The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, April 15, 1904, Image 6

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Ml o 7 liy o B 7 "f.'/ '-@‘v“', . &7’ . \Y’ W 5 V% \\\t"}'}” ' /K ST & Yy / y T .8 fi s P& ! & ‘ e LAY : Py Mrs. L. C. Glover, Vice-Pres ident Milwaukee, Wis., Business Woman’s Association, is another one of the million women who have been restored to health by using Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound. “DeAR MRS, PINKHAM : — ] was mar ried for several years and no children blessed my home. The doctor said I had a complication of female troubles and I could not have any children un less I could be cured. He tried to cure me, but after exfierimenting for sev eral months, my husband became dis gusted, and one night when we noticed the testimonial of a woman who had been cured of similar trouble through the use of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, he went out and bought a bottle for me. I used your medicine for three and one-half months, improving steadily in health, and in twenty-two months a child came. I cannot fully express the joy and thankfulness that is in my heart. Our home is a different flace now, as we have something to live for, and all the oredit is due to Lydlu E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com gound. Yours very sincerely, Mns. . C. GLOVER, 614 Grove 3t., Milwaukee, Wis.” Vice President, Milwaukee Business Woman's Assoeiation. — $5OOO forfeit if eriginal of above letter proving genuine ness cannot be produced. result from a lack of Potash in the soil. Potash pro duces size and quality. We have ] valuable 5 B books which _«fEaile . 5 explain more _’ % (”V{;q:?‘,' # fully the fer. Z-<4" m 3 / gl tilizing value I '“,5.\ i, of Potash, = '{‘@. = We will Ny ”6‘ send them ™ | B e free to any / ‘L\ farmer who @ SERMAEHES L . e writes for "SR < S S:‘o el _,* them. T > GERMAN KALI WORKS, New York—oB Nassau Street, or Atlanta, 6a.—2%Y So. Broad St. L e ST RS TR e gt A e o /) £ e 4N g’% 2 W/ (AW VG e | OILED CLOTHING name [ AN m?m.oém:famm /\"‘ e T Al rewia mc'{m.fiw}.&-. /N A ™= ELECTRIC FLUID ” & ) Thegreat pain extractor;cures o rheumatism, neuralgia, colie, = cramps and all aches and pain. Noth{ng like it. Try a bottle. \ ‘7 . Jave doctor’s bills. Ask your : ;', 7y, druggist to et it, or send to by \SA7Y W. ¢. HUGHEN, Atlanta, J Ga. Acgents wanted: big pay. . THE REAL HERO. The man behind the gun of steel Has earned his laurels well; But the man behind thé automobile Is the man who gets the smell FIT& permanent!v cured. No fits ornervous= ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer.#2trial bottleand treatiselree Dr.R. H. Kri¥g, Ltd., 981 Arch Bt., Phila., Pa Occasionally a girl marries because she wants to marry, but the majority marry because they don’t want to remain single. Aak Your Dealer For Allen’s Foot-Ease A powder. It rests the feet, Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Sors, Hot, Cal lous,Aching Sweatirg Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. At all Druggists and Shoe stores, 25 cents. Ac ecpt no substitute, Sample mailed Free, Address. Allen 8, Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. After a young man has called on a girl at least three times she imagines there is an odor of orange blosasoms in the air. Mrs. Winslow'’s Soothing Byrup forchildren teething, soften the gums, reducesinflamma tion allays pain,cureswind colie. 25¢. abottle After a man gets to be about so old in surance solicitors cease to trouble him. Piso’s Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as a cough cure.—J. W. O'Briex, 342 Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6,1900, ‘A man is never satisfied until he attends his own funeral. Carpets can be colored on the floor with Purnam FaperLess DyYESs. Peopie who come to high words are apt to indulge in low ones. A married man who owns an aufomobile is in a position to acquire a lot of exper ience. The Wonderful Cream Separator. Does its work in thirty minutes and leaves less than 1 per cent. butter {at. The price is ridiculously low, gccording to size, $2.76 to $6.00 each, and when vyou have one you would not part therewith for fifty times its cost. JUST SEND THIS NOTICF with se. ltamJ)s for Ifms,tage to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis,, and get their big catalogue, fully describing this remarkable Cream Separator, and bhun dreds of other tools and farm seeds used by the farmer. [A.C.L.] If people were compelled to five voice to their thoughts few men would have the nerve to sing in public. Much in a Name. : The newly-appointed postmaster at Keokea, Hawaii, is Mr. David Kapo . hokohoakimokeweonah. @ We regret that we cannot give any guide to the pronunciation.—Civil Service Maga zine, Catarrh Cannot Be Cared With rocAnL APPLICATIONS as they cannol reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh isa blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts direotly onthe blood and mucous surface Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine, It was prescribed by one of the best physi cians in this country for years, and is a reg ular prescription, It is composed of the best tonies known, combined with the best blood purifiers, actinz directly on the mu cous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what producees such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cuexey & Co., Prons., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation, AN INSINUATION. Wife (sawcastically)—What would you do if I were to stay out every night until after midnight? . Husband (calmly)—What wgould I do? Why, I'd stay at home.—Chica go News. WORLD'S FAIR ST. LOUIS. Louisville and Nashville R. R » Short est Line, Best Time and Service, Round trip season, sixty-day and fifteen day tickets will be sold daily from all points beginning April 25th. Very low rate Coach Excursion tickets sold May 16th and 81st, Special rates made for military on applica tion. Don’t missthe Greatest Fa'r the world has ever known. Ask for tickets via the L. & N. R. R. For World’s Fair literature, with list and rates of hotels and boarding houses, sched ules, cost of tickets, slecping car space and full informution, apply to J. G. HOLLENBECK, Dist. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. 4 PISO!S ‘CURE FORYw. B 9 CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FALS, Bu § Best Cough Syrup, Tastes Good. Use P & In time. Soid by druggists. « g N el N kR u L v =k R 4 ) Bovrad Million-Dollar, Taterpillar. A few years ago, a scientific person in Massachusetts imported some cat erpillars that interested him, and kept them in a bottle. But one day the bottle tipped over and some of the caterpillars escaped into the scieu tist's garden, and presently stocked it with gypsy moths. To catch them and their descendants the Bay State has since spent about a million dol lars of public money. They have cost it many million dollars besides in damages. The old method of fight ing them was to find and destroy the cocoon. The State finally gave that up, much to the regret of many citi zens. The bugs have’since increased very much and carried destruction in to the woods. It is now proposed tc fight these pests in the latest fashion by breeding parasites waich will at tack them. That method is recom mended by Mr. Koebele of Alameda, California, who tried it successfully in that State for white scale. The Massachusetts Forestry Association favors the experiment, which will not cost much, and Mr. Koebele will doubtless be invited to bring his para sites to Massachusetts and sick them on. The whole country is concerned in this experiment because a Massa chusetts Congressman has invited Congress to declare the gypsy moth a national enemy and to appropriate $250,000 to fight him. The parasite cure is a modern wonder and has been effective in cases of great moment. Mr. Koebele says it will not wipe out the gypsy moths, but will keep them down. The boll-weevil may present ly be restrained by the same meth ods.—Harper's Weekly. A Literary Tool-Chest. In the gradual growth of every stu dent’s library, he may or may not con tinue to admit literary friends and ad visers; but he will be sure, sooner or later, to send for a man with a tool chest. Sooner or later, every nook and corner will be filled with books, every window will be more or less darkened, and added shelves must be devised. He may find it hard to achieve just the arrangement he wants, but he will find it hardest of all to meet squarely that inevitable inquiry of the puzzled carpenter,.as he looks about him, “Have you ac tually read all these books?” The ex pected reply is, “To be sure; how can you doubt it?” Yet if you asked him in turn, “Have you actually used every tool in your tool-chest?’ you would very likely be told, ‘“Not one half as yet, at least this season; I have the others by me, to use as I need them.” Now if this reply can be fairly made in a simple, well-defined, distinctly limited occupation like that of a joiner, how much more inevitable it is in a pursuit which covers the whole range of thought and all the facts in the universe. The library is the author’s tool-chest. He must at least learn, ag he grows older, to take what he wants and to leave the rest. —Thomas Wentworth Higginson, in the Atlantic. Metals Get Sick. Metals can be poisoned and have diseases in much the same way as animal and vegetable creatures. And when they are diseased they are dan gerous to mankind; for if they are made into tools, they may break, ruin a laborer’s work, or perhaps put out his eye; if they happen to be part of a bridge, they may break and cause accidents, perhaps*destroy life. Pro fessor E. Heyn, of the Technical Ex periment Station of the Royal Poly technic School, Berlin-Charlottenburg, writes on this highly interesting sub ject—“ Life and Diseases of Metals”"— in Harper’'s Magazine. The micro scope has developed this branch of modern science, as it has developed the study of human diseases in the hands of Virchow and his followers. Illustrations accompanying the article show diseased copper and steel. The engines of a first-class man-of war cost about $700,000. DANGEROUS NEGLECT. : It's the neglect of backache, side ache, pain in the hips or loins that tinally prostrates the strongest body. , The kidney warnings are é’ serious — they tell you A that they are unable to filter the body’s waste [ AR, | and poison from the blood 7 —the sewers are clogged ‘% f and impurities are run &P " ning wild to impregnate nerves, heart, brain and every organ of the body ,}‘% with disease elements. % Doan’s Kidney Pills are \ \F quick to soothe and E strengthen sick kidneys, — and help them free the 0 system from poison. Read how valuable th€y are, even in cases of long standing. L. C. Lovell, of 415 North First St., Spokane, Wash., says: “I have had trouble from my kidneys for the past ten years. It was caused by a strain to whieh I paid little attention. But as I neglected the trouble it became worse and worse until any strain or a slight cold was sure to be followed by severe pain across my back. Then the action of the kidney secretions be came deranged and I was caused much annoyance, besides loss of sleep,. Doan’s Kidney Pills were brought to my notice, and after taking them a short time their good effect was ap parent. All the pain was removed from my back and the kidney secre tions became normal. Doan’s Kidney Pills do all that is claimed for them.” A FREE TRIAL of thisgreatremedy which cured Mr. Lovell will be mailed on application to any part of the Uni ted States. Address Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For saie by all druggists, price 50 cents per box, SEEKING THE BEST. “Have you got a coat of arms?”’ “Not yet. We tried two or three, but the drawing seemed to us too un natural.”—Chicago Post. IT GOSTS ONE GENT STUART'S GIN AND BUCHU. We eheerfully send it to all sufferers of Kid ney, Liver, Heart, Bladder and Blood diseases on reguost. It will do all that we claim for is. Full directions with‘,umfle sent. Mention ggs &a%r. Address STUART DRUG M'F'G. e all Btreet, ATLANTA, GA. R R, 5u 0 Given Away Write us or ask an Alabastine dealer for particulars and froe sample eard of Acsastine The Sanitary VWWall @oatin Destroysdiscase germs:nfl vermin, §evez rubs or scales. You can gpply it—mix with oold water. DBeautiful effecta in white and delioate tints. Nota digease.breeding, out of-date hot-water 4glue cgrepamion. Buy Aln..gastino in 5 b, packages, properly la belled, of paint, hardware and drug dealers, e e T b, eas free, | pr 105 Water S¢., . l}s 2 : '} The Great East 5 and West Line AND Across the En tire States of &“'fle ke \ o 8 THE 4% R o ) ol o . e Lt & Texas s P PACIFIC 3> R & A 7 S, 2% 509 RAILWAY (s \ 5 No trouble to answer questions. 35 miles shortest route Shrevepert to Dallas. Write for new book on Texas, free. E. P. TURNER, General Passenger Agent, Dallas, Texas. The Deloach Patent Variabie Friction Feed Saw Mill with 4 h. p. cuts 2,000 feet per day. All sizes and .Friees to suit, Deloach Shingle Mills, Edfiefl. rimmers, Planers; Corn and Buhe Mills, Water Wheels, Lath Mills, Wood Saws. Our handsome new Catalog will interest you. Deloach Mill Mfg. Co.. Box 834, Atlanta, Ge- This is What You Want ! Have You Any Malarial Troubles ? .Do yon want to get well and get well quick ? If so, send a Postoflice order for fifty cents to the REGAL MEDICINE C0.,0f Stamford, Conn., for medicine and directions. A quick and certain cure guaranteed in all cases of malaria, chills and fever,dumb ague and intermittent fever. b