The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, June 10, 1904, Image 4

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The Lee Co. Journal. M. E, Tison, Editor and Publisher. Published Every Friday OI'FICIAL ORGAN OF LEE COUNTY. Eatatz | at thepost -office at Leeshurg, Ga., as seco class mail matter, e ——————— LEKSBURG, GEORGIA, JUNE, 10 1904 It is said to be very warm in St. Louis. Especially on the Pike we presume, Rl ei s ~ There is a greal’ demand throughout the country for pure water, There isalso a mild demand for Bock beer. " T e The Republican party is not expecting any revelations in the Smoot matter until after the November election, i e The King of England’s family name is Wettin, but, if reports are true, his ministers must think it is Buttin, C eele &R GED P 8 QI o “Achistenaya vodka’ is the Russian’s favorite booze. It probably gets easier to pronounce as your jag accumn lates, i e Great cannonading in front of Port Arthur! Isn'tit strange that Port Arthur doesn’t tumble to the racket and fall, sure enough. B U Nkl A man has invented a non-intoxicating whiskey,This may settle the whiskey problem, but the jags we shall have with us always. £y sk e il Its a little early for the sea serpent to be butting in, but he is up against the World’s fair this season and no one can blame him, i b N i | There would perhaps be more retire ments from active politics if it were so the patriots could retire on full pay.— Albany Herald, S : : it e() et The Mayor of Marquette, Mich, went fishing recently and cannot be found. Evidently the snakes bite early up there, wherher the fish do or not. e e By telling all the things that are not true concerning the Kloeckre mystery the Atlanta papers may finally succeed in telling us we know what is true. e e G 4 PGt e The Mobile Register (Dem ) says: ‘Georgia instructed for Parker, There is no_doubt that such action has greatly im proved Parker’s chances. . Why did not Alabama do the fame thing? If Parker *is themanon whom to unite why not say so and rivet the saying with a good resolution’ of instructions? Georgia is all right. See e T The Democrats of Georgia in Conven tion have expressed themselves in no un certain tones as to whom they preter as the nominee of the Democratic party for President. The convention unqualifiedly endorsed the candidacy of Judge Alton B, Parker, of New York, and Georgia's dele gation to the national convention was in structed to vote for him so long as, in the opinion of the majority of the delega tion, there is a reasonable probability of his receiving the nomination, The unit rule was adopted and the Georgia dele gates wiil vote solidly upon all questions before the notional convention, } To the action of the convention. no. Democrat can make objection. The friends of Judge Parker were in the ma jority, and the convention was decidely for him, However, nothing was done that was calculated to embitter any Democrat who may prefer some other candidate for president. f Shiriffs Sale. | rGEORGIA.—Lee County. ~ Will be sold before the Court House door of said County, on the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal] hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One hundred and one fourth (looY ) acres of land in the Ist, district of Lee County, Georgia, being the North half of lot of land number one hundred and forty-eight (148). Tevied on as the property of Al bert Adams, to satisfy a mortgage Fi. Fa. issued from Lee Superior Court in favor of Annie T, Hobbs, and R, P, Hall, Ad-‘ ministrator of David H ines,d eceased, vs Albert Adams. Property pointed out in said Fi. Fa.; and to satisfy other Fi. Fas, in my hand against said Albert Adams in favor said Annie T. Hobbs, and R. P. Hall, administrator of David Hines, de ceased, vs, Albert Adams, levied on suid‘ property. Tenants notiffed in terms of 1 the law. This Ist. day of June, Igo4. S. B, Smith. | Sheriff Lee County, Georgia.’ i el i ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Tax Recelver. | To the Voters of Lee County. ‘ I. here by announce my candicady for ‘ Tax Receiver of Co. subject to the Democratic Primary of June 17 1%4. Your votes will be highly appreciated. o Respcet., \ W. F. McAfee, ————— For Treasurer | I hereby announce my candidecy. for Treasurer subject to the Democratic pri- : mary June 17th next., If elected I will] work faithfully for the intercst of the l people and the prosperity of the county. Your support will be appreciated- | Resrectfully yours | R. A. Forrester For Tax Receiver. To the Democratic voters cf Lee county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-elec ion to the office of Tax Roceiver »f Lee county sub ject to the Demociatic primary Aug. Isth next. 1 thank my friends fur the kidness of having elected me before and have tried to give faithful service and pro pose to continne to do so. Again thanking my friends and trusting to be again fuvored by re-election I am Most Respectfully, D. W. Tison i For Taxßeceiver. To the Democratic voters of coun ty. I respectfully announce inyself a candidate for tax receiver of Lee county subject to the Democratic primary, Your vote will be highly appreciated . A. W, Godwin, AeA i e e e B For Represcentative. To the Citlz’ ns of Le: County. I hereby announce myselfa candidate for Represen tative in the next Legislature from this, Lee County, subject to the Democratic primary. Ifl am honored as your choice, 1 will do my best for your mterest at all times and I most respectfully and earnestly solicit your support, J.P:CA_.LAWAY., Forßepresentative. To the Democrats of L e Couuty; I hereby announce my candidacy for Representative to the Legislature, subjectto the June primary, and respectfully solicit your support, Yours Respectfully, G. W. WARWICK e ey 1 For I hereby annoiince myself as a candidate for th office of Coroner of Lee county, subject to the action the Democratic peinary. N.E,QUILAW. : : | FOR CORONER. | I hereby announce myself for Coroner of Lee Co. If elected I will try to dis-l charge my official duty, as I have been the Coroner for over 20 years and will apprieciate your votes, James Leßoy. | b e | 10 packages AAAA, and Leving coffee for $1.05 at L, A. Odom’s. Better than Arbuckle’s ‘ eol s 8 I offer myself to the democratic voters of Lee county as a candidate for nomina tion for the office of Tax Receiver. If elected I pledge myself to a faithful dis charge of the duties of the office. The support of friends is svlicited. G. W. Martin, Jr, For Clerk I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk, sub ject to the Democratic primary. Your support will be appreciated, James Morgan. For Ordinary I hereby aunnounce iy candidacy for re-election to the office of Ordinary sub ject to the democratic primary, your sup port will be appreeciated. Respectfully Geo. C. Edwards For Sheriff I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff sub ject to Democratic primary Jnne 17th, If elected I will do my best to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability., Respectfully L. 8.8, Smith For Tax Collector I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to office of Tax Collector of Lee county subject to the Demociatic primary June 17th next, Recpectfully F. T, Kihy. e e e ey For Representative - Mo the citizens of Lee county, I hereby announce my candidacy for Representative in the next l.egislatur from this county, subject to tfie demio cratic primary June 17th next. I earn estly solicit your support and promis: te do my best for your interest at all tinies, Respectfully yours D, A, Ragan. Miss Jennie Ford Desives to thank her triends and patrons in Lee Counnty for their very liberal patronage, and would inform them that she has just received a fresh supply of Groceries, Canned Goods, Dry Goods, ete., and invites a continuance of your patronage, feeling assured she can please, both in quality and price. ' )-8 ° b dWillinery Jepartment. v T'his department is now replete with EMERYTHING New., Hats, Laces, Ribbons and Fancy Goods in great variety. CHLL AEND INSPECT. A full stock of Toilet articles, Perfumeries, etc. ‘ ' MISS JENNIE FORD, . ;oaomc s For Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candiad for re-election to the office of Treasurer of Lee county subject to the Democratic primary, June 17th 1904. . Respectfully : D. D. Hall For Representative To theDemocratic voters of Lee counte I hereby announce my candidacy for rrs election to the legislature, subject to the democratic primary. I thank the citi zens for their cordial stpjot twe yea ago and will appreciate reelection. If elected I shall serve the pecple to the best of my ability. o Very respectfully [. M. Mcßride GEORGIA—ILee County. Notice is hereby given to all the credit ors of the estate of T. A. Holliday, late of said County, deceased, to render in to me at Leesburg Ga., an account of their de mands against deceased properly made out, within the time prescribed by law. Aud all persons indebted to'the deceased aforesaid are hereby requested to make immediate yayment of their said indebt edness to the undersigned at the afore said place. This the loth. day of May 1604, S. J. Powell® For Rent. | Sealed bids will be received until Nov 1:t. for the rent of the late Capt. F. M. Heath Jordon plantation for 1 or 5 years. Good land, healthy place, with deep well, water works throughout and an up to date ginnery. We reserve the right to reject any and all bids, none but responsible parties need apply. " Respt, Heath & Lee Executors. If you want taylor made pants, go to 1. A. Cdom.