The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, November 19, 1897, Image 2

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$1f®r90¢eats W7. A. AA U R R A Y $1fmr90een£g "purraF|! j*|urraF|!! i For Pair <§)tore flic IS IN THE RING ANI) CAN NOT BE KNOCKKD Ol T. NO ONE IS ABLE TO KNOCK OUT THE FAIR STORE For it ha# always been Headquarters for Low Prices. You can get more goods for the least money there than any when, else. We advertise and coine up to it. < tur prices are always lower than elsewhere. We don’t have to jump in and give our customers a catch and then go to high prices. Every one knows we art* the house for the trade. Our goods are carefully selected and bought at very low prices. We knew we would have great competition and we prepared for it. So far, our enmpetotnrs have not done us any harm because they can not come up to us in prices. CLoTH INC We have the largest stock of reudy-mnde clothing ever brought to Ashlnirn, and sell cheaper than others can, because of the great advantage we take in buying. We study styles, quality and prices, and give our customers the benetit of tin in. Don’t tail to • < me for A Nice Winter Suit. DRESS GOODS. Li We carry 11 full line • of dress and csi'i dress . lady . out a * HCl*l\.llltS v a. 1 A* llOill i L lH Ml III 4 * * IHM Si I ' LL_L IllimeSt .. , 4 . A... 4-lnxv l ill (SI* 4 Our winter i^oods ' . arc to . l)(‘ admired i • i i I>v all ii lovers of nice jfdoas. (’all and see them. We Have a Line of Fine Capes. Also some very cheap ones. Wrap yourself up ill one of them l cfore 4 winter breezes c me. Dry G rods, Clothing, Shoes, Hits, and Nofc’o.ts. Carpet in (Brussels an otherwise. 1U US AND FOOT MATS TO PLEASE. ZL STOVE SSL BEDS mol SPRINGS. Solid Oak Bedroom Se! for $14.95! We are your friend#. We want to save you money in buying your #u|qllies. Cone whether and examine. tmy We not. will be pleased lo rliow von our K4H)iis, von or JEFFREY Sr ROCBIN. A^lihm-ii. (la. hi iui* i/w ocuc Dress Goods. .ti Dress Goods. Double Width Woolen Dress w (Genuine Kentucky Jean., all woo Good* . > ••Of , at 8c. yd. t •f ! 33‘,e. yd. Double Width yd. Woolen Dtps* Good* m ;• /: Beautiful New Patterns in Calicoes. ai 10c. Russian b I'eraab mmZ ece, s Flannel# Double Width Woolen Pies* <t .ods I Cashmere#. Brilli Towels. si 12c. yd. uitme 2ft >d*. yard-wide Sheeting for $1. & Handkerchief*. Collars, (.’nffs. Ties 12 “ Good Bleaohiu/for .VI WSf, r Cnr-Hw, Ladiea’ Vests, cenis. j r Ladies’ Seamless Black Hose. Fjsl \ M Men'* Cnderivehi. Colors,9c. pr. Ha's. Caps. Children's Caps. .Meu’s Seamless Heavy So*, fto. pr. Negligee hl.irN. Gf *t itv. Package bod a, 3 cents. Kpsorn Salts, 5c. lb. Best Coffee, 7J lbs, $1.00. Sulphur 5c. Il>. White Wine Vinegar, 23c. gallon. Simmon’s Liver Regulator. 15c. Sterling Ball Potash IN for>. Meat. Sugar, Spice, Pepper, Rice, Grits. Lard. 2-lb Salmons, 10 cents box. Flour. Beat Oysters, Ur. box. 400 bushels Texas Rust Proof Oats Snuff, Tobaccos. just received. 6 rocr ^ery and Q}\ ass ware. No Tariff on This. Plain and Decorated Plate#, Cups and Saucers. Dinner Sets. 600 gallons Lard Jars, Churns, and Jugs just received. Chamber sets. Bowls and Pitchers. Largo Si/.e Lamp Chimneys, 5 ceuts. Small “ li 4k 4 “ Lamp Burners and Wicks. Lampf, Glass and Brass. Tumblers and Goblets, Kitchen Lamps, Glass <>il Cans. mifiii mw Bits, Dippers, ('edar Buckets, Saws, llntchets, limiting Stoves, Files, Hummers, Iron King Stove, Tubs, Dish pirns. Red (ffiieftnin Axes, Bolts, Milk [ians, < 'lark’s Razor Blade Axes, Dicks, Stove pipe, Bradley Drawing Knives, Braces, Stove pirns, Enterprise Sausage .Mills, Screws, Sauce pans, Blackhawk Corn Shellers, Hinges, Ax Handles, < >pen and (’overed Buckets, Augurs, Wash Basins, Table and Booket Cutlery, Brooms, Georgia Stoves, 10 Per Cent off 'Wo A. 9 specials P 0 R Next- week 10 Pounds Coffee 8 UK). 10 Yards Calico, .35. 30 Yards Sheeting, 1 . 00 . 2(H) Yds. yard-wide IVrcals, at 0 1-2 i T k i T j AR FOR 90 GENTS- LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABL'S , if /■ t i • J " rn . r , always , . loams are swift, . and 111 good condition. Now top l»u rgies null drivers who are not afraid to „ , , hour. t>pecuil . go. Heady any provisions for traveling in bad Weather. Story Bros. & (Y. a^iiburn, -Georgia, rurp B’« d is»l .r od | I . imiHUiiis . .»bfT iv with , lit nidi. *r Ill- •Hite l*'o (1 T L o t sa ' < U win* Ulo * hi , j ou . 'd i i b ;> cured , , Y tnK»u^ . i. At . . ,l c ‘ ' i ic.’Ui «. the «*ti y |>>siiiv »«m dv \ | r CRT,,, , iirvs L‘ mnati-m on Africa mi enres Fcr-.fiilH Air.o i h i cure- < >ld >.*r -. A fricm» ourcs \ j lii I k A fricanav p s (’"iisiipHtitci. At’ uvtn:i. ii res Exze" »■ .\i> iv >nv' uw* * st'ivv Afii- sici cure, all Bl.H'd a"d .''kin '“DYi «;n nviw >•« •« in nls Sold In G.vum xKK .V: Tiikashki; J.iiv nth. THE CITY BARBER SHOP. H.\lR-L)i;E>r 1 \'G—« -{••■rinhy. SHAVING- q ii«k mid m-V. AZ )I{S—h i i i iii -il fts rn sii" l* [ ee. You wiil aiw.y> r r*i'c a mnlial wchouio. R. L>. LAW, l’roprietor. ASIIBlUiN - Gkiu.-hi v. __ WAREHOUSE. WAREHOUSE. lias*. W. L. Bnaa. TDK OLD RELIABLE. Cote n Warehouse in Ash! urn tijien for the Trade and We Your Patronage We Prompt and Honest v M Dhivim., Bring us your CotNuu BASS BROS. Slices. Shoes. Ui that delights me, it i- to haye my cus¬ Seven!* people have sa'd: “If yon ■ this tomers well pleased. I can do on want Good Shoes, go to Murray." B 4, Now 1 dou’t particularly boas', but I 1 cm coesciaiitionslv say lhat no liv- V;'* SHOES in/man can give belter values m ** M I, ij Shoes SB il Men's Ladies’ Cre and dmorc Children’s Calf Skia. Oil Grams Glove Grain Calf skin and Kids. I have i he best and prices are right. I can; and if there’s anything FURNITURE. & FURNITURE. v Mattresses, smim A look will convince you. - ^ v Baby Chairs. cheaper than Twenty per cent Wire Springs. cS**ria41^ ;'Vy^= V anybody. Rocking Chairs. $22 it I Beautiful Oak Suites at Oak jiml.I’oplar Beds. short notice. OFFICIAL ADVERTISING. -----0--- Administrator’s Sale. « U )I{( I\. Wohtn <7v sty: r.v virtue of < rl r of ihvcottn y .***urt f orth . •un’y ill Do s. > 1.1 at pub coutcry o ihc I d i.t »t t '*c t?o i > t ho»i iloor oi s «id «t'tinty on i 1 ii• tl x ! id s • n>• in ucum rr next, wi lou tliw ie .hi hours of s ilo the f .1 >wi' prop, rty to wit : c r aiu t rav’k or piece of iin.l heim< AiLun’immL'V.'L d I <, 1M)». ton > ,. < oniro J>v cleeii «he . tirni ry am i r’ .iitaitoiur *•» tieres more or Jess. >>ii 1 his-i.l cl y of Novcuiber. «H-,, ;v ' ■ a.V lUailtrlitor, Mortgage Sale. (iKoKv.l A, NVtmTH m'NTT: -15y virtue of the power vested in me, Z. Lass, by a certain tlie inoi Itltli t- guae deed e vecu ed t>y J. »V. Hrnnc on day "f March. IH'.m, t»» W. A. Murray,and recor- Goutt tle l in the edevk’s otttce F»f tie* Superior . f W orth county, and state of (leoig ia. in book L pawn’s s; M nd* '8-s. March, -d, isim, 1 will cx- I os.-for saicMnd aid! at public outcry to the highest bWd r for cash m liand on the fust Tie sdoy in L'eoeraber, WL hetwem tho lo^ral heursoi’Sale, before the courthouse doo in tho lown of Isabella. N orth county, a. a., the !JST»mit‘m.n« , ‘ Kw«n.#I;i 12a No \U In tin nth ilbtrUt of sail ootinty, thn snmi.l.rln#lhu north-riist uorn.r.f said lot of isiy thetHH>vonanu3d mort-vm^o note in favor V,. a. Munav. and for the purpose of settling mute#ivt n hy .1. W. Hranih. i itlos In foe slin- pie will In- made to 'Ihis tho purehasoras the thday provided Sovem- in said in. rtttuKe. t ol lv t, l' t. BASS. Notice of Adjonru^d Term. i hwibpbs >> T. 12 I8SI7. !»'<■ ku:< - That w.mb suiH-rhir tuurth Mcu Court luy Iw* a J’urncl mi r fsoin the in this month till the lifth Monday in NoveiniHtr. 1 v ' G andthc m*and an l tu.iVv »sc jururs sutu n.oi ci to i.p,«ar at the regular term on four h Mouiuy In this month will uppvar at e r. i lumsc at i» o'clock, u, in., on the fifth z, .la> in No\ember. IS 7 t Sc! v«-at the . ..... , " 0, ' l ' r,u, ' ,i " hcUUu,,K yVKSt w. .n . r. S. L ., A C. <u:o' JI\, t ibia is t*» ee tify that UA.K'l'H t'O i above and for* u v in^ r i> a d copy of the 'u jj-c's order .1 a> u puv,u’.> oil recoiti. 'I'his ©el., X. J. W.o i:bU,,Ucrk. tipton & north eastern RAILROAD. " l.l.l 1 liS* ('• I,ON \ UoVfK.” LORAL TIME TABLE NO 4. H TUT. I Coneral Otruf. | W. O. TUT. Pr.oldent 'I I TON, (K. i ' loe Pnsi.l i. mil Hid noil kowtlvo |do X|Im> 4 not p in pm a m [u-r. an. ISPS rt ill pm pill i no « on : :»i lv.riftonjir ism: r.; r. 41 -■ 4 tl T 44 Urhrbton il 4'> ;*»’«51 Tn' TI0 f Mi.iMinn 11 rtM f Pun tin 11 hi tl31 li.’ll \\ «s sn Mvsin- ll In oift tilU 4 5P .nl IJNIitii - « i f V v vlu-r 10 » 0 ti .. 13 5 hi t itziroia!d 10 45 tiulto 00 Tratns Nos. i, 2, R and 4 run daily, except Sunday. Nos- 7 and 8 Sundry? only. Turns run cn sbrnal t. * V ng Nation. 1 rains stop only on AH Trains maka c<»nucction with Plant >\s- loin and tiuorjna Southern A Florida at Tift on and do TJaA Alal^maat K»i-/^rcr««l 1 P !•» IUmTUKSHT. Trs fRc >Un«Rer. DEW DROP INN MU SAl.i.-r I'll WAS, Proprlar »#. Ital.-s $1 a TV-iv. •DEW DR >P INN. ’ $1 for. 90 cents. agLi 0 T ‘ I.N 06 0 QUALITY CONSIDRKD, I will guarantee to knock’ era all out when it comes to Nice Dress All Wool Suits, either in .Men’s, Boys’ or Childs’. It is given up that I sell the Best Clothing for the price that can be bought. I don’t make a hobby of cheap, shoddy stuff. See them before yon buy. FUNERAL SUPPLIES. Coffins and Gaskets, all Sizes Kept on Hi and. ROBES AND TRIMMINGS CHEAPER THAN ANYWHERE ELSE I hate to sell yon these goods, but if yon need them let roe know. 10 Per Cent off. WHAT I SEI i_j T Li ! ■o. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD OR REMODEL YOUR HOME? IF SO, I CAN HELP YOU, AS I HAVE THE j | A1 ti lYl 1 \Sti| i V )1 1 t louxt T >( 11 )i y 1 < 1 e ' Sou th of Macon. Ba«e Mantels OILS BUNDS Lith Laiiiber LI VIE ( KMEXI’ Nads Sliimtles SAbtl MOULDING'; Tiles Fire Clay GLASS hardware Lock-* w ainsciit'ing BRICK VALLEY I I N Gr itos Turned Wink PU 1 TV B.M.l US ! EU< I linger Fire Clay Br'ek DOORS 1 ERRU \ ( 1 iTT \ Newels Plastering Hair P.vlNTS PDAbTERPAlii ; ____^ 1 \ \ ^ A. 4- V A / YGh CaL Get JlfYoUy- v )1 4 vJ ( I Need 1,6 J J( ) \ ( - )() M ( ~ j tl-jiUJ YUu ,•[/</• |-)Ull(i ©U U(M0clU' V0UU T i l-HTtTIO , , cit , tldV . YciUd. , 1 “ J- . _ . Will TTr . f (Receive (Prompt 1 Attention. U-'CV /A ClClCt 7 7 KJTU. /A g. M Killian // ' A / Ygfr S-m ©Si Carriages Bicycles at $35, $40, 4U B . kf o.„i, SM $00, $75. $S5, $100. r graS-r:-. Boys’ Wagons in lar- I Best for the Least waL varecies. f 1 I ------ r tA itr ■»« mi ■ • j cm - J- run s :u* srk*LE4 u.) Uv;;i v u lowes u pri;v s 'J J t\ - r) - .Wf 1 * rti- H «J . J , s) Mac --.i. (7 . W ri te ! c.r Prj ce $1f®r90cgms W A. M U R R A Y t $1f®r9®cmts. FC. CORSETS MAKE American Beauties F.C. CORRECT SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. Ail Lengths. oiT-Hch Box. NEWEST FfC.’ MODELS. FANCY w PLAIN. KALAMAZOO CORSET CO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. SOU) BY • b. HE: Jw v.v , Asiibunr, (,1a. t RSINUTE Mother} buy it for their children. Ri m m k A-ftt-a Itis t? I.,y i-l'-oin^tl > RlTE , P0 iberaJ R C0?T propogitloner«made OT OTOLmcIAI. br a . EAZ) rjt_at IT attorncr. before and EVIET INVESTOR tUOUli p * appljiag f or p^ent. Addmc: | H. B. WILLSON & CO. j J -j ucn.itBMg.. PATENT WASHING LAIMYCRS, TON. D. C. A FRICANA -rill mrr Ui ii — ami (S7 ‘ » nrrh to Stay Cured.