The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, July 15, 1904, Image 4

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Statement of The BANK OF SMITHMI LEES ORGANIZED APRIL 2ND 1903. ' Located™at Smithville, Lee Co. Ga., at thflfis _fi _BWnd 1904. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . . .. . 5529249 Svaraeatts . v o . v v 14 70 Bonds and stocks owned by the U S R T e 150 00 Banking house .... . . . 1,614 55 Furnitare and fixtures . . 1,519 LI Other real estate . . . . 4,818 71 Due from banks and bankers iathe sate. . . 6,154 97 Due from banks and bankers inotherstates . < « - v o- 8581979 Chadlow . s v Klbg 00 DO ) se O 55 00 Silver nicles and pennies . . 734 04 Checks and cash items . . . 51 50 MksE . oL o 8 8 LIA)BII,ITIES Capital stock paid in e 16,400 ©C Undivided profits, less current _ expenses and taxes paid, .. . 10,73 62 Due to banke and bankers MtulAßtate o e 600 00 Individual deposits sub fecttotheck . . .. . . 20,210 24 ime certificates .o'« o o o 2,894 20 Cashiers cheek . . e 10 Su Notes and bills Rediscounted 30,500 €O Ml L A PBB 80 STATE OF GEORGIA,LER COUNTY. Before me came] C, McClain,Cashier of Pank of Smithville, who being duly sworn says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank as shown by the beoks of file in said bank, J.C. McCLAIN, Cashier Sworn to and subscribed before me, tiis Istday of July 1904. cJ. fW. MORGA.L, Deputy Clerk Supcrior Court Lee County Ga. =P F ’ e<) fi . ;j ‘.Rg » E ‘ E3E e’ | ; D BPb X 3 | 253 ~ . "‘:/'. \\ Nfi‘? W 5 il E@“ 3n;n Ut ‘O. OI P Ty B‘V i 3 % L wgen tO ay_}y pg}_ sOon 1 10 dd‘ys % v Gfid ;{5&& 9 e 110‘” 1 v 3l' 53 “’\‘ { Q’tiy om afi?fiz ‘-‘ (1 )fl"i’)-gig' nnG & . " fl’{)m ) MRS :‘l‘l’ t‘tje & oth :)7[' a ceni \_:.LI_J 1‘ :'Z : r"".b‘k (_‘“d\?rlnb { 4 PR, Canada without aiwe absolutely ne vis« v'hb oguls you. : h"‘\hifi-""* trial You taie ¢~> cont it i don'b & (‘:; 2 3 ' viasm i prea wrisl, $ nsy < Sl € : i ~g -(;’.ug.‘_, “.‘j_. :as you don’y Pay o A SRRt e f%@ i"’h o b !'f-;? | A TR 4 4 R :,;;_.. U, Qs yu 5 " " BegdMaias o: ’ e :‘_:‘: Rag b “‘:"E \‘Tl {32“7‘ L Ty TGO !’fl" a 5 Z;i 68 Cuoraptaad & ,;;.:‘Ev YS $ fi\’ b pAL By gkl LER ißed o Gl High GN% ek b e % g ROV N.' £ Raritg AL SIS s 5 eAt f- ,f',: in g b%o bl fell Vol g {late oe 2 M 1 Niedels g& st lé &,‘,\; ;. , [ ~:‘:~'«) isA ' Vi >_\~‘ .' \~\ K R REs 3 Soaboiisin s hta Ci TRy * L.:,' "“{{l e b\!M ! 4 {:"" !i\:" iao e A Y N laree f\‘;_’\",‘.\,"\'.:;-u:..\:.“_ 122 {0 any “‘""“‘_ R e& f LY Ny e i ~,’;. SR ,-'?‘.‘;".;_.7,: i :.,‘,‘:‘ T detsiteu :;_.".vt';{‘,'.il(—*-‘"';'.;‘r' e . :. o SALI & ‘l‘; A m Rilis Rl Bicvoias XRI rE n o ‘(1 §: £E SP9 n r\i\‘;’fl TR 7PI XNy AT e%ah ~" iBN 5._.,3 S¥ L% Gel 'é’\,".\fl LBB Pl SR AAS Y 8 ik TN Allgs b (el btk icago retall stores, Wy L iR o 8 e intradelis onineags Bi N our b v "‘ v _-lvj‘\»; B 3 " f ;t“ AL ‘ k‘“}x rd s kes, Wary U"heol ‘l‘]{;]:l you -"-“,.\“.{E}.";ERB'AL (}FFE}\. ’- R AR sl gS L \“, ev e FRED 157 RO% RIL!:S !FS i‘i‘; L . ¥, 2‘ BSt§ (R date it A i 518 G f'! i EJ&.(OR‘& ® ds of all kinds, as 1P AR S TR kBl DGR FA rting goods of all kinds, 85 Rie oiy A WA RaRE BURS e, sundries and spoe gunary catalog [f ; SSN ALY | 5\5 Do eqnipment, sar ur big fre jiseey o 0 IAP R ABB pires, e tices, 10 OUF &8 con. Wilte to ride :’.\'.‘:’ ‘r: 3;\' i '[& .:y,qf';j ¥ "_;“/; iv\l : h!flf regu(lgl[;il()).tkuseful infi}l‘ma : in ea‘Chhiti()).?%’ San]ple &Ghe W B 0 i tains a W HTED gach to e & "/:‘/ A \Y?‘if N ’&l’afi . BER AGE“TS facturean You can (I;ll;;geel;s P’ ! HWig Bt .- e 0 ohp : ‘ ATEIINY NN Rnnlf‘ 1 Bicycle of our mantih ol to ride fl%grues for us in bt ‘ ! J.N\'\;- i ‘?atlsl(x)og%veek. besidesa)agnntg‘o distribute %a(t)fir speclal offer. ooy ’ ek e "\ to each talogue ot R Y sson in g | g » 4 lable today for 0 ks oy e w‘enfg.raarh%cyde. P{Write lc a . & ‘| g exchang “EAD GYG .’ b ‘ J' L' gt . eot2o i o ] KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. ’ FGLEY’S KIDNEY CURE Is @ Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and $l.OO. ON[Y To PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by 3 our aid. Address, L DY AN | B B THE PATENT RECORD, Sbscriptkns to Tie Patent Record st&!\t;\TlP;gh&g OPEN AN ACCOUNT | itz WI T H <SS «OUR - HOME BANMNK» It Costs nothing to have your Money Kept Securely. Beside having a FIRST-CLASS SAFE and VAULT, we ar¢ fully INSURED AGAINST BURGLARY. | We are able and expect to give the people of this county +-First-Rlass Banking Faeilities.-+ Oome and inspect our entire outfit, and remember all transactions ave strictly Confidential. Yours Very Truly, . J.C. McCLAIN, Cashier. We Carry Burglary, fMidelity and Fire Insurance. Interest paid on Time Deposits. . Skin Di ‘ e ‘ in Diseases. Tor the speedy and permanent cure of tetter. ealt rheum and eczema, Cham- | perlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment is without &n equal. It relieves the itch- . iug and smarting almost instantly and its continned use effects a perinanent cunre. It also cures iteh, barber'sitch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, | chapped hands, chronic sore eyes aad | acantulated lids. ‘ Pr. Cady’s Cenditien Powders horses are the best tonic. blood puriller | and vermifuge. Price. 25 ceuts, Sulinw ! e ee | " Don’t Tobuceo Spit and Smoke Your Life Away, To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, tauke No-To- Bae. the wonder-worker, that malkeés weak men strong. All druggists, Ho¢ or §l, Cure guarans teed. DBooklet und sample free. Address Sierling Rewmedy Co., Chicago or New York fi—T—. PR SR i - - > e A TN ST S = ) e by S fi Distange From Leesburg To ! | Nearby Towns. g §> i % ; — ™ - i i 0 Albany .o vivoo 031 Miles, & . $2.00 % { G)(f‘ . I 4 5 N 4 Adams., ... 07 ....1.302 @ R Ardieda s s 8 T es 1D EREEEACRCE. )ARRS TR Bronwootl: . 0 7 xee g .3.001 - 1 e e ZEQYJ‘ ol Wernwe 4 on L s .3.003 ; T J‘Chukce en ian e eT SR % &C()()k's Sl i 3 b a i B flN D ' Mlote: . . 2 1 i 2anl 5 . Sy awson . . omo o .'3.00% : b lees Store |.T Mo s o reo FEED - leslle, o€o 20 7 ....3.003 Laramore’sStore . .12 * ... ,2.00% MWA@:W kit g 5 “ 5 é /A\\' | LocL.e\:-.\lllll. a 2 sl .x.ooa S Maning’sStore .+~ 12 & .., 200 @C‘ Mims MIH ... .5 o L oleB e Pl o e M (200 ) - Rmitheille . 0 a 8 o 8 5 L 250 i Bacewe, ;i Tgm L .2.503 Walters Crossing 7 Haoun} i ~: ‘ | S, B, SMITH, Manacger. b ik carnagcer. L ’ 8 ! S ,é & A $é FC K 7 o This simature is on evary bo;\' qf the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Taness the remedy that eunres a cold in one day | . ~ Kodol Dyspepsta Cure 3 Digenis what you eat, L B yz'.;. :{\&V‘f‘ ek Our fee returned if we fail, /.1y one se sketch and description of any mventxol promptly receive our ~pinion f:iee conr | the patentability of same. *“How to Obl Patent” sent upon rcquest, Potents &¢ through us advertised {ur saiz ot ¢ - expet Pateuts taken out tii.ctiyzh us receive 8 nolice, without ch;argc,_m THE PATENT RE an illustrated and widcly circulated j consulted by Manufacturers ar d Investor Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. | (Patent Attorneys,) ‘ Evans Building, WASHINGTON,