The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, May 27, 1904, Image 4

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The Lee Co. Journal. . M. E, TisoN, Editor and Publisher, Published Every Friday & OFFICIAL ORGAN OF LEE COUNTY. E ntesed at thepost-office at Leesburg, Ga | as seco class mail matter, . LE¥carvrc, GEORGIA, MAY .27 1904. The Central Law School of Kentucky has turned out a negro woman lawyer. e e ety AP Ol The editor is looking forward with pleasure to the coming of blackberry time, i s soyIR Al oot It is said that boll wevils have already appeared in the cotton fields in parts of Texas, o —— o~ R < They don’t _all live in Atlanta, A Savannah man wants to roll a girl to the St. lLouis Exposition in a wheel bar row. Two of Macon’s banks side-stepped payments at an early hour Monday—l. C. Plant's Son’s Bank and the first Nat ional, : ST S MR Dl George Washington, once a canibal hing in Africa, but now converted to Christianity, is traveling in the east, tell ing of his experinces in the dark Conti nent ' s ..4“»..-.4.,...“.&',_____‘. The editor of the Bothan Siftings boast ingly suys that fie knows of several young men thatacefully competant to get out from the home fiest an'l actually make a suppori for themselves, N Pl e Beginning July Ist. the rural delivery mail carriers will get an increase in salary which will amount to §l2O a year. To Congressman Griggs they are due a couple of thanks. : e @@ ee e John D, Rockefeller says that his wife went to church regulariy for eightecn years, and that not a woman spoke to her during all that ume. She must have been a fierce looking Christian, p o PPy A ciolored minisyeveuade the statement tuat it took 2,000 )é.”p to wake a first cluss white man and how do the white people expect the negro to develope in forly years. — s g ) @ e e The Alabama Press Association will go to the »t, Louws Fair ina bouy in june, As none but newspaper editors aud prop rivtors will be, allowed ou the excursion, the body will not be wmolested by pick pockets of anv inteligence. - eMe e — The State of Alabama is bidding for more notoriety, a citizen claiming a chick that crowed lustily betore it was a week old The Dowson News puts it thus: ‘‘Really, hasn’t Mr, Bryan as much right to boit as Mr. Cleveiaud or any of the rest of them?”’ o e giy P e e A Virginia man attempted a crimnal assault upon the wife of a neighbor, He was captured and lodged in jail, The night following, a body of men entered the jail by force, took the prisioger out, gave him a sevaar floging, and placed him back in jail. There is food tor thought in the follow ing paragraph clipped from an exchange and the mother off girls themselves should digest it well: ‘A large percen tage of the misery of the world is caused by the frying pan. Domestic inflelicity by poor cooking, LEGAL ADVERTISEMES | PP T LI TLT PPG IR R e | ~ SHERIFF'S SALES., | GEORGIA, Lee County.—Wi{ll be sold before the court house door of said county, in the town of Leesburg, on the first Tuesday in June 1904 betwéen the legal hours of sale the following property to wit: Town lots No, 64, 65, 66, 67 and 68, lying and being in the town of Lees burg, Lee county, Ga. containing one and one-half (1%) acres more or less and known as the Kimbrough dwelling house and lots, except 20 feet square from the center of the grave on said lots where the late George Kimbrough is now buried. Levied on as the property of John Dobins to satisfy two fi fas in my hands issued from 945 Dist. of Dougherty county in favor of S. B. Brown v s, John Dobins. Tenants in posession notified in terms of the law, Also at the sarme time and place, the south half of lot of land No. 109 in the 14th district of Lee county Ga. l.ev ied on as the property of S. M. Page to satisfy a tax fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1903, for use of D. D. Hall Agt, transferree. Notice given in terms of the law May sth Igo4. S. B. SMITH, ' Sheriff Lee County, Ga. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Foi Tax Keceiver. To the Voters of Lee County. I. here by anuounce my candicasy for Tax Receiver of Lee Co. subject to the Democratic Primary of June 17 1Y%04. Your votes will be hiighly appreciated. Respet., W. F. McAfee. For Treasurer I hereby annvunce my candidecy for Tteasurer subject to the Democratic pri mary June 17th next. If elected I will work faithfully for the interest of the people and the prosperity of the county. Your support will be appreciated: Resrectfully yours R. A. Forrester For Tax Keceiver. To the Democratic voters cf Lee county: ] hereby announce myself a candidate tor re-elec ion to the office of Tax Roceiver of Lee county sub ject to the Democratic primary Aug. Isth next, | thank my friends for the kiudness of having elected me before and have tried to give faithful service and pro pose to continne to Jo so. Again thanking my fri=nds and trusting to be again favored by re-election 1 am Most Respectfully, D. W. Tison For Taxßeceiver. To the Democratic voters of lee coun ty. I respectfully announce inyself a candidate for tax receiver of Lee county subject to the Democratic primary, Your vote will be highly appreciated . A. W, Godwin. Sl e | For Representative., To the Citlz' ns of Let County, I hereby announce myselfa candidate for Represen tative in the next Legislatuve from this, Lee County, subject to the Democratic primary. If lam “honored as your choice, 1 will do my best for your interest at all times and [ most respectfully and earnestly solicit your support, : J.P.CALLAWAY. Ml i e ieL L R e For Representative. ‘T'othe Democrats of L.e Couuty; I hereby announce my candidacy for Representative to the Legislature, subjectto the June primary, and respectfully solicit your support. Yours Respectfully, G. W. WARWICK For Coroner. I hereby anncunce” myself as a candidate for th office of Coroner of Lee county, subject to the actien the Democraiic prinacy. ; N. E\OUI'LAW. AL SRR s e e FOR CORONER. I hereby announce myself for Coroner of Lee Co. If elected I will try to dis charge my official duty, as I have been the Coroner for over 20 years and will apprieciate your votes, James Leßoy. For Tax Rcceiver I offer myself to the democratic voters of lee county as a candidate for nomina tion for the office of Tax Receiver. If elected I pledge myself to a faithful dis charge of the duties of the office. The support of friends is sclicited. G. W. Martin, ]Jr, For Clerk ‘ I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk, sub ject to the Democratic primary. Your support will be appreciated, James Morgan. For Ordinary I hereby announce iy candidacy for re-election to the office of Ordinary sub ject to the democratic primary, your sup port will be appreeiated. Respectfully Geo. C Edwards For Sheriff 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff sub ject to Democratic primary Jnne 17th, If elected T will Ac my best to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Respectfully | S. B Smith For Tax Collector I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to office of Tax Collector of lee county suhject to the Demociatic primary June 17th next, Recpectfully F. T. King. For Representative To the citizens of county, I hereby announce myv candidacy for Representative in the next |.egislatur from this county, subject to the demo cratic primary June 17th next. I earn estly solicit your support and promis: to do my best for your interest at all times, Respectfully yours D. A. Ragan. Miss Jennie Ford Desires to thank her triends and patrons in Lee County for their very liberal patronage, and would inform themthat she has just recelved a fresh supply of Groceries, Canned Goods, Dry Goods, etc, and invites a continuance of your patronage, feeling assured she can , please, both in quality and price. Ailli Department Millinery Department. This department is now replete with EMERYTHING NEW.. Hats, Laces, Ribbons and Fancy Goods in great variety. CHLL AND INSPECT. A full stock of Tbilet articles, Perfumeries, etc. : ® MISS JENNIE FORD, .pcoomc. s For Treasurer. I hereby ann circen yeelf a candidat for re-election to the cffice of Treasurer of Lee connty subject to the Democr:t-i-c primary, June 17th 1904. | Respectfully i oo DM | For Representative To theDemocratic voters of Lee counte I hereby announce my candidacy for rrs election to the legislature, subject to the democratic primary. I thank the -eiti zens for their cordial supprort two yea ago and will appreciate reelection, If elected I shall serve the people to the best of my ability. I Very respectfully : [. M. Mcßride CITATION. : GEORGIA—LEE COUNTY Whereas I. B. Webb hasfiled his appli cation in my office, in terms of the law for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Martha Caraway late of said county deceased. All persons are | hereby notified, I will passon same ap l plication at my office in Leesburg on the first Monday in June naxt. : | Given under my hand and offlcial sig ! nature this May, 1904, | Geo. C. Edwards, Ordinary. | e e ! GEORGIA—! ee County. | Notice is hereby given to all the creditors i of ths estate of T. A. Holliday, late of + said County, deceased, to render in to | meat leesburg Ga., an account of their | demands against deceased properly made ’ out, within the time prescribed by law. And all persons indebtedto the de ceased aforesaid are hereby request ed to make immediate payment of their said indebteduess to the undersigned at | the aforesaid place. This the 10 day of May 1904. S. J. Powell, Administrator of estate of T. A. Holliday