The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, April 15, 1904, Image 5

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- LOCAL NEWS. - Mr. I, Cock, of Albany ‘was in town Wednesday, 9 packages of Arbuckles coffee for slr.oooat J. A, Lipsy's. Col. I. P. Cocks, of Ai'menia was in town Wednesday. Plain and striped linen fin'sh cham _brays. all colors at J. A. Lipsy’s Judge C, B. Avery, of Beloit, was in town Wednesday. ; See J. A. Lipsy’s piques, lawns, check- | ed muslins and demities. : Mr. W. M. Kitchens was transacting ‘ business here Wednesday. For all kinds of hardware you will find it at J. A. Lipsy’s. Mr. E. R. Stalker, of Americus is vis-.‘ iting friends here this week. | 18 pounds of granulated sugar for $l.OO : at J. A. Lipsy's. J Treasurer D. D. Hall made a short visit to Chokee, Wednesday. 25 pounds rice for §sl.oo, green coffee loc per pound, J. A. Lipsy. We want a good live correspondeut at Smithville, who will send us the news. How about your low quartered shoes? I have them, J. A. Lipsy Mr. Babe Williams, has opened upa beef market in the Holliday old stand. Mr.]J. S. Kitchens, member of the Democratic committee was in town Wednesday. Mr. Crockron, of Smithville, visited the family of Mr. J. M. Johnson here this week. 1 Try a package of Wilburs stock food ‘ money refunded if not satisfactory, J. A. Lipsy. Mr, John W, Forrester of the Georgia Cotton Seed Oil Co. at Albany, is at home this week on the sick list. _ ‘ Mr. J. A. Hall, of Smithville, attended ‘ the meeting of the- democratic executive committee last Wednesday. Mr. F. M Mims, one of our county commissioners was in town Monday lcok ing after official business, Satisfaction guaranteed onall of your purchases or money refunded at J. A. Lipsy’s. ~ ; " Mr. Rowe Price, cashier of the bank of Smithville, was shaking hands with his many friends here Wednesday. | | Severatparties from Leesburg will at tend the candidates barbecue at Americus next Saturday. I Mr. R. B. Clifton, we have been in-! formed, is very ill at his home near Lees burg. May he soonrecover. | See my Yine of spring muslin’s, prices range from 5¢ to 4oc per yard. J. A. Lipsy. . you can buy one pound of Liberty Bell tobacco at J. A. Lipsy’s store for 3oc, without the tags and 35 cents with the tags. _ Mr. John A, Forrester, left last Wed nesday for Macon, where he accepts a position with the Macon base ball team. Mr. Forrester is an expert pitcher. We received a communication this week signed ‘‘Plow Boy.”” No commu nication will be published in this paper unless it bears the name of the writer, ! The board of registrors for Lee County 1 met last Wednesday and tried about | twenty defaulters, They closed up their duty and now the books are ready for the ] state primary on April 20th, NEWS FROM CHOKEE. | Mrs, B, L. Bothwell and Mrs. J. C. Clarke, visited Americus Thursday, Judge W. D. Green, visited DeSoto Saturday. : Messrs P. B. and G. M. Poole made a business trip to Albany Wednesday, Messrs Wolf and Hayslip accompanied by ye humble scribe attended the Easter Egg Hunt at Sweet Academy Sunday p. m, ' Me srs P, B, Poole and C. B. Knowles visited the gentle sex near Pope school house Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Tricety are the fish ermen of the day, While fishing in a nearby river the other day we caught what as we thought was a fine sturgeon, but on a close examination it proved to be a candidate for solicitor general. | Alex made a professional call at New York (Ga.) Saturday. i Hon. J. W. Hurte visited relatives near Cobb Saturday and Sunday. ' ‘ Constable Price of Leesburg was here Satnrday. l Mr. Marshall Poole tells us of a thrill ing adventure he had with a mule, The mule attempted to run, he held the mule so suceessfully that he tried kicking as a last resort, in his wild frenzy his feet be- ‘ came fastened on the plow hames, and never injured the hames—Persons doubt ing this 1 arative are invited to call and inspect the crippled animal on April 31st, 1904. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Tricity have moved down on the river. When you are down that way Mr. Editor, slipin. . L s e ey Mr, O. H. Kirkland of Houston Texas, 1 has been in town for several days looking up the heirs to some valuable land in his state. Mr. Kirkland thinks he has lo cated the proper parties, and on Wednes day carried Mr, D. D. Halla N. P. out in Chokee, getting necessary power of attorney signed and left for Texas that nighttoe t:r the claim incoirt. We understand that this' property is worth twenty-five to thirty thousand dollars. We hope he may succeed in gaining his suit. COMMUNICATED. Leesburg, Ga. April, 14. Mr. Editor:—We see from the colums of your paper, that there are some an nouncements for the position of represen tative of this county, and it is rumored that there will be several others to an nounce, We of Red Bone, and we learn that it is the general anxiety of the coun ty, wish to know just how the respective candidates are disposed as to the wishes of the people, as expressed by our last grand jury, in their recomendation to the effect that our representative use his ef forts to enact a law providing for the the election of the solicitor and the judge of the county court by a vote of the people, Of course, the former position must be filled by a lawyer, but the grand jury recomended that the latter should not necessarily be filled by a lawyer. We believe’ however, that it would be better to give this position to a lawyer-also, if a . suitable one should offer himself for the position. But we are aware of the fact that there are plenty of citizens in the county of good common sense who will give ample satisfaction. We wish an un equivocal expression of our candidates as to this matter., Heretofore our senators and representatives have not been as mindful of the wishes of the people as they should have been, but many times have used the office for their own selfish ends, Hereafter we propose to guard against this evil and wish some consider ation ourselves. Lets have an 6pen, notorious and un equivocal expression from our candidates as to the above matter. We want to know where you are at boys. Red Bone MERRY MEALTIMES. The Table No Place For Fault Find ing, Nagging and Strife, Has it ever been ycur lot to sit at a table with a group of young folks who ate the meal in silence or, with a few constrained remarks, looked askance at the head of the family before ventur ing on any remark? I have seen such a sight on more than one occasion. Doctors have told us over and over \ again of the beneficial results arising from a meal eaten with a contented - frame of mind and with cheerful sur roundings; but, sad to say, there are many househokls where each meal is a constant scene of bickering, nagging and fault finding. This is not only the case where there are young children, who require a reprimand occasionally for careless ness, but I am speaking of those homes where the girls and boys are well into their teens. Wrong is that parent, ei ther father or mother, who chooses the hour when all are assembled round the table to mention some half forgot ten grievance or to find some fault. | If any trivial thing has been done wrong or any duty omitted walit until dinner or tea is over before you scold blame or reprimand. Let the foo. which God gives us for the purpose of nourishing and sustaining our bodies have the opportunity of accomplishing that end, which cannot be the case if every mouthful is swallowed with ei ther a sarcastic word or an uncompli mentary remark. More indigestion, nervousness and other derangements 1 are caused by the too common fault of uncomfortable mealtimes than’ man; people would suppose, and it is our positive duty, which we should all try to remember, to make those hours of the day cheerful and agreeable to the children and to set them an example which you would be the first to notice and approve in others.--BScotsman. For Tax Receiver. To the Democratic voters cf Lee county: 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for re-elec tion to the office of Tax Raceiver of Lee county sub ject to the Democratic primary Aug. Izth next, 1 thank my friends for the kidness of having elected me before and have tried to give faithful service and pro pose to continne to do so. Again thanking my frisnds and trusting to be again fuvored by re-election I am Most Respect-u'ly. D. W. Tison P> MY DISPLAY OF e~ _ Spring and Summgr [Millpery ~ Shows a well selected stock conitainng the - LATESIN SHAPES - Shirt waist and Street Hats, also a Beauti- f ul selection of -~ Pattern hats Caces Vails Ete. Call and I will take pleasure in showing you through, Thanking you for past favors I Am Very Truly Yours, Miss /M. E. Chappell, SMITHVILLE, GA. In this issue appears the announce ment of D. W. Tison for re-election to the office of tax receiver. Mr, Tison has made this county a faithful officer and has many friends who will rally to his support, at the coming primary. Application For Charter. GEORGIA~LEE County To the Superior Court of said county. : The petition of S. B, Brown, F., M. Mims J. P. Calaway and E. B. Martin shows the lollowing: Ist, That they desire for themselves, their successors, associat:s and assigns to be incor porated under the name and style of “The Leesburg Giuning Company,” 2nd. The term for which petitioners de sire to oe incorpolated is twenty years, with privilege of renewal at the end of that time. 3rd. ‘The capital stock of the proposed ccr poration is thirty-five hundred dollars ($3,500) three thousand of which has been actually paid in, said stock is divide d into thirty shares, each at a par value of one-hundred doilars, Pe titioners ask that they Lave the power and privilege o increase said capital stock from time 10 time to any amount not exceeding thirty-five thousand dollars (£35,000.) 4th, ™he objectof the proposed ccrpora tion is for the private pecuniary gain and emol ument of its stock-holders. They proprose to carry on a cotlon ginning. “otton pressing and baling business;to tuy aud sell cotton, lint and cotion seed. at a proper and sufficient gainl o rent, sell, Jease, or buy and hold such rea; or personal property, make any and all such ¢ ntracts, for labor, »f agency, or otherwise as are reasonably necessary to conduct the aforesaid business profitably; to elect officers for said corperation, and to designate how and by whom said corporation may coentract; to make rules and by-laws fo- the governmeut and regulation of the aftairs of said corpora tion, To exercise all other powers and do all other acts ag are usual and uecessary in carry ing on the aforesaid business, gth. ‘The vlace of business of the proposed corporation will be in the town of Leesburg | Lee county, Georgia, Wherefore petitioners pray that they be made a body corporate under under the name and style afiresaid, entitled to all the rights, privileges and powers prayed for, and all other righ;s, immunities, and liabilines as are fixed by law, Ware G, Martin Pctitioner’s Attorney Filed in office April 7, 1904 James Morgan, Clerk, Lee Superior Court. It is with a sad heart we chronicle the death of little Dan, the rat terrier who belonged to Dr. Statham whose immor tal spirit burst its bonds of clay and tock flight toth¢ God who gave it. It was taken snddenly ill on last Thursday and passed out at 5 o’clock,