The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, June 10, 1904, Image 5

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LOCALITEMS. Mr. F. M. Mims was in town Tuesday, Mr. Geo. Collier visited Albany Sun day. Green coffee at 1.. A. Odom’s 10cC per pound. : Mr,W. T. Locket had busine:s in Albany to-day. Mr I. P. Cocke, of Armenia wasin town Tuesday. - Sheriff Smith had busines at Smithville Thursday. Mr W. F. MeAfee, of Smithville was in town Tuesday. Dou’t fail to come out to ithe Primary next Friday, : Patronize thie merchants who invite you ao call a their store, Read the advertisements of the Bank of Smithville on this page. Mr, J. F. McCLean, cashier Bank of Smithviile, was in town Mcnday. J.P. Calaway should re ceive your support for the Legislature. : Mrs C. L. Lyons, of Macon is visitig her sister Mrs* Bunkley this week. Ordinary Fdwards held his regular uiorthly term of Court last Monday. | 5 i | The County Commissioners met last Tuesday and Transacted their busincss. A standing ad in a newspaper isa standing invitation for your patronage. 1 Tison R. King, who has been attending l Mercer University at Macon. returned home Wednesday. I Judge Long, returned from Macon Thursday where he attended the commece ment, exercises of Mercer. Vote fer J. P. Calaway for Representative. Heis| the peoples Choice. . l A young white pointer bitch responds ' to the name Dutchess. ILast seen at An- ] tioch church Sunday 24th. Any infor-| mation will be greatly appreciated. Mr. A. J. Fleetwood, one of our farmers, wasin town last Saturday. Mr. Fleetwood ! las 800 acres in water melons and 500 | in cantalopes besides a large crop of corn, | cotton, Etc, ' ; J. P. Callaway is Closely identified with the enter est of the people. Vote for him. l In this issve appears the witedrawal an ‘ nouncenient of D. W, Tison for Tax Re ceiver. “i-on has made this County a good ofic r anl I's many friends regret to know that he is out of the r-ce. | | With J. P. Calloway in theLegislature. Lee Coun ties interest would bewell looked after. | Mr. G reen and Mr Monroe, returned from Macon this morning, where they had been attending U. S. court, as wilnesses on the Pettis case. The otber wiinesses that went from here will return to-nignt, Nothing had been dune up t. the time they left. J.P.Callaway, if elected will serve the wishes of the people, regardless of any personal views. I carry a full linz of plows, binder mowers, rakes and reapers, See me if you are in the market for anything in this line, I will make it to your interest. S. J. Powell. | Communicated. ,7 Make No Mistake. Next Friday will settle the matter as to who shall be our County officers for the next two ycars. : In the race for Represantative. We have four candidates, all of whom are good men, but simply being a good man does not always qualify a man for a cer tain position or office. The primary will l soon be over, and before it is too late the ‘voters should think well, and be sure they make no mistake by voting for the wrong | man, i Be sure that you vote for the man who l is best able to represent the county. ! - Mr. J. P. Callaway, isa gentleman whbo has considerable interest in welfare of the Countv, therefore to elect him ‘would mean that the interest of the people would be well cared for. Besides he is a conscientious gentleman, a man that would not sacrifice l principle and honest convictions, With him in the Legislature our county would be safe and her every interest will be guarded as his interest is ours. Mr. Callaway has never asked for office before therefore taking all into consideration, would it not be well for the voters to elect | him, Let us rally to his supporton the ‘day of the primary and elect him by a large majority, We are comfident that J. P. Callaway is fully equipped all round to serve the interest of the peoples better than any man in the race. yours Respct. A VOTER. Items From Beloit. The farmers are needing rain 1n this section, Miss Mollie Morgan is visiting her sister Mrs, Jesse Pickron of Albany. Miss Viola Mitchell is visiting relatives at Moultrie. Mrs. G. A. McDonald is up in Chokee visiting her daughter Mrs. Geo. Laramore. Mr, J. R. Avery spent Sunday up near Acams, Messrs John Drinkwaters W, W. Mc- Donald, Walter Mallard and H. Wynor of Albany spent several days last week down at the Old Graves Mill fishing. Messrs. Claranc: and Earnest Denson of Albany spent Sunday with j. B. Den son, » | Mr. and Mrs. J. C Deariso spent Sun” day in Chokee, \ ! Mr, H. W, Hobbs has Been Tl for sev eral weeks. 1‘ Messrs, C. B, Avery and E, J. Norman 1‘ went to Albany Saturday. ] Panla spent several days in Albany last ‘1 week visiting her Brother W, W, McDon-' ald. Black berries are ripening fast consider ing dry weather. Snnday School was rather slim last Sun day, we hope it will not continue to be | | - “Patile,” | e Married. i Miss Ruba Laramore of this County | and Mr. Horace Deriso of Desoto were ! united in marrirge Sunday morning at the home of the brides father, Mr. G, H. 1 Laramore, i The ceramony was performed by Rev. W. W. Malry in the presence of members of the family and a few friends. Miss Laramore is the charming daugh er of Mr, G. H. Laramore and one of the most popular young ladies in the County Mr. Deariso is a successful young plan ter of sterling character. ~ The Journal with many friends extends congratulations and best wishes to the young couple. THE GRATEFUL WIDOW Of the late Henry G Morse, President of the New York Ship Building Company upou receipt of the first installment of her annual income for life of $1,500, provided under a contract with the The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, writes as foilows: " PHILADELPHIA, PA , June 26, 1904, The Mutual Life Insurance Company Of New York. : Dear Sirs—l am in receipt of check for the first payment in settlements of policy issued to M. Morse through you in March,lBBs. Of course what I partic ularly like about this contract is that no matter how long I live there will be paid me on 25th of June each year $1.500, ' Believing that no investment in Mr Morse's estate guarantees such a sure income as this policy, I take great pleasure in giving it my unqualifled endorse ‘ment. In writing for information about this form of policy state annual income you i would like guaranteed, This Company has paid poliey-holders over . ' 600 IXILLION DOLLARS : THE MUTUAL Ll ' INSURERCE COMPARNY OF }) \I DEST L\ll‘i(’lll?ll‘ AMERICA . ¢WORLD RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. ’ R. F. SHEDDLN, Manager, | Atlanta, Ga. D. D. HALL, Special Agent, __ Leeshurg, Ga. BANK OF SMITHVILLE. Smithville Ga. ' N ONLY BANK IN THECOUNTY. CAPITAL AND PROFITS $18.000.00 MEMBER OF A SYSTEM OF 38 STATE AND 4 NATIONA . ;BANKS CONBINED. CAPITAL AND ;SURPLUS :$1.500,000.00. EACH BENKIND&SPENDANT. DEPOSITS SOLICITED. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS W, S, WITHAM, President. D. G. AVERA, Vice President. C. A. RHODES, J. R. LONG, W.D. WELLS, | B I. McKINNEY, T. G. WILLIAMS. ICALL AND SEE US. | Respt: | J. C. McCLAIN Cashier. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J'\-"\l”n"ul""'h"\"'n"ll"n“\-l'h"hl'l1"ul“.l’\."\o"h"n“u'\.l‘\-"I.l WARE G. MARTIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' Leesburg, Georgia LONG & SON, ATTORNEVYS AT LAW, Leesburg, Georgia. Notice To Teachers. There will be an examinatron of appli cants to teach in the public schools of Lee County, at the court house in Leesburg on Friday and Saturday the 17th and 18th of June, beginning at 8 o’clock. 1R Long, G 8. C e e - () s s o Notice To Debtors and Cretitors. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of J. E. McKenny, late of said Count- deceased to render in an ac count of their demands to me within the time prescribed by law, properly made out, and All persons indebted to said de ceased are hereby requested to make im mediate payment to the undersigned. This 6th. day of May, 1904. A. ]. Fleetwood. | Administrator of J. E. McKinney. PRIMARY JUNE 17TH. GEORGIA—ILee County Rooms Democtatic executive commit tee of said county. Whereas this com inittee ath ameeting previously had ap pointed the 11th day of August 1904, as the date on which to hold the election for the nomination of candidates for the various county offices and for a repre sentative in the legislature. And, where as, we have been requested by many of the candidates for the above named offi ces to change the primary to the 17th day of June 1904, and all of the said can didates for the said offices having ex pressed a desire, and having consented to this change. Therefore it is ordered by the committee that the time for the WHITE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY for he nomination of County Officers aud for a Representative of the County beand is hereby changed to the 17th day of June 1904, said nomination is neverthe less to be governed by the regulation heretofore prescribed for the primary not inconsistent with this order. This the sth day of May 1904. C. B. Avery, Chairmau. 1. B Cock, T. S. Kitchens, Committee B 10 packages AAAA, and Leving coffee for $§1.05 atL, A. Odom’s. Better than Arbuckle’s #