The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, June 10, 1904, Image 3

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- RUSSIAN VILLAGERS. Not a Hair Left on Their Heads and Faces. A stery comes here from the town of Dubovo, in the southern part of Russia, which shows how strong a hold superstition still has on the low er classes of the Russian people. One morning an elderly man ap peared in the strest of Dubovo with a beardless face and a head shaven as close as a billiard ball. The inhabit ants of the town, which is scarcely more than a village, to their surprise recognized in him the ‘“Starosta” or headman of the town. A meeting of the Common Council was immediately called to consider whether a headman without any beard or hair could be allowed to hold office. The headman, Taras Artasoff, appeared before the meeting and declared that the shaving of face and head was a patriotic duty and that in the night Abraham had ap peared to him and told him that hair on the head was a covenant of orig inal sin, and that if Russia desired victory in the present war her sons must sacrifice their ‘hair, mustaches, beards and eyebrows and even pull out their eyelashes. Each hairless Russian meant death to a hundred Japanese, : The council thereupon immediately decided to imitate the patriotic head man, and the next day every man, woman and child in the district was absolutely hairless. A few men who were too proud to racrifice their whiskers were expeiled from the town and all their property confiscated by the council.—Cincin nati Enquirer. Music for Russian Workmen. “The " laboring man in Raussia, though in rougher surroundings than found in other countries for the same ciass, has undoubtedly compensations which serve to make his life happier than could be imaginzd under such conditions,” says a writer in Social Service. “One is love of music, cul tivated and enlarged by the fine ren dering of the anthems and chants of the services of the churches. The choral singing of men and boys in some of the smaller hamlets is in deed so rich and finished in style as to be a constant source of wonder to al! travelers. Soothing and @elightful also is the delicious melody of the church bells which render hourly their music; and musical as well as cheering even the tinkling of the bells on the harness of the horses. No whip is needed by the drivers who urge their beautiful ponies only by the exhilarating sound of national or popular airs sung in their rich chant ing tones.” Butter for a Bump. While mothers’ kisses are supposed to take the soreness out of all sorts of hurts and bruises, even this sov ereign specific will not keep a bump from turning black and blue. If a bump is well buttered soon after it is made, the skin, it is said, will not change color. A woman who did not believe it, but tried it all the same, says her children have been saved many ugly marks by means of this simple and inexpensive remedy. One Thing More to Show, For two hours a fashionable lady kept the draper exhibiting his goods, and at the end of that period she sweetly asked: “Are you sure you have shown me everything you have?” “No, madam,” said the draper, “I have yet an old account in my ledger I'll gladly show you.” He did not need to show any more, ‘ New England Shoes. New England still retains her pre eminence in the boot and shoe indus try, but three of her six states, includ ing Maine, rank lower in the compara tive value of their product than they did twenty years ago, while of the others only Vermont has made a gain in comparative rank. A Few of Them Left “All of our great humorists appear to be dead.” “Oh, I don’t know. There are the government weather forecasters.” FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerveßestorer,&2trial bottle and treatise free Dr.R.H. KLINE, Ltd., 931 Arch Bt., Phila., Pa. Strawberries come and strawberries go, but prunes go on forever. Ladies Can Wear Shooas : One size smaller afier using Allen’s Foo'- lase, a powder. It makes tight or new shoes easy, Cures swollen, hot, sweating, aching feet, ingrowing nails, corns and bunions. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Don’t ac cept any substitute. Trial package FrEE hy mail, Address, Allen 8, Olmsted, Leßoy, N.Y. When a woman stops crying over her troubles it’s a sign that she has resumed the celebration of herbirthday anniversary. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma tionkallays pain,cures wind colic, 25c.a bottle If it weren’t for their mistakes a greal many men would never be heard of. Piso’s Curefor Consumption isan infallible medicine for coughs and colds.—N. W. Saxver, Qcean Grove, N. J., Feb, 17, 1909, People may not think yon a fool, yet they may not be in a position to deny it. . ’ v Dr. Biggers’ Hucklekerry Cordial The Great Southern RemAedy, cures all stomach and bowel troubles, children teething. Made from The Little Huckleberry that grows alongside our hills and moun tains, oontains an active principle that has a happy effect on the stomach and bow els. It enters largély in Dr. Biggers’ Huckleberry Cordial, the great stomach and bowel remedy for Dysentery, Diar rhoea and Bloody Flux. . Sold by.all druggists, 25 and 50c bot le. : 4 AN EX-CHIEF JUSTICE’S CPINION, Judge O. E. Lochrane, of Georgla, In a letter to Dr. Biggers, states that he never suffers himself to be without a bot tle of Dr. Biggers! Huckleberry Cordial during the summer time, for the relief cf all stomach and bowel troubles, Dys entery, Dlzarrhoea, Flux, ete. Sold by ali druggists, 25 and 50c bottles. HALTIWANGER-TAYLOR DRUG CO., __ Proprictors, Atlanta, Ga. = Teaylor's Cherckee Remedy c¢f Sweet Gum and Mulicin will cure Coughs, Croup and Consumption. Price 25cand $1 abottle. CURES DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS, NERVOUSNESS § o 5 ) B £ eoA g Acts c)n TYRER’'S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY 2] TREE BOOKLET. Write, Box 138, Atlant:, Ga. ASIKK YCUR DRUGGIST.} NR R ML B S s e ST T e YT L AR e ese e e S S 5 BE 1077 # 5 NEGQ lei £ s WE CURE CARGERS ARO CHRONIC ULCERS, ;{’;@f}fg’;@. 2% And we do not stop at that. The name and fame of Dr. Reynolds is IS B i 4 knownall over the southland on account of his wonderful success in g j;'-"?'z;‘i? &4 curing Cancers, Tumors and Chronie Uleers, and his associate Special < ~;;?%Tj§;}_"i£;;,§:§; I’B izts are equallv noted for their skill in curing Stricture, Varicocele, ': “Kffi &Y Hydrocele, Blood Poison, and all Chonic Deap Seated l#iseasefl Wt 4 of hoth Men and Women. Write today for our Medical Work, “FACTS,” ¢ . and sympton blanks. Do not experiment with Quacks or Cheap John LR A treatments when vour health is at stake. yf/ Egfl‘m gsg DR. REYNOLDS & CO., 513 Auertell Building, Atlanta, Ga. | &\.,\ o i 5 Ty “ o Take-Down Repeating Shotguns | fae=3y | Don’t spend from $5O to $2OO for a\xggm, when for 50 | A= "/ much less money you can buy a Winchester Take- { ' /;f, Down Repeating Shotgun, which will outshoot and § {4 | outlast the highest-priced double-barreled gun, | e besides being as safe, reliable and handy. Your \ 4\7 /| dealercanshow youone. They aresold everywhere. ;|\ 4 ,‘W FREE : Our 160-Page Rlustrated Catalogue. Wi WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. NEW HAVEN, CONN. RN\ — CANDY - Q 0 L& i '\, CATHARTIG 4 7 : ;._ 3 3R gy fes 'f{_" gL = ekt eTN Lo eBSFNB N TS BB 3 VT Ly 10 (L Rer T ] AT b g s I TYo oboy 5D 4 : B 4 ST B Ae e d Dsannn i SEREESR R GUARANTEED CURE for all bowe! troubles, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, bad § blocd, wind on the stomach, bloated bowels, foul meouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, palns after eating, liver trouble, sallow skin and dizziness, When your bowels don't move regularly you are sick. Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together, It starts chronic ailments and lonf years of suffering. WNo matter what ails you, start taking CASCARETS today, for you will never get well and stag' well until you get your bowels § rightt Take our advice, start with Cascarets today under absolute guarantee to cure or money refunded. The genuine tablet stamped C CC. Never sold in bulk. Sample and booklet free, Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. 503 Cotton Gi Machinery TR RN R S e fififi“ B SN e e D e S SRR R SRR WFRR e e 13 -"‘iyfi*:"-;?\-»r,j:-: 'é‘&r‘x;"r{ffitfiwvfi o o GOOB MU SR e AT TR BN RS e Vst pyaiiee ‘ S 13’ e i;} ot o RISt S loul Lol ST T P AT R oA LR Ixmet s TRk BT %l.g{(r,‘ e I e 3»::_»: ;.;_—_c;;.':;g;i B e e ft,—;‘:;:.;,~v__%;-, P~ Re N g;@j‘é';‘- LP S 3 PRATT. MUNGER. WINSHIP. EAGLE. SIMTH. We make the most complete line of any concern in the world, We also make ENGINES and BOILERS, LINTERS for OIL MILLS, we sell everything needed about a Cotton Gim, Write for Illustrated Catalogue. i in C Continental Gin Co., - Birmingham, Ala. The Great East and West Line AND Across the En tiro States of . ‘":"’:A > : oy THE o, R 4 Oy 2 'l_j';{‘ \ &%, TEXASER ;\N"P PACIFIC s ‘ - 3 ,-‘kvé_ ‘;;;.-'--‘»' M@\: e S 0 am.wn.e‘«\ m\r‘ },,-'.,‘\-,95 No trouble to answer questions. 85 miles shortest route Shreveport to Dallas. Write for new book on Texas, free. E£. P. TURNER, General Passenger Agent, Dallas, Texas. . B, , CURED § L ¥ Gives = L 4 g Quick 54 SR iz H & 3 Relisf. ettt ¥ Removes all swelling ina Btoz2o ST davs; efiects a permanent cure \‘3s'/ in 30to 6o days. 'l‘rinltreatfment £ S A\ given free, Nothingcan be fairer ?f&%f} \R\ S Write Dr. H. H, Green’s Sons, SHIT IR Spocialists, Box B Atlanta, GO, SORE AW AL B L ® One Night Treatment with Soak the feet or hands on retiring in a strong, hot, creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAP. Dry, and anoint freely with CUTICURA OINTMENT, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Bandage lightly in old, soft cotton or linen. For itching, burning, and scaling ec zema, rashes, inflamma tion, and chafing, for red ness, roughness, cracks, and fissures, with brittle, shapeless nails, this treat ment is simply wonderful, frequently curing in one night. . Our Latest Im }o SA WM I LS proved Cireu < lar Barw Mills, with Hege's Universal Log Beams,Reetilin ear, Simultaneous Set Works and the Hea cockzmng Variabie Feed Works are unex celled for ACCURACY, §IMPLICITY, DURABIIL ITY AND EASE OF OPERATION. Write for full descriptive clreulars. Manufactured by the SALEI(’I IRON WORKS,Winston-Salem ,N.C. ® . { This is What You Want ! Have You Any Malarial Troubles ? Do yon want to get well and get well quick ? Ifgo, send a Postoffice order for fifty cents to the REGAL MEDICINE G0.,0f Stamford, Gonn., for medicine and diractions. A quick an% certain cure guaranteed in all cases of malaria, chills and fever,dumb ague and intermittent fever. - Give the name of this. paper when writing to advertisers—(At24.o4) v PISO’S ' CURE EDR w 4 5 GURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS, % pet Best Cough Syrup, Tastes Good. Use P .v'J in time, Sold by druggists, @ S N CONSHMMPTION: 2w