The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, December 31, 1897, Image 2

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CrfE'QGthS W- I A- . k; fl U R R A Y " ‘ , (30 ts] 1 J. i. BETTS & CO. DEALERS IN • GENERAL- • ffiERGHARDISE # Ashburiu da. —cgv-::::::::::::::::::::: .... rw~—» ••• • •:~c^ 1 Di> 4 *iU.U tliii rH j * ti jjX WE are flic loadcrtt in oil linoi> ' - of fill flcncrtl your orders Merchandise, promptly, and and can ot I price* suitable to tlto low price of s i cotton. No line in going to other • towns when you can get the same * good* from ns at the same prices „ v and save cost of travel. We carry * : a line of all good? needed by our ; i customers. Be sure to call at the R BIG BRK?K STOKE Of I ■: J. S. BETTS & 00. ? and inspect the large stork of *? goods always kept hand We * on ' take pleasure in showing custom¬ c ers through our stock. Call on us. r *‘ II WWW N W W 1 1 !*?! H e *t 'f W S'etssir' eWMM s £MMM o * • Clothing, Dress Fabrics, Shois ami Hats. Solid Oak Bedsteads, Bureaus, stands, ■-iX> Falor and bedoom sets <;:•> 1 WN <3 , BK’l'T.R & 0 d \ if i* n*«»l o< AoyUuug m VVU HAVE A Slt’E SiGCK OF CLOTHING, UDIES' DKU8S GOODS AND TKUH1NUS SiiCh US MSS’ ' A \ D hO)S would be please,! to *how SUITS. »> Cm Fit You. , . . HITS I (I TFMks. Valises and SatcHels, SI for 90 mits 3!|3in*i Dress Goods. Dress Goods. l)oiib'a Width Wi o’en Ores- Goods t \ Genuine Kentucky Jean-, all woo at 8 jd. < •» 33j;e yd. o. lE':f I)ouble Width Woolen Dress (iooila Beautiful New I'aU'rns jn Calicoes. at 10 c y 1 . Russian h-ece, I’erSales Flannels Double Width Woolen Dies- Omd* at 12 '-. yd. Cashmeres. BriUinnUne Towels, 25 j ds. verd-w d«’ -Sheeting for *1 V ' Jfc {fcxPPffflr nandkechofs. coi: ir.s, Cuff*. 'lies 12 “ flood II leach I ni? for 50 cent a * '• Ladi« *’ Ve*l*. \ y./ 7/i Aleu’s Under wear, Ladies’ Seamless Bifid; U(HU. Color*,9'- pr. a Hat-. Caps. Children’* Cap*. Men’s Seam lex* Heavy .Sox. he. |>r. Negljgi f. Khirfs. ( -A 39'U * A. Package h’oda, 5 cents. Kpftotn Salts, 5c. lb. Best Coffee, 74 ll>s. $1.00, Sulphur 5Hi. White Wine Vinegar, 25c. gallon, Kinunoti'.- Liver Ivegulatoj. 15c. Sterling Ball Potash 13 for $ 1 . 00 . Meat, f+tigar, Spice, Pepper, Rice, Grits. Lard. 2-lb Salmons, 10 cents box. Flour. Best. Oysters, lie. box. 400 bushels Texas Rust Proof Oats Snuff, Tobaccos. just received. (flrocrkery and (glassware. No Tariff on This. Plain and Decorated Plates, Cups and Saucers.' Dinner Sets. 600 gallons Lard Jars, Churns, and Jugs just received. Chamber sets. Bowls and Pitchers. Largo Size Lamp Chirnuoys, 5 cents. Small *' a u 4 “ Lamp Burners and Wicks, Laiugif, Glass and Brass, Tuinfclern and flohlets. Kit.clie*i Lamps. Glsse Oil Cans. isiWlli And T 23 Bits, Dippers, Codur Buckets, Saws, Hatchets, Heating Stoves, Files, Hammers, Iron King Stove, Tubs, Dish pans. Red ('hiettain A xes, Bolts, Milk pans, (Mark’s Razor Blade Axes, Locks, Stove pipe, Bradley Drawing Knives, Bruces, Stove pans, Enterprise Sausage Mills, Screws, Sauce pans, . Black ha w it Corn Sliellers, Hinges, Ax Handles, ()pen and < Covered Buckets, Atfgtus, Wash Basin •, Table anti Pookct (hitDry, Bfisuus, Georgia Stove*', 10 Per Cent off 4 •w . a . Slices. Shoes. ■<k th&t delights me, it is to liaye m> ctis- SeveuU people have sa' il: “If you [ tomers well pleased. J can do this on want Good Shoes, goto Murray.” f •» Now boast, but gj t J don’t particularly L Zz^ 4 1 can conscientiously say that no liv- M . ShoeS lairinan can give better values in I, ' f ShoeS fit A Men’s Creedmore Calf Skiu. i.adies’ and Children’s Oil Grams Glove Grain Calf skin and Kids. 7 I have t he best and prices are right. than l can: and if there’s anything LOW PRICES AND GOOD QUAD 1 m 1 I ARE DOING THE TARRING # Crowds of people are taking advantage Of THESE CUT PRICES -*6"**- <!> And are Saving 10 Rer Gent. <!> ^WH \f i NOT YOU? 0 ~e I’m going to build , and this Stool: MUSI v GO Flit ST. Lomeot fy Get i 1 v 114 . ?t , once CiHOIGE? ) a W A. ,M 0 R R Af e FURNITURE i* s, [ _x FURNITURE. V Mattresses, m. A look will convince you. Wire Baby Springs. Chairs. x.. —cri ..... X sfeBf Twenty per anybody. cent cheaper than . ' Rocking < hairs. •"-T 7 ji .Jg X- J s - i I i Beautiful Oak Suites at $22 on Oak and.Poplar Beds. short Police. T )OLLAR FOR 90 CENTS. jSPPREf&Rdd -.M. tiitk > Aii ut * i > x\t hint «■« > k,ii Uti ^,LLixi±uiiu uiio imuti THERE IS A HOT TIME AT T'lfe pair p %to re y { l his Week. PRICES ARE LOOSE jL 3 fs> ^wsrsraa*© in® -H THE FAIR STORE IS WIDE OPEN, ••*C A Big Rash F-or Bargains is Suits to Suit; Clothing to Clothe; Furniture t<r Fiirnisli 1'liis is Good Weather For The Pace, ! And they are all in it -Y ung and old—for the bargains offered FAIR STORE $ KVKKYT1IING NEAT AND NOBBY AND JUST THE PROPER STYLE! STYLE!! STYLE!!! COME OUT! DRESS OUT! BE STYLISH AND HAPPY. SAYF YOFK MONEY Hv taking vantage of tlm SiteiidV HOLI'IUY 4 L 4 <KGAIJfS. They votin' and they go--the customers come and the goods go. DRESS UP FROM CROWN TO SOLE AND GET A SET OF Nh r T * T u f R N IT U R E Fvervbodv Trades With HECAl r SK-«— ; us, WE GIVE THE BEST BARGAINS r t ' 'i\\io Must Togana.oos o -• rX.: li\\ X t Especially Daring The Holidays. | Our Holiday ’l'rr.iln will be Immense, and it would be *»d to miss it. JEFFREY Su ROOBIN. Ashburn, Ga. I rmmwnvmvy. fe w ». t ■ t r*nnv'ir*>r *"? nrv\ & wmmM, li©T; \Mz QUALITY CONS1DP.KD, 1 will guarantee to knock’ era all out when it comes to Nice Dress All Wool Suits, either in Men’s, Boys’ or Childs’. It is given up that I sell the Best Clothing for the price that can he bought. I don't make a hobby of cheap, shoddy stuff. See them before you buy. FUNERAL SUPPLIES. Geffins and Gaskets, ad Sizes Kept on Hand. ROBES AND TRIMMINGS CHKAPEK THAN ANYWHEREjELSE I hate in sell you these goods, but if you need them let me know. Pure Bio d is ass,*ntial to good hr u! ; h I'bon-iinds ,-iift'ef with im- pure b’o. d. Tl’Oiisamls who ate nttltcted could be cured by takio" Af- lean i tho nitty p Kitiv 1 ' rcin-dy Artcana l itres Itlii umati-m on lone standing Africana cures Scrofula Atricana cures Old Soros. Afrioiiua cures Sjphilis. Africana cur s C"DSlipation. Af’icana rurcs Exzeu a. Atricana i urc< t atarrlu Aftiratei cures alt Blood and Ss.n il'selises. of its A trial will convince you in rits Sold In OaKDFNKK & Till! SHF. it Jnlr nth. BARBER the city barber SHOP. IIA 1 B-DliESi* ING-a -p>" ally. 81 lAYIN < i — quick and i->«-v- ItAZO UiS —put tn ioi d fix on shoi not 9 *t* You will always r-pcive ;i uordiat weh otue. R. D. LAW, Proprietor. asuuuun - Geohoia I \ / V ■M /A A , s&k 7/ it , / / Y v & If A Carriages Bicycles at « 5. $4), Baby Carnages and ,ff»0, .?U<| >T.\ $s3. 6!00. -U' -- Bav-s’ Wagons in lar- , The Money Best for 'tie b a.-t y^r g s«t varecie?. ! •^r ■ i A IV rtm ■ no MW r HE DEO' STY L 1 f : .;X ST PR It ]X f 3 C * ’ MX SI for Ceuts. 10 Per Cent off. • TIFT NORTH -EASTERN RAILROAD. <'Lr>lKI;S’ f ' l.iIN 1 Hof I K.'’ LO 'A L TIME T:\PLE NO -1 H. H TIFT. 1 (loneunl OfTirv, j W.O. T1KT, Prusifient ! '11 TON, (L*, \ iuo nt'7 IlOo DO'| I' lfot't’VU' do ‘J no4 rn»8 pm pii i a m m-o. 20 , moo ft ru prn pm *i 00 41 hi t an 12 t 0 7 15 7 1 4 1:4 4 V) 7 44 PripJiton ll 4‘> T i 0,7'0 -1 U« ) 4 2-’ 7 r>4 f Uiir«»inL r in on i> m o 53 •t 4 i -4 42 8 14: f Pinutla ; 11 10 (Oil 6 Jit 4 4.V.4 48 8 ' Mystic 11 It' 1 B 6 if4 4 r>r>l -> I 0 S 4T f F'e < hcr J<) 0 u U w la ."> 10IK 15 Oil 1 . Fitzirm aid U ) 4 5 t> itO c 0U Twins Nos . ”, a and 4 pi . l > d ;i?j, cxcei Sunday. Tains Nos. 7 and 8 Sundays aft Trains run cn only, .-igiuiJ i t F station. stoy or i\ < ji AW Trains makftconnection with J* at t s ys- toin and Georgia 'outhern & Florida at Tilton andGcoi-^ia& BOATRIGHT, Alabama at fritzgerald Tn the Manager, F. DEW DROP INN MItS SA 1,1.1 E CHAPMAN, Proprietress, Rates $1 a Day. ‘DEW DROP INN.’ $1f®r93¢ants \N. A. W U R R A y, . .ss111u1 F.C. CORSETS MAKE American Beauties nmn ^ ^ CORRECT SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. All Lengths. OiRch Has. NEWEST $ ► MODELS. FANCY m ► PLAIN. KALAMAZOO CORSET CD., •OU manufactunbm. COU> IT ■ s. BEETS l i.i, Ga . w ilir ® vg; X3 # SOUGH CURE Sur LL ig r '”’ n: J tX ' !2t ^afe, { * wbat it quick was N e i} vLY'-'m f « • . cu P-'- Goasant cure, take. to ‘RLtner; vxfnD ‘v'YLD Buy an;i ad«lts like It. I u tor their children. O. Wm : LY ' 1 ' f n e F-0 & Co., mak.ri ot "•teautV ' ' L "'' . J '»«> *»«»•• A ■ i : F? »«»« f 1 . B. WILLSON £ CO. 1 patent la« lVERS, ^X^^WASHINGTOTU o. C. m tarrh to ^tay and Ca Cured-