The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, June 17, 1904, Image 6

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A Large Trial Box and book of ine structions absolutely Free and Post« paid, enough to prove the value of Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic L o Paxtine is in powder o A form to dissolve in e i water — non-poisonous Ll ) and far superior to liquid ARSI 3 o lntlseqt!cs containing IR i\ alcohol which irritates ; f - fi‘w);,, I':mamed lsurln‘ces, and f ' ave no cleansing prop il & ’u"‘.g,if;', erties, The con‘tgntps ! R as iy of every box makes : o~ EopelE more Antiseptic Solu ‘ e | tion — lasts longer — (Y &/ , goes further—has more " uses in the family and h w 9 doesmoregoodthanany A S ,/ antlseptic preparation o Sl you can buy, The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with great success as a Vaginal Wash, for Leucorrheea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane. Inlocal treatment of female ills Paxtine is invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash we oballon;ile the world to produce its equal for thoroughness. Itisarevelationin cleansing and healing power; it kills all germs which cause inflammation and discharges. All leading druggists keep Paxtine; ?riee,!SOo. abox; if yoursdoes not, send to usfor it. Don't take apubstitute — there is nothing like Paxtine. Write for tho Free Box of Paxtine to-day. R. PAXTON CO., 7 Pope Bldg., Boston, Mass. The Great East et e [ENAS wo LOUISIANA Aoross the En tire Btates of ‘,!'.'ll‘“ \ W THE g S L Texas(@ Jid = PACIFIC > RN K, i AR S, H ,;‘-995“\‘;“‘ SOV RAILWAY £ No trouble to answer questions. 85 miles ghortest route Shreveport to Dallas. Write for new book on Texas, free. E. . TURNER, General Passenger Agent, Dallas, Texas. : Qur Latest Im ® SAW M l LI-S proved Cireu o lar Saw Mills, with Hege’s Universal Log Beams,Rectilin ear, Simultaneous Bet Worksand the Hea-' oock-(‘xlng Variable Feed Works are unex celled for ACCURACY, SIMPLICITY, DURABIL ITY AND EASE OF OPERATION. Write for fu]]} desorlfitlve cireulars. Manufactured by the‘ BALEM IRON WORKS,Winston-Balem ,N.C.. v PISO'S CURE FOR £ ' AE ALL ELSE FALS, Best Cough Byrup, Tastes Good. Use P o] in time. Bold by druggists, © i N CONSUMPTION @ CURES DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS, NERVOUSNESS ITYNER’S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY é:%’.‘fl §FREE BOOKLET. Write, Box 138, Atlanta, Ga. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST. ' ; : A o : : (&l | /AR oW <2l g (a g o o /SRR 1d )o© it ?0) , y/ iy, ’ ;“A 1' ‘l i Qd- x . "‘ \1"1\ n o \\ > . / & @'x ‘ 1 g, '\m\.“ :i'; ‘h_,: "J A ‘\ |, Y 45 H f . ,' 7 y ¢ S : Q“ 7 SV A 02 WP AN RO | - of : §- {2sy e 1 & 1 | S Fl s # g N e AL Natural avor ) a 8 7, A\ A ; ‘\l"{; \ \ } \ : 4 RO TR Y \ § ’(x N\ ; . W y §\ e PRkt \\\\\\‘ } 7 When you are at a loss to know what to serve for % SRI ol 1‘ X luncheon—when you crave something both appe oA N o o \ { tizing and satisfying, try ‘ A RIR ¢ ) e ROTER O . ’ (Natural N 7\ libb St .:'2* N)5 o i S Flavor) : = ' Food Products * Among the many Libby delicacies are Boneless Chicken, Melrose Pate, b?q\‘ Veal loaf, Peerless Wafer-Sliced Dried Beef, Potted Ham and Corned 4 W Beef Hash, etc.—wholesome foods that are 2s dainty as the:r are good— - \;3 as substantial as they are appetizing. w ”n - Ask your Ciocer for Libby’s. 9&‘ Libby, MoNelll & Libby .. .. .. Chicago | \ Py, L=, oy SAELCLEAR | For all kinds and sizes of Store Buildings. We furnish all material enterin s ugng 11T into the construction of Store Fronts. Write us about your proposed buil«fi bB P | = || ingun 1 state dimensions and style of {ront and we will send you, FREE OF ‘ | K} CHARGE, en elegant Blue Print Plan, and quote you an extremely low Sik ~r‘ price on one of our popular L v - Beautifuil, Everlasting li M ! i Modern Store I'ronts. Wegive you all the styleof an elegant New York or lij‘ ||| e Chicago store at moderate cost. Send for Catalogue. o e BRLLLSSH SOUTHERN FOUNDRY CO., Owensboro, Kentucky RESULT OF FOLLY. After Midnight: Wife—l'm sorry to gee you come home in such a state as thig, Charles. Husband—l knew you'd be sorry, Carrie, and that’'s why I told you not to sit up.—Boston Transcript. Feet Hurt, 5 Sweat, itch, blister? Rovarn Toor Wasa cures them. Removes odors of {eet, armpits, ote.; stops chaflng. If not at druggists send 25¢ to EatoN Drua Co., Atlanta, Ga., for full size, postpaid; sample for 2¢ stamp. One application proves its merit, Money back if not satisfled. When a voung man really enioys hearing his best girl practice on the piano that is true love. ’ Dr. Biggers’ Huckleberry Cordial The Great Southern Remedy. Cures all Stomach and Bowel Troubles, such as Chronic Dysentery, Cholera Mor bus, Bloodly Flux, and also children teething. It seldom falls to make quick and Yermanent cures of all stomach and B&we diseases. See testimonial of the ® HE.N‘R¥ W. GRADY., Dr. Walter A. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sir: This Is the first certificate that | have ever glven as to the merits of any medicine, but | take pleasure In recommending Dr. Blggen’ Huckleberry Cordial. 1| consider It the best remedy that | have ever used In my famlly for Btomach and Bowel Troubles. 50¢c In vested In a bottle of this medicine to be used in the beginning of any stomach trouble will often save life as well as a large doctor’s blil. | have a friend whose life was, In my opinion, saved by the prompt use of Dr. Blggers’ Huckleberry Cordial. For sale by all Druggists, 25 and 50c g:er bottle. (Signed) HENRY W. GRADY. Atlanta, Ga., May 23, 1887. Haltiwanger-Taylor Drug Co., Prop., Atlanta, Ga. ““Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein will cure Coughs, Croup and Consumption. Price 25cand $1 abottle. American naval oranges are retailed in Bordeaux, France, at four cents apiece. , BB B BOTANIC 1w BLOOD BALM The Great Tested Remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Scrofula, Rheuma tism, Catarrh, Ulcers, Eczema, Sores, Erup tions, Weakness, Nervousness, and all BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. It is by far the best building up Tonic ard Blood Purifier ever offerzd to the world. It makes new, rich blood, imparts renewed vi tality, and possesses almost miraculous hcahns properties. Write for Book of Won derful Cures, sent free on application. If not kept bg your local druggist, send sl.oofor a large bottle, or $55.00 for six bottles, and medicine will be sent, freight paid, by BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. The Missionary’s Dilemma. A capital story has been told by an American missionary who has just arrived in London from Korea. The difficulty of learning the language of that country is increased enormously owing to the large number of words which, with a slight inflection of the voice, are used over and over again with an entirely different meaning. The missionary in question was preaching to some natives, and as suring them that unless they repent ed they would go to a place of pun ishment. Amazement rather than ter ror was written on the faces of his Oriental listeners. Why on earth, if they rejected his advice and refused to repent, should they be dispatched —to the local post office! On another occasion a lecture was delivered, in the course of which a beautiful moral was being drawn from the gay career of the tiny butterfly, which was sud denly cut short in the clutches of tne spider. The simile, however, fell somewhat short of its intended mean ing, and it was not until the laughter had subsided that the lecturer became aware that the victim which had been floundering amid the dainty silken threads of the web was a donkey, which in the Korean language, it ap pears, is synonymous with butterfly. —New York Tribune. Interfering Outsider. Family peace is often marred by the interfering outsider. Almost al ways, if there is nobody to comment or fan the flame of a quarrel, husband and wife will adjust a transient dif ference, says Home Chat. A cousin, aunt or indiscreet mother, who takes sides and makes injudicious remarks, will stir up strife where domestic dis sension gives the slightest peg on which to hang foolish words and sa tirical jests. Every home is best by itself, but when there is need for the presence of an outsider who must be an iategral part of the circle she must beware of interference. Silence is always safe. FITS permanentlyvcured. No fitsor nervous ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerveßestorer, s2trial bottle and treatise free Dr.R.H. KuiNg, Ltd.. 931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. The old dynamite cruiser Vesuvius will be used as a torpedo practice ship. Aak Your Dealer For Allga’s Fort-T iy A powder, It reststhe feef, Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Sore,o:, <l lous,Achin ¢ Sweatirg Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes new ortight shoes eagy. A: all Druggists and Shoe stores, 25 cents. Ac ecpt no substitute. Sample mailed Freg, Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. Esquimaux malke shirts and boots of sal mon hides and jackets from codfish skins. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup forehildren teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain,cures wind colie, 25¢c.abottle The Japanese rank as the best gardeners in the wor'". Piso’s Cure is the best medicine we everused for all affections of throat and lungs.—¥Wat. O. ExpsrEY, Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10, 1900, NO TROUBLE. Visitor—Do you have any difficulty in getting servants? Hostess—None whatever. We’'ve had ten differenat ones in the last month!—Punch. How’s This? We offer Oue Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F.J, Cuexey & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F.J, Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by tneir firm. WesT & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O, WarpiNng, Kixyax & MAnrviy. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cureis taken internally, act- Ing direetly upon the blood and mucoussur faces of the system. Testimonials sent free, Price, Ts¢. per hottle. Sold by all Druggists, Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation, Swiss Law Lit{tle Observed. The Kkilling of birds is forbidden in the Swiss Canton of Tessin, and last year the rural police confiscated over 20,000 traps and nets. Nevertheless, the birds are ofiered for sale in the markets with impunity. THE FIAT CITY. Port Dalny Had Been Improved at a Cost of Over $20,000,000. Port Dalny, the Russian seaport on Talien-Wan Bay, on the east coast of the Liao-Tung Peninsula near, Port Arthur, was intended by Russia to b 2 the chief commercial emporium of its eastern dominions. The edict pro viding for its construction was issued by the Russian Emperor July 30, 1899, and the town, fully equipped with all modern improvements, docks, ware houses and railroad facilities, was opened to commerce in December, 1901. No one was allowed to live in it until its construction was practical ly completed. The spacious harbor, free from ictc,ln winter, has sufficient depth for the largest vest.s. There were great wharves for their accom modation connected with the tracks of the railway to Russia. Five large piers had been construct ed, each supplied with numerous rail road tracks, immense warehouses and elevators, gas, electric lights and wa ter, and a large breakwater was being constructed, so that ships could lie at the piers and load and unload re gardless of weather. Docks for foreign vessels, steam and sail, extended between the piers and along the shore for two miles. There were two first class dry docks, one intended for ordinary ocean steamers and the other designed to accommo date the largest vessels of war or commerce. The branch railway which connected Dalny with the main line of the Chinese Eastern Railway at Neaigalin ahd a daily train service to Port Arthur and to Harbin, and weekly trans to Moscow and St. Pe tersburg. The city of Dalny is pic turesquely situated in an extensive valley which slopes gently down to the deep and well protected bay of Talien-Wan, and is surrounded on three sides by a range of hills rising to a height of 800 feet. It is divided into three parts—the Administration City, the European and Commercial City and the Chinese City. Dalny may be said to have been constructed by the Chinese Eastern Railway Com pany under the direction of M. Witte, until recently Russian Minister of Fi nance and now president of the Coun cil of Ministers. Nearly 25,000 men were employed daily on the work of constructing the port and town. The Emperor, in the decree of July, 1899, defined the conditions upon which the port was to be opened to foreign trade, first of which was the right to import and export merchan dise of every description free of cus toms duties. The city consists of the administra tion portion, in which are located rail road shops, for making cars, etc., re pair shops, shops for steamship con struction and repair, with various ef fices of the port, steamships, and rail road; residences of mechanies and general employes, together with ho tels, parks, churches, schools, clubs and places of amusement; and the foreign residence section, joining the general mercantile section, but fur ther off, toward the hills, and on grad ually sloping, higher ground, com manding a view of the bay. About three miles from the foreign settlement, to the southeast, is an excellent sea beach, arranged for a summer resort, and connected with Dalny by a fine highway. More than $6,000,000 had been ex pended on the harbor system before the end of 1902, and it was estimated that the cost of completing the works would be nearly $20,000,000, but this does not in any way represent the total cost of the erection of this great commercial port. Last year 717 steamships loaded with merchandise and 1,418 Chinese junks entered the port, and 1,171,899 pieces of merchandise and 45,134 pas sengers passed through it. The population of Dalny at the cen sus in January of last year was 41 .- 260, of whom 3,113 were Russians, 307 Japanese and Coreans, and the ress Chinese.