The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, April 29, 1904, Image 8

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Statement of The BANK OF SMITHVMILLE, ORGCENIZED EPRIL 2ND ISO 3. _ Located™at Smithville, Lee Co. Ga., at the Close of Business March 2nd 1904. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . . ... 31,195 84 Demsudloans. . o+ . 2,544 30 Bonds and stocks owned by the SRR L 150 00 Bapking house. . ... . . 1,614 55 Furnite-e and fixtures. . . 1,513 76 OlhaE renl entate .. . . . 4,875 44 Due from banks and bankers in the state . . . . 10,258 49 Due from banks and bankers motheratates ~ . . ... 410281 EOeNeY . e 1,710 56 g . 20 00 Silver nicles and pennies . . 458 15 Checks and cash items . . . . 284 83 Profits and loss (short) : 30 \ Toml. . .. . . .. B 8 YEG O \ LIABILITIES Capital stock paidin .. . 16,400 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid, ... 2,646 49 Individual deposits sub- , Jecttoehieck . . ~ . . 37,708 64 Time certificates ..., . . 1,858 66 Cashterscheck . . .. . . 109 27 Tomal 0 e BB BG 08 STATE OF GEORGIA,LrE COUNTY. Before me came Rowe Price, Cashier of Bank of Smithville, who being duly sworn says that the above and foregoing statement is a true cendition of said bank as shawn by the beoks of file in said bank. ROWE PRICE, Cashier Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Bth day of March, Igo4. JAMES MORGA.x, Clerk Superior Court Lee County Ga FIERCE BLIZZARD RAGED. Heavy Fall of Snow Reported Throughout Eestern States. New York City was visited by a snow storm Wednesday morning, the ‘‘beauti ful” falling at all intervals of several hours. The cold was as raw as a Decem ber day. Lispatches from points in New York state and points in New England also report snow and bitter cold at those points, From Buffalo comes the report that nearly a foot of snow fell in that city during a blizzard which raged for several hours. ‘ e e P @ men A Surprise Coming The idea has probably never occurred to the purchasers of scalped tickets that they are liable to prosecution for forgery when they sign another persons name to transportation. The law in some states, and especially in Georgia, is very strict and explicit on this point. Thousands of men who would not dream of forging another’s name to a bank check have committed forgery in dealing with scalpes, and have been just as guilty and as subject to prosecution for forgery in the purchase of a signature to ticket from a scalpor as if they had passed a forged check on a bank. The public will be startled some day if -a grand jury indicts a man for forgery in connection with the purchase of trans portation from a broker.—Railroad Re cord and Common Carrier. ——— > P O e Col. H. B. Simmouns, of Americus, was attending County court here this week, Mr. A. J. Howard, of DeSota, was in town Thursday OPEN AN ACCOUNT ez W 'Y <SS XYOUR HOME BANKY» It Costs nothing to have your Money Kept Securely. Beside - having a FIRST-CLASS SAFE and VAULT, we aré fully INSURED AGAINST BURGLARY. We are able and expect to give the people of this county 4 s-First-Qlass Bapking Facilities. Come and inspect our entire outfit, and remember all transactions are strictly Confidential. Yours Very Truly, ROWE PRICE, Cashier. We Carry Burglary, Fidelity and IFire Insurance. Interest paid on Time Deposits. ; EXCURSION RATES TO NASH VILLE, TENN. AND RETURN ' . "Account Southern Baptist Conven tion & Auxillary Societies May 1= 18, 1904. Via. Central of Georgia Railway Tickets will be sold from all points on the Central of Ga. Ry, May lothtoi2th, inclusive, with final limit ten days frem date of sale, except original purchasers of tickets may secure an extension of final limit to not exceeding June 6th, 1904, by depositing tickets with Joseph Richard- | son, special Agent, Nashville, not earlier than May loth, nor later than ten days | from date on which ticket was purchascd, l and upon payment of fee of 50 cts. Half rates for children of five and under twelve years of age. ' For total rates, schedules an additional information, apply to any agent or repre- | senative of the Central of Georgia Rail- ‘ way. _ | | J. C. Haile ' General Passenger Agent l CITATION. | GEORGIA—LgE CounTy. ‘ To Whom it May Concern : Notice is hereby given | ;lhut]. A Lipsey has filed his application in this { iL office for Permanent Letteis of Administration on the l estote of L. B. Lipsey, late of said county, deceased, l and that the same will be heard before the Ordirary | of said county at the May term, 1904, to be held on | first Monday in May, next, Witness the Honwable Geo, C, Edwards, Ordinary of said county, this the Ig9th day of March, 1904. J. W. MORGAN, Deputy Clerk Court of Oidinary. — 7 L WARE G. MARTIN, l ATTORNEY AT LAW, L Leesburg, Georgia | - ;Tet . e . e eee e e BANNER SALVE the most healing salve in the world. CITATION. GEORGIA—LEE CounTty To whom it aay concern. S. J. Powell havieg made application to me in due form to be appointed permanent admin isttator urou the estate of T, A, Holliday late of said county. Notice is herehy given that said applicati n will be heard at the reg ular term oi the court of ordinary for said coun ty, to be held on the first Monday in May, 1901 Wilness my hand aud official signature this gth day of April, 1904. 5 Geo, C, Edwards, Ordinary Notice of Years Support. GEORGIA—Lee County. . Mrs. Mary Holliday, widow of T. A. Holliday, de ceased, having mave application for 12 months sup port for herself and one minor child, out of the estate of said L. A. Holliday, and appraisers July appointed to set apart the same having filed their retwin: All persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the Court of Ordinary of suid county on the first Mounday in May next, why said a yplication and return should not be allowed. This 4th day of April, 1904. | G:2O. C. E lwards, Ocdinary. | Application for Administration. GEOBGIA—Lee County | To whom it may concern, Q. W, Statham, S.J. Powelland H. L. Long, Jr., creditors, having made | application to me in dne form, to have 4. J. Fleet wood appointed permanent administrator upon the es tate of Julius E AZcKenney, late of said county. No tice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for ail | county to be held on the first Monday iu May, 7904. Witness my hand and official signature, this the 4th d of April, 7904, Geo. C.Edwards, Ordinary o A R eB N S All A S PWA The Temperature, “Why do you watch the thermometer on the wall so closely ?* queried the in valid. ’ “Because,” replied the untrained nurse, “the doctor said. if the tempera ture got any higher I was to give you another dose of quinine.” LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. !\.l'l.l‘l."uflu“‘u'(.O‘Qd'ul'u"sl'hl'hl'h"ll"u"ul’h!’h’hl'll“u'\l' SHERIFF'S SALES. : GEORGIA, Lee County.—Will b sold before the court house door ,said county, in the town cf Leesburg, v the first Tuesday in May 1904 between the legal hours of sale 10 the highest cash bidder the following discribed proper ty to-wit. lo acres of land formerly known as the Ike Deen place, now known as the Millie Culwell place, lo cated in the thirteenth district of Lee county and being a part of lot No. 181, levied on as the property of Millie Culwell to satisfy tax i fas for 1903, tennents notified in terms of law, Also at the same time and place, will be sold the following prop erty, to-wit: Lot of land No. 84 in the Thirteenth district of Lee courgty, Ga., containing 2021, acres, more 'or less. Levied on as the property of C. H. Barnes by virtue of a fi fa issued for state and county taxes for the yvear 1903 against said C H Barues Notice given as prescribed by law. Also at the same time and place, 8o acres of land more or less, of lot No. 227 in the 14th Dist. of said county, said 8o acres being all of the east half of said lot except ten acres owned by H. R. Johnson lying in the extreme north-west oorner of said east half of of said lot, and ten acres lying in a square in the immediate north-east corner of said east half of said lot which is the ten acres sold to C. F. Putnam by virtue of the same fi fa, said 8o acres more or less levied on as the property of W. A. Green, Agt. to satisfy a balance of this fi fa for taxes for 1903. Tonants notified in terms of the law. This the 6th day of April 1904. g ; S. B. SMITH, Sheriff Lee County, Ga.