The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, May 06, 1904, Image 4

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\ - The Lee Co. Journal. T e o e ot RO 4803010 M. E. Tison, Editor and Publisher, Published Every Friday OFFICIAL ORGAN OF LEE COUNTY. nteted at the post-office at Leesharg, Ga | as seco class mail matter, | LEESBURG, GEORGIA, MAY 6, 1904. ‘ Al Wont some good brother kindly lead us while we sing, ‘‘Come ye Disconso late,”’ el g The unconscious humorist is a joy for- ‘ ever, The printer set that up ‘‘jay.” Well? l i And again the grand jury might be charged on the How-old-is-Ann problem. T I e There is no use talking, these corres pondent school lawyers are certainly up to snuff, L e S L PR P R What a blessing it is to have a stranger butt in and reform us every once in a while! ‘ 8 o & L If he blows himself up a few more times we shall be in favor of calling him capt Cowleski. et oo U e Nevertheless, we submit that it’s real mean in the other side to make one clown do all of their funny stunts. ‘ i s A Kansas City man was fined silo re cently for biting a lady, And yet some one is always getting bit in Kan-as. S e G A scientist in Philadelphia is trying to discover a harmloss narcotic. But what use has a Philadelphia man for a narcotic? vl R e Certainly, we will admit that we don’t know much about the constitution ot Ar kansas, but we are just naturally *agin the goverment, ’ A i i The paper trust informs us that the price has been advanced by reason of the greatly increased demand. We dont see how we are to get around that. e R ¢ 4B G B A o Wi It is said that 10,000 men in New York pay alimony regularly. Divorce is a lux ury that the rich wili have. i A Milwaukee polieceman had part of his uniform stolen while he was in church whither he is supposed to have gone in order that he might enjoy a siesta un molested. ——le- o P G~ The race feeling is rising high in Kan sas City Kan., over the recent killing of a white high school boy by a negro. The negro will also rise high if that Kansas mob gets hold of him, e N G S Soon we shall see an end of blue uni forms in the United States army drab be ing the color substituted. Poets who have been wont to make patriotic rhymes on ‘‘blue’” and ‘‘true’” will find “drab” and ‘‘grab’ a bit rude and imperialistic, ———— . A > - The Japanese dare stillin the lead in the far east and we think that the best thing that Russia could do would be to take off her hat to the Japs e T Dont be stingy, close-fisted, but liberal; with our eyesopen, and our pocket books open to make Leesburg what she ought to be, should be and must be. We must be up to date in all lines of industry. Let this be our motto:—Leesburg first, last and all the time. R AR R e o News dispatches state that Mr, Roose w¢lt and his protege, Booker Washington, were closeted together at a late hour re censly discussing the question of linch ngs in the south. Mr. Roosevelt could have called into conference many south ern white men who are as much opposed to lynching as he is, and who without doubt have given him more reliable in fornxafion than the Alabama negro. But, then, shat isn’t Teddy'’s style, _ The Unitad Ctates senate having a sec ond time adjourned without confirming Teddy's nominajion of Crum the said Teddy has given Crum another recess appointment. Verily our president doth love the Charleston negro. A AN i The editor is looking forward with pleasure to the coming of blackberry time and we hope that it will be up to its usual standard, as blackberry dumpling and sauce is hard to beat. The Japanese have landed on the Man churian side of the Yulu river, and won the first land battle of consequence. We may ncw expect war news, for there is likely to be something doing all the time. —— OMO e There are newspapers claiming to be Democratic that are saying more mean things about Bryan, Hearst and Tamma ny than they tan find occasion for saying about Roosevelt and the Republican party and whose constant efforts appear to be aimed at driving these two loyal Democrats and this poworful political organization awa+ from the Democratic party. And yet the help of these party factors will all be needed to elect a Dem ocratic president this year, and no sane mzn believes that the Democratic party can win with them arrayed againstit, i In this issue you will note the an ‘nouncement of Mr. D, A, Ragn for Rep resentative. Mr. Ragan is well known ‘ throughout the entire county and well % deserves the support of hismany friends. | R Re T { It is hardl_v-necresssry to call your a!- tention to the advertisement of J. A. Lip ! sey on the last page of this paper. Itis there to spe-k for itself, Call on me for Fire Insurance, I can placc you in the very best company’s and give you the protection you need. S. J. Powell. | i ANNOUNCEMENTS. } Nl NP AT L N PP T P PP P e { For Tax Receiver. I To the Democratic voters cf Lee couhtv: i 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for re-elec ‘ ion to the office of Tax Raceiver >f Lee county sub ject to the Democratic primary Aug. Isth next. I ‘ thank my friends for the kindness of having elected me - before and have tried to give faithful service and pro pose to continne to do so. Again thanking my friends and trusting to be again favored by re-election I am } Most Respectfully. i D. W. Tison For Taxßeceiver. To the Democratic voters of Lee coun ty. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for tax receiver of Lee county subject to the Democratic primary, Your vote will be highly appreciated . A. W, Godwin, For Representative. To the (Citlz* ns of Les County, I hereby announce myselfa candidate for Represen ! tative in the next Legislature from this, Lee County, ’ subject to the Democratic primary. Ifl am honored as your choice, 1 will do my best for your interest at all times and I most respectfully and earnestly solicit your support. J. P.CALLAWAY, For Representative. ‘l'o the Democrats of Li:e Couuty; I hereby announce my candidacy for Representative to the Legislature, subject to the August primary, and | respectfilly solicit yowr support. | Yours Respectfully, | G. W. WARWICK 2 For Coroner. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for th office of Coroner of Lee county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. N. E. OULLAW. s e sl Al At e s 4 | To the Democrotic voters of Lee coun ty, I would appreciate the office of Cor. oner of Lee county. If elected I will try to discharge my official duty. Gilbert Graham For Tax Recciver I offer myself to the democratic voters of Lee county as a candidate for nomina tion for the office of Tax Receiver. If elected I pledge myself to a faithful dis charge of the duties of the office. The support of friends is solicited. G. W. Martin, Jr, For Clerk I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk, sub ject to the Democratic primary. Your support will be appreciated, James Morgan. For Ordinary I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Ordinary sub ject to the democratic primary, your sup port will be appreeiated. Respectfully Geo. C. Edwards For Sheriff I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff sub ject to Democratic primary Jnne 17th, If elected I will do my best to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my atility. Respectfully : S. B. Smith For Tax Collector I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to office of Tax Collector 'of Lee county subject to the Demociatic primary June 17th next, Recpectfully ’ E.T. King. | For Representative To the citizens of Lee county, I hereby announce my candidacy for Representative in the next l.egislatur from this county, subject to the demo ;cratic primary June 17th next. I earn estly solicit your support and promise to do my best for your interest at all times. Respectfully yours D, A. Ragan, Miss Jennie Ford Desires to thank her triends and patrons in Lee County for their very liberal patronage, and would inform them that she has just received a fresh gupply of Groceries, Canned Goods, Dry Goods, ete,, and invites a continuance of your patronage, feeling assured she can please, both in quality and price. Millinery Department, 2 This department is now replete with EMERYTHING NEW,. Hats, Laces, Ribbons and Fancy Goods in great variety. : CEHLL END INSPECT. A full stock of Toilet articles, Perfumeries, etc. MISS JENNIE FORD, ¥AESQURT HousE, For Treasurer I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Treasurer of Lee county subject to the Democratic primary, June 17th 1904. Respectfully D. D. Hall For Representative To theDemocratic voters of Lee county I hereby announce my candidacy for re election to the legislature, subject to the democrati¢ primary. I thank the citi zens for their cordial support two years ago and w.Il appreciate reelection. If elected I shall serve the people to the best of my ability. Very respectfully J. M. Mcßride For Treasurer I hereby announce my candidecy for Treasurer subject to the Democratic pri mary June 17th next. If elected I will work faithfully for the interest of the people and the prosperity of the county. Your support will be appreciated s Resrectfully yours R. A. Forrester G CITATION. GEORGIA—LEE COUNTY _ Whereas I. B. Webb has filed his appli cation in my office, in terms of the law for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Martha Caraway late of said county deceased. All persons are hereby notified, I will passon same ap plication at my office in Leeshurg on the first Monday in June naxt, Given under my hand and offlcial sig nature this May, 1904, : Geo. C. Edwards, Ordinary. A standing ad in a newspaper is a standing invitation for your patronage. Patronize the merchants who inyite you to call at their store,