Newspaper Page Text
Etitered at iho Asliburu postofflec
as second-class mail matter.
Official Organ of Worth County.
Ashburn, Ga., Nov. 12, 1897.
Subscription Jsl a year in advance
Build more houses.
Cotton is a slow go.
Get teams from Edmondson.
K. R. S.—Rogers’ Racket Store.
New lot of tin ware.—Rogers.
Florida oranges are coming in.
Many farmers are posting their
Our subscription list is not yet
too large.
jl’wo weeks from next Monday
’till court.
W. A. Murray is laid up with
fever to-day.
Five brick buildings are going
up in Cordele.
That piece of road to Sycamore
is yet untouched.
Feather pillows 18U tt> at Rog¬
ers’ Racket Store.
Do you wear pants? Call on
Rogers for them.
Rev. J. W. Tinley of Sycamore
was here yesterday.
The Advance will tell you
where to buy goods.
Church serices are not over
crowded along now.
Dr. W. A. Wall has opened
drug store in Poulan.
S. B. Hudson killed 20 birds
yesterday in two hours.
Quitman and Moultrie had
big fires Sunday night.
Cotton is coming in slow and
selling the same way.
Fate Wilkins returned Sunday
night from a visit to Jesup.
This week seems like Sunday
because the mill is stopped.
You can get a laundried percale
shirt at Rogers’ for 25 cents.
The little 2-year old daughter
L. J. Bass died last night.
Don’t fail to see the Ashworth
buggy.—Ashburn Buggy Co.
I cap the misses and children*
Nice line on hand.—R ogers.
Mrs. Chapman announces that
the Dew Drop Inn is for sale.
Photograph frames, mirrors
and fancy pictures at Rogers’.
W. A. Murray and J. M. Raney
spent yesterday in Valdosta.
The Aberdeen mill at Poulan,
has received 140 of her looms.
Pleniv of gr uml c'ove", spices and
cinnamon at Gardner & Thrasher’s.
Hickman has re-painted his
store front and show windows.
Talk is just as cheap in this
town as if there was no tariff.
We now have the largest cash
subscription list in Worth county.
A. J. Wells is at home from
Tifton complaining of ill health.
Mrs. Cox has rooms for a few
more boarders, and it is a good
Steam power in Ashburn has
about shut down for want of
Don’t forget «fiat Gardner &
Thrasher have the largest tablets for
5 iienie.
C. E. Harrell has quit
this paper The Gimlet since he
We would like to exchange a
year’s subscription for a bushel
Sinai! pill, sate pill, b< st pill,
Witt’" Liitlc Early Risers
nes". constipation, sick bendsce.—■/
Be ts v Co.
F. S. Harrell, of Bainbridge,
spent yesterday with his brother,
C. E. Harrell.
Eggs are selling for 20 cents a
dozen and pointing upward for
Thos. B. Young, of Irwin coun¬
ty, attended to business here
Wilbili’s ^ecd Men!, horse and e»t
tie food, $1 p t | ackage, kt Gardner
6 Tiiraslier’8.
W. A. Murray reports collec¬
tions slow, caused by the low
price of cotton.
We have just filled an order
of job printing for G. B. Gorday
for 3250 impressions.
The finest silk plush capes cheap,
brought to Ashburn
Jeffrey & Roobin’s.
Miss Addie Floyd, of Sycamore
is to be saleslady in Mrs. Wnlder’s
millinery stove.
The way people pry into each
other’s business here is disgust¬
ing to the public.
Offie Tison returned home Sun¬
day from Miller county where he
has been farming.
If Clifford Grubbs was in a
town like Ashburn he might issue
a 10-page paper.
John H. Allen entertained his
Sunday School class at U. Huck-
abee’s Monday night.
Miss Lillian Conley will return
to Cordele tomorrow accompanied
by Mrs. W. J. Turner.
W hen you want a good blood puri¬
fier or tcnic alway- call on the old
s and bys, Gardner & Tliras'ior.
Mr. J. R. Cocliarn lias sold his
store in Poulan and will move to
a Sumter county farm.
L. C. Killebrew has returned
from Lake City wlmre he had a
position at a saw mill.
If yon want to be pleased and gel
value received for your money, always
call on Gardner & Thrasher.
Miss Lula Clements and sisters
of Irwin county were shopping
at Murray’s Wednesday.
Ashburn is to be congratulated
on having a council that is not
continually making laws.
J. A. Foster of llawkinsville,
was here Wednesday with a drove
of fine horses ana mules for sale.
G. K. Wilcox will move his
family from rooms in the Dew
Drop Inn to rooms at R. D
A. E. Cochran has shook the
dust of the saw mill off of himself
and gone to merchandising in Is-
Don’t bo annoyed with chills and
fever when you can get Johnson’*
(’bill aud Fever Tonic at Gardner &
Thrasher’-, •
Warfield & Carrico loaded five
cars with beef cattle here yester¬
day to go to their ranch in Ken¬
Farmers have about gathered
their crops and will have plenty
of time to clean out their fence
Our Geo. Butler reported on a
postal card Tuesday that ho was
in St. Augustine, this side up
with care.
Yc pe 'pie that suffer with ronsdpa-
tion. have yon furvot that Gardner &
Thra"her "ells Dr. It. M"zley’-" Lem-
on Elixir and Lamar’s Lemon Ltixa-
Simon and Jim McCarthy, of
Macon county, have been here
this week looking tor homes on
the farm.
Cotton is selling to-day tit 44c.
The boys love to be at the
train and see tne Yankee girls
go south.
Do you want the besi bio d and
nerve ionic? ask for our compound ex¬
tract-if celery, with the printed for¬
mula on the bottle. Sold only by
Gardner & Thradier.
Dentist:—I will put up a full
set of teeth on a rubber plate fol¬
io. Call at my office in Sycamore,
—W. B. Cone.
Mesdaines Fatten and Dupriest
spent several days this week
with Mrs. Lester Stewart around
the cane mill.
You can’t cure consumption, but
you can avoid it and cure every other
form ofibroat, or lung trouble by the
me of One Minute Cough Cure.- -J S
Betts & Co.
Four horses sold at Isabella
Wednesday at $43, ranging at
$4, to $16, each. Corn sold at 25
cents a bushel.
J. L. Bunch, of Shell man, stop¬
ped off at the Clyde yesterday on
his way to Poulan where he will
open a store.
Don’t be troubled with that annoy¬
ing cough and cold when you can
get Bromo Quinia, that will cure a
cold in one day, atG .ir.lnvr & thrash¬
They tell a good joke on Mr.
Durham, the gin man, about
chewing 65 feet of sugar cane tit
one sitting down.
J. C. Hickman was offered $10.
a month for his 16x20 store house
that cost less than £100, to build.
Let us have more houses.
Mrs. R, N. Owens, the widow
of our lamented assistant
died here last year, was
last week to Mr. Nathan Bruce
near Edna.
Editor Jack Powell, of the
Blakely Observer, lias what he
says comos to all well regulated
homes. They say it’s just like
its pa.
POSTED:—All parties law are
warned under penalty oi not
to hunt or shoot birds inside ol
iny premises. _A. II. Weus.
When you wiml « tooth pasts'all ask
nt Gardner & Thrasher's mid for
Enthynol Tooth Pa-t-, which ter
fumes ihe breath and destroys all of-
fen-ive odor. Only 25 cents,
The crowd of mill hands about
the depot while the mill is stop¬
ped only shows how it would be
on Sundays if we had a Sunday
Disfigurement for lito by burns
scalds itmv he avoided by using Do
Witt’s Witch Hazel Halve, the
remedy for piles and f.ratl kinds
"ores and skin tr ublos.—J, S. Betts
J . T. McLendon & Sons
water enough now to gin
two bales of cotton a day.
claim to have lost 200 bales
the drouth.
Fitzgerald has given up
fight, and there will be no
removal election in Irwin in
years. But that don’t stop
from getting theyankee girl.
Mrs. G. K. Wilcox has sold her
stock of millinery goods to Mrs.
O. li. Walker, of Sycamore, and
Mrs. Walker will move them
the old stand next door to Hick¬
Hello! Where did you get that
pair of ltd lam & Moore’s crjstn 1
lease eye-glasses? Al Gardner &
Thrasher’s drug store.
Clifford Grubbs, who heads the
Irwin County News, Ocilla Hotel,
Ocilla High School and various
other sources of revenue, was
spending his money here Satur¬
day evening.
A telegram was received yester¬
day announcing the death ot Col.
Baldwin, of Whiteville, N. C.. the
grand-father of Mesdaines J. S.
Skingler, W. A. Slangier and J.
B. Bozeman.
Manager Bozeman, of tlie firm
of J. S. Betts & Co., either smells
a mouse or wants to stir up a sen¬
sation in the matrimonial mar¬
ket. He bought a large lot of co¬
logne for the occasion.
Africanna—Tiio wornl* rful blu' d
purifier, ceres chronic sores, scrofula,
• i Z"H>a, i 0'ist'p itinn, and all di-eases
aiisinv trom iinpu,e bond. Sold by
Gardner & Thrasher.
There is some complaint about
the condition of the street in the
direction of Sycamore, The
council will get around to it as
soon as it can.
No use losing s!e< p and walking ihe
floor with bahy at night bee, use it
has colic. A dose of Ur. Tivhen r’s
V II tiseptic (diluted and sweetened)
will relieve it m a few minute". Wv\
pleasant taste :uid odor, free from
and perfectly harmless. Belts
& Co. will sell you a bottle for 50 cts.
C. A. and J. C. Hickman were
sadly informed by letter a few
days ago that their cousin,
Dicker Stanley in South Carolina
had accidentally shot and killed
himself with a pistol.
For chipped hand* and face one
cake of Gardner & Thrasher’s pure
Glycerine soap bathing applied night and
m u niiig by the bauds and
fai-c well.
Whipple, of Dooly county, has
introduced a bill in the legisla¬
ture to create a new judicial
circuit, to be called the “Wire
Grass circuit,” and to include
Dooly, liwin, Wilcox and Wort h
J. M. Thirswcnd of Grosbeck, Tex.
says that when he lias a spell of ir.-
digcstioD, and feel" bad and dugodsb,
he Dike" two of DeWiii’s Little Early
Risers at nigh', nnd lie js ell right
ihe next rnori im. Munv thousand-
of others do the same thing. Do \ou?
—J. S. Hell" & Co.
Dr. G. W. Cooper goes on pull¬
ing, plugging and building teeth
just like he never expected to run
for office; but he will soon have
enough of whiskers to join the
populist party, and he has friends
enough to elect him.
We witnessed a religions con¬
cert, in the Methodist church in
Valdosta Sunday night in which
violin?" were used. The time has
been when people wouldn’t let a
fiddle go in a pulpit, but you cart
get good out of anything that
will make music.
The shooting of Lee Betts’
horse in the pasture may have
been accidental, but it i- enough
to make him put a marble slab
on the corner and
against hunters for all time
come. Hunting is a popular
but Hit' t hing is loaded.
You can’t iitl'ord to ri-U your life
allowing a cold to develop into pneu
amnia or consumption. Ins'i'iu re
lief and a certain cure are
hy Or.e Mmuto Cough Cure. I. S
bells & Co.
The post olliceat Sycamore
robbed yesterday at noon. At
11 ;30, the clerk closed the office
and went to dinner, returned at
12 ;80, and found that some one
had entered the side window and
taken about $15.25 in money and
a Smith A Wesson pistol. There
is no clue yet, hut it is evidently
home talent.
There i- uo need of little children
boing tortured In scald bend, cez< me,
aud skin eruptions. PeWitt’s Witch
lintel Salvo gives instnnt relief and
cures permanently — J S betts & Co.
Addie Story came up from his
home in Florida about two
weeks ago and lias been spend¬
ing the time with friends and
relatives. lie returned last
night, taking with him his broth¬
er George and his mother-in-law,
Mrs. Davis. His mother, Mrs.
Jake Young, come with him to
the rail-road and spent the night
at the Dew I >rop I nn.
“It’s no joke” when we sav 1 hat
Dr. Tide noi’s Ami-optic is superior
to anyllung dressing < ffmed wounds tlio ‘‘dear burns, people”
as a for stmes
f insects, poison oak, etc. Its clean
Iniess, pl' asnul odor, makes and its wonder¬
fully quick euros it a universal
favorite wherever known. For fur¬
ther information apply to J. S Belts
& Co.
N. Gregerlson, the original fun
maker who used to amuse us with
all kinds of wit and funny say¬
ings, was up here from Bruns¬
wick yesterday telling what line
times he used to have in Ash-
buru. ’Twas li>m who sprung
the carriage ride that furnished
more amusement than anything
of the kind that ever happened
in Ashburii. Long live Greg.
The masons will hold a memo¬
rial service in the Methodist
church at Sycamore to-night in
honor of a deceased member,
Mr. Z. Bass. Extensive prepara¬
tions have been made, the lodges
of Tifton and Irwinville have
been invited and a large crowd is
expected to be on hand. Revs.
Tinley, Flanders and others have
promised to deliver short address¬
es and the choir is preparing to
furnish some good music.
tt is your own fault if you u-'n o'il-
fashioiu'il a evsy •• wives npd liimnnls
that ’ our Clothing ami offend
your olfactories when you can gel
qiii that very I)r. Tio!i'*nor’s pleasant and stain e-s !i- It
A tEo.itn-,
lie a cuts, less burns, etc . quicker and
hwi suffering than unvihing.
Only 50 cents by up to dal druggists
R. B. Lutterlnh was here this
week telling hisoln friends about
Florida. He tells us of a hunter
who has the best trained dogs he
has ever seen. The dogs are
trained for deer. On a drive
some of them are put on a stand
at different places while others
are sent in the bushes to roust the
game. The dogs on the stand
are still and quiet until one sees
the deer pass his way, when lie
opens up and the rest come to
him. The owner of the dogs
said lie would place 2(5 deer on
the market in Tallehassee last,
Our town folks think it quite a
treat to go out to cane mills and
drink juice. So it is to the town
folks, but- if is tough on the farm¬
ers. J. T. Ilambrick is grinding
now, and the company he has
is immense. The love they have
for the Ilambrick family is more
that equalled by the love they
have for his cane juice. They
may not think he will misfit, but
they will consume enough of juice
during the season to make a bar¬
rel of syrup. J. T. McLendon
will soon start, up and so will tlie
people. Unless he builds a high
plank fence around his mill and
locks the gate the people will
move there like and and drink up
200 or 300 gallon-of juice. These
good farmers never complain, but,
are imposed upon nevertheless.
J. C. Berry, one of the h--t kn wo
i. it zens of (Spencer, Mo, n-siific- that
h cuioi himself of the woi-t khul i-l
piles by using a few box sol Do -t i:t’n
Witch lluzel fS.-tlve. lie bad b--cu
troubl'd with pilei for over thirty
years and had used many <1 ffer-m
kind" of so-called cures; but 1> -Witt’s
wi'-s the one thiU .lid tlie work, and In-
will verify this stat-incut if nnvnm
wishes to write Idm.—J. S.Bet's & O.
Misses Vic Evans and Lila Na-
pier entertained in a most eor-
dial manner, a few couples of
their friends yesterday evening
at the home of the former,
occasion being a social given
honor of l lie latter. At
propper hour the guests were all
there, and 'twas not long until
every one was engaged in jovial
conversations and laughter. Pres¬
ently, they were conducted to an
adjoining room where each one
was required to answer ten ques¬
tions on tin* life, character and
general mechanism of a watch.
This part of the program was en¬
tered into with great enthusiasm
as was, also, the delightful re¬
freshments which followed; hut
this was not all. Perhaps the
most enjoyable feat me of Hu
even mg was the beautiful rosi-
tutions by Miss Lila Napier, of
llawkinsville, Miss Florrie and
Mr. W. R. Smith, of Sycamore,
and choice selections on the
piano by various young ladies
The Local has been contemplat¬
ing for some time, culling atten¬
tion to the fact that a substantial
bridge is needed across Li tile
River on tlie Sumner and Syca¬
more, or Ashburn, road. The
Local understands that the coun¬
ty authorities have promised the
people of that section of the conn
ty that, a bridge would be built,
but time rolls on and the bridge
has not materialized. The good
people of that section are entitled
to some recognition, and if the
editor is not badly mistaken,
there is not a servicable bridge
anywhere! in that part of the
county north of Daniels creek,
which works a very great hard
ship on those living in that part
of the couSity tributary to Syca¬
more, during the rainy season
when the river is up. it is said
that it is often the case that to
getadoctoi in ia"e of sickness
they have to cross tjie river in a
bout and then walk four miles to
Sycamore and back. This is not
right, these people pay their part,
of the taxes and should be sup¬
plied with nccomodations ,com¬
mensurate with all other parts of
the county. Let the bridge bo
built.—Worth Local.
The big mill of J. H. Betts A
Go. has no family prayer now, as
the N. Y. Sun would say, because
the family are not all there at
morning. The big machinery is
taking its rest while the 300 mill
hands shout and siiag and chase
rabbits and shoot binds and make
the best of their leisure hours.
The cause of the stop is the lack
of water. The pond dried up
and the only dependence w as the
artesian well. Water from the
well is brought, out, with a force
pump 175 feet under ground,
connected to the rnachini ry
above with oak shafts pinned
together. About a week ago the
shaft broke near the top of the
ground and all of that timber
was in t he veil. As many men
as could work around it have
been busy ever since wit h hooks,
grabs, traps and oilier such
things as they thought would
bring out a piece of the timbe”.
Up to to-dav they have succeed¬
ed in getting out about 175 feet
of the t imber, aid about 30 feet
remains. The old pump is fast¬
ened 275 down, and 75 feet
above the bottom of the well,
if they cant move the old pump
they will send down a blast to
drive the thing up or down or
tare it up so a smaller pump can
bo inserted. They hope to be
able to start tin* mill Monday
Sunday night a common-looking
hoy about 14 years old boarded
the north-bound passenger train
Heart-pine and told the conduc¬
tor he wanted to go as far as his
money would take him, and ten¬
n silver dollar, till of the
funds lie had. His clothes were
common, but dean. His man¬
ners showed good training, but a
common intellect. Conductor
Williamson sized him up at once
arid advised him to get off and go
hack home. . In answer to que-
tions he said his name was Willie
Chambers, left bis step-father in
Quitman Sunday morning, walk¬
ed to Heart pi tie, and was going
to his mother in Abt’ruim. IP
got off in Tifton at 12 o’clock
with 22 cents in hi poc! - . Tues¬
day eve ing he was Wiudering
aimlessly around it! A Jilnrrn. A
mother’s boy is out in the cold
world moneyless and friend!' •
with the frost-bitten earth for n
bed and the canopy of h«'itv«*n for
cover. Home was not happy and
he cast his sails to the breeze to
to he drifted out on t!i<- -,i of
without compass or rudder
to guide him. A other is roll
on her pillow thinking of,
“Where is my Wandering Boy
To-night ?” The hoy goes on and
the world loses no time in look-
ingafter him. Domestic displeas¬
ure has sent its millions to ruin.
Music luis been known to
w ill animals and draw
out from their hiding places in
the walls. Last night amid ihe
dreams of our future with the
little lank e from Kit a, (i I' v
got her) there appeared at our
window a little lain 1 with i!«
music lloat ing soft Iv nut on the
end breezes in the Bright moen
liine playing its swe,-ti st melo¬
dies for thi> lonely sleeper vilii-
in. Tin* mii de lifted us, as il
were, to the places of joy where
earthly horn -are heavens, men
never, never grow old, voim
never fail and the sweet e an
miinion of feminine smil >s
blends with her soft touch mi
musical instrumenfs combine to
Bring man's mind near tii perfec¬
tion and his m f nearer heaven.
The waking piece w as ’•bile
Them Cabbage Down," then they
quieted me oil' v. i 1 h “The Sweet
Bunch of Daises.” and drove me
into a I ranee with “ 1’ha I Fata 1
Wedding.” The step-by-step of
s derl ions brought me out of m\
dream and wafted me afar into
the imagiimr, future of a happy
home where) love rules within.
My semi-dreaming mind followed
Hie sentiy.i'es of the selections
and 1 wtfiit with “Annie I .auric”
throng)/ her disappoint'!)) nts mid
rested jin t he pivot of douht be¬
tween dreams and realities. But
I could not stop there. The ren¬
dition of “A f| the Hu 11 ' hrougi.t
in ■ into sympal hy u it h t lw j in,'
old bachelor who broke obis girl’s
heart long year ago buenuso he
did aot know il was her brother
she kissed. The ecstatic inspira-
I io i guided by t lie music in III >
air formed a re;-; l it ion and plan
ted it in my mind that I would no
longer he a haehelur tlia.u
would sin I ■ in me with “Some
sweet girl.” Twas sail to real'//.'
after the waking that I was alone
and that the roses would probably
come again and tint! mo so. They
wenl away playing “Home,Sweet
Home,” leaving alone to dream
of a happier home where a voice
would he music and a smile suii-
sin ill'. •V- V; * Tlte eoronaders
were J. 11. \ inp n, Ira Tragic. Lo-
grand Gardner, Ed home, and
Edgar Bolden. Tin visited tt
dozen other places, but mine of
the occupants were ■ > lilt'd wdh
raptlire as yours I i n!y.
The following pupil- have ma<’e
an average of 871:
Albert Bass, May Base,
Pearlio Payne, Era Bass,
Jasper Newton, - Felton Newton,
Hestella Shivers, .lames Shivers,
Mary Smith, Della 'hnitli,
Sarah Smith, Habra Smith,
George Sumner, John Sumner,
and Appie Sumner.
I regret not, having published
t.h ; honor roll of the first month
us it i ; so much larger than
pri'KMit roll.—lloping to meet all
the p'lfroiis at the appointed time
1 am, Yo i - to ■ e vc,
M. I V>’.v
UroL 1C W. Until i;, t ujimrnitig
;i( < lamp Faradi - < Iris iv- T.
Tin* comity file r movi J into
their re.-mo'dive comers in (fit;
i i-• w courthouse Tue lay.
Hurrah for Judge Lawson! the
first to gracd (Ik- judicial chair.
Condoleuifo ikiwu 1 t he, line.
Frof, O^L. jf’ntlorsnn wns visi¬
ting amtyg old friends here lust
weekt hut, O. some heart is sail
Mr/A. I 1 .. Cochran bn moved
his fanjily hack to Pubelln nnd
will embark in the mercantile
bu dti"--.
Mr. U. S. I J. Ford and -v, -et
little daughter, Mary, are -pend-
ing it few day with relative* in
Mr. George Frier- will move old
Clerk and Ordinary office out
near I im- I’m k to he used as ii
Sv'lvc-U , will not get <h" old
courtl.o -1 ■< after alb Co!. Tipton
will put (ho old t!ji*|.« our bv th"
wayside and ns • L Or ; ••
Listen for tin ... I i> j P H .
Ueg;;’.v te mi of b!Ph!
enliven." at Du 1 •I-!; Loafers’
Home on Wedu lay, the 17th.
Hotel do Story’s guests wi 1
imir.di accordingly.
What h'as become of our judg¬
es! Hopes are entertained that
they, too, bligl-'ed during the
erv of hard t ime-. T A bl/YilO,
The legislature is slow to act
on the convict quest ii n.
President McKinley is about to
take a band in the Cuban war.
Ex-editor, M. L. Tinley, is do¬
ing service on the Advance with
us this week.
Sometimes a man would just
die for a woman, and sometimes
they would be bettor off if they
Wilcox county voted Wednes¬
day on removal, Abbeville
keeps (lie courthouse by about
*200 votes.
A policeman in Atlanta tried
to arrest a robber in a store; the
thief killed the policeman and
Another Georgia editor lias
gone married, lie is Walter I.
Cherry of the Albany Penny
Press, to Miss AdelaideTankersly
of Macon.
Henry Nesbit, col., is to be
bung at, Irwinville Dec. 10. That
will bo the first legal hanging
for Irwin comity in 52 years. The
last, one was a slave bung for kil¬
ling a white man.
Homo one has discovered that
the time to dig sweet potatoes is
when the sap will dry white,
break a potato, lay it in the sun,
and if the sap dries dark wait a
few days and test them again.
The lielsro building of the asy¬
lum at Millodge.ville was burned
Tuesday evening. The 800 crazy
negroes were rushed out in the
yard and all saved. The build¬
ing cost the State $100,000 in
INK,’!, and was insured for $75,000.
A special from Owensboro, Ky.,
slates that an industry was star¬
tl'd there Tuesday to manufacture
from corn stalks a battleship lin¬
ing', celluloid and an imitation of
silk, ft is our opinion that farm-
in a few years w ill crush corn
stalks when the fodder is ripe
and make long forage of them,
' The local writer on the Blake¬
ly Observer is one of the best in
the State, and the make-tip of the
local page of the paper is as good
as can he found anywhere.—Asu-
BURN Advance.—D raw on us,
Henry, for anything that a quar¬
ter will purchase. However,
you have wounded our pride. Do
our ‘heavy editorials’ go for
naught, contrary to our past
thinking?”—Blakely Observer.—
No, Jack, no! Those ‘‘heavy ed-
i tori a Is” are like a woman we
met in Cutlibert, too largo for us
<<> compass.
Tlqi:< AcivDFidQ
T11 f'G<3 MdH-ilf-iS
J < ’Ll Gol'llyS.
Ahicl S(/•■)f)(-x-tci.
< > y < A LEM-
Is a large r l)applc
Gray horse, 18 hands
high, weighs about 16 -
od pounds, and is noted
for his good qualities.
Why raise inferior
stock r/ihen the services
of a first-class animal f
OC SCCUYcd at tllC
r a7 , MC 'I lCC / Q
t t
I invite an ex-
Rcitdence 2 miles North-east
nl Ashburn.
’-i * ?i iv.t’ororn tax books fop the town of
s'.jDti.-n for HI97fre now open, and «U1 bo
I fo'.ifi I at th jstote of J. C* Hickman k Co.
X. Me \ KTN 1'K, Ol’k »nd TfeflS,