The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, April 15, 1904, Image 7

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; Good Resolutions. - ~ Mrs. Jennings looked through her glasses at her sister, Miss Sprawle, with considerable severity. “This neighborhood has got into strange ways the last few years, or else I no tice it more as I get further along,” she said, “and lest I should get into the same way, I want you to remind me now and then, Mary, during the new year that we're just starting on. “If you find me backbiting like that hateful, stingy Annabel Powder or Lucy White, that had better look to her own saucy, bad-mannered girl, and her boy that’s the poorest scholar in No. I—or if you catch me growing close-fisted like the minister’s wife that has never returned the cup of granulated sugar she borrowed that time the delegates came—or long winded like Jane Larkin, who inter rupted me in the very midst of my telling her about Sally’s twins, and went on about her spindling grand son for most fifteen minutes without stopping—l want you should tell me frankly. ‘ “And that’s not all,” said Mrs. Jen nings, as Miss Sprawle opened her mouth to speak. “If you find me get ting inquisite like Helen Lane, that’s asked me three times when my birth day comes and what year I was born, after my having to go to the town records to find out her age, I want you to mention it freely, and I shall do the same by you. ! “If folks don’t help each other, what’s the good of being set in fam ilies? You've got a little habit of interrupting, Mary, that’s growing on you, and I’'m going to do what I can to help you break it up.” A Magrc Cap. A German organist who went to live in St. Petersburg, says the Lon don Mail, had an experience there with a new cap which almost made him bélieve in the magic of his Teu tonic fairy-tales. He bought the cap during| his first day in the Russian capital, and wore it the next day when he went out for a walk. On his re turn tquhis room he was amazed to find tw¥ purses in his pocket, one con. taining fmore than fifty dollars in gold. The next day after his walk he found four purses in his outside pock et, and his amazement was even greater. A third day with a similar profitable result sent him to the chief of police to lay his story before him. In company with a detective he went to the tailor who had made the cap and found it was from an odd piece of English cloth brought in by a stranger. From it the tailor had made fifteen identical ecaps to order. Having the bit left he made the sixteenth cap, and sold it to the or ganist. . The detective then followed the or ganist through the streets, and soon solved the mystery. The cap was the emblem of a gang of pickpockets who wsrkked. together. The one who secure( & pu?&fi dropped it into the pocket of the }Fs.t confederate he saw. The cap had identified the Ger man, and he had reaped the reward. Two or three days of shadowing by detectites resulted in the arrest of twelve of the band, and the chief of police thereupon presented the organ jst witt. a generous purse of gold for his share 'in the capture. Driving the Grizzly West. In the days of Kit Carson the griz zly had not learned to look upon man as a foe to be shunned at any cost, but the quick firing magazine rifle has taught him that if he possibly can he must keep out of man’s sight. He has now been driven back into the almost inaccessible solitudes of the north western Rocky Mountains, and the sportsman who wishes to add his pelt and dangling necklace of claws te his collection of hunting trophies must travel far and endure much hardship and labor, for “old Ephraim,” as he was called by the- Western pioneers, s as cunning ag he is fierce.—From J. M. Gleeson’s “The Grizzly Bear,” in St. Nicholas. 94 ! sl e ! | IRL | SAYS THIS BEAUTIFUL YOUNG GIRL. | T —~ i < o — oo St \\‘ — i - RN R » Ao | oe ) i SR e T SN SR R i ! R R B SRR S i R A (SRR oy S \ T R R R N\ { et < N A e D ' Sormlyr - » SR eSR o I ‘ AR L S e AR L A B % S S R R BB \ T ¢ AR B RDA S S T 8 ; YR A L \ Ae O BRI v e et e s eey RN At 4 e A R+ e L e R VR v R 2 s gAy SRR S L Soveste & AR SRR SRR R ‘\‘:'-'.-,'-.'-:-'.-'-.‘-:-:-,'-.':.-’.—,'-:‘-:f-:‘-'.- 3 e AR . R ? B sttt et e ey, s ! b / e RS -SR o R et s ettt et st e e . * T 3 s PRERR . W N P B : BN TA I S ‘:.»- T L RAR . R - oQ: SR s R S U B R O S BAy st g sttt A DR A LRI oo G i RNAO R R . ' R e o R e R A AR et o R RAR MMETRARL ... -PF oo : g B R R PRI -.- bt R, ; Qe .‘:-'-'.3‘-':'-:‘~:‘-::'-:'~'.'-.'-.'-:'-'-'-.'-.‘-~.':: S ey, e - AR~ "0 W i B 2‘\ eO PR v (A SR 8 RRt et set e et R O R e-, .- SRt R S R -.?‘.’-‘.'-:.'.-_'.;.::.-,'-:.'.".-,‘-:-:"e.'.f.-,'-’.-'.-‘.-,:.-'.-,.:-'.-‘.',-:-'.:- B S rorss .- SO ,‘:;1-~ Ry oo R e e KR et tpety e') oo SRI PR A A s A p R e et e R AR R . v SRR SRS Y LS e Ny e L, Ot ; o '.:-‘-'.-'-'-‘3'3'.:;:l'.;'-"-'}'.-‘.-'-:-':'-'.'-':'.:'-'.-'.-‘" e L R AR S L e RMRL . .. 4LE S e e et R R R PSRRI eoetv s ot ) A RA R ' RR A U RA AL R e RO .., oo Soa et e e S A e e, Se S R 2 e soo e b e RTy e ey e e e eyt dout sIST a e v e e R At B Nk S e MISS MARJORY HAMPTON, OF NEW YORK. Miss Marjory Hampton, 2616 Third Avenue, New York City, writes: © “Peruna is a fine medicine to take any season of the year. Taken in the spring it tones up the system and acts as a tonic, strengthening me more than a vacation. In the fall and winter I have found that it cures colds and catarrh and also find that it is invaluable to keep the bowels regular, acting as a gentle stimulant on the system, In fact, I consider it a whole medicine chest.!’---Miss Marjory Hampton. PURE BLOOD. Blood Impurities of Springtime ---Cause, Prevention and Cure. Dr. Hartman’s medical lectures are eag erly scanned by many thousand readers. One of the most timely and interesting lectures he ever delivered was his recent lecture on the blood impurities of spring. The doctor said in substance that every spring the blood is loaded with the effete accumulations of winter, deranging the di gestion, producing sluggishness of ifixe liver. overtaxing the kidneys, interfering with the action of the bowels and the proper circulation of the blood. _ This condition of things produces what 1s popularly known as spring fever, sprin malaria, nervous - exhaustion, that tireg feeling, blood thickening and many other names. Sometimes the vietim is billious, dyspep Sweat, Itch, Blister? ROYAL FOOT WASH cures them. Removes FEET HURT odors of feet, arnt?)_lts, ete.; stops chafinz. If not at druggists send 25¢c to EATON DRUG ©O., ATLANTA, Ga., for full size, post paid; sample for 2cs#amp. One application proves it< merit. Money back if not satisfled. e BY A $5,000 2titons Enatanteed wsvons ISR SR ISR LIMITED MEANS OR EDUCATION NO HINDRANCE. ! ALL OUR 8,000 GRADUATES AT WORK. ; \ R.R. FARE PAID, WRITE TODAY TO BoaxpaTssco. (GA,-ALA. BUS. COLLEGE, Macon (Ga. WANTED —ln each state salesman to sell large line tobacco; permanent position; Central Tobacco Works Co., Penicks, Va. & @V D BESTFOR THE BOWELS B | 100 il '/7.;;) ) G i) AP, '“— ) v ' \ (RN ~ CANDY 4 \ S ; \ CATHARTIO )e L T e ey e 5, GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel troubles, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, bad blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowels, foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow skin and dizziness. When your bowels don’t move regularly you are sick. Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together, It starts chronic ailments and long {ears of suffering. No matter what ails you, start taking CASCARETS today, for you will never get well and stay well until you get your bowels right Take our advice, start with Cascarets today under absolute guarantee to cure or money refuaded. The sgenuine tablet stamped C CC. Never sold in bulk. Sample and booklet free, Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York, 502 tic and constipated; sometimes he is weak, nervous and gepressed, and again he mai l have eruptions, swellings and other bloo - humors. Whichever it is, the cause is the same—effete accumulations in the blood. Nothing is more certain within the whole range of medical science than that a course of Peruna in early springtime will perfectly and effectually prevent or cure this almost wniversal affection. ~ Everybody feels it in some degree. A great majority are disturbed consider ably, while a large per cent. of the human family are made very miserable by this condition every spring. Peruna will prevent it if taken in time. Peruna will cure it if taken as directed. Peruna is the ideal spring medicine of the medical profession. If you do not derive prompt and satisfac tory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, givini a full state ment of your case and he will Le pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis, Address Dr. Hartr-an, President of g}l;.e Hartman Sanitarium, Columgbus, 10. c J. DANIEL, Atlanta, Ga., is closing out . Wall I’ayer at cost, be, 6¢, 7¢, Bc, 9e, 10¢, ete., per roll. Write for sam{)les. One lot show cases cheap; small safe, $2O; larger one, $B5; desk, $lO. yflUCCESSOBS ™ y AVERY & McMILLAN, 51-58 South Forsyth #t, Atlanta, Ga —ALL KINDS OF~ PR 5 A R Bt Tn" ‘!«.- \ ll"w o ) (S | CRESTE. /'\‘";' ‘ R SRR B i Toadyigs . I/‘i\;\ y"' /‘/\\ e \;."w/"" ' .'.\“ [ RN ] ' B o\ CheY Sl \C TR ..l eSS ST X \74&.:';/‘, ! \f‘ ~%l SRR Reliable Frick Englnes:w QBA;IHI';N, alt Sizes, ‘Wheat Separators. iR (d ’ A ‘ ] ‘l'—'—:_._‘ ~ i R '“, - 3 ‘e : = o et iy «Jm P 2-‘4 5 & s TR BEST IMPROVED SAW MILL ON EARTH. Large Engines and Bollers supplied promptly. SBhingle Mills, Corn Mills, Circular Baws,Saw Teeth,Patent Dogs, Steam Governors, Full line Engines & Mill Supplies, Send for free Catalogue. - ur Latesti Im ® M proved Circu ® lar Saw Mils, with Hege’s Universal Log Beams,Rectilin ear, Simultaneous Bet Worksand the Hea coci.;ring Variable Feed Works are unex celled 10r ACCURACY, SIMPLICITY, DURABIL ITY AND EAGE OF QPERATION. Write for tull descriptive eircu i"' Manufactured by the SAL!S& IRON WORKS, Winston-Balem N.C. A Large Trial Box and book of iiie structions absolutely Free and Post= paid, enough to prove the value of PaxtineToilet Antiseptic Kok Paxtine is in gowder S " form to dissolve In ko it O\ water — non-poisonous e 2 and farsuperior toliquid (T » lntlsqgtlcl containing 7 & gma alcohol which irritates 27 | Bave e cloanetngorop f 'S & LAEN erties. The con't'o’n& e ; iy of every box makes : -; giiE more Antiseptic Solu b i/ tlon — lasts longer — 6. (] o 80¢8 further—has more y uses in the famlily and = I doesmoregosdthanany T g 7/ ~ entiseptic preparation S you can buy. The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with great successas a Vaginal Wash, for Leucorrhcea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane, Inlocal treatment of female ills Paxtine is invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash we challonio the world to produce its equal for thoroughness. Itisarevelationin cleansinfi and healing power; it kills all germs whic cause inflammation and discharges. All Jeading druggists keep Paxtine; leco.wo. abox; if yoursdoesnot, send to us for it, Don’t take a substitute — thereisnothing like Paxtine, Write fcrthe Free Box of Paxtine to-day. B. PAXTON CO., 7 Pope Bldg., Boston, Mass, W. L. DOUCLAS $4.00, $3.50, $3.00, $2.60 E L WSt SHOES +vit"Wokio. W.L.Douglas shoes - are worn by more £ - men than any other fg . &= ” L 8 3,2, make. The reason [ % X is, they hold their ' ) shape,fitbetter,wear Pt longer, and have s greater Intrinsic % = T value than any @R /By other shoes. . *‘;, i Bold Everywhere. et Con/ T\ * ook for name and price on bottom, : Douglas uses Corona Coltskin, which is everywhere conceded tobethe finest Patent Leather yet produced. Fast Co'or Eyelets used. Shoes by mail, 25 cents extra. Write for Catalog. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass, V 2 i CURED S B Gives - 5 Quick ' 3) elisf. SOHAL T Removes all swelling fn Btoze days; effects a permaneunt cure e in 30to 60 days. Trialtréatment i \ A givenfree. Nothingcanze fairer e6Ol ‘I Write Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons, Specialists, Box B Allanta, Ga. Give the name of this paper when: writing to advertisers— (At 16.04