The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, June 17, 1904, Image 4

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The Lee Co. Journal. M. E, Tison, Editor and Publisher. ‘ Published Every Friday OFFICIAL ORGAN OF LEE COUNTY. Application made for re-entry at the pound rate as secon class mail matter. e b e s LEESBURG, GEORGIA, JUNE 10 1904 e 5 O . TN SR OTe M A RTINS TERMS OF SUBSCSCPTION, DU . . DR PRI IO e i Ginansbsabinacrsiansrs e Str ctly in advance, " —————————————————————————— Humanity learns its great lessons very slowly. bbb Ao i Stand by your home paper. It is your best friend. R T & e s Strive to build upa Christian charac ter. It isthe only thing that will stand. pmsresseinlipid QI G Aemtnsans Some people worry so.much about tomorrow that they forget all about to dey. R The idiot who wants to know if it's “hot enough for you has been out of business for several days i b i A Connecticut man has discovered a new way of settling the mother-in-law problem. He married her tq reform her. i R e An eminent schoolmaster once said that a man learns by doing- But the average man nowadavs learns Ly being done. - o R s The way Gen. Kuropatkin threatensto get in the game and doesn’t do it might suggest to Japan the idea of reducing the limit. According to the Augusta Chronicle the devil has long held a mortgage on France, but it was only recently that he under took to foreclose it. B SN A ¥ A Pennsylvania man recently inherited $35.000 and has already received 300 offers of marriage. The leap year girl is nothing if not bussness-like. g DU i Judge Parker is red headed, Mr Hill is bal-headed, Mr Cleveland is hard-headeuq, Mr. Bryan is mule-headed. Great Scott, what are we headed for? ask an ex change. There is quite a row as to whether Sena tor Ingalls or Doector Gigliotti wrote ‘ “QOpportunity.” Everybody really well ‘ informed knows that Lydia E. Pinkham wrote it. Let no one despair of the future of the negro. The records of Fulton county show that he applies for divorce just as often as his white friend, according to the Atlanta Journal, sl - Editors, in common with all humaunity, appreciate having a rose occassionally dropped in their pathway to blunt the sharp points of the many thorns over which the life of the average editor leads him. i el i A despatch informs us that ‘‘Japan has altered her original plans in Manchuria,” As no one has the faintest idea what her ‘‘original plans” were, we can’t see that this infermation is of any particular use to ordinary mortals. ; R The Chatanooga Times, in an anti, Hearst articles, says ‘‘the American peo ple ha\e a vital interest in the unsullied character of their chief magistracy.” The Times should pinch itself and wake. Mr. Hearst's bitterest opponernts have searched in vain for a word to say against his pri vate characte-, | REPUBLICAN ADMINILIS TRATION AND THE TRUSTS Although President Roosevelt has made more than one grand-stand play in pre tended opposition to the trusts, he has surrendered his administration to the trust interest by acquiescing in the appointment of Attorney General Knox, at the dictation of a caucus of trust magnates, to the un expired term of the late United States Senator Quay, of Pennsylvania. Attorney (seneral Knox had been mak ing some pretense at prosecuting the trusts—more pretense than practice, how ever—and now the trust interest gets rid of him in the office of Attorney General by having him transferred to the Senate, where he can be more readily managed and will be less harmful to them in the prosecution of their plans. And the prompt acquiescence of President Roose velt in the selection of Knox te succeed Quay indicates the real attitude of the present administration toward unlawful combinations. The transsfer of Knrox from the cabine*. to the Senate, at the demand of the lead ing trust representatives, affords the Democrats an opportunity to make a strong arraignment of the Republican party in the campaign this year for pro tecting the trusts, —Albany Herald. DON'T BE A GROUCH. We love the man who can lose an election and not get mad about it. We like to se a man who can smile in the face of Misfortuna and wink at despair. We glory in the spunk that snatches a song from the wreck of a tumbling air cas tle, There is always hope for the cheerful love Faith isthe mainstring of his exis tance. Hope is his daily bread, and Charity is the key-note of his character! And the greatest of these is Charity, The man who spills lis milk and then goes grunting, growling and grieving about it is a nuisance, a misfit social fac tor and wart on the face of humanity. He a grouch! Good Lord, deliver us from the grouch and the sorehead! But the man who spills his milk and then views the situation calmly and phil osopher! What of him? Why our hearts warm right up to him and we are real sorry he spilled his milk, and we hope he will soon get another pail-full and go on his way rejoicing. And he will get it—you watch him, He always gets it. And pretty soon he comes up the road again and passes the grouch who is stillnursing his grievance. Don’t be a grouch Be sunny. The primary is over, the ballots have been cast, and the choice of the people has been expressed. Now let us all for et the past and look out for the future, The primary has been a clean one so far as we know, Let neighbors still be neighbors, and friends still be friends Shiriffs Sale. GEORGIA.—Lee County. Will be sold before the Court House door of said County, on the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal, hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One hundred and one fourth (lool) acres of land in the Ist, district of Lee County, Georgia, being the North half of lot of land number one hundred and forty-eight (148). Leviedon as the property of Al bert Adams, to satisfy a mortgage Fi. Fa. issued from Lee Superior Court in favor of Annie T. Hobbs, and R. P. Hall, Ad ministrator of Davi Hines, deceased, vs Albert Adams. Property pointed out in said Fi. Fa.; and to satisfy other Fi. Fas, in my hand against said Albert Adams in favor said Annie T. Hobbs, and R. P. Hall, administrator of David Hines, de ceased, vs. Albert Adams, levied on said property. Tenants notiffed in terms of the law. This Ist. day of June, 1904. S. B. Smith, Sheriff Lee County, Georgia. Miss Jennie Ford ‘Desires to thank her triends and patrons in Lee Connty for their very liberal patronage, and would inform them that she has just received a fresh supply of Groceries, Canned Goods, Dry Goods, etc, and invites a continuance of your patronage, fetfl)icn;% assured she can please, both in quality and price. )o v : Millinery Department. Qs - 57 This department is now replete with EMERYIMING NEIN; w Hats, Laces, Ribbons anc Fancy Goods in great variety. : CHLL AND INSPECT. A full stock of Toilet articles, Perfumeries, etec. _ MiSS JENNIE FORD, |.ussurce a Y RS o SO\ e e o o P G S S N RAR ISP e Be N R R e by G v (B E 3 GV T %"éy‘ A N PR o % - RENCE. = BELfh -1 /R B Vi RO B £ gW P EBVO 8§ g 9 o%\ ! ¥ ~on, PO S P S m Ny, S YI R ISs, Y J f::« S ,;,,/fi Ry W#b)/)/}di@? WP YOz s 1 el Ifi@ ‘~\~ Prrs T ‘“’_:_2‘-3‘\ i @3{ ,"J‘ _@j. ‘d‘*\,%;r oil "'"";L !l e 3% TN ) S~ o i \"»;",_";x : ,' / //\/ 4,;l')}‘: .-’ff.f_:‘?"" i “fl g NS 2 G ‘/g\/) @IIII—’ ZL/’\/ e "‘I S W S‘l A\ |il RS\ i § ¥ e oty v lUERFE SERggg;fi sl '.;“ Qv ’ :By ,’//77/1 L@:fi AN _jt“ S ; .} . 3 vwillgZsdetween Yoints in ey A 1 /e . GEORGIA : '\Y.":‘: '. ‘; - oty b | Co’\ | 2 i : i w» FLORIDA { DRAWING-RooM VESTIBULE SLEEPING CARS BETWEEN BIRMINGHAM, COLUMBUS, ATLANTA, MACON, AUGUSTA | AND SAVANNAH, GA. AND BETWEEN ATLANTA AND ALBANY, GA. ; : e * PULLMAN SLEEPING CARs (‘fi | BETWEEN ST LOUIS, NASHVILLE. CHATTANOOGA, ATLANTA, Q—/fRA % MACON. GA.. AND JACKSONVILLE. FLA. l EN/fif* 1 | \GEORGIA ! PARLOR CARs oN DAY TRAINS m(u& ‘:j BETWEEN ATLANTA. MACON AND SAVANNAH, GA. _ S L' W. A. WINBURN, J.C HAILE, .J. ROB!SON. : ‘;‘i VICE-PRESIDENT AND TRA:NC MANAGER. GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT. ASSISTANT CENERAL PASSENGER AGENT T A e v S GEORGIA—Lee County. Notice is hereby given to all the credit ors of the estate of T. A. Holliday, late of said County, deceased, to render in to me at Leesburg Ga,, an account of their de nirce ggeirst deceased preperly mad out, within the time prescribed by law. And all persons indebted to the deceased aforesaid are hereby requested to make immediate yayment of their said indebt edness to the undersigned at the afore said place. This the loth. day of May 1904, S. J. Powell | Weimagine we can see big placards i stuck up all over Corea reading: ‘“‘Don’t Miss It! 100lth. Production of the Fall ‘of Port Arthur. Souvenir Fall! Silve: Spoon and Ham Sandwich for al] who at l tend! Tomorrow Night! Dont Miss It, i Hearst, Parker and Cleveland seem to ‘be the favorites for the democratic presi } dential nomination, with Hearst being de cidely the favorite with the South. —Arka ~delphia (Ark.) Standark. ~ Sh hh! It would be a shame to wake him up. »