The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, July 01, 1904, Image 8

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‘ Statement of The ; ~ BAENK OF SMITHVILLE, ORGENIZED APRIL 2ND 1903. Located%at Smithville, Lee Co. Ga., at the Close of Business March 2nd 1904. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . . ... 31,195 84 Demandloans, . .** * . 2,544 30 Bonds and stocks owned by the DAY g e 150 00 Banking house .. . . . 1,614 55 Furniture and fixtures .. . 1,513 76 Other real estate. . . . . 4,875 44 Due from banks and bankers , s inthe state , . , . 10,258 49 Due from banks and bankers inOther atates . ..< .. 4162 81 RORfRCY o . e 1,710 56 RSO 2 r S s 20 00 Silver nicles and pennies . . 4%8 15 Checks and cash items . . . . 284 83 Profits and loss (short) 30 R . 885 08 LIABILITIES : Capital stock paid in g 16,400 OC Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid, .. . 2,646 49 Individual deposits sub jecttocheck . . .. o 37,764 61 Time certificates . . . . . 1,858 66 Cashiers check . . P 109 27 ol 0 o 3 . 888 989 03 STATE OF GEORGIA,LEE COUNTY. Before me came Rowe Price, Cashier of Bank of Smithville, who being duly - sworn says that the above and foregoing statement is a true cendition of said bank as shown by the beoks of file in said bank. ROWE PRICE, Cashier Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Bth day of March, 1904. JAMES MORGA ~ Clerk Superior Court Lee County Ga : . THE COSTLY FILIPINO. . or” 14 \ Tt 1\ X \ *'2»«? /4 / ’/ I", ":",‘i{' " ::(fi—— /N R? prrrr - e S TREASURY ,’E"Q ‘! , A U REA Wd&e ) ; — % -g a:!/ AT - 4&‘“&.’4‘ =1 i K(é?‘:m'\l ’ 5 7 A i CLEVELAND O™+ & Pl SN e X & &2 (NG e 157000,000 \J \ et i //' \(’ $ (:) _n el 1] | g St e—— | AN Nl Ty PAY Bg B e T :';‘-R\A 7/} \fi‘ & N {"~».‘i<“u' | ? >’— l‘;"ff/,' "}§ s'-“' o) il . ’N‘Q;;A {” B iel SNI RSP | SEESD \' s /«/ > "«f"g'if‘m;m N N’E“ W' > \ oy ;OQ A " \ w 0 L))\ | /77#/ i | o P & AN e )| R (2225 - di'ey %%((( '\ NI ANTE T == ' DSI \\ NG 7 X Yl d\ W™ SN <P/ N R \ 4°§Qss¢%\"‘ @Q@ . ’ D 2,{;) - A e N\ =y — - L « %‘ S\ S Pt § i RN = P Y 7 AT ¥ i o' J; \ fié“‘: ' BN; i / L Loy Uncle Sam: “Cleaned out, and for what?” . —New York World. An Elastic Idea, ' The Tribune reinarks that “the ‘lowa idea’ seems to undergo redefinition and revision every year.,” True, three years ago it was adapted to catch the tariff reformers. This year it is altered to catch ‘the gampaign contributors.—New York \, or%. L ! OPEN BN BCCOUNT | ez W 1T H < | KOUR HOME BANK» ° It Costs nothing to have your Money Kept Securely. Beside having a FIRST-CLASS SAFE and VAULT, we are fully INSURED, AGAINST BURGLARY. | ' We are able and expect to give the people of this county +-First-@lass Bapking faellities.+ Come and inspect our entire outfit, and remember all transactions are strictly Confidential. | Yours Very Truly, - B NiceGCl AN, Cashier, We Carry Burglary, Fidelity and Fire Insurance. Interest paid on Time Deposits. A Touching Spectacle, What a touching spectacle it will be when Mr. Lou Payn pokes his legs under the hincheon table at the White House and sweetly smiles at the “de lighted™ president!—New York World.. BRICK STABLES Distance From_Leeshurg To ! Nearby Towns. l Albany; .- oo 1r Miles, | . $2.00 Adams . eLT .§ Armenia. - . ~ .8 L SR Brenwoed ~. . . 18 oo . .3.005 Golib oo Sl e M 0 DN 300 r(,'m-k Fery .00 M 3 Chokee - ... 160 .<. .2.50 l Cooks S:ill, .o . 3 M 9., . 525 el . . e Y oo Pawson ... ' 0 ....3.001 Jee's Store ... . 2000 L, . 150 Leslie - ... . 20 “....3.00i Laramore'sStore . .12 %, .5 200 Jocket'sMill, .. .2 ® a 0 .x.ooi Muning'sßtore . 12 "o, .zooi Mims Milt ;- .o 8 2 ¥ .1.50 i Philemas - oiae Yo a 0 2080 Smithviller . o ¢ 35 ~ . 2,50 SaEßal 00l ke S 0 L 5250 Walters Crossing ~ 7 I L I.SOi S. B. SMITH, Manager | | % ® Skin Diseases. i For the speedy and permanent cure of | tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment is “without an equal. It relieves the itcl: ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanen: cure. It also cures itch, barber's iich, scald head, sore nipples, itcking pil :=. chapped hands, chronic sore eyes anc - granulated lids. Dr. (‘ad{;ls Condition Powders fm horses are the best tonic, blood purificr and vermifuge. Price. 25 cents. Sol'd hw % |& | ST A LIVERY AND FEEL : i KIDNEY DISEAScS ‘are the most fatal of all dis eases. j FOLEY’S Safatet e or money refundgd. ; Contains St ee e £ Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c, aad $5.00,