The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, December 10, 1897, Image 2

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$1f®r9003a W2 A. M U R R A Y ' $1f¢>r90ce+fls Happy is Hut man who has paid Ills tux. Bad news and doubtful eggs should he broken gently. Syea- inore is to have a barroom. Wisdom is hotter than ritches when we have the wisdom and the other fellow the fitches. Mrs Mary Bird, Harrisburg, l’a nays, “My ehihl is worth millions, to me; yet 1 would have lost her t»y croup had I not invested twen¬ ty-live cents in a bottle of One I’otigli Cure.” It cures coughs, colds, and all throat and lung roubles. •I.S. Betts vk do. For chapp'd hands and face one cake of Gardner A Thraatier’s pure (tlyeeriue soap applied night and morning face well. by bithiug the li»uds and The supreme court has decided that the prohibition law of Irwin county is unconstitutional, jind a Fitzgerald man says lie will open a grog shop in Sycamore for the Chriatmas trade. He may thrive there; he may not. Such a Inisi- ness is against the sentiment of the community, and the church will ..... V M.I ............... f..r the reception. The ll-mile law virtuall V d r i V to the incorporated towns, hut it ran be sold in Sveamore. Ooilla ' and Fitzgerald. A prohibition election for Irwin countv 'confident is now in order, and we are that if it is left with the natives vote liquor upon our sister county we will haul down the flag of truce ami take back all the nice things we have ever said alsu.t them, Put the Advance down on the prvdiilution aide of the tight. Ladies are invited to call and examine new lot of embroidery «t.I. S. Botha A Co’s. J.T 0 & ;i," ; 2 tr! t'kill and Fever T»nie at Gaiducr A Tlnasticr’*- ,;'te 8YGAMOKD. i s ■ \ ^ J. W. Smith was the l(rst man (t> move here after it was learned (hat Sycamore would be a station 81 for 90 o "its w .sl in * A 'T. 81 for 90 c ents. * j Dress Goods. Double Width Woolen I>res» G->oitl at Sc. yd, Double Width Woolen Brito Good* at 10c. yd. Double Width Woolen floods at 12c. yd. 2.5 yds. yard-wide .Sheetingfor#1 12 “ Good Bleaching for 50 ceiiiH. Ladies’ Seamless Black Hose, Fid Color*,Bt. pr. Men’s Seamless Heavy Sox. 5r pr Package Soda, 5 cents. Best Coffee. 7 A lbs, $1.00 White Wine Vinegar. 25c. gallon. Ball Potash 111 for $1.00, Sugur, Spice, Pepper, Rice, Grits. 2-lb Salmons, 10 cents box. Best Oysters, Sic. box. Tobaccos. d rocriyery and Qlassware. No Tariff on TLis. Plain and Decorated Plates, Cups and Saucers. Dinner Sets. 600gallons Lard Jura, Churns, and .lugs just received. Chamber sets. Bowls and Pitchers, Large Size Lamp Chimneys, 5 cents. Small “ (t t i 4 11 Lamp Burners and Wicks. Lurnpf, Glass and Brass. Tumblers and Goblets, Kitchen Lamps. Glass Oil Cans. filial)- ©AliiU 1.M J i, J Bits, Saws, Kilos, Tubs, Bolts, IzM-ks, Braces, Screws, Hinges, Augurs, Brooms, OPr Cen l off ONE DOLLAR FOR 90 CENTS- 10 Per Cent off, Rl: < r jjr. m \ mm . li i sjMpp?' I ■m 1 :h,y m I \ ( o '(•)(*( -'fit >. p. . Epsom Salts, 5c. ll>. Sul;,bur 5". lb. Hituuiuu’s Liver Regulator. 15c. Meat. Lard. Flour. 400 bushels Texas Bust Proof Oats just received. I tippers, I latcliets, Hammers, Dish pans. Milk pans, Stove pipe, Stove pans, Sauce pans, Ax Handles, Wash Basins, Stoves, Uncle .lark Ikmlcuon resigned the post office and recommended him, and he (Smith) lias been postmaster ever fciiiee. But we are to lost- Ide citizenship. lie lias sold his farm to .1. W. Hen¬ derson, resigned the postma-ter ship and recommended Geo. \V. 11 nderson, and willmove to Coi- dele for a hotel business. Rev. ,J. W. Til.ley will preach his last sermon here for t his \ ear’s work next Sunday. Then he will move to his new work at Keids- ville, on t he Dublin district. A hailitf who uses the names the second a ml third hooks of the New Testament was recently call¬ ed upon to arrest a yearling in the possession of a woman is also the possessor of a rake han¬ dle. The man with the biblical name was gathering up the year- ling in the field when the woman of the house gathered up her rake haiullo and wont to the rescue of her property. Words from the woman prepared the haililf for the llight, and a vertical gesture with the weapon i nclined the of- t'cer down the cotton row while 0io tail <*t his long coal played a Tyay’’ami ,, ‘ e /‘ ,n,, ; M,nt! popped ' 0,u>rths,,K as he went '- JoI,n over ' • Koval stood on a stump and I^nihar ™‘ v .w»*h to his nature of the >lrc>»mng that he, too, would 1,0 Q 110 ’ 1 T'V U \ d TT\ l . lau <U>il ,u , the joke when !° a,u | w ithout warn- ".g he observed the rake ham lc waving over Ins head and hem a voice as eon,mg tro.n above call- mg upon h,m to know if he knew the way out of the premises. An- swvring in the affirmative turned his face in the direction hv friend when the voice called out and asked him if he could net move faster. His linn sti p-- were at once tnutsfornuHl ........... ............- w kurn Led dl •* rail and feM over iIk- fence where the official went over without touching it. I'he yearling mm lies down at night with the assurance that his mis- tress is alive and the pledges of protection and the raki> IbimiltY remain unbroken. Dress Goods. Genuine Kentucky Jean«, all woo , yd. Beautiful New Patti ms in Calicoes. Russian leecc, I’oroales Flannels Cashmeres. Brilliantinc Towels. Hand kerchiefs. Collars. Cuffs. Ties Corsets, Iaidies’V'esis. Men’s Underwear. Hals, Cups. Children’s Caps. Negligee Shirts. Low Prices and - good quality 0 ARE- DOING THE TALKING W tSfo Crowds of people me taking advantage Of -**-**-THESE CUT PRICES *T» And are Saving 10 Rer Gent. <!> WHY NOT YOU ?^ I’m going to build, and this Stock MUST FKRST. Lome ry at , qet , 1 ,n te u oqce, ■J 3 W. A- .MQRRAf e Cedar Buckets, Heating Stoves, Iron King Stove, Red < 'liieftain A xes, Clark’s Razor Blade Axes, Bradley Drawing Knives, Enterprise Sausage Mills, lllaekliawk Corn Shelters, f )peu and ('overed Buckets, Table and Pooket Cutlery, i I 1 Yh ?°LI Winds of December JEFFREY e m INK* WIILL MAKE US ALL REMEMBER Jt d t'r< ‘v R° Becanse|EPPREf&R0©BI^SeII Till-: VERY SAME GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. mm- HcRVy Hit01* Slllts. Slll^io C Oills, \ OSts JUKI I^UIltS. SllOC 1*01’—— > Kog'llhir Tl'iIbi(‘S. , . . Elulk'S Dl't'SS (lOtuls. S !''• i j «>' e ( ’ Ffncsi "I" ' IM - / i \ ‘ l<l ' S <,,Hl IuIkHIS, l (’H1111101} . Ji? 4 * Site r? . - cte, (,(‘iits T lirilslllll^S. ,, HtniimirO 1111(1 stOYOS. EaprohoS, ITllbrolhlS. ill! E\ ytllllli** 1U1(1 COlliplottN 1111(1 . at t ‘l 110 W ' gOlItg / )\\ -( . )Q [ V [\ )\ } , , nT IGE\^ , Vr \ i % ± ^ 1 4 v x v x j. x v x a p A —i r- ' T ' __ _ —VAT I M y I * 4 A 4 ^ MUST BE \ ; SOLD! & ROCBIN. Atehurn. (la. Hemlquartors for Low Pices. Slices. Seventy people have sa’d: "If you want Good Shoes, goto Murray.” Now 1 don’t particularly boast, but 1 can conscientiously say that no liv- mg mail t an give better values ri Shoes lean; and if there’s anything FURNITURE. Mattresses, Bahv ("hairs. Wire Springs. Rooking Chairs. ()ak and.Pophir Beds. Pure Bio d is e to g od heatih. I'bou-ands with iin- pure b'o- d. 'i'lionsands who are alllicted could be cured bv taking Ai- liuan-i. the only p isitiv rein- dy A’rieara cures Ri.iumati-m on long standing Africa mi cures Scrofula African:! cures Old Sores. A fries lift cures Syphilis. Africans cur- s Constipation. Af’icana i urcs Uzzeu-a. Atricana i urcs fatarrli. Africana cures ail Blood and Skin disrasi s. A trial will convince you of its merits. Sold 1)\' GaIUHCNKR & TtlliASHUH. July 15th. BARBER THE CITY BARBER SHOP. HAllt-DUESEING-a specially. SHAVING—quick and oa>y. fix slior RAZORS—put m get d on notice You will always r- eeive a cordial welcome. R. D. LAW, Proprietor. AsitnuitN - Geokoia. 1 / A. i; V) F jf ; Sk y f WA M) sj rU f JL- f" Ol HI gimsm P PT^Q »V UAKhlAuDO A DDT A Bicycles at $35 $40, Baby Carriages and $..o t ^cn $,.).$>■',). 0 loo. ,■ Boys’ Wagons in lar¬ v V The Bert for tne L :c / -s^ gest vareeies. M* ney \ & 'Ty.-— ■- IBj ! THE BEST STYLES S>TST PER IS rSJ ' i D -v s ..... M l/f ... 1*1 . Lj teV r y Macon, ■ Ga. Write foi Prk- , L * •! A**r» ■A . 7 V.'* F-tef-d! m m (A 3gb©T- LMoe QUALITY CONSIDRED, I will guarantee to knock’ era all out when it copies to Nice Dress All Wool Suits, either in Men’s, Boys’ or Childs’. It is given up that I sell the Best Clothing for the price that can he bought. I don't make a hobby of cheap, shoddy stuff. See them before you buy. FUNERAL SUPPLIES. Goffin-s an Gaskets, all Sizes Kept on Hand. ROBES AND TRIMMINGS CHEAPER THAN ANYWHERE I hate to sell you these goods, but if you need them let me know. $ h sS s. Y- Safi r w47 N*- ■Si— ''V ill - * pi - i | | T1FT0N & NORTH-EASTERN RAILROA D. ‘•-'CUWEIiS’ C* "LON V Rl'tTTK.”. LO> Al. TIME TABLE No H. H TII-'T, I Ceneral Office, | W O- 'I'llT President I ’ll TON, 0.\, 1 Vice Prcsid - . no7 no3 nob Effective ir.o 2nio4 n< 8 P m pm ti n; Dec. 3", iSfisi •I ;t: pm jpin 4 4 00; 12:4 4 00 13 7 7 30 44 lv.Tift i 12 i OlT m 1 . 4 20,4 22 1 7 54 f Brighton Hard ins-, Ill ! 4/»jT 8«*0 GO 51 T »0 51 4 40;4 42 8 14; t> f INnetta . II !ti 081 BIN 4 45 4 48 Hr It .Mystif; 11 10:0 25 (R'4 50 5 10 13 . 4 8 i‘ INeicluir. 10 '« 013 w VS 5 1015 If, 0 00* Kitzgetaid 10 45 000 L 00 I rat ns Nos. 1 , 3 and 4 run daily, oxocrt Sunday. Tains Nos. 7 and 8 run cn Sundays only. (1> Flap- station, Trains slop onlY on tignal' All Trains makuconricution v/iih Piart^fs- tem Georgia and Georgia southern & Florida at and & Alabama al 1 :! /m raid F. G, BOATHIG11T, Tr. llie IManaser, DEW DROP INiv T ' - MRS SAL 1,1 K CHAPMAN. Proprietress. Rates $1 a Day. ‘DEW DROP INN.’ Shoes. that delights me, u to kaye my cus¬ tomers well pleased. 1 '’an <lo this on Shoes Men's Creodmotc Calf Skin. Ladies’ and Children’s Oil Grams Glove Grain Calf skin and KMs. I have l he best and prices are right. FURNITURE. A look will convince you. Twenty per cent cheaper than anybody. Beautiful Oak Suites at $22 on short notice. F.C. CORSETS MAKE American Beauties CORRECT SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. All Lengths. On Each Box. NEWEST F#c: 'M. MODELS. FANCY and PLAIN. KALAMAZOO CORSET CO., SOU MANUFACTURERS. SOLD BY v O, A >hbai;T, f -a. -©IE KAftK Bagcxfi ifllCli 9 a* H? COUGH CURS cares quickly. That Is what it was maaa ror._ Ihompt, safe, sure, quick diWren quick cure. Pleasant to take. -30there . i:!:o it and adults like it. buy it for their children. -siTigr E, Lari? 0. PeWltt & Co., rnakrrsol :• Jgasrs, ibu BBSS C 5 Siite OVA rzs dce weth zatm* . -- -= fcr » *rpljlor putont. AJJrM!: WILLSON A CO. A FRICANA will cure Eczema and Ca • - tnrrh to Stay Cured. $1%®1~9C)cems W A. M U R R A Y $1fd§1~9f>atsfi