The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, June 17, 1904, Image 8

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Statement e 11ie ’ BANK OF sITHVILLE, ORGAENIZED APRIL 2ND 1903, Located™at Smithville, Lee Co. Ga., at theflflC}?_’?‘ffif’fE{‘f%fiSSMf"r"h?_nd 1904. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . . . 31,195 84 Demand loans, €y 2,544 30 Bonds and stocks owned by the bank . . S N © 150 0O Bank ng house .. . ; 1,614 55 Furnitare and fixtures .. . 1,513 76 Other real estate . . . . 4,875 44 Due from banks and bankers in the state . . . . . 10,258 49 Due from banks and bankers inotherstates .. . . ... 4,162 81 Calyrenby - 7 s s 1,710 56 I 8 . il s 20 00 Silver nicles and pennies . . 458 15 Checks and cash items . . . . 284 83 Profits and loss (short) : 30 Matal v SRB NBO OF lIABILITIES Capital stock paid in y 16,400 OO Undivided profits, less current expenses aud taxes paid, ... 2,646 49 Individual deposits sub ject to check . . Gl L as eßy Time certificates . . . . . 1,858 66 Cashiers check . . i 109 27 otel . o v BSETEG O 3 STATE OF GEORGIA,LLEE COUNTY. Before me came Rowe Price, Cashier of Bank of Smithville, who being duly sworn says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank as shown by the beoks of file in said bank. o ROWE PRICE, Cashier Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Bth day of March, 1904. JAMES MORGA ~ Clerk Superior Court Lee County Ga Buttered Side Up, One of the stories which Levi Huteh fns, the old time clockmaker of Con cord. N. .. delighted to tell related to the vouth of Daniel Webster. *One day.” said the ¢ld man, “while I was taking breakfast at the tavern kept by Daniel's father, Deniel and his brother KEzekiel, who were little boys with dirty faces and snarly bair, came to the table and asked me for bread and butter. .1 complied with their requost. little «ariinking that they would become very distinguished men. Daniel dropped his piece of bread on the sandy fHoor, and the buttercd side of course was down. He looked at it 2 moment, then picked it up and showed it to me, say ing: **\What a pity! Please give mne a plece of bread bmntiered on both sides; then if 1 let it fal! one of the buttered giedw will be up.”” Purses and Bags of Beads. Bead purses and bags are niore in de mand than ever. VYery showy and smart ave the little round purses of white beads mounted in gilt, also wrist purses of white or black velvet em broidered in tiny colored spangles. A square purse of steel beads shows a border of jet fleurs-de-lis, while jet purses are relieved with ornamentation of steel beads. Sterling silver and gun metal openwork bags and purses are ip great variety. A Dangerous Case. One of the managers of a hospital asked an Irish nurse which he consid ered the mosc dangerous of the mawuy cases then in the hospital. “That, sur,” said Patrick as he point. ed to a case of surgical instruments lying op the table. e e e A Hopeless Case, Winks--Jinks never sees the point of a joke. Blinks—No: he is usually the butt of ft —New York Herald. OPEN AN ACCOUNT | ‘ ez W I'T H <SS \ ' XYOUR HOME BANIG¥e-— It Costs nothing to have your,l\fi’fnefiKep Securcely. Beside having a FIRST-CLAS! SAFE and VAULT, we are fully INSUREI] AGAINST BURGLARY. | ~ We are able and expect to give the penplc of this county | ' +-First-Rlass Banking Facilities. & Nome and inspect our entire outfit, and remembe: all transactions are strictly Confidential. | ' Yeours Very Truly, | J.C. Mo AdN, Cashier. We Carry Burglary, Fidelity and Fire Insuratce. Interest paid on Time Deposits. ODD NOTIONS OF WOMEN Rosa Bonleur treasured a small lead image of St. Anthony of Padua as a lucky charm. Caroline Herschel tirmly believed that if she met a cross eyed beggar in the morning it presaged the discovery of a new star that night. George Eliot was a slave to the in fluence of the hunchback and elub footed man and did no literary work upon the day when she saw one. Lady Millais, the wife of the great painter, was convinced that the crack of doom would sound for any oue who stepped on a crack in the sidewaik. y Harriet Beecher Stm\'e belived that it was bad luck to threw away a tooth brush which had outlived its useful ness and, to the anguish of her house hold, preserved every one that she had ever used. Queen Victoria clerished a number of superstitions, and, among them, she believed that the removal of her wed ding ring would surely bring calamity and that a pet Manx cat would bring good luck to the royal household.--Ev erywhere. Didn't Care tc Be Presented. The wife of a well known naval offi cer tells an amusing story of some of her experiences in Washington society. On oue occasion when she was asked to receive at an army and navy german a congressman entered with a lady lean ing upon each arm. One of the floor comuittee at once approached - him, with the polite request that he give his name in order that he might be pre sented to Mrs, Blank, who received the guests of the evening, “No, thank you,” was the nvachalant reply. “I d a't care to be introduced. I have two dies now to take care of, and that is about as much as I can manage.” BANNFR SALVE “~eamasthall salen in the worlg BRICK STABLES . : § Distance From Leesburg To Nearby Towns. Rbanv. -, o 5 ar Miles. . 42004 y 4 f Agame s Bl o g L T Armenias, 4 0 8 ke in o Lrenwood gy e : N'i o SRty oE R viio i G €k o 9 el aaasod g Copk Fevry 0 o 5 81 $5 0 S aan Chokee 02 & o a 6 Y Su s Uoo Cook’s Sllag, o 8 o 8 ol D Deister T o rn B 0 Teadon, i 2 Byesglon: 1t e R T B Tee'siStore: 09 S 1.50 Teelie oL A 0 3.00 ; . . ¥ latamore’sStore, .12 % ~ 0200 LockersMillb v 20, .2 Mo Too Atunine s Store s gy v 2 ou% Mims Ml o 0 008 g o] dhy ; : ! Phietha . .. o 3 " sao 209 Smibeifle .(% L “orn 00 520 Monr e s Lase SREL RSO Wa ers Crossing 7 e VoY S.B. SMITH, Manager. o © . e .o‘ \‘e.: Skin Diseascs F'or the speedy and permanent curoe o tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cha=x periain’s Eye and Skin Ointment : without an equal. It relieves the.itcl. ing and smarting almost instantly an its continued use effects a permanen cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch scald head, sore nipples, itching pil-« chapped hands, chronic sorz eyves in granulated lids. r. Cady’s Condition Powders o horses are the best tonic, blood purice and vermifuge. Price. 25 cents. Soid hv 9 - o (X 8 ¢ t LIMERY AND / FEED e . @iJ KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of al ' eases. | FOLEY"S Siiten Reno or mccalx}ey refundgd.d %ontain‘s ont phyiiciars:in b festcie Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and $l.OO.