The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, March 19, 1904, Image 7

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F P.l l To those who have suf= fered long and hopelessly from Humors of the Blood, Skin, and Scalp, and who have lost faith in doctors, medicines, and all things human, CUTI=- CURA Soap, Ointment, -and Pills appeal with a force halrdly to be realized. Every hoope, every expec= tation awakened by thent has been more than ful= filled. More great cures of Simple, Scrofulous,and Hereditary Humors are daily made by them than by all other Blood and Skin Remedies combined, a single set, costing but one dollar, being often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases when all else fails. Wm?fit'; h&:?fi'uo dels mx'{n«l;:ofi’u Colambus A Bend ior wll Shoet oo Tiia und fonty.” W. L. DOUCLAS $3.22 43 SHOES Wi W. L. Douglas shoes have by their excellent style £ 1%, easy-fitting, an d = el superior wearing e ¥ %:mllties, achieved g 8 & i the largest sale of Fieey «"‘; any shoes in the %’,’? . y world. BN - They are just as good JRAREEE7 as fltlo“;;hm; 2;:ost. ycl)u e b . R gtfiorenco is th: pl?irzzg: ‘m A . Sold Everywhere. \ s - ) i Look for name and \ /,—f:‘;‘h price on bottom. bl Douglas uses Corons R : AR Coltskin, which is everywhere conceded to B T Tas s s Lonmias ot pradiesd. Write for Ctytalog. W'.l".Do::l.u.y !l;‘:oc’kto:,oia:: Saw Mills Del.oach Patent Variable Friction Feed m Mill with ¢ h. p. cuts 2 ooo?eet r day. All sizes and prices to suit. Deloach Sgngh&illo, m‘&immen, Plapers ; Corn and Buhs ater Wheels, Lath Mills, Wood Saws. Our handsome new Cata will iunterest you. Del.oach Mill Mig, Go.._gx_ 834, Atlanta, Ge RESTORED TO HEALTH. Many weak, suffering women do not know that their kidneys are sick. Backache tells of sick kidneys, and so do urinary disorders. Sickkidneys make bad q b i blood, and bad blood - makes bad digestion, heart palpitation, diz zy headaches, nervous ness, sleeplessness, sci atica, rheumatic pains and constant depres sion. Can’t be restored to health until the kid neys are cured. Read how one woman was restored by using Doan’s Kiduey Pills: Mrs. H. A. Van Sickle, 311 6th Ave, 8. W., Roanoke, Va,, says: “Kidney trouble was heredi tary dn.our family. and I had been so continually afflicted with the disease that I began to despair of even tempor ary relief. Sometimes I suffered so se verely that @ was confined to my bed. The aching in my back was intense, and the kidney disorder caused an ex cess of urie acid in my blood which im paired my digestion. I was compelled to deny myself of many of the little delicacies of diet. The doctors diag nosed my case as congestion of the kid neys. I had about given up hope when I began using Doan’s Kidney Pills, but I took only a few doses when their curative powers were proven to my satisfaction. I have never been with out them in the house since.” Doan’s Kidney Pills are sold by all dealers; price, 50 cents, or mailed on receipt of price by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Write for free trial. Avery & Company : SUCCESSORS TO AVERY & McMILLAN, 51-53 South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga —ALL KINDS OF— A s G(o gk«-’: o | G L S S B EJ;:/ YM ig*/ ST i, il *’/vyl Reliable Frick Engines, Boilers, all Sizes. Wheat Separators. 4 o § R LR, e ARSB ) | R . S e e 07 T BEST IMPROVED SAW MILL ON EARTH. Large Engines and Bollers supplied promptly. Shingle Mills, Corn Mills, Circular Saws,Saw Teeth,Patent Dogs, Steam Governors, Full |ine Engines & Mill Supplies, Send for free Catalogue. S S LA N SRR SRR R SRR R R R A=~ 2 ; Our Latest Im % lar Baw Mills, with Hege'’s Universal Log Beams,Rectilin ear, Simultaneous B¢t Worksand the Hea coci-fing Variable Feed Works are unex celle& for ACCURACY, SIMPLICITY, DURABIL ITY AND EASE OF OPERATION. Write for full descrifitive eirculars. Manufactured by the SALEMIRON WORKS,Winston-Balem,N.C. T T io W 8G e ‘‘. . ’ . SIS Z, ABin. High, 40 Cents per Rod 72in. High, 60 Cents per Rod AT ATATATATAY et :::'A':'AVAVA' 10 Rods or 165 feet in one roll. No order taken PTN TN S Lkt for less than 10 Rods. This is not a cheap net :!2!:!::2!:::: ting, but is a strong Fence made out of No. 19 :::::::::!:::‘: heavy galvanized wire reinforced every 12inches, :::::::::::::: Poultry and Rabbit raising puys better than cot- A:A::::::::::: ton. Send cash with order for 3 Rolls, men :":"'.- <9 tion this paper, and we will prepay freight, ANDERSON HARDWARE CO., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. How He Looked at |t. Fond Parent (to young hopeful)— “Unless you keep your face and hands clean, your teeth brushed, and lock neat, the children of nice people won't have anything to do with you—they won’t play with you.” Young Hopeful—“l bet if I had a goat and wagon they would."—Judge. Grange News Notes. The average cost for three years’ insurance per $l,OOO in the Steuben County Patrons’ Firs Insurance Asso ciation was $6.50. ‘ A ———————— ———_— ! Americans write about forty letters A year, and that average equals forty ‘ per cent. of all the letters written in the world. $lOO Roeward. 8100, The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded dis easge that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medioal fraternity. Catarrh belng a con stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’'s CatarrhCureistaken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy ing the foundation of the ddsease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so mueh faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address ¥. J. Caexey & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Dru%gists, Tse. Take Hall’s Family Pilis for constipation. Steam launches with glass bottoms are now at the service of those who wish to view the marine growth about Catallna Island, Cal. Salzer’s Earliest Cane., Arother new thing. Can be cut six times during a season and sprouts again with lightning rapidity. Next to Salzer’s Teosinte it will make more green fodder than anything else, cheap as dirt and grows everywhere. : . Of Salzer’'s Renovator Grzss Mixture just the thing for dyinfi out pastures and meadowi, Mr. E. BapFo d, East Park, Ga,, writes, “I sowed Salzer’s Grass Mixture on soil ‘so poor two men could not raise a fuss on it, and in forty-one days after sowing I had the grandest stand of grass in the county. Salzer’s Grass Mixtures sprout quickly and produce enormously.” 100,000 barrels choice Seed Potatoes. SALZER’S NEW NATIONAL OATS. Here is a winner, a prodigy, a marvel, enormously prolifie, strong, healthy, vigor nous, producing in thirty States from 150 to 300 bu. per acre. You had best sow a lot of it, Lfr. Farmer, in 1904, and in the fall sell it to®-our neighbors at §1 a bu. for seed. [A.C.L.} | The port of New Chwang, at the mouth J of the Liao River, is the greatest bean market in the world. I do not believe Piso’s Cure for Consump tion has anequal for coughs and colds.--JouN F.Bover, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15, 1900, It cost $318,366,047 to run New York City during 1903. ' You can do your dyeing in haf an hour with PurNnamM FapeLess Dyus. Liverpool has closed one-third of its sa loons during the last ten vears. i Write us a postal éard for a free sample of | STUART'SGINAND BUCHWU. l We cheerfully send it to all sufferers of Kid ney, Liver, Heart, Bladder and Blood digeases m reguelt. It will do all that we claim for it. Full direetions with sample sent. Mention this gg%r. Address STUART DRUG M’'F'G. 20., all Street, ATLANTA, GA. 'ABULES the bestd %fl:‘%%giclne eve:rn.ud:. Ahu’:: E:ed millions of them have been sold ina gingle year. (bmtépntton,hurtp burn, a?ok headache, dizziness, bad breath, sore throat angd every iilness arising from a disordered stomach aro r?sf!ovod or cured h{ Ripans Tab- Minwenty i, Eos et enont withintwe utes. ve-cent packageisen (oranordhu’ryooculon. All druggists niltbom. I Ghe Funny JSide of » Life. €. HAT, The hat of the average Panaman, In most social circles would ban & man, But the sun, at the Isthmus, _ Even on Christmas, Would otherwise grievously tan a man. —Puck, THE ONE OBSTACLE. “Is there anything between you and my daughter?” “Nothing but you.”—Town Topics CONVINCED. “Jones froze his ears this morning.” “How ?" “Looking at the thermemeter to find out hew cold it was,”—Detroit Free Press, k g l QUERY. “Where's Jane?”’ asked the master. | “Upstairs arranging the mistress’s hair.” “Is her mistress with her?”’—An swers, : l SARCASTIC. She—'He's awfully sharp-witteq, fsn’t he?” He—"“Yes. His points are so fine I can’'t see them a§ all.”—Detroit I'ree Press, THE BRUTE. Mrs. Bixby—‘“Mother says that she Is going to die and join father.” Bixby—*l wish there was some way to give your father warning.”—Town Topics. - 4 IMPERFECT FACILITIES. Mother—“ Have you taken your cold bath yet, Willie%” Willie—*“No, ma. There wasn't any cold water warm enough.”—Chicago News, WOULD NOT BE HANDICAPPED, . The Lawyer—“l'm afraid I'm going blind.” The Iriend—“Never mind, old man. So leng as you retain your sense of touch you'll be all right.”--Life, QUITE KILLING,. BRI iSOO - WD 8 M S R AR, a 0 7 - _,_- v Sl e M ," . oe S ’F ; !5": oi3 5 iDA b SN BEOS, RaLay MRS i . ke /R SN aa i ’ < ,’/y "‘_, : ... ‘l&— } oot o 4 ST YA S “'* ' o \.‘3 ‘ % - i 8 '/" : % %‘!,4 k. '/ ,f"".(,‘ < ’ """.‘:‘ vfif /1 p v F . " o N L:::#,; : 12 :w!/“! .S.. .‘;}:} ; G AW s 1\ A/ fw.'v;r v’p" E 1 ’ 1y 4TS A VAN A RT B P ‘ Ay i ' A U T .' ) ey A"§ :'.fi',‘;'.' i ST ey g “So, Mr. Juggernaut, I hear you're death on motors?” “Well—er—now and then—but only man-slaughter, you know.”—Ally Elo per’s Half Holiday. HIS FAULT. Nodd—“On the impuise of the me ment the other night I told my wife an awful lie, and got caught.” Todd—*“Serves you right, Every lie g man tells his wife ought to be pre meditated.”—Life, Canada produces $1,250,000 worth of asbestos a year,