The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, November 05, 1897, Image 2

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51 RM 90 cents ‘W. A- "M U R R A ‘Y «12$, 1 far 90 Cents urrcih! *iurral]!! i'Gl fe)tore r rin‘ i- a 11 1 9 IS IN THE RING ' CAN NOT BE KNOC OVT. AND KED NO ONE IS ABLE To KNOCK OUT THE FAIR. STORE For i-t lias always been Headquarters for Low Prices. You can gi-t more goods for (lie lea • moms there than anywhere else. We advertise and eome up (o it. Onr priees are ah\ ays lower than elsewhere. We don’t have to jump in and give our customers a eateh-aml then go to high priees. Every one knows we are the house for the trade. Our goods are carefully seleetod and bought at very low prices. We know v e would liavegront eoinpetitieu and we prepared for it. Solitr, our eompeletors have not done us any harm ■because they can not come up to us in prices —CLOTH INC..... We have Hie largest stock of re:idy-madech>tltiiig ever bnmglil to Aslilmrn, and sell cheaper Hun others an. because of the great advantage we take in bavin. . We stmh styles, tjualityaml prices, and give our customers the bcnelit et tie. in. I ’» n t : il to (> me lor A Nice Winter Suit. DKKSS <i()()DS. \Yo ( an y u full lino N a of dress ami can dress 4 a lady out neerding J-iTT to her perse from tht k ;L i '*«. .' t| ,,v ■■■ h‘ M 1 iij>iiesi to 1 lie lowes!. ■ w isft'i Our inter mmds M'v w I s: io be admired b> all * Pi lovers of nice pilous. . m mil ( 1 a!I and set' tli an. Wo Have a Dine of Dine Capes. Also some very cheap ones. Wrapvour.-elflip El in one of them before winter breezes come. Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, and Kotio $. V.N 5 : 8M9" Carpel 2 Brussels arc IB^"! elh eric: se. HUGS AN1) FOOT ) MATS TO ULEASH. ji -7. ift •STOYESE, il : s' A ■ u t - BEDS mid SPRINGS. Solid Oak Bedroom Set for $1495! ; We are your friends. We w »«1 t i save you money in bu\ iug your supplies. Coiue and ex mine- We will be pleased to sliHw you onr goods, v hot l r yea buy or not. JEFFREY & RODBIN. a-i.Uu ,b. S! for 90 ecu!. Dress Goods. Doubly Width Woolen Dress (I oils at 8c. yd. Double Width Woolen Dross Goods at lOe. yd. Double Width Woolen Dress G >ods m 12c. yd. 25 >ds. yard-wide Sheeting for$l 12 “ Good Bleaching for 50 coins Ladies’ Seamless Hind. Hose. F „ i < olors.ili. pr. Men’s Seamless Heavy Sox. or pr. Package Soda, 5 cents, Best. Coffee, 7.1 lbs, §1.00. White Wine Vinegar, 25c. gallon. Sterling Hall Potash 15 for §1.00. Sugar, Spice, Pepper, Rice, Grits. 2-lb Salmons, 10 cents box. Best Oysters, He. box. Snuff, Tobaccos. (fVocrkery and (glassware. No Tariff on This. Plain and Decorated Plates, Cups and Saucers. Dinner Nets. (100gallons Lard Jars, Churns, and Jugs just received. Chamber sets. Bowls and Pitchers. Large Size Lamp Chimneys, 5 cents. Small “ <1 it 4 “ Lamp Burners and Wick i. Lampf, Glass and Brass Tumblers and Goblets. Kitchen Lumps. Glass Gil Cans. .» -3 V U i ID LTiiT'TLTL Bits, Saws, Files, Tubs, Bolts, Locks, Braces, Screws, Hinges, Augurs, Brooms, 10 Ptir Cent off. iMi •% *801 (>i r-.Uffl' -r \ \] \ JPp&j(/fjtf $ f si « £ 4 $1 'In Y\ to i i A (Vf'6<9 m i(>^. 1 ipsotn Salts. 5c. Il>. Hulphui 5c. |l>. Simmon’s Liver Regulator. 15c. Meat. Lard. Flour. 400 bushels Texas Rust Proof Oats just received. I tipjior •, HiltI’liet I Ianimers, 1 >i di pans. Milk puns, Stove pipe, Stove puns, Suitce puns, Ax Handles, Wash Busins, (ieorgia iHbiVos, J -> C. J£tf - r r X > T,> \ —j r J w '—I -J Wftj *-«*) —* «■ Dress Goods. f, ' riu:nf Kontneky Jeans all :i:: ;C ' ■''' Beautiful New Patterns in Calicoes, l{ w*»ia'» Percales Flannels «........ ............ Towels. Ifnndkcrcbit-fs. Collars. Cuds. Ties Ciu’-eis, Ladies’ Ve-t <. Men’s I i der'vear. ID'-. Ceps ( lilldivn’s Caps. Ni /'igi e Shirr.-. SI-TOLAS P 0 R JslE^lT WEEK j 10 Pounds Coffee 81.00. 10 Yurds Calico, . 35 . 30 Yards Shooting, 1 . 00 . 200 Yds. yard-wide IVroals, at 6 1 -2 O' Cedar Buckets, Heating Stoves, Iron King Stove, Red ('hieftain A xes, Clark’s Uazoi Blade Axes, Bradley Drawing Knives, Enterprise San ago Mills, Blackhnwk Corn Shelters, ()pen and (lovered Buckets, Table and I’ooket Cutlery, ONE DO I T AI rv 7 0 R 90 CENTS- VERY FEED AND SALE STABLS. j t I 1 m ! «Sa YiA | —, a _ W| rn learns are swift ,«, and » always . . m good condition. Now top buggies and drivers who are not afraid to g'o. Ready miy hour. Special provisions fo v traveling in bad weather. J. W Kdmomlson, AS11BURN, GEORGIA, Pure BU- d is ossmuid •<> gnul hcaBb. rhou-ain’s suffnr with iui- pure lilo-'d. Tl'oosantfs who mo at»mted t-oaid be cure ! I y tak ity A licaiei, the only positiv- i tue dv Alr eana i ores K < umatt-iu ou lenv si and: tor. Airn- cut-: j > er fo ! a Atriv'inn cares (>ld .'-or --. Afriu i n ouri'8 .‘Gpkilis Afrii'ms ci r s Ceiisi ipatie". IS": A Pi an., cur - all R: .,-.1 a -.1 Skin !isi a- s. Alii.I will ronyii..... V’ n i*t i s in rits Sold I>\ ti \i:ni on \ Tint win i: July lMh. THE CITY BA UR i R SHOP Il \J IMMIKSS I NO— it -t" mi). Sl!A\INn—quick V .....I nod iM-y. R \ »--Ill la tlS nil s •"! !t ' : ■' ^'.IU "ill ai\V iv- r> e. i'e a rordial , ‘ R. D. LAW. Crop riot or. AsUUUt.N - Gkoiuu v. COTTON WAREHOUSE. WAREHOUSE. X. Itlft W. D Riss. 1 UK OLD RELIABLE. Ootion Wnrehon.-e in Ashtnirn is Ope it for the Trade, and We Sti lie it Your Uatroiiuge. Guarantee Prompt and Honest Service, No Oharuks eor ixa. Bring us your Cotton. BASS BUGS Shoes. Seventy people have said: “If yon want Good Shoes, go to Murray.” Now 1 don’t particularly boast, but 1 can conscientiously say that no liv¬ ing man can give better values m Shoes ihan I can; and if there’s anj'thing FURNITURE. Mattresses, Baby Chairs. Wire Springs. Rocking Chairs. Oak and.Poplar Beds. CFFIOIAI. ADVERTISING. 0 — - Ad a’n'.strator’s Sate, t- ' ' • ‘ . SVoHTfl Cur nTY : i’.y virtue of U t-nl-T of U o couiiiy court • t Wortli iLimly '* ill b.- soi.I tit p.ibi g outcry to the hi.. r ln i st S bin ttr at i‘c oourthoa-iiz door of s.ii.l county on \ ho fl 18 . ties iay in .‘ •ecemDci’ next, \vi' hin the to Hi hoii;s of sale lhe f«-Uuwii!M - propt-riy l-eiuis it< wit. \ cer-ain track or picccof an ) tin* p r’ of oriKirml lot N<\.*.L In the fth dis trict o' s i J i t;iin(y. so d .rs. j\ar.\ (A ArritiK- ton ty .. { (fo.t'o by deed tin'. <1 Janu .ry U, 1 and contain'iDr acres more or less, said hi d sohl as the prop; rty of Mary <\ Arriiitfton, lat e of said ty deeeased. Terms, eash. Tliis ,«1 il November. s. CL AliRI SiiTOX, 'ubninlstrator, Notice of Adjourned Term. AT ( 11 \ At Bi.Uij. ALBAaY, G.\, <)( T . 12 1897. OUIUIUK I Tlist Worth Superior Court l.o n'U”uriHo o\'t r from the fourlh Mondr,y in this month till the fifth Monday in November, 1 1*7; and the R uavul mid traverse jurors sum- iiioM'j to I’ppear at the resfuiar term on the fourih Mori lay in this month will appear at e -.n-awmse m \\ o’cim-u. «, m.. on the tirth Monday in Lvocnibor, is.7. t > serve at the ad- journed unn to be held then. W. N. SPBNOB. 1. S. O., A.c. tlKO * j A. '1'hls is to certify that the WdKTH t above and forcR-oin^ is- a eor- reel copy of the Judge’s order adjourning court as it appears on record This (»et.. 13, I d. J. W.W AUKIc.S, Clerk. Ll'lLj'ifdjLi i A Dollar a CONVENIENT TO WAREHOUSES. Can Gin a Bale in MO Minutes. Co; tun Delivered to Wiirolioiises Free. DURHAM * CO - r* ■ ' - •Y r % : \V E GIN OLTv>N A1 $1 A BALE. pRivaMr Take:- Cotton From the »* Drive to onr door and we do rest. J. T. M. LKNDON & SONS. I’VfTOX & NORTII-KASTKKN RAILROAD. "■I lliais' t'u|.OM Ib lTK.’’ LO \i. TIME I ABLE NO 4. — n. h Tirr. ruralonwe. w.o Tier, l-rosi I a li TON. Ha. ' ire I’nsiiVi. e.iT nol* i. Kff.etiw n,>2 n-a titsi V". i>m a 1 i>e . a, isso liiyilSbo « in p pm ‘ v iibb^:‘ r f V-fnMaf nfilUlK! iiffcssje i. ie i !. Kleuher Jtyrtls 11 >.i(sia>ia M ‘ ' " ' f m .V * ■ riiiswsia M 0U 1 IS.II1S 1 vos. a, g 3 nn.i 1 r..ll inily, exevj Siiinl.y, S i 1 - .-. 7 amt s rim on Sun l. ys only, I if' I' iijfstalion, Trains slop os'U on signal A , I'lxi . uuiku e.nanvlivn with l'lsm Svs tem lieor:» ana (eonria Alabama Soathern Fltzs-oral.l. .1 l iorMaat i'lfiou enrt at w. hoa r wiuht, Tmiw Manager. DErV drop inn MU- ULL1K I'K.lP.MiX, Proprietnss. Rales §1 a Day. fDKW DROP INN.” «\ * 7 HE " A 8 W ,®k i&y-j •X-V s> w vm m Vi iV"* Yl wj- ‘»v aSLrOT at HU 10 E QUALITY CONSIDRED, I will guarantee to knock’ em all out when it comes to Nice Dress All Wool Suits, either in Men’s, Boys’ or Childs’. It is given up that I sell the Best Clothing for the price that can be bought. I don’t make a hobby of cheap, shoddy stuff. See them before you buy. FUNERAL SUPPLIES. Geffiijs aijd Ga-skets, all Sizes Kept on Hand. AND TRIMMINGS CHEAPER THAN ANYWHERE ELSE I hate to sell you these goods, but if you need them let me know. B. i 1 AT m L ----- Th * Vv _ w X. 11 / l .T j t N K \ 1 WHAT SE H I' SEL i_J r —-<5 i •0 i i -A.R.E YOU CtOINCt TO 1 BUILD Ol! REMODEL YOUR HOME? IF SO, I CAN HELP YOU, AS I HAVE THE Lvcira - Ho ; i *2^ V ’ SomtTi o f Macco , Ba«e Mantels OILS bLir-os Lath Lumber LIMB (KVENT Nails Sliinarles SASH A*Ol i.D X Tiles Fire Clay GLASS HARD:. . ].E Locks t anise, •tiirnr BRICK VALLEY TIN Orates Turned Wotk IT LTV B A (.LUSTERS New.'Is Hinge» Firo (.’lay Br ck DOOKS 'I ERRH A COTTA Plastering Hair PAINTS PLASTERP.Mil . i ^ ^ -n 9 , ) HlOL \ - , i i tv 1 Ol .. . . 'h t Yd)<d. Oati OetE^vQf'n 3 r " l il-jing Y r Uu XcoU t<J> Li-iilci <4>f l'cpoir ydn-ir LUccic at aiv ' yard. " si~\ ^ /;// •* r . r ^ )*'n T ttt /j/ • 11 • hf ^ ^ n *'*■ i ^ ( 1 ^ ? '■> ■‘•'•vvtd L L ..... . - ^.. * y - t - s V- * ►' dl fkvil , , , g. M.« / m. ( crdcic 7 1 Lm. e , L /VY/1 \\ / I m Jr / 7^- % ... X, / > / jf V. / 1X * ur /iWO'rf y. / I \ \A A A V / \U' / / / -I.. Gi'iJ Y-iDlLi y-i -7 • W A. ebry Carriages B icy vies at §S5 §•!,>, ^«,e«*A.sro..;85, $io> The ]' el for Toe 1. ;,-t Ay' 7 3 A TUB BEST STYLES AND MARKS AT LO ; sy im Uvi;s srMtMMLjLijj * 'J > \ “ - M j • q; “ a • .:. < g Macon, Ga. Write f r Vi; >; L 4 ; --“ -: •: v U<L--.y vL-A^Fs d; d /M^sjaBsass I i A./ SI for 90 cents. Slices. that delights n»e, it i- to haye my cus- loniers well pleased, i eau do ibis on Shoes Men’s Creedmorc Calf Skio. Ladies’ and Children’s Oil Grams Glove Grain Calf skin and Kids. I have I he best and prices are right. FURNITUItE. A look will convince you. Twenty per cent cheaper than anybody. Beautiful Oak Suites at $22 short notice. 10 Per Cent off. Baby Carriages ,;: d BoyC Wagons in ! - gest varecies. i *-*■ A l!; ‘w!i rii A ;' v:i! cmv A’cztnui and Ca • $1 wt 90 Gems W. .A. MURRAY. $1 fm QC) c4161 1.5;. F. C. CORSETS MAKE American Beauties CORRECT i i v. i SHAPES. l ' | 1 m. ARTISTIC . j ■ m / 1 ■ If EFFECTS. All Lengths. On Each Bex. NEWEST liirfc: ) 8j| «Sjf8S 1 m il m MODELS. FANCY and PLAIN. m KALAMAZOO CORSET C0„ BOLE MANUFACTURERS. •!. -S. BEl S0X.D BY j'S t. Ashbunr, G?. . •'' i- * l- XJ ig;.-! l I"-. XSC3S3 i i *j ’ U Lj j«M Of t? 1 ? >■ 3 OUII C , / ^ -) to what it wr .1 >■ cm sine, quick tak:*. Lie :i ;• R. - - a ant to . , o a: -acir U .aUuita like it. V r -: ] ’ children. tf WJrr'.a . L, : & Co.. r..:tkers ol ■' .••Aisrs, iiio liomeut % II wrm il v to 1 i h r.~ njA. *^1 ^ t4( ra il'- 5 J A |i||| & LO. '' 5 * s,