The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, December 31, 1897, Image 3

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THE ASHBURN ADVANCt Entered &t the Ashlmni post office as second-class mail matter. Official Organ of Worth County. Ashb urn. Ga., Dec. SI,• 1897. Subscription a year in advance GK‘*I1QK B, LOCAL EDITOR. DAY TRAINS. No. 2, North, 1 50, p. ni. No. 1, South, 210, p. m. NIGHT TRAINS. No. 4, North, 133, a. m. No. 8, South, 215, a. m. SHOO-FLY. No. 6, North, 7 27, a. m. N >. 5, South, 811, p. m. A Happy New Year to all. A little son of James Bohannon is quite ill. For all kinds of meats call on R, A. Luke. Little Miss Hodge is reported quite ill. T. Tuesday. A. Judge returned to Mine- ola The Betts boys will not now return to Oxford. W. Macon A. Shingler and wife went to yesterday. Lawrence & Shingler are tak¬ ing stock this week. Col. B. B. White visited Macon several days last week. Geo. Daniels spent Christmas with home folks in Irwin. Mrs. Pinnix arrived in Ashburn from Atlanta yesterday. Prof. Sutton was back to Syca¬ more on a visit Tuesday. Robert Tison is shaking hands with Ashburn friends to-day. Mrs. Annie L. Walker visited friends in Macon last week. Eddie Williams of Isabella is visiting his sister, Mrs. Cox. Be sure and notice the New Year Greeting of W. A. Murray Col. Comer made a trip to Cy¬ cloneta on his wheel Wednesday. Col. Forehand of Isabella was shaking hands with his Ashburn friends yesterday. Capt. Belvin goes to Heartpiue to-day, and expects to get a situ¬ ation at the mill there. Misses Aurena Evans and An¬ nie G. Betts will return to La¬ grange college Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs C. W. Evans re¬ turned from their holiday visit to Hawkinsville W T ednesday. Mrs. Dr. Turner returned from her holiday visit to Cordele yes¬ terday. H. Jeffrey made a trip to Ina- ha, Chula, and other Wednesday. important cities hereabouts R.-A. Luke wants a good milch cow and sixty head of chickens, for which he will pay cash. D. A. Roberts of Sycamore was a guest of Rev. J. C. Flanders yes¬ terday. •Sheriff Story was shaking hands wife his many Asliburn friends Tuesday. Rev. W. F. It iberts has moved his family to the farm he recently purchased near Sycatu re. Several ite.ns of local interest are unavoidably crowded out of this issue. Alex Ross built two stack chim¬ neys for Mr. Brown of Sycamore this week. Mrs. Frank Smith was killed by a G. & A. train at Cordele last Friday. ' Miss Mark Beecher of Ashburn is the guest of Mrs. Dr. Brown.— Cordele Sentinel. E. E. Dupree, of Detroit. Ala., is here on a visit to his cousin, Geo. Daniel, and other relatives. O. E. Hickman of Loris, S. C., is here on a visit to his uncle, Jesse Hickman. One Minute Cough Cure cures quickly. That’s what you want! J. S. Betts & Co. Misses Mina and Emily God¬ frey of Bellville, Fla., arrived at Sycamore Monday, and are guests of Mrs, A, L, Lawton. Several young men formed a party and were nicely entertained at the home of Mrs. Bailey Mon¬ The young people were again very pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. Horne Monday night. A crokinole party at the resi¬ dence of Mr. Gilmore Monday night was well attended and a pleasant time enjoyed. Mrs. G. K. Rogers and children went to Irwin county last Mon¬ day to visit the home of her childhood. Mesdames Mariam and Annie . Hickman sent Jesse Hickman a splendid Christmas dinner from South Carolina, About the best Christmas pres- ent our farmers could have had was Hio splendid ram that fell on Christmas day. . J. CMements, eays the News, He nd e r« o i!’ B ro s! and wUl"Teale OGla G f llla - Klonlyke.parties . the latest are fad. but they will not take in Ashburn. 1 he name smack; too strongly of a cold reception. Ira Teagle goes to Atlanta Hun- day. wnere he will remain several months. He will be sorely missed in Ashburn, for he been tl, ■ life of the town for some time p : ' f - The News and Immigrant. of Buena 6ays that Mrs. E. M. Adkins Vista will move to Poulau and open a millinery stoje there.. We will send the Advance till Jan. 1899 for 50 cents. The three months for lOcentsotfer closes on the tirst day of January. We were in error last week in saying the night trains did stop iiere. All trains stop at Ashburn. T. J. Brooks has severed connection with the Cordele tinel, and A. A Rose is now proprietor. Miss Johnnie Bohannon, a Hawkinsville belle, is the guest of the Misses Evans and relatives. There was a big dance at. Capt. Smith’s in Worth Wednesday night. The Holland band of Cor- deie furnished the music. The Ensign Lumber Co. Worth will soon begin the struction of a commodious missary. Miss Roberts of near Arahi passed through here yesterday enroute to Cycloneta to visit friends. J. R. Rurgess of Bonaire is vis¬ iting M. S. Cantey, and favored the Advance with a call yester¬ day. Editor Grubbs of Ocilla was a welcome caller at our office Christinas day. He was in town iu the interest of his paper. Boyd Barbre, brother of C. C. Barbre, arrived here from Leary last week, and thinks of making Ashburn his future home. Editor Smith and wife are ab¬ sent this week on a visit to the country homes of his sisters in Dooly county. Col. B. B. White of Ashburn, a lawyer well known in Macon, was in the city yesterday.—Ala- con Telegraph, 24th. Mrs. Dr. Turner of Ashburn up yesterday to attend She the Cawley-Beasley wedding. is the guest of Mrs. Dr. Brown.— Sentinel. E. W. Wynn has secured a job at a mill on the South Georgia road near lleartpine, and will move his family there about the lath proximo. J. S. Betts & Co. are giving to their customers and friends some calendars for 1898. The Advance acknowledges the re¬ ceipt of one. J. C. Henderson of Hawkins- ville came to Ashburn Friday, and returned Tuesday with his wife who had been visiting her sisters here. J. II. Green holidays of Fenn, Ga., spent the with Clare McLendon, and both gentlemen favored us with a call on Christ¬ mas day. There are four pi inters in Ash- bum. and not one of tlum even drank an egg-nogg Christmas day. Verily the millenium is near at hand. Mr. Henry Vickers, a prominent, citiz-m of Coffee county, and Alias Catherine Me McMillan, daughter of Archie McMillan of Irwin, were married last week. A team of horses driven by Ira Teagle took a spin around a couple of blocks Monday evening and gave Ira a chance to show his ability as a sprinter. No damage done to horses or vehicle. The high school building ques- tion is again being agitated, and we trust it will result in the erection of a fine structure in the near future. Ashburn needs it rHit D now On Monday Mrs. Joe Silberman . will have a special sale at her store in Sycamore and for every bdl of goods sold to the amount of$o she will present the pur- chaser an extra dollar s worth. 0. E. Kagler, a prominent mer- diant of Montezuma, was in town Wednesday, and thinks of locat- ing here and embarking in^ the real estate business. Ho wi »<* heartily welcomed by our people. Saturday night witnessed a grand gathering of home folk? and near relatives at the mansion of J. W. Evans. The Misses Ev- ans were at their best, and enter- tained like queens. There will be a basket party at Mrs. Silberman’s in benefit Sycamore of night for the little Miss Bertie, who is very thankful to Santa Claus for her Christmas gifts. w W. K. v Jenkins i Hnt ;« is ot ,, 1 ' fho trie ooin opin ion that cabbage can be grown here and put upon, the northern market as early as can the Finn- da product, and will make the experiment. not If Mrs. C. E. Harrell does „ of)11 return from Brinson her “hubby” will have to be sent to the Milledgeville asylum. He actnalty refers to the Advance as the “Extinguisher.” Editor Henry Smith of the Ashburn Advance is to be con- ff uIatad “ of the before the holidays to one fairest young women oi Houston county.—Valdosta Times. J. R. Wilcox, late of Moultrie, here on a visit to his father, lion. Geo. K. Wilcox. He has secured a position with the En- sign Lumber company at Worth, a nd will work there next year. Being an ex-newspaper respects man, to of course paid his Advance. Mr. Gilmore had green butter beans and tomatoes picked from his vines on Christinas day. Who wants to live in Florida when right hero in Wiregrass Georgia vegetables can be raised the year round? the Prosperity whose comes liver quickest is in good to man condition. DeWitt’s Little Ear¬ ly Risers are famous little pills for constipation, billiousness, in digestion and all stomach and liv¬ er troubles. J. S. Betts & Co. Tommy—“I hung up my big- sister’s stocking.” you’d Willie—“O! git dolls wasn’t you afraid or somethin’!” Tommy—“Naw! “This 1 pinned a message to it: is a he stocking, an’ dolls don’t go.”—Ex. The professional card of Col. G. G. Warren of Isabella, appears Col. in this itsue of the Advance. Warren is a lawyer of ability, and we can heartily commend him to those needing his services. II. F. Williams, who is visiting his father, T. W. Williams, went hunting Monday morning and bagged 32 birds, and on Tuesday came in with “2(i more. This sec¬ tion is good enough for any bird hunter. I have several thousand choice peach trees that I will sell for $15 per thousand, or thirty for $1, of the Elberta, Triumph, Tillotson, and ten other varieties. Refer¬ ence, Prof. L. D. Passmore,—R. A. Harley, Nurseryman,Fort Val¬ ley, Ga. An express wagon loaded with jugs, bottles and other liquor and re¬ ceptacles was turned over the contents strewn upon the streets of Cordele on Christmas eve., and as a consequence there was no end of weepin’ ’ll wailin’ ’n gnashin’ of teeth in that burg. J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O. was for thirty years needlessly by physicians for the of eczema. DeWitt’s He was quickly by using Witch Hazel Salve the famous healing for piles and skin diseases. J. S. Betts A Co. R. T. Davis and W. M. Bunch to Southwest Georgia Sat¬ for a week’s hunt. We these men, and don’t intend believe a word they say about number of birds they bagged thev return home. Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O. “After two doctors gave up my boy to die. I saved him from by using One Minute Cough Cure.” It is the quickest and most certain remedy for coughs, lung colds and all throat and J. S. Betts & Co. Rev. Frank Culpepper preached a very interesting sermon at, the Baptist, church here last Sunday. This young minister promises to be exceedingly popular with his Ashburn congregation. J. II. Vinson went to Milledge¬ ville this week on a visit to his parents, but if you would hear Ira Teagle tell it, he has either gone there to get married or en- ter the insane asylum. If we <'ere Mr. Vinson we would whip ‘ ra i’eagle. Col. Ben B. White, formerly a Macon lawyer, but now a shining member ol the bar at Ashburn, came to Macon yesterday after- upon on business, and will return home this afternoon.—Macon News, 23rd. Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va. was frightfully Bain burned on instantly the face aml nemk. was relieved by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel ^e, which healed the injury without leaving a scar. It is the famous pile remedy. & . J. S. Betts Co. Prof . p as sinore returned from MaC(m county yesterday, where h(J t the holidays. School wjU , in Monday, i.A and it i tendance? . t i, w :i| n |, Sps ir , r „ <.t The same of teachers will he in charge that ' were employed last term. Mrs. M. B. eight Ford, Ruddell’slll., gu ff ore( |f or vears from dys- p e ^ 8 j a an( j ehroujc constipation and was finally cured by using DeWitt’s Little Early all Risers, stomach the famous little pills for an( j liver troubles. J. S. Betts & Co. Editor Henry D Smith of the Ashburn Advance has treated himself to a valuable Christmas present in the form of a wife, The congratulations of his breth- ren of the press are in order, and the measure.—Albany Herald hereby tenders Herald. a full Mrs Mary Bird, Harrisburg. Pa. says, “My child is worth millions, to me; yet I would have lost her by croup had 1 not invested twen- y-five cents in a. bottle of Cough Cure It cures c °lds, and all throat and lung troubles. J. 8. Betts A Co. Miss Cora Williams has proved a valuable assistant to Mrs. fell- bermaii m her store at during the holidays. Miss Cora Tadv'' lucky'enough' welV^iked L ^jv' all are ^. form 1]( , r acquaiata l 0 . During the , hnstmas week festivities the highwaymen 8 ® e to have been entirely lost sight f 'f> loodness g acious. \ve ac tually got careless ourself and walked from Sycamore here w ltn ''“‘.v t ol- omer as a body but we lmd caretuily left- our pockf-tboo • m our office on ' jJ, ‘ piano. Pago & 8on, through tnoir vertisement in the Advance week nearly cleared tlieir of Christnms goods, but they have a few left which they are out at cost. Wo acknowledge ail invitation to eat. turkey with Mr. Shirali Iasi Sunday, hut we were com¬ pelled toMecline the invitation, as wo had just purchased stew,” the and, in¬ gredients for a “hum as Andy Hughes would say, we “couldn’t resist the temptation.” The Cordele Sentinel of yester¬ day says; The chief of police from Sycamore passed through the city last, night with a negro un¬ der arrest who is supposed to have st.oien a large sum of money in Sycamore. The arrest was made at Oakfleid. Marshal Hallman is entitled o much credit for the order kept the past week. While he was extremely lenient and allowed the boys to have their fun in rea¬ son, lie was quick to arrest those who directly and wilfully violat¬ ed the city ordinances. The supreme court of Georgia lias recently decided “that dis¬ turbing even a single person of a congregation of persons lawfully assembled for divine services by doing any act forbidden by the penal code, etc.—talking or whis¬ pering so as to disturb such con¬ gregation or any member or part thereof, is a violation of the law, and an indictable offense.” News ami Immigrant: J. T. Perry, a thrifty farmer living near here, sold at Peulan 32 doz¬ en eggs, and enough chickens to amount to $10.40. Such men as individuals can accomplish more towards solving the problem of low price cotton than a thousand conventions that make resolu¬ tions. Road Commissioner Murray says that inasmuch as the grand jury has ordered that the county convicts be put to work on the roads, he is in favor of straight¬ ening the same, and thus lessen¬ ing distances from one place to another. Wo think the idea a good one, and hope it. will be car¬ ried out by tne county authori¬ ties. J. W. Polliill drove a fine horse to Ashburn from Hawkinsville last week, and left the animal here with his step-son, J. B. Bozeman, and continued his jour¬ ney to Florida by rail. When he returned his horse was sick with blind staggers, and Mr. Bozeman loaned him his horse to go home with. Since that time the sick horse, which was a very valuable animal, has died. We glean the following from the News and Immigrant.; This is Christmas eve, and there are peach blooms and blackberry blossoms in Poulau, and many gardens still are fragrant with the breath of roses, violets and chrysanthemums. The writer speaks with a elear conscience in saying that Southern Georgia lias the softest and most equable cli¬ mate »n the whole South. Nearly all the mechanical and local work on tho Montgomery Monitor is done by Hie handsome and highly accomplished Sutton, daughter who of the editor, .Judge broken down. is himself nearly Miss Sutton’s devotion to her aged parent, is truly sublime, and stamps her as a jewel, favorably to be compared to “apples of gold in pictures of silver.” J ' ,st «» we I? 0 to i P pess 7 , ' that a young man named Wood- , ard, who lived with Win. Rouse in the 14th district, was killed Wednesday by a horse running »way with him, and that Mr. Rouse’s st^p-son A. Royals was seriously nijured Fnl part cu- ,ars arft '> ot obtainable at thus Rouse had Woodard «• **}«?*' s life insured Me¬ for * 5 < 000 - Jim Raney went out. in the country one day last week to see his Iwxie-duxie, and took an ex- tra pair of shoes with him to wear on a hunting trip. When he re- turned from his hunt he found his fine shoes sewed up in the sleeves ot his overcoat, and lie was f° rr:e( l to bring the bundle [“'me and run it through Dun- [ iam 8 Kin to separate the shoes from the coat Jim think* this a sure sign that he is going to £ ol V>7 ir V the of H(,nr V - femith “ mote it be. W. A. Murray gave a sumptu- ftjre onsdlIn.■>ar mm dinner y?The to tr. tl^e ilm clea*»<£».,. ripr!r« fab of ® was l.iu with ed 1blJ ” ^^;; v k ; n n ^^' ,d 1 /‘ y ,e t l 7 a * T . ( 7 t a ; „ , tl .ra waists Iv of ^ men, ^ with with wasp wa«r. waists, but but * 0 ’T" ' aMe Pmank proportions that would make Dr. Thrasher or w . Walker look as if they lmd been «t ar ve<l for a month. “Straws show which way the 7 ind b I< ’ W8 “” Som e Hickman „ . purchased . and a lot near J. B. Bozeman’s, since Henry Smith got married he, has cleared up, and now in- f ormB us Dial he will build a neat cottage thereon. Now no one believes that Jesse Hickman go 5„g keep “bach” in that t ; () ftat^ With Henry Smitli gone , m( j.e ,fon , 4fk man poing, Jim R-r"” destroyed, ^‘‘ef'cp off” in ^ f60,000, with $36f • -Christina' eve W. M. Hale with a serious accident, which might have been a great deal worse than it was. His team ran away, and the lines breaking left him to the mercy of the beasts. The pole of the wagon striking the ground he was thrown out, and one of (he horses kicked him in (lie face and on top of til© head, cutting several deep gash¬ es, from which the blood flowed freely. His wounds were dressed and he was on the streets again this week. It was certainly a narrow escape from death. Col. White went to Seville as attorney for un insurance adjuster Weduesdav, and returned yester- day. The Colonel has been a very busy man this Christmas, Besides the above case, he has had two eases in the United States Oourt, sued a couple of lawyers, wound up the affairs of an estate, and defended a client In two cases here at home, and won in every case. Ben is a hustler, ami is bound to make his mark in his chosen calling. Miss May Jenkins will loach next year at Old Pateville in Dooly county, where our editor graduated ( (). Miss Jenkins is one of the best lady teachers in Georgia. She taught several terms here in Ashburn a few years ago, giving universal satis¬ faction, no subsequent teacher excelling her. S ince then she has taken a preparatory course in the State Normal school at Athens, and is even better titled now for teaching than she was when so successful here. Miss Jenkins’ abilities should insure her a prominent position in some high school. It was rumored this week at Sycamore and other places that Editor Smith was going to have the crowd who serenaded him ar¬ rested for disorderly conduct. Such a step was entirely foreign to him. Not since Ashburn was a town has a married couple re¬ ceived such an ovation, and as no insult was intended, the act was received as a compliment and honor. For years he lias had fun with the boys through the columns of the Advance, and o the first time they had a chance to get even with him, and they improved the opportunity. Hon¬ ors are easy, and the band plays ‘‘on.” The ladies of the Methodist church at Sycamore gave night. an oys¬ A ter supper Wednesday large crowd of young people went from here, and all unite in saving that they hud a magnificent time. Sycamore’s young ladies were out in full force, lovely to gaze “all up¬ on, mid the young men were smiles to-night, love,” “dressed in their best Sunday clothes,” with while the comely joined matrons in mak¬ becoming dignity enjoyable ing the occasion an one long to he remembered by those present. The good people of Sycamore are noted for their generous hospitality and ability to entertain, but they fairly ex¬ celled themselves on this occa¬ sion. We understand that the church realized about, $30 from the supper. W. K. Jenkins this week re¬ signed his position as salesman Geo. for J. S. Betts & Co., •1 and h , ,H . 9 , aco 1,1 ... th « Mr. Jenkins has . been laitlmiJ a employe of the company for four years, courteous and obliging to all, and ever at his post of duty, and will he sorely missed hv the patrons ol the store, but there is some consolation in the knowl- edge that he could not have been succeeded !>v a belter man than Geo. Betts, Mr. Jenkins will run a livery stable on a small scale and also pay the major portion of occupation his attention ho to is gardening, an of. The Ad¬ passionately certainly fond wishes him vance suc¬ cess. One of t ho nicest entortiun- incuts of holiday week was held at the residence of Dr. Thrasher last night. Among those present were Messrs. Geo. Evans, Dr. Cooper. Eddie Horne, Chas. Betts, Geo. Betts, Ham Betts, Andrew Weils, Jas. McGrath and Ira Tea- gle. Misses Maggio Hadawuy, Rate Jenkins Maggie Beecher, Burke, Willie llorne, Mark Vic. Evans, and May Belle Dasher. The evening was passed delight- sigh fnl y» was an, [ heard Dr ’ 1 ‘'rasher from the says young not a !U ^ 1C ? except when the fact was mentioned that Henry .Smith was ^ Bllt for r00m | arg0 r crowd would have been in attendance. The music by Miss May Bello Dasher was “'"My exquisite, and a pro- »°unced feature of the occasion. H.ipen.iteadent Alien s Sunday Slef’bHstma^ oand the biggest Kind of a suce-s Every child found a presen on the Gee, and all hearts were made glad. Merriment d reigned mi- *’ re,n e .’ tt, ! occurred to mar the . pleasures of the occasion. Worth has some noble Christian indies who deliyht in doing foi- others, and to them is largely dim the success of this event.. Among them are Mesdames Peacock, De Loach, Cowan, Ilollaraon, Shook- ley and others. We. regret that circumstances prevented our tendance upon this occasion, and we feel that w# have missed a rare treat, Christmas has come and and the boys have had their fun. Only one or two email tights took place, and several drunks. Mayor Betts generously overlooked tho drunks, and only lined those who had disturbed the peace. In a case before him yesterday ho turned the prisoner loose, and emphasized the decision t hat even if Ashburn was a dry town, Christmas or no Christmas, a man had a perfect right to drink allhe wanted to in his own house or place of business. We will bens generous ns our lenient. Mayor, not mention the names of tho parties brought, before him. „. Mrs. , bilherman of , Syca- _ ,noi « >" out ier ' vi,lte r stock of millinery goods at furs; cost. t r '° different styles ot hue dross trimmings; lace; Irish loi- shon: French felt tnmmed hats at i,( hem lie hats a .o to $8; ghildrcn u tine hats BOc o hue felt watking iats, .> o 0 coady made all woo dress *kirt, $1.1)0 to ; children a cloaks, 75c to ; feather boas, 75c to $2; capen, pluHli, $2.50 up; dolls’ carria^os and toys; ribbons, r>c to “2fic; double width all wool dress goods, 35c. to 75c; picture f rai ,, es; „j C4 , W ash goods; belts. 10c to 25c; baby carriages. Mr. II. D. Smith, editor of the Ashburn Advance, and Miss Cora L. Woodard were married at the home of the bride’s aunt at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon, Rev. J. C. Flanders of Ashburn offici¬ ating. The marriage friends was and a quiet rela¬ one. only a few tives being present. Mr. and Mrs. Smith passed through Cor¬ dele on the Slioofly last night on route to Ashburn. They will ho at home to their friends after Jan. 2nd. Editor Smith is well known in the newspaper fraterni¬ ty as a genial, wholosouled man with lots of native wit and com¬ mon sense. His paper is recog nized re of Georgia’s bright¬ est country weeklies. Mis bride is a lady of culture and refine¬ ment, and will make for Mr. Smith a model wife. The Senti¬ nel wishes for Mr. and Mrs. Smith a happy Christmas and a prosperous journey over the mat¬ rimonial sea.—Cordele Sentinel. Last, week ahoy came up stairs and bunded us a square envelope, and on account of the editor get¬ ting married we had that subject on the brain, and believing that if he could get a wife most, any¬ one could, jumped at. tho conclu¬ sion that some fair damsel had sent us a leap year proposal, and grabbing a pencil and paper tried to divide 1897 by 4 and make it, conic-, out even, but it wouldn’t jibe, and then we open¬ ed it and read the following on a tiny card surrounded by floweret emblems: “Take dinner with us Dec. 24. liosp’y, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Woodard.” On the date named and about an hour ahead of time we rushed frantivully to the home of Mr. Woodard, and waited patiently for the time to arrive when we could show him wliut an expert we were iu hid- ing away Christmas turkey. The t ime came and wo were ushered into, ihc dining room. We were not, equal to onr share of the emer¬ gency. Although Editor Smith and his bride, Rev. Flanders, bis sister-in-law. und several other big enters w<*ro there, wo saw at glance that naught blit a veri¬ table cyclone ans going to elear that tab’e. The de'icious viands are hardly describablo. Bob tried to make us partake of every dish provided, but, after wo had ato freely of turkey, cake, pies Jol¬ lies, pickles, etc., we concluded that Mr. and Mrs. Woodard bad anticipated the avariciousnois of their guests and did not propose to be foiled iu supplying tlieir wants. 'The dinner was a spread that the worthy hostess might well he proud of preparing, (and we’ll take our “duvy” on a Mor¬ mon biblo that we never ate u better meal in our life. Tho literary department of tho Iipworth League, under the man¬ agement of Third Vice-President Miss Kate Jenkins, hold a de¬ lightful meeting at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Evans last Tuesday night. The follow¬ ing program was carried out: Master of ceremonies, Rev. J. C. Flanders. Chairman of entertainment committee Dr. r '* rilf ’ er “ Music, Snng-By a ‘l present, 8cnpture lesson by the pastor. myei >y pas or, Instruments! solo by Miss Ua „ her . Hiring music by Messrs. J. L., G. T. mid Chas. Bette. Instrumental music by Miss Annum Evans. “Gun Flint’s Everlasting er,” by J, J. W. Evans. Vo „ oly ,, y MlH8 Dasher. String music by Messrs. k Who Apologized, ''y Miss , hb:ra Smith "f.Sycamore. Km!'" ''I'.ul' lV.MnUmi X ' Thi.f meet ever* big" was undoubtedly ti,e the best hold by ailJ waH n Hrtiug c'elahratimi of tho rbrietm»«t;di* m..« Wulker y ■ . „ r nsid«>il ni.m with lo-uco and nmi dignity ’ ' • ” utifni NEW > EAR'S GREETING. Christ mas is passed, and we right side up. In the rush forgot that f.oino people, croaking hard times. i a tn through taking stoex, and every - is in order for next year. F thanks to tlioa* who h*ro patronized me, and promise if posalMo.. to Uy to sorve you hotter For the next thirty days I am going to turn as much of tbl# stock into cash as possible. Thei* I am off to New York and tbtf Eastern markets to buy the finest amt most complete stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Novelties and Hlioes ever brought, to this market, I recognize no competition, and invite you to compare prices and quality with unybody. almost Remember that I keep everything you need, and that 1 guarantee prices, and invite you to come and be pleased. Yonra truly, W. A. Murray. HA ( R r PE ( R HOUSE , CORDELE, GA. J. W. SMITH, Prop. $1 a Day. Meals, 26c. Special . . intesby . week , or month. month G. G. WARREN, AtTOIlNEY- AT - I.AW, Isabella, Ga. ------ *'». *v t T. ri /3 11111(1091^ nf ..l*m*» Physician and Hnrf*flffi. Calls Answered Promptly DAT AND NI0H^. Special attention given to dliea*** :>f women and children. Itonideuoe at the Hick* plaoa. ASIIBURN, GXOBOIA. DR. J. F. GREGORY A CO.. •waoiALMM. Rant'’:., Catarrh, Racial Diiaoaa* ’Idiuorrhoid* (Pilaa), Fiatnlas Owed. no KNira, no MAIM. Room No. 1, Heard Building, 0*. Cordela, 167 Cotton At*., Macon, Ga. WARREN L. STORTf~ Physician and Surgeon, •TCAMOn, OA. Diie**ea of Not# and Throat. DR. W. J. TURNER, Fhyaioisn and Surg*on, nmjpa*, «i. Special Attention Given to Diteeeee of Women end Children. Office in Room No. 2, Bette Build- Ing. RMidenoa: Vf. A. Shingltr’i. Call* Anivtrvl Day or Night T«icphon« No. 19. DR. T. H. THRASHER, PliyifaUn and Bnrgooa, Gaoaou. Geuer»l Prootioo BolioiUi. OffiM , in tli* Chriitian Building. C. F. WALIEB, I'liyuiclan and Attrgtoa, Hro*uo*r, ftm tu. Gl’O W. COOPER* DF.NTIST, Ainiaiv, Gioboji. OAlc«, Room No. 4, Bell* Building. W. B. CONE, D. D. 8. I Make a Specialty of Crown, Bridge* ami Roplantationa. Teeth Eitraoted Withont Pafa. Aoubvbx, .“. Oioaau. W. T. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law. Laud aud Collection*. RroAiioiiB, UuoBau. A. J. I)AVI8, Attorney at Law, AaaBcuf, -:- Gaoaau. Real Kitate and Colleotiona. Prompt attention to all buainea* plaewd in our band*. B. B. WHITE, Attorney and Counaaltor *4 Law, Au»css, Gaowara. Will praotico in all th* Caacrta, State and Fedarail LIVERY FEED AND .STABL'S. 4 t Teams are swift and always ia g xxl condition. Now top buggies and drivers who are not afraid to go. Ready any hour. Bpaelg provisions for traveling in bad weather. Story Bros. & Co* ASHBURN,- GEORGIA A