hogan is one of Irwin’s best citizens, and although somewhat feebio, prom- to be with ns many years yet. The Clinch Comity News is a new caudiiiate for tuvors in the journalistic liold. It is published Hmnerville by M. K. Tison,and tokos the place of the defunct Chronicle. The first number is before us, and presents a very creditable appearance. F.dit,oi¬ Tyson lias dropped Populism, and announces that, the new paper will be strictly Democratic. We wish it success. There’s something going to happen sure. A young lady stopped iu Mr. Murray’s store and sent, word to Jim Haney that, she wanted to see him, and to come up there right, away, lie seii 1 hack word that he hadn’t time. Now you know when Jim Haney hasn’t, got time to go to seo ti pretty young lady there an appalling catastrophe near tit. hand. We had thought that nothing short of the millen- inm would bring about such a stilt,o of affairs. E. B Smith, a meandering ma¬ nipulator of adjustable alphabets who stopped over Sunday with Ye Local three weeks ago while eurotite to Florida, writes from Hmnerville, Gn., that he reached Jasper Florida, where he was met by a body of armed men and forced to return to Georgia. He now wants us to take a day oil and go to Homerville and kick him for trying to run a Florida quarantine. J. L. Bond of Drayton. Dooly county, wtls killed by a train near Moutezuma Friday uigld. He was under t he inJluonceof liquor, sat down on the track, and pre¬ sumably went to sleep, wlimi him. a train came along and killed He was a faithful soldier during the war, and it is said by Ids com¬ rades iu battle • that no braver soldier ever fought under the confederate Hag. The photographer who has had liis tent pitched near the Dew Drop Inn started to take it down on Sunday last, preparatory l<> going south. His working on Sunday, publi -ly, incensed many, and the authorities were noli lied. Marshal Hallman started out to arrest (lie man Monday morning, but In- luid evidently go! wind of (lie proposed legal proceedings against him and walked down to Sycamore, where lie was out of t In 1 jurisdiction of our municipal authorities. Golunibus and other papers give warning that the postage stamp hobo is headed this way. He is fairly well dressed, and hi racket is toeiitera store or dwell¬ ing, give up a “talc of woe,” and beg a postage stamp to write home. He generally gets the stamp, and oftentimes money, and makes a pretty good tiling of it. We believe in helping un¬ fort mmle men on tlie road and out of employment, but chronic dead beats should he given the cold shoulder. The < birrolllnn Times gives the following ns a true story: There is a man in Floyd county. <fa., who had t he pleasure of naming hi wife when she was a baby. 1 le visiled a lady friend some ! ime after t be Dirt h of her lirst lilt Se girl. In a joking way In* remarked that il'sh" would grant him the privilege of naming the child he would wait for and mar¬ ry her when she was old enough. The favor was granted, of course the mol her not dreaming that her friend would or could carry out the agreement, but lie did. When the child came to be a rosy cheeked maiden this friend came a wooing and won flu- young lady’s heart. They are now married and living happily togef her. A man and woman a team consist,sng of a yearling hitched to a pair of old buggy wheels wit h a dry goods box for a body, in which was packed all of their earthly possessions, passed through Lllaville this mornkig, having traveled in this style from Mississippi, a distune i of RJO miles.—Fllaville News. Glad you warm--! ns; and, if our neighbors do t heir duty, we shall he ready to receive our relatives when they reach Blakely.—So says 1he Blakely Observer, We never thought about stu-li as that when the party passed Ashburn, or we vvmihHiave taken to the woods. However, failed to recognize us, probably because, they heard we were run¬ ning a country newspaper, and did not care to spring the geiie-il- ogietd t ree on us. Another killing has taken place in Aliaj.aha, over in Berrien county, Saturday about noon Jesse Gay, while, ami Jim Head, a difficulty at the de¬ pot. A friend finally led Head toward the postollice, some distant. Gay followed the fight was renewed. The grabbed Gay and held a in one hand. Gay cried, “Turn me loose, or I’ll shoot.” 'l'h*-- negro, not loosing hi • (|,1V U itJi ::OIil< difficulty got hand in liis hip pocket, drew pistol and tired into the ol' Head. The negro at loosened his hold and started the street to his hoarding house, and lie tainted on the way there had to he carried home, where he died Saturday night. Gay made no attempt to make his escape, and had not been arrested up to Monday evening. (>nec upon a time there was a preacher who was greatly be¬ loved by his congregation, and they arranged a surprise for him and his family, and calling at his house one night left a big lot of provisions, clothing, etc., for which lie was exceedingly grate¬ ful. A few days after his wife presented him with a bouncing baby bov. At. church the next Sunday he prayed fervently, and among other things said: “Wo desire the little to thank Ijme, sent <), Lord, the past lor succor us week.’’ And the congregation was forever after divided in opinion as to whether their pas¬ tor referred to the donations lie had received, or the baby. We don’t know how liev. .1. Flanders will pray next Sunday, but he has a bouncing 10-pound boy at bis house, born last Sunday, the of ninth wedding The anniversary the parents. mother is do¬ ing nicely, and if you could hear the father talk, the child only lacks whiskers to be a full grown man, and a candidate for bishop. It seems that Homer Reed did not catch onto all the religious Jenkins, traits of Aaliburn. J. F. our efficient assistant, postmaster, lias a tine open-faced gold watch that is an admirable time-keeper during the week, but when Sun¬ day comes it positively refuses to run, and can’t, ho started again until Monday morning. Anoth¬ er strange thing was reporter! to us yesterday, Our informant. states that J. S. Googliagan owns, hen that will not lay eggs on Sundays , or holidays, such as Christmas, Fourth of July, Wash¬ ington’s birthday, New Year and Memorial Day. When not broody she lays an egg every day except Sundays and holidays, when she stops, but the following day, as if to make up for lost time she deposits a double volked egg in her nest,. When she gets broody eggs arc placed under her and she sets all right until Saturday night, when she goes to roost with the other fowls, and won’t go back to her nest until Monday morning, when of course the eggs are spoiled, and Mr. G. has to break her up from setting. We call this getting Sunday observ¬ ance down to a pretty tine point. ’Squire McArthur’s court was engaged all day Monday in trying the ease of the State vs. Fletcher Wright for alleged cheating and swindling in a guano transaction. Ool. Powell represented the State and (’els. White and bass the de¬ fen e. There was a hot old time in court, and figuratively Rowal speak¬ Owl ing guano sacks and Hour sa'-ks Hew about the court¬ room from dawn til) dark. The usual amount of badgering wit¬ nesses svas done, and some of them got lighting mad, but were restrained from engaging in ac¬ tual hostilities. The lawyers on both sides got rip roaring mad at each other, to the amusement of the spectators, Imt kissed and made tip after court adjourned. The court no doubt felt like send¬ ing five whole shooting match to the hotel <le Sheriff', hut managed and to presorve his cquillibrium compromised by holding the de¬ fendant to court in the sum of $100. The prisoner was placed in charge of the court bailiff, Tom Mifchefl, a el went forth to hunt bondsmen. W rigid probably thought Miteledl \v,.s a drawback to him seeking sureties, and dur¬ ing I lie night gave him the cruel shake, and is now perhaps in South Carolina or Tennessee look¬ ing inr a bondsman, where a Georgia baililf won’t be tagging at liis heels ail the time. Ta-ta, Fie tidier. Au “reservoir.” Sycamore specials: We regret to note that Prof. Bates is on the sick list this week, but liis daugh¬ ter, Miss Ida Bites, will fill his place. Zealy Jackson lias left for Ocilla, where he will take liis old position in the Irwin County News office. II. I). Smith of Ashburn visited our little town Sunday last.--Mrs. A. 1). Rob¬ erts is visiting Ashburn this Capt. G. A. Jackson are in Macon this week attending the Masonic grand lodge. Dr. Story will go to Nashville before returning home.----John Clements moved to Ocilla last Monday to the regret of many friends and relatives, lie will make that his home the coming year, We are very glad to note that Mrs. 'ilberman has returned home from a long visit, to her father in Nashville, To mi.--Misses Lizzie and Car* rie and Mr. Louis Jackson were at their home Sunday.--Dr. C. K. Walker visited Ocilla last week.--Wo are glad to uote that Mrs. W. T. Williams is able to be out again, Ii is youvown fault if you u-wod- fashioneil irictisv calves and tiiiiiwnis that soil .'our clothing and off,md V nr off iQiories wt,«u you can get fen vi" v pVisH’O and -tainless fi- q \|, I).- Tiohdior’s A tiseptic. It a a s uts, b uns, etc., quicker and h '"ss stiff rr g th-ui anything, ly 50 cent* bv up to dab druggists,