The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, April 29, 1904, Image 4

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The Lee Co. Journal. M. E, Tison, Editor and Publisher, Published Every Friday OFFICIAL ORGAN OF LEE COUNTY. Tntered at the post-office at Leesb arg, a |as seen class mail matter, e e ——— S —————— LEESBURG, GEORGIA, APRIL 29, 1904. w-r: Remember the Journal when you come to court next week. . iR R s The stiategy of the Japsis too much for the Russians, oi A i Property provides friends; adversity proves their fidelity. A In the North they are ‘‘tragedies,’ in the South they are *‘outrages.” e It will take a united harmonious dem ocracy to defeat Roosevelt, S TR S e i Bettar get that man Cowles out of the navy before he does any more devilment, Mz, Bryan says; ‘‘Mon :y stultifizs the concience,” Ours ain't stultified to hurt. i bAI o 3 Tetin The world ts divided into two classes— those who work and those who work them, e e are produced to suit all kinds of tastes, including that of the billy goat, b , Roosevelt has ald:d “‘governmzut by proclamation” to “*government by infunc tion,"’ : S R Trade at hom=.- Your money is needed here to build up and develop this county. When you send your money out of your home town you never see itagain. Trade at home bl et B o Perhaps the terrest sermon ever de livered was that by Dean Swmith, who tak ing as his text, “‘He that giveth to the poor lendeth the Lord,”’ bzgan and ended thus: “Brethern, if you like the security, down with the dust.” e The daily newspapers are running away with the Parker boom. Editor Pendleton of Macon, Editor Gray of At lanta, Editor Cabaniss of Agusta and Editor Estill of Savannah, are candidates fo‘r-»df:lagates-at-lurgc frq;l{ Georgia. ——— . > . . : Voters are now quoted at $l,OOO each in the new York legislature, And the peo ple always pay the $1,0%0 per vote, even though the votes purchased are invaribly against them. Its a wonderful system The Mormans are reported to ba panic stricken becouse of President Smith's proclamation forbidding future plural marriages were forbidden merely by the laws of the United States the Mormans diden’t seem to be troubled. TSe e e The Philadelphia Record remarks that Booker T. Washington evidently be trays au exaggerated but harmless preju dice of race when he says that no nation on earth has ever made so rapid progress in culture as the negro population of the Southern States. ; Pb R R R The Springfield Republicansays: ‘‘Mr, Carnegie’s progress ‘hero fund’ of 5,000- 000 dogs credit to his humanitarian senti ments, but if so near the border line of the bizarre in philanthrophy. that the peo ple will begin to think that possibly Mr, Carnegie is unconsciously seeking novel ties in his benefactions. The ‘hero fund’ is doubtless very fine, provided that there is no more urgeut demand for benevolence elsewhere in the world. It is interesting, however, to watch Mr. Carnegie's pro gress in the giving of money. Surprises certainly come from him, and, in view of this latest act, people will observe with an increasing curiosity where the next $5,000,000 will land. FORPARKER. A partial Canvass of the delegates se lected to the State convention shows an overwhelming majority for Parker for President. Many counties instructed for the New York jurist. Others did not in struct but namel out-spoken Parker men, Not over a dozen delegates for Hearst ap pear in the whole list, though thare are some delegates who are non committal. If these are divided evenly between Par ker and Hearst the latter would not get over 25 votes in the convention, A few oounties are yet toact. The chances are that every one of them will name Parker delegates. So tor as any contest is concerned for President the State convention will be a perfunctory af fair, g L A Word About the Jouanal. For Several weeks we have been send ing out a number of sample copies of the Journal. We sent these papzrs to those who we thought most likely to become snbseribers, When you come to court ‘ next week, if you like the paper and wish to lend a helping hand to an Enterprise that is not only a necessity, but in time will do more towards build ing up your County than anything else, give us your subscription. The Jour nal is strictly Democratic and will always be found advocating sound principles We are here to stay with you, and expect to work for the upbuilding of our Cdunty, and with the proper encouragement, we can, and will accomplish much. R R e Several of our citizens, consisting Mess. J. A. Lipsy, El Mariin, Sheriff Smith, John and R. A. Forrester, G. 'W. Martin and Sons, D. D, Hall, Ben Tyler, and Dun can Worrester, enjoyed a fish fry on Mucalee creck at the old still house, last Wednesday. They all report a good time. : e QP () O e 10 packages AAAA, and Leving coffee for $1.05 at I, A. Odom’s. Better than Arbuckle’s e Call on me for Fire Insurance, I can placc you in the very best company’s and give you the protection you need. S. J. Powell. ANNOUNCEMENTS. - AR LR TP LN LL P LA LU LL L PP LA LLA P L ML LA VL LN LT For Tax Receiver. ' To the Democratic voters cf Lee countv: L 1 hereby announce myself a candid;ftg__.!()r “re-elec tion to the office of Tax BQCCL‘{‘;‘,!' f Lee couuty sub ject to the Democratic primaty Aug. 1/th next” I’ thank my friends fur the kindness of having elected me before and have tried to give faithful service and pro pose to continne to Jdo so, ~Again thanking my frishds’ ‘and trusting to be again favoied by re-election lam | Most Respectfu'lv. - D. W. Trson & ; R For Taxßeceiver. To the Democratic voters of coun ty. I respectfully announce inyself a candidate for tax receiver of Lee county subject to the Democratic primary, Your vote will be highly appreciated . A. W, Godwin, For Representative. To the Citlz'ns of Le= County. I hereby announce myselfa candidate for Represen tative in the next Legislature from this, Lee County, subject to the Democratic primary. Ifl am honored asyour choice, 1 will do my best for your interest at all times nlulJ most respectfully and earnestly solicit your support. ' 3 JoP. CALLAWAY. For Representative, T'o the Democrats of L:e Couuty; ‘ I hereby announce my candidacy for Representative ‘ to the Legislature, subject to the August primary, and ‘ respectfully solicit your support. ' _ Yours Respectfully, G. W. WARWICK ! For Coroner. ' I hereby anncunce myself as a candidate for th office of Coroner of Lee county, subject to the action , of the Democratic primary. ! N.E.OUILLAW. WE ARE BIDDING :__E;:FOR‘—:;:_Z: . o YU R TRADE By offering you one of the Largest and k Best Selected Stoeks to be found in this section. | ELEeGANCE AND QUALITY Combined with low prices, create a demand. We carry a general line of almost anything to be found, in the way of General Merchandise and at prices to suit the people. : You are invited to call and examine our stock and compare prices.==z~ o R e OIIC) R Miss Jennie Ford ' _ .“])esiflg'cs tg-chank her friends and patrons i.n Lee County for e o] very liberal patronage; #iid would inform thefitat Sl’.-.-*: has just received a fresh supply of ‘ Groceries, Canned Goods, Dry Goods, etc, and iuvfies a continu:.«mce of your patronage, feeling assured she can please, both in quality and price. Vil tment Millinery Department. Do This department is now replete with EVERYTHING NEW., Hats, Laces, Ribbons and Fancy Goods'in great variety. ' CALL AND INSPECT. A full stock of Toilet articles, Perfumeries, ete. MISS JENNIE FORD, Mk ouir nouse,