Newspaper Page Text
Tin •
AshL urn Advance,
J. B. HORNE and C. D. URALY,
Official Organ of Worth County
terms of subscription
(Tnvariali'y in Advance.)
One T *r...... '*
Six month*... • .2i
Three month*. .
— postoffice n~ Ashburn, i.u...
Entered .... at the . at
Osrrgia, «* mail matter of tho fecund
Death of Aged J< iirnalhst.
1 he /' • .mi fa JmirnoJ, comment¬
ing on the death of a former
Bociato editor of that paper—Col.
.Jo! n II Martin—whose death
curred in Atlanta on Sunday Inst.
at the ripe age of 88 years, says:
There is no man n w connected
with Georgia Journalism in
capacity who tins born unt.l aftor
John II. Martin had eataliliahed a
high reputation as ««>
When he was born there t» not
a railroad or a steamship in tin
world, and he was a mature man
with a well-earned and wide¬
spread reputation in jtiirnclism
when 1 lie electric telegraph car¬
ried its first nicp^age. He was the
intimate friend, supporter and oj
ponent of many famous men
whoso names to the present gener-
ation arc but echoes of the past.
Ho saw tin rise and fall of
parties, the shifting of issues, and
Jived through nearly throe-fourths
of the nation’s entire history.
Ills memory of the great events
und stirring etruirgh through
which his long line of struggles
lay was wonderful, and it is to be
regretted that he did not leave
some of these reminiscences em-
balnied in the clear and classic
blvlc of which he was a master,
II* held many important and
respoiiiible ponitionn, every one
of which lie filled with marked
ability and high personal honor.
As u writer he was ever in the
front rank of his profession. lie
adopted hi-convictions only afb*r
tho most careful investigation
end the mi st conscientious delib¬
eration and then few men could
match him in the discussion of
questions to which I bey related.
Ilia counsel vvns sought by men
upon whom great responsibility
rested, for uH who know him had
gnat fuilli Loth in the wisdom
and lioncaty of his judgment.
No man ever wielded a pen in
journalism whore uiotiv. s were
further above uspicion, who was
more devoted to the right of hi
enlight ued judgment allowed ii
to bin, who more'fearlessly advo¬
cated and defended tho causes he
espoused, who met morn courte¬
ously all who went against him.
One of tbe many l oautifu! traits
of bis character vas lbs modesty.
No man was ever further from
vaunting himself. Though he
hail ever an nluolute conviction
of the righteousness of his course,
he was toh rant of those who dis¬
agreed with him. lie vns far
above all personal spite or mean¬
ness, un i did full justice to his
antagonists. He eared absolutely
nothing for laudation, and praim
embarrassed him.
In him were combined and il¬
lustrated virtues which are rarely
gathered in such large and varied
measure in any man.
He led a pure, noble, unselfish
life. He fought many a good
fight, but never guve a foul blow.
He wrote very nine'), but never ;i
weak or foolish word, lie held
his pen sixty-five years, and used
it with untiring industry, hut
from it never fell one impure
word or one false statement, and
ou it never rested the slightest
A high, noble and lovely lib
has ended; ,i true man b:\s iiuisli-
td bis course and gone to liis ro¬
wan! .
The foul crime that has so of¬
ten disturbed southern eoimmi-
nities was visited on the celmiy
city last Monday night in its ug-
best form.
Mrs. Sarah Baker, an aged and
resi>e<‘te<l old lady, who owns n
modest home on West Orange
sireet, was the victim.
Her brutish assailant is
bly unknown.
Monday night about 11 o’clock
Mrs. Baker, 67 years of age, and
who lives alone, was disturbed by
a noise at the rear i f her house.
She says she at first thought it
was some predatory animal that
found its wav into the house,
in,.i I ii-i I " 1C.I !■/•. ii.-i irui
P sit nut i' ii until the ruthlom ham!
>i the black fiend was I<• i.i
her b-d. She could ik) longer
K|ie was in the hand of n iner*
negro rapist.
Slu* idead |i< r age am! feobi •
liealtii, and received a w hi* fie rod
reply, ‘‘you arc not *o old,** and
llie nwftl embrace.
When she attempted to scream
hi* rough * hands were at bor throat.
U lieu she would thrift him a win
was a- tin 1 effort of a mouse in
tho pons of a lion. " itti no will-
ing car m reach of her voice, this
woman was completely at the
, y ()f , jf r assailant.
When he left here uch he wont
thr ugIt the front door and around
the house to a cabi.i n< ar by.
H( . r )ir , tlx ugrht was for help,
protection and, perhaps, revenge.
Wj| , Ht ruek a light, ui.d aw it wa
. Khft uickly Il)i(l | 0 llf . r
way to tho home of her nearest
liei| , llljjr an( i related In r expe-
rjenco an( , B(atftd her BUN pi cio , ls
of a negro, William Clark, who
lives in a small shack on an ad¬
joining lot, and to which she is
positive In-r assailant went,
Clark was promptly urn (fd
.'irni locked in the city prison un¬
til about 10 o’cloc k, when lie was
brought before Justice Drew W.
Paulk, ami waived hearing and
was committed without ! ail to
tli<- county jail to await the ac¬
tion of the grand jury, which
meets tlie 2d Monday in April,
The Enterprise visited the
scene of the crime and talked to
the victim, then aw the accused
at tlie jail ami talked with him,
from which we got the impression
that there was possibly some mis-
take in the identity ot the ac-
custd. But for 1 hi« fact William
(Mark would now b<- roaming Die
happy hunting grounds, for it
anon became apparent that a de-
termineil mob would soon be on
tlie road to the county jail with
the determination to avenge Did
Bober heads counseled caution
on the ground of a bare possibility
of the negro’s inniwetieo. A mob
was organized Tuesday night and
went all the wav to the county
jail, ten miles, only to find that
the prisoner bad b*en spirited
Guo interesting feature of
incident consists in the fact that
in tlii* crowd tluil had
for (lie avowed purpose of
ing this crime, a majority
natives of northern states.
man from Indiana was
to shoulder with nun from Illi¬
nois, Michigan and Nebraska,
which demonstrates that human
nature is the s.tmo ill a 11 sections,
and that this crime arouses the
deepest passions of men, ami an
iuipliuubh* desirn for revenue.
Mrs. Raker is from Indianapo¬
lis, whom she lias two sons in the
city tire department. She eume
to tho city about three years ago.
She is i nurse by profession, and
is highly respected.—Fitzgerald
Ovv n Master.
Tu he sure many country bred
boys have ancceodcd and aiu-ceed-
i*d vvonderfally in the city, prin-
cii'tilly because they wore country
bred, says the Southern Farmer.
Ibit fur the great mass, whether
born in tlie count tv or citv means
at tin- greatest, the ability to
, , wmkit.g .
sjnn, one s n e iu or
another in the effort to make a
living, with but little time fur
s> If improvement und with noth¬
ing material to show at the end.
On the other hand the country
employee ef steady habits, of in
iegritv nint energy, ha • he fore
him the prospects <>! owning Ills
own Linn where every lick of his
work i f,ir himself and tending
to improve his investment of mon¬
ey or labor.
Ho lias the satisfaction of being
his own master and even though
he may leave to his family noth-
'"F *">' original farm ant hi-
good mime he will have had
i I'-'rtunity to make of himseil a
^ remided character, wliicu
“ft**’ »H, ought to he tlie main ob-
ject of man's life.
Country boys, and even tlie
city ones, should be taught that
tf ie opportunity lor independence
diminishes as tbe draft Irani the
country to tho city increase*.
To be on the sale side, it will
be well to expect peace in South
Africa when it comes.
Colored Peoples' Column.
Kdilnr of the Advance:
We have a flourishing Sunday
school nt the A. M, K, church,
niul we ne t on time at a. m.
1 J ou tiri - Ul I invited.
Hev, O. I. Gatling is holding
Bit- thu A. M. K, cihtucli.
lie m n fine man, and takes well
with ins people,
Kev. J. C. Owens, pastor of the
C. M. E. church, is doing u good
work for hi-, race and church. He
is a tine pastor, a Chri tian gen-
11- man, and his people love him.
The Kpworth I/-ague meets at his
church every Sunday evening at
‘C-SO o’clock. All the young and
young, ladies are cordiully invited
to attend.
Ib v. hr. E. H. Hicks exhibited
at tbe ('. ,M. Ii. churidi last Wed¬
nesday niglit. 11 in scenes were
lipc. Come again.
(!. 0. Smith returned from At¬
lanta, Ga., last week, where Kepubli-! he j
had bc.m attending the
can State convention, and says it !
was (i. !v. Smith is a politician|
from his heart.
M,, Mary i:«„«„„ left la.t
week Igt W right, ua. f after vis-
iling friends and relatives in
We regret to know that so
rnnny of Capt. Motls’ hands are
on the sick list this week.
Hero and there is a ca.-e of
mumps. Some c^ll it smallpox,
but we call it mumps.
Rev. Man son will fill his regu¬
lar appointment at the Second
Baptist church next Sunday.
Mrs. Guss King and Rev. J. C.
Owens will entertain the League
at Mrs. Guss King’s next Monday
evening with a
**\ 1 J)|)(‘I .
We will do all we car. for you,
«#•«.*. Mr. Editor, to . increase vour sub- ,
scription list. Look for me soon.
I will come again.
Here is the latest and best on
trusts from the pen of a Phila¬
delphia writer:
Trusts in Leather,
Trusts in Ales,
Trust in Copper,
Trust in Nails.
Trust in Whiskey,
Trust in Wine,
Trust in Iron,
Trust in Twine.
Trust in Pickles,
Trust in tools,-
Trust in Gunidrops,
Trust in males.
Trust in harness,
. Trust in Meal,
Trust in Dry floods,
Trusts ill Steel.
Trusts in Rubber,
Trusts in Hens,
Trust in paper.
Trust in Pens.
Trust in Sawdust,
Trust in Rice,
Trust in Green Goods,
Trust in Ice.
Here's tho limit:
Andrew C
Wants a Trust.
In Poverty.
Tho Herald 1ms found it neves
aary to order a new size of {>:iper
for tin- purpose of letting out au¬
nt her tuck. We are a litrlo
crowded today, and will he for
two or three more days, but after
Tuesdav next we hope to have
of room to accommodate
a |i our advertising
—Albany Herald.
The Herald is one of the most
ably edited newspapers in the
State, and deserves the
patronage that is being bestowed
upon it. We congratulate the
What Tilman did for Morgan
vv i 1 not be mnrki r to what John-
s m vv ill do to him —Cordite Sen¬
What Tillman done for Morgan
was a plenty, and what he will
for Mr. Johnson will be ditto.
It is not wluit a man wants that
does him good as is illustrated bv
( [ K , z. u . t that Mr. Edward* wants
to be post master at Macon. M i-
con is still without a post master.
The Glorious Fourth of July
will be the time, and KanSasCity,
Mo., will he the place, where the
Democrats will nominate their
candidates for President and vice-
president this year.
We say Bryan and—some
other fellow.
•Uega; z -x r JL S.
mci-’ty sin; t - w,;\
i»KO KOI A —Worth <; r >. 1 r; t
W ill he soft] h« fon -1 . jrt hotr-u* door in
NntxTia. <iu.. to iho hitStk-r for •
rhirinit the U-gal hours <i hh'. -on thiflist Tut »-
‘i*y in Ajwil l'.t.o, tho following property
to wit:
lf-7 acre
of lend in the eastern part of lot of lar'l No.
4W, In the 7th fiistrUf of n«*#l county, levin*]
on m& the property of Daniel Clements, to *at
sairl tiff a ft fa. liiued in favor from of the the CouMy Hank of Court Ufton of
Daniel eounty, lenient Nelson. Tenant
v 1 a and t<.
" i sOF.hf Um wr. Ittml In writing.
Match ti, 19*0,
Al«o,nt tb'- “nr no time btpI plane. ! o'r*.
b*t, in the 7th <ii«tri':t <>! »;iM eounty. Levie-1
on as the proof rty <.f \V H c»iovcr favor to Rat. \V to fy
two Just i ourt fifus, one in of A
Allen v*. V* H (? over an-i one in favor ol
< huttanoi ;ru steel Tooling Co. vs. VV It Glover
Ihla March *"h. 1M*).
T enant in pos«o«>ion notifl-‘I in writing,
ft. K. Hi un- oek. Dept. Hh.-r• ff.
GEORGIA, Worth c'nmty:
u til be sold lx;for# the Court House door in
Isabella. <»a., to the highest bidder for cash
during the legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday iu April, tho follcying property, Jo¬
wl :
One certain town lot. in the town of
ner. Ga.. known as the C. v. v\ illiao s w»ro-
house lot, iis ing a lot about ! *< wide, and
fronting on ( htirch strfet in said town, and
running tack seme width about o feet to
railroad right of way. now occup ed by J. I>.
In idv»‘S'as a livery stable. Levied on hs the
prep rty of G A. Williams to satisfy iierr’ien a Ufa is
sued from t!»#• of Gou^ty a!houn tjourt ef against coun¬ W. /..
ty in favor < * Rope
story, S. h. Siory. D. M. Simpson aril ( a.
Williams. Tenant in possession notified in
w riting. 0,1XK).
This March
II. s. STORY, Sheriff W. C. ' a.
Try us.
For tbe year ending l)ec<Btber.h, 1899
According to the Standard of the Insurance
Department of tlie State of New York
HbcHtM for ProaitnniB - - $44,564,AID 22
From *ii other Sources - - 1 i,366,i>&7 co
JiS, 390,011 ai
To Pollry-hoMe™ for Claim fcy $15,620,979 43
... - -
To Policy-holders for Eitdow-
Mrl*it>Ddfi, etc. - J9,78$,$57 12
l or nil other bccobuis • - 12 , 228,444 13
»3S,Mi,W» OS
*°? e ' -*" d N h * r
ti;s,m,«si .4
n "i rtSV* ,- “‘- 8 " ^
0 ' 74,704,821 63
d ' -* a o if
. . - 6,830,099 00
Loaiia ob ConpaB 7 *ii P«li(l«s 4,314,63.3 GS
IGal Mitt: CompBaj-’s 12 OflBeo
".•“*/ r ^r.
n»tika Trunt Com- 23,1SS,625 00
i» Bi.d
Accrued p>.e......13,01*2,17502 Deferred
rremiuniMjOlc. «,MO.CS7 <\
UACiunix S:ol,8l4,4s; 62
Frtlfry ete. - • $251,711,988 Ct
( orttlnKt’sf. Guariiatoo Fantl - 47,052,648 91
Avr.Uiulile tor Authorized nivl-
deidl.....2,1 SO,000 00
*3111,641,637 62
I Bid Anoaft'ej la
fore* $1,052,065,211 C4
I hn?e carefully examined the foregoing liabilities State¬
ment and find the same to be correct ;
calculated by the Insunncw Department.
Charles A. Fueller Auditor
Walt** R Gillette
Isaac V. Lloyd
Futit .eric Cromwell Treasurer
Emobv McCuntock. Actuary
f K | A? ▼
5L y I W
5'CU'ps) rue dk Irady,
Rooks, Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Circulars
Dodgers, Note Bill and Letter Heads, and
Wedding Imitations, Envelopes, &c. can
be furnished at
Give Us a Trial Order!
We Are the People to Print.
Befoburn B6v>ancc.
TOd® ®ffljD©SgiO GfpgjsinQ rs
is read each week in the homes of
of ihe best citizenry of
this section. i
I rcfessionai.
Ii. B. white;
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
B 11- Building', Aslibuni, Ga.
Mercantile and Ileal E tate Litigation
Itec.lve Special
and Vigor* Attention
In all Courts, Stale and Federal.
7)P .. T j j IT l. Trf l ii.i.t. T? A ^ n&n T 7FT?
j ,
Physician and Surgeon,
Ashburn, Ga.
General practice solicited.
Attorney at Law,
AsmruriN, Oeoboia.
Will practice in a!! the Courts, State
ac.1 Federal.
Telephone connection with Cor
<1g]o, Vienna and intermediate
* .
pOilnS, > a>0. ot.
Dr. J. H. Powell,
Chronic Diseases of Men and Women.
Hours: 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sunday 7 to y a. m.
Office: Up stairs in Powell Buifeing,
on East Pine Street,
Physical! and Druggist.
Treats Chronic Diseases. Terms
Reasonable. Patronage Solicited.
Electricity brought into requisition
Office in the O. K.
Drug Store.
Ashburn, Georgia.
Physician and Suegeon
Ashburn, Georgia.
City Barber Shop,
R. D. Iiia, Proprietor.
For a first-class Shampoo, Shave,
Hair-cut and any work in
the tonsorial line,
call on me.
Evans Building, Ashburn, (ia.
5 10 pm Lv Valdosta A r 11 00 pm
8 3o pm A r Jatk’yllle Lv- 7 30 am
§ Meal Station.
vi betSn Uni" Maeo«.in?l 8 .m l V ,D t k 4 J ’ IL T>i .sic 1 ^ Flyer,” lf *?" d bare "irough thr' uMi Coach sleeper and between Sleeper
e . u Macon and Jacksonvi.lo D -m'' via Yaldosia, ai ‘ oixm for the recemiou ».»»i-W of pas-
on reiurn £®*7 until 7.30 I 5F.V a m„ W and 7- *' l be m "■ “ • '•» 1“
can occupied until that time.
Harry Burns, D- G. Hall, General Agent,
F. P. A., Jacksonville, Fla. 8 Kimball House, Atlauta, G».
Wm. Checkley Shaw, Vice Pres., C- B. Rhodes, Genl. ffeaa. Agt.,
Alacon, Georgia.
':>&u .
Tilton & North Eastern R’y-
cs i w L, 12 IR 1 Ft3 COLONY ROUTF.”
Lee a'. a no ■Table Jia. 6.
H. II- TIFT, President.
Genkrat Gem.kal n Offices Two,, Vice-L&esiffent.
: Georgia.
No 7. r^i wt 1°.
J[ P« ->I. A. >r Ui {y • T7. Miles. No2L N'oS
10 cc 10 s 00 0 arrive P- «. t-.H. t.. *
cc 22 cc 23 '6 1 5 5 tVL ‘ • • • Brighton Tifton...... • • 25 12 15 8^i 519
C-C co 32 8 25 8 f • - Harding ■ • 20 12 00 6 10 5 55
cc zc cc co 52 58 8 45 14 f .7 • • • • i Pinettu . . •. • •• 17 H 1151 11 31 SOI 64& 6 2»
9 01 16 Mystic.. . .. -• 5 41
^ . ’ • • • G 23
10 9 hi • 11 25 5 36 6
20 25.7 I . • Fletcher . . • - • . ?
25 0 SO • . 5 11 14 5 23 61
Fitzgerald .. . • ••
arrive • • • . • • • 0 1100 8 10 600
FlaVsiaOoD^TSf reave A. M.
on make Sun ’.ays culy" r ,,n! P -‘ *top ? Undl only 7 : ^>'1' ... a
connection v \ h llie Pla «.. ‘ ' l on aii/n«l..
TlfKD &‘Xiab^ . J.P
* ! a U - aa ' ‘heGeorgia *. G. a a t t t ^ r 0 e ’^' 1 <i Southernaa.lP^
• --"JA1 ivIGB’P,: PratB rM iri| >r
To one and all • •
I am in As'h'bu.rn yet, til an. Icing
yO u for past favors and. aslcing
you to come and see my
New s prlng stock.
I have anytning you. need tc
make you looT^prectv.
Ladies and Children's Shaped Hats, Sailora
Baby caps, Ribbons, Flow¬
ers, Chiffon
And in fact all the LATEST NOVELTIES
in MILLINERY GOODS. Come and see
my stock.
Mrs. .J, A. SHIRAH,
Ashburn, : : : Georgia.
If that’s what is wanted, you’l find
it at Whidby’s Jewelry Store, for
he lias a beautiful lot of Watches,
Kings, Chains, Cuff-buttons, Fobs,
Clocks, Afnsical Instruments etc.
If that’s what you want, just look
at inv
Holiday Goods.
- 4 >■ ® mhMy.
(Georgia .’Southern ^ Florida Ry
Local Time Table, Effective March 1,1900.
LJ ' : :ibjeci to change without notice.
pra 1! 55 pm 11 20 am Lv. Macon .Ar «- am 11 20 am
ra 12 16 sm 1144m . . . Sofkee . . . CJ am 10 50 am
p>m 1 1(5 ;tra 12 5) t in . . . Uiiadilli.. LC urn am 9 19 am
ptn 1 27 am 1 20 ;uu . . Vienna • .. l-C am 8 48 am
pm 1 o.'i am §140 pm C t am 8 2o am
pm I 5v3 am c 1C am | 8 05 air
r m 2 05 am tc m ... o euona .. 1 58 em ;un 7 54
Jim 2 30 am ...Worth.,.. 136 pm 7 22am
2 35 . ..
C in am tc . ■ . Ashburn .. 1 30 pm ^ am 715 a:n
L tn 310 m lc pm * . Tilton Lv. r-i am (j 25 am
& m 3 15 am cc ;n < Tiftou Ar. —i l-ii 11111111111111 6 25 in
Q. & C m in m §•3 5 3 4 (i 5 3 4 40 37 4(5 57 00 40 05 2(3 atzi am am am am am am bP- ^ o -O C --C I ‘ • 42 05 05 05 I 10 •i j pm pm pm pm pm j m Lv, . Ar. . . Lv ... . . . , . . VaIdo-ta White Valdosta Jasper Ilcartpine. I, Sparks ike Sp’gs Park . Ar Lv Ar . . ,—i iCODCCo 3 — a:n am am am am a am in h-•>—h-k—t—P-t—1 Lw 1—' O tc I—4 r— W 4 5 5 40 45 32 am an. -1
am r ptn r Ltike City Lv am o
(5 55 am r-, I'M v Ar vy- am c
S 10 am x m< , Sampson Citv —-3 :uc CO
8 23 am CO mi . . Humpion <1 am CC
0 00 .. .
am CT- ■m . . . Grandin w. am --'I
V 40 . . .
am ~ >m Ar. Palatka Lv Oh am C.