The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, December 24, 1897, Image 3

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fHE ASHBURN ADVANCt n,.,.’^nr,T ' as8tr,>,,d-cla‘~ 1> ,T7~-----— 'ai!'n ,'up , , l ' kv ' u 1 1 . Official Organ of Worth County. Ash burn, (ia., Dec! 24, 1897. Subscription >1 a vent in trivaiioo UK KGK, LOCAL KOITOR. HA V TRAINS. No. 2, North, 1 50, p. m. No. !, South, 2 10, p. m. NIGHT TRAINS. No. -!. North, 1 Oil, a. in, No. 8, Smith, 215, a. m. SHOO-FI.Y. A" No. (>, Nor 11 1 27, a. m. N . 5, South, 8 11, p. m. Merry Christmas. E. J. Slrry was on a trip to Ar- abi this week. This vicinity was favored with a nice rain Tuesday. W. K. Jenkins made a trip to Arabi Tuesday. Ed Mullins’ fathet and two brothers are visiting him. J. J. Douglass is spending the holidays in Macon county. Hugh Wilson has been appoint¬ ed postmaster at Sylvester. Sam and George Betts returned from Oxford Wednesday night. Alex. Ross erected a chimney for Ed Smith of Sycamore Friday. Capt Belvin is home from Fitzgerald to spend the holidays. Elijah Zorn has moved to Mrs. Faulk’s place from Jackson coun- tv. ’ Y. C. Killibrew and A. J. Wells are here to enjoy Oiirisi- mas. Mrs. W. B. Chaplin presented her husband with a son Wednes¬ day. Mr. Biddle of Arahi brought a small drove of mules here Tues- day. R. Mrs. A. D. Betts, J. 8. and L. Betts, visited Jonesboro last week. (!. W. Evans and family are spending Christmas in Hawkins- ville. Jfrs. Dr. Turner will go to Cordele Monday to spend a few days, T. G. Sliirah is putting D. T. Page in a nice show window for & Son. Miss Willie McLendon is visit¬ ing relatives and friends in Macon county. Ftizg-^rald Lord Bereaford, of the City fame, lias turned up in of Mexico. James McGrath ol Je er n ville, Jnd., is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Burke. Tltoiv will be preaching at th • B -, Ri< hurch Bttndiy morning and nig J. . Evan ; is erecting palatial a piek- et to a in front of his i s:i i ’ i correspondence late for ro¬ f jived tLI- morning is too 1) i; ,1 Wat.-, a is visiting hor . , Britton, who daughter, Mrs. M. L. is quite ill. W. W. Cowan, Worth, Ga has paid for ibis paper until April J, 1899. Mrs. t E. Harrell left for Brinson, Ga., ? Wednesday, l'o spend the holidays. Marshal Hallman is repairing and “decorating” the calaboose for Ohristmas guests. Misplaced signs, wagons and chicken coops last night was but a forerunner of Christmas. Hon. Geo. K. Wilcox was visit¬ ing bis daughter, Mrs. Clements, at Irwinville, last week. (Several fine .1 ersey heifers were unloaded here luasday night, consigned to J. S. Batts. The Southern Express office company lias discontinued tie recent¬ ly established at Ocilla. Every merchant who advertis¬ es in tne Advance is enjoying a splendid Christinas trade. Up to yesterday at noon Bass warehouse had received hi t bales of cotton, and Raney’s 952. perry L 'ggatt and Paul Ue:i- der.-oii of Aclel were guests of Rev. J. 0. Flanders Sunday. Miss May Bella Dasher, one of Fort Valiev’s bewitching belles, is visiting Lee Betts’ family. Ja nas F nvLv, a former resi- dent' of Asliburn, was married this mo: ith at N< wherry, Fla. /. Uanbrick of Macon coun- tv is expecrad h-n* Monday to vis- it hi.-, brother, J. 1. IJambrick. j. c. Tland‘i's went to TL’hleen yesterday to officiate the SmitiiAYoodard wedding. Mrs. Ii. T, D ivis and daughter, Mis/ Susie,.went to Leary Wed- nes( lay to spend the holidays. i )cilla lias throe saloons. No wonder the Southern Express Co. discontinued business there. O.i * Minute G vigli Cure quickly. That’s whit vou want! ‘ & C. J. S. Berts ). Mis/ Dura Leggett left on the SLioilv 'Wednesday m orning for "Garden Valiev to spend mas. T A Judge, who is G < planer at the Mineoia mi n -poid the holidays ia A '- ■ ■ urn. Syria- Mrs. W. T. WilliUms of more, was here shopping Advance y ester- ^ • and lioiiore l th-.* ’ caJ , t a The mill shut down last ""til Moudav morning to give Christmas. l,an '. ls "" opportunity to Charley Fowler of Newberry, Fla., will arrive here to-duv on a visit to his brother-in-law, ,1. \Y. Walker. Mrs. M. L. Hritton. who been quite ill for the past two weeks, is, we are glad to note, much better. J. H. Porchet* and wife Worth were here Wednesday shopping, ami attended prayer meeting at night. Mrs. .1. C. Henderson and two children, of Hawkinsville, are visiting her sisters, Mesilames Fvans and Betts. A negro who stole a bicycle a Oordele was chased to Arabi, bat, had to be shot and flogged before being captured. W. A. and ,1. S. Nhingler re¬ turned from a business trip to Dade Pity and other points in Florida Monday. Dr. (H M. D. Hunt, has pur¬ chased the drug business of B. F. Forbes at Arabi. Mr. Forbes goes to Lumpkin, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Hodges and three children will spend the holidav ri with the families of W. T. Jenk¬ ins andJ. T. Hadaway. Mrs. Joe Silbermau will give a Ohristmas tree to her little daugh¬ ter, Bertie, at her home in Syca¬ more Saturday night. .Miss Minnie Barker, one of Tampa’s fairest flowers, will spend (lie holidays here with the family of her uncle, S. B. Hud- SOll. W. T. Jenkins has strawberries as big as partridge eggs on his vines, and if it does not suddenly turn cold they will ripen by Jan¬ uary 1st. J. S. and R. L Betts this week received an elegantly plumaged peacock and a breeding pej of fine thorough-bred Plymouth Rock fowls. J. W. Poihill and daughter, Miss Ethel, while on their way to Florida, stopped over here Wednesday to see lib step-son, J. B. Bozeman. Miss Sue Pittman, who lias been with Mrs. Cowan at Worth since Mr. Cowan’s death,returned tii her home in Cedartmvn Tues¬ day. One house in this town will he profusely decorated with ever¬ greens to-morrow, Wonder if there will be orange blossoms, too Justice McArthur now has,an ( >x case in court, hut it will not rival Hie celebrated cow case, he- cause the ox lias been killed and eaten. Allen iSprodLy and Miss Moliie Wheeler were married in Wilcox Sunday, Jim Chandler P< V- formed th cercmoiiv with fear uni 1 rem i ,i H I i, nil J. M. Jo la:: o’(H t< to-night to < isif !r! ■ wife, who is there undergoing treatment, Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. The G. S. & F. passenger trains quit carrying'freight last Sun- and now only passenger, ex¬ press, baggage and mail cars are to be found in such trains. • Claude MeLendon went to Montezuma Monday, and Dame Rumor says he will not return alone—but wo will know more about that next week .T. FI. Yinc-on, Edgar Rolen, Charley Bolden, Ed Horne, !. E. Teaghg Oscar Futeh and Arthur Gannon formed a serenading par¬ ty Saturday night, and favored many with enchanting music. James Walker is now in the lr- winville jail charged with killing his cousin of the same name three miles north of Tifton The wea¬ pon used was a broken hoe han¬ dle. Everybody will sympatliize with Mr. an:! Mrs. 55 7 . J. Stafford jti the death of their sweet, babe, which took place Wednesday. If will indeed be a sad Christmas for them. Miss Addie Floyd, Asliburn , popular milliner, Ins had her store crowded with customers this week, and. in fact,ever since he started in busi ness here she has been liberally and deservedly patronized. Lost, Straved or Stolen-A mustache. A generous public will pay ;i liberal reward tor the return of the same to C. ( . Bar bve. As matters now stand that gentleman's mouth looks like a slit in a pumpkin. J. T. Dudley lias lreiiam. J-■]}. Chandler proj rty Mr. now.oe- Law by Bob Law, and has purcirised from lot J. 100x700 8. Betts A C:>. for $100 a wili next to Mr. Ha-da way's, anti ("(mediately erect a neat cottage T!);*re wus :i nice meat at the residence of Mrs. Horne Monday night. About a dozen young people gathered evening there and enjoyed the with’ music, games, etc. Messrs. Jim Raney and Teagle. and Misses MiRie Horne iiid Mi-rjrie Burke enjuved a drive to the Rock House, Syca- more and other points Tu<-lay in qu. . of evergreen?, for Christina.; ,i, (-orations. We will send the Advance till Jan. 1890 for 50 rents. The three months for 10cents offer closes on the first day of January. Now that Henry Smith lias heeii gotten out of the way there are bright hopes for Jim Haney and Jesse Hickman, and they seem to appreciate the fact, for we notice this morning that they are wearing broad smiles and store clothes. Mrs. 51. It. l ord, Hu.Ido!!’ Ill., sntfered for eight years from dys¬ pepsia and chronic constipation and was finally cured by using DeWitt's Lift in Early Risers, the famous little pills for all stomach and liver troubles. .). S. Betts A. t'i). The case of J. A. Davis vs. \. B. Sheffield, which was returned by the superior court tried before on an Jus- up- peal, wa again and tire McArthur Saturday,- juiigeiiu it for $5.52 given plain- fill’. Tin'original claim was for only $7.41. Defendant appealed to a jury injustice's court. Mrs Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Fa. says, “My child is worth, millions, to me; yet 1 would have lost ln r by croup had 1 not invested twen¬ ty-live cents in a bottle of One dough (Aire.” all throat It cures and coughs, lung colds, and troubles. J. S. Betts A (’<>. With the exception of mail, the flight trains are now no good for Asliburn. The north bound train runs between Tilton and Cordele with but one stop, bound Syca¬ more, on flag; The south I rain makes no stops between Cordele and Tilton. MissAllii Hughes, Norfolk, Va. was frightfully burned on the. face and neck. Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, which healed the injury without Laving a scar, It is Hie famous pile remedy. Co. J. S. Betts & All the d 'tors hereabouts, ex¬ cept Dr. Gardner, own and drive two horses. Not to be outdone so far as ownership is concerned he lias purchased a two-bit horse and attached it to his watch chain. You ought to hear hint brag about owning two horses. Prosperity comes quickest to the man whose liver 18 111 gt > 0,1 condition. DeWitt’s Little Ear¬ Iv Risers arc famou • litth pills for constipation, billion-mess, in digestion and all stomach and liv¬ er troubles. J. 8. Betts A (hi. Tifton has had another tire. On Friday night the large new cot¬ ton giuhouse was destroyed, and it, is supposed it was set on lire by two negroes, who wore arrest¬ ed. The loss is fully covered by insurance. The gin belonged to Capt. Pink Walker. Mrs. Stark, Picas ml Uidg , O. says, “After two doctors gave up my boy to die. I saved him ft-an rr«> r- t> by Minute G mgh t'u> quicks''t coughs, an 111 Os • Gain rentedy for colds and nil (iiroil ;;nd inn.’ troubles.— rf. S. Betts & Go. Misses A itreiia Evans and An- tu<? (4. Betts returned from L:i- grange yesterday to spend the holidays, Th» return of these truly popular and accomplished young hulios will add materially to the success of t li o gu yeti os in Ashbiim’s so,,'ial realm during Christmas week. The Sunday-school at. Wort Ii will have a 'Christina-! tree to- night. Supcriiitendont Adieu i doing all ho can to make if a sue- cess, .and that he will <lo so goo without saving. DoubtLs; m:i;iv from Asliburii will attend. J. 1 . l-.i!!.,, . ,. A.itfljiio <L .... ci o! i, wa.-) tor t hut;, .'cam m- i! v tortured by physician •: ^juiekly lor the cure ol eczenia. !!e w as cun>d by using De5\ itt 55 itch Hazel halve the lamous lioalmg salve for piles and skin diseases. J. 8. Betts & Co. Rev. W. E. Muinford of Ma¬ con, who preached here October 17:ii in the interest of the Or phans’ Home, bad L re si !.")■< , i;i Vineville destroyed last.' by Saturday night His many friends in Asliburn will regret to hear of bis misfortune. Two full grown young he 11 s do- liyercd to us ut this office will pa v for the Advance unt il Jan. 1, i899. You have no ex a - for not taking the paper - next year Bring in your hen, lor Hn " ofler wiil not run w ' " • i have several thousand choice j.eael* trees that. I will sell for $15 per thousand, or thirty for $1, of A-* , Tillot - otlier ,X CS. IL T 1 ■ !'- ««ce, ot. L. I>. ssmoi)*,- It. A. Hurley, .virsa.-y S loy* Ga. J. J{. Patton In > mcl" ! > !> * '■ co*.'.„n w'ith four Worth plow county’s (. is one of mi,xr pro perou justly Ik; ; may at;: to strict nttenth i to ouaines-; and superior mun i / men,. am: be laps to m\j" tber-) is sonic'mngly the the eeukone. "hen Editor Smith and hi* botitue bride arrived hist uign< they were met at the depot by u I,a |ij r ,. ! r more ci'izois. o a . -had*?s and C",--r< arm -I v. a in: struments ino-u-al ana unm'i ieal, «ud escorted to near n e home or Iv. S. Woodard, when the crowd quietly dispersed. The affair smacked strongly of an old-time charivari, the whole crowd bout on having fun, w itli not a thought of disrespect for the happy couple, In the crowd wore «onie of Mr. Smith’s warmest, personal filends, and it was led by the biido's uu cle. If there are any survivors of the 51st Georgia regiment of Confederate veterans in this tion, they aro requested to send their names and add re sc < to I! Hobbs, S. L. II nod or S im Meads. at A Ibany, Ga. An ell'ort, is | )( >- ing made to bring about a l-c- newal of the organization. When tho Smith Wood u ,1 Ini dal party alighted from the train last night.n party pressed fonvat 'u and presented the bride with a now broom, on 11 1 i ha ud ! * of which was inscribed : "Accept, llii- useful present. A gift from an ardent friend: On tin? carpet, iiso tin? brushy pari, On Henry, the other end.’’ Little Mi, L i t i > Silbo/man of Sycamore was seven year i old last Sunday and celebrnled tin event by walking to church on crutches, she having been an in¬ valid for a \; ar, and by gi\ in a birthday party, imr townsflian, Mr. Jelfrey, being piv ml. file little mi-s was the recipienl of a doll neiirly'as large as bois, If,and she lias written a letter to Santa Glaus asking him to send, her 1 doll dress and carriage. One of the best, sections on the line of 1 lie G. S. & K. is that un¬ der charge of Section Foreman Jordan, whoso headquarters arc now at Sycamore. The ball; stin g between here, and Sycamore is simply superb, with no grass or weeds lobe seen, and tic ditches are kept clear of all rubbish. Mr. Jordan certainly im the premi um section on the line of this road. Mrs. J. F. Jenkins bad oc sion to throw away a lot of mb- bish lhat had a 'cuunlalci! in a box, among which a mouse ha 1 secreted itself. Gnu fence. near by sa.t a mocking bird, and as soon as the mouse hit the ground the bird swoop ad down upon it as a bawlt would upon a chicken, carried it to a nearby stump and began eatii g it. This ls :i new role for a mocking bird I oappear in. Span? in the Times is at u piv uiiuiu now. Bouii:! may thin ; that we are running dead-bead ads but not so; every line in ilii pa tier is or will be paid for. — Black shear Times. How-about those Omaha Business College ads, Bro. Byrd f Wo would iiko to S30 the color of the money you get for them, and if it. is good, v i!i g; yon a job c j] I ; >r H'" Advance, Wi I ( mine] : ,-.] cssrs. W. 5'. Wnrdell, Pear: ll Kill:-; an.I ii. A. Bryant spent Mo,La at 1 winville on busines ■. M th re they went tint f-i \ i.;w Hie spot w here Jefl’ersoji I to.vis wa calitui'e ! 11 war. Guy han quit 1 an < xn ••once on * c if way to i, in ville Suiihr, evening. Ticay got lost in the woods, ;iml several imiormg thev aroui d for hi i < mployed a nal ive oi' i lie ■unlv , to siiow them the v. ,y out. This' fieri ho doesn't, think iin cinph'y of Undo 2 mi W 'R Ic'-'d Henry Smith on '.urk v and oniy promise us a niece ’posmitn fat toned on shoe sob- i 1 nidi of a Iricml to us—but cm much of a friend to Smi».Ji.--Tif ton Gazcffe, Not. that she loved ,s->;itii more or Herring in s but fiecausi? Bmitli wa jus sent and JlerriMK . ll( .The ..... f a ij,,q fatten, a;:d the turkey Wil8 H|llill i„ st ,ad. f) 11 ring I he : Mill of t il!: b laturc Dr. Thru ;lier went' to At¬ lanta to lire tiK ; I I age o ,, bill itiiowing t wo v.'iv to m in w ighing over 200 pound . He failed to : . ' • • ; iro 1). • of the iiica sun ms arguing tl,:it , '‘ Ver V . ,"••••• ,,| ’ Um callow n a sack oi shot and fake undue advantage ■ • |] j , ‘'There'll 11" a hot did time iu {[,;« l own when (he doc- tor’s wife h rnsfor the lir.-t time through the Advance the mi I 0 j,_ j ( . c t <>f hi trip to Atlanta, Asliburn can b.'ia fi > - ,w ri :i 1 in miy -m ill t , 5* HI (' 'ii'-xa. p j j. (V | V( . f,, ( .t mare, mid two / JiivU. Tii lower . f .,j fostm'- , i loie ! be on- i »•• mpiml i.y _ Hi- k' 1 ’ : : k, ;l ’ ■ r , ■v [Mi I pi ; ; l : )i ul < . 4 !:;! r ' ■. on! . \ u liaiison . , . o<) !:i an f. l' , I • to give them a . Por- for and .Miller Undo •nd the c xcliange, and from ti a. m. 1 i J 17 P* in. an- ut their po o; High! -■ • ■ >n h ,v s b n gv i nn m 1 heir orfc here* Hiva ' ■'•:, a> -1 ii Ul’ I'OOj/ld should be </;i tiieii' t; .. id. Til-'- i lav night, n r ^ dene • ()'' J. \ • aith. c J., v, ,- - aro lorn;;, . out be got mooing, the one meat, i, .r the Mil, . m i ' d a ,1 ! he h io of L wb; Micks, co).. > ,d < red him to throw up hi-: < -n d-x wh en he did. The ro.fl secured six dollar and a rack ol candy. Wednesday night a white mail, supposed to be ('. A. Middle, ! left here in a buggy destined for j Arahi, having in hi- possession upwards of .ptilO. He fore leaving, as a mat ,er of •precaution ’lie si>- civic I under t he buggy cushion, all lint \t tin' north end of Rockville Inno lie was halted by two negroes and a white mail, who demanded Ins money at the joxjit ol ;nst"L. lie gave Up the and vac tulowed i*> drive °u* We have been unable to ;"“ , 1,1 ,, ‘ 1 ’i‘C.culaiv . , ""'■"icriei, mt we uipe t > > a me, aim the capture of the ban ilitsi 1 >r. Thrasher went to , a •entl? on Iniciness, and w a tot. -- ' »} i.: man (.md it n,( > ~ a lug poiic; man. too), with . r- w .i revolver, made him b m m and be vaccinated. No when you approach him In. ran s that left arm nil - rest'! if on vorr boulder '■op you j roni hurting ii. Wo WOllhi H )( >i:>er hav a i i.nintain howiizei laid on our shoulder i han that midemii . arm. Keep away from him. D. T. Page A Son have an ele¬ gant. and varied assortment o! Glii'istmas goods which thev arc wiling cheap. A moilg them we notice celluloid pictu ,- o friunes, toy shell stands, lantern cologne bottles, silk thread, key rings and chains, whistle balls, rattle box's, alphabet, blocks, school crayons, kid curlers, silver plated knives in <1 forks, fancy unto p.a- por in colors, daybooks, writing tablets, tliread (two spools for 5 cents), 1 icc curtains and rolling shades, poles, baby cloaks, leut-h cr brooms, live prong towel recks. Be sure and call on [’age A Sen. II. ('. Kamsour, v, III) is rm- ployed at l!u' mill, hung his coat mi I he end of a pile of I it ml it i Tuesday morning', ami went, to gel it at quitti w.r- im : ing. Without a doubt sicne thief had m\ iped il while lie w i al work. .51. n working at, the millin'.' compelled and'cannot to lay aside con I and ve.ds, watch I Item :il! I lie t ime, am! when a theft I i i. ' this occur - the i hid should lie hunted down at any ■ i.-S and Im 1 led oil to i he chain gang. A- hlmra i ■ a i man’s town, and .there is no r- mm her- for idler i >r petty thieves. Run ’em out. The appnrlioiciicnt. of the com. nio!i . 'iooI j'liml of Georgia for L -e to the s ■ vetaxl count ics of tio- .stale wa ••o:icln<lc,| by Stall,>■ School Com ml.- iouer Glenn Iasi Friday. The m.iouiit apport ioned was fii.tLJ ;! il, I ho apporl ioiimcnt m , ull , „„ .school census I,spit, according to which.Geor- ; i i Its - total . cliool i ‘of lopulat ton ,.f do 1 . 1 ) 71 . The rate fippor 111)111)1 it p.*r;-:i;*i! i .‘,'J.0!W. mi incp'.'isc of x.775 over this yea>‘, I ho ra te fi r which i , Worth comity, with a cliool no j j- illation of B.1K2, is awarded $8,- 585 (II; Invin CO nnt.y. with school population, $(>,218.St’ 1 } Wib cox connt.y, 2,. school [lopnla lion, Hi.SRI.45. i'lie r a i'll i Jim ill i: . ■ of W. A . Murray vs. T. 'A. Eimii was to have l)C(i! tried, bo fore •ol. Bass last Hat < but was coni iniieil. T , , c . : ;i | | - if.! <;i)!r- !:! I'a bL at - t'ciit jon on it ■ ’omit ol i j (» hi: ni- her of <_cibi(T.1 couii;..el , m; Joyed. ’ . Fuiiw •«« 1 and McKciizi." A ■ "iizic ri'.iiv .1 :.' 11 ; Mr. Murray, WhiL ' ■ .LG. B. I!. "ud C oi i A Eoiv'i :, I will loos ■ r h : | • '. '. t. • ; V -.oil,'! ;,r 'In il in C Hie ,' . • IL ; ! nient v.di ii >11 of hi , iisloiin n, 'd’K'ii exteading nci'o'l II i when i. • co iM il! a (ford to do ), hut ' .'bell II" does go to la ' lie goes with I lie ii I cut ion of i niiig. John Champion uml Mrs, I. F. '.Yard got into a lawsuit at. .Syca¬ more I si, Friday, the former goods to the amount of fifty dollars, wh. -li he alleged ji i. V. ur,I hud in her p-issc-sion, ami which licl.uigeil to him. Mrs. A constable was sent alter Ward, and Ii > wa/, brought to town. With li w -ha had a, fix!) handkerchief in which aim had tied up every tiling Cfiamriion liad left. at. her Imu m, and sbo siafcu verv o in; > li ji : ically licit, all Cbairi- pAm '• owic d white tie lived at her home would not bring one difllur and six bits at, a flush sale, and licit, be had taken away all l»nt wlint s!ie exposed to view in th • liaml "ii'hicf. 'I'lie case was di.-arii- "d, and Mr. Champion as- • I co.-.i.-. A ''ding to Dm Cm. ditnUouV I’li" i ps; n, an inspector * I ' roviir *:)! . mi / ; . ! ? i : iiraticp . . ( ,, very poor *ii>» 1110:1 hi ii”. I [.oust (Ml i )■ Hi llrfl-ri • n, . acmi. i ).Ml rty mini tie-*, ami , i y ■ they set i if I: ivs, and a. ia in or :i who will i ic v, i !l cmiiuit a riy o!: t hrcac'i of •:;<,i-»t!-. He urtlier : “If. show Ti'OU'ld' O I; of hoc i o i;i (CtlOIl ad. The p op.e who have lie l to me are m uig the r ,pec*<"l mtiziiis witlioi-r Hi*; column- nity limy lie d any it, in parent scruple, and and a manner which indicates in ike it id i ci*. of lying.” if Mr. Thompson hit been rectly quoted, and Editor over his own signature says lie has been, thou lie (Thompson) is himself somewhat of a liar, in box-car letters, and wo aro sur- prised that lie was allowed to lcavo Oordelo without either a coating of tar and feathers or Georgia pine. We always thought Charley I’eaglc was the chief mischief maker for As’ibui'ii, but now we are inclined to think his brother takes the bun. Tuesday two Italians, with n band organ, bng- m , llk( , v< slnh . k , (nvn and^hegmi Ira Teagle got playing paper on the sack streets. and a blew ii up i’uv a bagpipe, secured a tin horn with a an outrageous squeaking din, and with a toy monkey hitched |i» (he end of a string, Italian started When they iii to join the s. would play the organ lie would toot his horn; When they would play the bag¬ pipe lie would work his arm on ilm inflated sack in imitate i: wIn, a ihei; monkey \\onld he would mal-:e his toy monkey do Hie same, and when they took up a collect ion lie did the SlllIlO, Vv hen the money was counted Ira found $1.25 in his hat, while ; he Italians only had three e-/its, which,!! girted them, and I hey •kipp> d 1 lie to , n. The incident was a most ludicrous one, and af¬ forded untold amusement, to lookers-on. \\ lieu i| comes, to monkeys, hand organs and hug- pipi s to bo furnished il: art ■■ar¬ lions, Ini Tragic can give an Italian ten in a game, and then double di uni him. SML’il—WOODARD. Well, well, well. We'll be*.t © 0 - totally, everlastingly It ruswog- gled if our hive, hasn't done gone, and done it. In other wools, Henry D.SutitIt, editor and pub¬ lisher of I he Advance, went, to Kathleen yeshTilay, and was niafried to M iss (’urn I,. Wood¬ ard. It is an old saying that when a ", 1 rl he irs ol' (lie marriage of one u ho line a I s' Him time, up pa rent ly or really, admired her, she heaves a deep sigh, s 'chides ! r J- f, and gives way L> tears. II i r: ... so, there will be lot a of s is and lots of t sirs io day. in fact, J. S. Betts A (’o. might take ad vantage of I!m i!uation and save Lis of m nicy,del iy .and vex,at ion. If they mid get every gir.l Hint Henry miili has talked non ii :• to, !ij .gather ar ,'iml a huge lank, and ul’ler si'dung drop tlmir'c i - ., in Hi - aforesaid t ink, tli'.yv con T- I take off (heir Kihloy water <rain, fill up tin* pond with and ii’id locks, and plug the ar- I iau w 11. Tin y would have water enough in that tank to run the big mill ever. i al jo!. i:u: .aside, I his is indeed a happy marriage, in which two a re Ii 1 1 e<! (hr each other. Mr. Sinitb is ,a yoimg man who has loiight life’s batfl'.a', n'ont* and Thrown upon his own j . ‘SOU re-. >• i in youf|i, lie lias stnig¬ gled )iard for urn hoiiocd hood, and ii.ali!, u r.iy men of i • * lay be In idea id’thost• vie . common in our land, lie is a chis ,1 ian gen-, and v :i!a lie lias not ae- <|(iir<* I wen If h, In*, has proved that a you ia: ma;i csa battle against odds a ul l ot In addicted to pro- fan i y, drinking,gambling, chew¬ ing an I • 'linking, a < i so coin- nil. - ily H. caa ■ in (his day and ag( < b n* I mianly in bis boar- in , co is o.'iu in in mil r, kind i i' ispo fit ion and genci ous (o a . ’ rii bo;ic iy of purpose i : ll n I a • hi wort hy of t Ii !) , p ii 4 In ■ ha. - cn Th ~ b i !. . M . (b;M !,. Wood- • d, C ;• K ill .'ii, Gu., uinine loveli- o per- i i.i of !’■ ness, a i i . t ii*- Iy|i<- of 8 nitlicrn worn i 'ilo ) !. \ It In,:; i I mtu youth fi pri.'cd of j>i>rental care an I ic.J ; ud ion, she is t lie p er of •.uy vn hit i id s i ared in i /x I ip of i : XU "; , a ini t utoi'od rclined, by the lumber.-, < 'nltured, lovahle, intellig ul, liaiabsomc, wit : i n<if a Ido! or liLinDh on Iut good naiii' , s!i ■ Im i •hod wo- liianhool, mid H toot I ul liioa'iar ,v< tcrdiy. and gave her life into the care of tlm man she loved, with him to toil hand in hand henceforth. She sought, not rich' , or lauded <>ttafes, though I, r ciiiinenl station in pure wo- nianliood, together with her many other virtues, might, have comma,i'L ! them. The coupL wen; married at Kat.'ih'cn last evening, (J. FiaicL:' of thi ; ]dac;! otliciating. 'I'he.y arrived in Asliburn hist night, ami are si ippiug witli her uncle. It. S. VVoobard. After Jan. 1st thev will bo “at borne” to their ninny friends, ail of ui1, v,,v:i " v Ipn-s'-fits received by Hi {; 1 p;; ' j;v r ! ■ WOH* V IHJI’IV * v> i I : f * U„ ’ • ';«! ;«m , costiv. * y - Geo, Brnaui, '■$ f i O.Uiji wrt i 0^2 •f ...Dl'MLKftS IN... ; bi!d¥ Pine Lumber. J Ash burn, Ga. JJ A i-/A -/l/’/QE’ U j. ± , “ HvDELE, bA. i i*r ^^ U\I FTIT *1| T> * 1 , ()J). • a ' ** 'deals, -oc. »*., * ' * s • F. Gardner, riiyslcl tn arid Surgeon, (’alls Answemi Promptly J).VY AND NIGHT. fSpccia! Attention given to iliseaso* if women and children, l’lcailenno at the Kicks place. AHIIBURN, GEORGIA, DR. J. F. GREGORY A CO., SPECIALISTS. Rupture, Catarrh, Rectal Diseases, tlemorrhoiils (Rile.i), Fistulas Cured. NO KNIFE, NO PAIN. Room No. 1, Heard Building, * Cordele, Ga. 107 Cotton Ave., Macon, Ga. WARREN L. STORY, Physician and Surgeon, BlVAMOnE, Oi. Diseases of Nose and Throat. TURNER! "* DR. W. J. Physician and Surgeon, ISnilCRN, OA. Special Attention Given to Diseases of Women and Children. OfftPe in Room No. 2, Betts Build- ing. Resilience: W. A. Bhingler’s. Calls Answered Day or Night. Tsiepliono No. 18. DR. T. H. THRASHER, Physician and Surgeon, Ariibobn, Gkokoia. Gcnoral TracKro Solicited. OfTiea m the Ohrifltian Building. 0. E. WALKER, Physician and Surgeon, Bvcamoiie, Georgia. GEO W. COOPER, DENTIST, Annin:in, Georgia. Office, Rum No. I, Betts Building. W. R. CONE, D. D. 8. I MrIco a Specialty of Crown, Bridge* and Replantation*. Teeth Extracted Without rain. Amiiiurn, .'. Georgia. W. T. WILLIAMS, Atlornoy at Law. T.iiinl ami Collections. fircAJiORE, Georgia. A. J. DAVIS, Attorney at Law, , Aiuiburw, -:- Gkoegia. Real Estate ami Collections. Prompt attention to all business placed i*i onr bands. B. !>. WHITE, Alturncy and Comisellor at Law, Asnnciis, Gkoboia. Will prnclicc in all llio Courts, State null Federal. •vc ho:!*) ‘xvanoj 'v.*!'; - pt - Joiuopy ‘MHV-I HNY5LI •pflJOAlUUI) ipiluiojll 4,1 uuibui pun popopos «soni»tij:£ •qinq j.) vi)j{A.x9B «<uno9s 0uogniAojd •<GI :q,utii[ Jtio ut peo«[d Bsanisnq i| miAiX uopnaqin jiqaan,) pan o;oipooa ■ lU] ", |J1I0,) Dip I[B Ul 0OI|O«X(I d m •AiV'j xv HzaNaoiiy ‘KOH V r n?fA\OcI \i OKC u f) ‘ifjnqiiKy ‘naiioiA. iHAvoj vw '£ ‘Tiiaoa i anof LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE. ) f if- tiki Ju , . Teams are swift and always in good condition. Now top buggies and drivers who are not, afraid to go. Ready any hour. Speeia. provisiofis fo 1- traveling in bad weather. Story Bros. & Co, AS if BURN,- GEORGIA,