The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, April 15, 1904, Image 8

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Statement of The BANK OF SMITHVILILE, ORGANIZED APRIL 2ND 1903. . Located:*at Smithville, Lee Co. Ga., at the Close of Business March 2nd 1904. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . . ... 31,195 84 Pemandloans, ~. * * . 2,544 30 Bonds and stocks owned by the SN s 150 00 Hadking house ...,. « . . 1,614 55 Furniim-e and fixtures. . . 1,513 76 Other réal estate ... . . . 4,875 44 Due from banks and bankers nthe WMae. . « i . % 1028880 Due from banks and bankers jnotheratates .. . . .., 41608 CUBIRHOY &ov 0 sk owt 0310 RE KOO 1 0 L i e 20 00 Silver nicles and pennies . . 458 15 Checks and cash items. ... 284 83 ‘ Profits and loss (short) . = . 30 FUMME .. b s s o Ssß BbS LIABILITIES Capital stock paidin. .. . 16,400 co Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid, ... 2,646 49 Individual deposits sub feettoeheck .. . ..V AT & Time certificates. ~. .. 1,868 66 Sashiers chieck . . .. ... . 109 27 TORle ¢ V 4 . i s 188 STATE OF GEORGIA,LErR CounTy, Before me came Rowe Price, Cashier of Bank of Smithville, who being duly sworn says that the above and foregoing statement is a true cendition of said bank as shown by the beoks of file in said bank. ROWE PRICE, Cashier Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Bth day of March, 1904. JAMES MORGA.., . Clerk Superior Court Lee County Ga WHY NOT JUDGE TURNER? From The Macon Telegraph. The New York World concludes an ed itorial on the importance of a wise selec tlon for a second man on the Democartic ticket with these words: Judge Parker will be nominated. The problem of Democracy is the selection of a strong and conservative candidate for the vice presidency. Why not a Southern man? W hy not Judge Henry G. Turner? In all the longSlists of strong and avail able men non{gare stronger or more avail able than Georgia's distinguished son just named. | A number of Georgia newspapers have already made the suggestion. The Tel egraph rises to second the motion. The Chattanooga News also seconds the sug gestion, Itsays: ‘‘JudgeHenry G. Tur ner retired yesterday from the supremne bench of Georgia and one of his admirers suggests him as a candidate for vice-pres ident. Should the Democratic party nominate him it would be an act of com mon justice to the South and a tribute to one of its ablest and purest men. Judge Turner is a fine man in every respect, and would adorn and strengthen the ticket which is to be headed by the great jurist of New York. We would like to see some Southerner nominated for vice president, and Judge Turner would be ac ceptable to the entire South. The South is dpe some of recognition at the hands of the Democratic party, and the prop osition to nominate Juge Turner is one that will grow on you as it is studied. If his friends in Georgia mean business, '{ennessee will help in the work at St. Louis. Of this there can be no dcub OPEN AN ACCOUNT <z W 1 T H <sSSiwaes— XYOUR HOME BANKD» It Costs nothing to have your Money Kept Securely. Beside having a FIRST-CLASS SAFE and VAULT, we are fully INSURED AGAINST BURGLARY. We are able and expect to give the people of this county - +pirst-RQlass Bapking Faeilities.+ Come and inspect our entive outfit, and remember all transactions are strictly Confidential. Yours Very Truly, ROWE PRICE, Cashier. 3 We Carry Burglary, Fidelity and Fire Insurance. Interest paid on Time Deposits. 1 If a number of our contemporaries are n earnest about putting forward a strong clean, conservative man such as Judge turner is, for vice-president? His long and distinguished career in the house of representatives equips him splendidly for the presiding officer of the senate. In case of death in the White House he would be the peer of any president of our time, Yes, why not a Southern man—a Geor gian—Turner? Parker and Turner would sonnd well. : . T — SANNER SALVE 7.3 S DRGSR MR £¢B4AB DA Sl TR IWD TR ARG the most haaling salve in the world, eAP OO e CITATION. GEORGIA—LgEe CounTy. To Whom it May Concern : Notice is hereby given that J. A Lipsey has filed his application in this office for Permanent Letters of Administration on the estzte of L. B. Lipsey, late of said county, deceased, and that the same will be heard before the Ordiiary of said county at the May term,; 1904, to be heid on first Monday in May, next, Witness the Honoiable Geo. C, Edwards, Ordinary of said counl)", this the Igth day of March, 1904. J. W. MORGAN, Deputy Clerk Court of Ordinary. WARE G. MARTIN, ATTORNEY AT LAw, Leesburg, Georgia. —— ) O — ——m e . ’ Foley’s Honey ana Tar for children,safe,sure. No opiates. R AT e VORI TY3O S 1 W ST B T TRNI ST SN Witt’ 3 “tittie * Early Risers The famous little pills. CITATION. - GEORGIA—LEE CounTY To whom it may concern. ‘ S. J. Powell having made application to me in due form to be appointed permanent admin istrator urou the estate of T, A. lolliday late of said county. Nctice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the reg ular term oi the court of ordinary for said coun ty, to be held on the first Monday in May, 1904. Witness my hand aud official signature this 4th day of April, 1904. : - Geo. € Edwards, Ordinary e e et ————— Stockholders’ Meeting. On account of the inability of the pres ident of this bank tobe present at the meeting called for the 2d of April, the annual meeting of the stockholders is hereby called for the 15th dayof April, 1904, at 10 o’clock a, m., at the Bank building, in Smithville, Ga. ROWE PRICE, Cashier, Notice of Years Support. GEORGIA—Lee County. Mrs Mary Holliday, widow of T. A. Holliday, de ceased, having mave application for 12 months sup port for herself and one minor child, out of the estate of said T'. A. Holliday, and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same having filed their return:, All persong concerned are hereby required to show cause before the Court of Ordinary of suid county on the first Monduy in May next, why said application and return should not be allowed. This 4th day of April, 1g904. Geo. C. Edwards, Ordinary. Application for Administration. GEOBGIA—Lee County To whom itmay concern, O. W. Statham, S. J. Powelland H. L. Long, Jr., creditors, having made application to me in dne form, to have 4. J. Fleet wood appointed permanent administrator upon the es tate of Julius E A#/cKenney, late of said county, No tice is hereby given that said application will be heard atthe regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday iu May, 7904. Witness my hand and official signature, this the 4th ‘April, 7904, Geo.C. Edwards, Ordinary, l LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS e SHERIFE’S SALES. GEORGIA, Lee County.—Will b sold before the court house door of said county, in the town of Leesburg, ¢n the first Tuesday in May 1904 between the legal hours of sale to the highest cash bidder the following diseribed Proper ty to-wit. loacres of land formerly known as the Ike Deen place now known as the Millie Culwell place, lo cated in the thirteenth district o Lee county and being a part of lot No. 181, ’ levied on as the property of Millie Culwell to satisfy tax fi fas fo(x; 1903, tennents notified in terms_&f Taw. Also at the same tine ang slacr will be” sold - t’?xe""'following ;§rqp erty, to-wit: Lot of land No. 84 in the Thirteenth district of Lee ceunty, Gra., containing 20214 acres, mo'e or less. Levied on as the property of C. H. Barnes by virtue of a fi fa ‘ssued for state and county taxes far the year 1903 against said C H /Barues Notice given as prescribed by law. Also at the same time and place, 8o acres of land more or less, of lot No. 227 in the 14th Dist. of said county, said 8o acres being all of the east half ~of said lot except ten acres owned by 'H. R. Johnson fi)ying in the extreme north-west oorper of said east half of of said lot, and ten acres lying in a square in the immediate north-east corner of said east half of said lot which is the ten acres sold to C. F. Putnam by virtue of the same fi fa, said 8o acres more or less levied on as the property of W. A. Green, Agt. to satisfy a balance of this fi fa for taxes for 1903. Tenants notified in terms of the law. This the 6th day of Aprn 1904. S. B. SMITH, Sheriff Lee County,'Ga.