The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, June 03, 1904, Image 8

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| Statement of The BANK OF SMITHVILLE, ORGHANIZED KPRIL 2ND 1903. | Located® at Smithville, Lee Co. Ga., at the E?Eg ?f Business March 2nd 1904. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . . .. . 31,19584 Demandloans, . . . * * * . 2,544 30 Bonds and stocks owned by the R e e 150 00 Banking house .. .. . 1,61455 Furnitare and fixtures .. . 1,513 76 Other real estate . . . . 4,875 44 Due from banks and bankers in the state. . . . . 10,258 49 Due from banks and bankers inotherstates . . . » . .. - 416281 CHlteNey &«+«o 4 s v o 1,710 56 B - 2000 Silver nicles and pennies . . 458 15 Checks and cash items . . .. 284 83 Profits and loss (short) . 30 s TS LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in . . 16,400 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid, .. . 2,646 49 Individual deposits sub jecttocheck . . .- - . 37,764 61 fime certificates. ... . . 1,868 66 Cashiers check . . G 109 27 B e $58,789 03 STATE OF GEORGIA LER COUNTY. Before me came Rowe Price, Cashier of Bank of Smithville, who being duly sworn says that the above and foregoing statement is a true cendition of said bank as shewn by the beoks of file in said bank. ROWE PRICE, Cashier Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Bth day of March, 1904. JAMES MORGA.y, Clerk Superior Court Lee County Ga Selling Whiskey Without a License. Will Jackson, a son of hams race, was arrested here last Sunday on a charge of selling whiskey without a license, The Colored people had a big day here, and gathered from all parts of the County and Will took advantage of this big gathering to rake in a few shiny shackles, by dispen sing to them a lot of “Booze' but however he did not go very far before Sheriff Smith had him peeping through the bars, He had a commitment trial Monday and was bound over to appear at the next term of the County Court, so far he has failed to give bond and will likely beard with Sheriff Smith until Court. e i e gy AP A Greatest discovery of the age, ‘‘Secret Of Health”, A fruitand vegatable com pound, for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Con stapation, Billiousness, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, Malaria, Fevers, Ague, and ¢ll diseases arising from a weak or disor dered stomach. Acts like magic on the liver A fine Spring tonic and great flesh producer. Price socts. and $l.OO per bottle. For sale by all first class druggists, or sent prepaid, in lots of three large bottles, or 5 small ones on,_receipt of price. Whole sale rates on application. Reliable agents wanted in every town in United States. Matthews Medicine Co., ‘ ‘ Americus, Ga. For sale at Long Drug Store. enm——————— e e A standing ad in a newspaper is a standing invitation for your patronage. Patronize the merchants who invite you to call a their store, OPEN AN KRCCOUNT > W 1 T H <SS XYOUR HOME BANKZ It Costs nothing to have your Money Kept Securely. Beside having a FIRST-CLASS SAFE and VAULT, we are fully INSURED AGAINST BURGLARY. We are able and expect to give the people of this county +First—@lass Banking Faeilities..+ Cofie and inspect our entire outfit, and remember all transactions are strictly Confidential. Yours Very Truly, . J.C. McCLAIN, Cashier. We Carry Burglary, Fidelity and Fire Insurance. Interest paid on Time Deposits. Shiriffs Sale. GEORGIA.—ILee County. Will be sold before the Court House door of said County, on the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal] hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One hundred and one fourth (looY ) acres -of land in the Ist, district of lee County, Georgia, being the North half of lot of land number one hundred and forty-eight (148). levied on as the property of Al bert Adams, to satisfy a mortgage Fi. Fa. issued from Lee Superior Court in favor of Annie T. Hobbs, and R. P. Hall, Ad ministrator of David Hines, deceased, vs. Albert Adams. Property pointed out in said Fi. Fa.; and to satisfy other Fi. Fas, in my hand against said Albert Adams in favor said Annie T. Hobbs, and R. P. Hall, administrator of David Hines, de ceased, vs. Albert Adams, levied on said property. Tenants notiffed in terms of the law. This Ist. day of June, 1904. S. B, Smith. Sheriff Lee County, Georgia. If you want taylor made pants, go to L. A. Odom. Mr. L. A, Odom, informs us that he feasted on beans and new irish potatoes ast Sunday. 10 packages AAAA, and Leving coffee for $1.05 at L. A. Odom’s. Better than Arbuckle’s Callon me for Fire Insurance, I can placc you in the very best company and give you the protection you need. S.J.Powell. BANNER SALVE the most haaling salve in the world. BRICK STABLES Leesburg To e T l Albany. . . . . .11 Miles. . . $2.00 Adams:: s 0 Y 190, o 9 22.50 Armenia. o ..8 Wl IRO Rionwood . L as gs 00 Cohb ... v .2 e i 3Ee {lopk Ferry, = . 2y 00l 390 Choliee”. . . o W 6 VL v o B 9 Ceok'sSull . . a 0 ev 0138 Pesato .o. .0 29 % Lol U S Dawson o g 0 M 0 0800 Jee's Store . . 7 S 80 Jeslie . o ovree 2t o 5 300 Laramore’s Store . .12 * . . . .2.00 Yocket'sMill, ... .2 M . vanoo Maning’s Store . .12 “ ... .200 Nims MUI .. .5 ¢ C L XBO Philemia .. . o 0 o 200 Shithville. . o w3B M 0 w2OO SENcEr o L EE N G s Walters Crossing 7 ®oa e S.B. SMITH, Manager. o @ Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham verlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber’s itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching pil:s, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes und granulated lids. Pr. Cady’s Condition Powders {m horses are the best tonic, blood puritier and vermifuge. Price. 25 ceuts. Saiihv e 5% LIMERY ARND FEED é%& : Only 50 Cent. t» make your baby strong a. well. A fifty cent bottle ol % 5 Scott’s Emulsio will change a sickly baby a plump, romping child. Only one cent a day, thi of it. Its as nice as crea Send for a free sample, and ;g it. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, New Y soc. and $1.00; all druggists.