The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, November 26, 1897, Image 3

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THE ASHBURN ADVANCE Entprcil second-class at the Ashbiun postofliec ns mail mutter. Official Organ of Worth County. Ashburn, Ga., Nov. 26, 1897. Subscription fit a year in advance Superior court next week. Col. Z. Bass is a candidate the countv judgeship. witii Stpry Bros. & Co. are doing well the stables. Lostor Stewart is moving back to Taylor county. W. A. Story has moved back home from Cordele, Marshal Hallman has repaired the calubpqse windows. Miss Mary Bullard of Ty Ty is visiting Mrs, J. Lawrence. We will be at court next week hustling the subscription racket. Glare McLendon is suffering with some kind of a throat trouble, Every doctor in town and Bob Law have bought $0-laprobes from Jeffrey. Miss Mark Beecher has just re¬ turned from a pleasant visit to Cordele, Our clothimr is gojng cheaper now than ever before,—J effrey & Roobin. D. P. Beal’s little boy fell in the tire last week apd badly burnt jjis hand. Little Lawrepc Cox, 10 years old, is our ctifice boy, and a very bright onq. Embroidery, Laces and Trim¬ mings—new lot just received.—J, S. Betts & Oo. Charlie Bolden got bis foot piasbed at, the mill today, and will take a rest for a few weeks. Sam B. Story was popping his ^mong the cows and swapping horses hereabout yesterday Cards are out for the marriage pf Jas. L. Greer to Miss Mattie Bedgood at A rati on the 8th of December, Mac Thomas has soli] }jis place fo move to Florida, ;upi Joan Bar- field has an eye to tjje same busi¬ ness, Ben Cantey could );;>t think of jol, and charged a customer to 1 gallon of eats at Sliir.gler A Law¬ rence’s. Rev. J. C. Flanders will go to (he Annual Cauferenee in Savan¬ nah Monday and will return about ji xyeek later. The furniture house of Jeffrey & Roobin is filled with oak furni¬ ture of unique designs, and the handsome pieces are going at mod¬ erate prices. Dr. Warren L. 8torv was best plan in the Story-'Wardlaw wed¬ ding at Kathleen W^dhLLLY, in which lu's cousin, Dr. John W, Story, was principal actor. D. II. Davis has completed tlm fencing of a 700-acre farm on Deep Greek, in which is a pqjd of the famous Ross lake. It took five miles of wire fence to make the inclosure. <!u . It simply remarkable how cheap you can get dress goods from Jef¬ frey & Roobin, They now gjve out the announcement, that they have reduced the pricey on all such goods. • Homer Reed was here this week seeming indignant at being ac¬ cused of writing Ashburn in (lie New York Sun. It is whispered to us that the lady who (lidTy Ty plso did Ashburn. The remains of little Branch Stab'ys were moved this morning from the old cfemetgrv to Rose Hill. The precious little body jvas put in the old grave yard piore than three years ago. Mrs. IV. T. Christopher, who is to move ShereW/a-Dm™.) from Montezuma to the ?!"<* js practical pbotogiapner a will oben a permanent gallery here. It If u ..-ill if} ] if e t, a •< homo ,lc ' n,e indiwtrv and should be liberally patron iita i/ (H i Save vour orders for her. ‘ • yesterday mormu_, business m and qnt pf o«r best men wsuj ;■«........ member of the tirm of McGirt ii.e Laf first page of this paper. He married lust year to Miss Flor- lie Ouslev. Worth has lost one ‘ \ .......’ The new eourthousv is ready for the occasion. Gottpn is bringing 41 cents and looking downward. Not all of the turkeys gobbled in the pot yesterday. There are others, Those who take court weak to go fishing will have trouble in linding water next week. Thanksgiving is over, and tur¬ keys and politicians can again roost on the fence, The mill is running qn fulltime with water from Hibfey. It takes one train busy hauling water, Cotton is bearing later this year than u^ijiij. There has not been such a top crop in several years, Th flf o was nothing more tlmp the regular routine oj country life about, here yesterday to be thank¬ ful fop. The Toulon News and Immi¬ grant is a rouser. If it gets any better we’ll be ashamed of thq Advance and Local A cotton buyer 50 years old says these are the bluest timys be ever saw. Cotton 4) cents'with a tern-million bale crop on band, There is no need of going with your elbows out while Jeffrey sells 25 yards of checked homespun for two quarters and a half. We have not yet opened a pea¬ nut stand with the articles taken on subscription. All we wanted was a few bushels to take after each meal as dessert, 212 beef steefft were shippped from here this morning for Ken¬ tucky to be fattened for market. We may buy some of them back next spring for western beef and pork sausage. Let us hope that Rev. J. 0. Flanders will be returned to jhjs work. He has been a power for good here this year.. He came just in time to save the Methodist church from a religious wreck. The Enterprise Lumber Go. at Worth discarged a negro one day last week and he made some re¬ marks about it. That night some one went in the lot and cut a horse to death. The Thanksgiving service at the church yesterday did not follow the program laid down in these columns last week. It was pub¬ lished in good faith by authority of the committee. J. O. James, a good old farmer of Dooly who assisted the neigh¬ bors in taming us when this coun¬ try was being civjlezed, was here yesterday complaining of a scarify of rations in his ranch. If it is like it used to be in them woods they nothing have to do blit have a weeding or a log-rolling and tlicrg will be cold victuals left. The preacher’s report of the Methodist church in Ashburn at conference next week will read something like this; Found names on the roll 222 . Accessions, 2.G Removal by death, etc. it: Increase, <5. A revision of the roll leaves 173. Raid for missions, church exten¬ sions, education, Bishops, confitr- ence claims, American Bible (soci¬ ety, orphans home, and incident- als, $ 130 . 05 . Paid to preachers, 525. Lifants baytized, JO, Wiibm’s ««’d Meal, horceand Gardner eat* tie fooil. i)>l p"r package, at & Tiivaslier’s. You can get a laundried percale shirt at Rogers’ for 25 cents. Small pill, safe pill, b'-st pi 1 1, De- Witl’s Liulc Early Ri-* r.s careblliou - nezs aonsttpanon. stek hoadacc.- 4 8 Beits c L'o. Flout v . £ gr >und cloves, spies and liun unon at Gardner & Thriller’s. Do you wear p^nts? Call on Rogers for them. x „ ^ |oslll| , ^ .I.- finer with baby ai night because it I has c-)iw. A dose of Dr. Tiehennr’s ulB'-piic (diluted and swee'en 1 <t] v \\\ relieve ii in a few ruinate-. 4 cr> |,iea*nnt'taste aftd ndSVr, "Gee (mm opiate- a> 4 P Decfly harnjbss. Lot's £’<_o. will gelt you a tmtb- for oO ct>. tioiIt hare von forgot tbaj tc.irdner A Tbra-her scllr l>r. II. >W>y - Gem- « n Elixir and Lamar's U nion h»x* ■ d Do you want the ben blood ai | V- nuta on the bottle. Sold only by Oardper & Thrasher. Ladies aiu invited to call and examine new lot of embroidery at J. S. Retts & Go’s. It ir your own fault it you liilmi' us« pUl- fastiloucd urciiRV -nlves and uG that soil >our clotliing and olfond your olfactories wlien you can get that very pleasant and stainless !i- xjuid, Dr. Ttch“nor’s Antiseptic. It heals ruts, burns, do , quicker anything. and with less suff.-nng than Only 50 w t- bs up to-date druggists The Leader thinks Olilj’ord Grubbs weulil issue a paper larger than the Gonstitution is he was in a city like Fitzgerald, You eaidt cure consuiuptinn, but you ran ayn|d it and cure every other form of throat or long tn ub'e by the uieofOue Minnie I'ougu Cure.- -J 8 Betts & Co. The boys love to be at the train and seethe Yankee girls go unkind south. —Advance. That is very of the Ashburn young men—“See the Yankee girls go south.” Here in Fitzgerald is where the Yankee girls stop, Bro. Smith. Gome over home 8uuday,'utid we will show you more pretty girls in one hour than you ever seen in your life.— Fitzgerald Leader, Certainly; and we don’t want any flirting in this case. DistieuveiPi'jnt avoided for li to by barns or squids may be by iisinu De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of Co. -ores and-kin trouble*.— J, S. Bel is & Hello! Where did y>u get that pair of lye!linn & Moore’s crystal lense eyo-alas-e.-? At Gardner A Thrasher's di ng store. Africanna—The -wonderful blood purifier, cures chronic sores, scrofula, eczema, constipation, and all di-eases ar sine Irom impure blood. Sold by Gardner & Thrasher, Fitzgerald has given up the fight, and there will be no other removal election in Irwin in live years. But that don’t stop us from getting the Yankee girl.— Advance. Bro. Smith, why those tears? Gome over to Fitzgerald, the fn best and must Georgia, progressive and pity Wiregrass home with carry tlie Yankee lass you. Girls, his address is Gol. H. D. Binith, Ashburn, Ga., editor and proprietor of the Ashburn Ad¬ vance, and with but two excep¬ tions, the best looking man in southern Georgia.—Fi t zger a Id Leader. Mention the Fitzgerald I.e.qler when you write. allowing You can’t tifford to rj-k your into life by a cold to develop pneu¬ monia or eon-umpiion. Ins'ant re lief and a certain cure are afforded by Oi.e M nute Cough Cure. -!• S. Del is & Co. The finest silk plush capes ever brought to Ashburn cheap, at Jeffrey & Roobin’s. Fitzgerald Leader: '('he Leader has more faith in a violin for do¬ ing good than we have for a pre¬ tended “saint” who will have family prayers, and then after breakfast place a revolver in his Dip pocket and go to the polls an elecsion day. Such a “saint” is the devil’s right-hand bower. \V-e see the world as wo are seeking it. Look for pleasures and you will find them. Expect sorrows and your life, will be full of troubles. We are what we are what we make of ourselves. There i- no need of little children boitur tortured bv scald bead, eczema, and skin eruptions- De Witt’s Wiieb Hatel Salve gives instant relief and permanently —I G Betts & Co. When you want a good blood pui i- or tonic a I way- call on the old G irdne- & Thrasher. The city tax books will posit¬ ively close on the 1st day of Dec., executions will be issued against all defaulters.— N, McAr¬ Clerk. Sycamore Scrapt. — —o-—- Mr. V. A. Freeman is slowly recovering from a month’s illness. Postmaster J. W. Smith is con- vuloeing after a severe attack of fever. Mr. J. VV. Rountree and family will move back to Henry county in December. J. Z. Jackson left Monday night for the Ocillu Irwin to resume County his News old forest plk'| on Rey. J. W. Tiiile.v* till his last appointment for the eonfer- once year at Gjenieuts Chapel next Sunday. Miss Lizzie ./gi’kson left Mon day night for Social Circle to at¬ tend *he bedside of her sister, Mrs. Watkins, K vow. J. M. Thit yctj.l of (irosbeek, Tn r»ke« iwoof DeWi ,v BP tic Karl, Rigf . r8 at „i g hi. aud lie is all rigbt |he nf . xt moruijg. Ma»v Umm-aml- zr'reatrr 0 **- ’ *22'2to. .„ ( i Chill and Fever T -nic at Gardner A TbrasherV ISABBUjA 0 Never give Satan a mortgage on your soul. Don't neglect the shade trees, Let every cue lend a helping hand. "The courthouse is too small,” the chronic croaker creaks, The girls all looked as the sky- last Sunday : the clerk was oil' home. ltev. A. E. Samjers will lill his last appointment her next Sun¬ day, Hog and hominy will soon be ripe—and peas—whoop-oo! Fly, croakers, fly, Now is the time for farmers to sow their oats, and politicians to cut their hay. Messrs. Wooten and Harris were in attendance at the M court Sunday, A famine in the M. court, Do¬ nations thankfully received. Ap¬ ply to the judge. Mr, .). M. Gregory will preach at Isabella nil the 4th Sunday in 11 o’clock, I he blight was in session here last week. Can we ark the Hood even as Noah did ( Our tax collector will be prom¬ inently displayed qver the court grounds next week. What has become of the Mystic cerenade hand ? lias it gone with the Will-o’-the-Wisp' Mr. («. II. Reynolds returned home Friday. Mrs Reynolds will remain a few days longer, Mr. G, W. I*riec lias moved to his residence on the street called straight west from l’iney 1‘nrk. Mr. J, T. Gardner will he or- daiiymj Primitive to tho ministry at the Baptist church at Prov¬ idence next Sunday. Sylvester and l’oulan have split tin’ dillevmjee in j he recent court¬ house campaign. Wonder if the to-be railroad has fallen into it? •Judge Price made a living visit to Dawson last wool:. Some of ns will taken Hying journey some (sweet) day minima return ticket. Hun. Tom Gat, belonging to.I, T. Cochran, should be pensioned. A more faithful old soldier novor waged war against the rodent cause. A few turns on tin* Indiana Fruit Farm will conyinco eyeij a doodle that plenty of pluck, ener¬ gy and grit is all that is necessary to make fanning a success. One of the most enjoyable so¬ cial qventsof the season was a mystery tea given at tho elegant home of Mr. and Mrs. .J. T. Coch¬ ran on Thursday night, of last week, No, uncle Allen, Sylvester did not get old shell bark, but she got something else, Eli; the ealahro of a whiteelepliaiit Now, unele, yon just lick onto the sipd ip;(i ole’s rear appendage (it’s safer there,) and howl. '/ai.i.vuo. J. (J. Bern - , oge of the best known citizens of Spencer, Mo., lesiifien that h" cured himself of the worst kind of piles by usinica lew boxes of Do Witt's Witch llnxel Salvo. lie find been trnuhh'd with piles for over thirty years mid h oi used many differ,'uu kind'- of so-called cures; but DeWitt’s w::s the one |||;i| .lid lbe W’>rk, and lit* will verify ibjss'at wnt it rnivnm wisiie- to wr t,e bim.—J. H.Bet’s & C", Don’t be troubled with that annoy- i m if cough and cold when you e„n get Broino (juinia, that will cure a cold ift one day 1 , htGuriucr & Thrash. er’s VALUABLE FAEM LAMD3 FOR SALE laits of land Nos. MOand 148 in 3d of Irwin county, known as the Bone place, fiv ; miles west of Ir- wiuville on Alapaha river. 1 will be in IrwinviHe Dee, 9f li ;,ind (0th. Barties wishing to buy valuable farm lauds will please call lihfl see me, A, •!, Fountain. U hen you want u tooth |*a-t« call at Gardner (fc*^ and ask for Kulhvnol Tootb wbkdi per- fume- die broatti si d demroya nil of- fen-ivo odor. Only 25 coots. , POSTED:—All jmrties are warned under p'enaltv of law not to hunt or shoot birds in ide of my premises. —A, B, \V'KW,S. W-1G*. As we 4 j.'e otherwise engaged and can pqt see our creditors’, we have placed onr accounts in hands of (jol. Bowel! joreolh c ion. He v- ill call on you in a few days. Hk tsc be ready for him. GAiiMiKit A Thkasjikk. If^bn ( and want to be yoarttnoney, gci xjiwk received for always Bluraei! Tii ’. Populists ■u-—-- —T*»m NVati.un. in I'oopU'H I’nrly i’oikt. Tho nuti-l)!UTHdm bill is dead and populist senators killed it.. Many thqussauds of Georgians will rejoice at the news—many other thousands will not rejoice, Many uu agent of the whisky trust will jubilate—many a toper, toddy-mixer, whisky seller, liuui, deadbeat and demiuoher. Along the corridor*} pi gilded “clubs” where e'ogiuit sin coddles itsolf; in I ho glare and gaudy splendor of many a “saloon" much elation will take its way. A cheerful growl will bo heard the lairs of blind tigerism. in other places the pleasure will not be so pronounced— not many wives of weak husbands will make merry over the depth of the anti-barroom bill- not. maqy ers of erring sous, Few will be the smiles upon tho pale, sad faces of those thousands of noble women who discover too late that they must live with sworn to love, honor and obey. Not overly noisy will bo the joicing of tlje fathers and ers pf Georgia who staggor the curse of sons givod to drink and daughters given to ards. Had it pleased Leaven to some other party responsible triumph of wliisky in Georgia we could have borne it. better. But tho plain truth must, bp told—shall be told!—the senators are responsible. By vote of 18 to 23 the measure defeated. Three populist sena¬ tors voted against, it. Had they voted the other way the count would have stood 21 to 20—and whisky would not, have won, Why are the throe populist sen¬ ators nio.e responsible than the t.went.y democrat^ who voted against the bill? Because the people’s party of Georgia bad deli berate tv incor¬ porated in its state platform a dis¬ tinctive demand for prohibition. This was first done, uuanimous- y when the executive committee met in 1895 and recommended a platform to the convention, The convention endorsed the recom¬ mended platform, In Hj9(l S.a- born Wright was nominated by our party and lie accepted as much because of that uuti-bar- yoom plank as anything else. Senator Yancey Carter was chairman of the plat form commit¬ tee and enthusiastically support¬ ed Wright for the nomination. Senator Strother, of tho district in which wo llyo, pledged himself during his canvass, positively and unconditionally, to support, the anti-barrqp.rg bill. Without, that pledge lie could not have been elected, for every populist, county in lus district, is a ‘‘dry" county. What, Senator Golden’s attitude has been hereeofore wo do not, know; wo only know him as the ropresautgtiyo of H party which repeatedly and solemnly pledged itse.f to support the anti-barroom bill. During the campaign of 139(5 the democrats taunted us with the charge of insincerity. They said we were not, at, heart, in favor of the anti-barroom bill, but. only "sed it as a vote-catcher. Jt, seems that the accusation was true. We fli^i not ho believe fit the time and wo doniod it. We hereby apologize, Wo should have confessed that, wo were hyp¬ ocrites and were seeking to get goods upon false pretenses. Hereafter let m* not abuse dem¬ ocrats or republicans for violating campaign contracts. Let us keep our mouths shut, about broken pledges and unredeemed promisy es. We Georgia populist have moved into a glass house and we must never again fling any - ? stones. "It's no joke" when wo say tha' l)r Tide mu’s Anil-optic is superior poplo” to HI)V 1 hlllg ff-rod the‘'dear ;»H t , ire-sing I or woiilids.bnrus, slinks fin-C’ ls. p i-i,n oak, etc. iis clean lines, pi as "i odor, and iis wonfloi- lullv <( ”, !. a i a unIvorfniI f:iv>riio wc'.ovor known. For fur- ilcr inlot in i i -n : -ppty to .). 8. Bolts & Co. i n i app'ii hands' and I- -* • one iik’- i f * iurd n r Ai I br.’H i i J y ' pure I ilyiv-riuc ■,«!|i applied niiih ~ li <l mormtig b It I king the hate T and j tn-« wd 1 , I Ekotioa Notice. ? An (‘lection will be held in Ash- burn, Ga. n tb" 2nd Mon lav in December 1897, for a Mayor and four Couneilmeii, for the town ol Ashburn. . 1 . M. Betts, Ma N. McAethuh, Glk. of (,' T i T > 1 * < V':> \ w » > « L> l ■ i y y.J DEM,KID) IN © GENERAL ® MGHARBISfi « Ashlntrii, On. z WK are tho leaders ip h 11 lines of General Merchandise, and can (id your orders promptly, and at pricoH suitable to tlifl low price of cotton. No use In going to othpr towns when you can get, the same goods from us at the same prices and snvo cost of travel. We carry a lino of all goods needed by our customers. lio sui'o to call at the RIG BRICK HTQRK Of J. H. 11 FTTH ^ CO. and inspoct the large stock of goods always kept on band. We take pleasure in allowing custoiu- ers through onr stock, Call on us. Wit W WttMa* Clothing, Dress Fabrics, Shoos and Hats. FLI RNITURE«f- Solid Oak Besteads, Bureaus, Stands, Chais < oo Faior and Be doom Sets 1 «.vv 3- S, BETTS SS0, v - K&l < vw*. •• Si ■I mi % r ■ •X The Latest ^ tfi (Iaf,y, DRESS GOODS AND# TRIMMINGS FULL SLTIM.V ON HAND. I hayw just rutiirned from Nashville, Tmin., with the largest; of Millinery and Ladies Dross Goods ever brought to Sycamore I have the latest designs in FEATIIKKS, TRIMMINGS, and all tlungs necessary to dress the out in Fall and Style. Don’t fail to see mv goods • Mrs. Joseph SilberiHHIl, Sycamore. MVfJGF TO TAXBAVKRS. Tim tt lvslornin Ux U,.,Xs fur tlm Uurn at taauudu'ldg.r L- iiiLVLLA 1 L b MnMt'J-ill-tt.i lit mj.l Tf.jfj l-l'io AUv.DHGt? * ill 1 < :o MOhU-|>! 1 '< ’ PI ( )(!hl i.8, Al-l( j A tub (->[-)< ;d. m 9\i ‘ JsfPjjj ■Ct'3' ft*! M / 1*5 v £»'-g&Ji Him A*. X.'M.UXITHY-. X> '\v Si.yips. l\b)W (,\n()w. ( L'j 11 Gi-ici ,SuG MF* ADDIEIFL/QYD, Asjrburn, (!«,. SALEM. PERCHERON-HOBMA1 > Brj# ^ * <f)aUh ™ L/F „ r Ciy UOTSC, 10 tiUHAS foipJi, Weighs Clbout 1 Y 6 ~ oo pounds , j and j is < noted- j , for his good qualities, Why raise inferior slock when the services, L . of a firokdass animal be » secured f at the , oo.rne 1 f Price? I invite an ex*. i agination triY Horse, A. J. SUMNER. Residence 2 miles North-east j of Ashburn, -<