The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, June 03, 1904, Image 5

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Dsibrap: 8 1192 V 1y 200 fig‘n’ i ase T i 95 rr—esis 1 naiinelaagt ot rtsroomad AUI of 12 NG b A L. A. ODOM—Bargains in everything.; L. A ODOM “Has'it and sells it for lesg.b\lx‘ LRIANE T » The;e,gesqt; arglifl;lela‘.‘vc, Vbe’cg; a boen to M‘h ank King visited relatives at' Moul . “O‘nly"b'ne more issue of the Journal be- WS STPrifigg, ¢ 80 e s N , Waich L, &, Odom’s 2d. and. take ad vantage of Bargains. Ry g Miss Willie Burkley is visiting relatives at Century this week. A number of 551:1 Clfi‘zel’;sj attended the Union meeting at Antioch Sunday, once to- Stanleys - Business Col lege, Macon; Ga., for special low rates.: "“Several of our prominent ‘citiz'nefs" attend ed “United State court at Macon last week, 15 BOIBS .;:=‘,j.-, € {IV 3 s e rs Do you wish o save §.§.§. if so, d» your trading at L. A. Gdom’s. He sells for Mr. Geo. Collier, and daughter, visited Phelema, and Antioch church, last Sun day. P . Mz, Sol 4Yé§u_t‘“sl‘l-<,,“o£ : Céxilu;fy, was among the distinguished visitors tu Lees burg Tuesday. = Aot bine - Litle:-Miss Lois ' King returned ifrom Smithville .~ Sunday: accompanied oy her Uncle Mr. Robert King, of Richland.~ - " Mts. Mary Bunkley, in Company wih Mrs. Julian Price made a pleasant visit to. Smithville the early partof this week. Mt.W .J;lji McAfe_‘e, of Smithville, can didate for tax receiver wasin town 'We:l= nesday, shaking hands with his friends. Mr“] . i';}Mb(:'Lv"i'l'l'l'lt".,' the clever and obliging cabhier of the Bank of Smithville, was circulating among our people last Sat urday. Wfi%@*m%&m’mfffiy“'{‘ Jadge Long, D. D). Hall, F. M, Mims, I=P. Cocke, and E. B. Martin, were dela- | gates to the State Convention whichrcvnw" o B - N e véaed in Atlantu Wedne.«lay.4«l;[7_,_;;g il 3 1 :..We Were much gratified to learn of the improvement iu the health of our Bapiist i niinister who wiil fill his regular appoint- | nfent at the: Baptist ‘charci hee et Sau diy o el EfifSend us your orders tor Job Printing. We carry a large and well e:gsorted stock | e g vy '; g » FNE O of SYEoRSy(TY-gulrafS ) (b (%, geod'work as can be“had, and'at a less rice. : o pii AT 3 N é ® T AT Several n.groes eftgaged in” a row last S@inday Evening on the street, w hich re sfiléd in the arrest of five ;\/lulelay morn i@ the gowii' was” made richer by 'several’ d?lars. iy bos il ?Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Callaway, Mr. Hew it§ Nr. and Mrs. D. A, Ragan, J, P. Pows c b . 1448 FR@ETRETE B, Mgss Bunkleg', an severa? others, atfgn i~ c«gchurch at Antioch last Sunday. AVe call your attention to-the; adver~ ti%ments of the Mutual Life Insurance C@mpany in this issue. This is one of the oldesfi %E % mlpa.n)!i i n} e warld. r. D. D.” Hall is special agent atthis place. E {\. ™ 5 0D re ,"; ‘g,\ AVe cail the attention offo’tir“RégrdePS :fq” a@wsrtisng columns 6f This Ipaper. 3 Reéad (lie advertisments, ~losely. They will tell yon witer®) pay I Ppy UG ietierpes., gi,(ls, thereby you can save money. A dglar saved is dollar made. solo. F'he negroes of Leesburg, assisted by a d&egation of the same color from Albany, had a ‘society’’ sermon Sunday commenc ngin the morning and lasting ti.& ;fi hanr at night:wfififidim?u"gfi "QS e‘ se with drinking, fighting and a general bi time for the darkey. .o Some Campaign Ammuni et '+ Is Secretary Cortelyou publishing statis tics of our trade with Cuba to show..what a good thing the Cuban reciprocity treaty is for this connty—the. treaty: for ratifi cation of which the President called Con gress in extra session? According to these statistics 'oti¥ imports from Cuba—‘ principally sugar<-have increased 'about | 95 pel cent,, while ‘our ' exports ‘to- that country have increased only about 25 per. cent. With that kind of inareace in ot trade it would take us a long time to get rich, =~ : = The treaty 1§: a good thing for Cuba and for-the sugar trust, but how about its ‘ef fectupon our 'sugar industry, both beet and cane? And how much revenue 'is it keeping out of the treasury? ' These are questions which will be asked when the presidential campaign begins and the spellbinders tommeéhce énlightening the people; = The defenders of the Piesident will be kept busy explaining why he was so anxious to do'the sugar trust sueh a good turn. 33 Vil O e& D ‘Some of the' Republican papers, par ticularly Roosevelt papers, have found much satisfaction recently in saying that sugar trust influences were behind the candidacy of Judge Parker; because Mr. Cord Myeér, who has 's(imé remote interest in’tlat trust, has been_chosen chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of New Vork, but would it not seem as if Mr Roosevelt has a much deeper interest in that trust than it is possible for Judge i'‘arker to have? : ~ The theory on which; the ‘reciprocity treaty was based was that Quba woiuld 'do her trading in this. country: if we: made some _concessions .to her sugar, but- it looks as if she were taking our gold" for her sugar and spending it for'’her supplies in Eugland, iSpain and other European ceuntries.. Now that Mr, Cortelou has given us some figures'relative to Cuba’s ‘commerce with'this country, will he not be obliging enough to let us know to what extenECiba‘s "ifiports from other countries have increased since our trade ‘treaty with her' Has''eénabled her to get a better Price for her gugar? We, Qg‘gl_}g; to haye all the fagtg,gtg as tQ ,bgabiqgf%;fimnt out-t 6 the peoplégustwhat the Ctiban re ciprocity treaty on which Mr. Roosevelt insisted so strenuously, has been. When all the facts are known we feel certain that the treaty will lot contribute much to Mr. Roosevelt's. popularity, either ifi the sugar beet or the sugar cane growing sections of the country. Indeed, when ‘the-less of reyenfie is taken into- dtcount ‘it sti)ulgtfiihff it will “eontribute "t hig popularity anywhere, exceptin Cuba amf in buga‘l'grusL c}:;c}eg 3 = N§ e {y ‘ While We Live. . Life is the time for us to show kindness to our fellow travelers to the great be g , When the breath is gone and the eye _has lost its b!‘ighEflf and the check its lustutfié% ¢ }l:‘?fi éfi Th,e';“fit’(fi’e“f‘;fi”é g&? i?;f” l&fiffi) not keep “The alabaster boxes of your love and ten: derness sealed up until your friends are _dead, . Fill their. lives with sweetness: Speak approving words while their ears can hear them, and while their iiearts cas ‘ riffed i hade Happiér Ihe kind l msf?:u%fiegn ftd"'é'gl;z%\;fier;%‘hey are gone, say before they go. The flowers ok meay-tosehd fof théir coffins send to:brighten and.sweeteri their homes bez fore they leave them. | As some one has said: ‘‘lf my friendd havteldiabdster boxes laid away, full of fragrant perfumes of sympathy and afa fection o Whisf'they idtend do Hienk Gvet my body, I,would mucheyather they wotitd %rhfi? fi&%fiu’t’?fi] 3r,ln()g weary anz troubled hours, an open them, that I mayf Bgesgg Wnl cheered while I nee:! em. I woul rather have a plain coffir without a flower, afuneral eulogy THE GRATEFULYWIDOW bigs Yo yoobh apiod UGS, At B%ole 2 waisiidisd bug o 5 bH “;:‘MT g M Of the late Henry G Morse, President of the New York Ship Building Company, ipo.. receipt of the first installment of her annual ingome for life of, 1500, grovided under a contract with the The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New Vork, writes | followle 00 Qo¥ zioL i W et i HAnd fU 8 - PHILADELPHIA'PA | Juné'26, 19041 Fa b i iHo ‘ The Mutual Life Insurance Company Of New York. , ; o 1, Dear Sirs—l am in.receipt of check for the first: payment ln"sgy't_lgmenfis,of \policy issued to M. Morse through you in March,lBBs. Of course what' Inzfir:t\c ‘ularly like about this contract is that no matter how long T live there wi be paid mie on 26th of June each year $1.560, rool o taul aiosoßD oA LT . .: Believing that no investment:in Mr Morse’s estate guarantees such a sure lfincome,asthis policy, I take great pleasure in giving it my unqualifled endorse ‘ment. b . PR AR IR T e e RO , { ¢ bo | ,omoe 2'al9dl sysq sdidto ol asds aog I<ln writing for information about this form of policy state, angual income. you l;would like guaranteed. : This Company has paid policy-holders over ysdw _ slele] M LLION DOLLERS .Te MMUTUAL LIFE b INSURACE COMPANY OF 7 OLDEST e W Y- ’ “ g LARGEST . NEW YORIK AMERICA - -~ 3 ; - E L @WORLD | RICHARD A. McCURDY, Presieedt. R.F.SHEDDLN, Manager, TR FTHANADNIOAAL oo oo Atlante, Ga o D. D. HALL, Special Agent, ... . . ..o I9VISHISL X 3 e A _ R T tixéu a li_‘ffi.ffi'itholltv thé, sw,eétii'égéfgf love ' and sympathy.”” . . i alsoi el ' Let us learn to anoint our friends be- : forehand ;.for‘,gtheir burial. Post mortem | kindness does; not cheer the burdened | spirit. Flowers on the coffin cast no. fragrancd backware over the weary way. '.; {2 '*‘”“”“M-‘-rfi*w' '.: : ; . . Chokee News. ' Prof. Know P’s has closed ' his school for sorhe reason 'T'can'tsay.” T T 'One of our candidajes made agood . Lec ture last Sunday in churc*that nrade hvm | get three or four more votes. | We had a Glorious meeting up, here last week Rév.”KnéwlsPreached Friday, Everybody was feeling good, o o 0 | A charming young couple joined . right bands in Wedlock last-Sunday morning ' at Mr. G: H, Laramore, the Bride ‘was Miss Riibie Laratriore and Groom was Mr.- Har ris Deareso_ she left many weeping and nmourning over her-marriage | . P:'B. Poole made a Business trip to Al bany last Tuesday. .. - . ? 3 pavg’,‘fi;grd_,i‘c);g’ql j“ql_gfefs and tales but 'Dud Ragan has the Lelt now, f " P.. 8. Pvel says be hashe Farmers Down on water #melons he sayshe has them as large-as medium size. ' I don’t'doubt it at ‘hitew bo O VY . Hon, _B;éliu }‘ic{myyf}l:u}gdg 4 husiness tri to Albainy TRHEBARY. ;1. { 16 snsxiits adi o “Alarge umber: of ‘fofks' visited our | chiretn Standay from worth Conpty was, | glad, 10 see them over, . i w 1 si l | " Miss Matife "Hancock is visiting Miss | Montie Green of Chokee, : l | Coolks: Still Destroyed By | ‘ rim‘ :\ IR ; :w.' :‘iw | ; i)fxlaap ly'io‘ud_a"y;. -nini‘ning,’ the .still: just. | bis side of Acams belonging do Mr. i/ Cook: | was dgsg'qué(f}.)'y"',firé, ‘with several banels ! of -Rosin.—All-the Spirits was saved; ‘The 1103., is estimated at about Fnrcf‘_u}fusand dol : iarsfi. %351 k \ N-;M,; {iszun ying ydsssd i R Rprerr gt R T o 298¢ | The journai is under ‘matiy ‘obligatiois 110 Mids'Catrie*Blinkley fora dish of lus hi?’“&ffi??h‘&’. ettt 3 - e . Ly € r r { | SIERRO AOT | ‘Somteoné left dn ‘fir’,nbffefla'.ih my, wagon | at*Anfioch churéh ‘Sunday’ last.” “Owiier o oo aukd 1 o 115 fßadho Ut 92168480 by payitig for this ‘4d. will pleare “cafl’ 2 | Bt Hanidi?t = T Ao Y . alov 1HONIIBIZLTI(E : satov OV . ! ‘-.j'usflv 5. 4 "5)}:,,1 - : - - E. B. Lee. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. * ,(y)mw‘mg'\'.n-g,-\g..Q.g-v,(w.»f‘.r\.o{p.'-.n!.4"wvwnwu‘rm‘w‘w WARE G. MARTIN, ' ATTORNEY AT LAw, e sqsl adt 1l i Tjeedßurgy Georgia P iy bbb e bel L LONG & SON, -~ ' ATTORNEYS ATLAW, " £ iy aaenlnaly i videcshurgaGeorgia, PRIMARY JUNE 11TH. e oot s OBORGIA—Lee County "Rooms Democtatic executive commit tee of said county, Whereas this com mittee ath ameeting previously had ap pointed the 11th'd4y of “August 1904, as ‘the date on which 'to 'hold “the election for the nomination 6f candidates for the various county offices’ ‘anid for'a repre sentative in thie legislatare.'“And, where as, we 'have been requested by many of the candidates for the above named offi ces to change the “primary to the 17th day of June 1904, and all:of the ‘said can didates, for: the: said offices having ‘ex pressed a desire; .and having consented to this change. Therefore it is-ordered by the committee, that the time for the WHITE DEMOCRATIC ;PRIMARY:for he nomination of County -Officers aud for a Representative of the County: be and is hereby changed t 6 the 17th day of June 1904, said fi'omf’ha@fbn_ is neverthe less to be ‘governed by the regulation heretofore prescribed fot the pritnary not inconsistent with this order, = v o 7 noii v This the.sth day of May. 1904. 1.0 si .G B Avery, Chairmaus BIIOW 10 OBUI NGB 5 EBEE. " Seane LS, Kitchens," " " ratiihe o wysedd guidd el Coniittee: movib 1o vaiogsin Blt 2OVOIY 5 Hiew o ——e e ieeemeice | g e For Rent. . Sealed bids will be.received until :Nov -I§t for the rent of the . late, Cdpt. P, My Heath Jordon plantation for 1 or: 5 years. Good land, healthy. place, withidéepwell; water works throughout'and jan mp to date git;nexy. We reserve theright to. reject any.and all | bids,. none ‘but responsible parties, need Applys 10w wd b oy :.,'"1. {4 B eBVW 2150 NiL Z‘Rehptl' 119 f e bearooragHeath &16 Exeetitors.” ¢rnut oI —boisieqeah b + Notice ToTeachers. ' i Thete will-be an'exanfinat o' 'of appli caftts to teach ifr the pubfic scliooks of Tée County; at. the ceurt House 4t Teesburg ‘on Friday and Saturday' the' ritl¥and 18th of June, beginning at 8 o’clock, -#/7?%5¢/ J.R. lLong, C. 8. C.